/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org */ #ifndef GEOIP_H #define GEOIP_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "misc.h" using namespace libtorrent; class GeoIP : public QObject { Q_OBJECT protected: #ifdef WITH_GEOIP_EMBEDDED static QString geoipFolder(bool embedded=false) { if(embedded) return ":/geoip/"; return misc::QDesktopServicesDataLocation()+"geoip"+QDir::separator(); #else static QString geoipFolder(bool) { if(QFile::exists("/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat")) return "/usr/local/share/GeoIP/"; if(QFile::exists("/var/lib/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat")) return "/var/lib/GeoIP/"; return "/usr/share/GeoIP/"; #endif } static QString geoipDBpath(bool embedded=false) { return geoipFolder(embedded)+"GeoIP.dat"; } #ifdef WITH_GEOIP_EMBEDDED static void exportEmbeddedDb() { if(!QFile::exists(geoipDBpath(false)) || QFile(geoipDBpath(false)).size() != QFile(geoipDBpath(true)).size()) { // Export is required qDebug("A local Geoip database update is required, proceeding..."); // Create geoip folder is necessary QDir gfolder(geoipFolder(false)); if(!gfolder.exists()) { if(!gfolder.mkpath(geoipFolder(false))) { std::cerr << "Failed to create geoip folder at " << qPrintable(geoipFolder(false)) << std::endl; return; } } // Remove destination files if(QFile::exists(geoipDBpath(false))) QFile::remove(geoipDBpath(false)); // Copy from executable to hard disk qDebug("%s -> %s", qPrintable(geoipDBpath(true)), qPrintable(geoipDBpath(false))); if(!QFile::copy(geoipDBpath(true), geoipDBpath(false))) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Failed to copy geoip.dat from executable to hard disk" << std::endl; } qDebug("Local Geoip database was updated"); } } #endif public: static void loadDatabase(session *s) { #ifdef WITH_GEOIP_EMBEDDED exportEmbeddedDb(); #endif if(QFile::exists(geoipDBpath(false))) { qDebug("Loading GeoIP database from %s...", qPrintable(geoipDBpath(false))); if(!s->load_country_db(geoipDBpath(false).toLocal8Bit().constData())) { std::cerr << "Failed to load Geoip Database at " << qPrintable(geoipDBpath(false)) << std::endl; } } else { qDebug("ERROR: Impossible to find local Geoip Database"); } } // TODO: Support more countries // http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists/english_country_names_and_code_elements.htm static QIcon CountryISOCodeToIcon(const char* iso, QString &country_name) { switch(iso[0]) { case 0: case '-': case '!': //qDebug("Not returning any icon because iso is invalid: %s", iso); return QIcon(); case 'A': if(iso[1] == 'U') { country_name = tr("Australia"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/australia.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'R') { country_name = tr("Argentina"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/argentina.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'T') { country_name = tr("Austria"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/austria.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'E') { country_name = tr("United Arab Emirates"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/united_arab_emirates.png"); } break; case 'B': if(iso[1] == 'R') { country_name = tr("Brazil"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/brazil.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'G') { country_name = tr("Bulgaria"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/bulgaria.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'Y') { country_name = tr("Belarus"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/belarus.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'E') { country_name = tr("Belgium"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/belgium.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'A') { country_name = tr("Bosnia"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/bosnia.png"); } break; case 'C': if(iso[1] == 'A') { country_name = tr("Canada"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/canada.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'Z') { country_name = tr("Czech Republic"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/czech.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'N') { country_name = tr("China"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/china.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'R') { country_name = tr("Costa Rica"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/costa_rica.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'H') { country_name = tr("Switzerland"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/suisse.png"); } break; case 'D': if(iso[1] == 'E') { country_name = tr("Germany"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/germany.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'K') { country_name = tr("Denmark"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/denmark.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'Z') { country_name = tr("Algeria"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/algeria.png"); } break; case 'E': if(iso[1] == 'S') { country_name = tr("Spain"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/spain.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'G') { country_name = tr("Egypt"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/egypt.png"); } break; case 'F': if(iso[1] == 'I') { country_name = tr("Finland"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/finland.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'R') { country_name = tr("France"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/france.png"); } break; case 'G': if(iso[1] == 'B') { country_name = tr("United Kingdom"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/united_kingdom.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'R') { country_name = tr("Greece"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/greece.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'E') { country_name = tr("Georgia"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/georgia.png"); } break; case 'H': if(iso[1] == 'U') { country_name = tr("Hungary"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/hungary.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'K') { country_name = tr("China"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/china.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'R') { country_name = tr("Croatia"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/croatia.png"); } break; case 'I': if(iso[1] == 'T') { country_name = tr("Italy"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/italy.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'N') { country_name = tr("India"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/india.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'L') { country_name = tr("Israel"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/israel.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'E') { country_name = tr("Ireland"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/ireland.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'S') { country_name = tr("Iceland"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/iceland.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'D') { country_name = tr("Indonesia"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/indonesia.png"); } break; case 'J': if(iso[1] == 'P') { country_name = tr("Japan"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/japan.png"); } break; case 'K': if(iso[1] == 'R') { country_name = tr("South Korea"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/south_korea.png"); } break; case 'L': if(iso[1] == 'U') { country_name = tr("Luxembourg"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/luxembourg.png"); } break; case 'M': if(iso[1] == 'Y') { country_name = tr("Malaysia"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/malaysia.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'X') { country_name = tr("Mexico"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/mexico.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'E') { country_name = tr("Serbia"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/serbia.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'A') { country_name = tr("Morocco"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/morocco.png"); } break; case 'N': if(iso[1] == 'L') { country_name = tr("Netherlands"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/netherlands.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'O') { country_name = tr("Norway"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/norway.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'Z') { country_name = tr("New Zealand"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/newzealand.png"); } break; case 'P': if(iso[1] == 'T') { country_name = tr("Portugal"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/portugal.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'L') { country_name = tr("Poland"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/poland.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'K') { country_name = tr("Pakistan"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/pakistan.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'H') { country_name = tr("Philippines"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/philippines.png"); } break; case 'R': if(iso[1] == 'U') { country_name = tr("Russia"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/russia.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'O') { country_name = tr("Romania"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/romania.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'E') { country_name = tr("France (Reunion Island)"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/france.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'S') { country_name = tr("Serbia"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/serbia.png"); } break; case 'S': if(iso[1] == 'A') { country_name = tr("Saudi Arabia"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/saoudi_arabia.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'E') { country_name = tr("Sweden"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/sweden.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'K') { country_name = tr("Slovakia"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/slovakia.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'G') { country_name = tr("Singapore"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/singapore.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'I') { country_name = tr("Slovenia"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/slovenia.png"); } break; case 'T': if(iso[1] == 'W') { country_name = tr("Taiwan"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/china.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'R') { country_name = tr("Turkey"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/turkey.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'H') { country_name = tr("Thailand"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/thailand.png"); } break; case 'U': if(iso[1] == 'S') { country_name = tr("USA"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/usa.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'M') { country_name = tr("USA"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/usa.png"); } if(iso[1] == 'A') { country_name = tr("Ukraine"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/ukraine.png"); } break; case 'Z': if(iso[1] == 'A') { country_name = tr("South Africa"); return QIcon(":/Icons/flags/south_africa.png"); } break; } qDebug("Unrecognized country code: %c%c", iso[0], iso[1]); return QIcon(); } }; #endif // GEOIP_H