#!/usr/bin/env zsh set -o nounset # Assumption: file names don't contain `:` (for the `cut` invocation). # Safe to assume, as such a character in a filename would cause trouble on Windows, a platform we support # any regression turn this non-zero regressions=0 # exclusions (these are just grep extended regular expressions to match against paths relative to the root of the repository) exclusions_nonutf8='(.*(7z|gif|ic(ns|o)|png|qm|zip))' exclusions_bom='src/base/unicodestrings.h' exclusions_tw='(*.ts)|src/webui/www/private/scripts/lib/mootools-1.2-more.js' exclusions_trailing_newline='configure' exclusions_no_lf='(*.ts)|(.*svg)|compile_commands.json|src/webui/www/private/scripts/lib/mootools-1.2-(core-yc.js|more.js)' echo -e "\n*** Detect files not encoded in UTF-8 ***\n" find . -path ./build -prune -false -o -path ./.git -prune -false -o -type f -exec file --mime {} \; | sort \ | grep -v -e "charset=us-ascii" -e "charset=utf-8" | cut -d ":" -f 1 \ | grep -E -v -e "${exclusions_nonutf8}" \ | tee >(echo -e "--> Files not encoded in UTF-8: found" "$(wc -l < /dev/stdin)" "regression(s)\n") \ | xargs -I my_input -0 bash -c 'echo "my_input"; test "$(echo -n "my_input" | wc -l)" -eq 0' regressions=$((regressions+$?)) echo -e "\n*** Detect files encoded in UTF-8 with BOM ***\n" grep --exclude-dir={.git,build} -rIl $'\xEF\xBB\xBF' | sort \ | grep -E -v -e "${exclusions_bom}" \ | tee >(echo -e "--> Files encoded in UTF-8 with BOM: found" "$(wc -l < /dev/stdin)" "regression(s)\n") \ | xargs -I my_input -0 bash -c 'echo "my_input"; test "$(echo -n "my_input" | wc -l)" -eq 0' regressions=$((regressions+$?)) echo -e "\n*** Detect usage of CR byte ***\n" grep --exclude-dir={.git,build} -rIlU $'\x0D' | sort \ | tee >(echo -e "--> Usage of CR byte: found" "$(wc -l < /dev/stdin)" "regression(s)\n") \ | xargs -I my_input -0 bash -c 'echo "my_input"; test "$(echo -n "my_input" | wc -l)" -eq 0' regressions=$((regressions+$?)) echo -e "\n*** Detect trailing whitespace in lines ***\n" grep --exclude-dir={.git,build} -rIl "[[:blank:]]$" | sort \ | grep -E -v -e "${exclusions_tw}" \ | tee >(echo -e "--> Trailing whitespace in lines: found" "$(wc -l < /dev/stdin)" "regression(s)\n") \ | xargs -I my_input -0 bash -c 'echo "my_input"; test "$(echo -n "my_input" | wc -l)" -eq 0'; regressions=$((regressions+$?)) echo -e "\n*** Detect too many trailing newlines ***\n" find . -path ./build -prune -false -o -path ./.git -prune -false -o -type f -exec file --mime {} \; | sort \ | grep -e "charset=us-ascii" -e "charset=utf-8" | cut -d ":" -f 1 \ | grep -E -v -e "${exclusions_trailing_newline}" \ | xargs -L1 -I my_input bash -c 'test "$(tail -q -c2 "my_input" | hexdump -C | grep "0a 0a")" && echo "my_input"' \ | tee >(echo -e "--> Too many trailing newlines: found" "$(wc -l < /dev/stdin)" "regression(s)\n") \ | xargs -I my_input -0 bash -c 'echo "my_input"; test "$(echo -n "my_input" | wc -l)" -eq 0' regressions=$((regressions+$?)) echo -e "\n*** Detect no trailing newline ***\n" find . -path ./build -prune -false -o -path ./.git -prune -false -o -type f -exec file --mime {} \; | sort \ | grep -e "charset=us-ascii" -e "charset=utf-8" | cut -d ":" -f 1 \ | grep -E -v -e "${exclusions_no_lf}" \ | xargs -L1 -I my_input bash -c 'test "$(tail -q -c1 "my_input" | hexdump -C | grep "0a")" || echo "my_input"' \ | tee >(echo -e "--> No trailing newline: found" "$(wc -l < /dev/stdin)" "regression(s)\n") \ | xargs -I my_input -0 bash -c 'echo "my_input"; test "$(echo -n "my_input" | wc -l)" -eq 0' regressions=$((regressions+$?)) echo -e "\n*** Detect translation closing tag in new line ***\n" grep --exclude-dir={.git,build} -nri "^" | sort \ | cut -d ":" -f 1,2 \ | tee >(echo -e "--> Translation closing tag in new line: found" "$(wc -l < /dev/stdin)" "regression(s)\n") \ | xargs -I my_input -0 bash -c 'echo "my_input"; test "$(echo -n "my_input" | wc -l)" -eq 0' regressions=$((regressions+$?)) if [ "$regressions" -ne 0 ]; then regressions=1 echo "\nFile health regressions found. Please fix them (or add them as exclusions)." else echo "All OK, no file health regressions found." fi exit $regressions;