# - macro similar to target_link_libraries, which links Qt components # names of the components are pased in Qt4/Qt5 agnostic way (Core, DBus, Xml...) # and the macro links Qt4 ones if QT4_FOUND is set or Qt5 ones if not macro (target_link_qt_components target) if (QT4_FOUND) foreach(_cmp ${ARGN}) if ("${_cmp}" STREQUAL "PRIVATE" OR "${_cmp}" STREQUAL "PUBLIC" OR "${_cmp}" STREQUAL "INTERFACE") list(APPEND _QT_CMPNTS "${_cmp}") else() list(APPEND _QT_CMPNTS "Qt4::Qt${_cmp}") endif() endforeach() else (QT4_FOUND) foreach(_cmp ${ARGN}) if ("${_cmp}" STREQUAL "PRIVATE" OR "${_cmp}" STREQUAL "PUBLIC" OR "${_cmp}" STREQUAL "INTERFACE") list(APPEND _QT_CMPNTS "${_cmp}") else() list(APPEND _QT_CMPNTS "Qt5::${_cmp}") endif() endforeach() endif (QT4_FOUND) target_link_libraries(${target} ${_QT_CMPNTS}) endmacro()