# Function for ensuring the build does not use a lower than the required minimum C++ mode, _min_std. # It fails the build if: # - the compiler does not fully support _min_std # - the user specified a mode lower than _min_std via the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD variable # If both checks are successful, it sets the following variables at the PARENT_SCOPE: # - CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD with the value _min_std, if it was not already set to a value >= _min_std # - CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED with the value ON function(qbt_minimum_cxx_mode_check _min_std) # ensure the compiler fully supports the minimum required C++ mode. if(NOT CMAKE_CXX${_min_std}_STANDARD__HAS_FULL_SUPPORT) message(FATAL_ERROR "${PROJECT_NAME} requires a compiler with full C++${_min_std} support") endif() # now we know that the compiler fully supports the minimum required C++ mode, # but we must still prevent the user or compiler from forcing/defaulting to an insufficient C++ mode if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD ${_min_std} PARENT_SCOPE) elseif((CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD VERSION_LESS ${_min_std}) OR (CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD VERSION_EQUAL 98)) message(FATAL_ERROR "${PROJECT_NAME} has to be built with at least C++${_min_std} mode.") endif() set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()