1. Use FeatureSummary module to show configuration results.
2. Invert option()/find_package() relationship: instead of
calling find_package(... REQUIRED) when option is set, rely on optional
find package call and PackageName_FOUND variable.
3. Refactor handling options that result in simple preprocessor defines
(actually copy the snippet from libtorrent) so that everything is done
in a single function call.
4. Populate target properties in order to get rid of
include_directories() calls.
With pkg-config we can get a list of Boost components from Libtorrent
dependencies and make qBittorrent depend only on these libraries in
turn. For Windows user may provide a custom list via
LibtorrentRasterbar_CUSTOM_BOOST_DEPENDENCIES variable or use generic
list which consists of date_time, system, chrono, random, thread. As a
note: in case of using fully C++11 build, the actual list contains only
boost system library.