// QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid action"), tr("The list is empty, there is nothing to export."));
QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Invalid action")
// return;
,tr("The list is empty, there is nothing to export."));
// }
// // Ask for a save path
// QString save_path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Where would you like to save the list?"), QDir::homePath(), tr("Rules list (*.rssrules)"));
// if (save_path.isEmpty()) return;
// if (!save_path.endsWith(".rssrules", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
this,tr("Where would you like to save the list?")
// save_path += ".rssrules";
,QDir::homePath(),tr("Rules list (legacy)")+QString(" (*.rssrules)"));
// if (!m_editableRuleList->serialize(save_path)) {
// QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("I/O Error"), tr("Failed to create the destination file"));