/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org */ #ifndef ARBORESCENCE_H #define ARBORESCENCE_H #include #include #include #include "misc.h" class torrent_file { private: torrent_file *parent; bool is_dir; QString rel_path; QList children; size_type size; float progress; int priority; int index; // Index in torrent_info public: torrent_file(torrent_file *parent, QString path, bool dir, size_type size=0, int index=-1, float progress=0., int priority=1): parent(parent), is_dir(dir), size(size), progress(progress), priority(priority), index(index){ qDebug("created a file with index %d", index); rel_path = QDir::cleanPath(path); Q_ASSERT(progress >= 0.); Q_ASSERT(progress <= 1.); if(parent) { parent->updateProgress(); parent->updatePriority(priority); } } ~torrent_file() { qDeleteAll(children); } QString path() const { return rel_path; } QString name() const { return rel_path.split(QDir::separator()).last(); } void updateProgress() { Q_ASSERT(is_dir); if(children.isEmpty()) { progress = 0.; return; } double wanted = 0.; double done = 0.; foreach(const torrent_file *child, children) { wanted += child->getSize(); done += child->getSize()*child->getProgress(); } progress = done / wanted; Q_ASSERT(progress >= 0.); Q_ASSERT(progress <= 1.); } void updatePriority(int prio) { Q_ASSERT(is_dir); foreach(const torrent_file *child, children) { if(child->getPriority() != prio) return; } priority = prio; } int getPriority() const { return priority; } size_type getSize() const { return size; } float getProgress() const { return progress; } int getIndex() const { return index; } bool isDir() const { return is_dir; } bool hasChildren() const { return (!children.isEmpty()); } QList getChildren() const { return children; } const torrent_file* getChild(QString fileName) const { Q_ASSERT(is_dir); foreach(const torrent_file *f, children) { if(f->name() == fileName) return f; } return 0; } void addBytes(size_type b) { size += b; if(parent) parent->addBytes(b); } torrent_file* addChild(QString fileName, bool dir, size_type size=0, int index = -1, float progress=0., int priority=1) { Q_ASSERT(is_dir); qDebug("Adding a new child of size: %ld", (long)size); torrent_file *f = new torrent_file(this, QDir::cleanPath(rel_path+QDir::separator()+fileName), dir, size, index, progress, priority); children << f; if(size) { addBytes(size); } return f; } bool removeFromFS(QString saveDir) const { QString full_path = saveDir + QDir::separator() + rel_path; if(!QFile::exists(full_path)) { qDebug("%s does not exist, no need to remove it", full_path.toLocal8Bit().data()); return true; } bool success = true; qDebug("We have %d children", children.size()); foreach(const torrent_file *f, children) { bool s = f->removeFromFS(saveDir); success = s && success; } if(is_dir) { qDebug("trying to remove directory: %s", full_path.toLocal8Bit().data()); QDir dir(full_path); dir.rmdir(full_path); } else { qDebug("trying to remove file: %s", full_path.toLocal8Bit().data()); bool s = QFile::remove(full_path); success = s && success; } return success; } }; class arborescence { private: torrent_file *root; public: arborescence(boost::intrusive_ptr t) { torrent_info::file_iterator fi = t->begin_files(); if(t->num_files() > 1) { root = new torrent_file(0, misc::toQString(t->name()), true); } else { // XXX: Will crash if there is no file in torrent root = new torrent_file(0, misc::toQString(t->name()), false, fi->size, 0); return; } int i = 0; while(fi != t->end_files()) { QString path = QDir::cleanPath(misc::toQString(fi->path.string())); addFile(path, fi->size, i); fi++; ++i; } qDebug("real size: %ld, tree size: %ld", (long)t->total_size(), (long)root->getSize()); Q_ASSERT(root->getSize() == t->total_size()); } arborescence(torrent_info const& t, std::vector fp, std::vector files_priority) { torrent_info::file_iterator fi = t.begin_files(); if(t.num_files() > 1) { qDebug("More than one file in the torrent, setting a folder as root"); root = new torrent_file(0, misc::toQString(t.name()), true); } else { // XXX: Will crash if there is no file in torrent qDebug("one file in the torrent, setting it as root with index 0"); root = new torrent_file(0, misc::toQString(t.name()), false, fi->size, 0, ((double)fp[0])/t.file_at(0).size, files_priority.at(0)); return; } int i = 0; while(fi != t.end_files()) { QString path = QDir::cleanPath(misc::toQString(fi->path.string())); addFile(path, fi->size, i, ((double)fp[i])/t.file_at(i).size, files_priority.at(i)); fi++; ++i; } qDebug("real size: %ld, tree size: %ld", (long)t.total_size(), (long)root->getSize()); Q_ASSERT(root->getSize() == t.total_size()); } ~arborescence() { delete root; } torrent_file* getRoot() const { return root; } bool removeFromFS(QString saveDir) { if(!QFile::exists(saveDir+QDir::separator()+root->path())) return true; bool success = root->removeFromFS(saveDir); QDir root_dir(root->path()); root_dir.rmdir(saveDir+QDir::separator()+root->path()); return success; } protected: void addFile(QString path, size_type file_size, int index, float progress=0., int priority=1) { Q_ASSERT(root->isDir()); path = QDir::cleanPath(path); //Q_ASSERT(path.startsWith(root->path())); QString relative_path = path.remove(0, root->path().size()); if(relative_path.at(0) ==QDir::separator()) relative_path.remove(0, 1); QStringList fileNames = relative_path.split(QDir::separator()); torrent_file *dad = root; unsigned int nb_i = 0; unsigned int size = fileNames.size(); foreach(const QString &fileName, fileNames) { ++nb_i; if(fileName == ".") continue; const torrent_file* child = dad->getChild(fileName); if(!child) { if(nb_i != size) { // Folder child = dad->addChild(fileName, true); } else { // File child = dad->addChild(fileName, false, file_size, index, progress, priority); } } dad = (torrent_file*)child; } } }; #endif