mirror of https://github.com/d47081/qBittorrent.git synced 2025-03-09 20:01:08 +00:00

Use alternative method for plugin favicon validity. Drop unnecessary code.

This commit is contained in:
sledgehammer999 2017-06-13 18:45:22 +03:00
parent 34c29b78f9
commit c2a2d306da
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 6E4A2D025B7CC9A2
5 changed files with 22 additions and 523 deletions

View File

@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ fspathedit.h
@ -87,7 +86,6 @@ executionlog.cpp

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ HEADERS += \
$$PWD/torrentcontenttreeview.h \
$$PWD/deletionconfirmationdlg.h \
$$PWD/statusbar.h \
$$PWD/ico.h \
$$PWD/speedlimitdlg.h \
$$PWD/about_imp.h \
$$PWD/previewselect.h \
@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ HEADERS += \
$$PWD/mainwindow.cpp \
$$PWD/ico.cpp \
$$PWD/transferlistwidget.cpp \
$$PWD/transferlistsortmodel.cpp \
$$PWD/transferlistdelegate.cpp \

View File

@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
* kimgio import filter for MS Windows .ico files
* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL
* Copyright (c) 2000 Malte Starostik <malte@kde.org>
#include "ico.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <QImage>
#include <QBitmap>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QVector>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
// Global header (see http://www.daubnet.com/formats/ICO.html)
struct IcoHeader
enum Type { Icon = 1, Cursor };
quint16 reserved;
quint16 type;
quint16 count;
inline QDataStream& operator >>( QDataStream& s, IcoHeader& h )
return s >> h.reserved >> h.type >> h.count;
// Based on qt_read_dib et al. from qimage.cpp
// (c) 1992-2002 Trolltech AS.
static const quint32 Size = 40;
quint32 biSize; // size of this struct
quint32 biWidth; // pixmap width
quint32 biHeight; // pixmap height
quint16 biPlanes; // should be 1
quint16 biBitCount; // number of bits per pixel
enum Compression { RGB = 0 };
quint32 biCompression; // compression method
quint32 biSizeImage; // size of image
quint32 biXPelsPerMeter; // horizontal resolution
quint32 biYPelsPerMeter; // vertical resolution
quint32 biClrUsed; // number of colors used
quint32 biClrImportant; // number of important colors
const quint32 BMP_INFOHDR::Size;
QDataStream& operator >>( QDataStream &s, BMP_INFOHDR &bi )
s >> bi.biSize;
if ( bi.biSize == BMP_INFOHDR::Size )
s >> bi.biWidth >> bi.biHeight >> bi.biPlanes >> bi.biBitCount;
s >> bi.biCompression >> bi.biSizeImage;
s >> bi.biXPelsPerMeter >> bi.biYPelsPerMeter;
s >> bi.biClrUsed >> bi.biClrImportant;
return s;
#if 0
QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const BMP_INFOHDR &bi )
s << bi.biSize;
s << bi.biWidth << bi.biHeight;
s << bi.biPlanes;
s << bi.biBitCount;
s << bi.biCompression;
s << bi.biSizeImage;
s << bi.biXPelsPerMeter << bi.biYPelsPerMeter;
s << bi.biClrUsed << bi.biClrImportant;
return s;
// Header for every icon in the file
struct IconRec
unsigned char width;
unsigned char height;
quint16 colors;
quint16 hotspotX;
quint16 hotspotY;
quint32 size;
quint32 offset;
inline QDataStream& operator >>( QDataStream& s, IconRec& r )
return s >> r.width >> r.height >> r.colors
>> r.hotspotX >> r.hotspotY >> r.size >> r.offset;
struct LessDifference
LessDifference( unsigned s, unsigned c )
: size( s ), colors( c ) {}
bool operator ()( const IconRec& lhs, const IconRec& rhs ) const
// closest size match precedes everything else
if ( std::abs( int( lhs.width - size ) ) <
std::abs( int( rhs.width - size ) ) ) return true;
else if ( std::abs( int( lhs.width - size ) ) >
std::abs( int( rhs.width - size ) ) ) return false;
else if ( colors == 0 )
// high/true color requested
if ( lhs.colors == 0 ) return true;
else if ( rhs.colors == 0 ) return false;
else return lhs.colors > rhs.colors;
// indexed icon requested
if ( lhs.colors == 0 && rhs.colors == 0 ) return false;
else if ( lhs.colors == 0 ) return false;
else return std::abs( int( lhs.colors - colors ) ) <
std::abs( int( rhs.colors - colors ) );
unsigned size;
unsigned colors;
bool loadFromDIB( QDataStream& stream, const IconRec& rec, QImage& icon )
stream >> header;
if ( stream.atEnd() || header.biSize != BMP_INFOHDR::Size ||
header.biSize > rec.size ||
header.biCompression != BMP_INFOHDR::RGB ||
( header.biBitCount != 1 && header.biBitCount != 4 &&
header.biBitCount != 8 && header.biBitCount != 24 &&
header.biBitCount != 32 ) ) return false;
unsigned paletteSize, paletteEntries;
if (header.biBitCount > 8)
paletteEntries = 0;
paletteSize = 0;
paletteSize = (1 << header.biBitCount);
paletteEntries = paletteSize;
if (header.biClrUsed && header.biClrUsed < paletteSize)
paletteEntries = header.biClrUsed;
// Always create a 32-bit image to get the mask right
// Note: this is safe as rec.width, rec.height are bytes
icon = QImage( rec.width, rec.height, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
if ( icon.isNull() ) return false;
QVector< QRgb > colorTable( paletteSize );
colorTable.fill( QRgb( 0 ) );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < paletteEntries; ++i )
unsigned char rgb[ 4 ];
stream.readRawData( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &rgb ),
sizeof( rgb ) );
colorTable[ i ] = qRgb( rgb[ 2 ], rgb[ 1 ], rgb[ 0 ] );
unsigned bpl = ( rec.width * header.biBitCount + 31 ) / 32 * 4;
unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[ bpl ];
for ( unsigned y = rec.height; !stream.atEnd() && y--; )
stream.readRawData( reinterpret_cast< char* >( buf ), bpl );
unsigned char* pixel = buf;
QRgb* p = reinterpret_cast< QRgb* >( icon.scanLine(y));
switch ( header.biBitCount )
case 1:
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < rec.width; ++x )
*p++ = colorTable[
( pixel[ x / 8 ] >> ( 7 - ( x & 0x07 ) ) ) & 1 ];
case 4:
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < rec.width; ++x )
if ( x & 1 ) *p++ = colorTable[ pixel[ x / 2 ] & 0x0f ];
else *p++ = colorTable[ pixel[ x / 2 ] >> 4 ];
case 8:
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < rec.width; ++x )
*p++ = colorTable[ pixel[ x ] ];
case 24:
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < rec.width; ++x )
*p++ = qRgb( pixel[ 3 * x + 2 ],
pixel[ 3 * x + 1 ],
pixel[ 3 * x ] );
case 32:
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < rec.width; ++x )
*p++ = qRgba( pixel[ 4 * x + 2 ],
pixel[ 4 * x + 1 ],
pixel[ 4 * x ],
pixel[ 4 * x + 3] );
delete[] buf;
if ( header.biBitCount < 32 )
// Traditional 1-bit mask
bpl = ( rec.width + 31 ) / 32 * 4;
buf = new unsigned char[ bpl ];
for ( unsigned y = rec.height; y--; )
stream.readRawData( reinterpret_cast< char* >( buf ), bpl );
QRgb* p = reinterpret_cast< QRgb* >(icon.scanLine(y));
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < rec.width; ++x, ++p )
if ( ( ( buf[ x / 8 ] >> ( 7 - ( x & 0x07 ) ) ) & 1 ) )
*p &= RGB_MASK;
delete[] buf;
return true;
bool ICOHandler::canRead() const
if (canRead(device())) {
return true;
return false;
bool ICOHandler::read(QImage *outImage)
qint64 offset = device()->pos();
QDataStream stream( device() );
stream.setByteOrder( QDataStream::LittleEndian );
IcoHeader header;
stream >> header;
if ( stream.atEnd() || !header.count ||
( header.type != IcoHeader::Icon && header.type != IcoHeader::Cursor) )
return false;
unsigned requestedSize = 32;
unsigned requestedColors = QApplication::desktop()->depth() > 8 ? 0 : QApplication::desktop()->depth();
int requestedIndex = -1;
#if 0
if ( io->parameters() )
QStringList params = QString(io->parameters()).split( ';', QString::SkipEmptyParts );
QMap< QString, QString > options;
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = params.begin();
it != params.end(); ++it )
QStringList tmp = (*it).split( '=', QString::SkipEmptyParts );
if ( tmp.count() == 2 ) options[ tmp[ 0 ] ] = tmp[ 1 ];
if ( options[ "index" ].toUInt() )
requestedIndex = options[ "index" ].toUInt();
if ( options[ "size" ].toUInt() )
requestedSize = options[ "size" ].toUInt();
if ( options[ "colors" ].toUInt() )
requestedColors = options[ "colors" ].toUInt();
typedef std::vector< IconRec > IconList;
IconList icons;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < header.count; ++i )
if ( stream.atEnd() )
return false;
IconRec rec;
stream >> rec;
icons.push_back( rec );
IconList::const_iterator selected;
if (requestedIndex >= 0) {
selected = std::min( icons.begin() + requestedIndex, icons.end() );
} else {
selected = std::min_element( icons.begin(), icons.end(),
LessDifference( requestedSize, requestedColors ) );
if ( stream.atEnd() || selected == icons.end() ||
offset + selected->offset > device()->size() )
return false;
device()->seek( offset + selected->offset );
QImage icon;
if ( loadFromDIB( stream, *selected, icon ) )
icon.setText( "X-Index", QString::number( selected - icons.begin() ) );
if ( header.type == IcoHeader::Cursor )
icon.setText( "X-HotspotX", QString::number( selected->hotspotX ) );
icon.setText( "X-HotspotY", QString::number( selected->hotspotY ) );
*outImage = icon;
return true;
return false;
bool ICOHandler::write(const QImage &/*image*/)
#if 0
if (image.isNull())
QByteArray dibData;
QDataStream dib(dibData, QIODevice::ReadWrite);
QImage pixels = image;
QImage mask;
if (io->image().hasAlphaBuffer())
mask = image.createAlphaMask();
mask = image.createHeuristicMask();
for ( int y = 0; y < pixels.height(); ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < pixels.width(); ++x )
if ( mask.pixel( x, y ) == 0 ) pixels.setPixel( x, y, 0 );
if (!qt_write_dib(dib, pixels))
uint hdrPos = dib.device()->at();
if (!qt_write_dib(dib, mask))
memmove(dibData.data() + hdrPos, dibData.data() + hdrPos + BMP_WIN + 8, dibData.size() - hdrPos - BMP_WIN - 8);
dibData.resize(dibData.size() - BMP_WIN - 8);
QDataStream ico(device());
IcoHeader hdr;
hdr.reserved = 0;
hdr.type = Icon;
hdr.count = 1;
ico << hdr.reserved << hdr.type << hdr.count;
IconRec rec;
rec.width = image.width();
rec.height = image.height();
if (image.numColors() <= 16)
rec.colors = 16;
else if (image.depth() <= 8)
rec.colors = 256;
rec.colors = 0;
rec.hotspotX = 0;
rec.hotspotY = 0;
rec.dibSize = dibData.size();
ico << rec.width << rec.height << rec.colors
<< rec.hotspotX << rec.hotspotY << rec.dibSize;
rec.dibOffset = ico.device()->at() + sizeof(rec.dibOffset);
ico << rec.dibOffset;
BMP_INFOHDR dibHeader;
dib >> dibHeader;
dibHeader.biHeight = image.height() << 1;
dib << dibHeader;
ico.writeRawBytes(dibData.data(), dibData.size());
return true;
return false;
QByteArray ICOHandler::name() const
return "ico";
bool ICOHandler::canRead(QIODevice *device)
if (!device) {
qWarning("ICOHandler::canRead() called with no device");
return false;
const qint64 oldPos = device->pos();
char head[8];
qint64 readBytes = device->read(head, sizeof(head));
const bool readOk = readBytes == sizeof(head);
if (device->isSequential()) {
while (readBytes > 0)
device->ungetChar(head[readBytes-- - 1]);
} else {
if ( !readOk )
return false;
return head[2] == '\001' && head[3] == '\000' && // type should be 1
( head[6] == 16 || head[6] == 32 || head[6] == 64 ) && // width can only be one of those
( head[7] == 16 || head[7] == 32 || head[7] == 64 ); // same for height
class ICOPlugin : public QImageIOPlugin
Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.qbittorrent.ICOPlugin")
QStringList keys() const;
Capabilities capabilities(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &format) const;
QImageIOHandler *create(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &format = QByteArray()) const;
QStringList ICOPlugin::keys() const
return QStringList() << "ico" << "ICO";
QImageIOPlugin::Capabilities ICOPlugin::capabilities(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &format) const
if (format == "ico" || format == "ICO")
return Capabilities(CanRead);
if (!format.isEmpty())
return 0;
if (!device->isOpen())
return 0;
Capabilities cap;
if (device->isReadable() && ICOHandler::canRead(device))
cap |= CanRead;
return cap;
QImageIOHandler *ICOPlugin::create(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &format) const
QImageIOHandler *handler = new ICOHandler;
return handler;

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
* ico.h - kimgio import filter for MS Windows .ico files
* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL
* Copyright (c) 2000 Malte Starostik <malte@kde.org>
// You can use QImageIO::setParameters() to request a specific
// Icon out of an .ico file:
// Options consist of a name=value pair and are separated by a semicolon.
// Available options are:
// size=<size> select the icon that most closely matches <size> (pixels)
// default: 32
// colors=<num> select the icon that has <num> colors (or comes closest)
// default: 1 << display depth or 0 (RGB) if display depth > 8
// index=<index> select the indexth icon from the file. If this option
// is present, the size and colors options will be ignored.
// default: none
// If both size and colors are given, size takes precedence.
// The old format is still supported:
// the parameters consist of a single string in the form
// "<size>[:<colors>]" which correspond to the options above
// If an icon was returned (i.e. the file is valid and the index option
// if present was not out of range), the icon's index within the .ico
// file is returned in the text tag "X-Index" of the image.
// If the icon is in fact a cursor, its hotspot coordinates are returned
// in the text tags "X-HotspotX" and "X-HotspotY".
#ifndef _ICO_H_
#define _ICO_H_
#include <QtGui/QImageIOPlugin>
class ICOHandler : public QImageIOHandler
bool canRead() const;
bool read(QImage *outImage);
bool write(const QImage &image);
QByteArray name() const;
static bool canRead(QIODevice *device);

View File

@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
#include <QMimeData>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QTableView>
#include <QImageReader>
#include "base/utils/fs.h"
#include "base/utils/misc.h"
#include "base/net/downloadmanager.h"
#include "base/net/downloadhandler.h"
#include "ico.h"
#include "searchwidget.h"
#include "pluginsourcedlg.h"
#include "guiiconprovider.h"
@ -364,18 +364,33 @@ void PluginSelectDlg::iconDownloaded(const QString &url, QString filePath)
filePath = Utils::Fs::fromNativePath(filePath);
// Icon downloaded
QImage fileIcon;
if (fileIcon.load(filePath)) {
QIcon icon(filePath);
// Detect a non-decodable icon
QList<QSize> sizes = icon.availableSizes();
bool invalid = (sizes.isEmpty() || icon.pixmap(sizes.first()).isNull());
if (!invalid) {
foreach (QTreeWidgetItem *item, findItemsWithUrl(url)) {
QString id = item->text(PLUGIN_ID);
PluginInfo *plugin = m_pluginManager->pluginInfo(id);
if (!plugin) continue;
QFile icon(filePath);
QString iconPath = QString("%1/%2.%3").arg(SearchEngine::pluginsLocation()).arg(id).arg(ICOHandler::canRead(&icon) ? "ico" : "png");
QString iconPath = QString("%1/%2.%3")
.arg(url.endsWith(".ico", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ? "ico" : "png");
if (QFile::copy(filePath, iconPath)) {
item->setData(PLUGIN_NAME, Qt::DecorationRole, QVariant(QIcon(iconPath)));
// This 2nd check is necessary. Some favicons (eg from piratebay)
// decode fine without an ext, but fail to do so when appending the ext
// from the url. Probably a Qt bug.
QIcon iconWithExt(iconPath);
QList<QSize> sizesExt = iconWithExt.availableSizes();
bool invalidExt = (sizesExt.isEmpty() || iconWithExt.pixmap(sizesExt.first()).isNull());
if (invalidExt) {
item->setData(PLUGIN_NAME, Qt::DecorationRole, iconWithExt);