/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2019 Mike Tzou (Chocobo1) * Copyright (C) 2015 Vladimir Golovnev * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. */ #include "tracker.h" #include #include #include #include "base/exceptions.h" #include "base/global.h" #include "base/http/httperror.h" #include "base/http/server.h" #include "base/http/types.h" #include "base/logger.h" #include "base/preferences.h" namespace { // static limits const int MAX_TORRENTS = 10000; const int MAX_PEERS_PER_TORRENT = 200; const int ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL = 1800; // 30min // constants const int PEER_ID_SIZE = 20; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_PATH[] = "/announce"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_COMPACT[] = "compact"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_INFO_HASH[] = "info_hash"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_IP[] = "ip"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_LEFT[] = "left"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_NO_PEER_ID[] = "no_peer_id"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_NUM_WANT[] = "numwant"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_PEER_ID[] = "peer_id"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_PORT[] = "port"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_EVENT[] = "event"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_EVENT_COMPLETED[] = "completed"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_EVENT_EMPTY[] = "empty"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_EVENT_STARTED[] = "started"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_EVENT_STOPPED[] = "stopped"; const char ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_EVENT_PAUSED[] = "paused"; const char ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_COMPLETE[] = "complete"; const char ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL_IP[] = "external ip"; const char ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_FAILURE_REASON[] = "failure reason"; const char ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_INCOMPLETE[] = "incomplete"; const char ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_INTERVAL[] = "interval"; const char ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_PEERS6[] = "peers6"; const char ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_PEERS[] = "peers"; const char ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_PEERS_IP[] = "ip"; const char ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_PEERS_PEER_ID[] = "peer id"; const char ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_PEERS_PORT[] = "port"; class TrackerError : public RuntimeError { public: using RuntimeError::RuntimeError; }; QByteArray toBigEndianByteArray(const QHostAddress &addr) { // translate IP address to a sequence of bytes in big-endian order switch (addr.protocol()) { case QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol: case QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol: { const quint32 ipv4 = addr.toIPv4Address(); QByteArray ret; ret.append(static_cast((ipv4 >> 24) & 0xFF)) .append(static_cast((ipv4 >> 16) & 0xFF)) .append(static_cast((ipv4 >> 8) & 0xFF)) .append(static_cast(ipv4 & 0xFF)); return ret; } case QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol: { const Q_IPV6ADDR ipv6 = addr.toIPv6Address(); QByteArray ret; for (int i = (sizeof(ipv6.c) - 1); i >= 0; --i) ret.append(static_cast(ipv6.c[i])); return ret; } case QAbstractSocket::UnknownNetworkLayerProtocol: default: return {}; }; } } namespace BitTorrent { // Peer QByteArray Peer::uniqueID() const { return (QByteArray::fromStdString(address) + ':' + QByteArray::number(port)); } bool operator==(const Peer &left, const Peer &right) { return (left.uniqueID() == right.uniqueID()); } bool operator!=(const Peer &left, const Peer &right) { return !(left == right); } uint qHash(const Peer &key, const uint seed) { return qHash(key.uniqueID(), seed); } } using namespace BitTorrent; // TrackerAnnounceRequest struct Tracker::TrackerAnnounceRequest { QHostAddress socketAddress; QByteArray claimedAddress; // self claimed by peer InfoHash infoHash; QString event; Peer peer; int numwant = 50; bool compact = true; bool noPeerId = false; }; // Tracker::TorrentStats void Tracker::TorrentStats::setPeer(const Peer &peer) { // always replace existing peer if (!removePeer(peer)) { // Too many peers, remove a random one if (peers.size() >= MAX_PEERS_PER_TORRENT) removePeer(*peers.begin()); } // add peer if (peer.isSeeder) ++seeders; peers.insert(peer); } bool Tracker::TorrentStats::removePeer(const Peer &peer) { const auto iter = peers.find(peer); if (iter == peers.end()) return false; if (iter->isSeeder) --seeders; peers.remove(*iter); return true; } // Tracker Tracker::Tracker(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_server(new Http::Server(this, this)) { } bool Tracker::start() { const QHostAddress ip = QHostAddress::Any; const int port = Preferences::instance()->getTrackerPort(); if (m_server->isListening()) { if (m_server->serverPort() == port) { // Already listening on the right port, just return return true; } // Wrong port, closing the server m_server->close(); } // Listen on the predefined port const bool listenSuccess = m_server->listen(ip, port); if (listenSuccess) { LogMsg(tr("Embedded Tracker: Now listening on IP: %1, port: %2") .arg(ip.toString(), QString::number(port)), Log::INFO); } else { LogMsg(tr("Embedded Tracker: Unable to bind to IP: %1, port: %2. Reason: %3") .arg(ip.toString(), QString::number(port), m_server->errorString()) , Log::WARNING); } return listenSuccess; } Http::Response Tracker::processRequest(const Http::Request &request, const Http::Environment &env) { clear(); // clear response m_request = request; m_env = env; status(200); try { // Is it a GET request? if (request.method != Http::HEADER_REQUEST_METHOD_GET) throw MethodNotAllowedHTTPError(); if (request.path.toLower().startsWith(ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_PATH)) processAnnounceRequest(); else throw NotFoundHTTPError(); } catch (const HTTPError &error) { status(error.statusCode(), error.statusText()); if (!error.message().isEmpty()) print(error.message(), Http::CONTENT_TYPE_TXT); } catch (const TrackerError &error) { clear(); // clear response status(200); const lt::entry::dictionary_type bencodedEntry = { {ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_FAILURE_REASON, {error.what()}} }; QByteArray reply; lt::bencode(std::back_inserter(reply), bencodedEntry); print(reply, Http::CONTENT_TYPE_TXT); } return response(); } void Tracker::processAnnounceRequest() { const QHash &queryParams = m_request.query; TrackerAnnounceRequest announceReq; // ip address announceReq.socketAddress = m_env.clientAddress; announceReq.claimedAddress = queryParams.value(ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_IP); // 1. info_hash const auto infoHashIter = queryParams.find(ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_INFO_HASH); if (infoHashIter == queryParams.end()) throw TrackerError("Missing \"info_hash\" parameter"); const InfoHash infoHash(infoHashIter->toHex()); if (!infoHash.isValid()) throw TrackerError("Invalid \"info_hash\" parameter"); announceReq.infoHash = infoHash; // 2. peer_id const auto peerIdIter = queryParams.find(ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_PEER_ID); if (peerIdIter == queryParams.end()) throw TrackerError("Missing \"peer_id\" parameter"); if (peerIdIter->size() > PEER_ID_SIZE) throw TrackerError("Invalid \"peer_id\" parameter"); announceReq.peer.peerId = *peerIdIter; // 3. port const auto portIter = queryParams.find(ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_PORT); if (portIter == queryParams.end()) throw TrackerError("Missing \"port\" parameter"); const ushort portNum = portIter->toUShort(); if (portNum == 0) throw TrackerError("Invalid \"port\" parameter"); announceReq.peer.port = portNum; // 4. numwant const auto numWantIter = queryParams.find(ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_NUM_WANT); if (numWantIter != queryParams.end()) { const int num = numWantIter->toInt(); if (num < 0) throw TrackerError("Invalid \"numwant\" parameter"); announceReq.numwant = num; } // 5. no_peer_id // non-formal extension announceReq.noPeerId = (queryParams.value(ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_NO_PEER_ID) == "1"); // 6. left announceReq.peer.isSeeder = (queryParams.value(ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_LEFT) == "0"); // 7. compact announceReq.compact = (queryParams.value(ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_COMPACT) != "0"); // 8. cache `peers` field so we don't recompute when sending response const QHostAddress claimedIPAddress {QString::fromLatin1(announceReq.claimedAddress)}; announceReq.peer.endpoint = toBigEndianByteArray(!claimedIPAddress.isNull() ? claimedIPAddress : announceReq.socketAddress) .append(static_cast((announceReq.peer.port >> 8) & 0xFF)) .append(static_cast(announceReq.peer.port & 0xFF)) .toStdString(); // 9. cache `address` field so we don't recompute when sending response announceReq.peer.address = !announceReq.claimedAddress.isEmpty() ? announceReq.claimedAddress.constData() : announceReq.socketAddress.toString().toLatin1().constData(), // 10. event announceReq.event = queryParams.value(ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_EVENT); if (announceReq.event.isEmpty() || (announceReq.event == ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_EVENT_EMPTY) || (announceReq.event == ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_EVENT_COMPLETED) || (announceReq.event == ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_EVENT_STARTED) || (announceReq.event == ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_EVENT_PAUSED)) { // [BEP-21] Extension for partial seeds (partial support) registerPeer(announceReq); prepareAnnounceResponse(announceReq); } else if (announceReq.event == ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_EVENT_STOPPED) { unregisterPeer(announceReq); } else { throw TrackerError("Invalid \"event\" parameter"); } } void Tracker::registerPeer(const TrackerAnnounceRequest &announceReq) { if (!m_torrents.contains(announceReq.infoHash)) { // Reached max size, remove a random torrent if (m_torrents.size() >= MAX_TORRENTS) m_torrents.erase(m_torrents.begin()); } m_torrents[announceReq.infoHash].setPeer(announceReq.peer); } void Tracker::unregisterPeer(const TrackerAnnounceRequest &announceReq) { const auto torrentStatsIter = m_torrents.find(announceReq.infoHash); if (torrentStatsIter == m_torrents.end()) return; torrentStatsIter->removePeer(announceReq.peer); if (torrentStatsIter->peers.isEmpty()) m_torrents.erase(torrentStatsIter); } void Tracker::prepareAnnounceResponse(const TrackerAnnounceRequest &announceReq) { const TorrentStats &torrentStats = m_torrents[announceReq.infoHash]; lt::entry::dictionary_type replyDict { {ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_INTERVAL, ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL}, {ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_COMPLETE, torrentStats.seeders}, {ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_INCOMPLETE, (torrentStats.peers.size() - torrentStats.seeders)}, // [BEP-24] Tracker Returns External IP {ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL_IP, toBigEndianByteArray(announceReq.socketAddress).toStdString()} }; // peer list // [BEP-7] IPv6 Tracker Extension (partial support) // [BEP-23] Tracker Returns Compact Peer Lists if (announceReq.compact) { lt::entry::list_type peerList; lt::entry::list_type peer6List; int counter = 0; for (const Peer &peer : asConst(torrentStats.peers)) { if (counter++ >= announceReq.numwant) break; if (peer.endpoint.size() == 6) // IPv4 peerList.emplace_back(peer.endpoint); else if (peer.endpoint.size() == 18) // IPv6 peer6List.emplace_back(peer.endpoint); } replyDict[ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_PEERS] = peerList; // required, even it's empty if (!peer6List.empty()) replyDict[ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_PEERS6] = peer6List; } else { lt::entry::list_type peerList; int counter = 0; for (const Peer &peer : torrentStats.peers) { if (counter++ >= announceReq.numwant) break; lt::entry::dictionary_type peerDict = { {ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_PEERS_IP, peer.address}, {ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_PEERS_PORT, peer.port} }; if (!announceReq.noPeerId) peerDict[ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_PEERS_PEER_ID] = peer.peerId.constData(); peerList.emplace_back(peerDict); } replyDict[ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_PEERS] = peerList; } // bencode QByteArray reply; lt::bencode(std::back_inserter(reply), replyDict); print(reply, Http::CONTENT_TYPE_TXT); }