# Adapt these paths # Point these to the include folders INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:/qBittorrent/boost) INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:/qBittorrent/libtorrent/include) INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:/qBittorrent/zlib/include) INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:/qBittorrent/openssl/include) # Point these to the lib folders LIBS += $$quote(-LC:/qBittorrent/boost/stage/lib) LIBS += $$quote(-LC:/qBittorrent/libtorrent/lib) LIBS += $$quote(-LC:/qBittorrent/zlib/lib) LIBS += $$quote(-LC:/qBittorrent/openssl/lib) # Adapt the lib names/versions accordingly # If you want to use Boost auto-linking then disable # BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB below and omit Boost libraries here CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { LIBS += libtorrentd.lib \ libboost_system-vc140-mt-sgd-1_64.lib } else { LIBS += libtorrent.lib \ libboost_system-vc140-mt-s-1_64.lib } LIBS += libeay32.lib ssleay32.lib LIBS += zlib.lib # ...or if you use MinGW #CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { # LIBS += libtorrent-rasterbar \ # libboost_system-mt #} #else { # LIBS += libtorrent-rasterbar \ # libboost_system-mt #} #LIBS += libcrypto libssl #LIBS += libz # Disable to use Boost auto-linking DEFINES += BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB # Use one of the following options DEFINES += BOOST_SYSTEM_STATIC_LINK #DEFINES += BOOST_SYSTEM_DYN_LINK # Enable if encountered build error with boost version <= 1.59 #DEFINES += BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES # Enable if libtorrent was built with this flag defined #DEFINES += TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE # Enable if linking dynamically against libtorrent #DEFINES += TORRENT_LINKING_SHARED # Enable stack trace support CONFIG += stacktrace win32-msvc* { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += "/guard:cf" QMAKE_LFLAGS += "/guard:cf" QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE += "/OPT:REF /OPT:ICF" }