/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2015 Vladimir Golovnev * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef DISABLE_GUI #include "gui/guiiconprovider.h" #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include #include #include #endif // Q_OS_WIN #ifdef Q_OS_MAC #include #include #include #endif // Q_OS_MAC #include "mainwindow.h" #include "addnewtorrentdialog.h" #include "shutdownconfirm.h" #else // DISABLE_GUI #include #endif // DISABLE_GUI #ifndef DISABLE_WEBUI #include "webui/webui.h" #endif #include "application.h" #include "base/logger.h" #include "base/preferences.h" #include "base/utils/fs.h" #include "base/utils/misc.h" #include "base/iconprovider.h" #include "base/scanfoldersmodel.h" #include "base/net/smtp.h" #include "base/net/downloadmanager.h" #include "base/net/geoipmanager.h" #include "base/bittorrent/session.h" #include "base/bittorrent/torrenthandle.h" static const char PARAMS_SEPARATOR[] = "|"; Application::Application(const QString &id, int &argc, char **argv) : BaseApplication(id, argc, argv) , m_running(false) #ifndef DISABLE_GUI , m_shutdownAct(ShutdownAction::None) #endif { Logger::initInstance(); Preferences::initInstance(); #if defined(Q_OS_MACX) && !defined(DISABLE_GUI) if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion > QSysInfo::MV_10_8) { // fix Mac OS X 10.9 (mavericks) font issue // https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-32789 QFont::insertSubstitution(".Lucida Grande UI", "Lucida Grande"); } #endif setApplicationName("qBittorrent"); initializeTranslation(); #ifndef DISABLE_GUI setStyleSheet("QStatusBar::item { border-width: 0; }"); setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN connect(this, SIGNAL(commitDataRequest(QSessionManager &)), this, SLOT(shutdownCleanup(QSessionManager &)), Qt::DirectConnection); #endif // Q_OS_WIN #endif // DISABLE_GUI connect(this, SIGNAL(messageReceived(const QString &)), SLOT(processMessage(const QString &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), SLOT(cleanup())); Logger::instance()->addMessage(tr("qBittorrent %1 started", "qBittorrent v3.2.0alpha started").arg(VERSION)); } void Application::processMessage(const QString &message) { QStringList params = message.split(QLatin1String(PARAMS_SEPARATOR), QString::SkipEmptyParts); // If Application is not running (i.e., other // components are not ready) store params if (m_running) processParams(params); else m_paramsQueue.append(params); } void Application::sendNotificationEmail(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent) { // Prepare mail content QString content = QObject::tr("Torrent name: %1").arg(torrent->name()) + "\n"; content += QObject::tr("Torrent size: %1").arg(Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(torrent->wantedSize())) + "\n"; content += QObject::tr("Save path: %1").arg(torrent->savePath()) + "\n\n"; content += QObject::tr("The torrent was downloaded in %1.", "The torrent was downloaded in 1 hour and 20 seconds") .arg(Utils::Misc::userFriendlyDuration(torrent->activeTime())) + "\n\n\n"; content += QObject::tr("Thank you for using qBittorrent.") + "\n"; // Send the notification email Net::Smtp *sender = new Net::Smtp; sender->sendMail("notification@qbittorrent.org", Preferences::instance()->getMailNotificationEmail(), QObject::tr("[qBittorrent] '%1' has finished downloading").arg(torrent->name()), content); } void Application::torrentFinished(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent) { Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance(); // AutoRun program if (pref->isAutoRunEnabled()) { QString program = pref->getAutoRunProgram(); program.replace("%N", torrent->name()); program.replace("%L", torrent->label()); program.replace("%F", Utils::Fs::toNativePath(torrent->contentPath())); program.replace("%R", Utils::Fs::toNativePath(torrent->rootPath())); program.replace("%D", Utils::Fs::toNativePath(torrent->savePath())); program.replace("%C", QString::number(torrent->filesCount())); program.replace("%Z", QString::number(torrent->totalSize())); program.replace("%T", torrent->currentTracker()); program.replace("%I", torrent->hash()); QProcess::startDetached(program); } // Mail notification if (pref->isMailNotificationEnabled()) sendNotificationEmail(torrent); } void Application::allTorrentsFinished() { #ifndef DISABLE_GUI Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance(); bool will_shutdown = (pref->shutdownWhenDownloadsComplete() || pref->suspendWhenDownloadsComplete() || pref->hibernateWhenDownloadsComplete()); bool will_exit_only = pref->shutdownqBTWhenDownloadsComplete(); // Auto-Shutdown if (will_exit_only || will_shutdown) { bool suspend = pref->suspendWhenDownloadsComplete(); bool hibernate = pref->hibernateWhenDownloadsComplete(); bool shutdown = pref->shutdownWhenDownloadsComplete(); // Confirm shutdown ShutdownAction action = ShutdownAction::None; if (suspend) action = ShutdownAction::Suspend; else if (hibernate) action = ShutdownAction::Hibernate; else if (shutdown) action = ShutdownAction::Shutdown; if (will_exit_only) { if (!pref->dontConfirmAutoExit()) { bool exitConfirmed = false; bool neverAskForExitConfirmationAgain = false; ShutdownConfirmDlg::askForConfirmation(action, &exitConfirmed, &neverAskForExitConfirmationAgain); if (neverAskForExitConfirmationAgain && exitConfirmed/*discard the request to never show again if dialog not accepted*/) pref->setDontConfirmAutoExit(true); if (!exitConfirmed) return; } } else { //exit and shutdown bool shutdownConfirmed = false; ShutdownConfirmDlg::askForConfirmation(action, &shutdownConfirmed); if (!shutdownConfirmed) return; } // Actually shut down if (suspend || hibernate || shutdown) { qDebug("Preparing for auto-shutdown because all downloads are complete!"); // Disabling it for next time pref->setShutdownWhenDownloadsComplete(false); pref->setSuspendWhenDownloadsComplete(false); pref->setHibernateWhenDownloadsComplete(false); // Make sure preferences are synced before exiting m_shutdownAct = action; } qDebug("Exiting the application"); exit(); } #endif // DISABLE_GUI } bool Application::sendParams(const QStringList ¶ms) { return sendMessage(params.join(QLatin1String(PARAMS_SEPARATOR))); } // As program parameters, we can get paths or urls. // This function parse the parameters and call // the right addTorrent function, considering // the parameter type. void Application::processParams(const QStringList ¶ms) { #ifndef DISABLE_GUI if (params.isEmpty()) { m_window->activate(); // show UI return; } #endif foreach (QString param, params) { param = param.trimmed(); #ifndef DISABLE_GUI if (Preferences::instance()->useAdditionDialog()) AddNewTorrentDialog::show(param, m_window); else #endif BitTorrent::Session::instance()->addTorrent(param); } } int Application::exec(const QStringList ¶ms) { Net::DownloadManager::initInstance(); #ifdef DISABLE_GUI IconProvider::initInstance(); #else GuiIconProvider::initInstance(); #endif BitTorrent::Session::initInstance(); connect(BitTorrent::Session::instance(), SIGNAL(torrentFinished(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const)), SLOT(torrentFinished(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const))); connect(BitTorrent::Session::instance(), SIGNAL(allTorrentsFinished()), SLOT(allTorrentsFinished())); #ifndef DISABLE_COUNTRIES_RESOLUTION Net::GeoIPManager::initInstance(); #endif ScanFoldersModel::initInstance(this); #ifndef DISABLE_WEBUI m_webui = new WebUI; #endif #ifdef DISABLE_GUI #ifndef DISABLE_WEBUI Preferences* const pref = Preferences::instance(); // Display some information to the user std::cout << std::endl << "******** " << qPrintable(tr("Information")) << " ********" << std::endl; std::cout << qPrintable(tr("To control qBittorrent, access the Web UI at http://localhost:%1").arg(QString::number(pref->getWebUiPort()))) << std::endl; std::cout << qPrintable(tr("The Web UI administrator user name is: %1").arg(pref->getWebUiUsername())) << std::endl; qDebug() << "Password:" << pref->getWebUiPassword(); if (pref->getWebUiPassword() == "f6fdffe48c908deb0f4c3bd36c032e72") { std::cout << qPrintable(tr("The Web UI administrator password is still the default one: %1").arg("adminadmin")) << std::endl; std::cout << qPrintable(tr("This is a security risk, please consider changing your password from program preferences.")) << std::endl; } #endif // DISABLE_WEBUI #else m_window = new MainWindow; #endif // DISABLE_GUI m_running = true; m_paramsQueue = params + m_paramsQueue; if (!m_paramsQueue.isEmpty()) { processParams(m_paramsQueue); m_paramsQueue.clear(); } return BaseApplication::exec(); } #ifndef DISABLE_GUI #ifdef Q_OS_WIN bool Application::isRunning() { bool running = BaseApplication::isRunning(); QSharedMemory *sharedMem = new QSharedMemory(id() + QLatin1String("-shared-memory-key"), this); if (!running) { // First instance creates shared memory and store PID if (sharedMem->create(sizeof(DWORD)) && sharedMem->lock()) { *(static_cast(sharedMem->data())) = ::GetCurrentProcessId(); sharedMem->unlock(); } } else { // Later instances attach to shared memory and retrieve PID if (sharedMem->attach() && sharedMem->lock()) { ::AllowSetForegroundWindow(*(static_cast(sharedMem->data()))); sharedMem->unlock(); } } if (!sharedMem->isAttached()) qWarning() << "Failed to initialize shared memory: " << sharedMem->errorString(); return running; } #endif // Q_OS_WIN #ifdef Q_OS_MAC bool Application::event(QEvent *ev) { if (ev->type() == QEvent::FileOpen) { QString path = static_cast(ev)->file(); if (path.isEmpty()) // Get the url instead path = static_cast(ev)->url().toString(); qDebug("Received a mac file open event: %s", qPrintable(path)); if (m_running) processParams(QStringList(path)); else m_paramsQueue.append(path); return true; } else { return BaseApplication::event(ev); } } #endif // Q_OS_MAC bool Application::notify(QObject *receiver, QEvent *event) { try { return QApplication::notify(receiver, event); } catch (const std::exception &e) { qCritical() << "Exception thrown:" << e.what() << ", receiver: " << receiver->objectName(); receiver->dumpObjectInfo(); } return false; } #endif // DISABLE_GUI void Application::initializeTranslation() { Preferences* const pref = Preferences::instance(); // Load translation QString locale = pref->getLocale(); if (locale.isEmpty()) { locale = QLocale::system().name(); pref->setLocale(locale); } if (m_qtTranslator.load( #ifdef QBT_USES_QT5 QString::fromUtf8("qtbase_") + locale, QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath)) || m_qtTranslator.load( #endif QString::fromUtf8("qt_") + locale, QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath))) { qDebug("Qt %s locale recognized, using translation.", qPrintable(locale)); } else { qDebug("Qt %s locale unrecognized, using default (en).", qPrintable(locale)); } installTranslator(&m_qtTranslator); if (m_translator.load(QString::fromUtf8(":/lang/qbittorrent_") + locale)) { qDebug("%s locale recognized, using translation.", qPrintable(locale)); } else { qDebug("%s locale unrecognized, using default (en).", qPrintable(locale)); } installTranslator(&m_translator); #ifndef DISABLE_GUI if (locale.startsWith("ar") || locale.startsWith("he")) { qDebug("Right to Left mode"); setLayoutDirection(Qt::RightToLeft); } else { setLayoutDirection(Qt::LeftToRight); } #endif } #if (!defined(DISABLE_GUI) && defined(Q_OS_WIN)) void Application::shutdownCleanup(QSessionManager &manager) { Q_UNUSED(manager); // This is only needed for a special case on Windows XP. // (but is called for every Windows version) // If a process takes too much time to exit during OS // shutdown, the OS presents a dialog to the user. // That dialog tells the user that qbt is blocking the // shutdown, it shows a progress bar and it offers // a "Terminate Now" button for the user. However, // after the progress bar has reached 100% another button // is offered to the user reading "Cancel". With this the // user can cancel the **OS** shutdown. If we don't do // the cleanup by handling the commitDataRequest() signal // and the user clicks "Cancel", it will result in qbt being // killed and the shutdown proceeding instead. Apparently // aboutToQuit() is emitted too late in the shutdown process. cleanup(); // According to the qt docs we shouldn't call quit() inside a slot. // aboutToQuit() is never emitted if the user hits "Cancel" in // the above dialog. QTimer::singleShot(0, qApp, SLOT(quit())); } #endif void Application::cleanup() { #ifndef DISABLE_GUI #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // cleanup() can be called multiple times during shutdown. We only need it once. static bool alreadyDone = false; if (alreadyDone) return; alreadyDone = true; #endif // Q_OS_WIN // Hide the window and not leave it on screen as // unresponsive. Also for Windows take the WinId // after it's hidden, because hide() may cause a // WinId change. m_window->hide(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PSHUTDOWNBRCREATE)(HWND, LPCWSTR); PSHUTDOWNBRCREATE shutdownBRCreate = (PSHUTDOWNBRCREATE)::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandleW(L"User32.dll"), "ShutdownBlockReasonCreate"); // Only available on Vista+ if (shutdownBRCreate) shutdownBRCreate((HWND)m_window->effectiveWinId(), tr("Saving torrent progress...").toStdWString().c_str()); #endif // Q_OS_WIN // Do manual cleanup in MainWindow to force widgets // to save their Preferences, stop all timers and // delete as many widgets as possible to leave only // a 'shell' MainWindow. // We need a valid window handle for Windows Vista+ // otherwise the system shutdown will continue even // though we created a ShutdownBlockReason m_window->cleanup(); #endif // DISABLE_GUI #ifndef DISABLE_WEBUI delete m_webui; #endif ScanFoldersModel::freeInstance(); BitTorrent::Session::freeInstance(); #ifndef DISABLE_COUNTRIES_RESOLUTION Net::GeoIPManager::freeInstance(); #endif Preferences::freeInstance(); Logger::freeInstance(); IconProvider::freeInstance(); Net::DownloadManager::freeInstance(); #ifndef DISABLE_GUI #ifdef Q_OS_WIN typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PSHUTDOWNBRDESTROY)(HWND); PSHUTDOWNBRDESTROY shutdownBRDestroy = (PSHUTDOWNBRDESTROY)::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandleW(L"User32.dll"), "ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy"); // Only available on Vista+ if (shutdownBRDestroy) shutdownBRDestroy((HWND)m_window->effectiveWinId()); #endif // Q_OS_WIN delete m_window; if (m_shutdownAct != ShutdownAction::None) { qDebug() << "Sending computer shutdown/suspend/hibernate signal..."; Utils::Misc::shutdownComputer(m_shutdownAct); } #endif }