Stops temporary containers being created needlessly due to API misuse.
For example, it’s common for developers to assume QHash::values() and
QHash::keys() are free and abuse them, failing to realize their
implementation internally actually iterates the whole container, allocates
memory, and fills a new QList.
Added a removeIf generic algorithm, similar to std ones. We can't use std
algorithms with Qt dictionaries because Qt iterators have different
behavior from the std ones.
Found using clazy.
Legacy SearchEngine class really has three roles:
1. Manage search plugins,
2. Handle the search job, and
3. Handle the download of the torrent file using the search plugin.
Now it is splitted into 3 classes: SearchManager, SearchHandler and
Search GUI is also improved.
1. Using FileSystemPathEdit is not entirely correct, as it only always
shows false warnings when parameters are present.
2. FileSystemPathEdit::selectedPath() modifies the path to unix format,
in this specific case, we need to faithfully execute what user inputted.
3. Given the above it is reasonable to revert back to QLineEdit, as it
is just sufficient in functionality and doesn't modifiy the inputs.
Explicit or implicit calls to begin() and end() cause a non-const
container to detach from shared data, ie. to perform a deep-copy to gain
a unique copy of the data.
That can be a expensive although unneeded operation.
In order to assist the developer a copyAsConst function is added.
copyAsConst returns a const copy of the object.
For lvalues just use qAsConst. It's only available on Qt 5.7.0. But we
added also for earlier versions. The developer can always use qAsConst.
Intended uses:
QString s = ...;
for (const auto &ch : qAsConst(s))
for (const auto &ch : copyAsConst(funcReturningQString()))
It prevents detachments:
To illustrate:
QMap<QString, QString> map;
/* code compiles and works fine but find() returns the non-const
QMap::iterator that detaches!
QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it = map.find("girish");
but also some subtle bugs:
QHash<int, int> wrong;
if (wrong.find(1) == wrong.cend()) {
qDebug() << "Not found";
} else {
/* find() detached the container before cend() was called, so it
prints "Found"
qDebug() << "Found";
QHash<int, int> right;
if (right.constFind(1) == right.cend()) {
qDebug() << "Not found"; // This is correct now !
} else {
qDebug() << "Found";
Enforced by QT_STRICT_ITERATORS definition.
Now it is defined as:
CacheStatus.readRatio = (blocks read from cache) / (blocks read from disk + blocks read from cache)
The 2 variables in denominator are counted separately and the formula before this change doesn't really make sense
Add percentage sign to "Read cache hits" stats
Also remove redundant header include
Normalize Web API method names.
Allow to use alternative Web UI.
Switch Web API version to standard form (i.e. "2.0").
Improve Web UI translation code.
Retranslate changed files.
Add Web API for RSS subsystem.