diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ar.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ar.ts index 1c9016bc0..d66c319af 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ar.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ar.ts @@ -960,326 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Anonymous mode [ON] - النمط المجهول [يعمل] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - النمط المجهول [متوقف] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - دعم اكتشاف القرناء المحليين [يعمل] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - دعم اكتشاف القرناء المحليين [متوقف] - - - Encryption support [ON] - دعم التشفير [يعمل] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - دعم التشفير [بالقوة] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - دعم التشفير [متوقف] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] المتتبع الداخلي [يعمل] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! فشل محاولة تشغيل المتتبع الداخلي! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] المتتبع الداخلي [متوقف] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE - + ONLINE متصل - + OFFLINE غير متصل - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' لا يمكن حفظ '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... يجري تنزيل "%1"، يرجى الانتظار... - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: @@ -2742,1285 +2714,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - + Viet Nam - - + + N/A غير موجود - + Andorra أندورا - + United Arab Emirates الإمارات العربية المتحدة - + Afghanistan أفغانستان - + Antigua and Barbuda أنتيغوا وبربودا - + Anguilla أنغيلا - + Albania ألبانيا - + Armenia أرمينيا - + Angola أنغولا - + Antarctica القارة القطبية الجنوبية - + Argentina الأرجنتين - + American Samoa ساموا الأمريكية - + Austria النمسا - + Australia أستراليا - + Aruba أروبا - + Azerbaijan أذربيجان - + Bosnia and Herzegovina البوسنة والهرسك - + Barbados بربادوس - + Bangladesh بنغلاديش - + Belgium بلجيكا - + Burkina Faso بوركينا فاسو - + Bulgaria بلغاريا - + Bahrain البحرين - + Burundi بوروندي - + Benin بنين - + Bermuda برمودا - + Brunei Darussalam بروناي دار السلام - + Brazil البرازيل - + Bahamas جزر البهاما - + Bhutan بوتان - + Bouvet Island جزيرة بوفيت - + Botswana بوتسوانا - + Belarus روسيا البيضاء - + Belize بليز - + Canada كندا - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands جزر كوكوس (كيلينغ) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the الكونغو، جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية - + Central African Republic جمهورية أفريقيا الوسطى - + Congo الكونغو - + Switzerland سويسرا - + Cook Islands جزر كوك - + Chile تشيلي - + Cameroon الكاميرون - + China الصين - + Colombia كولومبيا - + Costa Rica كوستاريكا - + Cuba كوبا - + Cape Verde الرأس الأخضر - + Curacao - + Christmas Island جزيرة الكريسماس - + Cyprus قبرص - + Czech Republic جمهورية التشيك - + Germany ألمانيا - + Djibouti جيبوتي - + Denmark الدنمارك - + Dominica دومينيكا - + Dominican Republic جمهورية الدومنيكان - + Algeria الجزائر - + Ecuador الإكوادور - + Estonia استونيا - + Egypt مصر - + Western Sahara الصحراء الغربية - + Eritrea إريتريا - + Spain إسبانيا - + Ethiopia أثيوبيا - + Finland فنلندا - + Fiji فيجي - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) جزر فوكلاند (مالفيناس) - + Micronesia, Federated States of ولايات ميكرونيزيا الموحدة من - + Faroe Islands جزر فارو - + France فرنسا - + Gabon الغابون - + United Kingdom المملكة المتحدة - + Grenada غرينادا - + Georgia جورجيا - + French Guiana غيانا الفرنسية - + Ghana غانا - + Gibraltar جبل طارق - + Greenland جرين لاند - + Gambia غامبيا - + Guinea غينيا - + Guadeloupe غوادلوب - + Equatorial Guinea غينيا الإستوائية - + Greece اليونان - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands جورجيا الجنوبية وجزر ساندويتش الجنوبية - + Guatemala غواتيمالا - + Guam غوام - + Guinea-Bissau غينيا بيساو - + Guyana غيانا - + Hong Kong هونج كونج - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands جزيرة هيرد وجزر ماكدونالد - + Honduras هندوراس - + Croatia كرواتيا - + Haiti هايتي - + Hungary هنغاريا - + Indonesia أندونيسيا - + Ireland أيرلندا - + Israel فلسطين - + India الهند - + British Indian Ocean Territory إقليم المحيط الهندي البريطاني - + Iraq العراق - + Iran, Islamic Republic of جمهورية إيران الإسلامية - + Iceland أيسلندا - + Italy إيطاليا - + Jamaica جامايكا - + Jordan الأردن - + Japan اليابان - + Kenya كينيا - + Kyrgyzstan قيرغيزستان - + Cambodia كمبوديا - + Kiribati كيريباس - + Comoros جزر القمر - + Saint Kitts and Nevis سانت كيتس ونيفيس - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of جمهورية كوريا الشعبية الديمقراطية - + Korea, Republic of جمهورية كوريا - + Kuwait الكويت - + Cayman Islands جزر كايمان - + Kazakhstan كازاخستان - + Lao People's Democratic Republic جمهورية لاو الديمقراطية الشعبية - + Lebanon لبنان - + Saint Lucia سانت لوسيا - + Liechtenstein ليشتنشتاين - + Sri Lanka سيريلانكا - + Liberia ليبيريا - + Lesotho ليسوتو - + Lithuania ليتوانيا - + Luxembourg لوكسمبورغ - + Latvia لاتفيا - + Morocco المغرب - + Monaco موناكو - + Moldova, Republic of جمهورية مولدوفا - + Madagascar مدغشقر - + Marshall Islands جزر مارشال - + Mali مالي - + Myanmar ميانمار - + Mongolia منغوليا - + Northern Mariana Islands جزر مريانا الشمالية - + Martinique مارتينيك - + Mauritania موريتانيا - + Montserrat مونتسيرات - + Malta مالطا - + Mauritius موريشيوس - + Maldives جزر المالديف - + Malawi ملاوي - + Mexico المكسيك - + Malaysia ماليزيا - + Mozambique موزمبيق - + Namibia ناميبيا - + New Caledonia كاليدونيا الجديدة - + Niger النيجر - + Norfolk Island جزيرة نورفولك - + Nigeria نيجيريا - + Nicaragua نيكاراغوا - + Netherlands هولندا - + Norway النرويج - + Nepal نيبال - + Nauru ناورو - + Niue نيوي - + New Zealand نيوزيلندا - + Oman عمان - + Panama بناما - + Peru بيرو - + French Polynesia بولينيزيا الفرنسية - + Papua New Guinea بابوا غينيا الجديدة - + Philippines الفلبين - + Pakistan باكستان - + Poland بولندا - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon سان بيار وميكلون - + Puerto Rico بورتوريكو - + Portugal البرتغال - + Palau بالاو - + Paraguay باراغواي - + Qatar قطر - + Reunion ريوينيون - + Romania رومانيا - + Russian Federation الفيدرالية الروسية - + Rwanda رواندا - + Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية - + Solomon Islands جزر سليمان - + Seychelles سيشيل - + Sudan السودان - + Sweden السويد - + Singapore سنغافورة - + Slovenia سلوفينيا - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen سفالبارد وجان مايان - + Slovakia سلوفاكيا - + Sierra Leone سيراليون - + San Marino سان مارينو - + Senegal السنغال - + Somalia الصومال - + Suriname سورينام - + Sao Tome and Principe ساو تومي وبرينسيبي - + El Salvador السلفادور - + Syrian Arab Republic الجمهورية العربية السورية - + Swaziland سوازيلاند - + Turks and Caicos Islands جزر تركس وكايكوس - + Chad تشاد - + French Southern Territories الأقاليم الفرنسية الجنوبية - + Togo توغو - + Thailand تايلاند - + Tajikistan طاجيكستان - + Tokelau توكيلاو - + Turkmenistan تركمانستان - + Tunisia تونس - + Tonga تونغا - + Timor-Leste تيمور الشرقية - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire - + Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of - + Macao - + Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - + Turkey تركيا - + Trinidad and Tobago ترينداد وتوباغو - + Tuvalu توفالو - + Taiwan تايوان - + Tanzania, United Republic of جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة - + Ukraine أوكرانيا - + Uganda أوغندا - + United States Minor Outlying Islands - + United States الولايات المتحدة - + Uruguay أوروغواي - + Uzbekistan أوزبكستان - + Holy See (Vatican City State) الكرسي الرسولي (دولة الفاتيكان) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines سانت فنسنت وجزر غرينادين - + Virgin Islands, British جزر العذراء البريطانية - + Virgin Islands, U.S. جزر فيرجن الأمريكية. - + Vanuatu فانواتو - + Wallis and Futuna واليس وفوتونا - + Samoa ساموا - + Yemen اليمن - + Mayotte مايوت - + Serbia صربيا - + South Africa جنوب أفريقيا - + Zambia زامبيا - + Montenegro الجبل الأسود - + Zimbabwe زيمبابوي - + Aland Islands جزر آلاند - + Guernsey غيرنسي - + Isle of Man جزيرة مان - + Jersey جيرسي - + Saint Barthelemy سانت بارتيليمي - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 @@ -4041,7 +4013,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: @@ -5088,38 +5060,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5200,142 +5172,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP اي بي - + Port المنفذ - + Flags أعلام - + Connection الاتصال - + Client i.e.: Client application العميل - + Progress i.e: % downloaded التقدم - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed سرعة التنزيل - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed سرعة الرفع - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded تم تنزيله - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded تم رفعه - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now - + Column visibility وضوح الصفوف - + Add a new peer... إضافة قرين جديد... - - + + Ban peer permanently حظر القرين نهائيا - + Manually adding peer '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... - - + + Peer addition إضافة القرناء - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. - + The peers were added to this torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في حظر القرناء المختارين نهائيًا؟ - + &Yes &نعم - + &No &لا @@ -6050,95 +6022,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. لا يمكنك استخدام %1: كيوبت‎تورنت يعمل حاليا على هذا المستخدم. - + Usage: الاستخدام: - + Options: خيارات: - + Displays program version عرض إصدارة البرنامج - + Displays this help message عرض قائمة المساعدة هذه - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) - + Disable splash screen تعطيل شاشة البداية - + Run in daemon-mode (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user - + Help مساعدة - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. - + Bad command line - + Bad command line: - + Legal Notice إشعار قانوني - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6147,22 +6119,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. لن تظهر المزيد من التنبيهات. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... اضغط مفتاح "%1" للقبول والمتابعة... - + Legal notice إشعار قانوني - + Cancel إلغاء - + I Agree أوافق @@ -6324,27 +6296,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. لقد قمت بالتحديث من إصدارة قديمة تحتفظ بأشياء مختلفة. ينبغي عليك الترحيل إلى نظام الحفظ الجديد. لن يكون بإمكانك استخدام إصدارة أقدم من 3.3.0 مجددا. هل ترغب بالمتابعة؟ - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6363,8 +6335,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read اعتبرها مقروءة @@ -6384,60 +6356,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. الخيارات... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) التورنتات: (انقر مزدوجا للتنزيل) - - + + Delete حذف - + Rename... تغيير التسمية... - + Rename تغيير التسمية - - + + Update تحديث - + New subscription... اشتراك جديد... - - + + Update all feeds تحديث الكل - + Download torrent تنزيل التورنت - + Open news URL فتح الرابط - + Copy feed URL نسخ feed URL - + New folder... مجلد جديد... @@ -8027,209 +7999,209 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility وضوح الصفوف - + Choose save path اختر مسار الحفظ - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting حد سرعة التنزيل للتورنت - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting حد الرفع للتورنت - + Recheck confirmation اعادة التأكد - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في اعادة التأكد من الملفات المختارة؟ - + Rename تغيير التسمية - + New name: الاسم الجديد: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent استئناف - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent استئناف إجباري - + Pause Pause the torrent إلباث - + New Category - + Category: - + Invalid category name - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent حذف - + Preview file... استعراض الملف... - + Limit share ratio... حد نسبة المشاركة... - + Limit upload rate... حد الرفع... - + Limit download rate... حد التنزيل... - + Open destination folder فتح المجلد الحاوي - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue رفع الاهمية - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue خفض الأهمية - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue الرفع للاعلى - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue الخفض لاسفل - + Set location... تغيير المكان... - + Copy name نسخ الاسم - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category - + New... New category... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority الأولوية - + Force recheck اعادة الفحص - + Copy magnet link نسخ الرابط الممغنط - + Super seeding mode نمط البذر الخارق - + Rename... تغيير التسمية... - + Download in sequential order تنزيل بترتيب تسلسلي @@ -8589,11 +8561,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads التنزيلات diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_be.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_be.ts index 71c9609e0..86069d41b 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_be.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_be.ts @@ -960,354 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID піра: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP User-Agent: '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Ананімны рэжым [Укл] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Ананімны рэжым [Адкл] - - - PeX support [ON] - Падтрымка PeX [Укл] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Падтрымка PeX [Адкл] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Змяненне стану PeX патрабуе перазапуску - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Выяўленне лакальных піраў [Укл] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Выяўленне лакальных піраў [Адкл] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Падтрымка шыфравання [Укл] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Падтрымка шыфравання [Прымусова] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Падтрымка шыфравання [Адкл] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Убудаваны трэкер [Укл] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Не выйшла запусціць убудаваны трэкер! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Убудаваны трэкер [Адкл] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... Стасунак '%1' дасягнуў зададзенага максімума. Выдаленне... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... Стасунак '%1' дасягнуў зададзенага максімума. Спыненне... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Стан сеткі сістэмы змяніўся на %1 - + ONLINE У СЕТЦЫ - + OFFLINE ПА-ЗА СЕТКАЙ - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Настáўленні сеткі %1 змяніліся, абнаўленне прывязкі сеансу - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Не выйшла дэкадаваць торэнт-файл '%1'. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' У торэнт '%2' убудавана рэкурсіўнае сцягванне файла '%1' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Не выйшла захаваць '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. бо %1 адключаны. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. бо %1 адключаны. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Не знайшлося сіда па адрасе: '%1', паведамленне: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' выдалены са спісу перадач і цвёрдага дыску. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' выдалены са спісу перадач. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Сцягваецца '%1', чакайце... - DHT support [ON] - Падтрымка DHT [Укл] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Падтрымка DHT [Адкл]. Прычына: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Падтрымка DHT [Адкл] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent спрабуе праслухоўваць любы порт інтэрфейсу: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Вызначаны сеткавы інтэрфэйс недапушчальны: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent спрабуе праслухоўваць інтэрфейс %1, порт: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent не знайшоў лакальны %1-адрас для праслухоўвання - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent не здолеў праслухоўваць любы порт інтэрфейсу %1 з прычыны: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Трэкер '%1' дададзены да торэнта '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Трэкер '%1' выдалены з торэнта '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Адрас сіда '%1' дададзены да торэнта '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' Адрас сіда '%1' выдалены з торэнта '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Не выйшла узнавіць торэнт '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number IP-фільтр паспяхова прачытаны: ужыта %1 правілаў. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Памылка: не выйшла прачытаць пададзены IP-фільтр. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Не выйшла дадаць торэнт з прычыны: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' узноўлены (хуткае ўзнаўленне) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' дададзены да спісу сцягванняў. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Памылка ўводу/вываду. '%1' спынены. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: не выйшла перанакіраваць порты, паведамленне: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: перанакіраванне партоў паспяхова адбылося, паведамленне: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. паводле IP-фільтра. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. паводле порт-фільтра. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. паводле абмежаванняў змяшанага рэжыму i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. бо ён меў малы нумар парта. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent паспяхова праслухоўваецца на інтэрфэйсе %1, порт: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Вонкавы IP: %1 @@ -2500,10 +2444,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes &Заўсёды Так - - Python found in %1 - Python знойдзены ў %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2779,1285 +2719,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. База даных GeoIP загружана. Тып: %1. Час пабудовы: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Не выйшла загрузіць базу даных GeoIP з прычыны: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Венесуэла, Баліварыянская Рэспубліка - + Viet Nam В'етнам - - + + N/A Н/Д - + Andorra Андора - + United Arab Emirates Аб'яднаныя Арабскія Эміраты - + Afghanistan Афганістан - + Antigua and Barbuda Антыгуа і Барбуда - + Anguilla Ангілья - + Albania Албанія - + Armenia Арменія - + Angola Ангола - + Antarctica Антарктыда - + Argentina Аргенціна - + American Samoa Амерыканскае Самоа - + Austria Аўстрыя - + Australia Аўстралія - + Aruba Аруба - + Azerbaijan Азербайджан - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Боснія і Герцагавіна - + Barbados Барбадас - + Bangladesh Бангладэш - + Belgium Бельгія - + Burkina Faso Буркіна-Фасо - + Bulgaria Балгарыя - + Bahrain Бахрэйн - + Burundi Бурундзі - + Benin Бенін - + Bermuda Бэрмудзкія выспы - + Brunei Darussalam Бруней-Даруссалам - + Brazil Бразілія - + Bahamas Багамскія выспы - + Bhutan Бутан - + Bouvet Island Востраў Буве - + Botswana Батсвана - + Belarus Беларусь - + Belize Беліз - + Canada Канада - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Какосавыя (Кілінг) выспы - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Конга, Дэмакратычная Рэспубліка - + Central African Republic Цэнтральная Афрыканская Рэспубліка - + Congo Конга - + Switzerland Швейцарыя - + Cook Islands Выспы Кука - + Chile Чылі - + Cameroon Камерун - + China Кітай - + Colombia Калумбія - + Costa Rica Коста-Рыка - + Cuba Куба - + Cape Verde Каба-Вэрдэ - + Curacao Кюрасаа - + Christmas Island Выспа Раства - + Cyprus Кіпр - + Czech Republic Чэская Рэспубліка - + Germany Германія - + Djibouti Джыбуці - + Denmark Данія - + Dominica Дамініка - + Dominican Republic Дамініканская Рэспубліка - + Algeria Алжыр - + Ecuador Эквадор - + Estonia Эстонія - + Egypt Егіпет - + Western Sahara Заходняя Сахара - + Eritrea Эрытрэя - + Spain Іспанія - + Ethiopia Эфіопія - + Finland Фінляндыя - + Fiji Фіджы - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Фалкленскія выспы (Мальдзівы) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Мікранезія, Фэдэратыўныя Штаты - + Faroe Islands Фарэрскія выспы - + France Францыя - + Gabon Габон - + United Kingdom Злучанае Каралеўства - + Grenada Грэнада - + Georgia Грузія - + French Guiana Французская Гвіяна - + Ghana Гана - + Gibraltar Гібралтар - + Greenland Грэнландыя - + Gambia Гамбія - + Guinea Гвінея - + Guadeloupe Гвадэлупа - + Equatorial Guinea Экватарыяльная Гвінея - + Greece Грэцыя - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Паўднёвая Джорджыя і Паўднёвыя Сандвічавы выспы - + Guatemala Гватэмала - + Guam Гуам - + Guinea-Bissau Гвінея-Бісаў - + Guyana Гаяна - + Hong Kong Ганконг - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Выспа Херд і выспы Макдональд - + Honduras Гандурас - + Croatia Харватыя - + Haiti Гаіці - + Hungary Венгрыя - + Indonesia Інданезія - + Ireland Ірландыя - + Israel Ізраіль - + India Індыя - + British Indian Ocean Territory Брытанская тэрыторыя Індыйскага акіяна - + Iraq Ірак - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Іран, Ісламская Рэспубліка - + Iceland Ісландыя - + Italy Італія - + Jamaica Ямайка - + Jordan Іарданія - + Japan Японія - + Kenya Кенія - + Kyrgyzstan Кіргізія - + Cambodia Камбоджа - + Kiribati Кірыбаці - + Comoros Каморскія выспы - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Сэнт-Кітс і Нэвіс - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Карэйская Народна-Дэмакратычная Рэспубліка - + Korea, Republic of Карэя, Рэспубліка - + Kuwait Кувейт - + Cayman Islands Кайманавы выспы - + Kazakhstan Казахстан - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Лаоская Народна-Дэмакратычная Рэспубліка - + Lebanon Ліван - + Saint Lucia Сэнт-Люсія - + Liechtenstein Ліхтэнштэйн - + Sri Lanka Шры Ланка - + Liberia Ліберыя - + Lesotho Лесота - + Lithuania Літва - + Luxembourg Люксембург - + Latvia Латвія - + Morocco Марока - + Monaco Манака - + Moldova, Republic of Малдова, Рэспубліка - + Madagascar Мадагаскар - + Marshall Islands Маршалавы выспы - + Mali Малі - + Myanmar М'янма - + Mongolia Манголія - + Northern Mariana Islands Паўночныя Марыянскія выспы - + Martinique Марцініка - + Mauritania Маўрытанія - + Montserrat Мантсерат - + Malta Мальта - + Mauritius Маўрыкій - + Maldives Мальдывы - + Malawi Малаві - + Mexico Мексіка - + Malaysia Малайзія - + Mozambique Мазамбік - + Namibia Намібія - + New Caledonia Новая Каледонія - + Niger Нігер - + Norfolk Island Выспа Норфалк - + Nigeria Нігерыя - + Nicaragua Нікарагуа - + Netherlands Нідэрланды - + Norway Нарвегія - + Nepal Непал - + Nauru Науру - + Niue Ніуе - + New Zealand Новая Зеландыя - + Oman Аман - + Panama Панама - + Peru Перу - + French Polynesia Французская Палінезія - + Papua New Guinea Папуа-Новая Гвінея - + Philippines Філіпіны - + Pakistan Пакістан - + Poland Польшча - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Сен-П'ер і Мікелон - + Puerto Rico Пуэрта-Рыка - + Portugal Партугалія - + Palau Палаў - + Paraguay Парагвай - + Qatar Катар - + Reunion Уз'яднанне - + Romania Румынія - + Russian Federation Расійская Федэрацыя - + Rwanda Руанда - + Saudi Arabia Сірыя - + Solomon Islands Саламонавы выспы - + Seychelles Сейшэльскія выспы - + Sudan Судан - + Sweden Швецыя - + Singapore Сінгапур - + Slovenia Славенія - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Шпіцбэрген і Ян-Майен - + Slovakia Славакія - + Sierra Leone Сьера-Леонэ - + San Marino Сан-Марына - + Senegal Сенегал - + Somalia Самалі - + Suriname Сурынам - + Sao Tome and Principe Сан-Томе і Прынсэп - + El Salvador Сальвадор - + Syrian Arab Republic Сірыйская Арабская Рэспубліка - + Swaziland Свазіленд - + Turks and Caicos Islands Цёркс і Кайкас - + Chad Чад - + French Southern Territories Французскія Паўднёвыя тэрыторыі - + Togo Таго - + Thailand Тайланд - + Tajikistan Таджыкістан - + Tokelau Такелаў - + Turkmenistan Туркменістан - + Tunisia Туніс - + Tonga Тонга - + Timor-Leste Тымор-Лешці - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Балівія, Шматнацыянальная Дзяржава - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Банайрэ, Сінт-Эстаціус і Саба - + Cote d'Ivoire Кот-д'Івуар - + Libya Лівія - + Saint Martin (French part) Святога Марціна, выспа (французская частка) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Македонія, Былая Югаслаўская Рэспубліка - + Macao Макаа - + Pitcairn Піткэрн, выспы - + Palestine, State of Палестына - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Выспы Святой Алены, Ушэсця і Трыстан-да-Кунья - + South Sudan Паўднёвы Судан - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Святога Марціна, выспа (нідэрландская частка) - + Turkey Турцыя - + Trinidad and Tobago Трынідад і Табага - + Tuvalu Тувалу - + Taiwan Тайвань - + Tanzania, United Republic of Танзанія, Аб'яднаная Рэспубліка - + Ukraine Украіна - + Uganda Уганда - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Знешнія малыя выспы ЗША - + United States ЗША - + Uruguay Уругвай - + Uzbekistan Узбекістан - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Святы Пасад (Дзяржава-горад Ватыкан) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Сэнт-Вінсэнт і Грэнадыны - + Virgin Islands, British Віргінскія выспы, Брытанскія - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Віргінскія выспы, ЗША - + Vanuatu Вануату - + Wallis and Futuna Уоліс і Футуна - + Samoa Самоа - + Yemen Емен - + Mayotte Маёта - + Serbia Сербія - + South Africa Паўднёвая Афрыка - + Zambia Замбія - + Montenegro Чарнагорыя - + Zimbabwe Зімбабвэ - + Aland Islands Аландскія выспы - + Guernsey Выспа Гернсі - + Isle of Man Выспа Мэн - + Jersey Джэрсі - + Saint Barthelemy Сен-Бартэльмі - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Не выйшла распакаваць файл з базай даных GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Не выйшла захаваць сцягнуты файл з базай даных GeoIP. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. База звестак GeoIP паспяхова абноўлена. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Не выйшла сцягнуць файл з базай даных GeoIP з прычыны: %1 @@ -4078,7 +4018,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Памылка паведамлення на email: @@ -5125,38 +5065,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5237,142 +5177,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Порт - + Flags Сцяжкі - + Connection Злучэнне - + Client i.e.: Client application Кліент - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Рух - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Хуткасць сцягвання - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Хуткасць раздачы - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Сцягнута - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Раздадзена - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Рэлевантнасць - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Файлы - + Column visibility Адлюстраванне калонак - + Add a new peer... Дадаць новы пір... - - + + Ban peer permanently Заблакаваць пір назаўсёды - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Ручное даданне піра '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Пір '%1' не можа быць дадзены да гэтага торэнта. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Ручное блакаванне піра '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Даданне піра - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Некаторыя піры нельга дадаць. Глядзіце лог па падрабязнасці. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Піры дададзены да торэнта. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Сапраўды жадаеце заблакаваць вылучаныя піры назаўсёды? - + &Yes &Так - + &No &Не @@ -6087,95 +6027,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. Памылка ўводу/вываду: не выходзіць стварыць часовы файл. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 - невядомы параметр загаднага радка. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 мусіць быць адзіным параметрам загаднага радка. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 мусіць задаваць карэктны порт (з 1 да 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Нельга выкарыстаць %1: qBittorrent ужо выконваецца для гэтага карыстальніка. - + Usage: Выкарыстанне: - + Options: Параметры: - + Displays program version Паказаць версію праграмы - + Displays this help message Паказаць гэтую даведку - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Змяняе порт вэб-інтэрфейсу (дзейны: %1) - + Disable splash screen Адключыць застаўку - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Працаваць у рэжыме дэмана (у фоне) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Сцягнуць торэнты, якія пазначыў карыстальнік - + Help Даведка - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Запусціце праграму з параметрам -h, каб атрымаць даведку па параметрах загаднага радка - + Bad command line Хібны загадны радок - + Bad command line: Хібны загадны радок: - + Legal Notice Афіцыйная перасцярога - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6184,22 +6124,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Ніякіх дадатковых перасцярог паказвацца не будзе. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Націсніце %1 каб пагадзіцца і працягнуць... - + Legal notice Афіцыйная перасцярога - + Cancel Скасаваць - + I Agree Я згодны(ая) @@ -6361,27 +6301,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. Вы абнаўляецеся з надта старой версіі, якая захоўвае звесткі па-іншаму. Вы мусіць міграваць на новую сістэму захоўвання. Калі працягнеце, то не зможаце ізноў выкарыстоўваць версію, старэйшую за 3.3.0. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Нельга міграваць торэнт з хэшам %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Немагчыма міграваць торэнт. Недапушчальная для хуткага ўзнаўлення назва файла: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6400,8 +6340,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Пазначыць элементы прачытанымі @@ -6421,60 +6361,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Настáўленні... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Торэнты: (падвойны пстрык каб сцягнуць) - - + + Delete Выдаліць - + Rename... Пераназваць... - + Rename Пераназваць - - + + Update Абнавіць - + New subscription... Новая падпіска... - - + + Update all feeds Абнавіць усе стужкі - + Download torrent Сцягнуць торэнт - + Open news URL Адкрыць URL навін - + Copy feed URL Капіяваць URL стужкі - + New folder... Новы каталог... @@ -7761,18 +7701,6 @@ No further notices will be issued. Warning (%1) З папярэджаннямі (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Не выйшла дэкадаваць фавікон па адрасе '%1'. Спроба сцягнуць фавікон у фармаце PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Не выйшла дэкадаваць фавікон па адрасе '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Не выйшла сцягнуць фавікон па адрасе '%1' з прычыны: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8076,209 +8004,209 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Адлюстраванне калонак - + Choose save path Пазначце шлях захавання - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Абмежаванне хуткасці сцягвання торэнта - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Абмежаванне хуткасці раздачы торэнта - + Recheck confirmation Пацверджанне пераправеркі - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Сапраўды жадаеце пераправерыць вылучаныя торэнты? - + Rename Пераназваць - + New name: Новая назва: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Узнавіць - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Узнавіць прымусова - + Pause Pause the torrent Спыніць - + New Category - + Category: - + Invalid category name - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent Выдаліць - + Preview file... Перадпрагляд файла... - + Limit share ratio... Абмежаваць стасунак раздачы... - + Limit upload rate... Абмежаваць хуткасць раздачы... - + Limit download rate... Абмежаваць хуткасць сцягвання... - + Open destination folder Адкрыць каталог прызначэння - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Угору - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Долу - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue У самы верх - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue У самы ніз - + Set location... Перанесці змесціва... - + Copy name Капіяваць назву - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category - + New... New category... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority Прыярытэт - + Force recheck Праверыць прымусова - + Copy magnet link Капіяваць Magnet-спасылку - + Super seeding mode Рэжым супер-раздачы - + Rename... Пераназваць... - + Download in sequential order Сцягваць паслядоўна @@ -8638,11 +8566,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Сцягванні diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_bg.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_bg.ts index f34850380..15203a9c1 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_bg.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_bg.ts @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID на Участника: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP User-Agent е '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Анонимен режим [ВКЛ] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Анонимен режим [ИЗКЛ] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX поддръжка [ВКЛ] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX поддръжка [ИЗКЛ] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Рестартиране е наложително при включване/изключване на PeX поддръжката. - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Поддръжка на Откриване на Локални участници [ВКЛ] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Поддръжка на Откриване на Локални участници [ИЗКЛ] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Поддръжка кодиране [ВКЛ] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Поддръжка кодиране [ЗАДЪЛЖИТЕЛНО] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Поддръжка кодиране [ИЗКЛ] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Вграден Тракер [ВКЛ] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Неуспешен старт на вградения тракер! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Вграден Тракер [ИЗКЛ] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' достигна зададеното от вас максимално съотношение. Изтриване... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' достигна максималната зададена от вас скорост. Поставяне в пауза... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Състоянието на мрежата на системата се промени на %1 - + ONLINE ОНЛАЙН - + OFFLINE ОФЛАЙН - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Мрежовата конфигурация на %1 е била променена, опресняване на сесийното обвързване - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Конфигурирания адрес на мрежовия интерфейс %1 е навалиден. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Не възможност да се декодира '%1' торент файла. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Рекурсивно сваляне на файл '%1' вграден в торент '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Не може да се запише '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. защото %1 е деактивиран. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. защото %1 е деактивиран. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Търсенето на URL споделяне бе неуспешно: '%1', съобщение: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent не успя да слуша на интерфейс %1 порт: %2/%3. Причина: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' бе премахнат от списъка за прехвърляне и от твърдия диск. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' бе премахнат от списъка за прехвърляне. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Сваляне на '%1', моля изчакайте... - DHT support [ON] - DHT поддръжка [ВКЛ] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT поддръжка [ИЗКЛ]. Причина: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT поддръжка [ИЗКЛ] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent се опитва да слуша на всеки интерфейсен порт: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Дефинираният мрежови интерфейс е невалиден: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent се опитва да слуша на интерфейс %1 порт %2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent не намери %1 локален адрес, на който да слуша - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent не успя да слуша на всеки интерфейсен порт: %1. Причина: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Тракер '%1' бе добавен към торент '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Тракер '%1' бе изтрит от торент '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL споделяне '%1' бе добавено към торент '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL споделяне '%1' бе изтрито от торент '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Невъзможност за продължаване на торент '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Успешно обработване на дадения IP филтър: %1 правила бяха приложени. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Грешка: Неуспешно обработване на дадения IP филтър. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Не може да се добави торента. Причина: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' продължен. (бързо продължаване) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' добавен в списъка за сваляне. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 В/И грешка възникна, '%1' е в пауза. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Неуспешно пренасочване на портовете, съобщение: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Пренасочването на портовете е успешно, съобщение: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. поради IP филтър. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. поради портов филтър. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. поради ограничения на i2p смесен режим. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. защото има порт с ниска стойност. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent успешно слуша на интерфейс %1 порт: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Външно IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes &Винаги Да - - Python found in %1 - Python намерен в %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP базата данни е заредена. Тип: %1. Време на изграждане: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Не може да се зареди GeoIP базата данни. Причина: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Боливарска република Венесуела - + Viet Nam Виетнам - - + + N/A Няма - + Andorra Андора - + United Arab Emirates Обединени Арабски Емирства - + Afghanistan Афганистан - + Antigua and Barbuda Антигуа и Барбуда - + Anguilla Ангуила - + Albania Албания - + Armenia Армения - + Angola Ангола - + Antarctica Антарктида - + Argentina Аржентина - + American Samoa Американска Самоа - + Austria Австрия - + Australia Австралия - + Aruba Аруба - + Azerbaijan Азербайджан - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Босна и Херцеговина - + Barbados Барбадос - + Bangladesh Бангладеш - + Belgium Белгия - + Burkina Faso Буркина Фасо - + Bulgaria България - + Bahrain Бахрейн - + Burundi Бурунди - + Benin Бенин - + Bermuda Бермудски острови - + Brunei Darussalam Бруней - + Brazil Бразилия - + Bahamas Бахамски острови - + Bhutan Бутан - + Bouvet Island Остров Буве - + Botswana Ботсвана - + Belarus Беларус - + Belize Белиз - + Canada Канада - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Кокосови (Килинг) острови - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Демократична Република Конго - + Central African Republic Централна Африканска Република - + Congo Конго - + Switzerland Швейцария - + Cook Islands Острови Кук - + Chile Чили - + Cameroon Камерун - + China Китай - + Colombia Колумбия - + Costa Rica Коста Рика - + Cuba Куба - + Cape Verde Кабо Верде - + Curacao Кюрасао - + Christmas Island Остров Рождество - + Cyprus Кипър - + Czech Republic Чешка Република - + Germany Германия - + Djibouti Джибути - + Denmark Дания - + Dominica Доминика - + Dominican Republic Доминиканска Република - + Algeria Алжир - + Ecuador Еквадор - + Estonia Естония - + Egypt Египет - + Western Sahara Западна Сахара - + Eritrea Еритрея - + Spain Испания - + Ethiopia Етиопия - + Finland Финландия - + Fiji Фиджи - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Фолкландски (Малвинкси) острови - + Micronesia, Federated States of Федерални щати на Микронезия - + Faroe Islands Фарьорски острови - + France Франция - + Gabon Габон - + United Kingdom Великобритания - + Grenada Гренада - + Georgia Грузия - + French Guiana Френска Гвиана - + Ghana Гана - + Gibraltar Гибралтар - + Greenland Гренландия - + Gambia Гамбия - + Guinea Гвинея - + Guadeloupe Гваделупа - + Equatorial Guinea Екваториална Гвинея - + Greece Гърция - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Южна Джорджия и Южни Сандвичеви острови - + Guatemala Гватемала - + Guam Гуам - + Guinea-Bissau Гвинея-Бисау - + Guyana Гвиана - + Hong Kong Хонконг - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Острови Хърд и Макдоналд - + Honduras Хондурас - + Croatia Хърватия - + Haiti Хайти - + Hungary Унгария - + Indonesia Индонезия - + Ireland Ирландия - + Israel Израел - + India Индия - + British Indian Ocean Territory Британска индоокеанска територия - + Iraq Ирак - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Ислямска Република Иран - + Iceland Исландия - + Italy Италия - + Jamaica Ямайка - + Jordan Йордан - + Japan Япония - + Kenya Кения - + Kyrgyzstan Киргизстан - + Cambodia Камбоджа - + Kiribati Кирибати - + Comoros Коморски острови - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Сейнт Китс и Невис - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Демократична Република Кореа - + Korea, Republic of Република Кореа - + Kuwait Кувейт - + Cayman Islands Кайманови острови - + Kazakhstan Казахстан - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Народнодемократична Република Лаос - + Lebanon Ливан - + Saint Lucia Сейнт Лусия - + Liechtenstein Лихтенщайн - + Sri Lanka Шри Ланка - + Liberia Либерия - + Lesotho Лесото - + Lithuania Литва - + Luxembourg Люксембург - + Latvia Латвия - + Morocco Мароко - + Monaco Монако - + Moldova, Republic of Република Молдова - + Madagascar Мадагаскар - + Marshall Islands Маршалови острови - + Mali Мали - + Myanmar Мианмар - + Mongolia Монголия - + Northern Mariana Islands Северни Мариански острови - + Martinique Мартиника - + Mauritania Мавритания - + Montserrat Монсерат - + Malta Малта - + Mauritius Мавриций - + Maldives Малдиви - + Malawi Малави - + Mexico Мексико - + Malaysia Малайзия - + Mozambique Мозамбик - + Namibia Намибия - + New Caledonia Нова Каледония - + Niger Нигер - + Norfolk Island Остров Норфолк - + Nigeria Нигерия - + Nicaragua Никарагуа - + Netherlands Нидерландия - + Norway Норвегия - + Nepal Непал - + Nauru Науру - + Niue Ниуе - + New Zealand Нова Зеландия - + Oman Оман - + Panama Панама - + Peru Перу - + French Polynesia Френска Полинезия - + Papua New Guinea Папуа Нова Гвинея - + Philippines Филипини - + Pakistan Пакистан - + Poland Полша - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Сен Пиер и Микелон - + Puerto Rico Пуерто Рико - + Portugal Португалия - + Palau Палау - + Paraguay Парагвай - + Qatar Катар - + Reunion Реюнион - + Romania Румъния - + Russian Federation Русия - + Rwanda Руанда - + Saudi Arabia Саудитска Арабия - + Solomon Islands Соломонови острови - + Seychelles Сейшели - + Sudan Судан - + Sweden Швеция - + Singapore Сингапур - + Slovenia Словения - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Свалбард и Ян Майен - + Slovakia Словакия - + Sierra Leone Сиера Леоне - + San Marino Сан Марино - + Senegal Сенегал - + Somalia Сомалия - + Suriname Суринам - + Sao Tome and Principe Сао Томе и Принсипи - + El Salvador Салвадор - + Syrian Arab Republic Република Сирия - + Swaziland Свазиленд - + Turks and Caicos Islands Търкс и Кайкос - + Chad Чад - + French Southern Territories Френски южни и антарктически територии - + Togo Того - + Thailand Тайланд - + Tajikistan Таджикистан - + Tokelau Токелау - + Turkmenistan Туркменистан - + Tunisia Тунис - + Tonga Тонга - + Timor-Leste Източен Тимор - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Многонационална държава Боливия - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Бонер, Сейнт Естасиус и Саба - + Cote d'Ivoire Кот д'Ивоар - + Libya Либия - + Saint Martin (French part) Сен Мартен (Френска част) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Македония - + Macao Макао - + Pitcairn Питкерн - + Palestine, State of Палестина - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Света Елена, Възнесение и Тристан да Куня - + South Sudan Южен Судан - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Синт Мартен (Нидерландска част) - + Turkey Турция - + Trinidad and Tobago Тринидад и Тобаго - + Tuvalu Тувалу - + Taiwan Тайван - + Tanzania, United Republic of Обединена Република Танзания - + Ukraine Украйна - + Uganda Уганда - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Малки далечни острови на САЩ - + United States Съединени американски щати - + Uruguay Уругвай - + Uzbekistan Узбекистан - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Светия Престол (Ватиканска Град Държава) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Сейнт Винсент и Гренадини - + Virgin Islands, British Британски Вирджински острови - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Американски Вирджински острови - + Vanuatu Вануату - + Wallis and Futuna Уолис и Футуна - + Samoa Самоа - + Yemen Йемен - + Mayotte Майот - + Serbia Сърбия - + South Africa Южна Африка - + Zambia Замбия - + Montenegro Черна гора - + Zimbabwe Зимбабве - + Aland Islands Оландски острови - + Guernsey Гърнзи - + Isle of Man Остров Ман - + Jersey Джърси - + Saint Barthelemy Сен Бартелми - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Не може да се декомпресира файла на GeoIP базата данни. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Не може да се запази сваленият файл на GeoIP базата данни. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Успешно е обновена GeoIP базата данни. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Не може да се свали файлът на GeoIP базата данни. Причина: %1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Грешка при известяването по e-mail: @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Това е невалиден SSL ключ. - + Invalid certificate Невалиден сертификат - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Това не е валиден SSL сертификат. - + Time Error Времева грешка - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Времето на стартиране и приключване не може да бъде едно и също. - - + + Length Error Дължинна Грешка - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Потребителското име на Web UI трябва да е поне от 3 символа. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Паролата на Web UI трябва да е поне от 6 символа. @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Порт - + Flags Флагове - + Connection Връзка - + Client i.e.: Client application Клиент - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Изпълнение - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Скорост на сваляне - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Скорост на качване - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Свалени - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Качени - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Уместност - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Файлове - + Column visibility Видимост на колона - + Add a new peer... Добави нов участник... - - + + Ban peer permanently Блокиране на участника за постоянно - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Ръчно добавяне на участник '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Участникът '%1' не може да бъден добавен към този торент. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Ръчно блокиране на участник '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Добавяне на участник - + Country Страна - + Copy IP:port Копирай IP:порт - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Някои участници не можаха да се добавят. Проверете Журнала за детайли. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Участниците бяха добавени към този торент. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Сигурни ли сте че искате да блокирате за постоянно избраните участници? - + &Yes &Да - + &No &Не @@ -6091,95 +6031,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. В/И Грешка: Не може да се създаде временен файл. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 е непознат параметър на командния ред. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 трябва да бъде единствен параметър на командния ред. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 трябва да определя правилния порт (1 до 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Не можете да използвате %1: qBittorrent вече работи за този потребител. - + Usage: Ползване: - + Options: Настройки: - + Displays program version Показване на версията на програмата - + Displays this help message Показване на това помощно съобщение - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Променя порта на Web UI (сегашен: %1) - + Disable splash screen Деактивиране на начален екран - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Стартиране в режим на услуга (фонов процес) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Сваля торентите дадени от потребителя. - + Help Помощ - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Стартирайте програмата с параметър -h, за да получите информация за параметрите на командния ред. - + Bad command line Некоректен команден ред - + Bad command line: Некоректен команден ред: - + Legal Notice Юридическа бележка - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6188,22 +6128,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Последващи предупреждения няма да бъдат правени. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Натиснете клавиш %1, че приемате и за продължение... - + Legal notice Юридическа бележка - + Cancel Отказване - + I Agree Съгласен съм @@ -6365,27 +6305,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. Обновихте по-стара версия, която записва нещата различно. Трябва да преминете към по-новата записваща система. Ако продължите, не ще можете да използвате по-стара версия от v.3.3.0 отново. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Не може да се мигрира торент с отпечатък: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Не може да се мигрира торента. Невалидно име на файла за бързо продължаване: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Открит е некоректен изход от програмата. За възстановяване на настройките се използва резервен файл. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Грешка за достъп възникна при опита за запис на конфигурационния файл. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Форматна грешка възникна при опита за запис на конфигурационния файл. @@ -6404,8 +6344,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Четене на маркираните @@ -6425,60 +6365,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Настройки... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Торенти: (двойно кликване за сваляне) - - + + Delete Изтрий - + Rename... Преименувай... - + Rename Преименувай - - + + Update Обновяване - + New subscription... Нов абонамент... - - + + Update all feeds Обнови всички канали - + Download torrent Торент сваляне - + Open news URL Отваря URL за новини - + Copy feed URL Копира URL на канал - + New folder... Нова папка... @@ -7765,18 +7705,6 @@ No further notices will be issued. Warning (%1) Внимание (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Не може да се разкодира favicon-а за URL '%1'. Опитва се да се свали favicon-а в PNG формат. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Не може да се декодира favicon-а за URL '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Не може да се свали favicon-а за URL '%1'. Причина: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8080,80 +8008,80 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Видимост на колона - + Choose save path Избери път за съхранение - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Ограничаване Скорост на сваляне - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Ограничаване Скорост на качване - + Recheck confirmation Потвърждение за повторна проверка - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Сигурни ли сте, че искате повторно да проверите избрания торент(и)? - + Rename Преименувай - + New name: Ново име: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Продължи - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Насилствено Продължение - + Pause Pause the torrent Пауза - + New Category Нова категория - + Category: Категория: - + Invalid category name Невалидно име на категория - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8162,129 +8090,129 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Името на категория не трябва съдържа '//' последователнст. - + Delete Delete the torrent Изтрий - + Preview file... Огледай файла... - + Limit share ratio... Ограничение на съотношението за споделяне... - + Limit upload rate... Ограничи процент качване... - + Limit download rate... Ограничи процент сваляне... - + Open destination folder Отвори папка получател - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Нагоре в листата - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Надолу в листата - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue На върха на листата - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue На дъното на листата - + Set location... Определи място... - + Copy name Копиране на име - + Download first and last pieces first Сваляне първо на първото и последното парче - + Automatic Torrent Management Автоматичен Торентов Режим на Управаление - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Автоматичен режим значи, че различни настройки на торент (н. пр. местоположение) ще бъдат решени от асоциираната категория - + Category Категория - + New... New category... Нов... - + Reset Reset category Нулиране - + Priority Предимство - + Force recheck Включени проверки за промени - + Copy magnet link Копирай връзка magnet - + Super seeding mode Режим на супер-даване - + Rename... Преименувай... - + Download in sequential order Сваляне по азбучен ред @@ -8644,11 +8572,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Сваляния diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ca.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ca.ts index 9eea44eb7..738b3b68c 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ca.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ca.ts @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Identitat del parell: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - La HTTP de l'usuari és %1 - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Mode anònim [Encès] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Mode anònim [Apagat] - - - PeX support [ON] - Suport per a PeX [Encès] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Suport PeX [Apagat] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support És necessari reiniciar per activar suport PeX - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Suport per a trobar parells locals [Encès] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Suport per trobar parells locals [Apagat] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Suport per al xifratge [ACTIVAT] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Suport per al xifratge [FORÇAT] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Suport per al xifratge [DESACTIVAT] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Rastrejador integrat [Encès] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Error en iniciar el rastrejador integratt! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Rastrejador integrat [Apagat] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... «%1» ha assolit el ràtio màxim establert. S'està suprimint... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... %1 ha assolit el ràtio màxim establert. Pausant... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Estat de la xarxa del sistema canviat a %1 - + ONLINE EN LÍNIA - + OFFLINE FORA DE LÍNIA - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding S'ha canviat la configuració de xarxa de %1, reinicieu la vinculació de la sessió - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. L'adreça %1 de la interfície de la xarxa configurada no és vàlida. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. No s'han pogut descodificar «%1» fitxer torrent. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Baixada recursiva del fitxer «%1» integrat al torrent «%2» - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' No s'ha pogut desar «%1.torrent» - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. perquè %1 es troba inhabilitat. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. perquè %1 es troba inhabilitat. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Ha fallat la cerca de llavor per a la URL: %1, missatge: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. El qBittorrent no ha pogut escoltar el port %2%3 de la interfície %1. Raó: %4 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... S'ha suprimit «%1» de la llista de transferència i del disc. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... S'ha suprimit «%1» de la llista de transferència. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... S'està baixant «%1», espereu... - DHT support [ON] - Suport DHT [Encès] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Suport DHT [Apagat]. Raó: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Suport DHT [Encès] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 El qBittorrent està intentant contactar a algun port interfície: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 La interfície de la xarxa definida no és vàlida:%1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 El qBittorrent està intentant contactar a l'interfície %1 del port: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on ElqBittorrent no ha trobat una adreça local %1 per a contactar - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent ha fallat en intentar contactar a algun port interfície: %1. Raó: %2 - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' S'ha afegit el rastrejador «%1» al torrent «%2» - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' S'ha suprimit el rastrejador «%1» del torrent «%2» - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' S'ha afegit la llavor URL «%1» al torrent «%2» - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' S'ha suprimit la llavor URL «%1» del torrent «%2» - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Impossible reprendre el torrent «%1». - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Analitzat satisfactòriament el filtre IP: s'han aplicat %1 regles. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Error: Ha fallat l'anàlisi del filtre IP proporcionat. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 No s'ha pogut afegir el torrent: '%1'. Raó: %2 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) «%1» reprès. (represa ràpida) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' afegit a la llista de baixades. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 S'ha produït un error d'entrada-sortida, '%1' pausat. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Ha fallat el mapatge del port, missatge: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Mapatge del port reeixit, missatge: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. degut al filtre IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. degut al filtre de ports. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. degut a restriccions mixtes i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. perquè te un port baix. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 El qBittorrent està contactant satisfactòriament en la interfície %1 del port: %2%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: IP externa: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes &Sempre sí - - Python found in %1 - Python trobat en %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Esteu segur que voleu tancar el qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. Base de dades GeoIP carregada. Tipus: %1. Temps de compilació: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 No s'ha pogut carregar la base de dades GeoIP. Raó: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Veneçuela, República Bolivariana de - + Viet Nam Viet Nam - - + + N/A No disponible - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Emirats Àrabs Units - + Afghanistan Afganistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua i Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albània - + Armenia Armènia - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antàrtica - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Samoa Nord-americana - + Austria Àustria - + Australia Australia - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbaidjan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bòsnia i Hercegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladeix - + Belgium Bèlgica - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgària - + Bahrain Bahrain - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benín - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei - + Brazil Brasil - + Bahamas Bahames - + Bhutan Bhutan - + Bouvet Island Bouvet - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Bielorússia - + Belize Belize - + Canada Canadà - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Illes Cocos (Keeling) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, República Democràtica del - + Central African Republic República Centreafricana - + Congo Congo - + Switzerland Suïssa - + Cook Islands Illes Cook - + Chile Xile - + Cameroon Camerun - + China Xina - + Colombia Colòmbia - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Cuba - + Cape Verde Cap Verd - + Curacao Curaçao - + Christmas Island Illa Christmas - + Cyprus Xipre - + Czech Republic República Txeca - + Germany Alemanya - + Djibouti Djibouti - + Denmark Dinamarca - + Dominica Dominica - + Dominican Republic República Dominicana - + Algeria Algèria - + Ecuador Equador - + Estonia Estònia - + Egypt Egipte - + Western Sahara Sahara Occidental - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Espanya - + Ethiopia Etiòpia - + Finland Finlàndia - + Fiji Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Illes Malvines (Falkland) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Micronèsia - + Faroe Islands Illes Fèroe - + France França - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Regne Unit - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Geòrgia - + French Guiana Guaiana Francesa - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Groenlàndia - + Gambia Gàmbia - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadalupe (França) - + Equatorial Guinea Guinea Equatorial - + Greece Grècia - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Illes Geòrgia del Sud i Sandwich del Sud - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinea Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Illes Heard i McDonald - + Honduras Hondures - + Croatia Croàcia - + Haiti Haití - + Hungary Hongria - + Indonesia Indonèsia - + Ireland Irlanda - + Israel Israel - + India Índia - + British Indian Ocean Territory Territori Britànic de l'Oceà Índic - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran - + Iceland Islàndia - + Italy Itàlia - + Jamaica Jamaica - + Jordan Jordània - + Japan Japó - + Kenya Kènia - + Kyrgyzstan Kirguizistan - + Cambodia Cambodja - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Comores - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Christopher i Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Corea del Nord - + Korea, Republic of Corea del Sud - + Kuwait Kuwait - + Cayman Islands Illes Caiman - + Kazakhstan Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos - + Lebanon Líban - + Saint Lucia Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Libèria - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Lituània - + Luxembourg Luxemburg - + Latvia Letònia - + Morocco Marroc - + Monaco Mònaco - + Moldova, Republic of Moldàvia - + Madagascar Madagascar - + Marshall Islands Illes Marshall - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Myanmar - + Mongolia Mongòlia - + Northern Mariana Islands Illes Mariannes Septentrionals - + Martinique Martinica - + Mauritania Mauritània - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Maurici - + Maldives Maldives - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Mèxic - + Malaysia Malàsia - + Mozambique Moçambic - + Namibia Namíbia - + New Caledonia Nova Caledònia - + Niger Níger - + Norfolk Island Illa Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigèria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Països Baixos - + Norway Noruega - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Nova Zelanda - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panamà - + Peru Perú - + French Polynesia Polinèsia Francesa - + Papua New Guinea Papua Nova Guinea - + Philippines Filipines - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Polònia - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre i Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguai - + Qatar Qatar - + Reunion Reunió - + Romania Romania - + Russian Federation Federació Russa - + Rwanda Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia Aràbia Saudí - + Solomon Islands Illes Solomon - + Seychelles Seychelles - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden Suècia - + Singapore Singapur - + Slovenia Eslovènia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard i Jan mayen - + Slovakia Eslovàquia - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somàlia - + Suriname Surinam - + Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé i Príncipe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic República Àrab Siriana - + Swaziland Swazilàndia - + Turks and Caicos Islands Illes Turks i Caicos - + Chad Txad - + French Southern Territories Terres Australs i Antàrtiques Franceses - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Tailàndia - + Tajikistan Tadjikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tuníssia - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Timor Oriental - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolívia, Estat Plurinacional de - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius i Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Costa d'Ivori - + Libya Líbia - + Saint Martin (French part) Sant Martí (part francesa) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedònia, Antiga República Iugoslava de - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palestina, Estat de - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Santa Elena, Ascensió i Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Sudan del Sud - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sant Martí (part holandesa) - + Turkey Turquia - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinitat i Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzània - + Ukraine Ucraïna - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Illes Perifèriques Menors dels EUA - + United States Estats Units - + Uruguay Uruguai - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Ciutat del Vaticà - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent i les Grenadines - + Virgin Islands, British Illes Verges Britàniques - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Illes Verges Nord-americanes - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis i Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Iemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Sèrbia - + South Africa Sud Àfrica - + Zambia Zàmbia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Illes Åland - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Illa de Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint-Barthélemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. No ha estat possible descomprimir el fitxer de base de dades GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. No ha estat possible desar el fitxer de base de dades GeoIP baixat. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Base de dades GeoIP actualitzada correctament. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 No s'ha pogut baixar la base de dades GeoIP. Raó: %1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ Esteu segur que voleu tancar el qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Error de notificació de correu electrònic: @@ -5129,38 +5069,38 @@ Esteu segur que voleu tancar el qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5241,142 +5181,142 @@ Esteu segur que voleu tancar el qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Port - + Flags Banderes - + Connection Connexió - + Client i.e.: Client application Client - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Progrés - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Vel. baixada - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Velocitat de pujada - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Baixat - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Pujat - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Relevancia - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Fitxers - + Column visibility Visibilitat de les columnes - + Add a new peer... Afegeix un parell nou... - - + + Ban peer permanently Prohibició permanent de Parells - + Manually adding peer '%1'... S'està afegint manualment el parell «%1»... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. No s'ha pogut afegir el parell «%1» a aquest torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... S'està bandejant manualment el parell «%1»... - - + + Peer addition Incorporació de parells - + Country País - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. No s'han pogut afegir alguns parells. Reviseu el registre per a més detalls. - + The peers were added to this torrent. S'han afegit els parells al torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Esteu segur que voleu bandejar permanentment els parells seleccionats? - + &Yes &Sí - + &No &No @@ -6091,95 +6031,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. Error d'entrada-sortida: No s'ha pogut crear un fitxer temporal. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 és un parametre de comanda de línia no conegut. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 ha de ser un sol paràmetre de comanda de línia. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 ha d'especificar el port correcte (d'1 a 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. No podeu utilitzar %1: el qBittorrent ja s'està executant per a aquest usuari. - + Usage: Utilització: - + Options: Opcions: - + Displays program version Mostra la versió del programa - + Displays this help message Mostra aquest missatge d'ajuda - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Canvia el port de la interfície web (actual: %1) - + Disable splash screen Desactiva finestra de benvinguda - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Executa en mode dimoni (segon terme) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Baixa els torrents passats per l'usuari - + Help Ajuda - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Executa l'aplicació amb l'opció -h per a llegir quant als paràmetres de comandes de línia. - + Bad command line Comanda de línia errònia - + Bad command line: Comanda de línia errònia: - + Legal Notice Notes legals - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6188,22 +6128,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. No es mostraran més avisos. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Premeu la tecla %1 per a acceptar i continuar... - + Legal notice Notes legals - + Cancel Cancel·la - + I Agree Estic d'acord @@ -6365,27 +6305,27 @@ No es mostraran més avisos. Heu actualitzat des d'una versió antiga que desava les coses de manera diferent. Heu de migrar al nou sistema de desada. Si continueu, no podreu tornar a fer servir una versió més antiga de la 3.3.0. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 No s'ha pogut migrar el torrent amb la funció resum (hash): %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 No s'ha pogut migrar el torrent. Nom del fitxer de represa ràpida invàlid: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6404,8 +6344,8 @@ No es mostraran més avisos. - - + + Mark items read Marcar per llegir @@ -6425,60 +6365,60 @@ No es mostraran més avisos. Configuració... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrents: (doble clic per a baixar) - - + + Delete Suprimeix - + Rename... Canvia el nom... - + Rename Canvia el nom - - + + Update Actualitza - + New subscription... subscripció nova... - - + + Update all feeds Actualitzar tots els Canals - + Download torrent Baixa el torrent - + Open news URL Obre l'URL de novetats - + Copy feed URL Copia el canal URL - + New folder... Carpeta nova... @@ -7765,18 +7705,6 @@ No es mostraran més avisos. Warning (%1) Advertència (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - No s'ha pogut descodificar la icona del web de l'URL «%1». Proveu a baixar la icona de web en format PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - No s'ha pogut descodificar la icona del web de la URL «%1». - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - No s'ha pogut baixar la icona del web de la URL '%1'. Raó: '%2' - Resume torrents @@ -8080,80 +8008,80 @@ No es mostraran més avisos. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Visibilitat de columnes - + Choose save path Seleccioneu un camí de desada - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Límit de velocitat de baixada de torrents - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Límit de velocitat de pujada de torrents - + Recheck confirmation Ratifica la confirmació - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Esteu segur que voleu tornar a comprovar els torrents seleccionats? - + Rename Canvia el nom - + New name: Nou nom: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Reprèn - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Força la represa - + Pause Pause the torrent Pausa - + New Category Categoria nova - + Category: Categoria: - + Invalid category name El nom de la categoria no és vàlid - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8162,129 +8090,129 @@ El nom de la categoria no ha començar ni acabar amb '/' El nom de la categoria no ha d'incloure la seqüència '//' - + Delete Delete the torrent Suprimeix - + Preview file... Previsualitza el fitxer... - + Limit share ratio... Límit de ràtio de compartició ... - + Limit upload rate... Taxa límit de pujada... - + Limit download rate... Taxa límit de baixada... - + Open destination folder Obre la carpeta de destinació - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Moure amunt - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Moure avall - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Moure al principi - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Moure al final - + Set location... Estableix una destinació... - + Copy name Copia el nom - + Download first and last pieces first Baixa primer les primeres i últimes parts - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category El Mode Automàtic significa que diverses propietats dels torrent (p.ex. camins de desat) es configuraran segons la categoria associada. - + Category Categoria - + New... New category... Nou... - + Reset Reset category Reinicialitza - + Priority Prioritat - + Force recheck Força la verificació - + Copy magnet link Copia l'enllaç magnet - + Super seeding mode Mode de SuperSembra - + Rename... Canvia el nom... - + Download in sequential order Baixa en ordre seqüencial @@ -8644,11 +8572,11 @@ El nom de la categoria no ha d'incloure la seqüència '//' fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Baixades diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_cs.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_cs.ts index f65c2981c..bed2f431a 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_cs.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_cs.ts @@ -960,354 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID protějšku: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP user agent je '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Anonymní režim [ZAP] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Anonymní režim [VYP] - - - PeX support [ON] - Podpora PeX [ZAP] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Podpora PeX [VYP] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Kvůli přepnutí podpory PEX je nutný restart - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Podpora Local Peer Discovery [ZAP] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Podpora Local Peer Discovery [VYP] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Podpora šifrování [ZAP] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Podpora šifrování [VYNUCENO] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Podpora šifrování [VYP] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Vestavěný tracker [ZAP] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Start vestavěného trackeru selhal! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Vestavěný tracker [VYP] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' dosáhl maximálního nastaveného poměru sdílení. Odebírám... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' dosáhl maximálního nastaveného poměru sdílení. Pozastavuji... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Systémový stav sítě změněn na %1 - + ONLINE ONLINE - + OFFLINE OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Nastavení sítě %1 bylo změněno, obnovuji spojení - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Nelze dekódovat soubor torrentu '%1'. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Rekurzivní stahování souboru '%1' vloženého v torrentu '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Nelze uložit '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. protože %1 je vypnuto. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. protože %1 je vypnuto. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Vyhledání URL sdílení selhalo pro URL: '%1', zpráva: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' byl odstraněn ze seznamu i z pevného disku. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' byl odstraněn ze seznamu přenosů. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Stahuji '%1', prosím čekejte... - DHT support [ON] - Podpora DHT [ZAP] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Podpora DHT [VYP]. Důvod: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Podpora DHT [VYP] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent se pokouší naslouchat na jakémkoli rozhraní, portu: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Nastavené síťové rozhraní je neplatné: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent se pokouší naslouchat na rozhraní %1, portu: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent nenalezl místní adresu %1 na které by měl naslouchat - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent selhal naslouchat na rozhraní %1. Důvod: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' byl přidán do torrentu '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' byl odebrán z torrentu '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL zdroj '%1' byl přidán do torrentu '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL zdroj '%1' byl odebrán z torrentu '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Nelze obnovit torrent '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number IP filter byl úspěšně zpracován: bylo aplikováno %1 pravidel. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Chyba: Nepovedlo se zpracovat poskytnutý IP filtr. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Nelze přidat torrent. Důvod: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' obnoven. (rychlé obnovení) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' přidán do seznamu stahování. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Došlo k chybě I/O, '%1' je pozastaven. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Namapování portů selhalo, zpráva: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Namapování portů bylo úspěšné, zpráva: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. kvůli IP filtru. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. kvůli port filtru. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. kvůli omezením i2p mixed módu. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. kvůli nízkému portu. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent naslouchá na rozhraní %1, portu: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Externí IP: %1 @@ -2500,10 +2444,6 @@ Chcete asociovat qBittorrent se soubory .torrent a Magnet odkazy? &Always Yes Vžd&y - - Python found in %1 - Python nalezen v %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2779,1285 +2719,1285 @@ Opravdu chcete ukončit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP databáze načtena. Typ: %1. Čas sestavení: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Nelze načíst GeoIP databáze. Důvod: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Bolívarovská republika - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A N/A - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Spojené arabské emiráty - + Afghanistan Afghánistán - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua a Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albánie - + Armenia Arménie - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antarktida - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Americká Samoa - + Austria Rakousko - + Australia Austrálie - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Ázerbájdžán - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosna a Hercegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladéš - + Belgium Belgie - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulharsko - + Bahrain Bahrajn - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermudy - + Brunei Darussalam Brunej - + Brazil Brazílie - + Bahamas Bahamy - + Bhutan Bhútán - + Bouvet Island Bouvetův ostrov - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Bělorusko - + Belize Belize - + Canada Kanada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kokosové ostrovy - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Kongo, Demokratická republika - + Central African Republic Středoafrická republika - + Congo Kongo - + Switzerland Švýcarsko - + Cook Islands Cookovy ostrovy - + Chile Chile - + Cameroon Kamerun - + China Čína - + Colombia Kolumbie - + Costa Rica Kostarika - + Cuba Kuba - + Cape Verde Kapverdy - + Curacao Curaçao - + Christmas Island Vánoční ostrov - + Cyprus Kypr - + Czech Republic Česká republika - + Germany Německo - + Djibouti Džibutsko - + Denmark Dánsko - + Dominica Dominika - + Dominican Republic Dominikánská republika - + Algeria Alžírsko - + Ecuador Ekvádor - + Estonia Estonsko - + Egypt Egypt - + Western Sahara Západní Sahara - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Španělsko - + Ethiopia Etiopie - + Finland Finsko - + Fiji Fidži - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falklandy, Malvíny - + Micronesia, Federated States of Federativní státy Mikronésie - + Faroe Islands Faerské ostrovy - + France Francie - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Spojené království - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Gruzie - + French Guiana Francouzská Guyana - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Grónsko - + Gambia Gambie - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea Rovníková Guinea - + Greece Řecko - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Jižní Georgie a Jižní Sandwichovy ostrovy - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hongkong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heardův ostrov a McDonaldovy ostrovy - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Chorvatsko - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Maďarsko - + Indonesia Indonésie - + Ireland Irsko - + Israel Izrael - + India Indie - + British Indian Ocean Territory Britské indickooceánské území - + Iraq Irák - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Írán - + Iceland Island - + Italy Itálie - + Jamaica Jamajka - + Jordan Jordánsko - + Japan Japonsko - + Kenya Keňa - + Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstán - + Cambodia Kambodža - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Komory - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Svatý Kryštof a Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korejská lidově demokratická republika - + Korea, Republic of Korea - + Kuwait Kuvajt - + Cayman Islands Kajmanské ostrovy - + Kazakhstan Kazachstán - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos - + Lebanon Libanon - + Saint Lucia Svatá Lucie - + Liechtenstein Lichtenštejnsko - + Sri Lanka Srí Lanka - + Liberia Libérie - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Litva - + Luxembourg Lucembursko - + Latvia Lotyšsko - + Morocco Maroko - + Monaco Monako - + Moldova, Republic of Moldavsko - + Madagascar Madagaskar - + Marshall Islands Marshallovy ostrovy - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Myanmar, Barma - + Mongolia Mongolsko - + Northern Mariana Islands Severní Mariany - + Martinique Martinik - + Mauritania Mauritánie - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauricius - + Maldives Maledivy - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Mexiko - + Malaysia Malajsie - + Mozambique Mosambik - + Namibia Namibie - + New Caledonia Nová Kaledonie - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigérie - + Nicaragua Nikaragua - + Netherlands Nizozemsko - + Norway Norsko - + Nepal Nepál - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Nový Zéland - + Oman Omán - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Francouzská Polynésie - + Papua New Guinea Papua-Nová Guinea - + Philippines Filipíny - + Pakistan Pákistán - + Poland Polsko - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre a Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Portoriko - + Portugal Portugalsko - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Katar - + Reunion Réunion - + Romania Rumunsko - + Russian Federation Rusko - + Rwanda Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia Saúdská Arábie - + Solomon Islands Šalamounovy ostrovy - + Seychelles Seychely - + Sudan Súdán - + Sweden Švédsko - + Singapore Singapur - + Slovenia Slovinsko - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Špicberky a Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slovensko - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somálsko - + Suriname Surinam - + Sao Tome and Principe Svatý Tomáš a Princův ostrov - + El Salvador Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Sýrie - + Swaziland Svazijsko - + Turks and Caicos Islands Turks a Caicos - + Chad Čad - + French Southern Territories Francouzská jižní a antarktická území - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Thajsko - + Tajikistan Tádžikistán - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistán - + Tunisia Tunisko - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Východní Timor - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolívie - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Karibské Nizozemsko - + Cote d'Ivoire Pobřeží slonoviny - + Libya Libye - + Saint Martin (French part) Svatý Martin (francouzská část) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Makedonie - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Pitcairnovy ostrovy - + Palestine, State of Palestina - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Svatá Helena, Ascension a Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Jižní Súdán - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Svatý Martin (nizozemská část) - + Turkey Turecko - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad a Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan, Čínská republika (ROC) - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzanie - + Ukraine Ukrajina - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Menší odlehlé ostrovy Spojených států amerických - + United States Spojené státy americké - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistán - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Svatý stolec (Vatikán) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny - + Virgin Islands, British Britské Panenské ostrovy - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Americké Panenské ostrovy - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis a Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Jemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Srbsko - + South Africa Jihoafrická republika - + Zambia Zambie - + Montenegro Černá Hora - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Ålandy - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Ostrov Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Svatý Bartoloměj - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Nelze rozbalit soubor GeoIP databáze. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Stažená GeoIP databáze nelze uložit. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. GeoIP databáze aktualizována. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Nelze stáhnout GeoIP databázi. Důvod: %1 @@ -4078,7 +4018,7 @@ Opravdu chcete ukončit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Chyba upozornění e-mailem: @@ -5125,38 +5065,38 @@ Opravdu chcete ukončit qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5237,142 +5177,142 @@ Opravdu chcete ukončit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Port - + Flags Vlajky - + Connection Připojení - + Client i.e.: Client application Klient - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Průběh - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Rychlost stahování - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Rychlost odesílání - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Staženo - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Odesláno - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Důležitost - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Soubory - + Column visibility Zobrazení sloupců - + Add a new peer... Přidat nový protějšek... - - + + Ban peer permanently Natrvalo zakázat protějšek - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Ruční přidání protějšku '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Protějšek '%1' nemohl být přidán do tohoto torrentu. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Ručně zakázat protějšek '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Přidání protějšku - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Některé protějšky nemohly být přidány. Více detailů najdete v logu. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Protějšky byly přidány do tohoto torrentu. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Opravdu chcete natrvalo zakázat označené protějšky? - + &Yes &Ano - + &No &Ne @@ -6089,95 +6029,95 @@ Moduly byly alespoň vypnuty. I/O Chyba: Nelze vytvořit dočasný soubor. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 je neznámý parametr příkazové řádky. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 musí být jediný parametr příkazové řádky. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 musí odpovídat správnému portu (1 do 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Nemůžete použít %1: qBittorrent pro tohoto uživatele již beží. - + Usage: Používání: - + Options: Možnosti: - + Displays program version Zobrazí verzi programu - + Displays this help message Zobrazí tuto nápovědu - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Změní port webového rozhraní (nyní: %1) - + Disable splash screen Zakáže úvodní obrazovku - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Spustit na pozadí - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Stáhne torrenty zadané uživatelem - + Help Nápověda - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Spusťte aplikaci s parametrem -h pro nápovědu příkazové řádky - + Bad command line Nesprávný příkaz z příkazové řádky - + Bad command line: Nesprávný příkaz z příkazové řádky: - + Legal Notice Právní podmínky - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6186,22 +6126,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Další upozornění již nebudou zobrazena. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Stisknutím klávesy %1 souhlasíte a pokračujete... - + Legal notice Právní podmínky - + Cancel Zrušit - + I Agree Souhlasím @@ -6363,27 +6303,27 @@ Další upozornění již nebudou zobrazena. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Nelze migrovat torrent s hashem: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Torrent nelze migrovat. Neplatný fastresume název: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6402,8 +6342,8 @@ Další upozornění již nebudou zobrazena. - - + + Mark items read Označit jako přečtené @@ -6423,60 +6363,60 @@ Další upozornění již nebudou zobrazena. Nastavení... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrenty: (dvojklik pro stažení) - - + + Delete Smazat - + Rename... Přejmenovat... - + Rename Přejmenovat - - + + Update Aktualizovat - + New subscription... Nové přihlášení k odběru... - - + + Update all feeds Aktualizovat všechny kanály - + Download torrent Stáhnout torrent - + Open news URL Otevřít URL s novinkami - + Copy feed URL Kopírovat URL kanálu - + New folder... Nový adresář... @@ -7763,18 +7703,6 @@ Další upozornění již nebudou zobrazena. Warning (%1) Varování (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Nelze dekódovat favicon pro URL '%1'. Zkouším stáhnout favicon v PNG formátu. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Nelze dekódovat favicon pro URL '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Nelze stáhnout favicon pro URL '%1'. Důvod: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8078,209 +8006,209 @@ Další upozornění již nebudou zobrazena. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Zobrazení sloupců - + Choose save path Vyberte cestu pro uložení - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Limit rychlosti stahování torrentu - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Limit rychlosti odesílání torrentu - + Recheck confirmation Zkontrolovat potvrzení - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Opravdu chcete znovu zkontrolovat označené torrenty? - + Rename Přejmenovat - + New name: Nový název: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Obnovit - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Vynutit obnovení - + Pause Pause the torrent Pozastavit - + New Category - + Category: - + Invalid category name - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent Smazat - + Preview file... Náhled souboru... - + Limit share ratio... Omezit poměr sdílení... - + Limit upload rate... Omezit rychlost odesílání... - + Limit download rate... Omezit rychlost stahování... - + Open destination folder Otevřít cílový adresář - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Přesunout nahoru - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Přesunout dolů - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Přesunout na začátek - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Přesunout na konec - + Set location... Nastavit umístění... - + Copy name Kopírovat jméno - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category - + New... New category... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority Priorita - + Force recheck Vynutit překontrolování - + Copy magnet link Kopírovat Magnet odkaz - + Super seeding mode Mód super sdílení - + Rename... Přejmenovat... - + Download in sequential order Stahovat postupně @@ -8640,11 +8568,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Stahování diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_da.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_da.ts index 7cb61bb9d..8f7bb057a 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_da.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_da.ts @@ -961,351 +961,299 @@ Fejl: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Peer ID: - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Anonym modus [TIL] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Anonym modus [FRA] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX support [TIL] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX support [FRA] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Genstart kræves for at aktivere PeX support - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Lokal Peer-opdagelse [TIL] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Lokal Peer-opdagelse [FRA] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Krypterings tilstand [TIL] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Krypterings tilstand [TVUNGET] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Krypterings tilstand [FRA] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Indlejret Tracker [TIL] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Kunne ikke starte den indlejret tracker! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Indlejret Tracker [FRA] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' nåede den maksimale ratio du har sat. Fjerner... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' nåede den maksimale ratio du har sat. Pauser... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Systemets netværks status ændret til %1 - + ONLINE ONLINE - + OFFLINE OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Kan ikke dekode %1 torrent fil. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Rekursiv download af filen %1 indlejret i torrent %2 - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Kunne ikke gemme '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. Fordi %1 er deaktiveret. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. Fordi %1 er deaktiveret. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Url seed lookup fejlede for url: %1, besked: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent fejl i lytning på grænseflade %1 port: %2/%3. Årsag: %4 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' blev fjernet fra listen og harddisken. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' blev fjernet fra listen. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Henter %1', vent venligst... - DHT support [ON] - DHT support [TIL] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT support [FRA]. Årsag: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT support [FRA] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Den valgte netværksgrænseflade er ugyldig: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent forsøger at lytte på grænseflade %1 port: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent fandt ikke en %1 lokal adresse at lytte på - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' blev tilføjet til torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' blev slettet fra torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL seed '%1' blev tilføjet til torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL seed '%1' blev fjernet fra torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Kunne ikke starte torrent '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Kunne ikke tilføje torrent. Årsag: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' fortsat. (hurtig fortsættelse) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' tilføjet til download listen. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 En I/O fejl er opstået, '%1' pauset. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping fejlede, besked: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping lykkedes, besked: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. Fordi porten er lav. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent lytter succesfuldt på grænseflade %1 port: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Ekstern IP: %1 @@ -2771,1285 +2719,1285 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil afslutte qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Bolivariske Republik - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A N/A - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Forenede Arabiske Emirater - + Afghanistan Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua og Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albanien - + Armenia Armenien - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antarktis - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Amerikansk Samoa - + Austria Østrig - + Australia Australien - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Aserbajdsjan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnien-Hercegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladesh - + Belgium Belgien - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgarien - + Bahrain Bahrain - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei - + Brazil Brazilien - + Bahamas Bahamas - + Bhutan Bhutan - + Bouvet Island Bouvetøen - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Hviderusland - + Belize Belize - + Canada Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cocosøerne (Keelingøerne) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Den Demokratiske Republik Congo - + Central African Republic Centralafrikanske Republik - + Congo Congo - + Switzerland Schweiz - + Cook Islands Cookøerne - + Chile Chile - + Cameroon Cameroun - + China Kina - + Colombia Colombien - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Cuba - + Cape Verde Kap Verde - + Curacao Curacao - + Christmas Island Juleøen - + Cyprus Cypern - + Czech Republic Tjekkiet - + Germany Tyskland - + Djibouti Djibouti - + Denmark Danmark - + Dominica Dominica - + Dominican Republic Dominikanske republik - + Algeria Algeriet - + Ecuador Ecuador - + Estonia Estland - + Egypt Egypten - + Western Sahara Vestsahara - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Spanien - + Ethiopia Etiopien - + Finland Finland - + Fiji Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falklandsøerne (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronesiske Stater - + Faroe Islands Færøerne - + France Frankrig - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom England - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Georgien - + French Guiana Fransk Guiana - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Grønland - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea Ækvatorial Guinea - + Greece Grækenland - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands South Georgia og De Sydlige Sandwichøer - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heard- og McDonald-øerne - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Kroatien - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Ungarn - + Indonesia Indonesien - + Ireland Irland - + Israel Israel - + India Indien - + British Indian Ocean Territory Det britiske territoriet i Indiahavet - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Den Islamiske Republik - + Iceland Island - + Italy Italien - + Jamaica Jamaica - + Jordan Jordan - + Japan Japan - + Kenya Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgisistan - + Cambodia Cambodia - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Comorerne - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts og Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Demokratiske Folkerepublik - + Korea, Republic of Korea, Republik - + Kuwait Kuwait - + Cayman Islands Caymanøyene - + Kazakhstan Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos Demokratiske Folkerepublik - + Lebanon Lebanon - + Saint Lucia Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Litauen - + Luxembourg Luxembourg - + Latvia Letland - + Morocco Morocco - + Monaco Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republikken - + Madagascar Madagascar - + Marshall Islands Marshalløerne - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Myanmar - + Mongolia Mongoliet - + Northern Mariana Islands Nordmarianerne - + Martinique Martinique - + Mauritania Mauretanien - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauritius - + Maldives Maldiverne - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Mexico - + Malaysia Malaysia - + Mozambique Mozambique - + Namibia Namibia - + New Caledonia Ny Kaledonien - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Norfolk Island - + Nigeria Nigeria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Holland - + Norway Norge - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand New Zealand - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Fransk Polynesien - + Papua New Guinea Papua Ny Guinea - + Philippines Filippinerne - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Polen - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Pierre og Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Qatar - + Reunion - + Romania Rumænien - + Russian Federation Den Russiske Føderation - + Rwanda Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabien - + Solomon Islands Salomonøerne - + Seychelles Seychellerne - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden Sverige - + Singapore Singapore - + Slovenia Slovenien - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard og Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slovakiet - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalia - + Suriname Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome og Principe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Syriske Arabiske Republik - + Swaziland Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands Turks- og Caicosøerne - + Chad Chad - + French Southern Territories Franske Sydlige Territorier - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Tailand - + Tajikistan Tadsjikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunesien - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Flernationale Stat - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire , Sint Eustatius og Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire - + Libya Libyen - + Saint Martin (French part) Saint Martin ( fransk del ) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Makedonien, Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republik - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palæstina - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Helena , Ascension og Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Sydsudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten ( hollandske del ) - + Turkey Tyrkiet - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad og Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania - + Ukraine Ukraine - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Mindre Amerikanske Oversøiske Øer - + United States Forenede stater - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Pavestolen ( Vatikanstaten ) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent og Grenadinerne - + Virgin Islands, British Jomfruøerne , britiske - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, U.S. - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis og Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Yemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Serbien - + South Africa Sydafrika - + Zambia Zambia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Ålandsøerne - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Isle of Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 @@ -4070,7 +4018,7 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil afslutte qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: @@ -5117,38 +5065,38 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil afslutte qBittorrent? Dette er ikke en gyldig SSL nøgle. - + Invalid certificate Ugyldigt certifikat - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error Tid Fejl - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Start og slut tiden kan ikke være ens. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Web UI brugernavnet skal være mindst 3 karakter langt. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Web UI adgangskoden skal være mindst 3 karakter langt. @@ -5229,142 +5177,142 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil afslutte qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Port - + Flags Flags - + Connection Forbindelse - + Client i.e.: Client application Klient - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Fremgang - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Hast. ned - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Hast. op - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Modtaget - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Sendt - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Relevans - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Filer - + Column visibility Kolonne synlighed - + Add a new peer... Tilføj ny peer... - - + + Ban peer permanently Bandlys peer permanent - + Manually adding peer '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Banlyser peer %1 manuelt... - - + + Peer addition Tilføjelse af peer - + Country Land: - + Copy IP:port Kopiere IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. - + The peers were added to this torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Er du sikker på at du vil bandlyse de valgte peers permanent? - + &Yes &Ja - + &No &Nej @@ -6080,95 +6028,95 @@ Disse plugins blev dog koble fra. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. - + Usage: Brug: - + Options: Indstillinger: - + Displays program version Vis program version - + Displays this help message Vis denne hjælpe besked - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Skift webui porten (nuværende: %1) - + Disable splash screen Deaktivere start logo - + Run in daemon-mode (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user - + Help Hjælp - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. - + Bad command line - + Bad command line: - + Legal Notice Juridisk Meddelelse - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6177,22 +6125,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Ingen yderlige notits vil blive givet. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... - + Legal notice Juridisk Meddelelse - + Cancel Annuller - + I Agree Jeg Acceptere @@ -6354,27 +6302,27 @@ Ingen yderlige notits vil blive givet. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6393,8 +6341,8 @@ Ingen yderlige notits vil blive givet. - - + + Mark items read Maker som læst @@ -6414,60 +6362,60 @@ Ingen yderlige notits vil blive givet. Indstillinger... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) - - + + Delete Slet - + Rename... Omdøb... - + Rename Omdøb - - + + Update Opdater - + New subscription... Ny abonnement... - - + + Update all feeds Opdater alle feeds - + Download torrent Hent torrent - + Open news URL Åben nyheds URL - + Copy feed URL Kopier feed URL - + New folder... Ny mappe... @@ -8057,209 +8005,209 @@ Ingen yderlige notits vil blive givet. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Kolonne synlighed - + Choose save path Vælg hvor du vil gemme - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Begrænsning af Torrent Download Hastighed - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Begrænsning af Torrent Upload Hastighed - + Recheck confirmation Efterkontrollér iinformation - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Er du sikker på at du vil efterkontrollér den valgte torrent(s)? - + Rename Omdøb - + New name: Nyt navn: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Genoptag - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent - + Pause Pause the torrent Pause - + New Category Ny Kategori - + Category: Kategori: - + Invalid category name Ugyldig kategori navn - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent Slet - + Preview file... Smugkik... - + Limit share ratio... Begræns delingsforhold... - + Limit upload rate... Begræns hastighed op... - + Limit download rate... Begræns hastighed ned... - + Open destination folder Åben destinationsmappe - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Flyt op - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Flyt ned - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Flyt til toppen - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Flyt til bunden - + Set location... Sæt lokation... - + Copy name Kopier navn - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category - + New... New category... Ny... - + Reset Reset category Nulstil - + Priority Prioritet - + Force recheck Tvungen tjek - + Copy magnet link Kopier magnet link - + Super seeding mode Super seeding tilstand - + Rename... Omdøb... - + Download in sequential order Downlad i rækkefølge @@ -8619,11 +8567,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Downloads diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_de.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_de.ts index f99f0100b..0cec05a0f 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_de.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_de.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Grund: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Das Tracker-Favicon herunterladen @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Grund: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Peer-ID: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP Benutzer-Agent ist '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Anonymer Modus [EIN] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Anonymer Modus [AUS] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX-Unterstützung [EIN] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX-Unterstützung [AUS] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Neustart erforderlich, um PeX-Unterstützung umzuschalten - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Lokale Peer Suche (LSD) [EIN] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Lokale Peer Suche (LSD) [AUS] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Verschlüsselungsunterstützung [EIN] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Verschlüsselungsunterstützung [ERZWUNGEN] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Verschlüsselungsunterstützung [AUS] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Eingebetteter Tracker [EIN] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Starten des eingebetteten Trackers fehlgeschlagen! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Eingebetteter Tracker [AUS] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' hat das gesetzte maximale Verhältnis erreicht. Wird entfernt ... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' hat das gesetzte maximale Verhältnis erreicht. Wird angehalten ... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Systemnetzwerkstatus auf %1 geändert - + ONLINE ONLINE - + OFFLINE OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Die Netzwerk-Konfiguration von %1 hat sich geändert - die Sitzungsbindung wird erneuert - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Die eingestellte Netzwerkadresse %1 ist ungültig. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Verschlüsselungsunterstützung [%1] - + FORCED - + ERZWUNGEN - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Anonymer Modus [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. '%1' Torrentdatei kann nicht dekodiert werden. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Rekursiver Download von Datei '%1', eingebettet in Torrent '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' '%1.torrent' konnte nicht gespeichert werden - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. weil %1 deaktiviert ist. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. weil %1 deaktiviert ist. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 URL Überprüfung für die Seed-URL '%1' ist fehlgeschlagen; Grund: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent konnte nicht auf Interface %1 Port %2/%3 lauschen. Grund: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' wurde von der Transferliste und von der Festplatte entfernt. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' wurde von der Übertragungsliste entfernt. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Herunterladen von '%1' - bitte warten ... - DHT support [ON] - DHT-Unterstützung [EIN] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT-Unterstützung [AUS]. Grund: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT-Unterstützung [AUS] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent versucht auf allen beliebigen Ports zu lauschen: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Das angegebene Netzwerkinterface ist ungültig: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent versucht auf Interface %1 Port %2 zu lauschen - + DHT support [%1] - + DHT-Unterstützung [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + EIN - - - - + + + + OFF - + AUS - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Lokale Peers (LPD) finden [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + Ein Neustart ist erforderlich um die Unterstützung für den Trackeraustausch mit anderen Peers umzuschalten - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent konnte auf die zu lauschende lokale Adresse %1 nicht finden - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent konnte auf keinen Interface Ports lauschen: %1. Grund: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' wurde dem Torrent '%2' hinzugefügt - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' wurde vom Torrent '%2' entfernt - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL Seed '%1' wurde dem Torrent '%2' hinzugefügt - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL Seed '%1' wurde vom Torrent '%2' entfernt - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Konnte Torrent %1 nicht fortsetzen. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Der IP-Filter wurde erfolgreich analysiert. Es wurden %1 Regeln angewendet. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Fehler: IP-Filter konnte nicht analysiert werden. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Konnte den Torrent nicht hinzufügen. Grund: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' fortgesetzt. (Schnelles Fortsetzen) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' der Downloadliste hinzugefügt. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Ein I/O Fehler ist aufgetreten, '%1' angehalten. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Fehler beim Portmapping, Meldung: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Portmapping erfolgreich, Meldung: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. wegen IP-Filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. wegen Port-Filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. auf Grund von Beschränkungen für den gemischten i2p-Modus. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. weil der Port niedrig ist. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent lauscht erfolgreich auf Interface %1 Port %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Externe IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Sollen Torrent-Dateien und Magnet-Links immer mit qBittorent geöffnet werden?&Always Yes &Immer ja - - Python found in %1 - Python in %1 gefunden - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2569,7 +2509,7 @@ Ursache: '%2' Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Python gefunden in %1: %2 @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Soll qBittorrent wirklich beendet werden? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP-Datenbank geladen. Typ: %1. Erstellungsdatum: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Konnte GeoIP-Datenbank nicht laden. Grund: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Bolivarische Republik - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A N/V - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Vereinigte Arabische Emirate - + Afghanistan Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua und Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albanien - + Armenia Armenien - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antarktika - + Argentina Argentinien - + American Samoa Amerikanisch-Samoa - + Austria Österreich - + Australia Australien - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Aserbaidschan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnien und Herzegowina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladesch - + Belgium Belgien - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgarien - + Bahrain Bahrain - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei - + Brazil Brasilien - + Bahamas Bahamas - + Bhutan Bhutan - + Bouvet Island Bouvetinsel - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Weißrussland - + Belize Belize - + Canada Kanada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kokos-Inseln (Keeling-Inseln) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Kongo - + Central African Republic Zentralafrikanische Republik - + Congo Kongo - + Switzerland Schweiz - + Cook Islands Cookinseln - + Chile Chile - + Cameroon Kamerun - + China China - + Colombia Kolumbien - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Kuba - + Cape Verde Kap Verde - + Curacao Curacao - + Christmas Island Weihnachtsinsel - + Cyprus Zypern - + Czech Republic Tschechien - + Germany Deutschland - + Djibouti Dschibuti - + Denmark Dänemark - + Dominica Dominica - + Dominican Republic Dominikanische Republik - + Algeria Algerien - + Ecuador Ecuador - + Estonia Estland - + Egypt Ägypten - + Western Sahara Westsahara - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Spanien - + Ethiopia Äthiopien - + Finland Finnland - + Fiji Fidschi - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falkland-Inseln - + Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronesien - + Faroe Islands Färöer-Inseln - + France Frankreich - + Gabon Gabun - + United Kingdom Vereinigtes Königreich - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Georgien - + French Guiana Französisch-Guayana - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Grönland - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea Äquatorialguinea - + Greece Griechenland - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hongkong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heard und die McDonaldinseln - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Kroatien - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Ungarn - + Indonesia Indonesien - + Ireland Irland - + Israel Israel - + India Indien - + British Indian Ocean Territory Das Britische Territorium im Indischen Ozean - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamische Republik - + Iceland Island - + Italy Italien - + Jamaica Jamaika - + Jordan Jordanien - + Japan Japan - + Kenya Kenia - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgisistan - + Cambodia Kambodscha - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Komoren - + Saint Kitts and Nevis St. Kitts und Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Demokratische Volksrepublik - + Korea, Republic of Korea, Republik - + Kuwait Kuwait - + Cayman Islands Kaimaninseln - + Kazakhstan Kasachstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos - + Lebanon Libanon - + Saint Lucia St. Lucia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Litauen - + Luxembourg Luxemburg - + Latvia Lettland - + Morocco Marokko - + Monaco Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of Moldawien, Republik - + Madagascar Madagaskar - + Marshall Islands Marshallinseln - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Myanmar - + Mongolia Mongolei - + Northern Mariana Islands Nördliche Marianen - + Martinique Martinique - + Mauritania Mauretanien - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauritius - + Maldives Malediven - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Mexiko - + Malaysia Malaysia - + Mozambique Mosambik - + Namibia Namibia - + New Caledonia Neukaledonien - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Norfolkinsel - + Nigeria Nigeria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Niederlande - + Norway Norwegen - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Neuseeland - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Französisch-Polynesien - + Papua New Guinea Papua-Neuguinea - + Philippines Philippinen - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Polen - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre und Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Katar - + Reunion La Réunion - + Romania Rumänien - + Russian Federation Russische Föderation - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Saudi-Arabien - + Solomon Islands Salomonen - + Seychelles Seychellen - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden Schweden - + Singapore Singapur - + Slovenia Slowenien - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Spitzbergen (Inselgruppe) - + Slovakia Slowakei - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalia - + Suriname Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé und Príncipe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Arabische Republik Syrien - + Swaziland Swasiland - + Turks and Caicos Islands Turks- und Caicosinseln - + Chad Tschad - + French Southern Territories Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Thailand - + Tajikistan Tadschikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunesien - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Osttimor - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivien, Plurinationaler Staat - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Besondere Gemeinden (Niederlande) - + Cote d'Ivoire Elfenbeinküste - + Libya Libyen - + Saint Martin (French part) Saint-Martin (französischer Teil) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Mazedonien, ehemalige jugoslawische Republik - + Macao Macau - + Pitcairn Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palästina - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha St. Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Südsudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (niederländischer Teil) - + Turkey Türkei - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad und Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tansania - + Ukraine Ukraine - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Kleinere Inselbesitzungen der Vereinigten Staaten - + United States Vereinigte Staaten - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Usbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Heiliger Stuhl (Staat der Vatikanstadt) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent und die Grenadinen - + Virgin Islands, British Britische Jungferninseln - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Amerikanische Jungferninseln - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis und Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Jemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Serbien - + South Africa Südafrika - + Zambia Sambia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Simbabwe - + Aland Islands Åland - + Guernsey Britische Kanalinseln - + Isle of Man Insel Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint-Barthélemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Konnte GeoIP-Datenbank nicht entpacken. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Konnte die heruntergeladene GeoIP-Datenbank nicht speichern. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Die GeoIP-Datenbank wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Konnte GeoIP-Datenbank nicht herunterladen. Grund: %1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Soll qBittorrent wirklich beendet werden? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: E-Mail-Benachrichtigungsfehler: @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Soll qBittorrent wirklich beendet werden? Dies ist kein gültiger SSL-Schlüssel. - + Invalid certificate Ungültiges Zertifikat - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Dies ist kein gültiges SSL-Zertifikat. - + Time Error Zeitfehler - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Die Startzeit und die Endzeit können nicht gleich sein. - - + + Length Error Längenfehler - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Der Benutzername für das Webinterface muss mindestens 3 Zeichen lang sein. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Das Passwort für das Webinterface muss mindestens 6 Zeichen lang sein. @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Soll qBittorrent wirklich beendet werden? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Port - + Flags Flags - + Connection Verbindung - + Client i.e.: Client application Programm - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Fortschritt - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed DL-Rate - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed UL-Rate - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Runtergeladen - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Hochgeladen - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Relevanz - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Dateien - + Column visibility Sichtbarkeit der Spalten - + Add a new peer... Füge einen neuen Peer hinzu ... - - + + Ban peer permanently Peer dauerhaft bannen - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Peer '%1' von Hand hinzufügen ... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Der Peer '%1' konnte diesem Torrent nicht hinzugefügt werden. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Peer '%1' von Hand bannen ... - - + + Peer addition Peer hinzufügen - + Country Land - + Copy IP:port IP:port kopieren - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Einige Peers konnten nicht hinzugefügt werden. Bitte das Log für weitere Details überprüfen. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Die Peers wurden diesem Torrent hinzugefügt. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Sollen die ausgewählten Peers wirklich dauerhaft gebannt werden? - + &Yes &Ja - + &No &Nein @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Die Plugins wurden jedoch deaktiviert. I/O-Fehler: Konnte temporäre Datei nicht erstellen. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 ist ein unbekannter Kommandozeilen-Parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 muss der einzige Kommandozeilen-Parameter sein. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 muss den richtigen Port (zwischen 1 und 65535) angeben. - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. %1 kann nicht verwendet werden. qBittorrent läuft für diesen Benutzer bereits. - + Usage: Verwendung: - + Options: Optionen: - + Displays program version Zeigt die Programm-Version - + Displays this help message Zeigt diese Hilfsausgabe - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Ändert den Webinterface Port (momentan: %1) - + Disable splash screen Deaktiviere Splash Screen - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Laufe im Hintergrund als Dienst - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Lädt die vom Benutzer übergebenen Torrents herunter - + Help Hilfe - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Programm mit -h starten um Info über Kommandozeilen-Parameter zu erhalten. - + Bad command line Falsche Kommandozeile - + Bad command line: Falsche Kommandozeile: - + Legal Notice Rechtshinweis - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Selbstverständlich geschieht dieses Teilen jeglicher Inhalte auf eigene Verantwortung und es erfolgt auch kein weiterer Hinweis diesbezüglich. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Zum Bestätigen und Fortfahren bitte %1-Taste drücken ... - + Legal notice Rechtshinweis - + Cancel Abbrechen - + I Agree Ich stimme zu @@ -6366,28 +6306,28 @@ Selbstverständlich geschieht dieses Teilen jeglicher Inhalte auf eigene Verantw Es wurde von einer älteren Version aktualisiert die eine andere Speicherart verwendete, daher muss die Speicherungsart aktualisiert werden. Es kann aber danach keine ältere Version als 3.3.0 mehr verwendet werden. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Konnte den Torrent mit hash %1 nicht migrieren. - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Konnte den Torrent nicht migrieren. Ungültiger Name der Fortsetzungsdatei: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Es wurde ein fehlerhaftes Beenden von qBittorrent festgestellt. Es wird eine Sicherungsdatei zur Wiederherstellung der Einstellungen verwendet. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Es ist ein Zugriffsfehler beim Schreiben der Sicherungsdatei aufgetreten. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Es ist ein Formatfehler beim Schreiben der Sicherungsdatei aufgetreten. @@ -6406,8 +6346,8 @@ Es wird eine Sicherungsdatei zur Wiederherstellung der Einstellungen verwendet.< - - + + Mark items read Markiere Einträge als gelesen @@ -6427,60 +6367,60 @@ Es wird eine Sicherungsdatei zur Wiederherstellung der Einstellungen verwendet.< Einstellungen ... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrents: (Doppel-Klick zum Runterladen) - - + + Delete Löschen - + Rename... Umbenennen ... - + Rename Umbenennen - - + + Update Aktualisieren - + New subscription... Neues Abonnement ... - - + + Update all feeds Alle Feeds aktualisieren - + Download torrent Lade Torrent - + Open news URL Öffne News-URL - + Copy feed URL Kopiere Feed-URL - + New folder... Neuer Ordner ... @@ -7767,18 +7707,6 @@ Es wird eine Sicherungsdatei zur Wiederherstellung der Einstellungen verwendet.< Warning (%1) Warnung (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Konnte favicon von URL '%1' nicht entschlüsseln. Versuche favicon im PNG-Format herunterzuladen. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Konnte favicon von URL '%1' nicht entschlüsseln. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Konnte favicon von URL '%1' nicht laden. Grund: '%2' - Resume torrents @@ -8082,80 +8010,80 @@ Es wird eine Sicherungsdatei zur Wiederherstellung der Einstellungen verwendet.< TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Sichtbarkeit der Spalten - + Choose save path Speicherort auswählen - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Begrenzung der Torrent-DL-Rate - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Begrenzung der Torrent-UL-Rate - + Recheck confirmation Überprüfe Bestätigung - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Sollen die gewählten Torrents wirklich nochmals überprüft werden? - + Rename Umbenennen - + New name: Neuer Name: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Fortsetzen - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Fortsetzen erzwingen - + Pause Pause the torrent Anhalten - + New Category Neue Kategorie - + Category: Kategorie: - + Invalid category name Ungültiger Kategoriename - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8164,129 +8092,129 @@ Der Kategoriename darf nicht mit '/' beginnen oder enden. Der Kategoriename darf die Zeichenkette '//' nicht enthalten. - + Delete Delete the torrent Löschen - + Preview file... Dateivorschau ... - + Limit share ratio... Shareverhältnis begrenzen ... - + Limit upload rate... Uploadrate begrenzen ... - + Limit download rate... Downloadrate begrenzen ... - + Open destination folder Zielverzeichnis öffnen - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Nach oben bewegen - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Nach unten bewegen - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue An den Anfang - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue An das Ende - + Set location... Speicherort setzen ... - + Copy name Namen kopieren - + Download first and last pieces first Erste und letzte Teile zuerst laden - + Automatic Torrent Management Automatisches Torrent-Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Automatischer Modus bedeutet, daß diverse Torrent-Eigenschaften (z.B. der Speicherpfad) durch die gewählte Kategorie vorgegeben werden. - + Category Kategorie - + New... New category... Neu ... - + Reset Reset category Zurücksetzen - + Priority Priorität - + Force recheck Erzwinge erneute Überprüfung - + Copy magnet link Kopiere Magnet-Link - + Super seeding mode Super-Seeding-Modus - + Rename... Umbenennen ... - + Download in sequential order Der Reihe nach downloaden @@ -8646,11 +8574,11 @@ Der Kategoriename darf die Zeichenkette '//' nicht enthalten. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Downloads diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_el.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_el.ts index 29f94f8ea..f95981573 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_el.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_el.ts @@ -960,354 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Αναγνωριστικό Διασύνδεσης: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - O HTTP User-Agent είναι '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Ανώνυμη λειτουργία [ΝΑΙ] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Ανώνυμη λειτουργία [ΟΧΙ] - - - PeX support [ON] - Υποστήριξη PeX [ΝΑΙ] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Υποστήριξη PeX [ΟΧΙ] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Απαιτείται επανεκκίνηση για την εναλλαγή υποστήριξης PeX - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Υποστήριξη Ανακάλυψης Τοπικών Διασυνδέσεων [ΝΑΙ] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Υποστήριξη Ανακάλυψης Τοπικών Διασυνδέσεων [ΟΧΙ] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Υποστήριξη κρυπτογράφησης [ΝΑΙ] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Υποστήριξη κρυπτογράφησης [ΕΞΑΝΑΓΚΑΣΤΙΚΗ] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Υποστήριξη κρυπτογράφησης [ΟΧΙ] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Ενσωματωμένος Ιχνηλάτης [ΝΑΙ] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Αποτυχία έναρξης του ενσωματωμένου ιχνηλάτη! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Ενσωματωμένος Ιχνηλάτης [ΟΧΙ] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... Το '%1' έφτασε τη μέγιστη αναλογία που θέσατε. Αφαίρεση... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... Το '%1' έφτασε τη μέγιστη αναλογία που θέσατε. Γίνεται παύση... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Η κατάσταση δικτύου του συστήματος άλλαξε σε %1 - + ONLINE ΣΕ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΗ - + OFFLINE ΕΚΤΟΣ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΗΣ - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Η διαμόρφωση δικτύου του %1 άλλαξε, γίνεται ανανέωση δεσμών συνεδρίας - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Αδυναμία αποκωδικοποίησης του '%1' αρχείου torrent. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Αναδρομική λήψη του αρχείου '%1' ενσωματωμένου στο torrent '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποθήκευση του '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. γιατί το %1 είναι απενεργοποιημένο. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. γιατί το %1 είναι απενεργοποιημένο. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Αποτυχία επαλήθευσης URL διαμοιραστή για το URL: '%1', μήνυμα: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. Το qBittorrent απέτυχε να λειτουργήσει στην διεπαφή %1 θύρα: %2/%3. Αιτία: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... To '%1' αφαιρέθηκε από την λίστα μεταφορών και τον σκληρό δίσκο. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... Το '%1' αφαιρέθηκε από την λίστα μεταφορών. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Λήψη «%1», παρακαλώ περιμένεται… - DHT support [ON] - Υποστήριξη DHT [ΝΑΙ] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Υποστήριξη DHT [ΟΧΙ]. Αιτία: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Υποστήριξη DHT [ΟΧΙ] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 Το qBittorrent προσπαθεί να λειτουργήσει σε οποιαδήποτε θύρα διεπαφής: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Η δικτυακή διεπαφή που έχει οριστεί δεν είναι έγκυρη: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 Το qBittorent προσπαθεί να λειτουργήσει στην διεπαφή: %1 θύρα: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on Το qBittorrent δεν βρήκε μια %1 τοπική διεύθυνση για να λειτουργήσει - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface Το qBittorent απέτυχε στην λειτουργία οποιασδήποτε θύρας διεπαφής: %1. Αιτία: %2 - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Ο ιχνηλάτης '%1' προστέθηκε στο torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Ο ιχνηλάτης '%1' διαγράφηκε από το torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Το URL διαμοιραστή '%1' προστέθηκε στο torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' Το URL διαμοιραστή '%1' αφαιρέθηκε από το torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Δεν είναι δυνατή η συνέχιση του torrent '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Επιτυχής ανάλυση του παρεχόμενου IP φίλτρου: εφαρμόστηκαν %1 κανόνες. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Σφάλμα: Αποτυχία ανάλυσης του παρεχόμενου φίλτρου IP. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Δεν ήταν δυνατή η προσθήκη torrent. Αιτία: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) Το '%1' είναι σε συνέχιση. (γρήγορη συνέχιση) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. Το '%1' προστέθηκε στη λίστα λήψεων. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Προέκυψε ένα σφάλμα Ι/Ο, το '%1' τέθηκε σε παύση. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Αποτυχία αντιστοίχισης θυρών, μήνυμα: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Επιτυχία αντιστοίχισης θυρών, μήνυμα: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. λόγω φίλτρου IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. λόγω φίλτρου θύρας. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. λόγω περιορισμών i2p μικτής λειτουργίας. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. γιατί έχει χαμηλή θύρα. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 Το qBittorrent χρησιμοποιεί επιτυχώς τη διεπαφή %1 θύρα: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Εξωτερική IP: %1 @@ -2502,10 +2446,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes &Πάντα Ναί - - Python found in %1 - Βρέθηκε Python στο %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. Η βάση δεδομένων GeoIP φορτώθηκε. Τύπος: %1. Χρόνος Δημιουργίας: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Δεν ήταν δυνατή η φόρτωση της βάσης δεδομένων GeoIP. Αιτία: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Βενεζουέλα, Μπολιβαριανή Δημοκρατία της - + Viet Nam Βιετνάμ - - + + N/A Δ/Υ - + Andorra Ανδόρρα - + United Arab Emirates Ηνωμένα Αραβικά Εμιράτα - + Afghanistan Αφγανιστάν - + Antigua and Barbuda Αντίγκουα και Μπαρμπούντα - + Anguilla Αγκίλα - + Albania Αλβανία - + Armenia Αρμενία - + Angola Αγκόλα - + Antarctica Ανταρκτική - + Argentina Αργεντινή - + American Samoa Αμερικανικές Σαμόα - + Austria Αυστρία - + Australia Αυστραλία - + Aruba Αρούμπα - + Azerbaijan Αζερμπαϊτζάν - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Βοσνία και Ερζεγοβίνη - + Barbados Μπαρμπάντος - + Bangladesh Μπαγκλαντές - + Belgium Βέλγιο - + Burkina Faso Μπουρκίνα Φάσο - + Bulgaria Βουλγαρία - + Bahrain Μπαχρέιν - + Burundi Μπουρούντι - + Benin Μπενίν - + Bermuda Βερμούδες - + Brunei Darussalam Μπρούνει Νταρουσαλλέμ - + Brazil Βραζιλία - + Bahamas Μπαχάμες - + Bhutan Μπουτάν - + Bouvet Island Νήσος Μπουβέ - + Botswana Μποτσουάνα - + Belarus Λευκορωσία - + Belize Μπελίζ - + Canada Καναδάς - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Νήσοι Κόκος (Κήλινγκ) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Κονγκό, Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία του - + Central African Republic Κεντροαφρικανική Δημοκρατία - + Congo Κονγκό - + Switzerland Ελβετία - + Cook Islands Νήσοι Κουκ - + Chile Χιλή - + Cameroon Καμερούν - + China Κίνα - + Colombia Κολομβία - + Costa Rica Κόστα Ρίκα - + Cuba Κούβα - + Cape Verde Πράσινο Ακρωτήριο - + Curacao Κουρασάο - + Christmas Island Νήσος των Χριστουγέννων - + Cyprus Κύπρος - + Czech Republic Τσεχία - + Germany Γερμανία - + Djibouti Τζιμπουτί - + Denmark Δανία - + Dominica Δομίνικα - + Dominican Republic Δομινικανή Δημοκρατία - + Algeria Αλγερία - + Ecuador Ισημερινός - + Estonia Εσθονία - + Egypt Αίγυπτος - + Western Sahara Δυτική Σαχάρα - + Eritrea Ερυθραία - + Spain Ισπανία - + Ethiopia Αιθιοπία - + Finland Φιλανδία - + Fiji Φίτζι - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Νήσοι Φώκλαντ (Μαλβίνας) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Μικρονησία, Ομόσπονδες Πολιτείες της - + Faroe Islands Νήσοι Φερόες - + France Γαλλία - + Gabon Γκαμπόν - + United Kingdom Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο - + Grenada Γρενάδα - + Georgia Γεωργία - + French Guiana Γαλλική Γουιάνα - + Ghana Γκάνα - + Gibraltar Γιβραλτάρ - + Greenland Γροιλανδία - + Gambia Γκάμπια - + Guinea Γουινέα - + Guadeloupe Γουαδελούπη - + Equatorial Guinea Ισημερινή Γουινέα - + Greece Ελλάδα - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Νήσοι Νότια Γεωργία και Νότιες Σάντουιτς - + Guatemala Γουατεμάλα - + Guam Γκουάμ - + Guinea-Bissau Γουινέα-Μπισάου - + Guyana Γουιάνα - + Hong Kong Χονγκ Κονγκ - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Νήσοι Χερντ και Μακντόναλντ - + Honduras Ονδούρα - + Croatia Κροατία - + Haiti Αϊτή - + Hungary Ουγγαρία - + Indonesia Ινδονησία - + Ireland Ιρλανδία - + Israel Ισραήλ - + India Ινδία - + British Indian Ocean Territory Βρετανικό Έδαφος του Ινδικού Ωκεανού - + Iraq Ιράκ - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Ιράν, Ισλαμική Δημοκρατία του - + Iceland Ισλανδία - + Italy Ιταλία - + Jamaica Τζαμάικα - + Jordan Ιορδανία - + Japan Ιαπωνία - + Kenya Κένυα - + Kyrgyzstan Κιργιζία - + Cambodia Καμπότζη - + Kiribati Κιριμπάτι - + Comoros Κομόρες - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Άγιος Χριστόφορος και Νέβις - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Κορέα, Λαοκρατική Δημοκρατία της - + Korea, Republic of Κορέα, Δημοκρατία της - + Kuwait Κουβέιτ - + Cayman Islands Νήσοι Κέιμαν - + Kazakhstan Καζακστάν - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Λαική Δημοκρατία του Λάος - + Lebanon Λίβανος - + Saint Lucia Αγία Λουκία - + Liechtenstein Λιχτενστάιν - + Sri Lanka Σρι Λάνκα - + Liberia Λιβερία - + Lesotho Λεσότο - + Lithuania Λιθουανία - + Luxembourg Λουξεμβούργο - + Latvia Λεττονία - + Morocco Μαρόκο - + Monaco Μονακό - + Moldova, Republic of Μολδαβία, Δημοκρατία της - + Madagascar Μαδαγασκάρη - + Marshall Islands Νήσοι Μάρσαλ - + Mali Μάλι - + Myanmar Μιανμάρ - + Mongolia Μογγολία - + Northern Mariana Islands Νήσοι Βόρειας Μαριάνας - + Martinique Μαρτινίκα - + Mauritania Μαυριτανία - + Montserrat Μοντσεράτ - + Malta Μάλτα - + Mauritius Μαυρίκιος - + Maldives Μαλδίβες - + Malawi Μαλάουι - + Mexico Μεξικό - + Malaysia Μαλαισία - + Mozambique Μοζαμβίκη - + Namibia Ναμίμπια - + New Caledonia Νέα Καληδονία - + Niger Νίγηρας - + Norfolk Island Νήσος Νόρφολκ - + Nigeria Νιγηρία - + Nicaragua Νικαράγουα - + Netherlands Κάτω Χώρες - + Norway Νορβηγία - + Nepal Νεπάλ - + Nauru Ναουρού - + Niue Νιούε - + New Zealand Νέα Ζηλανδία - + Oman Ομάν - + Panama Παναμάς - + Peru Περού - + French Polynesia Γαλλική Πολυνησία - + Papua New Guinea Παπούα Νέα Γουινέα - + Philippines Φιλιππίνες - + Pakistan Πακιστάν - + Poland Πολωνία - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Άγιος Πέτρος και Μικελόν - + Puerto Rico Πουέρτο Ρίκο - + Portugal Πορτογαλία - + Palau Παλάου - + Paraguay Παραγουάη - + Qatar Κατάρ - + Reunion Ρεϊνιόν - + Romania Ρουμανία - + Russian Federation Ρωσική Ομοσπονδία - + Rwanda Ρουάντα - + Saudi Arabia Σαουδική Αραβία - + Solomon Islands Νήσοι Σολομώντος - + Seychelles Σεϋχέλλες - + Sudan Σουδάν - + Sweden Σουηδία - + Singapore Σιγκαπούρη - + Slovenia Σλοβενία - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Νήσοι Σβάλμπαρντ και Γιαν Μαγιέν - + Slovakia Σλοβακία - + Sierra Leone Σιέρρα Λεόνε - + San Marino Άγιος Μαρίνος - + Senegal Σενεγάλη - + Somalia Σομαλία - + Suriname Σουρινάμ - + Sao Tome and Principe Σάο Τομέ και Πρίνσιπε - + El Salvador Ελ Σαλβαδόρ - + Syrian Arab Republic Αραβική Δημοκρατία της Συρίας - + Swaziland Σουαζιλάνδη - + Turks and Caicos Islands Νήσοι Τερκς και Κάικος - + Chad Τσαντ - + French Southern Territories Γαλλικά Νότια Εδάφη - + Togo Τόγκο - + Thailand Ταϊλάνδη - + Tajikistan Τατζικιστάν - + Tokelau Τοκελάου - + Turkmenistan Τουρκμενιστάν - + Tunisia Τυνησία - + Tonga Τόνγκα - + Timor-Leste Τιμόρ, Ανατολικό - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Βολιβία, Πολυεθνική Πολιτεία της - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Μποναίρ, Άγιος Ευστράτιος και Σάμπα - + Cote d'Ivoire Ακτή Ελεφαντοστού - + Libya Λιβύη - + Saint Martin (French part) Άγιος Μαρτίνος (Γαλλικό τμήμα) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Μακεδονία, πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της - + Macao Μακάο - + Pitcairn Πίτκαιρν - + Palestine, State of Παλαιστίνη, Πολιτεία της - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Αγία Ελένη, Ασενσιόν και Τριστάν ντα Κούνια - + South Sudan Νότιο Σουδάν - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Άγιος Μαρτίνος (Ολλανδικό τμήμα) - + Turkey Τουρκία - + Trinidad and Tobago Τρινιδάδ και Τομπάγκο - + Tuvalu Τουβαλού - + Taiwan Ταϊβάν - + Tanzania, United Republic of Τανζανία, Ενωμένη Δημοκρατία της - + Ukraine Ουκρανία - + Uganda Ουγκάντα - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Απομακρυσμένες Νησίδες των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών - + United States Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής - + Uruguay Ουρουγουάη - + Uzbekistan Ουζμπεκιστάν - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Αγία Έδρα (Πόλη-Κράτος Βατικανού) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Άγιος Βικέντιος και Γρεναδίνες - + Virgin Islands, British Παρθένοι Νήσοι, Βρετανικές - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Παρθένες Νήσοι, Η.Π.Α. - + Vanuatu Βανουάτου - + Wallis and Futuna Ουαλίς και Φουτουνά - + Samoa Σαμόα - + Yemen Υεμένη - + Mayotte Μαγιότ - + Serbia Σερβία - + South Africa Νότια Αφρική - + Zambia Ζάμπια - + Montenegro Μαυροβούνιο - + Zimbabwe Ζιμπάμπουε - + Aland Islands Νήσοι Ώλαντ - + Guernsey Γκέρνσεϊ - + Isle of Man Νήσος Μαν - + Jersey Τζέρσεϊ - + Saint Barthelemy Άγιος Βαρθολομαίος - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποσυμπίεση του αρχείου βάσης δεδομένων GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποθήκευση του λαμβανόμενου αρχείου βάσης δεδομένων GeoIP. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Επιτυχής ενημέρωση βάσης δεδομένων GeoIP. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Δεν ήταν δυνατή η λήψη του αρχείου βάσης δεδομένων GeoIP. Αιτία: %1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Σφάλμα Ειδοποίησης email: @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Θύρα - + Flags Σημάνσεις - + Connection Σύνδεση - + Client i.e.: Client application Πελάτης - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Πρόοδος - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Ταχύτητα Λήψης - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Ταχύτητα Αποστολής - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Ληφθέντα - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Απεσταλμένα - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Συνάφεια - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Αρχεία - + Column visibility Ορατότητα στήλης - + Add a new peer... Προσθήκη νέας διασύνδεσης... - - + + Ban peer permanently Μόνιμος αποκλεισμός διασύνδεσης - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Χειροκίνητη προσθήκη διασύνδεσης '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Η διασύνδεση '%1' δεν ήταν δυνατό να προστεθεί σε αυτό το torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Χειροκίνητος αποκλεισμός διασύνδεσης '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Προσθήκη διασύνδεσης - + Country Χώρα - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Μερικές διασυνδέσεις δεν ήταν δυνατό να προστεθούν. Ελέγξτε το Αρχείο Καταγραφής για λεπτομέρειες. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Οι διασυνδέσεις προστέθηκαν σε αυτό το torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να αποκλείσετε μόνιμα τις επιλεγμένες διασυνδέσεις; - + &Yes &Ναι - + &No &Όχι @@ -6091,95 +6031,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. Σφάλμα I/O: Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία προσωρινού αρχείου. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. Το %1 είναι μια άγνωστη παράμετρος γραμμής εντολών. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. Το %1 πρέπει να είναι ενιαία παράμετρος γραμμής εντολών. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). Το %1 πρέπει να προσδιορίζει τη σωστή θύρα (1 έως 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Δεν μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το %1: το qBittorrent τρέχει ήδη για αυτόν τον χρήστη. - + Usage: Χρήση: - + Options: Επιλογές: - + Displays program version Εμφανίζει την έκδοση προγράμματος - + Displays this help message Εμφανίζει αυτό το μήνυμα βοηθείας - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Αλλάζει τη θύρα του UI Ιστού (τρέχων: %1) - + Disable splash screen Απενεργοποίηση οθόνης εκκίνησης - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Εκτέλεση σε λειτουργία daemon (παρασκήνιο) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Κάνει λήψη των torrents που δόθηκαν απο τον χρήστη - + Help Βοήθεια - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Εκτελέστε την εφαρμογή με την επιλογή -h για να διαβάσετε σχετικά με τις παραμέτρους της γραμμής εντολών. - + Bad command line Μη έγκυρη γραμμή εντολών - + Bad command line: Μη έγκυρη γραμμή εντολών: - + Legal Notice Νομική Σημείωση - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6188,22 +6128,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Δεν θα εκδοθούν περαιτέρω ανακοινώσεις. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Πατήστε το πλήκτρο %1 για αποδοχή και συνέχεια… - + Legal notice Νομική Σημείωση - + Cancel Άκυρο - + I Agree Συμφωνώ @@ -6365,27 +6305,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. Αναβαθμίσατε από μια παλιότερη έκδοση που αποθήκευε τα πράγματα διαφορετικά. Θα πρέπει να μεταπηδήσετε στο νέο σύστημα αποθήκευσης. Άν συνεχίσετε, δεν θα μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε παλιότερη έκδοση από την v3.3.0 ξανά. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Δεν ήταν δυνατή η μεταπήδηση του torrent με hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Δεν ήταν δυνατή η μεταπήδηση του torrent. Μη έγκυρο όνομα αρχείου fastresume: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6404,8 +6344,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Επισήμανση αντικειμένων ως διαβασμένα @@ -6425,60 +6365,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Ρυθμίσεις… - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrents: (διπλό κλικ για λήψη) - - + + Delete Διαγραφή - + Rename... Μετονομασία… - + Rename Μετονομασία - - + + Update Ενημέρωση - + New subscription... Νέα συνδρομή… - - + + Update all feeds Ενημέρωση όλων των τροφοδοσιών - + Download torrent Λήψη torrent - + Open news URL Άνοιγμα URL ειδήσεων - + Copy feed URL Αντιγραφή URL τροφοδοσίας - + New folder... Νέος φάκελος… @@ -7765,18 +7705,6 @@ No further notices will be issued. Warning (%1) Προειδοποίηση (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποκωδικοποίηση του favicon για το URL '%1'. Προσπάθεια λήψης του favicon σε PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποκωδικοποίηση του favicon για το URL '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Δεν ήταν δυνατή η λήψη του favicon για το URL '%1'. Αιτία: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8080,80 +8008,80 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Ορατότητα στήλης - + Choose save path Επιλέξτε διαδρομή αποθήκευσης - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Περιορισμός Ταχύτητας Λήψης torrent - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Περιορισμός Ταχύτητας Αποστολής torrent - + Recheck confirmation Επιβεβαίωση επανέλεγχου - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Είστε σίγουροι πως θέλετε να επανελέγξετε τα επιλεγμένα torrent(s); - + Rename Μετονομασία - + New name: Νέο όνομα: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Συνέχιση - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Εξαναγκαστική Συνέχιση - + Pause Pause the torrent Παύση - + New Category Νέα Κατηγορία - + Category: Κατηγορία: - + Invalid category name Μη έγκυρο όνομα κατηγορίας - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8162,129 +8090,129 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Το όνομα της κατηγορίας δεν θα πρέπει να περιέχει αλληλουχία '//'. - + Delete Delete the torrent Διαγραφή - + Preview file... Προεπισκόπηση αρχείου… - + Limit share ratio... Περιορισμός αναλογίας διαμοιρασμού… - + Limit upload rate... Περιορισμός αναλογίας αποστολής… - + Limit download rate... Περιορισμός αναλογίας λήψης… - + Open destination folder Άνοιγμα φακέλου προορισμού - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Μετακίνηση επάνω - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Μετακίνηση κάτω - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Μετακίνηση στην κορυφή - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Μετακίνηση στο τέλος - + Set location... Ρύθμιση τοποθεσίας… - + Copy name Αντιγραφή ονόματος - + Download first and last pieces first Λήψη πρώτων και τελευταίων κομματιών πρώτα - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category Κατηγορία - + New... New category... Νέα... - + Reset Reset category Επαναφορά - + Priority Προτεραιότητα - + Force recheck Εξαναγκαστικός επανέλεγχος - + Copy magnet link Αντιγραφή συνδέσμου magnet - + Super seeding mode Λειτουργία ενισχυμένου διαμοιρασμού - + Rename... Μετονομασία… - + Download in sequential order Λήψη σε διαδοχική σειρά @@ -8644,11 +8572,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Λήψεις diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_en.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_en.ts index afb7fabf1..9454d4711 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_en.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_en.ts @@ -960,298 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support - + Embedded Tracker [ON] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE - + ONLINE - + OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: @@ -2712,1285 +2712,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - + Viet Nam - - + + N/A - + Andorra - + United Arab Emirates - + Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda - + Anguilla - + Albania - + Armenia - + Angola - + Antarctica - + Argentina - + American Samoa - + Austria - + Australia - + Aruba - + Azerbaijan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina - + Barbados - + Bangladesh - + Belgium - + Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria - + Bahrain - + Burundi - + Benin - + Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil - + Bahamas - + Bhutan - + Bouvet Island - + Botswana - + Belarus - + Belize - + Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the - + Central African Republic - + Congo - + Switzerland - + Cook Islands - + Chile - + Cameroon - + China - + Colombia - + Costa Rica - + Cuba - + Cape Verde - + Curacao - + Christmas Island - + Cyprus - + Czech Republic - + Germany - + Djibouti - + Denmark - + Dominica - + Dominican Republic - + Algeria - + Ecuador - + Estonia - + Egypt - + Western Sahara - + Eritrea - + Spain - + Ethiopia - + Finland - + Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of - + Faroe Islands - + France - + Gabon - + United Kingdom - + Grenada - + Georgia - + French Guiana - + Ghana - + Gibraltar - + Greenland - + Gambia - + Guinea - + Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea - + Greece - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - + Guatemala - + Guam - + Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana - + Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands - + Honduras - + Croatia - + Haiti - + Hungary - + Indonesia - + Ireland - + Israel - + India - + British Indian Ocean Territory - + Iraq - + Iran, Islamic Republic of - + Iceland - + Italy - + Jamaica - + Jordan - + Japan - + Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan - + Cambodia - + Kiribati - + Comoros - + Saint Kitts and Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of - + Korea, Republic of - + Kuwait - + Cayman Islands - + Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic - + Lebanon - + Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka - + Liberia - + Lesotho - + Lithuania - + Luxembourg - + Latvia - + Morocco - + Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of - + Madagascar - + Marshall Islands - + Mali - + Myanmar - + Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands - + Martinique - + Mauritania - + Montserrat - + Malta - + Mauritius - + Maldives - + Malawi - + Mexico - + Malaysia - + Mozambique - + Namibia - + New Caledonia - + Niger - + Norfolk Island - + Nigeria - + Nicaragua - + Netherlands - + Norway - + Nepal - + Nauru - + Niue - + New Zealand - + Oman - + Panama - + Peru - + French Polynesia - + Papua New Guinea - + Philippines - + Pakistan - + Poland - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon - + Puerto Rico - + Portugal - + Palau - + Paraguay - + Qatar - + Reunion - + Romania - + Russian Federation - + Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia - + Solomon Islands - + Seychelles - + Sudan - + Sweden - + Singapore - + Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen - + Slovakia - + Sierra Leone - + San Marino - + Senegal - + Somalia - + Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe - + El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic - + Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands - + Chad - + French Southern Territories - + Togo - + Thailand - + Tajikistan - + Tokelau - + Turkmenistan - + Tunisia - + Tonga - + Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire - + Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of - + Macao - + Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - + Turkey - + Trinidad and Tobago - + Tuvalu - + Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of - + Ukraine - + Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands - + United States - + Uruguay - + Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - + Virgin Islands, British - + Virgin Islands, U.S. - + Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna - + Samoa - + Yemen - + Mayotte - + Serbia - + South Africa - + Zambia - + Montenegro - + Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands - + Guernsey - + Isle of Man - + Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 @@ -4011,7 +4011,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: @@ -5058,38 +5058,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5170,142 +5170,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP - + Port - + Flags - + Connection - + Client i.e.: Client application - + Progress i.e: % downloaded - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now - + Column visibility - + Add a new peer... - - + + Ban peer permanently - + Manually adding peer '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... - - + + Peer addition - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. - + The peers were added to this torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? - + &Yes - + &No @@ -6019,117 +6019,117 @@ Those plugins were disabled. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. - + Usage: - + Options: - + Displays program version - + Displays this help message - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) - + Disable splash screen - + Run in daemon-mode (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user - + Help - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. - + Bad command line - + Bad command line: - + Legal Notice - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... - + Legal notice - + Cancel - + I Agree @@ -6291,27 +6291,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6330,8 +6330,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read @@ -6351,60 +6351,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. - + Torrents: (double-click to download) - - + + Delete - + Rename... - + Rename - - + + Update - + New subscription... - - + + Update all feeds - + Download torrent - + Open news URL - + Copy feed URL - + New folder... @@ -7994,209 +7994,209 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility - + Choose save path - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting - + Recheck confirmation - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? - + Rename - + New name: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent - + Pause Pause the torrent - + New Category - + Category: - + Invalid category name - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent - + Preview file... - + Limit share ratio... - + Limit upload rate... - + Limit download rate... - + Open destination folder - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue - + Set location... - + Copy name - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category - + New... New category... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority - + Force recheck - + Copy magnet link - + Super seeding mode - + Rename... - + Download in sequential order @@ -8556,11 +8556,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_en_AU.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_en_AU.ts index b5ab0ef1c..3b9c26cd7 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_en_AU.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_en_AU.ts @@ -960,298 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support - + Embedded Tracker [ON] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE - + ONLINE - + OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: @@ -2714,1285 +2714,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - + Viet Nam - - + + N/A - + Andorra - + United Arab Emirates - + Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda - + Anguilla - + Albania - + Armenia - + Angola - + Antarctica - + Argentina - + American Samoa - + Austria - + Australia - + Aruba - + Azerbaijan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina - + Barbados - + Bangladesh - + Belgium - + Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria - + Bahrain - + Burundi - + Benin - + Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil - + Bahamas - + Bhutan - + Bouvet Island - + Botswana - + Belarus - + Belize - + Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the - + Central African Republic - + Congo - + Switzerland - + Cook Islands - + Chile - + Cameroon - + China - + Colombia - + Costa Rica - + Cuba - + Cape Verde - + Curacao - + Christmas Island - + Cyprus - + Czech Republic - + Germany - + Djibouti - + Denmark - + Dominica - + Dominican Republic - + Algeria - + Ecuador - + Estonia - + Egypt - + Western Sahara - + Eritrea - + Spain - + Ethiopia - + Finland - + Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of - + Faroe Islands - + France France - + Gabon - + United Kingdom - + Grenada - + Georgia - + French Guiana - + Ghana - + Gibraltar - + Greenland - + Gambia - + Guinea - + Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea - + Greece Greece - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - + Guatemala - + Guam - + Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana - + Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands - + Honduras - + Croatia - + Haiti - + Hungary - + Indonesia - + Ireland - + Israel - + India - + British Indian Ocean Territory - + Iraq - + Iran, Islamic Republic of - + Iceland - + Italy - + Jamaica - + Jordan - + Japan - + Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan - + Cambodia - + Kiribati - + Comoros - + Saint Kitts and Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of - + Korea, Republic of - + Kuwait - + Cayman Islands - + Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic - + Lebanon - + Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka - + Liberia - + Lesotho - + Lithuania - + Luxembourg - + Latvia - + Morocco - + Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of - + Madagascar - + Marshall Islands - + Mali - + Myanmar - + Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands - + Martinique - + Mauritania - + Montserrat - + Malta - + Mauritius - + Maldives - + Malawi - + Mexico - + Malaysia - + Mozambique - + Namibia - + New Caledonia - + Niger - + Norfolk Island - + Nigeria - + Nicaragua - + Netherlands - + Norway - + Nepal - + Nauru - + Niue - + New Zealand - + Oman - + Panama - + Peru - + French Polynesia - + Papua New Guinea - + Philippines - + Pakistan - + Poland - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon - + Puerto Rico - + Portugal - + Palau - + Paraguay - + Qatar - + Reunion - + Romania - + Russian Federation - + Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia - + Solomon Islands - + Seychelles - + Sudan - + Sweden - + Singapore - + Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen - + Slovakia - + Sierra Leone - + San Marino - + Senegal - + Somalia - + Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe - + El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic - + Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands - + Chad - + French Southern Territories - + Togo - + Thailand - + Tajikistan - + Tokelau - + Turkmenistan - + Tunisia - + Tonga - + Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire - + Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of - + Macao - + Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - + Turkey - + Trinidad and Tobago - + Tuvalu - + Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of - + Ukraine - + Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands - + United States - + Uruguay - + Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - + Virgin Islands, British - + Virgin Islands, U.S. - + Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna - + Samoa - + Yemen - + Mayotte - + Serbia - + South Africa - + Zambia - + Montenegro - + Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands - + Guernsey - + Isle of Man - + Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 @@ -4013,7 +4013,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: @@ -5060,38 +5060,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5172,142 +5172,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port - + Flags Flags - + Connection Connection - + Client i.e.: Client application Client - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Progress - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Down Speed - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Up Speed - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Downloaded - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Uploaded - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now - + Column visibility Column visibility - + Add a new peer... Add a new peer... - - + + Ban peer permanently Ban peer permanently - + Manually adding peer '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Peer addition - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. - + The peers were added to this torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? - + &Yes &Yes - + &No &No @@ -6021,117 +6021,117 @@ Those plugins were disabled. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. - + Usage: - + Options: - + Displays program version - + Displays this help message - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) - + Disable splash screen - + Run in daemon-mode (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user - + Help Help - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. - + Bad command line - + Bad command line: - + Legal Notice - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... - + Legal notice - + Cancel Cancel - + I Agree @@ -6293,27 +6293,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6332,8 +6332,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Mark items read @@ -6353,60 +6353,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Settings... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) - - + + Delete Delete - + Rename... Rename... - + Rename Rename - - + + Update Update - + New subscription... New subscription... - - + + Update all feeds Update all feeds - + Download torrent Download torrent - + Open news URL Open news URL - + Copy feed URL Copy feed URL - + New folder... New folder... @@ -7996,209 +7996,209 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Column visibility - + Choose save path Choose save path - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torrent Download Speed Limiting - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torrent Upload Speed Limiting - + Recheck confirmation Recheck confirmation - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? - + Rename Rename - + New name: New name: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Resume - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent - + Pause Pause the torrent Pause - + New Category - + Category: - + Invalid category name - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent Delete - + Preview file... Preview file... - + Limit share ratio... Limit share ratio... - + Limit upload rate... Limit upload rate... - + Limit download rate... Limit download rate... - + Open destination folder Open destination folder - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Move up - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Move down - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Move to top - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Move to bottom - + Set location... Set location... - + Copy name - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category - + New... New category... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority Priority - + Force recheck Force recheck - + Copy magnet link Copy magnet link - + Super seeding mode Super seeding mode - + Rename... Rename... - + Download in sequential order Download in sequential order @@ -8558,11 +8558,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Downloads diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_en_GB.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_en_GB.ts index 7f1db33e9..5523ed5bf 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_en_GB.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_en_GB.ts @@ -960,298 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support - + Embedded Tracker [ON] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE - + ONLINE - + OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: @@ -2714,1285 +2714,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - + Viet Nam - - + + N/A - + Andorra - + United Arab Emirates - + Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda - + Anguilla - + Albania - + Armenia - + Angola - + Antarctica - + Argentina - + American Samoa - + Austria - + Australia - + Aruba - + Azerbaijan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina - + Barbados - + Bangladesh - + Belgium - + Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria - + Bahrain - + Burundi - + Benin - + Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil - + Bahamas - + Bhutan - + Bouvet Island - + Botswana - + Belarus - + Belize - + Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the - + Central African Republic - + Congo - + Switzerland - + Cook Islands - + Chile - + Cameroon - + China - + Colombia - + Costa Rica - + Cuba - + Cape Verde - + Curacao - + Christmas Island - + Cyprus - + Czech Republic - + Germany - + Djibouti - + Denmark - + Dominica - + Dominican Republic - + Algeria - + Ecuador - + Estonia - + Egypt - + Western Sahara - + Eritrea - + Spain - + Ethiopia - + Finland - + Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of - + Faroe Islands - + France France - + Gabon - + United Kingdom - + Grenada - + Georgia - + French Guiana - + Ghana - + Gibraltar - + Greenland - + Gambia - + Guinea - + Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea - + Greece Greece - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - + Guatemala - + Guam - + Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana - + Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands - + Honduras - + Croatia - + Haiti - + Hungary - + Indonesia - + Ireland - + Israel - + India - + British Indian Ocean Territory - + Iraq - + Iran, Islamic Republic of - + Iceland - + Italy - + Jamaica - + Jordan - + Japan - + Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan - + Cambodia - + Kiribati - + Comoros - + Saint Kitts and Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of - + Korea, Republic of - + Kuwait - + Cayman Islands - + Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic - + Lebanon - + Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka - + Liberia - + Lesotho - + Lithuania - + Luxembourg - + Latvia - + Morocco - + Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of - + Madagascar - + Marshall Islands - + Mali - + Myanmar - + Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands - + Martinique - + Mauritania - + Montserrat - + Malta - + Mauritius - + Maldives - + Malawi - + Mexico - + Malaysia - + Mozambique - + Namibia - + New Caledonia - + Niger - + Norfolk Island - + Nigeria - + Nicaragua - + Netherlands - + Norway - + Nepal - + Nauru - + Niue - + New Zealand - + Oman - + Panama - + Peru - + French Polynesia - + Papua New Guinea - + Philippines - + Pakistan - + Poland - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon - + Puerto Rico - + Portugal - + Palau - + Paraguay - + Qatar - + Reunion - + Romania - + Russian Federation - + Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia - + Solomon Islands - + Seychelles - + Sudan - + Sweden - + Singapore - + Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen - + Slovakia - + Sierra Leone - + San Marino - + Senegal - + Somalia - + Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe - + El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic - + Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands - + Chad - + French Southern Territories - + Togo - + Thailand - + Tajikistan - + Tokelau - + Turkmenistan - + Tunisia - + Tonga - + Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire - + Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of - + Macao - + Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - + Turkey - + Trinidad and Tobago - + Tuvalu - + Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of - + Ukraine - + Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands - + United States - + Uruguay - + Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - + Virgin Islands, British - + Virgin Islands, U.S. - + Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna - + Samoa - + Yemen - + Mayotte - + Serbia - + South Africa - + Zambia - + Montenegro - + Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands - + Guernsey - + Isle of Man - + Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 @@ -4013,7 +4013,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: @@ -5060,38 +5060,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5172,142 +5172,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port - + Flags Flags - + Connection Connection - + Client i.e.: Client application Client - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Progress - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Down Speed - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Up Speed - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Downloaded - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Uploaded - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now - + Column visibility Column visibility - + Add a new peer... Add a new peer... - - + + Ban peer permanently Ban peer permanently - + Manually adding peer '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Peer addition - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. - + The peers were added to this torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? - + &Yes &Yes - + &No &No @@ -6021,117 +6021,117 @@ Those plugins were disabled. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. - + Usage: - + Options: - + Displays program version - + Displays this help message - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) - + Disable splash screen - + Run in daemon-mode (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user - + Help Help - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. - + Bad command line - + Bad command line: - + Legal Notice - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... - + Legal notice - + Cancel Cancel - + I Agree @@ -6293,27 +6293,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6332,8 +6332,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Mark items read @@ -6353,60 +6353,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Settings... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) - - + + Delete Delete - + Rename... Rename... - + Rename Rename - - + + Update Update - + New subscription... New subscription... - - + + Update all feeds Update all feeds - + Download torrent Download torrent - + Open news URL Open news URL - + Copy feed URL Copy feed URL - + New folder... New folder... @@ -7996,209 +7996,209 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Column visibility - + Choose save path Choose save path - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torrent Download Speed Limiting - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torrent Upload Speed Limiting - + Recheck confirmation Recheck confirmation - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? - + Rename Rename - + New name: New name: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Resume - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent - + Pause Pause the torrent Pause - + New Category - + Category: Category: - + Invalid category name - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent Delete - + Preview file... Preview file... - + Limit share ratio... Limit share ratio... - + Limit upload rate... Limit upload rate... - + Limit download rate... Limit download rate... - + Open destination folder Open destination folder - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Move up - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Move down - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Move to top - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Move to bottom - + Set location... Set location... - + Copy name - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category - + New... New category... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority Priority - + Force recheck Force recheck - + Copy magnet link Copy magnet link - + Super seeding mode Super seeding mode - + Rename... Rename... - + Download in sequential order Download in sequential order @@ -8558,11 +8558,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Downloads diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_eo.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_eo.ts index 92cd5c72b..2e10871ad 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_eo.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_eo.ts @@ -960,354 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Samtavolano-identigilo: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP-uzantagento estas '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Sennoma reĝimo [ŜALTITA] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Sennoma reĝimo [MALŜALTITA] - - - PeX support [ON] - Subteno de PeX [ŜALTITA] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Subteno de PeX [MALŜALTITA] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Subteno de Local Peer Discovery [ŜALTITA] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Subteno de Local Peer Discovery [MALŜALTITA] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Subteno de ĉifrado [ŜALTITA] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Subteno de ĉifrado [TRUDITA] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Subteno de ĉifrado [MALŜALTITA] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Enigita spurilo [ŜALTITA] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Enigita spurilo [MALŜALTITA] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE - + ONLINE KONEKTITA - + OFFLINE MALKONEKTITA - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Ne eblas malkodi la torentdosieron '%1' - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Ne eblis konservi dosieron '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. ĉar %1 estas malebligita. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. ĉar %1 estas malebligita. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 URL-fonta elserĉo malsukcesis kun la URL-adreso: '%1', mesaĝo: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' estis forigita de la transmetlisto kaj diskilo. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' foriĝis de la transmetlisto. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... '%1' estas elŝutata, bonvolu atendi... - DHT support [ON] - Subteno de DHT [ŜALTITA] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Subteno de DHT [MALŜALTITA]. Kial: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Subteno de DHT [MALŜALTITA] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 La difinita reta interfaco malvalidas: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent provantas aŭskulti per interfaco %1 pordo: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent ne trovis lokan adreson de %1 por aŭskulti - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent ne eblis aŭskulti per iu ajn interfaco pordo: %1. Kialo: %2 - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Spurilo '%1' aldoniĝis al la torento '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Spurilo '%1' foriĝis de la torento '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL-fonto '%1' aldoniĝis al la torento '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL-fonto '%1' foriĝis de torento '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Ne eblas reaktivigi la torenton '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Ne eblis aldoni la torenton. Kial: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' reaktiviĝis. (rapida reaktiviĝo) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' aldoniĝis al la elŝutlisto. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Eneliga eraro okazis, '%1' paŭzis. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. pro IP-filtrilo. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. pro porda filtrilo. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. ĉar ĝi havas malaltan pordon. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent sukcese aŭskultantas per interfaco %1 pordo: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Ekstera IP-adreso: %1 @@ -2499,10 +2443,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes &Ĉiam Jes - - Python found in %1 - Pitono trovita en %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2776,1285 +2716,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuelo, Bolivara Respubliko - + Viet Nam Vjetnamujo - - + + N/A N/A - + Andorra Andoro - + United Arab Emirates Unuiĝintaj Arabaj Emirlandoj - + Afghanistan Afganujo - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigvo kaj Barbudo - + Anguilla Angvilo - + Albania Albanujo - + Armenia Armenujo - + Angola Angolo - + Antarctica Antarkto - + Argentina Argentino - + American Samoa Usona Samoo - + Austria Aŭstrujo - + Australia Aŭstralio - + Aruba Arubo - + Azerbaijan Azerbajĝano - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnujo kaj Hercegovino - + Barbados Barbado - + Bangladesh Bangladeŝo - + Belgium Belgujo - + Burkina Faso Burkino - + Bulgaria Bulgarujo - + Bahrain Barejno - + Burundi Burundo - + Benin Benino - + Bermuda Bermudo - + Brunei Darussalam Brunejo - + Brazil Brazilo - + Bahamas Bahamoj - + Bhutan Butano - + Bouvet Island Buvet-Insulo - + Botswana Bocvano - + Belarus Belorusujo - + Belize Belizo - + Canada Kanado - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kokosa Insulo - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Kongo Kinŝasa - + Central African Republic Centr-Afriko - + Congo Kongo Brazavila - + Switzerland Svislando - + Cook Islands Kukinsuloj - + Chile Ĉilio - + Cameroon Kameruno - + China Ĉinujo - + Colombia Kolombio - + Costa Rica Kostariko - + Cuba Kubo - + Cape Verde Kaboverdo - + Curacao Kuracao - + Christmas Island Kristnaskinsulo - + Cyprus Kipro - + Czech Republic Ĉeĥujo - + Germany Germanujo - + Djibouti Ĝibutio - + Denmark Danujo - + Dominica Dominiko - + Dominican Republic Domingo - + Algeria Alĝerio - + Ecuador Ekvadoro - + Estonia Estonujo - + Egypt Egiptujo - + Western Sahara Okcidenta Saharo - + Eritrea Eritreo - + Spain Hispanujo - + Ethiopia Etiopujo - + Finland Finnlando - + Fiji Fiĝioj - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falklandoj - + Micronesia, Federated States of Federaciaj Ŝtatoj de Mikronezio - + Faroe Islands Ferooj - + France Francujo - + Gabon Gabono - + United Kingdom Britujo - + Grenada Grenado - + Georgia Kartvelujo - + French Guiana Franca Gviano - + Ghana Ganao - + Gibraltar Ĝibraltaro - + Greenland Gronlando - + Gambia Gambio - + Guinea Gvineo - + Guadeloupe Gvadelupo - + Equatorial Guinea Ekvatora Gvineo - + Greece Grekujo - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Sud-Georgio kaj Sud-Sandviĉinsuloj - + Guatemala Gvatemalo - + Guam Gvamo - + Guinea-Bissau Gvineo Bisaŭa - + Guyana Gujano - + Hong Kong Honkongo - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Insulo Herdo kaj insuloj Makdonaldaj - + Honduras Honduro - + Croatia Kroatujo - + Haiti Haitio - + Hungary Hungarujo - + Indonesia Indonezio - + Ireland Irlando - + Israel Israelo - + India Barato - + British Indian Ocean Territory Brita Hindoceana Teritorio - + Iraq Irako - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Irano - + Iceland Islando - + Italy Italujo - + Jamaica Jamajko - + Jordan Jordanio - + Japan Japanujo - + Kenya Kenjo - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgizujo - + Cambodia Kamboĝo - + Kiribati Kiribato - + Comoros Komoroj - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Sankta Kristofo kaj Neviso - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea Demokratia Popola Respubliko - + Korea, Republic of Korea Respubliko - + Kuwait Kuvajto - + Cayman Islands Kajmana Insularo - + Kazakhstan Kazaĥujo - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laoso - + Lebanon Libano - + Saint Lucia Sankta Lucio - + Liechtenstein Liĥtenŝtejno - + Sri Lanka Srilanko - + Liberia Liberio - + Lesotho Lesoto - + Lithuania Litovujo - + Luxembourg Luksemburgo - + Latvia Latvujo - + Morocco Maroko - + Monaco Monako - + Moldova, Republic of Moldavujo - + Madagascar Madagaskaro - + Marshall Islands Marŝaloj - + Mali Malio - + Myanmar Birmo - + Mongolia Mongolujo - + Northern Mariana Islands Nord-Marianoj - + Martinique Martiniko - + Mauritania Maŭritanio - + Montserrat Moncerato - + Malta Malto - + Mauritius Maŭricio - + Maldives Maldivoj - + Malawi Malavio - + Mexico Meksiko - + Malaysia Malajzio - + Mozambique Mozambiko - + Namibia Namibio - + New Caledonia Nov-Kaledonio - + Niger Niĝero - + Norfolk Island Norfolkinsulo - + Nigeria Niĝerio - + Nicaragua Nikaragvo - + Netherlands Nederlando - + Norway Norvegujo - + Nepal Nepalo - + Nauru Nauro - + Niue Niuo - + New Zealand Nov-Zelando - + Oman Omano - + Panama Panamo - + Peru Peruo - + French Polynesia Franca Polinezio - + Papua New Guinea Papuo-Nov-Gvineo - + Philippines Filipinoj - + Pakistan Pakistano - + Poland Pollando - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Sankta Petro kaj Mikelono - + Puerto Rico Portoriko - + Portugal Portugalujo - + Palau Palaŭo - + Paraguay Paragvajo - + Qatar Kataro - + Reunion Reunio - + Romania Rumanujo - + Russian Federation Rusujo - + Rwanda Ruando - + Saudi Arabia Saŭda Arabujo - + Solomon Islands Salomonoj - + Seychelles Sejŝeloj - + Sudan Sudano - + Sweden Svedujo - + Singapore Singapuro - + Slovenia Slovenujo - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbardo kaj Janmajeno - + Slovakia Slovakujo - + Sierra Leone Sieraleono - + San Marino Sanmarino - + Senegal Senegalo - + Somalia Somalujo - + Suriname Surinamo - + Sao Tome and Principe Sankta Tomaso kaj Principeo - + El Salvador Salvadoro - + Syrian Arab Republic Siria Araba Respubliko - + Swaziland Svazilando - + Turks and Caicos Islands Turkoj kaj Kajkoj - + Chad Ĉado - + French Southern Territories Francaj Sudaj kaj Antarktaj Teritorioj - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Tajlando - + Tajikistan Taĝikujo - + Tokelau Tokelao - + Turkmenistan Turkmenujo - + Tunisia Tunizio - + Tonga Tongo - + Timor-Leste Orienta Timoro - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivia Respubliko - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius kaj Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Ebur-Bordo - + Libya Libio - + Saint Martin (French part) Saint-Martin (Franca) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Makedonujo, Iama Jugoslavia Respubliko - + Macao Makao - + Pitcairn Pitkarno - + Palestine, State of Palestino, Ŝtato - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Sankta Heleno, Ascension kaj Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Sud-Sudano - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint-Maarten (Nederlanda) - + Turkey Turkujo - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidado kaj Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalo - + Taiwan Tajvano - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania Respubliko - + Ukraine Ukrainujo - + Uganda Ugando - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Usonaj Malgrandaj Insuloj - + United States Usono - + Uruguay Urugvajo - + Uzbekistan Uzbekujo - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Vatikano - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Sankta Vincento kaj Grenadinoj - + Virgin Islands, British Britaj Virgulininsuloj - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Usonaj Virgulininsuloj - + Vanuatu Vanuatuo - + Wallis and Futuna Valiso kaj Futuno - + Samoa Samoo - + Yemen Jemeno - + Mayotte Majoto - + Serbia Serbujo - + South Africa Sud-Afriko - + Zambia Zambio - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabvo - + Aland Islands Alando - + Guernsey Gvernsejo - + Isle of Man Manksinsulo - + Jersey Ĵersejo - + Saint Barthelemy Sankta Bartolomeo - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 @@ -4075,7 +4015,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Retpoŝt-atentiga eraro: @@ -5122,38 +5062,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5234,142 +5174,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP-adreso - + Port Pordo - + Flags Flagoj - + Connection Konekto - + Client i.e.: Client application Kliento - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Progreso - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Elŝutrapido - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Alŝutrapido - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Elŝutis - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Alŝutis - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Rilateco - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Dosieroj - + Column visibility - + Add a new peer... Aldoni novan samtavolano... - - + + Ban peer permanently Forbari la samtavolanon daŭre - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Permane aldonante la samtavolanon '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. La samtavolano '%1' ne eblis aldoniĝi al la torento. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Permane forbarante la samtavolanon '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Aldono de samtavolano - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Kelkaj samtavolanoj ne eblis aldoniĝi. Kontroli la Protokolon por detaloj. - + The peers were added to this torrent. La samtavolanoj aldoniĝis al la torento. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Ĉu vi certas, ke vi volas forbari daŭre la elektitajn samtavolanojn? - + &Yes &Jes - + &No &Ne @@ -6084,117 +6024,117 @@ Those plugins were disabled. Eneliga Eraro: Ne eblis krei provizoran dosieron. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 estas nekonata komandlinia parametro. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 nepras esti la sola komandlinia parametro. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 nepras specifi la ĝustan pordon (de 1 al 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. %1 ne povas uziĝi de vi: qBittorrent jam funkciantas por ĉi tiu uzanto. - + Usage: Uzo: - + Options: Opcioj: - + Displays program version Vidigas la version de la programaro - + Displays this help message Vidigas ĉi tiun helpmesaĝon - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Ŝanĝas la TTT-UI-pordon (aktuale: %1) - + Disable splash screen Malebligi salutŝildon - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Lanĉi per demonreĝimo (fone) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Elŝutas la torentojn, kiuj estas aprobitaj de la uzanto - + Help Helpo - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Lanĉu la aplikaĵon kun la opcion -h por legi pri komandliniaj parametroj. - + Bad command line Malvalida komandlinio - + Bad command line: Malvalida komandlinio: - + Legal Notice Leĝa Noto - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Premu la %1-klavon por akcepti kaj daŭrigi... - + Legal notice Leĝa noto - + Cancel Nuligi - + I Agree Mi Konsentas @@ -6356,27 +6296,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Ne eblis migrigi torenton kun hakedo: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Ne eblis migrigi torenton. Malvalida dosiernomo por rapide reaktiviĝi: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6395,8 +6335,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Marki elementojn kiel legitaj @@ -6416,60 +6356,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Agordoj... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torentoj: (duoble alklaki por elŝuti) - - + + Delete Forigi - + Rename... Renomi... - + Rename Renomi... - - + + Update Ĝisdatigi - + New subscription... Nova abono... - - + + Update all feeds Ĝisdatigi ĉiujn fluojn - + Download torrent Elŝuti la torenton - + Open news URL Malfermi novaĵan URL-adreson - + Copy feed URL Kopii la URL-adreson de la fluo - + New folder... Nova dosierujo... @@ -8059,209 +7999,209 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility - + Choose save path Elektu la konservan dosierindikon - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting - + Recheck confirmation - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Ĉu vi certas, ke vi volas rekontroli la elektita(j)n torento(j)n? - + Rename Renomi... - + New name: Nova nomo: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Reaktivigi - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Trude reaktivigi - + Pause Pause the torrent Paŭzigi - + New Category - + Category: - + Invalid category name - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent Forigi - + Preview file... Antaŭrigardi la dosieron... - + Limit share ratio... Limigi kunhavan proporcion... - + Limit upload rate... Limigi alŝutrapidon... - + Limit download rate... Limigi elŝutrapidon... - + Open destination folder Malfermi la celdosierujon - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Movi supren - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Movi malsupren - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Movi al la supro - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Movi al la malsupro - + Set location... Agordi lokon... - + Copy name Kopii la nomon - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category - + New... New category... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority Prioritato - + Force recheck Trude rekontroli - + Copy magnet link Kopii la magnet-ligilon - + Super seeding mode Superfontsendanta reĝimo - + Rename... Renomi... - + Download in sequential order Elŝuti en sinsekva ordo @@ -8621,11 +8561,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Elŝutoj diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_es.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_es.ts index d4136e954..4af38957f 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_es.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_es.ts @@ -962,354 +962,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID del Par: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - El User-Agent HTTP es '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Modo anónimo [Activado] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Modo anónimo [Desactivado] - - - PeX support [ON] - Soporte PeX [Activado] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Soporte PeX [Desactivado] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Es necesario reiniciar para cambiar el soporte PeX - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Buscar pares locales [Activado] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Buscar pares locales [Desactivado] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Soporte para cifrado [Activado] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Soporte para cifrado [Forzado] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Sopote para cifrado [Desactivado] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Tracker integrado [Activado] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Error al iniciar el tracker integrado - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Tracker integrado [Desactivado] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' alcanzó el ratio máximo establecido. Eliminandolo... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' alcanzó el ratio máximo establecido. Pausandolo... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE El estado de la red del equipo cambió a %1 - + ONLINE EN LÍNEA - + OFFLINE FUERA DE LÍNEA - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding La configuración de red de %1 ha cambiado, refrescando la sesión - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. La interfaz de red configurada %1 no es válida - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. No se pudo decodificar el torrent '%1'. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Descarga recursiva del archivo '%1' incluido en el torrent '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' No se pudo guardar '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. porque %1 está deshabilitado. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. porque %1 está deshabilitado. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Falló la búsqueda de la semilla Url: '%1', mensaje: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent falló al escuchar en la interfaz %1 puerto: %2/%3. Razón: %4 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' Fue eliminado de la lista de transferencias y del disco. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' Fue eliminado de la lista de transferencias. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Descargando '%1', por favor espere... - DHT support [ON] - Soporte para DHT [Activado] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Soporte para DHT [Desactivado]. Razón: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Soporte para DHT [Desactivado] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent está tratando de escuchar en cualquier interfaz, puerto: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 La interfaz de red definida no es válida: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent está tratando de escuchar en la interfaz %1 puerto: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent no encuentra una dirección local %1 para escuchar - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent falló tratando de escuchar en cualquier interfaz, Puerto: %1. Razón: %2 - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' El tracker '%1' se agregó al torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' El tracker '%1' se eliminó del torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' La semilla URL '%1' se agregó al torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' La semilla URL '%1' se eliminó del torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. No se pudo continuar el torrent '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Filtro IP analizado correctamente: %1 reglas aplicadas. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Error: Falló el análisis del filtro IP. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 No se pudo agregar el torrent. Razón: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' continuado. (continuación rápida) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' agregado a la lista de descargas. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Ocurrió un error de I/O, '%1' pausado. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Falló el mapeo del puerto, mensaje: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Puerto mapeado correctamente, mensaje: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. por el filtro IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. por el filtro de puertos. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. por restricciones del modo mixto i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. por tener un puerto bajo. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent está escuchando en la interfaz %1 puerto: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: IP Externa: %1 @@ -2504,10 +2448,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes S&iempre sí - - Python found in %1 - Python encontrado en %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. Base de datos GeoIP cargada. Tipo: %1. Creada el: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 No se pudo cargar la base de datos GeoIP. Razon: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A N/A - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Emiratos Árabes Unidos - + Afghanistan Afganistán - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua y Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguila - + Albania Albania - + Armenia Armenia - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antártida - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Samoa Americana - + Austria Austria - + Australia Australia - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbaiyán - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia y Herzegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladés - + Belgium Bélgica - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgaria - + Bahrain Baréin - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benín - + Bermuda Bermudas - + Brunei Darussalam Brunéi Darussalam - + Brazil Brasil - + Bahamas Bahamas - + Bhutan Bután - + Bouvet Island Isla Bouvet - + Botswana Botsuana - + Belarus Bielorrusia - + Belize Belice - + Canada Canadá - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Islas Cocos (Keeling) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the República Democrática del Congo - + Central African Republic República Centroafricana - + Congo Congo - + Switzerland Suiza - + Cook Islands Islas Cook - + Chile Chile - + Cameroon Camerún - + China China - + Colombia Colombia - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Cuba - + Cape Verde Cabo Verde - + Curacao Curazao - + Christmas Island Isla de Navidad - + Cyprus Chipre - + Czech Republic República Checa - + Germany Alemania - + Djibouti Yibuti - + Denmark Dinamarca - + Dominica Dominica - + Dominican Republic República Dominicana - + Algeria Argelia - + Ecuador Ecuador - + Estonia Estonia - + Egypt Egipto - + Western Sahara Sahara Occidental - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain España - + Ethiopia Etiopía - + Finland Finlandia - + Fiji Fiyi - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Islas Malvinas (Falkland) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Estados Federados de Micronesia - + Faroe Islands Islas Feroe - + France Francia - + Gabon Gabón - + United Kingdom Reino Unido - + Grenada Granada - + Georgia Georgia - + French Guiana Guayana Francesa - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Groenlandia - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadalupe - + Equatorial Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial - + Greece Grecia - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Islas Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bisáu - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Islas Heard y McDonald - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Croacia - + Haiti Haití - + Hungary Hungría - + Indonesia Indonesia - + Ireland Irlanda - + Israel Israel - + India India - + British Indian Ocean Territory Territorio Británico del Océano Índico - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Irán - + Iceland Islandia - + Italy Italia - + Jamaica Jamaica - + Jordan Jordania - + Japan Japón - + Kenya Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan Kirguistán - + Cambodia Camboya - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Comoras - + Saint Kitts and Nevis San Cristóbal y Nieves - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Corea del Norte - + Korea, Republic of Corea del Sur - + Kuwait Kuwait - + Cayman Islands Islas Caimán - + Kazakhstan Kazajistán - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos - + Lebanon Líbano - + Saint Lucia Santa Lucía - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesoto - + Lithuania Lituania - + Luxembourg Luxemburgo - + Latvia Letonia - + Morocco Marruecos - + Monaco Mónaco - + Moldova, Republic of Moldavia - + Madagascar Madagascar - + Marshall Islands Islas Marshall - + Mali Malí - + Myanmar Birmania - + Mongolia Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands Islas Marianas del Norte - + Martinique Martinica - + Mauritania Mauritania - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauricio - + Maldives Maldivas - + Malawi Malaui - + Mexico México - + Malaysia Malasia - + Mozambique Mozambique - + Namibia Namibia - + New Caledonia Nueva Caledonia - + Niger Níger - + Norfolk Island Isla Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigeria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Países Bajos - + Norway Noruega - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Nueva Zelanda - + Oman Omán - + Panama Panamá - + Peru Perú - + French Polynesia Polinesia Francesa - + Papua New Guinea Papúa Nueva Guinea - + Philippines Filipinas - + Pakistan Pakistán - + Poland Polonia - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon San Pedro y Miquelón - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palaos - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Catar - + Reunion Reunión - + Romania Rumanía - + Russian Federation Rusia - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Arabia Saudita - + Solomon Islands Islas Salomón - + Seychelles Seychelles - + Sudan Sudán - + Sweden Suecia - + Singapore Singapur - + Slovenia Eslovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard y Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Eslovaquia - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leona - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalia - + Suriname Surinam - + Sao Tome and Principe Santo Tomé y Príncipe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Siria - + Swaziland Suazilandia - + Turks and Caicos Islands Islas Turcas y Caicos - + Chad Chad - + French Southern Territories Tierras Australes y Antárticas Francesas - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Tailandia - + Tajikistan Tayikistán - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistán - + Tunisia Túnez - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Timor Oriental - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivia - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire - + Cote d'Ivoire Costa de Marfil - + Libya Libia - + Saint Martin (French part) San Martín (Parte Francesa) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Islas Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palestina - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Santa Elena, Ascensión y Tristán de Acuña - + South Sudan Sudán del Sur - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (Parte neerlandesa) - + Turkey Turquía - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad y Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwán - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania - + Ukraine Ucrania - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Islas Ultramarinas Menores de Estados Unidos - + United States Estados Unidos - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistán - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Santa Sede (Estado de la ciudad del Vaticano) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines San Vicente y las Granadinas - + Virgin Islands, British Islas Vírgenes Británicas - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis y Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Yemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Serbia - + South Africa Sudáfrica - + Zambia Zambia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabue - + Aland Islands Åland - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Isla de Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy San Bartolomé - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. No se pudo descomprimir el archivo de base de datos GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. No se pudo guardar la base de datos GeoIP descargada. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Base de datos GeoIP actualizada correctamente. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 No se pudo descargar la base de datos GeoIP. Razon: %1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Error en la notificación por E-mail: @@ -5129,38 +5069,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Esta no es una clave SSL válida. - + Invalid certificate Certificado no válido - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Este no es un Certificado SSL válido. - + Time Error Error de tiempo - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Los tiempos de inicio y finalización no pueden ser iguales. - - + + Length Error Error de longitud - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. El nombre de usuario de la interfaz Web debe ser de al menos 3 caracteres. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. La contraseña de Interfaz de Usuario Web debe ser de al menos 6 caracteres. @@ -5241,142 +5181,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Puerto - + Flags Banderas - + Connection Conexión - + Client i.e.: Client application Cliente - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Progreso - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Vel. Descarga - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Vel. Subida - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Bajado - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Subido - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Importancia - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Archivos - + Column visibility Visibilidad de columnas - + Add a new peer... Agregar nuevo par... - - + + Ban peer permanently Prohibir este par permanentemente - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Agregando manualmente el par '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. El par no se pudo agregar al torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Prohibiendo manualmente al par '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Agregar par - + Country País: - + Copy IP:port Copiar IP:puerto - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Algunos pares no pudieron agregarse. Revisa el log para obtener más detalles. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Los pares se agregaron a este torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? ¿Seguro que desea prohibir permanentemente los pares seleccionados? - + &Yes &Sí - + &No &No @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ En su lugar, esos plugins fueron deshabilitados. Error de I/O: No se pudo crear un archivo temporal. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 es un parámetro de la línea de comandos desconocido. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 debe ser el único parámetro de la línea de comandos. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 debe especificar el puerto correcto (entre 1 y 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. No puedes usar %1: qBittorrent ya se está ejecutando para este usuario. - + Usage: Uso: - + Options: Opciones: - + Displays program version Muestra la versión del programa - + Displays this help message Muestra este mensaje de ayuda - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Cambia el puerto de la interfaz Web (actual: %1) - + Disable splash screen Desactivar pantalla de inicio - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Ejecutar en modo servicio (segundo plano) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Descarga los torrents pasados por el usuario - + Help Ayuda - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Ejecuta la aplicación con la opción -h para obtener información sobre los parámetros de la línea de comandos. - + Bad command line Parámetros de la línea de comandos incorrectos - + Bad command line: Parámetros de la línea de comandos incorrectos: - + Legal Notice Aviso legal - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. No se le volverá a notificar sobre esto. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Pulse la tecla %1 para aceptar y continuar... - + Legal notice Aviso legal - + Cancel Cancelar - + I Agree Estoy de acuerdo @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ No se le volverá a notificar sobre esto. Actualizaste desde una versión anterior que guardaba las cosas de forma diferente. Debes migrar al nuevo sistema de guardado. Si continuas, no podrás volver a usar una versión anterior a v3.3.0. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 No se pudo migrar el torrent con el hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 No se pudo migrar el torrent. Nombre del archivo de continuación rapida invalido: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Se ha detectado un cierre inesperado. Usando el archivo de respaldo para restaurar la configuración. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Ocurrió un error de acceso tratando de escribir el archivo de configuración. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Ocurrió un error de formato tratando de escribir el archivo de configuración. @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ No se le volverá a notificar sobre esto. - - + + Mark items read Marcar como leídos @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ No se le volverá a notificar sobre esto. Configuración... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrents: (doble-click para descargar) - - + + Delete Eliminar - + Rename... Renombrar... - + Rename Renombrar - - + + Update Actualizar - + New subscription... Nueva suscripción... - - + + Update all feeds Actualizar todos los canales - + Download torrent Descargar torrent - + Open news URL Abrir URL - + Copy feed URL Copiar URL del canal - + New folder... Nueva carpeta... @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ No se le volverá a notificar sobre esto. Warning (%1) Advertencia (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - No se pudo decodificar el favicon de la URL '%1'. Intentando descargar el favicon en formato PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - No se pudo decodificar el favicon de la URL '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - No se pudo descargar el favicon de la URL '%1'. Razón: '%2' - Resume torrents @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ No se le volverá a notificar sobre esto. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Visibilidad de columnas - + Choose save path Seleccione una ruta de destino - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Límite de velocidad de descarga del torrent - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Límite de velocidad de subida del torrent - + Recheck confirmation Confirmación de comprobación - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? ¿Esta seguro que desea comprobar los torrents seleccionados? - + Rename Renombrar - + New name: Nuevo nombre: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Reanudar - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Forzar reanudación - + Pause Pause the torrent Pausar - + New Category Nueva categoría - + Category: Categoría: - + Invalid category name Nombre de la categoría no válido - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8164,129 +8092,129 @@ El nombre de la categoría no debe comenzar o terminar con '/'. - + Delete Delete the torrent Eliminar - + Preview file... Previsualizar archivo... - + Limit share ratio... Límitar ratio de compartición... - + Limit upload rate... Tasa límite de subida... - + Limit download rate... Tasa límite de descarga... - + Open destination folder Abrir carpeta de destino - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Mover arriba - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Mover abajo - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Mover al principio - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Mover al final - + Set location... Establecer destino... - + Copy name Copiar nombre - + Download first and last pieces first Descargar antes primeras y últimas partes - + Automatic Torrent Management Administración automática de torrents - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category El moto automático hace que varias propiedades del torrent (por ej: la ruta de guardado) sean decididas por la categoría asociada. - + Category Categoría - + New... New category... Nueva... - + Reset Reset category Descategorizar - + Priority Prioridad - + Force recheck Forzar verificación de archivo - + Copy magnet link Copiar enlace magnet - + Super seeding mode Modo supersiembra - + Rename... Renombrar... - + Download in sequential order Descargar en orden secuencial @@ -8646,11 +8574,11 @@ El nombre de la categoría no debe comenzar o terminar con '/'. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Descargas diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_eu.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_eu.ts index ad7e7e42e..9642c03f9 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_eu.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_eu.ts @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Akatsa: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Hartzaile ID-a: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP Erabiltzaile-Ordezkaria da, '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Izengabeko modua [BAI] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Izengabeko modua [EZ] - - - PeX support [ON] - HaX sostengua [BAI] - - - PeX support [OFF] - HaX sostengua [EZ] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Berrabiaraztea beharrezkoa HaX sostengua aldatzeko - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Tokiko Hartzaile Aurkikuntza sostengua [BAI] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Tokiko Hartzaile Aurkikuntza sostengua [EZ] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Enkripataketa sostengua [BAI] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Enkripataketa sostengua [BEHARTUTA] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Enkripataketa sostengua [EZ] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Barneratutako Aztarnaria [BAI] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Hutsegitea barneratutako aztarnaria abiaraztean! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Barneratutako Aztarnaria [EZ] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... %1 ezarri duzun gehienezko maila erdietsita. Kentzen... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... %1 ezarri duzun gehienezko maila erdietsita. Pausatzen... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Sistemaren sare egoera %1-ra aldatu da - + ONLINE ONLINE - + OFFLINE LINEAZ-KANPO - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding %1-ren sare itxurapena aldatu egin da, saio lotura berritzen - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Itxuratutako %1 sare interfaze helbidea ez da baliozkoa. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Ezinezkoa '%1' torrent agiria dekodeatzea. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' '%1' agiriaren jeisketa mugagabea '%2' torrentean barneratuta - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Ezinezkoa '%1.torrent' gordetzea - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. %1 ezgaituta dagoelako. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. %1 ezgaituta dagoelako. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Url emaritza bigizta hutsegitea url honetan: '%1', mezua: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent-ek huts egin du aditzean %1 interfazean, ataka: %2/%3. Zergaitia: %4 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' eskualdaketa zerrendatik eta diska gogorretik kendu da. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' eskualdaketa zerrendatik kendu da. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... '%1' jeisten, mesedez itxaron... - DHT support [ON] - DHT sostengua [BAI] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT sostengua [EZ]. Zergaitia: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT sostengua [EZ] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent interfazearen edozein atakan aditzen saiatzen ari da: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Zehaztutako sare interfazea baliogabea da: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent aditzen saiatzen ari da %1 interfazean, ataka: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent-ek ez du %1 tokiko helbide bat aurkitu aditzeko - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent-ek huts egin du edozein interfaze atakan aditzerakoan: %1. Zergaitia: %2 - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' '%1' aztarnaria '%2' torrentera gehitu da. - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' '%1' aztarnaria '%2' torrentetik kendu da - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' '%1' emaritza URL-a '%2' torrentera gehitu da - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' '%1' aztarnaria '%2' torrentetik kendu da - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Ezinezkoa %1 torrenta berrekitea. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Emandako IP iragazkia ongi aztertu da: %1 araua ezarri dira. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Akatsa: Hutsegitea emandako IP iragazkia aztertzerakoan. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Ezinezkoa torrenta gehitzea. Zergaitia: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' berrekinda. (berrekite azkarra) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' jeisketa zerrendara gehituta. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 S/I akats bat gertatu da, '%1' pausatuta. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Ataka mapaketa hutsegitea, mezua: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Ataka mapaketa ongi burutu da, mezua: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. IP iragazkiagaitik. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. ataka iragazkiagaitik. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. i2p modu nahasi murrizpenengaitik. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. ataka apala delako. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent ongi aditzen ari da %1 interfazean, ataka: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Kanpoko IP-a: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Nahi duzu qBittorrent elkartzea torrent agiriekin eta Magnet loturekin?&Always Yes & Betik Bai - - Python found in %1 - Python aurkitu da hemen: %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Zihur zaude qBittorrent uztea nahi duzula? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP datubasea gertatuta. Mota: %1. Eraiketa eguna: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Ezin da GeoIP datubasea gertatu. Zergaitia: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Bolibariar Herkalderria - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A E/G - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Arabiar Emirrerri Batuak - + Afghanistan Afganistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua eta Barbuda - + Anguilla Angila - + Albania Albania - + Armenia Armenia - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antartika - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Amerikar Samoa - + Austria Austria - + Australia Australia - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbaijan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia eta Herzegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladesh - + Belgium Belgika - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgaria - + Bahrain Bahrain - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil Brazil - + Bahamas Bahamak - + Bhutan Butan - + Bouvet Island Bouvet Uhartea - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Belaerrusia - + Belize Belize - + Canada Kanada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cocos (Keeling) Uharteak - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Kongoa, Herriaginte Herkalderria - + Central African Republic Ertafrikako Herkalderria - + Congo Kongoa - + Switzerland Suitza - + Cook Islands Cook Uharteak - + Chile Txile - + Cameroon Kamerun - + China Txina - + Colombia Colombia - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Kuba - + Cape Verde Lurmutur Berdea - + Curacao Curacao - + Christmas Island Christmas Uhartea - + Cyprus Zipre - + Czech Republic Txekiar Herkalderria - + Germany Alemania - + Djibouti Djibouti - + Denmark Danimarka - + Dominica Dominika - + Dominican Republic Dominikar Herkalderria - + Algeria Aljeria - + Ecuador Ekuador - + Estonia Estonia - + Egypt Egipto - + Western Sahara Sahara Mendebaldea - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Espainia - + Ethiopia Etiopia - + Finland Finlandia - + Fiji Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Malvina Uharteak - + Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronesia, Estatu Federatuak - + Faroe Islands Faroe Uharteak - + France Frantzia - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Erresuma Batua - + Grenada Granada - + Georgia Georgia - + French Guiana Frantziar Guiana - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Groenlandia - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Ginea - + Guadeloupe Guadalupe - + Equatorial Guinea Ekuatore Ginea - + Greece Grezia - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Hego Georgia eta Hego Sandwich Uharteak - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Ginea-Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heard Uhartea McDonald Uharteak - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Kroazia - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Hungaria - + Indonesia Indonesia - + Ireland Irlanda - + Israel Israel - + India India - + British Indian Ocean Territory Britainiar Indiatako Itsasoko Lurraldea - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamiar Herkalderria - + Iceland Islandia - + Italy Italia - + Jamaica Jamaika - + Jordan Jordania - + Japan Japonia - + Kenya Kenia - + Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan - + Cambodia Kanbodia - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Comoros - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts eta Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Herriagintezko Herriaren Herkalderria - + Korea, Republic of Korea, Herkalderria - + Kuwait Kuwait - + Cayman Islands Kaiman Uharteak - + Kazakhstan Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laoseko Herriaren Herriagintezko Herkalderria - + Lebanon Libanoa - + Saint Lucia Santa Luzia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Lituania - + Luxembourg Luxenburgo - + Latvia Letonia - + Morocco Maroko - + Monaco Monako - + Moldova, Republic of Moldavia, Herkalderria - + Madagascar Madagaskar - + Marshall Islands Marshall Uharteak - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Myanmar - + Mongolia Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands Iparraldeko Mariana Uharteak - + Martinique Martinika - + Mauritania Mauritania - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Maurizio - + Maldives Maldivak - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Mexiko - + Malaysia Malaisia - + Mozambique Mozanbike - + Namibia Namibia - + New Caledonia Kaledonia Berria - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Norfolk Uhartea - + Nigeria Nigeria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Herbehereak - + Norway Norbegia - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Zeelanda Berria - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peruq - + French Polynesia Frantziar Polinesia - + Papua New Guinea Papua Ginea Berria - + Philippines Filipinak - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Polonia - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Pierre eta Mikelon - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Katar - + Reunion Reunion - + Romania Errumania - + Russian Federation Errusiar Federazioa - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia - + Solomon Islands Solomon Uharteak - + Seychelles Seychelles - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden Suedia - + Singapore Singapur - + Slovenia Eslobenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard eta Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Eslobakia - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leona - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalia - + Suriname Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome eta Principe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Siriako Arabiar Herkalderria - + Swaziland Swazilandia - + Turks and Caicos Islands Dordokak eta Caicos Uharteak - + Chad Txad - + French Southern Territories Frantziar Hegoaldeko Lurraldeak - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Thailandia - + Tajikistan Tajikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunizia - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Timor-Ekialdea - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Nazioanitzeko Estatua - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius eta Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Boli Kosta - + Libya Libia - + Saint Martin (French part) Saint Martin (Frantziar aldea) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Mazedonia, Yugoslaviar Herkalderria Ohia - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palestina, Estatua - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Helena, Ascension eta Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Hego Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (Herbeherear aldea) - + Turkey Turkia - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad eta Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tantzania, Herkalderri Batua - + Ukraine Ukrainia - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Estatu Batuetako Itsasoz Haraindiko Uharteak - + United States Estatu Batuak - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Hiri Santua (Vaticanoa Hiri Estatua) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent eta Granadinak - + Virgin Islands, British Virgin Uharteak, Britainiarrak - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Virgin Uharteak, AEB - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis eta Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Yemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Serbia - + South Africa Hego Afrika - + Zambia Zambia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Aland Uharteak - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Man Uhartea - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint Bartolome - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Ezin da GeoIP datubase agiria deskonprimitu. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Ezin da jeitsitako GeoIP datubase agiria gorde. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. GeoIP datubasea ongi eguneratu da. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Ezin da GeoIP datubase agiria jeitsi. Zergaitia: %1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ Zihur zaude qBittorrent uztea nahi duzula? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Post@ Jakinarazpen Akatsa: @@ -5129,38 +5069,38 @@ Zihur zaude qBittorrent uztea nahi duzula? Hau ez da baliozko SSL giltza bat. - + Invalid certificate Egiaztagiri baliogabea - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Hau ez da baliozko SSL egiaztagiri bat. - + Time Error Ordu Akatsa - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Hasiera ordua eta amaiera ordua ezin dira berdinak izan. - - + + Length Error Luzera Akatsa - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Web EI erabiltzaile-izenak gutxienez 3 hizkirriko luzera izan behar du. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Web EI sarhitzak gutxienez 6 hizkirriko luzera izan behar du. @@ -5241,142 +5181,142 @@ Zihur zaude qBittorrent uztea nahi duzula? PeerListWidget - + IP IP-a - + Port Ataka - + Flags Ikurrak - + Connection Elkarketa - + Client i.e.: Client application Bezeroa - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Garapena - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Jeisketa Abiadura - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Igoera Abiadura - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Jeitsita - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Igota - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Garrantzia - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Agiriak - + Column visibility Zutabe ikusgarritasuna - + Add a new peer... Gehitu hartzaile berri bat... - - + + Ban peer permanently Eragotzi hartzailea mugagabe - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Eskuzko hartzaile gehitzea '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. '%1' hartzailea ezin da torrent honetara gehitu. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Eskuzko hartzaile eragoztea '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Hartzaile gehiketa - + Country Herrialdea - + Copy IP:port Kopiatu IP:ataka - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Zenbait hartzailea ezin dira gehitu. Egiaztatu Oharra xehetasunetarako. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Hartzaileak torrent honetara gehitu dira. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Zihur zaude mugagabe eragoztea nahi dituzula hautatutako hartzaileak? - + &Yes &Bai - + &No &Ez @@ -6093,95 +6033,95 @@ Plugin hauek ezgaituta daude. S/I Akatsa: Ezin da aldibaterako agiria sortu. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 agindu lerro parametro ezezaguna da. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 agindu lerro parametro soila izan behar da. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1-k ataka zuzena adierazi behar du (1 eta 65535 artean). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Ezin duzu %1 erabili: qBittorrent jadanik ekinean dago erabiltzaile honentzat. - + Usage: Erabilpena: - + Options: Aukerak: - + Displays program version Programaren bertsioa erakusten du - + Displays this help message Laguntza mezu hau erakusten du - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Web EI ataka aldatzen du (oraingoa: %1) - + Disable splash screen Ezgaitu ongi etorri ikusleihoa - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Ekin daemon-moduan (barrenean) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Erabiltzaileak pasatutako torrentak jeisten ditu - + Help Laguntza - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Ekin aplikazioa -h aukerarekin agindu lerro parametroei buruz irakurtzeko. - + Bad command line Agindu lerro okerra - + Bad command line: Agindu lerro okerra: - + Legal Notice Legezko Jakinarazpena - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Ez dira jakinarazpen gehiago egingo. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Sakatu %1 tekla onartu eta jarraitzeko... - + Legal notice Legezko Jakinarazpena - + Cancel Ezeztatu - + I Agree Onartzen dut @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ Ez dira jakinarazpen gehiago egingo. Gauzak beste modu batean gordetzen dituen bertsio zahar batetik eguneratu zara. Gordetze sistema berrira migratu behar duzu. Jarraitzen baduzu, ezingo duzu v3.3.0 baino zaharragoa den bertsiorik erabili ahalko berriro. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Ezinezkoa torrenta migratzea, hasha: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Ezinezkoa torrenta migratzea. Berrekite-azkar agiri izen baliogabea: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Programatik irtetze ez garbia atzemanda. Atzerabide agiria erabiltzen ezarpenak leheneratzeko. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Sarbide akats bat gertatu da itxurapen agiria idazten saiatzerakoan. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Heuskarri akats bat gertatu da itxurapen agiria idazten saiatzerakoan. @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ Ez dira jakinarazpen gehiago egingo. - - + + Mark items read Markatu gaiak irakurritzat @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ Ez dira jakinarazpen gehiago egingo. Ezarpenak... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrentak: (klik-bikoitza jeisteko) - - + + Delete Ezabatu - + Rename... Berrizendatu... - + Rename Berrizendatu - - + + Update Eguneratu - + New subscription... Harpidetza berria... - - + + Update all feeds Eguneratu harpidetza guztiak - + Download torrent Jeitsi torrenta - + Open news URL Ireki URL berriak - + Copy feed URL Kopiatu harpidetza URL-a - + New folder... Agiritegi berria... @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ Ez dira jakinarazpen gehiago egingo. Warning (%1) Kontuz (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Ezin da '%1' url-arentzako fabikoa dekodeatu. Fabikoa PNG heuskarrian jeisten saiatzen. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Ezin da '%1' url-arentzako fabikoa dekodeatu. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Ezin da '%1' url-arentzako fabikoa jeitsi. Zergaitia: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ Ez dira jakinarazpen gehiago egingo. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Zutabe ikusgarritasuna - + Choose save path Hautatu gordetzeko helburua - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torrent Jeisketa Abiadura Muga - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torrent Igoera Abiadura Muga - + Recheck confirmation Berregiaztatu baieztapena - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Zihur zaude hautaturiko torrenta(k) berregiaztatzea nahi d(it)uzula? - + Rename Berrizendatu - + New name: Izen berria: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Berrekin - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Behartu Berrekitea - + Pause Pause the torrent Pausatu - + New Category Kategoria Berria - + Category: Kategoria: - + Invalid category name Kategoria izen baliogabea - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8163,129 +8091,129 @@ Kategoria izenak ez da hasi/amaitu behar '/'-rekin. Kategoria izenak ezin du '//' sekuentzia izan. - + Delete Delete the torrent Ezabatu - + Preview file... Agiri aurreikuspena... - + Limit share ratio... Mugatu elkarbanatze maila... - + Limit upload rate... Mugatu igoera neurria... - + Limit download rate... Mugatu jeisketa neurria... - + Open destination folder Ireki helmuga agiritegia - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Mugitu gora - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Mugitu behera - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Mugitu goren - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Mugitu beheren - + Set location... Ezarri kokalekua... - + Copy name Kopiatu izena - + Download first and last pieces first Jeitsi lehen eta azken atalak lehenik - + Automatic Torrent Management Berezgaitasunezko Torrent Kudeaketa - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Berezgaitasunezko moduak esanahi du torrent ezaugarri ugari (adib. gordetze helburua) elkartutako kategoriaren arabera erabakiko direla - + Category Kategoria - + New... New category... Berria... - + Reset Reset category Berrezarri - + Priority Lehentasuna - + Force recheck Behartu berregiaztapena - + Copy magnet link Kopiatu magnet lotura - + Super seeding mode Gain emaritza modua - + Rename... Berrizendatu... - + Download in sequential order Jeitsi sekuentzialki @@ -8645,11 +8573,11 @@ Kategoria izenak ezin du '//' sekuentzia izan. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Jeisketak diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_fi.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_fi.ts index 0afa16b4e..b0782b19e 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_fi.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_fi.ts @@ -960,318 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Anonymous mode [ON] - Anonyymitila [PÄÄLLÄ] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Anonyymitila [EI KÄYTÖSSÄ] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support - Encryption support [ON] - Salaustuki [PÄÄLLÄ] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Salaustuki [PAKOTETTU] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Salaustuki [POIS PÄÄLTÄ] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE - + ONLINE - + OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Torrenttia '%1.torrent' ei voitu tallentaa - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. koska %1 ei ole käytössä. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. koska %1 ei ole käytössä. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' poistettiin listalta ja kiintolevyltä. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: @@ -1389,7 +1369,7 @@ Kategorian nimessä ei saa olla merkkijonoa '//'. Manage Cookies - + Evästeiden hallinta @@ -2134,7 +2114,7 @@ Kategorian nimessä ei saa olla merkkijonoa '//'. Manage Cookies... - + Evästeiden hallinta... @@ -2739,1285 +2719,1285 @@ Haluatko varmasti sulkea qBittorrentin? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 GeoIP-tietokantaa ei voitu ladata. Syy: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuelan bolivariaaninen tasavalta - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A Ei saatavilla - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Yhdistyneet arabiemiirikunnat - + Afghanistan Afganistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua ja Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albania - + Armenia Armenia - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Etelämanner - + Argentina Argentiina - + American Samoa Amerikan Samoa - + Austria Itävalta - + Australia Australia - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbaidžan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia ja Hertsegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladesh - + Belgium Belgia - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgaria - + Bahrain Bahrain - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil Brasilia - + Bahamas Bahama - + Bhutan Bhutan - + Bouvet Island Bouvet'nsaari - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Valko-Venäjä - + Belize Belize - + Canada Kanada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kookossaaret (Keelingsaaret) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Kongon demokraattinen tasavalta - + Central African Republic Keski-Afrikan tasavalta - + Congo Kongon tasavalta - + Switzerland Sveitsi - + Cook Islands Cookinsaaret - + Chile Chile - + Cameroon Kamerun - + China Kiina - + Colombia Kolumbia - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Kuuba - + Cape Verde Kap Verde - + Curacao Curaçao - + Christmas Island Joulusaari - + Cyprus Kypros - + Czech Republic Tšekin tasavalta - + Germany Saksa - + Djibouti Djibouti - + Denmark Tanska - + Dominica Dominica - + Dominican Republic Dominikaaninen tasavalta - + Algeria Algeria - + Ecuador Ecuador - + Estonia Viro - + Egypt Egypti - + Western Sahara Länsi-Sahara - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Espanja - + Ethiopia Etiopia - + Finland Suomi - + Fiji Fidži - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falklandinsaaret - + Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronesian liittovaltio - + Faroe Islands Färsaaret - + France Ranska - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Iso-Britannia - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Georgia - + French Guiana Ranskan Guayana - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Grönlanti - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea Päiväntasaajan Guinea - + Greece Kreikka - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Etelä-Georgia ja Eteläiset Sandwichsaaret - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hongkong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heard ja McDonaldinsaaret - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Kroatia - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Unkari - + Indonesia Indonesia - + Ireland Irlanti - + Israel Israel - + India Intia - + British Indian Ocean Territory Brittiläinen Intian valtameren alue - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran - + Iceland Islanti - + Italy Italia - + Jamaica Jamaika - + Jordan Jordania - + Japan Japani - + Kenya Kenia - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgisia - + Cambodia Kambodža - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Komorit - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts ja Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Pohjois-Korea - + Korea, Republic of Etelä-Korea - + Kuwait Kuwait - + Cayman Islands Caymansaaret - + Kazakhstan Kazakstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos - + Lebanon Libanon - + Saint Lucia Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Liettua - + Luxembourg Luxemburg - + Latvia Latvia - + Morocco Marokko - + Monaco Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of Moldova - + Madagascar Madagaskar - + Marshall Islands Marshallinsaaret - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Myanmar - + Mongolia Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands Pohjois-Mariaanit - + Martinique Martinique - + Mauritania Mauritania - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauritius - + Maldives Malediivit - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Meksiko - + Malaysia Malesia - + Mozambique Mosambik - + Namibia Namibia - + New Caledonia Uusi-Kaledonia - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Norfolkinsaari - + Nigeria Nigeria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Alankomaat (Hollanti) - + Norway Norja - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Uusi-Seelanti - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Ranskan Polynesia - + Papua New Guinea Papua-Uusi-Guinea - + Philippines Filippiinit - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Puola - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre ja Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - + Portugal Portugali - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Qatar - + Reunion Réunion - + Romania Romania - + Russian Federation Venäjä - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Saudi-Arabia - + Solomon Islands Salomonsaaret - + Seychelles Seychellit - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden Ruotsi - + Singapore Singapore - + Slovenia Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Huippuvuoret ja Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slovakia - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalia - + Suriname Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé ja Príncipe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Syyria - + Swaziland Swazimaa - + Turks and Caicos Islands Turks- ja Caicossaaret - + Chad Tšad - + French Southern Territories Ranskan eteläiset ja antarktiset alueet - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Thaimaa - + Tajikistan Tadžikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunisia - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Itä-Timor - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivia - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius ja Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Norsunluurannikko - + Libya Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) Saint-Martin (Ranska) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Makedonia - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palestiinalaisalue - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Helena, Ascension ja Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Etelä-Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (Alankomaat) - + Turkey Turkki - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad ja Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tansanian yhdistynyt tasavalta - + Ukraine Ukraina - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Yhdysvaltain pienet erillissaaret - + United States Yhdysvallat - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Pyhä istuin (Vatikaanivaltio) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinit - + Virgin Islands, British Brittiläiset Neitsytsaaret - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Yhdysvaltain Neitsytsaaret - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis ja Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Yemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Serbia - + South Africa Etelä-Afrikka - + Zambia Sambia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Ahvenanmaa - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Mansaari - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint-Barthélemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. GeoIP-tietokantatiedoston purku epäonnistui. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Ladattua GeoIP-tietokantatiedostoa ei voitu tallentaa. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. GeoIP-tietokanta päivitetty onnistuneesti. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 GeoIP-tietokantatiedostoa ei voitu ladata. Syy: %1 @@ -4038,7 +4018,7 @@ Haluatko varmasti sulkea qBittorrentin? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: @@ -4093,12 +4073,12 @@ Haluatko varmasti sulkea qBittorrentin? User Interface Language: - + Käyttöliittymän kieli: (Requires restart) - + (Vaatii uudelleenkäynnistyksen) @@ -5085,38 +5065,38 @@ Haluatko varmasti sulkea qBittorrentin? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5197,142 +5177,142 @@ Haluatko varmasti sulkea qBittorrentin? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Portti - + Flags Liput - + Connection Yhteys - + Client i.e.: Client application Asiakassovellus - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Edistyminen - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Latausnopeus - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Lähetysnopeus - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Ladattu - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Lähetetty - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now - + Column visibility Sarakkeen näkyvyys - + Add a new peer... Lisää uusi asiakas... - - + + Ban peer permanently Estä käyttäjä pysyvästi - + Manually adding peer '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... - - + + Peer addition - + Country Maa - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Joitakin käyttäjiä ei voitu lisätä. Katso lokista lisätietoja. - + The peers were added to this torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Haluatko varmasti estää valitut käyttäjät pysyvästi? - + &Yes &Kyllä - + &No &Ei @@ -6048,117 +6028,117 @@ Valitut alkuperäisliitännäiset ovat poistettu käytöstä. I/O-virhe: väliaikaistiedoston luominen epäonnistui. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. - + Usage: Käyttö: - + Options: Valinnat: - + Displays program version Näyttää ohjelman version - + Displays this help message Näyttää tämän ohjeviestin - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) - + Disable splash screen - + Run in daemon-mode (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user - + Help Ohje - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. - + Bad command line - + Bad command line: - + Legal Notice - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Paina %1 hyväksyäksesi ja jatkaaksesi... - + Legal notice - + Cancel Peruuta - + I Agree Hyväksyn @@ -6320,27 +6300,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6359,8 +6339,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Merkitse lukemattomaksi @@ -6380,60 +6360,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Asetukset... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrentit: (tuplaklikkaa ladataksesi) - - + + Delete Poista - + Rename... Nimeä uudelleen... - + Rename Nimeä uudelleen - - + + Update Päivitä - + New subscription... Uusi tilaus... - - + + Update all feeds Päivitä syötteet - + Download torrent Lataa torrentti - + Open news URL Avaa uusi URL - + Copy feed URL Kopioi syötteen osoite - + New folder... Uusi kansio... @@ -8023,80 +8003,80 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Sarakkeen näkyvyys - + Choose save path Valitse tallennuskansio - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torrentin latausnopeuden rajoitus - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torrentin lähetysnopeuden rajoitus - + Recheck confirmation Uudelleentarkistuksen vahvistus - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Haluatko varmasti tarkistaa uudelleen valitut torrentit? - + Rename Nimeä uudelleen - + New name: Uusi nimi: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Jatka - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Pakota jatkaminen - + Pause Pause the torrent Pysäytä - + New Category Uusi kategoria - + Category: Kategoria: - + Invalid category name Virheellinen kategorian nimi - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8105,129 +8085,129 @@ Kategorian nimi ei saa alkaa/päättyä merkillä '/'. Kategorian nimessä ei saa olla merkkijonoa '//'. - + Delete Delete the torrent Poista - + Preview file... Esikatsele... - + Limit share ratio... Rajoita jakosuhde... - + Limit upload rate... Rajoita lähetysnopeus... - + Limit download rate... Rajoita latausnopeus... - + Open destination folder Avaa kohdekansio - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Siirrä ylös jonossa - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Siirrä alas jonossa - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Siirrä jonon kärkeen - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Siirrä jonon viimeiseksi - + Set location... Aseta kohdekansio... - + Copy name Kopioi nimi - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category Kategoria - + New... New category... Uusi... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority Tärkeysaste - + Force recheck Pakota uudelleentarkistus - + Copy magnet link Kopioi Magnet-osoite - + Super seeding mode super seed -tila - + Rename... Nimeä uudelleen... - + Download in sequential order Lataa järjestyksessä @@ -8587,11 +8567,11 @@ Kategorian nimessä ei saa olla merkkijonoa '//'. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Lataukset diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_fr.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_fr.ts index db329d41c..dc45d272f 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_fr.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_fr.ts @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Erreur : %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID du pair : - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - Le User-Agent HTTP est '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Mode anonyme [ACTIVE] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Mode anonyme [DESACTIVE] - - - PeX support [ON] - Prise en charge de PeX [ACTIVÉE] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Prise en charge de PeX [DÉSACTIVÉE] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Un redémarrage est nécessaire pour changer le support PeX - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Découverte de pairs sur le réseau local [ACTIVÉE] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Découverte de pairs sur le réseau local [DÉSACTIVÉE] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Support de cryptage [ACTIVE] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Support de cryptage [FORCE] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Support de cryptage [DESACTIVE] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Tracker intégré [ACTIVÉ] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Impossible de démarrer le tracker intégré ! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Tracker intégré [DÉSACTIVÉ] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' a atteint le ratio maximum que vous avez défini. Suppression... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' a atteint le ratio maximum que vous avez défini. Mise en pause... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Statut réseau du système changé en %1 - + ONLINE EN LIGNE - + OFFLINE HORS LIGNE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding La configuration réseau de %1 a changé, rafraîchissement de la session - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Impossible de décoder le fichier torrent '%1' - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Téléchargement récursif du fichier '%1' au sein du torrent '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Impossible de sauvegarder '%1.torrent" - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. parce que '%1' est désactivé - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. parce que '%1' est désactivé - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Le contact de la source URL a échoué pour l'URL : '%1', message : %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent ne parvient pas à écouter sur le port %2/%3 de l'interface %1. Motif : %4 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' a été supprimé de la liste de transferts et du disque. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' a été supprimé de la liste de transferts. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Téléchargement de '%1', veuillez patienter... - DHT support [ON] - Prise en charge de DHT [ACTIVÉE] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Prise en charge de DHT [DÉSACTIVÉE]. Motif : %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Prise en charge de DHT [DÉSACTIVÉE] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent tente d'écouter un port d'interface : %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 L'interface réseau définie est invalide : %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent tente d'écouter sur le port %2 de l'interface %1 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent n’a pas trouvé d'adresse locale %1 sur laquelle écouter - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent n'a pas réussi à écouter sur un port d'interface : %1. Motif : %2 - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' ajouté au torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' retiré du torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL de partage '%1' ajoutée au torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL de partage '%1' retirée du torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Impossible de résumer le torrent "%1". - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Le filtre IP a été correctement chargé : %1 règles ont été appliquées. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Erreur : impossible d'analyser le filtre IP fourni. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Impossible d'ajouter le torrent. Motif : %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' a été relancé. (relancement rapide) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' ajouté à la liste de téléchargement. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Une erreur E/S s'est produite, '%1' a été mis en pause. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP : impossible de rediriger le port, message : %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP : la redirection du port a réussi, message : %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. à cause du filtrage IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. à cause du filtrage de ports. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. à cause des restrictions du mode mixte d'i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. parce que son numéro de port est trop bas. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent écoute correctement sur le port %2/%3 de l'interface %1 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: IP externe : %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Voulez-vous associer qBittorrent aux fichiers torrent et liens magnet ?&Always Yes &Oui, toujours - - Python found in %1 - Python trouvé dans %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. Base de données GeoIP chargée. Type : %1. Durée de construction : %2 - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Impossible de charger la base de données GeoIP. Raison : %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, République bolivarienne du - + Viet Nam Viêt Nam - - + + N/A N/A - + Andorra Andorre - + United Arab Emirates Émirats Arabes Unis - + Afghanistan Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua-et-Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albanie - + Armenia Arménie - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antarctique - + Argentina Argentine - + American Samoa Samoa Américaines - + Austria Autriche - + Australia Australie - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbaïdjan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnie Herzégovine - + Barbados Barbade - + Bangladesh Bangladesh - + Belgium Belgique - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgarie - + Bahrain Bahreïn - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Bénin - + Bermuda Bermudes - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei - + Brazil Brésil - + Bahamas Bahamas - + Bhutan Bhoutan - + Bouvet Island Île Bouvet - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Biélorussie - + Belize Bélize - + Canada Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Îles Cocos (anciennement Keeling) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the République Démocratique du Congo - + Central African Republic République d'Afrique Centrale - + Congo Congo - + Switzerland Suiss - + Cook Islands Îles Cook - + Chile Chili - + Cameroon Cameroun - + China Chine - + Colombia Colombie - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Cuba - + Cape Verde Cap-Vert - + Curacao Curaçao - + Christmas Island Île Christmas - + Cyprus Chypre - + Czech Republic République Tchèque - + Germany Allemagne - + Djibouti Djibouti - + Denmark Danemark - + Dominica Dominique - + Dominican Republic République dominicaine - + Algeria Algérie - + Ecuador Equateur - + Estonia Estonie - + Egypt Égypte - + Western Sahara Sahara occidental - + Eritrea Érythrée - + Spain Espagn - + Ethiopia Éthiopie - + Finland Finlande - + Fiji Fidji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Îles Malouines (Falkland) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Micronésie - + Faroe Islands Îles Féroé - + France France - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Royaume-uni - + Grenada Grenade - + Georgia Géorgie - + French Guiana Guinée française - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Groënland - + Gambia Gambie - + Guinea Guinée - + Guadeloupe Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea Guinée équatoriale - + Greece Grèce - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinée-Bissau - + Guyana Guyane - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Îles Heard-et-MacDonald - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Croatie - + Haiti Haïti - + Hungary Hongrie - + Indonesia Indonésie - + Ireland Irlande - + Israel Israël - + India Inde - + British Indian Ocean Territory Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of République islamique d'Iran - + Iceland Islande - + Italy Italie - + Jamaica Jamaïque - + Jordan Jordanie - + Japan Japon - + Kenya Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan Kirghizstan - + Cambodia Cambodge - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Comores - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Corée du Nord - + Korea, Republic of Corée du Sud - + Kuwait Koweït - + Cayman Islands Îles Caïmans - + Kazakhstan Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos - + Lebanon Liban - + Saint Lucia Sainte-Lucie - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Lituanie - + Luxembourg Luxembourg - + Latvia Lettonie - + Morocco Maroc - + Monaco Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of Moldavie - + Madagascar Madagascar - + Marshall Islands Îles Marshall - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Birmanie - + Mongolia Mongolie - + Northern Mariana Islands Îles Mariannes du Nord - + Martinique Martinique - + Mauritania Mauritanie - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malte - + Mauritius Maurice - + Maldives Maldives - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Mexique - + Malaysia Malaisie - + Mozambique Mozambique - + Namibia Namibie - + New Caledonia Nouvelle-Calédonie - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Île Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigeria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Pays-Bas - + Norway Norvège - + Nepal Népal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Nouvelle-Zélande - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Pérou - + French Polynesia Polynésie française - + Papua New Guinea Papouasie - Nouvelle-Guinée - + Philippines Philippines - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Pologne - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Pierre et Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Qatar - + Reunion Réunion - + Romania Roumanie - + Russian Federation Russie - + Rwanda Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia Arabie Saoudite - + Solomon Islands Îles Salomon - + Seychelles Seychelles - + Sudan Soudan - + Sweden Suède - + Singapore Singapour - + Slovenia Slovénie - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard et Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slovaquie - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino Saint-Marin - + Senegal Sénégal - + Somalia Somalie - + Suriname Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tomé-et-Principe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Syrie - + Swaziland Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands Îles Turques-et-Caïques - + Chad Tchad - + French Southern Territories Terres australes françaises - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Thaïlande - + Tajikistan Tadjikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkménistan - + Tunisia Tunisie - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Timor Oriental - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivie - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Pays-Bas caribéens - Bonaire, St Eustatius, Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire - + Libya Libye - + Saint Martin (French part) Saint-Martin (France) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macédoine - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Îles Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palestine, État de - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Sainte-Hélène, Ascension et Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Soudan du Sud - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Saint-Martin (Pays-bas) - + Turkey Turquie - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad et Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzanie - + Ukraine Ukraine - + Uganda Ouganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Îles mineures éloignées des États-Unis - + United States États-Unis - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Ouzbékistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Vatican - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines - + Virgin Islands, British Îles Vierges, Royaume-Uni - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Îles Vierges, États-Unis - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis et Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Yémen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Serbie - + South Africa Afrique du Sud - + Zambia Zambie - + Montenegro Monténégro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Åland - + Guernsey Bailliage de Guernesey - + Isle of Man Île de Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint-Barthélemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Impossible de décompresser le fichier de base de données GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Impossible d'enregistrer le fichier de base de données GeoIP téléchargé. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Mise à jour de la base de données GeoIP réalisée avec succès. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Impossible de télécharger le fichier de base de données GeoIP. Raison : %1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Erreur de notification e-mail : @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Ceci n'est pas une clé SSL valide. - + Invalid certificate Certificat invalide - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Ceci n'est pas un certificat SSL valide. - + Time Error Erreur de temps - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Les heures de début et de fin ne peuvent être les mêmes. - - + + Length Error Erreur de longueur - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Le nom d'utilisateur pour l'interface Web doit être au moins de 3 caractères de long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Le mot de passe pour l'interface Web doit être au moins de 6 caractères de long. @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Port - + Flags Indicateurs - + Connection Connexion - + Client i.e.: Client application Logiciel - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Progression - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Vitesse DL - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Vitesse UP - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Téléchargé - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Envoyé - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Pertinence - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Fichiers - + Column visibility Visibilité de colonne - + Add a new peer... Ajouter un nouveau pair… - - + + Ban peer permanently Bloquer le pair indéfiniment - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Ajout manuel du pair « %1 »… - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Le pair « %1 » n'a pas pu être ajouté à ce torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Bannissement manuel du pair « %1 »… - - + + Peer addition Ajout d'un pair - + Country Pays - + Copy IP:port Copier l'IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Certains pairs n'ont pas pu être ajoutés. Consultez le Journal pour plus d'information. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Les pairs ont été ajoutés à ce torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir bloquer les pairs sélectionnés ? - + &Yes &Oui - + &No &Non @@ -6091,95 +6031,95 @@ Les greffons en question ont été désactivés. Erreur d'entrée/sortie : le fichier temporaire n'a pas pu être créé. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 est un paramètre de ligne de commande inconnu. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 doit être le paramètre de ligne de commande unique. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 doit spécifier le port correct (1 à 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser% 1: qBittorrent est déjà en cours d'exécution pour cet utilisateur. - + Usage: Utilisation : - + Options: Options - + Displays program version Afficher la version du programme - + Displays this help message Afficher ce message d'aide - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Change le port de l'interface Web (actuellement : %1) - + Disable splash screen Désactiver l'écran de démarrage - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Exécuter en tâche de fond - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Télécharger les torrents transmis par l'utilisateur - + Help Aide - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Exécuter le programme avec l'option -h pour afficher les paramètres de ligne de commande. - + Bad command line Mauvaise ligne de commande - + Bad command line: Mauvaise ligne de commande : - + Legal Notice Information légale - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6188,22 +6128,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Ce message d'avertissement ne sera plus affiché. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Appuyez sur la touche %1 pour accepter et continuer… - + Legal notice Information légale - + Cancel Annuler - + I Agree J'accepte @@ -6365,27 +6305,27 @@ Ce message d'avertissement ne sera plus affiché. Vous venez de mettre à jour depuis une ancienne version qui sauvegardait les paramètres d'une manière différente. Vous devez migrer vers le nouveau système de sauvegarde. Si vous continuez, vous ne pourrez plus utiliser une version plus ancienne que la v3.3.0. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Impossible de migrer le torrent avec le hachage : %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Impossible de migrer le torrent. Nom de fichier fastresume invalide : %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Fermeture inattendue du programme détectée. Le fichier de sauvegarde va être utilisé pour restaurer les paramètres. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Une erreur d'accès s'est produite en tentant d'écrire le fichier de configuration. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Une erreur de format s'est produite en tentant d'écrire le fichier de configuration. @@ -6404,8 +6344,8 @@ Ce message d'avertissement ne sera plus affiché. - - + + Mark items read Marquer comme lu @@ -6425,60 +6365,60 @@ Ce message d'avertissement ne sera plus affiché. Paramètres… - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrents : (double-clic pour télécharger) - - + + Delete Supprimer - + Rename... Renommer… - + Rename Renommer - - + + Update Mettre à jour - + New subscription... Nouvelle souscription… - - + + Update all feeds Tout mettre à jour - + Download torrent Télécharger le torrent - + Open news URL Ouvrir l'URL de l'article - + Copy feed URL Copier l'URL du flux - + New folder... Nouveau dossier… @@ -7765,18 +7705,6 @@ Ce message d'avertissement ne sera plus affiché. Warning (%1) Alerte (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Impossible de décoder la favicon pour l'URL « %1 ». Tentative de téléchargement de la favicon en format PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Impossible de décoder la favicon pour l'URL « %1 ». - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Impossible de télécharger la favicon pour l'URL « %1 ». Raison : %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8080,80 +8008,80 @@ Ce message d'avertissement ne sera plus affiché. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Visibilité des colonnes - + Choose save path Choix du répertoire de destination - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Limitation de la vitesse de réception - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Limitation de la vitesse d'émission - + Recheck confirmation Revérifier la confirmation - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Êtes-vous sur de vouloir revérifier le ou les torrent(s) sélectionné(s) ? - + Rename Renommer - + New name: Nouveau nom : - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Démarrer - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Forcer la reprise - + Pause Pause the torrent Mettre en pause - + New Category Nouvelle Catégorie - + Category: Catégorie : - + Invalid category name Nom de catégorie invalide - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8162,129 +8090,129 @@ Nom de catégorie ne doit pas commencer/finir avec '/'. Nom de catégorie ne doit pas contenir la séquence '//'. - + Delete Delete the torrent Supprimer - + Preview file... Prévisualiser le fichier… - + Limit share ratio... Limiter le ratio de partage… - + Limit upload rate... Limiter la vitesse d'envoi… - + Limit download rate... Limiter la vitesse de réception… - + Open destination folder Ouvrir le répertoire de destination - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Déplacer vers le haut - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Déplacer vers le bas - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Déplacer tout en haut - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Déplacer tout en bas - + Set location... Chemin de sauvegarde… - + Copy name Copier nom - + Download first and last pieces first Télécharger premières et dernières pièces en premier - + Automatic Torrent Management Gestion de torrent automatique - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Le mode automatique signifie que certaines propriétés du torrent (ex: le dossier d'enregistrement) seront décidés via la catégorie associée - + Category Catégorie - + New... New category... Nouvelle… - + Reset Reset category Réinitialiser - + Priority Priorité - + Force recheck Forcer une revérification - + Copy magnet link Copier le lien magnet - + Super seeding mode Mode de super-partage - + Rename... Renommer… - + Download in sequential order Téléchargement séquentiel @@ -8644,11 +8572,11 @@ Nom de catégorie ne doit pas contenir la séquence '//'. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Téléchargements diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_gl.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_gl.ts index fa63cf192..545d57d6d 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_gl.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_gl.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Erro: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Descargar iconas dos localizadores @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Erro: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID do par: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - O axente do usuario HTTP é %1 - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Modo anómino [ACTIVADO] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Modo anómino [APAGADO] - - - PeX support [ON] - Soporte PeX [ACTIVADO] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Soporte PeX [APAGADO] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support É necesario reiniciar para cambiar o soporte PeX - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Soporte para busca de pares locais (LPD) [ACTIVADO] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Soporte para busca de pares locais (LPD) [APAGADO] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Soporte de cifrado [ACTIVADO] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Soporte de cifrado [FORZADO] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Soporte de cifrado [APAGADO] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Localizador integrado [ACTIVADO] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Produciuse un fallo ao iniciar o localizador integrado! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Localizador integrado [APAGADO] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... %1 alcanzou a taxa máxima estabelecida. Eliminando... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... %1 alcanzou a taxa máxima estabelecida. Detendo... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE O estado da rede do sistema cambiou a %1 - + ONLINE EN LIÑA - + OFFLINE FÓRA DE LIÑA - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding A configuración da rede de %1 cambiou, actualizando as vinculacións da sesión - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. O enderezo %1 da rede configurada no é correcto. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Compatibilidade co cifrado [%1] - + FORCED - + FORZADO - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Modo anónimo [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Non foi posíbel decodificar o ficheiro torrent %1. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Descarga recursiva do ficheiro %1 integrado no torrent %2 - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Non foi posíbel gardar %1.torrent - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. porque o %1 está desactivado. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. porque o %1 está desactivado. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Fallou a busca da semente na URL: %1, mensaxe: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent fallou ao escoitar na interface %1 porto: %2/%3. Razón: %4 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' eliminouse da lista de transferencias e do disco duro. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' eliminouse da lista de transferencias. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Descargando '%1', espere... - DHT support [ON] - Compatibiliade DHT [ACTIVADA] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Compatibilidade DHT [DESACTIVADA]. Razón: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Soporte DHT [APAGADO] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent está tentando escoitar en todos os portos da interface: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 A interface indicada para a rede non é válida: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent está tentando escoitar na interface %1 porto: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + Compatibilidade con DHT [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + ACTIVADO - - - - + + + + OFF - + DESACTIVADO - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Compatibilidade coa busca de pares locais LPH [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + É necesario reiniciar para cambiar a compatibilidade co intercambio de localizadores - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent non atopou un enderezo local %1 no que escoitar - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent fallou ao escoitar en cada porto da interface: %1. Razón: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Engadiuse o localizador «%1» ao torrent «%2» - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Eliminouse o localizador «%1» do torrent «%2» - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' A semente da URL «%1» engadiuse ao torrent «%2» - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' A semente da URL «%1» eliminouse do torrent «%2» - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Non é posíbel continuar o torrent «%1». - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Analizouse correctamente o filtro IP indicado: aplicáronse %1 regras. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Erro: produciuse un fallo ao analizar o filtro IP indicado. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Non foi posíbel engadir o torrent. Razón: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) Retomouse '%1' (continuación rápida) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. Engadiuse %1 á lista de descargas. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Produciuse un erro de E/S, '%1' pausado. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: produciuse un fallo no mapeado dos portos, mensaxe: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: o mapeado dos portos foi correcto, mensaxe: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. debido ao filtro IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. debido ao filtro de portos. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. debido ás restricións do modo mixto i2P. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. porque ten un porto baixo. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent escoita correctamente no porto da interface %1 porto: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: IP externa: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Desexa asociar o qBittorrent aos ficheiros torrent e ás ligazóns Magnet?&Always Yes &Sempre si - - Python found in %1 - Atopouse Python en %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2569,7 +2509,7 @@ Razón: %2 Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Atopouse Python en %1: %2 @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Está seguro que desexa saír do qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. Cargouse a base de datos de GeoIP. TIpo: %1. Tempo de construción: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Non foi posíbel cargar a base de datos de GeoIP. Razón: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A N/D - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Emiratos Árabes Unidos - + Afghanistan Afganistán - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua e Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albania - + Armenia Armenia - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antártida - + Argentina Arxentina - + American Samoa Samoa Americana - + Austria Austria - + Australia Australia - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbaidjan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladesh - + Belgium Bélxica - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgaria - + Bahrain Bahrain - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil Brasil - + Bahamas Bahamas - + Bhutan Bhutan - + Bouvet Island Illa Bouvet - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Bielorrusia - + Belize Belize - + Canada Canadá - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Illas Cocos (Keelings) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the República Democrática do Congo - + Central African Republic República Centro Africana - + Congo Congo - + Switzerland Suíza - + Cook Islands Illas Cook - + Chile Chile - + Cameroon Camerún - + China China - + Colombia Colombia - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Cuba - + Cape Verde Cabo Verde - + Curacao Curaçao - + Christmas Island Illa de Nadal - + Cyprus Chipre - + Czech Republic República Checa - + Germany Alemaña - + Djibouti Djibuti - + Denmark Dinamarca - + Dominica Dominica - + Dominican Republic República Dominicana - + Algeria Alxeria - + Ecuador Ecuador - + Estonia Estonia - + Egypt Exipto - + Western Sahara Sahara Occidental - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Estado Español - + Ethiopia Etiopía - + Finland Finlandia - + Fiji Fixi - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Illas Malvinas (Falkland) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia - + Faroe Islands Illas Faroe - + France Francia - + Gabon Gabón - + United Kingdom Reino Unido - + Grenada Granada - + Georgia Xeorxia - + French Guiana Güiana Francesa - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Xibraltar - + Greenland Groenlandia - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadalupe - + Equatorial Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial - + Greece Grecia - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Illas Xeorxia e Sandwich do Sur - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana Güiana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Illa Heard e Illas McDonald - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Croacia - + Haiti Haití - + Hungary Hungría - + Indonesia Indonesia - + Ireland Irlanda - + Israel Israel - + India India - + British Indian Ocean Territory Territorio Oceánico das Indias Británicas - + Iraq Iraq - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Irán - + Iceland Islandia - + Italy Italia - + Jamaica Xamaica - + Jordan Xordania - + Japan Xapón - + Kenya Kenia - + Kyrgyzstan Kirguizstán - + Cambodia Cambodja - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Comoros - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts e Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of República Popular Democrática de Korea - + Korea, Republic of República de Korea - + Kuwait Kuwait - + Cayman Islands Illas Caimán - + Kazakhstan Kazakhstán - + Lao People's Democratic Republic República Democrática Popular de Laos - + Lebanon Líbano - + Saint Lucia Santa Lucía - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Lituania - + Luxembourg Luxemburgo - + Latvia Letonia - + Morocco Marrocos - + Monaco Mónaco - + Moldova, Republic of Moldavia - + Madagascar Madagascar - + Marshall Islands Illas Marshall - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Myanmar - + Mongolia Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands Illas Marianas do Norte - + Martinique Martinica - + Mauritania Mauritania - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauricio - + Maldives Maldivas - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico México - + Malaysia Malasia - + Mozambique Mozambique - + Namibia Namibia - + New Caledonia Nova Caledonia - + Niger Níxer - + Norfolk Island Illa Norfolk - + Nigeria Nixeria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Países Baixos - + Norway Noruega - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Siria - + Oman Omán - + Panama Panamá - + Peru Perú - + French Polynesia Polinesia Francesa - + Papua New Guinea Papúa Nova Guinea - + Philippines Filipinas - + Pakistan Paquistán - + Poland Polonia - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Pierre e Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguai - + Qatar Qatar - + Reunion Reunión - + Romania Rumanía - + Russian Federation Federación Rusa - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Arabia Saudí - + Solomon Islands Illas Salomón - + Seychelles Seychelles - + Sudan Sudán - + Sweden Suecia - + Singapore Singapur - + Slovenia Eslovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Illas Svalbard e Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Eslovaquia - + Sierra Leone Serra Leoa - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalia - + Suriname Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe San Tomé e Príncipe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Siria - + Swaziland Swazilandia - + Turks and Caicos Islands Illas Turks e Caicos - + Chad Chad - + French Southern Territories Territorios Franceses do Sur - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Tailandia - + Tajikistan Tadjikistán - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistán - + Tunisia Tunisia - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivia - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius e Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Costa do Marfil - + Libya Libia - + Saint Martin (French part) San Martín (parte francesa) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Illas Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palestine - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Santa Helena, Ascensión e Tristán da Cunha - + South Sudan Sudán do sur - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (parte holandesa) - + Turkey Turquía - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad e Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania - + Ukraine Ucraína - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Illas Exteriores Menores dos Estados Unidos - + United States Estados Unidos - + Uruguay Uruguai - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Estado do Vaticano - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines San Vicente e as Granadinas - + Virgin Islands, British Illas Virxes, británicas - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Illas Virxes, U.S.A. - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis e Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Iemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Serbia - + South Africa Suráfrica - + Zambia Zambia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Illas Alands - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Illa de Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint-Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Non foi posíbel descomprimir o ficheiro da base de datos de GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Non foi posíbel gardar o ficheiro da base de datos de GeoIP. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. A base de datos de GeoIP actualizouse correctamente. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Non foi posíbel descargar o ficheiro coa base de datos de GeoIP. Razón: %1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Está seguro que desexa saír do qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Erro na notificación por correo-e: @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Está seguro que desexa saír do qBittorrent? Esta non é unha chave SSL correcta. - + Invalid certificate Certificado incorrecto - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Este non é un certificado SSL correcto. - + Time Error Erro de hora - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. A hora de inicio e de remate teñen que ser distintas. - - + + Length Error Erro de lonxitude - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. O nome de usuario da interface web debe ter polo menos 3 caracteres. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. O contrasinal da interface web debe ter polo menos 6 caracteres. @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Está seguro que desexa saír do qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Porto - + Flags Etiquetas - + Connection Conexión - + Client i.e.: Client application Cliente - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Progreso - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed V. de descarga - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed V. de envío - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Descargado - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Enviado - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Relevancia - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Ficheiros - + Column visibility Visibilidade da columna - + Add a new peer... Engadir un par novo... - - + + Ban peer permanently Bloquear este par pemanentemente - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Engadindo manualmente o par %1... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Non foi posíbel engadir o par %1 a este torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Bloqueando manualmente o par %1... - - + + Peer addition Adición de pares - + Country País - + Copy IP:port Copiar IP:porto - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Non foi posíbel engadir algúns pares. Mira o rexistro para obter máis información. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Engadíronse os pares a este torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Está seguro que desexa bloquear permantemente os pares seleccionados? - + &Yes &Si - + &No &Non @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Desactiváronse estes engadidos. Erro de E/S: Non foi posíbel crear o ficheiro temporal. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 é un parámetro descoñecido para a liña de ordes. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 debe ser o parámetro único para a liña de ordes. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 debe especificar o porto correcto (1-65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Non pode usar %1: qBittorrent xa está en execución por este usuario. - + Usage: Utilización: - + Options: Opcións: - + Displays program version Mostrar a versión do programa - + Displays this help message Mostra esta mensaxe de axuda - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Cambia o porto da interface web (actual: %1) - + Disable splash screen Desactivar a pantalla de inicio - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Executar no modo daemon (en segundo plano) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Descargar os torrents indicados polo usuario - + Help Axuda - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Executar o aplicativo coa opción -h para saber os parámetros da liña de ordes. - + Bad command line Liña de ordes incorrecta - + Bad command line: Liña de ordes incorrecta: - + Legal Notice Aviso legal - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Non se mostrarán máis avisos. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Prema a tecla %1 para aceptar e continuar... - + Legal notice Aviso legal - + Cancel Cancelar - + I Agree Acepto @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ Non se mostrarán máis avisos. Actualizou desde unha versión antiga que gardaba as cousas dun xeito distinto. Debe migrar ao novo sistema de gardado. Se continúa, non lle será posíbel usar unha versión anterior á v3.3.0 de novo. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Non foi posíbel migrar o torrent co hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Non foi posíbel mirgrar o torrent. O nome do ficheiro co resumo rápido é incorrecto: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Detectouse unha saída anormal do programa. Usando o ficheiro de recuperación para restabelecer os axustes. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Produciuse un erro de acceso cando se tentaba escribir o ficheiro de configuración. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Produciuse un erro de formato cando se tentaba escribir o ficheiro de configuración. @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ Non se mostrarán máis avisos. - - + + Mark items read Marcar como lidos @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ Non se mostrarán máis avisos. Axustes... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrents: (dobre clic para descargar) - - + + Delete Eliminar - + Rename... Cambiar o nome... - + Rename Cambiar o nome - - + + Update Actualizar - + New subscription... Subscrición nova... - - + + Update all feeds Actualizar todas as fontes - + Download torrent Descargar o torrent - + Open news URL Abrir a URL - + Copy feed URL Copiar a URL da fonte - + New folder... Cartafol novo... @@ -7685,7 +7625,7 @@ Non se mostrarán máis avisos. Save path Torrent save path - Gardar a ruta + Ruta onde gardar @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ Non se mostrarán máis avisos. Warning (%1) Aviso (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Non foi posíbel decodificar o favicon da url «%1». Tentando descargar o favicon en formato PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Non foi posíbel decodificar o favicon da URL «%1». - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Non foi posíbel descargar o favicon da url «%1». Razón: «%2» - Resume torrents @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ Non se mostrarán máis avisos. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Visibilidade da columna - + Choose save path Seleccionar unha ruta onde gardar - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Límites da velocidade de descarga do torrent - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Límites da velocidade de envío do torrent - + Recheck confirmation Confirmación da nova comprobación - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Está seguro que desexa comprobar de novo os torrents seleccionados? - + Rename Cambiar o nome - + New name: Nome novo: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Continuar - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Forzar continuación - + Pause Pause the torrent Deter - + New Category Nova categoría - + Category: Categoría: - + Invalid category name Nome incorrecto para categoría - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8163,129 +8091,129 @@ O nome da categoría non debe comezar/rematar con «/» O nome da categoría non debe conter a secuencia «//». - + Delete Delete the torrent Eliminar - + Preview file... Previsualizar o ficheiro... - + Limit share ratio... Límite da taxa de compartición... - + Limit upload rate... Límite da velocidade de envío... - + Limit download rate... Límite da velocidade de descarga... - + Open destination folder Abrir o cartafol de destino - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Mover arriba - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Mover abaixo - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Mover ao principio - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Mover ao final - + Set location... Estabelecer a localización... - + Copy name Copiar o nome - + Download first and last pieces first Descargar primeiro os anacos inicial e final - + Automatic Torrent Management Xestión automática dos torrents - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category O modo automático significa que varias propiedades dos torrents (p.e: ruta onde gardar) decidiraas a categoría asociada - + Category Categoría - + New... New category... Nova... - + Reset Reset category Restabelecer - + Priority Prioridade - + Force recheck Forzar outra comprobación - + Copy magnet link Copiar a ligazón magnet - + Super seeding mode Modo super-sementeira - + Rename... Cambiar o nome... - + Download in sequential order Descargar en orde secuencial @@ -8645,11 +8573,11 @@ O nome da categoría non debe conter a secuencia «//». fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Descargas diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_he.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_he.ts index cee6d1e16..f23150425 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_he.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_he.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Error: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + הורד צלמית מועדפים של הגשש @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - זהות עמית: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - סוכן-משתמש HTTP הוא '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - מצב אלמוני [מופעל] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - מצב אלמוני [כבוי] - - - PeX support [ON] - תמיכה ב-PeX [מופעלת] - - - PeX support [OFF] - תמיכה ב-PeX [כבויה] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support דרושה הפעלה מחדש כדי לעורר תמיכת PeX - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - תמיכה בגילוי עמיתים מקומיים [מופעלת] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - תמיכה בגילוי עמיתים מקומיים [כבויה] - - - Encryption support [ON] - תמיכה בהצפנה [מופעלת] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - תמיכה בהצפנה [מאולצת] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - תמיכה בהצפנה [כבויה] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] גשש מוטמע [מופעל] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! נכשל בהתחלת הגשש המוטמע! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] גשש מוטמע [כבוי] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' הגיע ליחס המרבי שקבעת. מסיר... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' הגיע ליחס המרבי שקבעת. משהה... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE מצב הרשת של המערכת שונה אל %1 - + ONLINE מחובר - + OFFLINE מנותק - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding תצורת רשת של %1 השתנתה, מרענן את החיבור - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. כתובת ממשק הרשת שהוגדרה %1 בלתי תקינה. - + Encryption support [%1] - + תמיכה בהצפנה [%1] - + FORCED - + מאולץ - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + מצב אלמוני [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. לא ניתן לפענח את קובץ הטורנט '%1'. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' הורדה נסיגתית של הקובץ '%1' הוטמעה בטורנט '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' לא ניתן היה לשמור את '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. כי %1 מושבת. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. כי %1 מושבת. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 חיפוש זורע כתובת נכשל עבור הכתובת: '%1', הודעה: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent נכשל בהאזנה על ממשק %1 פתחה: %2/%3. סיבה: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' הוסר מרשימת ההעברות ומהכונן הקשיח. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' הוסר מרשימת ההעברות. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... מוריד את '%1', אנא המתן... - DHT support [ON] - תמיכה ב-DHT [מופעלת] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - תמיכה ב-DHT [כבויה]. סיבה: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - תמיכה ב-DHT [כבויה] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent מנסה להאזין על כל פתחת ממשק שהיא: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 ממשק הרשת שהוגדר בלתי תקין: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent מנסה להאזין על ממשק %1 פתחה: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + תמיכה ב-DHT [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + מופעל - - - - + + + + OFF - + כבוי - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + תמיכה בגילוי עמיתים מקומיים [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + דרושה הפעלה מחדש כדי לעורר תמיכה בהחלפת גששים - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent לא מצא כתובת מקומית %1 להאזין עליה - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent נכשל להאזין על כל פתחת ממשק שהיא %1. סיבה: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' הגשש '%1' התווסף לטורנט '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' הגשש '%1' נמחק מהטורנט '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' זורע הכתובת '%1' התווסף לטורנט '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' זורע הכתובת '%1' הוסר מהטורנט '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. לא ניתן להמשיך את הטורנט '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number מסנן ה-IP שסופק אובחן בהצלחה: %1 כללים הוחלו. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. שגיאה: נכשל באבחון מסנן ה-IP שסופק. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 לא ניתן היה להוסיף טורנט. סיבה: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' הומשך. (המשכה מהירה) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' התווסף לרשימת ההורדות. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 שגיאת ק/פ התרחשה, '%1' הושהה. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: מיפוי פתחות נכשל, הודעה: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: מיפוי פתחות הצליח, הודעה: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. עקב מסנן IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. עקב מסנן פתחה. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. עקב מגבלות מצב מעורבב i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. כי יש לו פתחה נמוכה. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent מאזין בהצלחה על ממשק %1 פתחה: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: כתובת IP חיצונית: %1 @@ -2502,10 +2446,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes &תמיד כן - - Python found in %1 - פייתון נמצא ב-%1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2569,7 +2509,7 @@ Do you want to download %1? Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + פייתון נמצא ב-%1: %2 @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. מסד נתונים GeoIP נטען. סוג: %1. זמן בניה: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 לא ניתן היה לטעון מסד-נתונים GeoIP. סיבה: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of ונצואלה, הרפובליקה הבוליברית של - + Viet Nam וייטנאם - - + + N/A לא זמין - + Andorra אנדורה - + United Arab Emirates איחוד האמירויות הערביות - + Afghanistan אפגניסטן - + Antigua and Barbuda אנטיגואה וברבודה - + Anguilla אנגווילה - + Albania אלבניה - + Armenia ארמניה - + Angola אנגולה - + Antarctica אנטארטיקה - + Argentina ארגנטינה - + American Samoa סמואה האמריקנית - + Austria אוסטריה - + Australia אוסטרליה - + Aruba ארובה - + Azerbaijan אזרבייג'ן - + Bosnia and Herzegovina בוסניה והרצגובינה - + Barbados ברבדוס - + Bangladesh בנגלדש - + Belgium בלגיה - + Burkina Faso בורקינה פאסו - + Bulgaria בולגריה - + Bahrain בחריין - + Burundi בורונדי - + Benin בנין - + Bermuda ברמודה - + Brunei Darussalam ברוניי - + Brazil ברזיל - + Bahamas איי בהאמה - + Bhutan בהוטן - + Bouvet Island אי בּוּבֶה - + Botswana בוצואנה - + Belarus בלארוס - + Belize בליז - + Canada קנדה - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands איי קוקוס (קילינג) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the קונגו, הרפובליקה הדמוקרטית של - + Central African Republic הרפובליקה המרכז-אפריקאית - + Congo קונגו - + Switzerland שוויץ - + Cook Islands איי קוק - + Chile צ'ילה - + Cameroon קמרון - + China סין - + Colombia קולומביה - + Costa Rica קוסטה ריקה - + Cuba קובה - + Cape Verde כף ורדה - + Curacao קוראסאו - + Christmas Island אי חג המולד - + Cyprus קפריסין - + Czech Republic צ'כיה - + Germany גרמניה - + Djibouti ג'יבוטי - + Denmark דנמרק - + Dominica דומיניקה - + Dominican Republic הרפובליקה הדומיניקנית - + Algeria אלג'יריה - + Ecuador אקוודור - + Estonia אסטוניה - + Egypt מצרים - + Western Sahara סהרה המערבית - + Eritrea אריתראה - + Spain ספרד - + Ethiopia אתיופיה - + Finland פינלנד - + Fiji פיג'י - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) איי פוקלנד (מליבנאס) - + Micronesia, Federated States of מיקרונזיה, המדינות הפדרליות של - + Faroe Islands איי פארו - + France צרפת - + Gabon גבון - + United Kingdom בריטניה - + Grenada גרנדה - + Georgia גאורגיה - + French Guiana גיאנה הצרפתית - + Ghana גאנה - + Gibraltar ג'יברלטר - + Greenland גרינלד - + Gambia גמביה - + Guinea גינאה - + Guadeloupe גוואדלופ - + Equatorial Guinea גינאה המשוונית - + Greece יוון - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands איי ג'ורג'יה הדרומית ואיי סנדוויץ' הדרומיים - + Guatemala גואטמלה - + Guam גואם - + Guinea-Bissau גינאה ביסאו - + Guyana גיאנה - + Hong Kong הונג קונג - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands האי הרד ואיי מקדונלד - + Honduras הונדורס - + Croatia קרואטיה - + Haiti האיטי - + Hungary הונגריה - + Indonesia אינדונזיה - + Ireland אירלנד - + Israel ישראל - + India הודו - + British Indian Ocean Territory הטריטוריה הבריטית באוקיינוס ההודי - + Iraq עירק - + Iran, Islamic Republic of איראן, הרפובליקה האסלאמית של - + Iceland איסלנד - + Italy איטליה - + Jamaica ג'מייקה - + Jordan ירדן - + Japan יפן - + Kenya קניה - + Kyrgyzstan קירגיזסטן - + Cambodia קמבודיה - + Kiribati קיריבטי - + Comoros קומורו - + Saint Kitts and Nevis סנט קיטס ונוויס - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of קוריאה, הרפובליקה הדמוקרטית העממית של - + Korea, Republic of קוריאה, הרפובליקה של - + Kuwait כווית - + Cayman Islands איי קיימן - + Kazakhstan קזחסטן - + Lao People's Democratic Republic לאוס, הרפובליקה הדמוקרטית העממית של - + Lebanon לבנון - + Saint Lucia סנט לוסיה - + Liechtenstein ליכטנשטיין - + Sri Lanka סרי לנקה - + Liberia ליבריה - + Lesotho לסוטו - + Lithuania ליטא - + Luxembourg לוקסמבורג - + Latvia לטביה - + Morocco מרוקו - + Monaco מונקו - + Moldova, Republic of מולדובה, הרפובליקה של - + Madagascar מדגסקר - + Marshall Islands איי מרשל - + Mali מאלי - + Myanmar מיאנמר - + Mongolia מונגוליה - + Northern Mariana Islands איי מריאנה הצפוניים - + Martinique מרטיניק - + Mauritania מאוריטניה - + Montserrat מונטסראט - + Malta מאלטה - + Mauritius מאוריציוס - + Maldives האיים המלדיביים - + Malawi מלאווי - + Mexico מקסיקו - + Malaysia מלזיה - + Mozambique מוזמביק - + Namibia נמיביה - + New Caledonia קלדוניה החדשה - + Niger ניז'ר - + Norfolk Island אי נורפוק - + Nigeria ניגריה - + Nicaragua ניקרגואה - + Netherlands הולנד - + Norway נורבגיה - + Nepal נפאל - + Nauru נאורו - + Niue ניואה - + New Zealand ניו זילנד - + Oman עומאן - + Panama פנמה - + Peru פרו - + French Polynesia פולינזיה הצרפתית - + Papua New Guinea פפואה גינאה החדשה - + Philippines הפיליפינים - + Pakistan פאקיסטן - + Poland פולין - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon סן פייר ומיקלון - + Puerto Rico פורטו ריקו - + Portugal פורטוגל - + Palau פלאו - + Paraguay פרגוואי - + Qatar קטאר - + Reunion איחוד - + Romania רומניה - + Russian Federation הפדרציה הרוסית - + Rwanda רואנדה - + Saudi Arabia ערב הסעודית - + Solomon Islands איי שלמה - + Seychelles איי סיישל - + Sudan סודן - + Sweden שוודיה - + Singapore סינגפור - + Slovenia סלובניה - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen סבאלברד ויאן מאיין - + Slovakia סלובקיה - + Sierra Leone סיירה לאונה - + San Marino סן מרינו - + Senegal סנגל - + Somalia סומליה - + Suriname סורינאם - + Sao Tome and Principe סאו טומה ופרינסיפה - + El Salvador אל סלוודור - + Syrian Arab Republic הרפובליקה הערבית הסורית - + Swaziland סווזילנד - + Turks and Caicos Islands איי טרקס וקייקוס - + Chad צ'אד - + French Southern Territories הארצות הדרומיות של צרפת - + Togo טוגו - + Thailand תאילנד - + Tajikistan טג'יקיסטן - + Tokelau טוקלאו - + Turkmenistan טורקמניסטן - + Tunisia תוניסיה - + Tonga טונגה - + Timor-Leste מזרח טימור - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of בוליביה - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba בונייר, סנט אוסטתיוס וסאבא - + Cote d'Ivoire חוף השנהב - + Libya לוב - + Saint Martin (French part) סן מרטין (החלק הצרפתי) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of מקדוניה, הרפובליקה היוגוסלבית לשעבר של - + Macao מקאו - + Pitcairn פיטקרן - + Palestine, State of פלסטין - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha סנט הלנה, אסנשן וטריסטן דה קונה - + South Sudan דרום סודאן - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) סנט מארטן (החלק ההולנדי) - + Turkey טורקיה - + Trinidad and Tobago טרינידד וטובגו - + Tuvalu טובאלו - + Taiwan טייוואן - + Tanzania, United Republic of טנזניה, הרפובליקה המאוחדת של - + Ukraine אוקראינה - + Uganda אוגנדה - + United States Minor Outlying Islands איים מבודדים של ארצות הברית - + United States ארצות הברית - + Uruguay אורוגוואי - + Uzbekistan אוזבקיסטן - + Holy See (Vatican City State) הכס הקדוש (קריית הוותיקן) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines סנט וינסנט והגרנדינים - + Virgin Islands, British איי הבתולה, בריטיים - + Virgin Islands, U.S. איי הבתולה, ארה"ב - + Vanuatu ונואטו - + Wallis and Futuna ואליס ופוטונה - + Samoa סמואה - + Yemen תימן - + Mayotte מיוט - + Serbia סרביה - + South Africa דרום אפריקה - + Zambia זמביה - + Montenegro מונטנגרו - + Zimbabwe זימבבואה - + Aland Islands איי אולנד - + Guernsey גרנזי - + Isle of Man האי מאן - + Jersey ג'רזי - + Saint Barthelemy סן ברתלמי - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. לא ניתן היה לחלץ קובץ מסד-נתונים GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. לא ניתן היה לשמור את קובץ מסד-נתונים GeoIP שהורד. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. מסד-נתונים GeoIP עודכן בהצלחה. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 לא ניתן היה להוריד קובץ מסד-נתונים GeoIP. סיבה: %1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: שגיאת התראת דוא"ל: @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? זה אינו מפתח SSL תקין. - + Invalid certificate אישור בלתי תקין - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. זה אינו אישור SSL תקין. - + Time Error שגיאת זמן - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. זמן ההתחלה וזמן הסוף אינם יכולים להיות אותו הדבר. - - + + Length Error שגיאת אורך - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. שם המשתמש של ממשק הרשת חייב להיות באורך של 3 תוים לפחות. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. הסיסמה של ממשק הרשת חייבת להיות באורך של 6 תוים לפחות. @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port פתחה - + Flags דגלים - + Connection חיבור - + Client i.e.: Client application לקוח - + Progress i.e: % downloaded התקדמות - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed מהירות הורדה - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed מהירות העלאה - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded הורד - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded הועלה - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. רלוונטיות - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now קבצים - + Column visibility ראות עמודות - + Add a new peer... הוסף עמית חדש... - - + + Ban peer permanently חסימת עמית באופן קבוע - + Manually adding peer '%1'... מוסיף באופן ידני את עמית '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. העמית '%1' לא היה יכול להתווסף לטורנט זה. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... מחרים באופן ידני את עמית '%1'... - - + + Peer addition הוספת עמית - + Country מדינה - + Copy IP:port העתק IP:פתחה - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. מספר עמיתים לא יכלו להתווסף. אנא בדוק את יומן האירועים לפרטים. - + The peers were added to this torrent. העמיתים התווספו לטורנט זה. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? האם אתה בטוח שברצונך להחרים באופן קבוע את העמיתים שנבחרו? - + &Yes &כן - + &No &לא @@ -6091,95 +6031,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. שגיאת ק/פ: לא ניתן היה ליצור קובץ זמני. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 הוא משתנה בלתי ידוע של שורת הפקודה. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 חייב להיות המשתנה היחיד של שורת הפקודה. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 חייב לציין את הפתחה הנכונה (1 עד 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. אינך יכול להשתמש ב-%1: qBittorrent מורץ כבר עבור משתמש זה. - + Usage: שימוש: - + Options: אפשרויות: - + Displays program version מציג גרסת תכנית - + Displays this help message מציג הודעה זו של עזרה - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) משנה את פתחת ממשק משתמש הרשת (נוכחי: %1) - + Disable splash screen השבת מסך מתז - + Run in daemon-mode (background) הרץ במצב דימון (רקע) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user מוריד את הטורנטים שעברו ע"י המשתמש - + Help עזרה - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. הרץ יישום עם אפשרות -h כדי לקרוא על משתני שורת הפקודה. - + Bad command line שורת פקודה גרועה - + Bad command line: שורת פקודה גרועה: - + Legal Notice התראה משפטית - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6188,22 +6128,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. לא יונפקו התראות נוספות. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... לחץ על מקש %1 כדי להסכים ולהמשיך... - + Legal notice התראה משפטית - + Cancel ביטול - + I Agree אני מסכים @@ -6365,27 +6305,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. עדכנת מגרסה ישנה יותר ששמרה דברים בצורה שונה. אתה חייב להגר למערכת השמירה החדשה. אם תמשיך, לא תוכל להשתמש בגרסה הישנה יותר מ-3.3.0 שוב. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 לא ניתן היה למזג טורנט עם גיבוב: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 לא ניתן היה להגר טורנט. שם קובץ המשכה מהירה בלתי תקין: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. התגלתה יציאת תכנית בלתי נקייה. משתמש בקובץ נסיגה כדי לשחזר קביעות. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. שגיאת גישה התרחשה בעת ניסיון לכתוב את קובץ התצורה. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. שגיאת תסדיר התרחשה בעת ניסיון לכתוב את קובץ התצורה. @@ -6404,8 +6344,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read סמן פריטים כנקראו @@ -6425,60 +6365,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. קביעות... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) טורנטים: (לחיצה כפולה כדי להוריד) - - + + Delete מחק - + Rename... שנה שם... - + Rename שינוי שם - - + + Update עדכון - + New subscription... מנוי חדש... - - + + Update all feeds עדכן את כל ההזנות - + Download torrent הורדת טורנט - + Open news URL פתיחת כתובת חדשות - + Copy feed URL העתק כתובת הזנה - + New folder... תיקייה חדשה... @@ -7765,18 +7705,6 @@ No further notices will be issued. Warning (%1) אזהרה (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - לא ניתן היה לפענח צלמית מועדפים עבור הכתובת '%1'. מנסה להוריד צלמית מועדפים בתסדיר PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - לא ניתן היה לפענח צלמית מועדפים עבור הכתובת '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - לא ניתן היה להוריד צלמית מועדפים עבור הכתובת '%1'. סיבה: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8080,80 +8008,80 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility ראות עמודות - + Choose save path בחירת נתיב שמירה - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting מגבלת מהירות הורדה לטורנט - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting מגבלת מהירות העלאה לטורנט - + Recheck confirmation בדוק מחדש אישור - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לבדוק מחדש את הטורנט(ים) שנבחר(ו)? - + Rename שינוי שם - + New name: שם חדש: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent חידוש - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent אלץ המשכה - + Pause Pause the torrent השהה - + New Category מדור חדש - + Category: מדור: - + Invalid category name שם בלתי תקין של מדור - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8162,129 +8090,129 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. שם מדור חייב שלא להכיל רצף '//'. - + Delete Delete the torrent מחק - + Preview file... תצוגה מקדימה לקובץ... - + Limit share ratio... הגבל יחס שיתוף... - + Limit upload rate... הגבל קצב העלאה... - + Limit download rate... הגבל קצב הורדה... - + Open destination folder פתח תיקיית יעד - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue הזז למעלה - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue הזז למטה - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue העבר לראש - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue העבר לתחתית - + Set location... קבע מיקום... - + Copy name העתק שם - + Download first and last pieces first הורד חתיכה ראשונה ואחרונה תחילה - + Automatic Torrent Management ניהול טורנטים אוטומטי - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category מצב אוטומטי אומר שמאפייני טורנט שונים (לדוגמה, נתיב שמירה) יוחלטו ע"י המדור המשויך - + Category מדור - + New... New category... חדש... - + Reset Reset category אפס - + Priority עדיפות - + Force recheck אלץ בדיקה חוזרת - + Copy magnet link העתק קישור מגנט - + Super seeding mode מצב זריעת-על - + Rename... שנה שם... - + Download in sequential order הורד בסדר עוקב @@ -8644,11 +8572,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads הורדות diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_hi_IN.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_hi_IN.ts index f86d1049b..bbb1393b0 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_hi_IN.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_hi_IN.ts @@ -960,298 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support - + Embedded Tracker [ON] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE - + ONLINE - + OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: @@ -2712,1285 +2712,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - + Viet Nam - - + + N/A - + Andorra - + United Arab Emirates - + Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda - + Anguilla - + Albania - + Armenia - + Angola - + Antarctica - + Argentina - + American Samoa - + Austria - + Australia - + Aruba - + Azerbaijan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina - + Barbados - + Bangladesh - + Belgium - + Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria - + Bahrain - + Burundi - + Benin - + Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil - + Bahamas - + Bhutan - + Bouvet Island - + Botswana - + Belarus - + Belize - + Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the - + Central African Republic - + Congo - + Switzerland - + Cook Islands - + Chile - + Cameroon - + China - + Colombia - + Costa Rica - + Cuba - + Cape Verde - + Curacao - + Christmas Island - + Cyprus - + Czech Republic - + Germany - + Djibouti - + Denmark - + Dominica - + Dominican Republic - + Algeria - + Ecuador - + Estonia - + Egypt - + Western Sahara - + Eritrea - + Spain - + Ethiopia - + Finland - + Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of - + Faroe Islands - + France फ्रांस - + Gabon - + United Kingdom - + Grenada - + Georgia - + French Guiana - + Ghana - + Gibraltar - + Greenland - + Gambia - + Guinea - + Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea - + Greece ग्रीस - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - + Guatemala - + Guam - + Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana - + Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands - + Honduras - + Croatia - + Haiti - + Hungary - + Indonesia - + Ireland - + Israel - + India - + British Indian Ocean Territory - + Iraq - + Iran, Islamic Republic of - + Iceland - + Italy - + Jamaica - + Jordan - + Japan - + Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan - + Cambodia - + Kiribati - + Comoros - + Saint Kitts and Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of - + Korea, Republic of - + Kuwait - + Cayman Islands - + Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic - + Lebanon - + Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka - + Liberia - + Lesotho - + Lithuania - + Luxembourg - + Latvia - + Morocco - + Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of - + Madagascar - + Marshall Islands - + Mali - + Myanmar - + Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands - + Martinique - + Mauritania - + Montserrat - + Malta - + Mauritius - + Maldives - + Malawi - + Mexico - + Malaysia - + Mozambique - + Namibia - + New Caledonia - + Niger - + Norfolk Island - + Nigeria - + Nicaragua - + Netherlands - + Norway - + Nepal - + Nauru - + Niue - + New Zealand - + Oman - + Panama - + Peru - + French Polynesia - + Papua New Guinea - + Philippines - + Pakistan - + Poland - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon - + Puerto Rico - + Portugal - + Palau - + Paraguay - + Qatar - + Reunion - + Romania - + Russian Federation - + Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia - + Solomon Islands - + Seychelles - + Sudan - + Sweden - + Singapore - + Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen - + Slovakia - + Sierra Leone - + San Marino - + Senegal - + Somalia - + Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe - + El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic - + Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands - + Chad - + French Southern Territories - + Togo - + Thailand - + Tajikistan - + Tokelau - + Turkmenistan - + Tunisia - + Tonga - + Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire - + Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of - + Macao - + Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - + Turkey - + Trinidad and Tobago - + Tuvalu - + Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of - + Ukraine - + Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands - + United States - + Uruguay - + Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - + Virgin Islands, British - + Virgin Islands, U.S. - + Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna - + Samoa - + Yemen - + Mayotte - + Serbia - + South Africa - + Zambia - + Montenegro - + Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands - + Guernsey - + Isle of Man - + Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 @@ -4011,7 +4011,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: @@ -5058,38 +5058,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5170,142 +5170,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP आई पी - + Port द्वार - + Flags निशानियाँ - + Connection संबंध - + Client i.e.: Client application उपभोक्ता - + Progress i.e: % downloaded प्रगति - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed डाउनलोड गति - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed अपलोड गति - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded डाउनलोडेड - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded अपलोडेड - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. अनुकूलता - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now - + Column visibility स्तंभ दृश्यता - + Add a new peer... नया सहकर्मी जोड़े... - - + + Ban peer permanently सहकर्मी को स्थायी रुप से प्रतिबंधित करें - + Manually adding peer '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... - - + + Peer addition सहकर्मी जोड़े - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. - + The peers were added to this torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? क्या आप निश्चित है कि आप चयनित सहकर्मी को स्थायी रुप से प्रतिबंधित करना चाहते हैं? - + &Yes &हाँ - + &No &नहीँ @@ -6019,117 +6019,117 @@ Those plugins were disabled. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. - + Usage: - + Options: - + Displays program version - + Displays this help message - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) - + Disable splash screen - + Run in daemon-mode (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user - + Help सहायता - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. - + Bad command line - + Bad command line: - + Legal Notice - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... - + Legal notice - + Cancel रद्द करें - + I Agree @@ -6291,27 +6291,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6330,8 +6330,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read सभी वस्तुओं पर पठित निशान लगायें @@ -6351,60 +6351,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. सेटिंग्स... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) - - + + Delete रद्द करें - + Rename... पुन:नामकरण... - + Rename पुन:नामकरण - - + + Update नवीनतम बनायें - + New subscription... नयी सदस्यता... - - + + Update all feeds सभी फीड्स को नवीनतम बनायें - + Download torrent टाॅरेंट डाउनलोड करें - + Open news URL नया URL खोलें - + Copy feed URL फीड URL की प्रतिलिपि बनायें - + New folder... नया फोल्डर... @@ -7994,209 +7994,209 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility स्तंभ दृश्यता - + Choose save path सहेजने हेतु पथ चुनें - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting टाॅरेंट डाउनलोड गति सीमा - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting टाॅरेंट अपलोड गति सीमा - + Recheck confirmation पुन:जाँच करने की पु‍ष्टि - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? क्या आप निश्चित है कि आप चयनित टाॅरेंट्स की पुन:जाँच करना चाहते हैं? - + Rename पुन:नामकरण - + New name: नया नाम: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent पुन: आरंभ करें - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent - + Pause Pause the torrent रोकें - + New Category - + Category: - + Invalid category name - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent रद्द करें - + Preview file... फाईल पूर्वावलोकन... - + Limit share ratio... शेयर अनुपात की सीमा... - + Limit upload rate... अपलोड दर की सीमा... - + Limit download rate... डाउनलोड दर की सीमा... - + Open destination folder गन्तव्य डायरेक्टरी खोलें - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue ऊपर जांए - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue नीचे जांए - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue सबसे ऊपर जांए - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue सबसे नीचे जांए - + Set location... जगह निर्धारित करें... - + Copy name - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category - + New... New category... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority वरीयता - + Force recheck फिरसे बलपुर्वक जांचे - + Copy magnet link मैगनेट लिंक की प्रतिलिपि बनायें - + Super seeding mode विशूद्ध सूपर सीडिंग मोड - + Rename... पुन:नामकरण... - + Download in sequential order अनुक्रमिक तरीके से डाउनलोड करें @@ -8556,11 +8556,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads डाउनलोड्स diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_hr.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_hr.ts index c669579c3..3b87170b0 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_hr.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_hr.ts @@ -960,356 +960,300 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Peer ID: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP User-Agent je '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Anonimni način [Uključeno] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Anonimni način [Isključeno] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX podrška [Uključeno] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX podrška [Isključeno] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support PeX podrška zahtjeva ponovno pokretanje - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Lokalno otkrivanje korisnika [Uključeno] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Lokalno otkrivanje korisnika [Isključeno] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Enkripcija [Uključeno] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Enkripcija [Prisiljeno] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Enkripcija [Isključeno] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Ugrađeni tracker [Uključeno] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Neuspjeh kod pokretanja ugrađenog trackera - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Ugrađeni tracker [Isključeno] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' je postigao maksimalni postavljeni omjer. Uklanjanje... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' je postigao maksimalni postavljeni omjer. Pauziranje... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Sustavni mrežni status promijenjen u %1 - + ONLINE POVEZAN - + OFFLINE ODSPOJEN - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Mrežna postavka %1 je promijenjena, osvježavanje prijave veze - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Nemoguće dekodirati '%1' torrent datoteku. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Rekurzivno preuzimanje datoteke '%1' ugrađene u torrent '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Nemoguće spremiti '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. zato što je %1 onemogućen. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. zato što je %1 onemogućen. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 URL seed traženje neuspješno za URL: '%1', poruka: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent nije uspio slušati na sučelju %1 port: %2/%3. Razlog: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' je uklonjen sa popisa prijenosa i sa tvrdog diska. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' je uklonjen sa liste prijenosa. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Preuzimanje '%1', molimo pričekajte... - DHT support [ON] - DHT podrška [Uključeno] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT podrška [Isključeno]. Razlog: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT podrška [Isključeno] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent pokušava slušati na bilo kojem portu sučelja: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Mrežno sučelje definirano kao nevažeće: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent pokušava slušati na sučelju %1: port: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent nije pronašao %1 lokalnu adresu za slušanje - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent nije uspio slušati na bilo kojem portu: %1. Razlog: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' je dodan za torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' je uklonjen za torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL seed '%1' je dodan za torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL seed '%1' je uklonjen za torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Nemoguće nastaviti torrent '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Uspješno analiziran osigurani IP filter: %1 pravila su primijenjena. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Greška: Neuspjeh analiziranja osiguranog IP filtera. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Nemoguće dodati torrent. Razlog: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' nastavljen. (brzi nastavak) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' dodan na listu preuzimanja. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 I/O greška, '%1' pauziran. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapiranje neuspješno, poruka: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapiranje uspješno, poruka: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. zbog IP filtera. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. zbog port filtera. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. zbog i2p ograničenja miješanog načina. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. zato što ima nizak broj porta. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent uspješno sluša na sučelju %1 porta: %2%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Vanjski IP: %1 @@ -2504,10 +2448,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes Uvijek d&a - - Python found in %1 - Python pronađen na %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Jeste li sigurni da želite zatvoriti qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP baza podataka učitana. Tip: %1. Vrijeme pravljenja: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Nemoguće učitati GeoIP bazu podataka. Razlog: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Bolivarijanska Republika - + Viet Nam Vijetnam - - + + N/A Nepoznato - + Andorra Andora - + United Arab Emirates Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati - + Afghanistan Afganistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigva i Barbuda - + Anguilla Angvila - + Albania Albanija - + Armenia Armenija - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antartika - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Američka Samoa - + Austria Austrija - + Australia Australija - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbajdžan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosna i Hercegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladeš - + Belgium Belgija - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bugarska - + Bahrain Bahrein - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei - + Brazil Brazil - + Bahamas Bahami - + Bhutan Butan - + Bouvet Island Otok Bouvet - + Botswana Bocvana - + Belarus Bjelorusija - + Belize Belize - + Canada Kanada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kokosov otok - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Kongo, Demokratska Republika - + Central African Republic Centralna Afrička Republika - + Congo Kongo - + Switzerland Švicarska - + Cook Islands Cookovo Otočje - + Chile Čile - + Cameroon Kamerun - + China Kina - + Colombia Kolumbija - + Costa Rica Kostarika - + Cuba Kuba - + Cape Verde Zelenortska Republika - + Curacao Curacao - + Christmas Island Božićni Otok - + Cyprus Cipar - + Czech Republic Češka republika - + Germany Njemačka - + Djibouti Džibuti - + Denmark Danska - + Dominica Dominika - + Dominican Republic Dominikanska republika - + Algeria Alžir - + Ecuador Ekvador - + Estonia Estonija - + Egypt Egipat - + Western Sahara Zapadna Sahara - + Eritrea Eritreja - + Spain Španjolska - + Ethiopia Etiopija - + Finland Finska - + Fiji Fidži - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falklandski otoci - + Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronezija, Federalne Države - + Faroe Islands Farski otoci - + France Francuska - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Gruzija - + French Guiana Francuska Gvajana - + Ghana Gana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Grenland - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Gvineja - + Guadeloupe Gvadalupa - + Equatorial Guinea Ekvatorska Gvineja - + Greece Grčka - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Južna Georgija i otočje Južni Sandwich - + Guatemala Gvatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Gvineja Bisau - + Guyana Gvajana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Otok Heard i otočje McDonald - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Hrvatska - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Mađarska - + Indonesia Indonezija - + Ireland Irska - + Israel Izrael - + India Indija - + British Indian Ocean Territory Britanski Indijskooceanski teritorij - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamska Republika - + Iceland Island - + Italy Italija - + Jamaica Jamajka - + Jordan Jordan - + Japan Japan - + Kenya Kenija - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgistan - + Cambodia Kambodža - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Komori - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Sveti Kristofor i Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Koreja, Demokratska Narodna Republika - + Korea, Republic of Koreja, Republika - + Kuwait Kuvajt - + Cayman Islands Kajmanski otoci - + Kazakhstan Kazahstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laoska Narodna Demokratska Republika - + Lebanon Libanon - + Saint Lucia Sveta Lucija - + Liechtenstein Lihtenštajn - + Sri Lanka Šri Lanka - + Liberia Liberija - + Lesotho Lesoto - + Lithuania Litva - + Luxembourg Luksemburg - + Latvia Latvija - + Morocco Maroko - + Monaco Monako - + Moldova, Republic of Moldavija, Republika - + Madagascar Madagaskar - + Marshall Islands Maršalovi Otoci - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Mjanmar - + Mongolia Mongolija - + Northern Mariana Islands Sjevernomarijanski otoci - + Martinique Martinik - + Mauritania Mauritanija - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauricijus - + Maldives Maldivi - + Malawi Malavi - + Mexico Meksiko - + Malaysia Malezija - + Mozambique Mozambik - + Namibia Namibija - + New Caledonia Nova Kaledonija - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Otok Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigerija - + Nicaragua Nikaragva - + Netherlands Nizozemska - + Norway Norveška - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Novi Zeland - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Francuska Polinezija - + Papua New Guinea Papua Nova Gvineja - + Philippines Filipini - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Poljska - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Sveti Petar i Mikelon - + Puerto Rico Portoriko - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paragvaj - + Qatar Katar - + Reunion Reunion - + Romania Rumunjska - + Russian Federation Ruska Federacija - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Saudijska Arabija - + Solomon Islands Salomonski Otoci - + Seychelles Sejšeli - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden Švedska - + Singapore Singapur - + Slovenia Slovenija - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard i Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slovačka - + Sierra Leone Sijera Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalija - + Suriname Surinam - + Sao Tome and Principe Sveti Toma i Princip - + El Salvador Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Sirijska Arapska Republika - + Swaziland Svazi - + Turks and Caicos Islands Otoci Turks i Caicos - + Chad Čad - + French Southern Territories Francuski Južni Teritoriji - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Tajland - + Tajikistan Tadžikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunis - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Istočni Timor - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivija, Višenacionalna Država - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius i Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Obala Bjelokosti - + Libya Libija - + Saint Martin (French part) Sveti Martin (Francuski dio) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Makedonija, Bivša Jugoslavenska Republika - + Macao Makao - + Pitcairn Pitcairnovo Otočje - + Palestine, State of Palestina, Država - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Sveta Helena, Ascension i Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Južni Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sveti Martin (Nizozemski dio) - + Turkey Turska - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad i Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Tajvan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzanija, Ujedinjena Republika - + Ukraine Ukrajina - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Mali udaljeni otoci SAD-a - + United States Ujedinjene Države - + Uruguay Urugvaj - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Sveta Stolica (Vatikanski Grad) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Sveti Vincent i Grenadini - + Virgin Islands, British Djevičanski otoci, Britanski - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Djevičanski otoci, Američki - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis i Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Jemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Srbija - + South Africa Južna Afrika, Republika - + Zambia Zambija - + Montenegro Crna Gora - + Zimbabwe Zimbabve - + Aland Islands Alandski otoci - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Otok Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Sveti Bartolomej - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Nemoguće otpakirati datoteku GeoIP baze podataka. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Nemoguće spremiti preuzetu datoteku GeoIP baze podataka. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Uspješno ažurirana GeoIP baza podataka. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Nemoguće preuzeti datoteku GeoIP baze podataka. Razlog: %1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ Jeste li sigurni da želite zatvoriti qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Greška obavijesti e-pošte: @@ -5129,38 +5069,38 @@ Jeste li sigurni da želite zatvoriti qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5241,142 +5181,142 @@ Jeste li sigurni da želite zatvoriti qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Port - + Flags Zastave - + Connection Spajanje - + Client i.e.: Client application Klijent - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Napredak - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Brzina preuzimanja - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Brzina slanja - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Preuzeto - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Poslano - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Relevantnost - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Datoteke - + Column visibility Vidljivost stupaca - + Add a new peer... Dodaj novi peer... - - + + Ban peer permanently Trajno isključi peer - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Ručno dodavanje peera '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Peer '%1' nije moguće dodati za ovaj torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Ručna zabrana peera '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Dodavanje peerova - + Country Zemlja - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Neki peerovi nisu dodani. Pogledajte Dnevnik za detalje. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Peerovi su dodani ovom torrentu. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno isključiti odabrane peerove? - + &Yes &Da - + &No &Ne @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Ti dodaci su onemogućeni. I/O Greška: Nemoguće napraviti privremenu datoteku. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 je nepoznat parametar naredbenog retka. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 mora biti jedinstven parametar naredbenog retka. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 mora navesti ispravan port (1 do 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Nemoguće koristiti %1: qBittorrent je već pokrenut za ovog korisnika. - + Usage: Upotreba: - + Options: Postavke: - + Displays program version Prikazuje verziju programa - + Displays this help message Prikazuje ovu poruku pomoći - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Mijenja port web sučelja (trenutno: %1) - + Disable splash screen Onemogući najavni ekran - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Pokreni u pozadinskom načinu - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Preuzima torrente koje je korisnik dodao - + Help Pomoć - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Pokreni aplikaciju sa -h argumentom kako bi pročitali o parametrima naredbenog retka. - + Bad command line Loš naredbeni redak - + Bad command line: Loš naredbeni redak: - + Legal Notice Pravna obavijest - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Više neće biti obavijesti o ovome. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Pritisnite %1 tipku da prihvatite i nastavite... - + Legal notice Pravna obavijest - + Cancel Odustani - + I Agree Slažem se @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ Više neće biti obavijesti o ovome. Ažurirali ste sa starije verzije koja je spremala stvari drukčije. Morate migrirati u novi sustav spremanja. Nećete biti u mogućnosti koristiti stariju verziju od v3.3.0 opet. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Nemoguće migrirati torrent sa hash-om: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Nemoguće migrirati torrent. Nevaljani naziv datoteke brzog nastavka: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ Više neće biti obavijesti o ovome. - - + + Mark items read Označi stavke kao pročitane @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ Više neće biti obavijesti o ovome. Postavke... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrenti: (dupli klik za preuzimanje) - - + + Delete Ukloni - + Rename... Preimenuj... - + Rename Preimenuj - - + + Update Ažuriraj - + New subscription... Nova pretplata... - - + + Update all feeds Ažuriraj sve kanale - + Download torrent Preuzmi torrent - + Open news URL Otvori URL vijesti - + Copy feed URL Kopiraj URL kanala - + New folder... Nova mapa... @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ Više neće biti obavijesti o ovome. Warning (%1) Upozorenje (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Nemoguće dekodirati favicon za URL '%1'. Pokušaj preuzimanja favicona u PNG formatu. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Nemoguće dekodirati favicon za URL '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Nemoguće preuzeti favicon za URL '%1'. Razlog: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ Više neće biti obavijesti o ovome. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Vidljivost stupca - + Choose save path Izaberi putanju spremanja - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Ograničenje brzine preuzimanja torrenta - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Ograničenje brzine slanja torrenta - + Recheck confirmation Ponovno provjeri potvrđivanje - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Jeste li sigurni da želite ponovno provjeriti odabrani/e torrent(e)? - + Rename Preimenovanje - + New name: Novi naziv: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Nastavi - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Prisili nastavak - + Pause Pause the torrent Pauziraj - + New Category Nove kategorije - + Category: Kategorija: - + Invalid category name Neispravni naziv kategorije - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8163,129 +8091,129 @@ Naziv kategorije ne smije počinjati ili završavati sa '/'. Naziv kategorije ne smije sadržavati '//' niz. - + Delete Delete the torrent Ukloni - + Preview file... Pregledaj datoteke - + Limit share ratio... Ograničenje omjera djeljenja - + Limit upload rate... Ograničeni brzinu slanja... - + Limit download rate... Ograniči brzinu preuzimanja... - + Open destination folder Otvori odredišnu mapu - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Pomakni gore - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Pomakni dolje - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Na vrh - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Na dno - + Set location... Postavi mjesto... - + Copy name Kopiraj naziv - + Download first and last pieces first Preuzmi prve i zadnje dijelove prije drugih. - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category Kategorija - + New... New category... Novo... - + Reset Reset category Poništi - + Priority Prioritet - + Force recheck Prisili ponovnu provjeru - + Copy magnet link Kopiraj magnet poveznicu - + Super seeding mode Način superseedanja - + Rename... Preimenuj... - + Download in sequential order Preuzmi u sekvencijskom poretku @@ -8645,11 +8573,11 @@ Naziv kategorije ne smije sadržavati '//' niz. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Preuzimanja diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_hu.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_hu.ts index bb24583a1..016b76288 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_hu.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_hu.ts @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Hiba: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Peer ID: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP User-Agent a következő '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Anonymous mód: [BE] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Anonymous mód: [KI] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX támogatás [BE] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX támogatás [KI] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support A PeX támogatás átkapcsolásához újra kell indítani a programot. - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Helyi Peerek Felkutatása (LPD) támogatás [BE] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Helyi Peerek Felkutatása (LPD) támogatás [KI] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Titkosítás támogatása [BE] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Titkosítás támogatása [KÉNYSZERÍTVE] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Titkosítás támogatása [KI] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Beágyazott tracker [BE] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Beágyazott tracker indítása sikertelen! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Beágyazott tracker [KI] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' elérte a maximális megengedett arányt. Eltávolítás... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' elérte a maximáls megengedett arányt. Szüneteltetés... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Rendszer hálózat állapota megváltozott erre: %1 - + ONLINE ONLINE - + OFFLINE OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding %1 hálózati konfigurációja megváltozott, munkamenet-kötés frissítése - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. A hálózati csatoló beállított címe érvénytelen: %1. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Titkosítás támogatás [%1] - + FORCED - + KÉNYSZERÍTETT - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Névtelen mód [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Nem sikerült dekódolni a '%1' torrent fájlt. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Fájl ismételt letöltése '%1' beágyazva a torrentbe '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' '%1.torrent'-et nem lehetett elmenteni - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. mert a %1 ki van kapcsolva. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. mert a %1 ki van kapcsolva. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 URL forrás meghatározása sikertelen: '%1', hibaüzenet: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. A qBittorrentnek nem sikerült a(z) %1 csatoló %2/%3 portján figyelnie. Indok: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' eltávolítva az átviteli listáról és a merevlemezről. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' eltávolítva az átviteli listáról. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... '%1' letöltése, kérlek várj... - DHT support [ON] - DHT támogatás [BE] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT támogatás [KI]. Indok: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT támogatás [KI] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 A qBittorrent próbálja a TCP/%1 portot használni - minden interfészen - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 A megadott hálózati csatoló hasznavehetetlen: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 A qBittorrent próbálja TCP/%2 portot használni a %1 interfészen - + DHT support [%1] - + DHT támogatás [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + BE - - - - + + + + OFF - + KI - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Helyi peer felfedezés támogatás [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on Nem található a %1 helyi cím a figyeléshez - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface Nem sikerült felhasználni egyik %1 interfész portot sem. Indok: %2 - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' '%1' tracker hozzá lett adva a(z) '%2' torrenthez - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' '%1' URL seed törölve a(z) '%2' torrentből. - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' '%1' URL seed hozzáadva a(z) '%2' torrenthez. - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' '%1' URL seed eltávolítva a(z) '%2' torrentből. - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Nem lehet folytatni a(z) '%1' torrentet. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number A következő IP szűrő sikeresen feldolgozva: %1 szabály alkalmazva. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Hiba: az IP szűrő megnyitása sikertelen. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Nem lehet torrentet hozzáadni. Ok: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' folytatva. (gyors folytatás) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' felvéve a letöltési listára. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 I/O hiba történt, '%1' szüneteltetve. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port lefoglalása sikertelen, hibaüzenet: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port lefoglalása sikeres, hibaüzenet: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. IP szűrő miatt. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. port szűrő miatt. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. i2p kevert mód korlátozás miatt. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. mert alacsony porttal rendelkezik. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 A qBittorrent sikeresen használatba vette a %2/%3 portot - a %1 interfészen - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Külső IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Szeretnéd alapértelmezetté tenni? &Always Yes &Mindig igen - - Python found in %1 - Python verzió: %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2780,1285 +2720,1285 @@ Biztos, hogy bezárod a qBittorrentet? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP adatbázis betöltve. Típus: %1. Létrehozás ideje: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 GeoIP adatbázist nem lehet betölteni. Ok: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuelai Bolivári Köztársaság - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A N/A - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Egyesült Arab Emírségek - + Afghanistan Afganisztán - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua és Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albánia - + Armenia Örményország - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antarktisz - + Argentina Argentína - + American Samoa Amerikai Szamoa - + Austria Ausztria - + Australia Ausztrália - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbajdzsán - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosznia-Hercegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Banglades - + Belgium Belgium - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgária - + Bahrain Bahrain - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei Szultanátus - + Brazil Brazília - + Bahamas Bahama-szigetek - + Bhutan Bhután - + Bouvet Island Bouvet-sziget - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Belorusszia - + Belize Belize - + Canada Kanada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kókusz (Keeling)-szigetek - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság - + Central African Republic Közép-Afrikai Köztársaság - + Congo Kongó - + Switzerland Svájc - + Cook Islands Cook-szigetek - + Chile Chile - + Cameroon Kamerun - + China Kína - + Colombia Kolumbia - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Kuba - + Cape Verde Zöld-foki Köztársaság - + Curacao Curaçao - + Christmas Island Karácsony-sziget - + Cyprus Ciprus - + Czech Republic Cseh Köztársaság - + Germany Németország - + Djibouti Dzsibuti - + Denmark Dánia - + Dominica Dominika - + Dominican Republic Dominikai Köztársaság - + Algeria Algéria - + Ecuador Ecuador - + Estonia Észtország - + Egypt Egyiptom - + Western Sahara Nyugat-Szahara - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Spanyolország - + Ethiopia Etiópia - + Finland Finnország - + Fiji Fidzsi-szigetek - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falkland-szigetek - + Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronéziai Szövetségi Államok - + Faroe Islands Feröer-szigetek - + France Franciaország - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Egyesült Királyság - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Grúzia - + French Guiana Francia Guyana - + Ghana Ghána - + Gibraltar Gibraltár - + Greenland Grönland - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea Egyenlítői-Guinea - + Greece Görögország - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Déli-Georgia és Déli-Sandwich-szigetek - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Bissau-Guinea - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heard-sziget és McDonald-szigetek - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Horvátország - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Magyarország - + Indonesia Indonézia - + Ireland Írország - + Israel Izrael - + India India - + British Indian Ocean Territory Brit Indiai-óceáni Terület - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iráni Iszlám Köztársaság - + Iceland Izland - + Italy Olaszország - + Jamaica Jamaica - + Jordan Jordánia - + Japan Japán - + Kenya Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgizisztán - + Cambodia Kambodzsa - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Comore-szigetek - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts és Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Koreai Népi Demokratikus Köztársaság - + Korea, Republic of Dél-Korea - + Kuwait Kuvait - + Cayman Islands Kajmán-szigetek - + Kazakhstan Kazahsztán - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laoszi Népi Demokratikus Köztársaság - + Lebanon Libanon - + Saint Lucia Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Libéria - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Litvánia - + Luxembourg Luxemburg - + Latvia Lettország - + Morocco Marokkó - + Monaco Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of Moldovai Köztársaság - + Madagascar Madagaszkár - + Marshall Islands Marshall-szigetek - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Mianmar - + Mongolia Mongólia - + Northern Mariana Islands Északi-Mariana-szigetek - + Martinique Martinique - + Mauritania Mauritánia - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Málta - + Mauritius Mauritius - + Maldives Maldív-szigetek - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Mexikó - + Malaysia Malajzia - + Mozambique Mozambik - + Namibia Namíbia - + New Caledonia Új-Kaledónia - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Norfolk-sziget - + Nigeria Nigéria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Hollandia - + Norway Norvégia - + Nepal Nepál - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Új-Zéland - + Oman Omán - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Francia Polinézia - + Papua New Guinea Pápua Új-Guinea - + Philippines Fülöp-szigetek - + Pakistan Pakisztán - + Poland Lengyelország - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre és Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - + Portugal Portugália - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Katar - + Reunion Réunion - + Romania Románia - + Russian Federation Orosz Föderáció - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Szaud-Arábia - + Solomon Islands Salamon-szigetek - + Seychelles Seychelle-szigetek - + Sudan Szudán - + Sweden Svédország - + Singapore Szingapúr - + Slovenia Szlovénia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard és Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Szlovákia - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Szenegál - + Somalia Szomália - + Suriname Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé és Príncipe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Szíriai Arab Köztársaság - + Swaziland Szváziföld - + Turks and Caicos Islands Turks- és Caicos-szigetek - + Chad Csád - + French Southern Territories Francia déli és antarktiszi területek - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Thaiföld - + Tajikistan Tádzsikisztán - + Tokelau Tokelau-szigetek - + Turkmenistan Türkmenisztán - + Tunisia Tunézia - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Kelet-Timor - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolíviai Többnemzetiségű Állam - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius és Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Elefántcsontpart - + Libya Líbia - + Saint Martin (French part) Szent Márton-sziget (Francia rész) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedónia Volt Jugoszláv Köztársaság - + Macao Makaó - + Pitcairn Pitcairn-szigetek - + Palestine, State of Palesztina - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Szent Ilona, Ascension és Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Dél-Szudán - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (Holland rész) - + Turkey Törökország - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad és Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Tajvan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzániai Egyesült Köztársaság - + Ukraine Ukrajna - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Amerikai Csendes-óceáni-szigetek - + United States Egyesült Államok - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Üzbegisztán - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Apostoli Szentszék - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent és a Grenadine-szigetek - + Virgin Islands, British Brit Virgin-szigetek - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Amerikai Virgin-szigetek - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis és Futuna - + Samoa Szamoa - + Yemen Jemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Szerbia - + South Africa Dél-afrikai Köztársaság - + Zambia Zambia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Åland-szigetek - + Guernsey Guernsey-sziget - + Isle of Man Man-sziget - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint-Barthélemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Nem lehet kibontani GeoIP adatbázis fájlt. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Nem lehet menteni a letöltött GeoIP adatbázis fájlt. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. GeoIP adatbázis sikeresen frissítve. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Nem lehet letölteni GeoIP adatbázis fájlt. Ok: %1 @@ -4079,7 +4019,7 @@ Biztos, hogy bezárod a qBittorrentet? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Email értesítés hiba: @@ -5126,38 +5066,38 @@ Biztos, hogy bezárod a qBittorrentet? Ez egy érvénytelen SSL kulcs. - + Invalid certificate Érvénytelen tanúsítvány - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Ez egy érvénytelen SSL tanúsítvány. - + Time Error Idő hiba - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. A kezdés és befejezés ideje nem lehet ugyanaz. - - + + Length Error Hossz hiba - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. A webes felület felhasználónevének legalább 3 karakter hosszúnak kell lennie. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. A webes felület jelszavának legalább 6 karakter hosszúnak kell lennie. @@ -5238,142 +5178,142 @@ Biztos, hogy bezárod a qBittorrentet? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Port - + Flags Flags - + Connection Kapcsolat - + Client i.e.: Client application Kliens - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Folyamat - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Letöltési sebesség - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Feltöltési sebesség - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Letöltve - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Feltöltve - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Relevancia - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Fájlok - + Column visibility Oszlop láthatósága - + Add a new peer... Új ügyfél hozzáadása... - - + + Ban peer permanently Ügyfél kitiltása végleg - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Ügyfél kitiltva '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Az ügyfélt '%1' nem lehet hozzáadni ehhez a torenthez. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Ügyfél kitiltva '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Ügyfél hozzáadása - + Country Ország - + Copy IP:port IP:port másolása - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Néhány ügyfelet nem lehet hozzáadni. Ellenőrizd a naplót a részletekért. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Ügyfelek hozzáadva ehhez a torrenthez. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Biztos vagy benne, hogy végleg kitiltod a kiválaszott ügyfelet? - + &Yes &Igen - + &No &Nem @@ -6089,95 +6029,95 @@ Ezek a kiegészítők letiltásra kerültek. I/O Hiba: Nem sikerült létrehozni az ideiglenes fájlt. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. A %1 egy ismeretlen parancssori paraméter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 egyedüli parancssori paraméter lehet csak. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). A %1 helyes portot kell konfiguráljon (1 és 65535 között). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Nem lehet használni %1: a qBittorrent már fut ennél a felhasználónál. - + Usage: Használat: - + Options: Beállítások: - + Displays program version Program verzió megjelenítése - + Displays this help message Ezen súgó üzenet megjelenítése - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Web UI port megváltozatása (aktuális: %1) - + Disable splash screen Induló képernyő letiltása - + Run in daemon-mode (background) daemon-mode -ban való futtatás (háttérben) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user A felhasználó által engedélyezett torrentek letöltése - + Help Súgó - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Az alkalmazást a -h paraméterrel indítva ismerkedhet meg a parancssori paraméterekkel. - + Bad command line Rossz parancs - + Bad command line: Rossz parancs sor: - + Legal Notice Jogi figyelmeztetés - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6186,22 +6126,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Vélhetően tisztában vagy ezzel, így többé nem kapsz figyelmeztetést. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Nyomja meg a %1 billentyűt az elfogadás és folytatáshoz... - + Legal notice Jogi figyelmeztetés - + Cancel Mégsem - + I Agree Elfogadom @@ -6363,27 +6303,27 @@ Vélhetően tisztában vagy ezzel, így többé nem kapsz figyelmeztetést.Egy régebbi verzióról frissítettél, ami eltérően mentett dolgokat. Át kell térned az új mentési rendszerre. Ha folytatod, nem fogsz tudni v3.3.0-nál régebbi verziót használni újra. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Nem lehet költöztetni torrentet ezzel a hashhel: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Nem lehet költöztetni torrentet. Érvénytelen gyorsfolytatási fájl név: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Nem rendes kilépés történt a programból. Az elmentett beállítások visszatöltésre kerülnek. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Hozzáférési hiba történt a konfigurációs fájl írási kísérletekor. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Formázási hiba történt a konfigurációs fájl írási kísérletekor. @@ -6402,8 +6342,8 @@ Vélhetően tisztában vagy ezzel, így többé nem kapsz figyelmeztetést. - - + + Mark items read Elemek olvasottnak jelölése @@ -6423,60 +6363,60 @@ Vélhetően tisztában vagy ezzel, így többé nem kapsz figyelmeztetést.Beállítások... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrent: (duplaklikk a letöltéshez) - - + + Delete Törlés - + Rename... Átnevezés... - + Rename Átnevezés - - + + Update Frissítés - + New subscription... Új feliratkozás... - - + + Update all feeds Összes csatorna frissítése - + Download torrent Torrent letöltése - + Open news URL Új URL megnyitása - + Copy feed URL Csatorna URL másolása - + New folder... Új könyvtár... @@ -7763,18 +7703,6 @@ Vélhetően tisztában vagy ezzel, így többé nem kapsz figyelmeztetést.Warning (%1) Figyelmeztetés (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Nem lehet dekódolni favicont a(z) '%1' URL-hez. Favicon letöltésének megpróbálása PNG formátumban. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Nem lehet dekódolni az ikont a linkről '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Nem lehet letölteni favicont a(z) '%1' URL-hez. Ok: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8078,80 +8006,80 @@ Vélhetően tisztában vagy ezzel, így többé nem kapsz figyelmeztetést. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Oszlop beállítások - + Choose save path Mentés helye - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torrent letöltés sebességkorlátozás - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torrent feltöltés sebességkorlátozás - + Recheck confirmation Újraellenőrzés megerősítése - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Biztos benne, hogy újraellenőrzi a kiválasztott torrenteket? - + Rename Átnevezés - + New name: Új név: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Folytatás - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Erőltetett folytatás - + Pause Pause the torrent Szünet - + New Category Új kategória - + Category: Kategória: - + Invalid category name Érvénytelen kategórianév - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8160,129 +8088,129 @@ A kategórianév nem kezdődhet/végződhet „/” karakterrel. A kategórianév nem tartalmazhatja a „//” karaktersorozatot. - + Delete Delete the torrent Törlés - + Preview file... Fájl előnézete... - + Limit share ratio... Megosztási arány korlát... - + Limit upload rate... Feltöltési arány korlátozása... - + Limit download rate... Letöltési arány korlátozása... - + Open destination folder Célkönyvtár megnyitása - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Feljebb mozgat - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Lejjebb mozgat - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Legfelülre mozgat - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Legalúlra mozgat - + Set location... Hely megadása... - + Copy name Név másolása - + Download first and last pieces first Első és utolsó szelet letöltése először - + Automatic Torrent Management Alapértelmezett torrentkezelés - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Az automatikus mód azt jelenti, hogy a különböző torrenttulajdonságok (pl. a mentési útvonal) a hozzátartozó kategória alapján kerülnek eldöntésre - + Category Kategória - + New... New category... Új… - + Reset Reset category Visszaállítás - + Priority Priorítás - + Force recheck Kényszerített újraellenőrzés - + Copy magnet link Magnet link másolása - + Super seeding mode Szuper seed üzemmód - + Rename... Átnevezés... - + Download in sequential order Letöltés sorrendben @@ -8642,11 +8570,11 @@ A kategórianév nem tartalmazhatja a „//” karaktersorozatot. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Letöltések diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_hy.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_hy.ts index c4534db37..095970024 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_hy.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_hy.ts @@ -960,298 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support - + Embedded Tracker [ON] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE - + ONLINE - + OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: @@ -2714,1285 +2714,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - + Viet Nam - - + + N/A - + Andorra - + United Arab Emirates - + Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda - + Anguilla - + Albania - + Armenia - + Angola - + Antarctica - + Argentina - + American Samoa - + Austria - + Australia - + Aruba - + Azerbaijan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina - + Barbados - + Bangladesh - + Belgium - + Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria - + Bahrain - + Burundi - + Benin - + Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil - + Bahamas - + Bhutan - + Bouvet Island - + Botswana - + Belarus - + Belize - + Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the - + Central African Republic - + Congo - + Switzerland - + Cook Islands - + Chile - + Cameroon - + China - + Colombia - + Costa Rica - + Cuba - + Cape Verde - + Curacao - + Christmas Island - + Cyprus - + Czech Republic - + Germany - + Djibouti - + Denmark - + Dominica - + Dominican Republic - + Algeria - + Ecuador - + Estonia - + Egypt - + Western Sahara - + Eritrea - + Spain - + Ethiopia - + Finland - + Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of - + Faroe Islands - + France Ֆրանսիա - + Gabon - + United Kingdom - + Grenada - + Georgia - + French Guiana - + Ghana - + Gibraltar - + Greenland - + Gambia - + Guinea - + Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea - + Greece - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - + Guatemala - + Guam - + Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana - + Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands - + Honduras - + Croatia - + Haiti - + Hungary - + Indonesia - + Ireland - + Israel - + India - + British Indian Ocean Territory - + Iraq - + Iran, Islamic Republic of - + Iceland - + Italy - + Jamaica - + Jordan - + Japan - + Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan - + Cambodia - + Kiribati - + Comoros - + Saint Kitts and Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of - + Korea, Republic of - + Kuwait - + Cayman Islands - + Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic - + Lebanon - + Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka - + Liberia - + Lesotho - + Lithuania - + Luxembourg - + Latvia - + Morocco - + Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of - + Madagascar - + Marshall Islands - + Mali - + Myanmar - + Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands - + Martinique - + Mauritania - + Montserrat - + Malta - + Mauritius - + Maldives - + Malawi - + Mexico - + Malaysia - + Mozambique - + Namibia - + New Caledonia - + Niger - + Norfolk Island - + Nigeria - + Nicaragua - + Netherlands - + Norway - + Nepal - + Nauru - + Niue - + New Zealand - + Oman - + Panama - + Peru - + French Polynesia - + Papua New Guinea - + Philippines - + Pakistan - + Poland - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon - + Puerto Rico - + Portugal - + Palau - + Paraguay - + Qatar - + Reunion - + Romania - + Russian Federation - + Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia - + Solomon Islands - + Seychelles - + Sudan - + Sweden - + Singapore - + Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen - + Slovakia - + Sierra Leone - + San Marino - + Senegal - + Somalia - + Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe - + El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic - + Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands - + Chad - + French Southern Territories - + Togo - + Thailand - + Tajikistan - + Tokelau - + Turkmenistan - + Tunisia - + Tonga - + Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire - + Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of - + Macao - + Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - + Turkey - + Trinidad and Tobago - + Tuvalu - + Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of - + Ukraine - + Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands - + United States - + Uruguay - + Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - + Virgin Islands, British - + Virgin Islands, U.S. - + Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna - + Samoa - + Yemen - + Mayotte - + Serbia - + South Africa - + Zambia - + Montenegro - + Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands - + Guernsey - + Isle of Man - + Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 @@ -4013,7 +4013,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: @@ -5060,38 +5060,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5172,142 +5172,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Դարպաս - + Flags Դրոշակներ - + Connection Միացումը - + Client i.e.: Client application Ծրագիրը - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Ընթացքը - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Ներբեռնելու արգ-ը - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Վերբ. արագ-ը - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Ներբեռնվել է - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Վերբեռնվել է - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now - + Column visibility Սյուների տեսքը - + Add a new peer... Ավելացնել նոր peer… - - + + Ban peer permanently Արգելել peer-ը մեկընդմիշտ - + Manually adding peer '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Peer-ի լրացում - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. - + The peers were added to this torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Արգելե՞լ ընտրված peer-երը։ - + &Yes &Այո - + &No &Ոչ @@ -6021,117 +6021,117 @@ Those plugins were disabled. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. - + Usage: - + Options: - + Displays program version - + Displays this help message - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) - + Disable splash screen - + Run in daemon-mode (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user - + Help Օգնություն - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. - + Bad command line - + Bad command line: - + Legal Notice - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... - + Legal notice - + Cancel Չեղարկել - + I Agree Համաձայն եմ @@ -6293,27 +6293,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6332,8 +6332,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Նշել որպես կարդացված @@ -6353,60 +6353,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Կարգավորումներ… - + Torrents: (double-click to download) - - + + Delete Ջնջել - + Rename... Անվանափոխել… - + Rename Անվանափոխել - - + + Update Թարմացնել - + New subscription... Նոր բաժանորդագրում… - - + + Update all feeds Թարմացնել բոլորը - + Download torrent Ներբեռնել torrent-ը - + Open news URL Բացել նորության հղումը - + Copy feed URL Պատճենել ալիքի հղումը - + New folder... Նոր թղթապանակ… @@ -7996,209 +7996,209 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Սյուների տեսքը - + Choose save path Ընտրեք պահպանելու տեղը - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torrent-ների բեռնման արագ. սահ-ում - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torrent-ների փոխանցման արագ. սահ-ում - + Recheck confirmation - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? - + Rename Անվանափոխել - + New name: Նոր անունը. - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Վերսկսել - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent - + Pause Pause the torrent Դադար - + New Category - + Category: - + Invalid category name - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent Ջնջել - + Preview file... Նախն. դիտում… - + Limit share ratio... Արագ-ան սահ-ներ... - + Limit upload rate... Փոխանցման սահ-ը… - + Limit download rate... Բեռնման սահմանափակումը… - + Open destination folder Բացել պարունակող թղթապանակը - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Շարժել վերև - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Շարժել ներքև - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Հերթում առաջ - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Հերթում հետ - + Set location... Բեռնման տեղը... - + Copy name Պատճենել անունը - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category - + New... New category... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority Առաջնայնությունը - + Force recheck Ստիպ. վերստուգում - + Copy magnet link Պատճենել magnet հղումը - + Super seeding mode Գերփոխանցման եղանակ - + Rename... Անվանափոխել... - + Download in sequential order Բեռնել հաջորդական կարգով @@ -8558,11 +8558,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Բեռնումներ diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_id.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_id.ts index 40a750971..229d92e17 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_id.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_id.ts @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Mode otomatis artinya properti torrent (mis jalur penyimpanan) akan ditentukan oleh kategori terkait @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ When checked, the .torrent file will not be deleted despite the settings at the "Download" page of the options dialog - + Jika diaktifkan, berkas .torrent tidak akan dihapus, mengabaikan pengaturan pada pada dialog opsi halaman "Unduhan" @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Galat: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Favicon pelacak unduhan @@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ Galat: %2 Torrent: %1, run external program command too long (length > %2), execution failed. - + Torrent: %1, program eksternal berjalan terlalu lama (durasi > %2), gagal mengeksekusi. @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Galat: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID Rekan: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - User-Agent HTTP adalah '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Mode anonim [NYALA] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Mode anonim [MATI] - - - PeX support [ON] - Dukungan PeX [NYALA] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Dukungan PeX [MATI] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Wajib memulai ulang untuk menjungkit dukungan PeX - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Dukungan Pencarian Rekan Lokal [NYALA] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Dukungan Pencarian Rekan Lokal [MATI] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Dukungan enkripsi [NYALA] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Dukungan enkripsi [DIPAKSA] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Dukungan enkripsi [MATI] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Pelacak Tertanam [NYALA] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Gagal memulai pelacak tertanam! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Pelacak Tertanam [MATI] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' telah mencapai rasio maksimum yang Anda tetapkan. Membuang... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' telah mencapai rasio maksimum yang Anda tetapkan. Menangguhkan... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Status jaringan sistem berubah menjadi %1 - + ONLINE DARING - + OFFLINE LURING - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Konfigurasi jaringan dari %1 telah berubah, menyegarkan jalinan sesi - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Konfigurasi alamat antarmuka jaringan %1 tidak valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Dukungan enkripsi [%1] - + FORCED - + PAKSA - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Mode anonim [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Tidak bisa mengawakode '%1' berkas torrent. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Mengunduh rekursif berkas '%1' yang tertanam di dalam torrent '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Tidak bisa menyimpan '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. karena %1 dinonaktifkan. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. karena %1 dinonaktifkan. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Pencarian bibit URL gagal untuk URL: '%1', pesan: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent gagal mendengarkan pada antarmuka %1 port %2/53. Alasan: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' telah dibuang dari daftar transfer dan diska. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' telah dibuang dari daftar transfer. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Mengunduh '%1', mohon tunggu... - DHT support [ON] - Dukungan DHT [NYALA] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Dukungan DHT [MATI]. Alasan: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Dukungan DHT [MATI] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent sedang mencoba mendengarkan semua port antarmuka: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Antarmuka jaringan yang dijabarkan tidak valid: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent sedang mencoba mendengarkan port antarmuka %1: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + Dukungan DHT [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + NYALA - - - - + + + + OFF - + MATI - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Dukungan Pencarian Rekanan Lokal [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent tidak menemukan alamat lokal %1 untuk didengarkan - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent gagal mendengarkan semua port antarmuka: %1. Alasan: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Pelacak '%1' telah ditambahkan ke torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Pelacak '%1' telah dihapus dari torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Bibit URL '%1' telah ditambahkan ke torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' Bibit URL '%1' telah dihapus dari torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Tidak bisa melanjutkan torrent '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Berhasil mengurai penyaring IP yang diberikan: %1 aturan diterapkan. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Galat: Gagal mengurai penyaring IP yang diberikan. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Tidak bisa menambahkan torrent. Alasan: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' dilanjutkan. (lanjut cepat) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' ditambahkan ke daftar unduh. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Sebuah galat I/O telah terjadi, '%1' ditangguhkan. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Pemetaan port gagal, pesan: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Pemetaan port sukses, pesan: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. disebabkan oleh penyaring IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. disebabkan oleh penyaring port. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. disebabkan oleh pembatasan mode campuran i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. karena memiliki port yang rendah. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent berhasil mendengarkan port antarmuka %1: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: IP eksternal: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Apakah Anda ingin mengasosiasikan qBittorrent dengan berkas torrent atau tautan &Always Yes &Selalu Ya - - Python found in %1 - Python ditemukan di %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Apakah Anda yakin ingin qBittorrent keluar? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. Basis data GeoIP dimuat. Tipe: %1. Durasi bangun: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Tidak bisa memuat basis data GeoIP. Alasan: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A T/A - + Andorra Andora - + United Arab Emirates Uni Emirat Arab - + Afghanistan Afganistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua dan Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albania - + Armenia Armenia - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antartika - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Samoa Amerika - + Austria Austria - + Australia Australia - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbaijan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia dan Herzegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladesh - + Belgium Belgia - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgaria - + Bahrain Bahrain - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil Brazil - + Bahamas Bahama - + Bhutan Bhutan - + Bouvet Island Pulau Bouvet - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Belarusia - + Belize Belize - + Canada Kanada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kepulauan Cocos (Keeling) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Republik Demokratik Kongo - + Central African Republic Republik Afrika Tengah - + Congo Kongo - + Switzerland Swiss - + Cook Islands Kepulauan Cook - + Chile Chili - + Cameroon Kamerun - + China Cina - + Colombia Kolombia - + Costa Rica Kosta Rika - + Cuba Kuba - + Cape Verde Tanjung Verde - + Curacao Curacao - + Christmas Island Pulau Natal - + Cyprus Siprus - + Czech Republic Republik Ceko - + Germany Jerman - + Djibouti Djibouti - + Denmark Denmark - + Dominica Dominika - + Dominican Republic Republik Dominika - + Algeria Aljazair - + Ecuador Ekuador - + Estonia Estonia - + Egypt Mesir - + Western Sahara Sahara Barat - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Spanyol - + Ethiopia Etiopia - + Finland Finlandia - + Fiji Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Kepulauan Falkland (Malvina) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Federasi Mikronesia - + Faroe Islands Kepulauan Faroe - + France Perancis - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Britania Raya - + Grenada Granada - + Georgia Georgia - + French Guiana Guyana Perancis - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Greenland - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea Guinea Khatulistiwa - + Greece Yunani - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Georgia Selatan dan Kepulauan Sandwich Selatan - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Pulau Heard dan Kepulauan McDonald - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Kroasia - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Hongaria - + Indonesia Indonesia - + Ireland Irlandia - + Israel Israel - + India India - + British Indian Ocean Territory Wilayah Samudra Hindia Britania - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Republik Islam Iran - + Iceland Islandia - + Italy Italia - + Jamaica Jamaika - + Jordan Yordania - + Japan Jepang - + Kenya Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgizstan - + Cambodia Kamboja - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Komoro - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts dan Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea Utara - + Korea, Republic of Korea Selatan - + Kuwait Kuwait - + Cayman Islands Kepulauan Cayman - + Kazakhstan Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Republik Demokratik Rakyat Laos - + Lebanon Lebanon - + Saint Lucia Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Lituania - + Luxembourg Luksemburg - + Latvia Latvia - + Morocco Maroko - + Monaco Monako - + Moldova, Republic of Moldova - + Madagascar Madagaskar - + Marshall Islands Kepulauan Marshall - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Myanmar - + Mongolia Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands Kepulauan Mariana Utara - + Martinique Martinik - + Mauritania Mauritania - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauritius - + Maldives Maladewa - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Meksiko - + Malaysia Malaysia - + Mozambique Mozambik - + Namibia Namibia - + New Caledonia Kaledonia Baru - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Pulau Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigeria - + Nicaragua Nikaragua - + Netherlands Belanda - + Norway Norwegia - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Selandia Baru - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Polinesia Perancis - + Papua New Guinea Papua Nugini - + Philippines Filipina - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Polandia - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Pierre dan Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Puerto Riko - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Qatar - + Reunion Reunion - + Romania Rumania - + Russian Federation Rusia - + Rwanda Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia Arab Saudi - + Solomon Islands Kepulauan Solomon - + Seychelles Seiselensa - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden Swedia - + Singapore Singapura - + Slovenia Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard dan Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slowakia - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalia - + Suriname Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome dan Principe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Suriah - + Swaziland Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands Kepulauan Turks dan Caicos - + Chad Chad - + French Southern Territories Daratan Selatan dan Antarktika Perancis - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Thailand - + Tajikistan Tajikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunisia - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivia - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius dan Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Pantai Gading - + Libya Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) Saint Martin (Perancis) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Republik Makedonia bekas Yugoslavia - + Macao Makau - + Pitcairn Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palestina - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Helena, Ascension, dan Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Sudan Selatan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (Belanda) - + Turkey Turki - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad dan Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania - + Ukraine Ukraina - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Kepulauan Terluar Kecil Amerika Serikat - + United States Amerika Serikat - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Vatikan - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent dan Grenadine - + Virgin Islands, British Kepulauan Virgin, Inggris - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Kepulauan Virgin, Amerika Serikat - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis dan Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Yaman - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Serbia - + South Africa Afrika Selatan - + Zambia Zambia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Kepulauan Aland - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Pulau Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Tidak bisa mengurai berkas basis data GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Tidak bisa menyimpan berkas basis data GeoIP yang diunduh. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Berhasil memperbarui basis data GeoIP. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Tidak bisa mengunduh berkas basis data GeoIP. Alasan: %1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Apakah Anda yakin ingin qBittorrent keluar? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Galat Notifikasi Surel: @@ -4808,7 +4748,7 @@ Apakah Anda yakin ingin qBittorrent keluar? Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers - + Aktifkan Pencarian Rekanan Lokal untuk menemukan lebih banyak rekanan @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Apakah Anda yakin ingin qBittorrent keluar? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Apakah Anda yakin ingin qBittorrent keluar? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Port - + Flags Bendera - + Connection Koneksi - + Client i.e.: Client application Klien - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Kemajuan - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Kecepatan Unduh - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Kecepatan Unggah - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Terunduh - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Terunggah - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Relevansi - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Berkas - + Column visibility Keterlihatan kolom - + Add a new peer... Tambah rekan baru... - - + + Ban peer permanently Cekal rekan secara permanen - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Secara manual menambahkan rekan '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Rekan '%1' tidak bisa ditambahkan ke torrent ini. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Secara manual mencekal rekan '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Tambahan rekan - + Country Negara - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Beberapa rekan tidak bisa ditambahkan. Periksa Log untuk detail lebih lanjut. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Rekan telah ditambahkan ke torrent ini. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Apakah Anda yakin ingin mencekal secara permanen rekan yang dipilih? - + &Yes &Ya - + &No &Tidak @@ -6091,95 +6031,95 @@ Plugin tersebut telah dinonfungsikan. Galat I/O: Tidak bisa membuat berkas sementara. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 adalah parameter baris perintah yang tidak dikenal. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 harus sebagai parameter baris perintah tunggal. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 harus menetapkan port yang benar (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Anda tidak bisa menggunakan %1: qBittorrent telah berjalan untuk pengguna ini. - + Usage: Penggunaan: - + Options: Opsi: - + Displays program version Tampilkan versi program - + Displays this help message Tampilkan pesan bantuan ini - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Ubah port Web UI (saat ini: %1) - + Disable splash screen Nonaktifkan layar sambutan - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Jalankan dalam mode daemon (latar) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Unduh torrent yang diberikan oleh pengguna - + Help Bantuan - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Jalankan aplikasi dengan opsi -h untuk membaca tentang parameter baris perintah. - + Bad command line Baris perintah buruk - + Bad command line: Baris perintah buruk: - + Legal Notice Catatan Hukum - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6188,22 +6128,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Tidak ada pemberitahuan lebih lanjut yang akan dikeluarkan. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Tekan tombol %1 untuk menerima dan melanjutkan... - + Legal notice Catatan hukum - + Cancel Batal - + I Agree Saya Setuju @@ -6365,27 +6305,27 @@ Tidak ada pemberitahuan lebih lanjut yang akan dikeluarkan. Anda memutakhirkan dari versi lama yang memiliki proses penyimpanan yang berbeda. Anda harus meningkatkannya ke sistem penyimpanan baru. Jika Anda melanjutkan, Anda tidak akan bisa menggunakan versi yang lebih lama dari v3.3.0 lagi. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Tidak bisa migrasi torrent dengan hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Tidak bisa migrasi torrent. Nama berkas lanjutcepat tidak valid: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6404,8 +6344,8 @@ Tidak ada pemberitahuan lebih lanjut yang akan dikeluarkan. - - + + Mark items read Tandai item sudah dibaca @@ -6425,60 +6365,60 @@ Tidak ada pemberitahuan lebih lanjut yang akan dikeluarkan. Pengaturan... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrent: (klik dua kali untuk mengunduh) - - + + Delete Hapus - + Rename... Ubah nama... - + Rename Ubah nama - - + + Update Perbarui - + New subscription... Langganan baru... - - + + Update all feeds Perbarui semua umpan - + Download torrent Unduh torrent - + Open news URL Buka URL berita - + Copy feed URL Salin URL umpan - + New folder... Folder baru... @@ -7765,18 +7705,6 @@ Tidak ada pemberitahuan lebih lanjut yang akan dikeluarkan. Warning (%1) Peringatan (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Tidak bisa mengawakode favicon untuk URL '%1'. Mencoba mengunduh favicon dalam format PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Tidak bisa mengawakode favicon untuk URL '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Tidak bisa mengunduh favicon untuk URL '%1'. Alasan: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8080,80 +8008,80 @@ Tidak ada pemberitahuan lebih lanjut yang akan dikeluarkan. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Keterlihatan kolom - + Choose save path Pilih jalur penyimpanan - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Pembatasan Kecepatan Unduh Torrent - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Pembatasan Kecepatan Unggah Torrent - + Recheck confirmation Komfirmasi pemeriksaan ulang - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Apakah Anda yakin ingin memeriksa ulang torrent yang dipilih? - + Rename Ubah nama - + New name: Nama baru: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Lanjutkan - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Paksa Lanjutkan - + Pause Pause the torrent Tangguhkan - + New Category Kategori Baru - + Category: Kategori: - + Invalid category name Nama kategori tidak valid - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8162,129 +8090,129 @@ Nama kategori tidak boleh diawali/diakhiri dengan '/'. Nama kategori tidak boleh mengandung rangkaian '//'. - + Delete Delete the torrent Hapus - + Preview file... Pratinjau berkas... - + Limit share ratio... Batasi rasio berbagi... - + Limit upload rate... Batasi rasio unggah... - + Limit download rate... Batasi laju unduh... - + Open destination folder Buka folder tujuan - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Pindahkan ke atas - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Pindahkan ke bawah - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Pindahkan ke puncak - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Pindahkan ke dasar - + Set location... Tetapkan lokasi... - + Copy name Salin nama - + Download first and last pieces first Unduh bagian-bagian pertama dan akhir terlebih dahulu - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Mode otomatis artinya properti torrent (mis jalur penyimpanan) akan ditentukan oleh kategori terkait - + Category Kategori - + New... New category... Baru .... - + Reset Reset category Setel ulang - + Priority Prioritas - + Force recheck Paksa periksa ulang - + Copy magnet link Salin tautan magnet - + Super seeding mode Mode membibit super - + Rename... Ubah nama... - + Download in sequential order Unduh berurutan @@ -8644,11 +8572,11 @@ Nama kategori tidak boleh mengandung rangkaian '//'. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Unduhan diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_it.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_it.ts index c5a408e22..64281ff8a 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_it.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_it.ts @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ When checked, the .torrent file will not be deleted despite the settings at the "Download" page of the options dialog - Se selezionata, il file .torrent non verrà cancellato nonostante l'impostazione nella pagina "Download" della finestra opzioni. + Se selezionata, il file .torrent non verrà cancellato nonostante l'impostazione nella pagina "Download" della finestra opzioni @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Errore: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Scarica favicon del tracker @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Errore: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID peer: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - Lo user agent HTTP è %1 - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Modalità anonima [ON] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Modalità anonima [OFF] - - - PeX support [ON] - Supporto PeX [ON] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Supporto PeX [OFF] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support È richiesto un riavvio per modificare il supporto PeX - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Supporto ricerca peer locali [ON] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Supporto ricerca peer locali [OFF] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Supporto cifratura [ON] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Supporto cifratura [FORZATO] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Supporto cifratura [OFF] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Tracker incorporato [ON] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Avvio del tracker integrato non riuscito! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Tracker integrato [OFF] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' ha raggiunto il massimo rapporto impostato. Lo sto rimuovendo... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' ha raggiunto il massimo rapporto impostato. Metto in pausa... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Lo stato di rete di sistema è cambiato in %1 - + ONLINE IN LINEA - + OFFLINE NON IN LINEA - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding La configurazione di rete di %1 è cambiata, aggiornamento associazione di sessione - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. L'indirizzo %1 dell'interfaccia di rete configurata non è valido. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Supporto cifratura [%1] - + FORCED - + FORZATO - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Modalità anonima [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Impossibile decifrare il file torrent %1. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Download ricorsivo del file '%1' incluso nel torrent '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Impossibile salvare %1.torrent - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. perché %1 è disattivato. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. perché %1 è disattivato. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Ricerca seed web non riuscita per l'URL: '%1', messaggio: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent non è riuscito a mettersi in ascolto sull'interfaccia %1 sulla porta: %2/%3. Motivo: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' è stato rimosso dall'elenco dei trasferimenti e dal disco fisso. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' è stato rimosso dall'elenco dei trasferimenti. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Download di '%1' in corso... - DHT support [ON] - Supporto DHT [ON] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Supporto DHT [OFF]. Motivo: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Supporto DHT [OFF] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent sta cercando di mettersi in ascolto su ogni interfaccia sulla porta: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 L'interfaccia di rete definita non è valida: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent sta cercando di mettersi in ascolto sull'interfaccia %1 sulla porta: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + Supporto DHT [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Supporto Ricerca Locale Peer [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + È richiesto un riavvio per modificare il supporto Scambio Tracker - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent non ha trovato un indirizzo locale %1 su cui mettersi in ascolto - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent non è riuscito a mattersi in ascolto su alcuna interfaccia sulla porta: %1. Motivo: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Il tracker '%1' è stato aggiunto al torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Il tracker '%1' è stato rimosso dal torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Il seed URL '%1' è stato aggiunto al torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' Il seed URL '%1' è stato rimosso dal torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Impossibile riprendere il download del torrent: '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Analisi filtro IP completata: sono state applicate %1 regole. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Errore: Impossibile analizzare il filtro IP. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Impossibile aggiungere il torrent. Motivo: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' ripreso. (recupero veloce) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' aggiunto all'elenco dei trasferimenti. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Si è verificato un errore I/O, '%1' messo in pausa. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Mappatura porta non riuscita, messaggio: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Mappatura porta riuscita, messaggio: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. per via del filtro IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. per via del filtro porta. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. per via di limitazioni nella modalità mista i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. perché ha una porta troppo bassa. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent è correttamente in ascolto sull'interfaccia %1 porta: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: IP esterno: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Vuoi associare qBittorrent ai file torrent e ai collegamenti magnet?&Always Yes Sem&pre sì - - Python found in %1 - Trovato Python in %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2569,7 +2509,7 @@ Vuoi scaricare %1? Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Trovato Python in %1: %2 @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Chiudere qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. Banca dati GeoIP caricata. Tipo: %1. Data di creazione: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Impossibile caricare la banca dati GeoIP. Motivo: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Repubblica Bolivariana di Venezuela - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A N/D - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Emirati Arabi Uniti - + Afghanistan Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua e Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albania - + Armenia Armenia - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antartide - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Samoa Americane - + Austria Austria - + Australia Australia - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbaijan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia ed Herzegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladesh - + Belgium Belgio - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgaria - + Bahrain Bahrain - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Sultanato del Brunei - + Brazil Brasile - + Bahamas Bahamas - + Bhutan Butan - + Bouvet Island Isola Bouvet - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Bielorussia - + Belize Belize - + Canada Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Isole Cocos (Keeling) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Repubblica Democratica del Congo - + Central African Republic Repubblica Centrafricana - + Congo Congo - + Switzerland Svizzera - + Cook Islands Isole Cook - + Chile Cile - + Cameroon Camerun - + China Cina - + Colombia Colombia - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Cuba - + Cape Verde Capo Verde - + Curacao Curaçao - + Christmas Island Isola di Natale - + Cyprus Cipro - + Czech Republic Repubblica Ceca - + Germany Germania - + Djibouti Gibuti - + Denmark Danimarca - + Dominica Dominica - + Dominican Republic Repubblica Dominicana - + Algeria Algeria - + Ecuador Ecuador - + Estonia Estonia - + Egypt Egitto - + Western Sahara Sahara Occidentale - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Spagna - + Ethiopia Etiopia - + Finland Finlandia - + Fiji Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Isole Falkland (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Stati Federati di Micronesia - + Faroe Islands Isole Faroe - + France Francia - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Regno Unito - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Georgia - + French Guiana Guyana Francese - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibilterra - + Greenland Groenlandia - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadalupe - + Equatorial Guinea Guinea Equatoriale - + Greece Grecia - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich Meridionali - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Isole Heard e McDonald - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Croazia - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Ungheria - + Indonesia Indonesia - + Ireland Irlanda - + Israel Israele - + India India - + British Indian Ocean Territory Territorio britannico dell'Oceano Indiano - + Iraq Iraq - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran - + Iceland Islanda - + Italy Italia - + Jamaica Giamaica - + Jordan Giordania - + Japan Giappone - + Kenya Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgyzistan - + Cambodia Cambogia - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Comore - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts e Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Repubblica Democratica Popolare di Corea - + Korea, Republic of Repubblica di Corea - + Kuwait Kuwait - + Cayman Islands Isole Cayman - + Kazakhstan Kazakistan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos - + Lebanon Libano - + Saint Lucia Santa Lucia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Lituania - + Luxembourg Lussemburgo - + Latvia Lettonia - + Morocco Marocco - + Monaco Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of Moldova - + Madagascar Madagascar - + Marshall Islands Isole Marshall - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Myanmar - + Mongolia Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands Isole Marianne Settentrionali - + Martinique Martinica - + Mauritania Mauritania - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauritius - + Maldives Maldive - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Messico - + Malaysia Malesia - + Mozambique Mozambico - + Namibia Namibia - + New Caledonia Nuova Caledonia - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Isola Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigeria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Paesi Bassi - + Norway Norvegia - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Nuova Zelanda - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Perù - + French Polynesia Polinesia Francese - + Papua New Guinea Papua Nuova Guinea - + Philippines Filippine - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Polonia - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre e Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Porto Rico - + Portugal Portogallo - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Qatar - + Reunion Riunione - + Romania Romania - + Russian Federation Russia - + Rwanda Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia Arabia Saudita - + Solomon Islands Isole Solomon - + Seychelles Seychelles - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden Svezia - + Singapore Singapore - + Slovenia Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard e Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slovacchia - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalia - + Suriname Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé e Principe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Repubblica Araba di Siria - + Swaziland Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands Turks e Caicos - + Chad Chad - + French Southern Territories Territori Francesi del Sud - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Thailandia - + Tajikistan Tajikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunisia - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Timor Est - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Stato plurinazionale della Bolivia - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius e Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Costa d'Avorio - + Libya Libia - + Saint Martin (French part) Saint Martin (parte francese) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Repubblica di Macedonia - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Stato di Palestina - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Sant'Elena, Ascensione e Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Sudan del Sud - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (parte olandese) - + Turkey Turchia - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad e Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Repubblica Unita di Tanzania - + Ukraine Ucraina - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Isole Minori Esterne degli Stati Uniti - + United States Stati Uniti - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Santa Sede (Stato della Città del Vaticano) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent e Grenadine - + Virgin Islands, British Isole Vergini britanniche - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Isole Vergini americane. - + Vanuatu Vanatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis e Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Yemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Serbia - + South Africa Sud Africa - + Zambia Zambia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Isole Aland - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Isola di Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint-Barthélemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Impossibile estrarre il file banca dati GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Impossibile salvare il file banca dati GeoIP scaricato. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Banca dati GeoIP aggiornata correttamente. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Impossibile scaricare il file banca dati GeoIP. Motivo: %1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Chiudere qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Errore nella notifica email: @@ -4457,7 +4397,7 @@ Chiudere qBittorrent? Default Save Path: - Percorso di Salvataggio Predefinito + Percorso di Salvataggio Predefinito: @@ -4973,12 +4913,12 @@ Chiudere qBittorrent? When these options are enabled, qBittorent will <strong>delete</strong> .torrent files after they were successfully (the first option) or not (the second option) added to its download queue. This will be applied <strong>not only</strong> to the files opened via &ldquo;Add torrent&rdquo; menu action but to those opened via <strong>file type association</strong> as well - Se queste opzioni sono abilitate, qBittorrent <strong>cancellerà</strong> i file .torrent dopo che essi siano stati aggiunti con successo (la prima opzione) o no (la seconda opzione) all'elenco dei traferimenti. Questo sarà applicato <strong>non solo</strong> ai file aperti tramite &ldquo;Aggiungi torrent&rdquo;, ma anche a quelli aperti tramite <strong>associazione file</strong>. + Se queste opzioni sono abilitate, qBittorrent <strong>cancellerà</strong> i file .torrent dopo che essi siano stati aggiunti con successo (la prima opzione) o no (la seconda opzione) all'elenco dei traferimenti. Questo sarà applicato <strong>non solo</strong> ai file aperti tramite &ldquo;Aggiungi torrent&rdquo;, ma anche a quelli aperti tramite <strong>associazione file</strong> If you enable the second option (&ldquo;Also when addition is cancelled&rdquo;) the .torrent file <strong>will be deleted</strong> even if you press &ldquo;<strong>Cancel</strong>&rdquo; in the &ldquo;Add torrent&rdquo; dialog - Se abiliti la seconda opzione (&ldquo;Anche quando l'aggiunta viene annullata&rdquo;) il file .torrent <strong>verrà cancellato</strong> anche se premi &ldquo;<strong>Annulla</strong>&rdquo; nella finestra di dialogo &ldquo;Aggiungi torrent&rdquo;. + Se abiliti la seconda opzione (&ldquo;Anche quando l'aggiunta viene annullata&rdquo;) il file .torrent <strong>verrà cancellato</strong> anche se premi &ldquo;<strong>Annulla</strong>&rdquo; nella finestra di dialogo &ldquo;Aggiungi torrent&rdquo; @@ -4993,7 +4933,7 @@ Chiudere qBittorrent? %L: Category - Categoria: + %L: Categoria @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Chiudere qBittorrent? Questa non è una chiave SSL valida. - + Invalid certificate Certificato non valido - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Questo non è un certificato SSL valido. - + Time Error Errore Orario - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Gli orari di inizio e fine non possono coincidere. - - + + Length Error Errore di Lunghezza - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Il nome utente per l'interfaccia web deve essere lungo almeno 3 caratteri. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. La password per l'interfaccia web deve essere lunga almeno 6 caratteri. @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Chiudere qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Porta - + Flags Flag - + Connection Connessione - + Client i.e.: Client application Client - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Avanzamento - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Velocità download - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Velocità upload - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Scaricati - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Caricati - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Rilevanza - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now File - + Column visibility Visibilità colonna - + Add a new peer... Aggiungi un nuovo peer... - - + + Ban peer permanently Metti peer permanentemente al bando - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Aggiunta manuale del peer %1... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Non è stato possibile aggiungere il peer '%1' a questo torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Banno manualmente il peer %1... - - + + Peer addition Aggiunta di peer - + Country - Nazione: + Paese - + Copy IP:port Copia IP:porta - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Impossibile aggiungere alcuni peer. Controlla il registro per i dettagli. - + The peers were added to this torrent. I peer sono stati aggiunti a questo torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Vuoi mettere permanentemente al bando il peer selezionato? - + &Yes &Sì - + &No &No @@ -6090,95 +6030,95 @@ I plugin in questione sono stati invece disattivati. Errore I/O: Non è stato possibile creare il file temporaneo. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 è un parametro sconosciuto. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 deve essere l'unico parametro della riga di comando. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 deve essere una porta valida (da 1 a 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Impossibile usare %1: qBittorrent è già in esecuzione per questo utente. - + Usage: Uso: - + Options: Opzioni: - + Displays program version Mostra la versione del programma - + Displays this help message Mostra questo messaggio d'aiuto - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Modifica la porta dell'interfaccia web (attuale: %1) - + Disable splash screen Disattiva schermata d'avvio - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Esegui in modalità daemon (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Scarica il torrent passato dall'utente - + Help Aiuto - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Esegui l'applicazione con il parametro -h per avere informazioni sui parametri della riga di comando. - + Bad command line Linea di comando errata - + Bad command line: Linea di comando errata: - + Legal Notice Informazioni legali - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6187,22 +6127,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Non verranno emessi avvisi. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Premi %1 tasto per accettare e continuare... - + Legal notice Informazioni legali - + Cancel Annulla - + I Agree Accetto @@ -6364,27 +6304,27 @@ Non verranno emessi avvisi. Hai aggiornato da una versione più vecchia che salvava i dati in maniera differente. Devi passare al nuovo sistema di salvataggio. Se continui, non ti sarà più possibile usare una versione più vecchia di v3.3.0. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Impossibile trasferire il torrent con hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Impossibile trasferire il torrent. Nome del file per il recupero veloce non valido: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Rilevata uscita dal programma non pulita. Uso file di ripiego per ripristinare le impostazioni. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Si è verificato un errore di accesso durante il tentativo di scrittura del file di configurazione. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Si è verificato un errore di formato durante il tentativo di scrittura del file di configurazione. @@ -6403,8 +6343,8 @@ Non verranno emessi avvisi. - - + + Mark items read Segna come letti @@ -6424,60 +6364,60 @@ Non verranno emessi avvisi. Impostazioni... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrent: (doppio clic per scaricare) - - + + Delete Elimina - + Rename... Rinomina... - + Rename Rinomina - - + + Update Aggiorna - + New subscription... Nuova registrazione... - - + + Update all feeds Aggiorna tutti i feed - + Download torrent Scarica torrent - + Open news URL Apri URL delle notizie - + Copy feed URL Copia URL del feed - + New folder... Nuova cartella... @@ -7764,18 +7704,6 @@ Non verranno emessi avvisi. Warning (%1) Notifiche (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Impossibile decodificare favicon per l'URL '%1'. Provo a scaricare favicon in formato PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Impossibile decodificare favicon per l'URL '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Impossibile decodificare favicon per l'URL '%1'. Motivo: '%2' - Resume torrents @@ -8079,80 +8007,80 @@ Non verranno emessi avvisi. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Visibilità colonna - + Choose save path Scegli una cartella per il salvataggio - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Limitazione velocità download - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Limitazione velocità upload - + Recheck confirmation Conferma ricontrollo - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Confermi di voler ricontrollare i torrent selezionati? - + Rename Rinomina - + New name: Nuovo nome: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Riprendi - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Forza avvio - + Pause Pause the torrent Metti in pausa - + New Category Nuova Categoria - + Category: Categoria: - + Invalid category name Nome categoria non valido - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8161,129 +8089,129 @@ Il nome della categoria non può iniziare/finire con '\'. Il nome della categoria non può contenere una sequenza '//'. - + Delete Delete the torrent Elimina - + Preview file... Anteprima file... - + Limit share ratio... Limita rapporto di condivione... - + Limit upload rate... Limita velocità di upload... - + Limit download rate... Limita velocità di download... - + Open destination folder Apri cartella di destinazione - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Muovi in alto - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Muovi in basso - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Muovi in cima - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Muovi in fondo - + Set location... Imposta percorso... - + Copy name Copia nome - + Download first and last pieces first Scarica prima il primo e l'ultimo pezzo - + Automatic Torrent Management Gestione Torrent Automatica - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Nella modalità automatica varie proprietà del torrent (per esempio il percorso di salvataggio) verranno decise in base alla categoria associata - + Category Categoria - + New... New category... Nuova... - + Reset Reset category Azzera - + Priority Priorità - + Force recheck Forza ricontrollo - + Copy magnet link Copia collegamento magnet - + Super seeding mode Modalità super seeding - + Rename... Rinomina... - + Download in sequential order Scarica in ordine sequenziale @@ -8643,11 +8571,11 @@ Il nome della categoria non può contenere una sequenza '//'. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Download diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ja.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ja.ts index dcb5a05f6..f28a8227c 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ja.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ja.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Error: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + トラッカーのファビコンをダウンロード @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ピア ID: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP User-Agent: '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - 匿名モード [ON] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - 匿名モード [OFF] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX サポート [ON] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX サポート [OFF] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support PeX サポートを切り換えるには再起動が必要です - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - ローカルピア交換 [ON] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - ローカルピア交換 [OFF] - - - Encryption support [ON] - 暗号化サポート [ON] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - 暗号化サポート [強制] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - 暗号化サポート [OFF] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] 埋め込みトラッカー [ON] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! 埋め込みトラッカーの起動に失敗しました! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] 埋め込みトラッカー [OFF] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' は共有比の上限に達しました。削除します... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' は共有比の上限に達しました。停止します... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE システムのネットワーク状態を %1 に変更しました - + ONLINE オンライン - + OFFLINE オフライン - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding %1 のネットワーク構成が変更されました。セッションバインディングをリフレッシュします - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. 設定されたネットワークインターフェースアドレス %1 は正しくありません。 - + Encryption support [%1] - + 暗号化サポート [%1] - + FORCED - + 強制 - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + 匿名モード [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Torrent ファイル '%1' をデコードできません。 - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Torrent '%2' に埋め込まれたファイル '%1' の再帰ダウンロード - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' '%1.torrent' を保存できませんでした - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. %1 が無効になっています。 - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. %1 が無効になっています。 - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 URL シードのルックアップに失敗しました ― URL: '%1', メッセージ: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent はインターフェース %1 ポート %2/%3 での待ち受けに失敗しました。 理由: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' を転送リストおよびストレージから削除しました。 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' を転送リストから削除しました。 - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... '%1' をダウンロードしています。お待ちください... - DHT support [ON] - DHT サポート [ON] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT サポート [OFF]. 理由: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT サポート [OFF] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent はいずれかのインターフェースでの待ち受けを試みています。ポート: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 定義されたネットワークインターフェースは無効です: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent はインターフェース %1 ポート %2 での待ち受けを試みています - + DHT support [%1] - + DHT サポート [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + ローカルピア検出 (LSD) サポート [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + トラッカー交換サポートを切り換えるには再起動が必要です - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent は待ち受ける %1 ローカルアドレスを検出できませんでした - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent はすべてのインターフェースでの待ち受けに失敗しました。ポート: %1. 理由: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Torrent '%2' にトラッカー '%1' が追加されました - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Torrent '%2' からトラッカー '%1' が削除されました - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Torrent '%2' に URL シード '%1' が追加されました - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' Torrent '%2' から URL シード '%1' が削除されました - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Torrent '%1' の再開に失敗しました。 - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number IP フィルターは正常に解析されました: %1 個のルールが適用されました。 - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. エラー: IP フィルターの解析に失敗しました。 - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Torrent を追加できませんでした: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' を再開しました. (高速再開) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' をダウンロードリストに追加しました。 - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 I/O エラーが発生しました。'%1' を停止しました。 %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: ポートマッピングに失敗しました。メッセージ: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: ポートマッピングに成功しました。メッセージ: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. IP フィルターによる。 - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. ポートフィルターによる。 - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. i2p 混在モード制限による。 - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. 低いポート番号による。 - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent はインターフェース %1, ポート: %2/%3 での待ち受けを正常に開始しました - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: 外部 IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ qBittorrent を Torrent ファイルおよびマグネットリンクに関連 &Always Yes 常にはい(&A) - - Python found in %1 - Python を %1 内に見つけました - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2570,7 +2510,7 @@ Do you want to download %1? Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + 見つかった Python %1: %2 @@ -2783,1286 +2723,1286 @@ qBittorrent を終了しますか? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP データベースを読み込みました。タイプ: %1. ビルド日時: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 GeoIP データベースを読み込めませんでした。理由: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of ベネズエラ - + Viet Nam ベトナム - - + + N/A N/A - + Andorra アンドラ - + United Arab Emirates アラブ首長国連邦 - + Afghanistan アフガニスタン - + Antigua and Barbuda アンティグア・バーブーダ - + Anguilla アンギラ - + Albania アルバニア - + Armenia アルメニア - + Angola アンゴラ - + Antarctica 南極大陸 - + Argentina アルゼンチン - + American Samoa アメリカ領サモア - + Austria オーストリア - + Australia オーストラリア - + Aruba アルバ - + Azerbaijan アゼルバイジャン - + Bosnia and Herzegovina ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ - + Barbados バルバドス - + Bangladesh バングラデシュ - + Belgium ベルギー - + Burkina Faso ブルキナ・ファソ - + Bulgaria ブルガリア - + Bahrain バーレーン - + Burundi ブルンジ - + Benin ベナン - + Bermuda バーミューダ諸島 - + Brunei Darussalam ブルネイ・ダルサラーム - + Brazil ブラジル - + Bahamas バハマ - + Bhutan ブータン - + Bouvet Island ブーベ島 - + Botswana ボツワナ - + Belarus ベラルーシ - + Belize ベリーズ - + Canada カナダ - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands ココス (キーリング) 諸島 - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the コンゴ民主共和国 - + Central African Republic 中央アフリカ - + Congo コンゴ - + Switzerland スイス - + Cook Islands クック諸島 - + Chile チリ - + Cameroon カメルーン - + China 中国 - + Colombia コロンビア - + Costa Rica コスタリカ - + Cuba キューバ - + Cape Verde カーボベルデ - + Curacao キュラソー - + Christmas Island クリスマス島 - + Cyprus キプロス - + Czech Republic チェコ - + Germany ドイツ - + Djibouti ジブチ - + Denmark デンマーク - + Dominica ドミニカ国 - + Dominican Republic ドミニカ共和国 - + Algeria アルジェリア - + Ecuador エクアドル - + Estonia エストニア - + Egypt エジプト - + Western Sahara 西サハラ - + Eritrea エリトリア - + Spain スペイン - + Ethiopia エチオピア - + Finland フィンランド - + Fiji フィジー - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) フォークランド (マルビナス) 諸島 - + Micronesia, Federated States of ミクロネシア連邦 - + Faroe Islands フェロー諸島 - + France フランス - + Gabon ガボン - + United Kingdom イギリス - + Grenada グレナダ - + Georgia ジョージア (グルジア) - + French Guiana フランス領ギアナ - + Ghana ガーナ - + Gibraltar ジブラルタル - + Greenland グリーンランド - + Gambia ガンビア - + Guinea ギニア - + Guadeloupe グアドループ - + Equatorial Guinea 赤道ギニア - + Greece ギリシャ - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands サウスジョージア・サウスサンドウィッチ諸島 - + Guatemala グアテマラ - + Guam グアム - + Guinea-Bissau ギニアビサウ - + Guyana ガイアナ - + Hong Kong 香港 - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands ハード島とマクドナルド諸島 - + Honduras ホンジュラス - + Croatia クロアチア - + Haiti ハイチ - + Hungary ハンガリー - + Indonesia インドネシア - + Ireland アイルランド - + Israel イスラエル - + India インド - + British Indian Ocean Territory イギリス領インド洋地域 - + Iraq イラク - + Iran, Islamic Republic of イラン - + Iceland アイスランド - + Italy イタリア - + Jamaica ジャマイカ - + Jordan ヨルダン - + Japan 日本 - + Kenya ケニア - + Kyrgyzstan キルギスタン - + Cambodia カンボジア - + Kiribati キリバス - + Comoros コモロ - + Saint Kitts and Nevis セントクリストファー・ネイビス - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 北朝鮮 - + Korea, Republic of 韓国 - + Kuwait クウェート - + Cayman Islands ケイマン諸島 - + Kazakhstan カザフスタン - + Lao People's Democratic Republic ラオス - + Lebanon レバノン - + Saint Lucia セントルシア - + Liechtenstein リヒテンシュタイン - + Sri Lanka スリランカ - + Liberia リベリア - + Lesotho レソト - + Lithuania リトアニア - + Luxembourg ルクセンブルク - + Latvia ラトビア - + Morocco モロッコ - + Monaco モナコ - + Moldova, Republic of モルドバ - + Madagascar マダガスカル - + Marshall Islands マーシャル諸島 - + Mali マリ - + Myanmar ミャンマー - + Mongolia モンゴル - + Northern Mariana Islands 北マリアナ諸島 - + Martinique マルティニーク - + Mauritania モーリタニア - + Montserrat モントセラト - + Malta マルタ - + Mauritius モーリシャス - + Maldives モルディブ - + Malawi マワリ - + Mexico メキシコ - + Malaysia マレーシア - + Mozambique モザンビーク - + Namibia ナミビア - + New Caledonia ニューカレドニア - + Niger ニジェール - + Norfolk Island ノーフォーク島 - + Nigeria ナイジェリア - + Nicaragua ニカラグア - + Netherlands オランダ - + Norway ノルウェイ - + Nepal ネパール - + Nauru ナウル - + Niue ニウエ - + New Zealand ニュージーランド - + Oman オマーン - + Panama パナマ - + Peru ペルー - + French Polynesia フランス領ポリネシア - + Papua New Guinea パプアニューギニア - + Philippines フィリピン - + Pakistan パキスタン - + Poland ポーランド - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon サンピエール島・ミクロン島 - + Puerto Rico プエルトリコ - + Portugal ポルトガル - + Palau パラウ - + Paraguay パラグアイ - + Qatar カタール - + Reunion レユニオン - + Romania ルーマニア - + Russian Federation ロシア - + Rwanda ルワンダ - + Saudi Arabia サウジアラビア - + Solomon Islands ソロモン諸島 - + Seychelles セーシェル - + Sudan スーダン - + Sweden スウェーデン - + Singapore シンガポール - + Slovenia スロベニア - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen スヴァールバル諸島およびヤンマイエン島 - + Slovakia スロバキア - + Sierra Leone シエラレオネ - + San Marino サンマリノ - + Senegal セネガル - + Somalia ソマリア - + Suriname スリナム - + Sao Tome and Principe サントメ・プリンシペ - + El Salvador エルサルバドル - + Syrian Arab Republic シリア - + Swaziland スワジランド - + Turks and Caicos Islands タークス・カイコス諸島 - + Chad チャド - + French Southern Territories フランス領南方・南極地域 - + Togo トーゴ - + Thailand タイ - + Tajikistan タジキスタン - + Tokelau トケラウ - + Turkmenistan トルクメニスタン - + Tunisia チュニジア - + Tonga トンガ - + Timor-Leste 東ティモール - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of ボリビア - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba ボネール、シント・ユースタティウスおよびサバ - + Cote d'Ivoire コートジボワール - + Libya リビア - + Saint Martin (French part) サン・マルタン - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of マケドニア - + Macao マカオ - + Pitcairn ピトケアン諸島 - + Palestine, State of パレスチナ - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha セント・ヘレナ - + South Sudan 南スーダン - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) シント・マールテン - + Turkey トルコ - + Trinidad and Tobago トリニダード・トバゴ - + Tuvalu ツバル - + Taiwan 台湾 - + Tanzania, United Republic of タンザニア - + Ukraine ウクライナ - + Uganda ウガンダ - + United States Minor Outlying Islands 合衆国領有小離島 - + United States アメリカ - + Uruguay ウルグアイ - + Uzbekistan ウズベキスタン - + Holy See (Vatican City State) バチカン - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines セントビンセント・グレナディーン - + Virgin Islands, British イギリス領ヴァージン諸島 - + Virgin Islands, U.S. アメリカ領ヴァージン諸島. - + Vanuatu バヌアツ - + Wallis and Futuna ウォリス・フツナ - + Samoa サモア - + Yemen イエメン - + Mayotte マヨット - + Serbia セルビア - + South Africa 南アフリカ - + Zambia ザンビア - + Montenegro モンテネグロ - + Zimbabwe ジンバブエ - + Aland Islands オーランド諸島 - + Guernsey ガーンジー - + Isle of Man マン島 - + Jersey ジャージー - + Saint Barthelemy サン・バルテルミー島 - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. GeoIP データベースファイルを展開できませんでした。 - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. ダウンロードした GeoIP データベースファイルを保存できませんでした。 - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. GeoIP データベースは正常に更新されました。 - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 GeoIP データベースファイルをダウンロードできませんでした。理由: %1 @@ -4083,7 +4023,7 @@ qBittorrent を終了しますか? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: メール通知エラー: @@ -5130,38 +5070,38 @@ qBittorrent を終了しますか? これは正常な SSL 鍵ではありません。 - + Invalid certificate 不正な証明書 - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. これは正常な SSL 証明書ではありません。 - + Time Error 時刻エラー - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. 開始時刻と終了時刻は同じにできません。 - - + + Length Error 短すぎエラー - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Web UI のユーザー名は 3 文字以上にしてください。 - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Web UI のパスワードは 6 文字以上にしてください。 @@ -5242,142 +5182,142 @@ qBittorrent を終了しますか? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port ポート - + Flags フラグ - + Connection 接続 - + Client i.e.: Client application クライアント - + Progress i.e: % downloaded 進行状況 - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed DL 速度 - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed UP 速度 - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded DL 量 - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded UP 量 - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. 関連性 - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now ファイル - + Column visibility 表示するカラム - + Add a new peer... 新しいピアの追加... - - + + Ban peer permanently ピアを永久にアクセス禁止にする - + Manually adding peer '%1'... ピア '%1' を手動で追加しています... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. ピア '%1'をこの Torrent に追加できませんでした。 - + Manually banning peer '%1'... ピア '%1' をアクセス禁止にしています... - - + + Peer addition ピアの追加 - + Country - + Copy IP:port IP:ポートをコピー - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. 一部のピアは追加できませんでした。詳細はログを参照してください。 - + The peers were added to this torrent. ピアをこの Torrent に追加しました。 - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? 選択したピアを永久にアク禁にしてよろしいですか? - + &Yes はい(&Y) - + &No いいえ(&N) @@ -6091,95 +6031,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. I/O エラー: テンポラリファイルを作成できません。 - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 は未知のコマンドラインパラメーターです。 - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 は 1 個だけ指定できるコマンドラインパラメーターです。 - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 は正しいポート番号でなければなりません (1 ~ 65535)。 - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. %1 を使用できません: qBittorrent はすでに起動しています。 - + Usage: 使用法: - + Options: オプション: - + Displays program version バージョンを表示して終了します - + Displays this help message ヘルプメッセージを表示して終了します - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Web UI ポートの変更 (現在 %1) - + Disable splash screen スプラッシュ・スクリーンを表示しません - + Run in daemon-mode (background) デーモンモード (バックグラウンド) で起動します - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user 指定された Torrent をダウンロードします - + Help ヘルプ - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. -h オプションを指定して起動するとコマンドラインパラメーターを表示します。 - + Bad command line 不正なコマンドライン - + Bad command line: 不正なコマンドライン: - + Legal Notice 法的通知 - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6188,22 +6128,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. これ以上の通知は行われません。 - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... 続行するには %1 キーを押してください... - + Legal notice 法的通知 - + Cancel キャンセル - + I Agree 同意する @@ -6365,27 +6305,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. このアップデートでは、過去のバージョンで保存された情報をこのバージョン用に移行する必要があります。変換を行うと v3.3.0 より古いバージョンで使用することはできなくなります。 - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Torrent を移行できませんでした。ハッシュ: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Torrent を移行できませんでした。高速再開ファイル名が正しくありません: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. プログラムの異常終了が検出されました。設定の復元にフォールバックファイルが使用されます。 - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. 設定ファイルへの書き込み中にアクセスエラーが発生しました。 - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. 設定ファイルへの書き込み中にフォーマットエラーが発生しました。 @@ -6404,8 +6344,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read 既読にする @@ -6425,60 +6365,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. 設定... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrent: (ダブルクリックでダウンロード) - - + + Delete 削除 - + Rename... 名前の変更... - + Rename 名前の変更 - - + + Update 更新 - + New subscription... 新規購読... - - + + Update all feeds すべてのフィードの更新 - + Download torrent Torrent のダウンロード - + Open news URL ニュースの URL を開く - + Copy feed URL フィード URL を開く - + New folder... 新規フォルダー... @@ -7765,18 +7705,6 @@ No further notices will be issued. Warning (%1) 警告 (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - URL '%1' のファビコンをデコードできませんでした。 PNG フォーマットのダウンロードを試みています。 - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - URL '%1' のファビコンをデコードできませんでした。 - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - URL '%1' のファビコンをダウンロードできませんでした。理由: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8080,80 +8008,80 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility 表示カラム - + Choose save path 保存先パスの選択 - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torrent ダウンロード速度制限 - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torrent アップロード速度制限 - + Recheck confirmation 再チェックの確認 - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? 選択した Torrent を再チェックしますか? - + Rename 名前の変更 - + New name: 新しい名前: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent 再開 - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent 強制再開 - + Pause Pause the torrent 停止 - + New Category 新規カテゴリ - + Category: カテゴリ: - + Invalid category name 不正なカテゴリ名 - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8162,129 +8090,129 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. カテゴリ名に連続した '//' は使用できません。 - + Delete Delete the torrent 削除 - + Preview file... ファイルのプレビュー... - + Limit share ratio... 共有比上限... - + Limit upload rate... アップロード速度制限... - + Limit download rate... ダウンロード速度制限... - + Open destination folder 作成先のフォルダーを開く - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue 上げる - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue 下げる - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue 先頭へ - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue 最後へ - + Set location... 場所の移動... - + Copy name 名前をコピー - + Download first and last pieces first 先頭と最後のピースを先にダウンロード - + Automatic Torrent Management 自動 Torrent 管理 - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category 自動モードでは Torrent の様々なプロパティ (保存先など) が割り当てられたカテゴリから自動決定されます - + Category カテゴリ - + New... New category... 新規... - + Reset Reset category リセット - + Priority 優先度 - + Force recheck 強制再チェック - + Copy magnet link マグネットリンクをコピー - + Super seeding mode スーパーシードモード - + Rename... 名前の変更... - + Download in sequential order シーケンシャルにダウンロード @@ -8644,11 +8572,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads ダウンロード diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ka.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ka.ts index c76fda0ac..39439e53c 100755 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ka.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ka.ts @@ -960,342 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - პირის ID: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP მომხმარებელ-აგენტი არის '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - ანონიმური რეჟიმი [ჩართ.] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - ანონიმური რეჟიმი [გამორ.] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX მხარდაჭერა [ჩართ.] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX მხარდაჭერა [გამორ.] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support PeX მხარდაჭერის გადართვისთვის საჭიროა გადატვირთვა - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - ლოკალური პირების აღმოჩენის მხარდაჭერა [ჩართ.] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - ლოკალური პირების აღმოჩენის მხარდაჭერა [გამორ.] - - - Encryption support [ON] - დაშიფვრის მხარდაჭერა [ჩართ.] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - დაშიფვრის მხარდაჭერა [იძულებითი] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - დაშიფვრის მხარდაჭერა [გამორთ.] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] ჩამაგრებული ტრეკერი [ჩართ.] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! ჩამაგრებული ტრეკერის დაწყება არ შედგა! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] ჩამაგრებული ტრეკერი [გამორთ.] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' ტორენტმა მიაღწია თქვენს მიერ დაყენებულ მაქსიმალურ შეფარდებას. ამოღება... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE - + ONLINE - + OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: @@ -2762,1285 +2718,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - + Viet Nam - - + + N/A - + Andorra - + United Arab Emirates - + Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda - + Anguilla - + Albania - + Armenia - + Angola - + Antarctica - + Argentina - + American Samoa - + Austria - + Australia - + Aruba - + Azerbaijan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina - + Barbados - + Bangladesh - + Belgium - + Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria - + Bahrain - + Burundi - + Benin - + Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil - + Bahamas - + Bhutan - + Bouvet Island - + Botswana - + Belarus - + Belize - + Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the - + Central African Republic - + Congo - + Switzerland - + Cook Islands - + Chile - + Cameroon - + China - + Colombia - + Costa Rica - + Cuba - + Cape Verde - + Curacao - + Christmas Island - + Cyprus - + Czech Republic - + Germany - + Djibouti - + Denmark - + Dominica - + Dominican Republic - + Algeria - + Ecuador - + Estonia - + Egypt - + Western Sahara - + Eritrea - + Spain - + Ethiopia - + Finland - + Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of - + Faroe Islands - + France საფრანგეთი - + Gabon - + United Kingdom - + Grenada - + Georgia - + French Guiana - + Ghana - + Gibraltar - + Greenland - + Gambia - + Guinea - + Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea - + Greece საბერძნეთი - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - + Guatemala - + Guam - + Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana - + Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands - + Honduras - + Croatia - + Haiti - + Hungary - + Indonesia - + Ireland - + Israel - + India - + British Indian Ocean Territory - + Iraq - + Iran, Islamic Republic of - + Iceland - + Italy - + Jamaica - + Jordan - + Japan - + Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan - + Cambodia - + Kiribati - + Comoros - + Saint Kitts and Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of - + Korea, Republic of - + Kuwait - + Cayman Islands - + Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic - + Lebanon - + Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka - + Liberia - + Lesotho - + Lithuania - + Luxembourg - + Latvia - + Morocco - + Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of - + Madagascar - + Marshall Islands - + Mali - + Myanmar - + Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands - + Martinique - + Mauritania - + Montserrat - + Malta - + Mauritius - + Maldives - + Malawi - + Mexico - + Malaysia - + Mozambique - + Namibia - + New Caledonia - + Niger - + Norfolk Island - + Nigeria - + Nicaragua - + Netherlands - + Norway - + Nepal - + Nauru - + Niue - + New Zealand - + Oman - + Panama - + Peru - + French Polynesia - + Papua New Guinea - + Philippines - + Pakistan - + Poland - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon - + Puerto Rico - + Portugal - + Palau - + Paraguay - + Qatar - + Reunion - + Romania - + Russian Federation - + Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia - + Solomon Islands - + Seychelles - + Sudan - + Sweden - + Singapore - + Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen - + Slovakia - + Sierra Leone - + San Marino - + Senegal - + Somalia - + Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe - + El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic - + Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands - + Chad - + French Southern Territories - + Togo - + Thailand - + Tajikistan - + Tokelau - + Turkmenistan - + Tunisia - + Tonga - + Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire - + Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of - + Macao - + Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - + Turkey - + Trinidad and Tobago - + Tuvalu - + Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of - + Ukraine - + Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands - + United States - + Uruguay - + Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - + Virgin Islands, British - + Virgin Islands, U.S. - + Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna - + Samoa - + Yemen - + Mayotte - + Serbia - + South Africa - + Zambia - + Montenegro - + Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands - + Guernsey - + Isle of Man - + Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 @@ -4061,7 +4017,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: @@ -5108,38 +5064,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5220,142 +5176,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port - + Flags - + Connection კავშირი - + Client i.e.: Client application კლიენტი - + Progress i.e: % downloaded პროგრესი - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed ჩამოტვირთვის სიჩქარე - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed ატვირთვის სიჩქარე - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded ჩამოტვირთული - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded ატვირთული - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now - + Column visibility სვეტის ხილვადობა - + Add a new peer... ახალი პირის დამატება... - - + + Ban peer permanently პირის დაბლოკვა სამუდამოდ - + Manually adding peer '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... - - + + Peer addition პირის დამატება - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. - + The peers were added to this torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ არჩეული პირების სამუდამოდ წაშლა გსურთ? - + &Yes &დიახ - + &No &არა @@ -6069,117 +6025,117 @@ Those plugins were disabled. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. - + Usage: - + Options: - + Displays program version - + Displays this help message - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) - + Disable splash screen - + Run in daemon-mode (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user - + Help დახმარება - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. - + Bad command line - + Bad command line: - + Legal Notice - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... - + Legal notice - + Cancel გაუქმება - + I Agree @@ -6341,27 +6297,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6380,8 +6336,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read ელემენტის წაკითხულად მონიშვნა @@ -6401,60 +6357,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. პარამეტრები... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) - - + + Delete წაშლა - + Rename... გადარქმევა... - + Rename გადარქმევა - - + + Update განახლება - + New subscription... ახალი ხელმოწერა... - - + + Update all feeds ყველა არხის განახლება - + Download torrent ტორენტის ჩამოტვირთვა - + Open news URL სიახლეების ბმულის გახსნა - + Copy feed URL არხის ბმილის კოპირება - + New folder... ახალი საქაღალდე... @@ -8044,80 +8000,80 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility სვეტის ხილვადობა - + Choose save path აირჩიეთ შესანახი მდებარეობა - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting ტორენტის ჩამოტვირთვის სიჩქარის ლიმიტირება - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting ტორენტის ატვირთვის სიჩქარის ლიმიტირება - + Recheck confirmation - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? - + Rename გადარქმევა - + New name: ახალი სახელი: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent გაგრძელება - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent გაგრძელების იძულება - + Pause Pause the torrent დაპაუზება - + New Category ახალი კატეგორია - + Category: კატეგორია: - + Invalid category name კატეგორიის სახელი არასწორია - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8126,129 +8082,129 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. კატეგორიის სახელი არ უნდა შეიცავდეს '//' თანმიმდევრობას. - + Delete Delete the torrent წაშლა - + Preview file... გაილის გადახედვა... - + Limit share ratio... გაზიარების შეფარდების ლიმიტი... - + Limit upload rate... ატვირთვის შეფარდების ლიმიტი... - + Limit download rate... ჩამოტვირთვის შეფარდების ლიმიტი... - + Open destination folder დანიშნულების საქაღალდის გახსნა - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue მაღლა ატანა - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue დაბლა ჩატანა - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue თავში გადატანა - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue ბოლოში გადატანა - + Set location... მდებაროების დაყენება... - + Copy name - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management ტორენტის ავტომატური მართვა - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category ავტომატური რეჟიმის დროს ტორენტის რამდენიმე თვისება (მაგ. შესანახი მდებარეობა) გადაწყდება ასოცირებული კატეგორიით. - + Category - + New... New category... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority პრიორიტეტი - + Force recheck ხელახლა შემოწმების იძულება - + Copy magnet link მაგნიტური ბმულის კოპირება - + Super seeding mode სუპერ სიდირების რეჟიმი - + Rename... გადარქმევა... - + Download in sequential order თანმიმდევრობით ჩამოტვირთვა @@ -8608,11 +8564,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ko.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ko.ts index a51ddfbb2..5d84c33cd 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ko.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ko.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Error: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + 트래커의 파비콘 다운로드하기 @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - 피어 ID: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP 사용자 에이전트는 '%1' 입니다 - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - 익명 모드 [켜짐] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - 익명 모드 [꺼짐] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX 지원 [켜짐] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX 지원 [꺼짐] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support - PeX 지원을 전환하려면 재시작이 필요합니다 - - - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - 로컬 피어 찾기 지원 [켜짐] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - 로컬 피어 찾기 지원 [꺼짐] - - - Encryption support [ON] - 암호화 지원 [켜짐] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - 암호화 지원 [강제] + PeX 지원을 사용하거나 끄려면 재시작이 필요합니다 - Encryption support [OFF] - 암호화 지원 [꺼짐] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] 내장 트래커 [켜짐] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! 내장 트래커를 시작하는데 실패했습니다! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] 내장 트래커 [꺼짐] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1'이 당신이 설정한 최대 비율에 도달했습니다. 제거 중... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1'이 당신이 설정한 최대 비율에 도달했습니다. 일시중지 중... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE 시스템 네트워크 상태가 %1 로 변경되었습니다. - + ONLINE 온라인 - + OFFLINE 오프라인 - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding 세션 바인딩을 새로고침하는 %1의 네트워크 설정이 변경되었습니다 - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. 설정한 네트워크 인터페이스 주소가 잘못되었습니다: %1 - + Encryption support [%1] - + 암호화 지원 [%1] - + FORCED - + 강제 - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + 익명 모드 [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. '%1' 토런트 파일을 해독할 수 없습니다. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' 토런트 '%2'에 내장된 파일 '%1'의 반복되는 다운로드 - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' '%1.torrent' 를 저장할 수 없습니다 - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. %1 이 비활성화 되었기 때문입니다. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. %1 이 비활성화 되었기 때문입니다. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 URL의 URL 시드 검색에 실패; '%1', 메시지: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. 큐빗토런트는 인터페이스 %1 포트: %2/%3 에서 수신에 실패했습니다. 이유: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' 을 전송 목록과 하드 디스크에서 제거했습니다. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' 을 전송 목록에서 제거했습니다. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... '%1' 다운로드 중, 기다리세요... - DHT support [ON] - DHT 지원 [켜짐] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT 지원 [꺼짐]. 이유: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT 지원 [꺼짐] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 큐빗토런트가 어떤 인터페이스 포트에서 수신 시도 중입니다: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 정의된 네트워크 인터페이스가 무효합니다: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 큐빗토런트가 인터페이스 %1 포트: %2 에서 수신 시도 중입니다 - + DHT support [%1] - + DHT 지원 [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + 켜짐 - - - - + + + + OFF - + 꺼짐 - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + 로컬 피어 찾기 지원 [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + 트래커 교환하기를 사용하거나 끄려면 재시작이 필요합니다 - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on 큐빗토런트가 수신할 로컬 주소 %1 을 찾지 못했습니다 - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface 큐빗토런트가 인터페이스 포트: %1 로 수신에 실패했습니다. 이유: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' '%2' 토런트에 '%1' 트래커를 추가했습니다 - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' '%1' 트래커를 '%2' 토런트에서 삭제했습니다 - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' '%2' 토런트에 '%1' URL 시드를 추가했습니다 - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' '%2' 토런트에서 '%1' URL 시드를 삭제했습니다 - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. '%1' 토런트를 재시작할 수 없습니다. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number 제공된 IP 필터를 성공적으로 분석했습니다: %1 규칙을 적용했습니다. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. 오류: 제공된 IP 필터 분석에 실패했습니다. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 토런트를 추가할 수 없습니다. 이유: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' 재시작함. (빠른 재시작) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' 을 다운로드 목록에 추가했습니다. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 I/O 오류가 발생해서 '%1'을 일시중지했습니다. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: 포트 매핑 실패, 메시지: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: 포트 매핑 성공, 메시지: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. IP 필터 때문에. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. 포트 필터 때문에. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. i2p 혼합 모드 제한 때문에 - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. 하위 포트를 가지고 있기 때문에. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 큐빗토런트가 인터페이스 %1 포트: %2/%3 에서 성공적으로 수신 중입니다 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: 외부 IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes 항상 예(&A) - - Python found in %1 - %1 에서 파이선 발견 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2570,7 +2510,7 @@ Do you want to download %1? Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + %1에서 파이썬 발견: %2 @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. 지오IP 데이터베이스를 불러왔습니다. 형식: 1%. 구축 시간: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 지오IP 데이터베이스를 불러올 수 없습니다. 이유: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 베네수엘라 볼리바르 공화국 - + Viet Nam 베트남 - - + + N/A 이용 불가 - + Andorra 안도라 - + United Arab Emirates 아랍에미리트 - + Afghanistan 아프가니스탄 - + Antigua and Barbuda 앤티가 바부다 - + Anguilla 앵귈라 - + Albania 알바니아 - + Armenia 아르메니아 - + Angola 앙고라 - + Antarctica 남극 - + Argentina 아르헨티나 - + American Samoa 아메리칸 사모아 - + Austria 오스트리아 - + Australia 오스트레일리아 - + Aruba 아루바 - + Azerbaijan 아제르바이잔 - + Bosnia and Herzegovina 보스니아 헤르체고비나 - + Barbados 바베이도스 - + Bangladesh 방글라데시 - + Belgium 벨기에 - + Burkina Faso 부르키나파소 - + Bulgaria 불가리아 - + Bahrain 바레인 - + Burundi 부룬디 - + Benin 베냉 - + Bermuda 버뮤다 - + Brunei Darussalam 브루나이 - + Brazil 브라질 - + Bahamas 바하마 - + Bhutan 부탄 - + Bouvet Island 부베 섬 - + Botswana 보츠와나 - + Belarus 벨라루스 - + Belize 벨리즈 - + Canada 캐나다 - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands 코코스 제도 - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 콩고 민주 공화국 - + Central African Republic 중앙아프리카 공화국 - + Congo 콩고 - + Switzerland 스위스 - + Cook Islands 쿡 제도 - + Chile 칠레 - + Cameroon 카메룬 - + China 중국 - + Colombia 콜롬비아 - + Costa Rica 코스타리카 - + Cuba 쿠바 - + Cape Verde 카보베르데 - + Curacao 퀴라소 - + Christmas Island 크리스마스 섬 - + Cyprus 키프로스 - + Czech Republic 체코 - + Germany 독일 - + Djibouti 지부티 - + Denmark 덴마크 - + Dominica 도미니카 연방 - + Dominican Republic 도미니카 공화국 - + Algeria 알제리 - + Ecuador 에콰도르 - + Estonia 에스토니아 - + Egypt 이집트 - + Western Sahara 서사하라 - + Eritrea 에리트레아 - + Spain 스페인 - + Ethiopia 에티오피아 - + Finland 핀란드 - + Fiji 피지 - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 포클랜드 제도 (말비나스 군도) - + Micronesia, Federated States of 미크로네시아 연방 - + Faroe Islands 페로 제도 - + France 프랑스 - + Gabon 가봉 - + United Kingdom 영국 - + Grenada 그레나다 - + Georgia 조지아 - + French Guiana 프랑스령 기아나 - + Ghana 가나 - + Gibraltar 지브롤터 - + Greenland 그린란드 - + Gambia 감비아 - + Guinea 기니 - + Guadeloupe 과들루프 - + Equatorial Guinea 적도 기니 - + Greece 그리스 - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 사우스조지아 사우스샌드위치 제도 - + Guatemala 과테말라 - + Guam - + Guinea-Bissau 기니비사우 - + Guyana 가이아나 - + Hong Kong 홍콩 - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands 허드 맥도널드 제도 - + Honduras 온두라스 - + Croatia 크로아티아 - + Haiti 아이티 - + Hungary 헝가리 - + Indonesia 인도네시아 - + Ireland 아일랜드 섬 - + Israel 이스라엘 - + India 인도 - + British Indian Ocean Territory 영국령 인도양 지역 - + Iraq 이라크 - + Iran, Islamic Republic of 이란 - + Iceland 아이슬란드 - + Italy 이탈리아 - + Jamaica 자메이카 - + Jordan 요르단 - + Japan 일본 - + Kenya 케냐 - + Kyrgyzstan 키르기스스탄 - + Cambodia 캄보디아 - + Kiribati 키리바시 - + Comoros 코모로 - + Saint Kitts and Nevis 세인트키츠 네비스 - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 북한 - + Korea, Republic of 대한민국 - + Kuwait 쿠웨이트 - + Cayman Islands 케이맨 제도 - + Kazakhstan 카자흐스탄 - + Lao People's Democratic Republic 라오스 - + Lebanon 레바논 - + Saint Lucia 세인트루시아 - + Liechtenstein 리히텐슈타인 - + Sri Lanka 스리랑카 - + Liberia 라이베리아 - + Lesotho 레소토 - + Lithuania 리투아니아 - + Luxembourg 룩셈부르크 - + Latvia 라트비아 - + Morocco 모로코 - + Monaco 모나코 - + Moldova, Republic of 몰도바 - + Madagascar 마다가스카르 - + Marshall Islands 마셜 제도 - + Mali 말리 - + Myanmar 미얀마 - + Mongolia 몽골 - + Northern Mariana Islands 북마리아나 제도 - + Martinique 마르티니크 - + Mauritania 모리타니 - + Montserrat 몬세라트 - + Malta 몰타 - + Mauritius 모리셔스 - + Maldives 몰디브 - + Malawi 말라위 - + Mexico 멕시코 - + Malaysia 말레이시아 - + Mozambique 모잠비크 - + Namibia 나미비아 - + New Caledonia 누벨칼레도니 - + Niger 니제르 - + Norfolk Island 노퍽 섬 - + Nigeria 나이지리아 - + Nicaragua 니카라과 - + Netherlands 네덜란드 - + Norway 노르웨이 - + Nepal 네팔 - + Nauru 나우루 - + Niue 니우에 - + New Zealand 뉴질랜드 - + Oman 오만 - + Panama 파나마 - + Peru 페루 - + French Polynesia 프랑스령 폴리네시아 - + Papua New Guinea 파푸아 뉴기니 - + Philippines 필리핀 - + Pakistan 파키스탄 - + Poland 폴란드 - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon 생피에르 미클롱 - + Puerto Rico 푸에르토리코 - + Portugal 포르투갈 - + Palau 팔라우 - + Paraguay 파라과이 - + Qatar 카타르 - + Reunion 레위니옹 - + Romania 루마니아 - + Russian Federation 러시아 - + Rwanda 르완다 - + Saudi Arabia 사우디아라비아 - + Solomon Islands 솔로몬 제도 - + Seychelles 세이셸 - + Sudan 수단 - + Sweden 스웨덴 - + Singapore 싱가포르 - + Slovenia 슬로베니아 - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen 스발바르 얀마옌 제도 - + Slovakia 슬로바키아 - + Sierra Leone 시에라리온 - + San Marino 산마리노 - + Senegal 세네갈 - + Somalia 소말리아 - + Suriname 수리남 - + Sao Tome and Principe 상투메 프린시페 - + El Salvador 엘살바도르 - + Syrian Arab Republic 시리아 - + Swaziland 스와질란드 - + Turks and Caicos Islands 터크스 케이커스 제도 - + Chad 차드 - + French Southern Territories 프랑스령 남방 및 남극 - + Togo 토고 - + Thailand 태국 - + Tajikistan 타지키스탄 - + Tokelau 토켈라우 - + Turkmenistan 투르크메니스탄 - + Tunisia 튀니지 - + Tonga 통가 - + Timor-Leste 동티모르 - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of 볼리비아 다민족 공화국 - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 보네르, 신트외스타티위스와 사바 섬 - + Cote d'Ivoire 코트디부아르 - + Libya 리비아 - + Saint Martin (French part) 세인트 마틴 섬 (프랑스령) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of 마케도니아, 구 유고슬라이바 공화국 - + Macao 마카오 - + Pitcairn 핏케언 섬 - + Palestine, State of 팔레스타인 국가 - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 세인트 헬레나 어센션 트리스탄다쿠냐 - + South Sudan 남수단 - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 신트 마르턴 (네덜란드령) - + Turkey 터키 - + Trinidad and Tobago 트리니다드 토바고 - + Tuvalu 투발루 - + Taiwan 대만 - + Tanzania, United Republic of 탄자니아 - + Ukraine 우크라이나 - + Uganda 우간다 - + United States Minor Outlying Islands 미국령 군소 제도 - + United States 미국 - + Uruguay 우루과이 - + Uzbekistan 우즈베키스탄 - + Holy See (Vatican City State) 교황청 (바티칸) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 세인트빈센트 그레나딘 - + Virgin Islands, British 영국령 버진아일랜드 - + Virgin Islands, U.S. 미국령 버진아일랜드 - + Vanuatu 바누아투 - + Wallis and Futuna 왈리스 퓌튀나 - + Samoa 사모아 - + Yemen 예멘 - + Mayotte 마요트 - + Serbia 세르비아 - + South Africa 남아프리카 공화국 - + Zambia 잠비아 - + Montenegro 몬테네그로 - + Zimbabwe 짐바브웨 - + Aland Islands 올란드 제도 - + Guernsey 건지 섬 - + Isle of Man 맨 섬 - + Jersey 저지 섬 - + Saint Barthelemy 생바르텔레미 - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. 지오IP 데이터베이스 파일의 압축을 풀 수 없습니다. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. 다운로드한 지오IP 데이터베이스 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. 지오IP 데이터베이스를 성공적으로 업데이트했습니다. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 지오IP 데이터베이스 파일을 다운로드할 수 없습니다. 이유: %1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: 이메일 알림 오류: @@ -5129,38 +5069,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? 유효한 SSL 키가 아닙니다. - + Invalid certificate 무효한 인증서 - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. 유효한 SSL 인증서가 아닙니다. - + Time Error 시간 오류 - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. 시작 시간과 종료 시간은 같을 수 없습니다. - - + + Length Error 길이 오류 - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. 웹 UI 사용자명은 최소한 세 문자 이상이어야 합니다. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. 웹 UI 비밀번호는 최소한 여섯 문자 이상이어야 합니다. @@ -5241,142 +5181,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port 포트 - + Flags 플래그 - + Connection 연결 - + Client i.e.: Client application 클라이언트 - + Progress i.e: % downloaded 진행 - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed 다운 속도 - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed 업 속도 - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded 받음 - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded 올림 - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. 관련성 - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now 파일 - + Column visibility 세로줄 가시성 - + Add a new peer... 새 피어 추가... - - + + Ban peer permanently 피어 영구 추방 - + Manually adding peer '%1'... '%1' 피어 직접 추가... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. '%1' 피어는 이 토런트에 추가할 수 없습니다. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... '%1' 피어를 직접 추방... - - + + Peer addition 피어 추가 - + Country 국가 - + Copy IP:port IP:포트 복사하기 - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. 일부 피어를 추가할 수 없습니다. 세부내역은 로그를 확인하세요. - + The peers were added to this torrent. 이 토런트에 피어를 추가했습니다. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? 선택한 피어를 영구 추방할까요? - + &Yes 예(&Y) - + &No 아니오(&N) @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. I/O 오류: 임시 파일을 생성할 수 없습니다. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 은 알 수 없는 명령행 변수입니다. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 은 단일 명령행 변수여야 합니다. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 은 올바른 포트 번호를 지정해야 합니다 (1 ~ 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. %1 을 사용할 수 없습니다: 이 사용자의 큐빗토런트가 이미 실행 중입니다. - + Usage: 사용법: - + Options: 옵션: - + Displays program version 프로그램 버젼 표시 - + Displays this help message 이 도움말 표시 - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) 웹 UI 포트 바꾸기 (현재: %1) - + Disable splash screen 스플래시 화면 비활성화 - + Run in daemon-mode (background) 데몬 모드로 실행 (백그라운드) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user 사용자가 전달한 토런트 다운로드하기 - + Help 도움말 - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. 명령행 변수에 대해 읽으려면 -h 옵션으로 프로그램을 실행하세요. - + Bad command line 잘못된 명령행 - + Bad command line: 잘못된 명령행: - + Legal Notice 법적 공지 - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. 더 이상 표시하지 않습니다. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... 승인 후 계속하려면 %1 키를 누르세요.. - + Legal notice 법적 공지 - + Cancel 취소 - + I Agree 동의합니다 @@ -6367,27 +6307,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. 다른 방식으로 저장했던 이전 버전에서 업데이트했습니다. 새로운 저장 시스템으로 이전해야 합니다. 계속 진행하면, 3.3.0 이전의 버전을 다시 사용할 수 없게 될 것입니다. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 다음 해쉬의 토런트를 이전할 수 없습니다: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 토런트를 이전할 수 없습니다. 무효한 빠른재시작 파일 이름: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. 분명치 않은 프로그램 종료를 감지했습니다. 설정 복원을 위해 예비 파일을 사용합니다. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. 설정 파일을 쓰려고 할 때 접근 오류가 발생했습니다. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. 설정 파일을 쓰려고 할 때 형식 오류가 발생했습니다. @@ -6406,8 +6346,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read 읽은 것으로 표시 @@ -6427,60 +6367,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. 설정... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) 토런트: (다운로드하려면 더블클릭) - - + + Delete 삭제 - + Rename... 이름 바꾸기... - + Rename 이름 바꾸기 - - + + Update 판올림 - + New subscription... 새 구독... - - + + Update all feeds 모든 피드 업데이트 - + Download torrent 토런트 다운로드 - + Open news URL 뉴스 URL 열기 - + Copy feed URL 피드 URL 복사 - + New folder... 새 폴더... @@ -7767,18 +7707,6 @@ No further notices will be issued. Warning (%1) 경고 (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - URL '%1'의 파비콘을 해독할 수 없습니다. 파비콘을 PNG 형식으로 받기 시도 중. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - URL '%1' 의 파비콘을 해독할 수 없습니다. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - URL '%1 '의 파비콘을 받을 수 없습니다. 이유: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8082,80 +8010,80 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility 세로줄 가시성 - + Choose save path 저장 경로 선택 - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting 토런트 다운로드 속도 제한 - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting 토런트 업로드 속도 제한 - + Recheck confirmation 재검사 확인 - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? 선택한 토런트를 재검사할까요? - + Rename 이름 바꾸기 - + New name: 새 이름: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent 재시작 - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent 강제 재시작 - + Pause Pause the torrent 일시중지 - + New Category 새 카테고리 - + Category: 카테고리: - + Invalid category name 무효한 카테고리 이름 - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8164,129 +8092,129 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. 카테고리 이름은 연속된 '//'를 포함하면 안됩니다. - + Delete Delete the torrent 삭제 - + Preview file... 파일 미리보기... - + Limit share ratio... 공유 비율 제한... - + Limit upload rate... 업로드 속도 제한... - + Limit download rate... 다운로드 속도 제한... - + Open destination folder 대상 폴더 열기 - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue 위로 이동 - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue 아래로 이동 - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue 최상단으로 이동 - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue 최하단으로 이동 - + Set location... 위치 지정... - + Copy name 이름 복사 - + Download first and last pieces first 첫 번째와 마지막 조각을 먼저 다운로드 - + Automatic Torrent Management 자동 토런트 관리 - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category 자동 모드는 관련된 카테고리로 저장 경로와 같은 다양한 토런트 속성을 결정하는 것을 의미합니다 - + Category 카테고리 - + New... New category... 새... - + Reset Reset category 초기화 - + Priority 우선순위 - + Force recheck 강제로 다시 검사 - + Copy magnet link 마그넷 링크 복사 - + Super seeding mode 수퍼 배포 모드 - + Rename... 이름 바꾸기... - + Download in sequential order 차례대로 다운로드 @@ -8646,11 +8574,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads 다운로드 diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_lt.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_lt.ts index c0101c859..d16f4a4ac 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_lt.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_lt.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Klaida: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Atsisiųsti seklio svetainės piktogramą @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Klaida: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Siuntėjo ID: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP naudotojo agentas yra "%1" - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Anoniminis režimas [ĮJUNGTAS] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Anoniminis režimas [IŠJUNGTAS] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX palaikymas [ĮJUNGTAS] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX palaikymas [IŠJUNGTAS] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Būtina paleisti programą iš naujo norint pakeisti PeX palaikymą - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Vietinių siuntėjų aptikimo palaikymas [ĮJUNGTAS] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Vietinių siuntėjų aptikimo palaikymas [IŠJUNGTAS] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Šifravimo palaikymas [ĮJUNGTAS] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Šifravimo palaikymas [PRIVERSTINIS] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Šifravimo palaikymas [IŠJUNGTAS] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Įtaisytas seklys [ĮJUNGTAS] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Nepavyko paleisti įtaisytojo seklio! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Įtaisytasis seklys [IŠJUNGTAS] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... "%1" pasiekė didžiausią jūsų nustatytą dalinimosi santykį. Šalinama... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... "%1" pasiekė didžiausią jūsų nustatytą dalinimosi santykį. Pristabdoma... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Sistemos tinklo būsena pasikeitė į %1 - + ONLINE PRISIJUNGTA - + OFFLINE ATSIJUNGTA - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Pasikeitė %1 tinklo konfigūracija, iš naujo įkeliamas seanso susiejimas - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Sukonfigūruotos tinklo sąsajos adresas %1 nėra teisingas. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Šifravimo palaikymas [%1] - + FORCED - + PRIVERSTINAI - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Anoniminė veiksena [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Nepavyko iškoduoti "%1" torento failo. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Rekursyvus failo "%1", įdėto į torentą "%2", atsiuntimas - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Nepavyko išsaugoti "%1.torrent" - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. nes %1 yra išjungta. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. nes %1 yra išjungta. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 URL skleidėjo patikrinimas nepavyko adresu: "%1", pranešimas: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent nepavyko klausytis ties įrenginio %1 prievadu: %2/%3. Priežastis: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' buvo pašalintas iš siuntimų sąrašo bei kietojo disko. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' buvo pašalintas iš siuntimų sąrašo. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Atsiunčiamas '%1', luktelkite... - DHT support [ON] - DHT palaikymas [ĮJUNGTAS] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT palaikymas [IŠJUNGTAS]. Priežastis: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT palaikymas [IŠJUNGTAS] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent bando klausytis ties visų įrenginių prievadu: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Ši tinklo sąsaja yra netinkama: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent bando klausytis ties įrenginio %1 prievadu: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + DHT palaikymas [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + ĮJUNGTA - - - - + + + + OFF - + IŠJUNGTA - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Vietinių siuntėjų aptikimo palaikymas [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + Būtina paleisti programą iš naujo, norint perjungti seklių apsikeitimo palaikymą - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorent nepavyko rasti %1 vietinio adreso klausymuisi - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent nepavyko pasiklausyti ties visų sąsajų prievadu: %1. Priežastis: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Seklys '%1' buvo pridėtas prie torento '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Seklys '%1' buvo ištrintas iš torento '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL šaltinis '%1' buvo pridėtas prie torento '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL šaltinis '%1' buvo pašalintas iš torento '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Nepavyko pratęsti torento "%1". - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Nurodytas IP filtras sėkmingai įkeltas. %1 taisyklės pritaikytos. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Klaida: Nepavyko įkelti nurodyto IP filtro. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Nepavyko pridėti torento. Priežastis: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' buvo pratęstas (spartus pratęsimas) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' buvo pridėtas į siuntimų sąrašą. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Įvyko I/O klaida, '%1' pristabdytas. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Prievadų išdėstymas nesėkmingas, žinutė: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Prievadų išdėstymas sėkmingas, žinutė: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. dėl IP filtro. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. dėl prievadų filtro. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. dėl i2p maišytos veiksenos apribojimų. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. nes jo žemas prievadas. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent sėkmingai klausosi ties įrenginio %1 prievadu: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Išorinis IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Ar norite susieti .torrent failus bei Magnet nuorodas su qBittorrent?&Always Yes &Visada taip - - Python found in %1 - Python rasta kataloge %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2570,7 +2510,7 @@ Ar norite atsisiųsti %1? Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Python rasta kataloge %1: %2 @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Ar tikrai norite užverti qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP duomenų bazė įkelta. Tipas: %1. Sukūrimo laikas: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Nepavyko įkelti GeoIP duomenų bazės. Priežastis: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venesuelos Bolivaro respublika - + Viet Nam Vietnamas - - + + N/A Nėra - + Andorra Andora - + United Arab Emirates Jungtiniai Arabų Emyratai - + Afghanistan Afganistanas - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigva ir Barbuda - + Anguilla Angilija - + Albania Albanija - + Armenia Armėnija - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antarktida - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Amerikos Samoa - + Austria Austrija - + Australia Australija - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbaidžanas - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnija ir Hercegovina - + Barbados Barbadosas - + Bangladesh Bangladešas - + Belgium Belgija - + Burkina Faso Burkina Fasas - + Bulgaria Bulgarija - + Bahrain Bahreinas - + Burundi Burundis - + Benin Beninas - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunėjaus Darusalamas - + Brazil Brazilija - + Bahamas Bahamos - + Bhutan Butanas - + Bouvet Island Buvė sala - + Botswana Botsvana - + Belarus Baltarusija - + Belize Belizas - + Canada Kanada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kokosų (Kilingo) salos - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Kongo Respublika - + Central African Republic Centrinės Afrikos Respublika - + Congo Kongas - + Switzerland Šveicarija - + Cook Islands Kuko salos - + Chile Čilė - + Cameroon Kamerūnas - + China Kinija - + Colombia Kolumbija - + Costa Rica Kosta Rika - + Cuba Kuba - + Cape Verde Žaliasis Kyšulys - + Curacao Kiurasao - + Christmas Island Kalėdų sala - + Cyprus Kipras - + Czech Republic Čekija - + Germany Vokietija - + Djibouti Džibutis - + Denmark Danija - + Dominica Dominika - + Dominican Republic Dominikos Respublika - + Algeria Alžyras - + Ecuador Ekvadoras - + Estonia Estija - + Egypt Egiptas - + Western Sahara Vakarų Sachara - + Eritrea Eritrėja - + Spain Ispanija - + Ethiopia Etiopija - + Finland Suomija - + Fiji Fidžis - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Folklando (Malvinų) salos - + Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronezijos Federacinės Valstijos - + Faroe Islands Farerų salos - + France Prancūzija - + Gabon Gabonas - + United Kingdom Jungtinė Karalystė - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Gruzija - + French Guiana Prancūzijos Gviana - + Ghana Gana - + Gibraltar Gibraltaras - + Greenland Grenlandija - + Gambia Gambija - + Guinea Gvinėja - + Guadeloupe Gvadelupa - + Equatorial Guinea Pusiaujo Gvinėja - + Greece Graikija - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Pietų Džordžijos ir Pietų Sandvičo salos - + Guatemala Gvatemala - + Guam Guamas - + Guinea-Bissau Bisau Gvinėja - + Guyana Gajana - + Hong Kong Honkongas - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Herdo ir Makdonaldo salos - + Honduras Hondūras - + Croatia Kroatija - + Haiti Haitis - + Hungary Vengrija - + Indonesia Indonezija - + Ireland Airija - + Israel Izraelis - + India Indija - + British Indian Ocean Territory Indijos vandenyno Britų sritis - + Iraq Irakas - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Irano Islamo Respublika - + Iceland Islandija - + Italy Italija - + Jamaica Jamaika - + Jordan Jordanija - + Japan Japonija - + Kenya Kenija - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgizija - + Cambodia Kambodža - + Kiribati Kiribatis - + Comoros Komorai - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Sent Kitsas ir Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korėjos Liaudies Demokratinė Respublika - + Korea, Republic of Korėjos Respublika - + Kuwait Kuveitas - + Cayman Islands Kaimanų salos - + Kazakhstan Kazachstanas - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laoso Liaudies Demokratinė Respublika - + Lebanon Libanas - + Saint Lucia Sent Lusija - + Liechtenstein Lichtenšteinas - + Sri Lanka Šri Lanka - + Liberia Liberija - + Lesotho Lesotas - + Lithuania Lietuva - + Luxembourg Liuksemburgas - + Latvia Latvija - + Morocco Marokas - + Monaco Monakas - + Moldova, Republic of Moldovos Respublika - + Madagascar Madagaskaras - + Marshall Islands Maršalo Salos - + Mali Malis - + Myanmar Mianmaras - + Mongolia Mongolija - + Northern Mariana Islands Šiaurės Marianų salos - + Martinique Martinika - + Mauritania Mauritanija - + Montserrat Montseratas - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauricijus - + Maldives Maldyvai - + Malawi Malavis - + Mexico Meksika - + Malaysia Malaizija - + Mozambique Mozambikas - + Namibia Namibija - + New Caledonia Naujoji Kaledonija - + Niger Nigeris - + Norfolk Island Norfolko sala - + Nigeria Nigerija - + Nicaragua Nikaragva - + Netherlands Nyderlandai - + Norway Norvegija - + Nepal Nepalas - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niujė - + New Zealand Naujoji Zelandija - + Oman Omanas - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Prancūzijos Polinezija - + Papua New Guinea Papua Naujoji Gvinėja - + Philippines Filipinai - + Pakistan Pakistanas - + Poland Lenkija - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Sen Pjeras ir Mikelonas - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rikas - + Portugal Portugalija - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paragvajus - + Qatar Kataras - + Reunion Reunionas - + Romania Rumunija - + Russian Federation Rusijos Federacija - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Saudo Arabija - + Solomon Islands Saliamono salos - + Seychelles Seišeliai - + Sudan Sudanas - + Sweden Švedija - + Singapore Singapūras - + Slovenia Slovėnija - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbardas ir Jan Majenas - + Slovakia Slovakija - + Sierra Leone Siera Leonė - + San Marino San Marinas - + Senegal Senegalas - + Somalia Somalis - + Suriname Surinamas - + Sao Tome and Principe San Tomė ir Prinsipė - + El Salvador Salvadoras - + Syrian Arab Republic Sirija arabų respublika - + Swaziland Svazilandas - + Turks and Caicos Islands Terkso ir Kaikoso salos - + Chad Čadas - + French Southern Territories Prancūzijos pietų sritys - + Togo Togas - + Thailand Tailandas - + Tajikistan Tadžikija - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmėnija - + Tunisia Tunisas - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Rytų Timoras - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivijos daugiautautė valstybė - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Boneras, Sint Eustatijus ir Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Dramblio Kaulo Krantas - + Libya Libija - + Saint Martin (French part) Sen Martenas (Prancūzijos dalis) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Buvusi Jugoslavijos respublika Makedonija - + Macao Makao - + Pitcairn Pitkernas - + Palestine, State of Palestinos sritis - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Šv. Elenos, Dangun žengimo ir Tristano da Kunja salos - + South Sudan Pietų Sudanas - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Martenas (Nyderlandų dalis) - + Turkey Turkija - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidadas ir Tobagas - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taivanas - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzanijos Jungtinė Respublika - + Ukraine Ukraina - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands JAV išorinės mažosios salos - + United States Jungtinės Valstijos - + Uruguay Urugvajus - + Uzbekistan Uzbekija - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Šventasis Sostas (Vatikano Miesto Valstybė) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Sent Vinsentas ir Grenadinai - + Virgin Islands, British Mergelių salos, Didžioji Britanija - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Mergelių salos, JAV - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Volisas ir Futūna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Jemenas - + Mayotte Majotas - + Serbia Serbija - + South Africa Pietų Afrika - + Zambia Zambija - + Montenegro Juodkalnija - + Zimbabwe Zimbabvė - + Aland Islands Alandai - + Guernsey Gernsis - + Isle of Man Meno sala - + Jersey Džersis - + Saint Barthelemy Šv. Bartolomėjaus sala - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Nepavyko išglaudinti GeoIP duomenų bazės failo. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Nepavyko įrašyti atsiųsto GeoIP duomenų bazės failo. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. GeoIP duomenų bazė sėkmingai atnaujinta. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Nepavyko atsisiųsti GeoIP duomenų bazės failo. Priežastis: %1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ Ar tikrai norite užverti qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: El. pašto pranešimo klaida: @@ -5129,38 +5069,38 @@ Ar tikrai norite užverti qBittorrent? Šis raktas nėra taisyklingas SSL raktas. - + Invalid certificate Netaisyklingas liudijimas - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Šis liudijimas nėra taisyklingas SSL liudijimas. - + Time Error Laiko klaida - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Pradžios bei pabaigos laikai negali sutapti. - - + + Length Error Ilgio klaida - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Tinklo sąsajos naudotojo vardas privalo būti bent 3 simbolių ilgio. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Tinklo sąsajos naudotojo slaptažodis privalo būti bent 6 simbolių ilgio. @@ -5241,142 +5181,142 @@ Ar tikrai norite užverti qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Prievadas - + Flags Vėliavos - + Connection Jungiamumas - + Client i.e.: Client application Klientas - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Baigta - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Atsiuntimo greitis - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Išsiuntimo greitis - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Atsiųsta - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Išsiųsta - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Tinkamumas - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Failai - + Column visibility Stulpelio matomumas - + Add a new peer... Pridėti siuntėją... - - + + Ban peer permanently Uždrausti siuntėją visam laikui - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Rankiniu būdu pridedamas siuntėjas "%1"... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Siuntėjo "%1" nepavyko pridėti prie šio torento. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Rankiniu būdu uždraudžiamas siuntėjas "%1"... - - + + Peer addition Siuntėjo pridėjimas - + Country Šalis - + Copy IP:port Kopijuoti IP:prievadą - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Nepavyko pridėti kai kurių siuntėjų. Išsamesnei informacijai žiūrėkite žurnalą. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Siuntėjai buvo pridėti prie šio torento. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Ar tikrai norite visam laikui uždrausti pasirinktus siuntėjus? - + &Yes &Taip - + &No &Ne @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Tie papildiniai buvo išjungti. I/O Klaida: Nepavyko sukurti laikinojo failo. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 yra nežinomas komandų eilutės parametras. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 privalo būti vienas komandų eilutės parametras. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 privalo nurodyti teisingą prievadą (1 iki 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Jūs negalite naudoti %1: programa qBittorrent šiam naudotojui jau yra vykdoma. - + Usage: Naudojimas: - + Options: Parinktys: - + Displays program version Rodo programos versiją - + Displays this help message Rodo šią pagalbos žinutę - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Pakeičia tinklo sąsajos prievadą (dabartinis: %1) - + Disable splash screen Išjungti pradžios langą - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Vykdyti foniniame režime - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Atsiunčia torentus, perduotus naudotojo - + Help Žinynas - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Vykdykite programą su -h parinktimi, norėdami skaityti apie komandų eilutės parametrus. - + Bad command line Bloga komandų eilutė - + Bad command line: Bloga komandų eilutė: - + Legal Notice Teisinis pranešimas - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Daugiau nebus rodoma pranešimų apie tai. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Spauskite mygtuką %1, jei sutinkate ir norite tęsti... - + Legal notice Teisinis pranešimas - + Cancel Atšaukti - + I Agree Sutinku @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ Daugiau nebus rodoma pranešimų apie tai. Jūs atsinaujinote iš senesnės versijos, kuri kitaip išsaugodavo duomenis. Privalote persikelti į naują išsaugojimo sistemą. Jeigu tęsite, jūs daugiau nebegalėsite naudoti senesnės nei v3.3.0 versijos. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Nepavyko perkelti torento su maiša: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Nepavyko perkelti torento. Neteisingas greitojo pratęsimo failo pavadinimas: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Aptiktas netvarkingas išėjimas iš programos. Naudojamas gedimų neutralizavimo failas, kad būtų atkurti nustatymai. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Įvyko prieigos klaida, bandant įrašyti konfigūracijos failą. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Įvyko formato klaida, bandant įrašyti konfigūracijos failą. @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ Daugiau nebus rodoma pranešimų apie tai. - - + + Mark items read Pažymėti visus kaip skaitytus @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ Daugiau nebus rodoma pranešimų apie tai. Nuostatos... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torentai: (dukart spustelėkite, kad atsisiųstumėte) - - + + Delete Ištrinti - + Rename... Pervadinti... - + Rename Pervadinti - - + + Update Atnaujinti - + New subscription... Nauja prenumerata... - - + + Update all feeds Atnaujinti visus kanalus - + Download torrent Atsisiųsti torentą - + Open news URL Atverti naujienos URL - + Copy feed URL Kopijuoti kanalo URL - + New folder... Naujas aplankas... @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ Daugiau nebus rodoma pranešimų apie tai. Warning (%1) Įspėjimas (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Nepavyko iškoduoti svetainės piktogramos URL adresui "%1". Bandoma atsisiųsti svetainės piktogramą PNG formatu. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Nepavyko iškoduoti svetainės piktogramos URL adresui "%1". - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Nepavyko atsisiųsti svetainės piktogramos URL adresui "%1". Priežastis: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ Daugiau nebus rodoma pranešimų apie tai. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Stulpelio matomumas - + Choose save path Pasirinkite išsaugojimo vietą - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torento atsiuntimo greičio ribojimas - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torento išsiuntimo greičio ribojimas - + Recheck confirmation Pertikrinimo patvirtinimas - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Ar tikrai norite pertikrinti pasirinktą torentą (-us)? - + Rename Pervadinti - + New name: Naujas vardas: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Tęsti - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Priverstinai pratęsti - + Pause Pause the torrent Pristabdyti - + New Category Nauja kategorija - + Category: Kategorija: - + Invalid category name Neteisingas kategorijos pavadinimas - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8163,129 +8091,129 @@ Kategorijos pavadinimas negali prasidėti/užsibaigti simboliu "/". Kategorijos pavadinime negali būti "//" sekos. - + Delete Delete the torrent Ištrinti - + Preview file... Peržiūrėti failą... - + Limit share ratio... Apriboti dalijimosi santykį... - + Limit upload rate... Apriboti išsiuntimo greitį... - + Limit download rate... Apriboti atsiuntimo greitį... - + Open destination folder Atverti atsiuntimo aplanką - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Aukštyn - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Žemyn - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Į viršų - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Į apačią - + Set location... Nustatyti saugojimo vietą... - + Copy name Kopijuoti pavadinimą - + Download first and last pieces first Visų pirma siųsti pirmas ir paskutines dalis - + Automatic Torrent Management Automatinis torento tvarkymas - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Automatinė veiksena reiškia, kad įvairios torento savybės (pvz., išsaugojimo kelias) bus nuspręstos pagal priskirtą kategoriją. - + Category Kategorija - + New... New category... Nauja... - + Reset Reset category Atstatyti - + Priority Svarba - + Force recheck Priverstinai pertikrinti - + Copy magnet link Kopijuoti Magnet nuorodą - + Super seeding mode Super skleidimo režimas - + Rename... Pervadinti... - + Download in sequential order Siųsti dalis iš eilės @@ -8645,11 +8573,11 @@ Kategorijos pavadinime negali būti "//" sekos. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Atsiuntimai diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_nb.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_nb.ts index 862fa86da..48f61a35d 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_nb.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_nb.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Feil: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Last ned sporerens favikon @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Feil: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Likemanns-ID: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP-brukeragenten er '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Anonymitetsmodus [PÅ] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Anonymitetsmodus [AV] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX-støtte [PÅ] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX-støtte [AV] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Omstart kreves for å veksle PeX-støtte - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Støtte for oppdagelse av lokale likemenn [PÅ] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Lokal støtte for oppdagelse av likemenn [AV] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Krypteringsstøtte [PÅ] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Krypteringsstøtte [PÅTVUNGEN] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Krypteringsstøtte [AV] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Innebygd sporer [PÅ] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Mislyktes i å starte opp den innebygde sporeren! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Innebygd sporer [AV] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' nådde det maksimale forholdet du anga. Fjerner… - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' nådde det maksimale forholdet du anga. Setter på pause… - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Systemets nettverkstatus endret til %1 - + ONLINE TILKOBLET - + OFFLINE FRAKOBLET - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Nettverksoppsettet av %1 har blitt forandret, oppdaterer øktbinding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Den oppsatte nettverksgrensesnittadressen %1 er ugyldig. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Krypteringsstøtte [%1] - + FORCED - + TVUNGET - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Anonymt modus [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Klarte ikke å dekode '%1' torrentfil. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Rekursiv nedlasting av fila '%1' innebygd i torrenten '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Kunne ikke lagre '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. fordi %1 er avskrudd. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. fordi %1 er avskrudd. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Nettdelingsadresseoppslag feilet for: '%1', melding: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent mislyktes i å lytte til grensesnittet %1 port: %2/%3. Grunn: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' fjernet fra overføringsliste og disk. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' fjernet fra overføringsliste. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Laster ned '%1', vent… - DHT support [ON] - DHT-støtte [PÅ] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT-støtte [AV]. Grunn: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT-støtte [AV] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent forsøker å lytte til hvilken som helst grensesnitts-port: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Angitt nettverksgrensesnitt er ugyldig: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent forsøker å lytte til grensesnitt %1 port: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + DHT-støtte [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + - - - - + + + + OFF - + AV - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Støtte for lokal deltakeroppdagelse [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + Omstart kreves for å veksle utveksling av sporere - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent fant ikke en %1-lokaladresse å lytte til - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent mislyktes i å lytte til hvilket som helst grensesnitts-port: %1. Grunn: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Sporeren '%1' ble lagt til torrenten '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Sporeren '%1' ble slettet fra torrenten '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Nettadresse-deleren '%1' ble lagt til torrenten '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' Nettadresse-deleren '%1' ble fjernet fra torrenten '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Ute av stand stand til å gjenoppta torrenten '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Oppgitt IP-filter analysert: %1 regler ble lagt til. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Feil: Mislyktes i fortolkning av oppgitt IP-filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Kunne ikke legge til torrent. Grunn: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' gjenopptatt (hurtig) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' lagt i nedlastingskø. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 En inn- ut-datafeil oppstod, '%1' satt på pause. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP- NAT-PMP: Port-tilordningssvikt, melding: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP- NAT-PMP: Port-tilordning gjort, melding: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. pga. IP-filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. pga. port-filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. pga. blandingsmodusbegrensninger i I2P. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. fordi den har en lavt nummerert port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent lytter til grensesnittet %1 på port: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Ekstern-IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Vil du tilknytte qBittorrent med disse? &Always Yes &Alltid Ja - - Python found in %1 - Python funnet i %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2569,7 +2509,7 @@ Vil du laste ned %1? Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Python funnet i %1: %2 @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil avslutte qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP-database innlastet. Type: %1. Byggetid: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Kunne ikke laste inn GeoIP-database. Grunn: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Den Bolivianske Rebublikken - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A Ikke tilgjengelig - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Forente Arabiske Emirater, De - + Afghanistan Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua og Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albania - + Armenia Armenia - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antarktis - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Amerikansk Samoa - + Austria Østerrike - + Australia Australia - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Aserbajdsjan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia og Hercegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladesh - + Belgium Belgia - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgaria - + Bahrain Bahrain - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil Brasil - + Bahamas Bahamas - + Bhutan Bhutan - + Bouvet Island Bouvetøya - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Hviterussland - + Belize Belize - + Canada Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kokosøyene - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Kongo, Den Demokratiske Republikken - + Central African Republic Sentralafrikanske Republikk, Den - + Congo Kongo - + Switzerland Sveits - + Cook Islands Cookøyene - + Chile Chile - + Cameroon Kamerun - + China Kina - + Colombia Colombia - + Costa Rica Costa Rica, Republikken - + Cuba Kuba - + Cape Verde Kapp Verde - + Curacao Curacao - + Christmas Island Christmasøya - + Cyprus Kypros - + Czech Republic Tsjekkia - + Germany Tyskland - + Djibouti Djibouti - + Denmark Danmark - + Dominica Dominica - + Dominican Republic Dominikanske Republikk, Den - + Algeria Algerie - + Ecuador Ecuador - + Estonia Estland - + Egypt Egypt - + Western Sahara Vest-Sahara - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Spania - + Ethiopia Etiopia - + Finland Finland - + Fiji Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falklandsøyene - + Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronesia - + Faroe Islands Færøyene - + France Frankrike - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Storbritannia - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Georgia - + French Guiana Fransk Guyana - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Grønland - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea Ekvatorial-Guinea - + Greece Hellas - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Sør-Georgia og Sør-Sandwichøyene - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hongkong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heard- og McDonaldøyene - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Kroatia - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Ungarn - + Indonesia Indonesia - + Ireland Irland - + Israel Israel - + India India - + British Indian Ocean Territory Britiske Territoriet i Indiahavet, Det - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Den Islamske Republikken - + Iceland Island - + Italy Italia - + Jamaica Jamaica - + Jordan Jordan - + Japan Japan - + Kenya Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgisistan - + Cambodia Kambodsja - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Komorene - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts og Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Nord-Korea - + Korea, Republic of Sør-Korea - + Kuwait Kuwait - + Cayman Islands Caymanøyene - + Kazakhstan Kasakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laofolkets Demokratiske Folkerepublikk - + Lebanon Libanon - + Saint Lucia Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Litauen - + Luxembourg Luxembourg - + Latvia Latvia - + Morocco Marokko - + Monaco Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of Moldova - + Madagascar Madagaskar - + Marshall Islands Marshalløyene - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Myanmar - + Mongolia Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands Nord-Marianene - + Martinique Martinique - + Mauritania Mauritania - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauritius - + Maldives Maldivene - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Mexico - + Malaysia Malaysia - + Mozambique Mosambik - + Namibia Namibia - + New Caledonia Ny-Caledonia - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Norfolkøya - + Nigeria Nigeria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Nederland - + Norway Norge - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand New Zealand - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Fransk Polynesia - + Papua New Guinea Papua Ny-Guinea - + Philippines Filippinene - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Polen - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre og Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Qatar - + Reunion Réunion - + Romania Romania - + Russian Federation Russiske Føderasjon, Den - + Rwanda Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia Saudi-Arabia - + Solomon Islands Salomonøyene - + Seychelles Seychellene - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden Sverige - + Singapore Singapore - + Slovenia Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard og Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slovakia - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalia - + Suriname Surinam - + Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé og Príncipe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Syria, Den Arabiske Republikk - + Swaziland Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands Turks- og Caicosøyene - + Chad Tsjad - + French Southern Territories Franske Sørterritorier, De - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Thailand - + Tajikistan Tadsjikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunisia - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Øst-Timor - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Den Multinasjonale Staten - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius og Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Elfenbenskysten - + Libya Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) Saint Martin (Fransk del) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Makedonia, Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republikken - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palestina, Staten - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Helena, Ascension og Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Sør-Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (Nederlandsk del) - + Turkey Tyrkia - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad og Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, Den Forente Republikken - + Ukraine Ukraina - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands USAs Ytre Småøyer - + United States USA - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Usbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Hellige Stol, Den (Vatikanstaten) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent og Grenadinene - + Virgin Islands, British Jomfruøyene, De Britiske - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Jomfruøyene, De Amerikanske. - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis og Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Jemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Serbia - + South Africa Sør-Afrika - + Zambia Zambia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Åland - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Isle of Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint-Barthélemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Kunne ikke pakke ut GeoIP-database-fil. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Kunne ikke lagre nedlastet GeoIP-database-fil. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. GeoIP-database oppdatert. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Kunne ikke laste ned GeoIP-database-fil. Grunn: %1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil avslutte qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: E-post-varslingsfeil: @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil avslutte qBittorrent? Dette er ikke en gyldig SSL-nøkkel. - + Invalid certificate Ugyldig sertifikat - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Dette er ikke et gyldig SSL-sertifikat. - + Time Error Tidsfeil - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Start- og slutt -tidspunktet kan ikke være det samme. - - + + Length Error Lengdefeil - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Brukernavn for nettbrukergrensesnittet må være minst 3 tegn. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Passordet for nettbrukergrensesnittet må være minst 6 tegn. @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil avslutte qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Port - + Flags Flagg - + Connection Tilkobling - + Client i.e.: Client application Klient - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Framdrift - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Ned-hastighet - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Opp-hastighet - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Nedlastet - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Opplastet - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Relevans - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Filer - + Column visibility Kolonne-synlighet - + Add a new peer... Legg til ny likemann… - - + + Ban peer permanently Bannlys likemann for godt - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Legger til likemann manuelt '%1'… - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Likemannen '%1 kunne ikke bli lagt til denne torrenten. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Bannlyser likemann manuelt '%1'… - - + + Peer addition Tillegg av likemenn - + Country Land - + Copy IP:port Kopier IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Noen likemenn kunne ikke legges til. Sjekk loggen for detaljer. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Likemennene ble lagt til denne torrenten. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Er du sikker på at du vil bannlyse valgte likemenn for godt? - + &Yes &Ja - + &No &Nei @@ -6091,95 +6031,95 @@ De programtilleggene ble avskrudd. Inn- ut -datafeil: Kunne ikke opprette midlertidig fil. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 er et ukjent kommandolinje-parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 må være det enkle kommandolinje-parametret. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 må spesifisere den rette porten (1 tilogmed 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Du kan ikke bruke %1: qBittorrent kjører allerede for denne brukeren. - + Usage: Bruk: - + Options: Alternativer: - + Displays program version Viser programversjon - + Displays this help message Viser denne hjelpemeldingen - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Forandrer nettbrukergrensesnitt-porten (nåværende: %1) - + Disable splash screen Skru av velkomstskjerm - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Kjør i nissemodus (bakgrunn) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Laster ned torrentene gitt av brukeren - + Help Hjelp - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Kjør programmet med -h flagg for å lese om kommandolinje-parametre. - + Bad command line Dårlig kommandolinje - + Bad command line: Dårlig kommandolinje: - + Legal Notice Juridisk notis - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6188,22 +6128,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Ingen flere notiser vil bli gitt. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Trykk %1-tasten for å akseptere og fortsette… - + Legal notice Juridisk notis - + Cancel Avbryt - + I Agree Jeg samtykker @@ -6365,27 +6305,27 @@ Ingen flere notiser vil bli gitt. Du oppdaterte fra en eldre versjon som lagret ting annerledes. Du må gå over til det nye lagringssystemet. Hvis du fortsetter vil du ikke kunne bruke en eldre versjon enn v3.3.0 igjen. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Kunne ikke flytte torrent med sjekksum: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Kunne ikke flytte torrent. Ugyldig filnavn for hurtig gjenopptakelse: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Oppdaget uren programavsluttning. Bruker reservefil for å gjenopprette innstillinger. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Tilgangsfeil ved skriving til oppsettsfila. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Formatfeil ved skriving til oppsettsfila. @@ -6404,8 +6344,8 @@ Ingen flere notiser vil bli gitt. - - + + Mark items read Marker ting som lest @@ -6425,60 +6365,60 @@ Ingen flere notiser vil bli gitt. Innstillinger… - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrenter: (dobbel-klikk for å laste ned) - - + + Delete Slett - + Rename... Gi nytt navn… - + Rename Gi nytt navn - - + + Update Oppdater - + New subscription... Nytt abonnement… - - + + Update all feeds Oppdater alle matinger - + Download torrent Last ned torrent - + Open news URL Åpne nyhetsnettadresse - + Copy feed URL Kopier matingsnettadresse - + New folder... Ny mappe… @@ -7765,18 +7705,6 @@ Ingen flere notiser vil bli gitt. Warning (%1) Advarsel (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Kunne ikke dekode favikon for nettadressen '%1'. Forsøker nedlasting i PNG-format. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Kunne ikke dekode favikon for nettadressen '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Kunne ikke laste ned favikon for nettadressen '%1'. Grunn: '%2' - Resume torrents @@ -8080,80 +8008,80 @@ Ingen flere notiser vil bli gitt. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Kolonnesynlighet - + Choose save path Velg lagringsmappe - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Hastighetsbegrensning for torrentnedlasting - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Hastighetsbegrensning for torrentopplasting - + Recheck confirmation Bekreftelse av ny gjennomsjekking - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Er du sikker på at du vil sjekke valgte torrent(er) på nytt? - + Rename Gi nytt navn - + New name: Nytt navn: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Gjenoppta - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Påtving gjenopptakelse - + Pause Pause the torrent Sett på pause - + New Category Ny kategori - + Category: Kategori: - + Invalid category name Ugyldig kategorinavn - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8162,129 +8090,129 @@ Kategorinavn kan ikke starte/slutte med '/'. Kategorinavn kan ikke inneholde '//'-sekvens. - + Delete Delete the torrent Slett - + Preview file... Forhåndsvis fil… - + Limit share ratio... Begrens delingsforhold… - + Limit upload rate... Begrens opplastingsforhold… - + Limit download rate... Begrens nedlastingsforhold… - + Open destination folder Åpne målmappe - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Flytt oppover - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Flytt nedover - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Flytt til toppen - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Flytt til bunnen - + Set location... Sett plassering… - + Copy name Kopier navn - + Download first and last pieces first Last ned de første og siste delene først - + Automatic Torrent Management Automatisk torrentbehandling - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Automatisk modus betyr at diverse torrent-egenskaper (f.eks. lagringsmappe) vil bli bestemt av tilknyttet kategori - + Category Kategori - + New... New category... Ny… - + Reset Reset category Tilbakestill - + Priority Prioritet - + Force recheck Påtving ny gjennomsjekk - + Copy magnet link Kopier magnetlenke - + Super seeding mode Superdelingsmodus - + Rename... Gi nytt navn… - + Download in sequential order Last ned i rekkefølge @@ -8638,17 +8566,17 @@ Kategorinavn kan ikke inneholde '//'-sekvens. Crash info - Krasj info + Krasjinfo fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Nedlastinger @@ -8734,7 +8662,7 @@ Kategorinavn kan ikke inneholde '//'-sekvens. qBittorrent will shutdown the computer now because all downloads are complete. - qBittorrent vil nå slå av datamaskinen fordi alle nedlastinger er fullførte. + qBittorrent vil nå slå av datamaskinen fordi alle nedlastinger er fullført. diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_nl.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_nl.ts index 463fe6629..d481a3916 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_nl.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_nl.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Fout: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Favicon van tracker downloaden @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Fout: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Peer-id: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP user-agent is '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Anonieme modus [AAN] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Anonieme modus [UIT] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX-ondersteuning [AAN] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX-ondersteuning [UIT] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Opnieuw starten is vereist om PeX-ondersteuning in/uit te schakelen - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Local Peer Discovery ondersteuning [AAN] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Local Peer Discovery ondersteuning [UIT] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Encryptie-ondersteuning [AAN] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Encryptie-ondersteuning [GEFORCEERD] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Encryptie-ondersteuning [UIT] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Ingebedde tracker [AAN] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Ingebedde tracker starten mislukt! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Ingebedde tracker [UIT] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' heeft de maximum ingestelde verhouding bereikt. Verwijderen... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' heeft de maximum ingestelde verhouding bereikt. Pauzeren... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Systeem-netwerkstatus gewijzigd in %1 - + ONLINE ONLINE - + OFFLINE OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Netwerkconfiguratie van %1 is gewijzigd, sessie-koppeling vernieuwen - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Geconfigureerd netwerkinterface-adres %1 is niet geldig. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Encryptie-ondersteuning [%1] - + FORCED - + GEFORCEERD - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Anonieme modus [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Kon torrentbestand '%1' niet decoderen. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Recursieve download van bestand '%1' in torrent '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Kon '%1.torrent' niet opslaan - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. omdat %1 uitgeschakeld is. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. omdat %1 uitgeschakeld is. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 URL-seed raadpleging mislukt voor url: '%1', bericht: '%2' - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent slaagde er niet in om te luisteren naar interface %1 poort: %2/%3. Reden: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' werd verwijderd van de overdrachtlijst en harde schijf. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' werd verwijderd van de overdrachtlijst. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Bezig met downloaden van '%1', even geduld... - DHT support [ON] - DHT-ondersteuning [AAN] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT-ondersteuning [UIT]. Reden: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT-ondersteuning [UIT] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent probeert te luisteren op om het even welke interface-poort: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 De opgegeven netwerkinterface is ongeldig: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent probeert te luisteren op interface %1 poort: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + DHT-ondersteuning [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + AAN - - - - + + + + OFF - + UIT - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Ondersteuning voor lokale peer-ontdekking [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + Opnieuw opstarten is vereist om ondersteuning voor tracker-uitwisseling in/uit te schakelen. - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorent vond geen lokaal %1 adres om op te luisteren - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent slaagde er niet in om te luisteren op om het even welke interface-poort: %1. Reden: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' werd toegevoegd aan torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' werd verwijderd uit torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL-seed '%1' werd toegevoegd aan torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL-seed '%1' werd verwijderd uit torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Kon torrent '%1' niet hervatten. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Verwerken van opgegeven IP-filter gelukt: er werden %1 regels toegepast. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Fout: verwerken van de opgegeven IP-filter mislukt - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Kon torrent niet toevoegen. Reden: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' hervat. (snel hervatten) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' toegevoegd aan downloadlijst. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Er trad een I/O-fout op, '%1' gepauzeerd. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: port mapping mislukt, bericht: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: port mapping succesvol, bericht: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. veroorzaakt door IP-filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. veroorzaakt door poortfilter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. veroorzaakt door i2p mixed mode restricties. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. omdat het een lage poort heeft. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent luistert met succes naar interface %1 poort: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Externe IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Wilt u qBittorrent koppelen met torrentbestanden en magneetlinks? &Always Yes &Altijd ja - - Python found in %1 - Python teruggevonden in %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2570,7 +2510,7 @@ Reden: %2 Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Python teruggevonden in %1: %2 @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Weet u zeker dat u qBittorrent wilt afsluiten? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP-database geladen. Type: %1. Build-tijd: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Kon GeoIP-database niet laden. Reden: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A N/B - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Verenigde Arabische Emiraten - + Afghanistan Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua en Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albanië - + Armenia Armenië - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antarctica - + Argentina Argentinië - + American Samoa Amerikaans-Samoa - + Austria Oostenrijk - + Australia Australië - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbeidzjan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnië en Herzegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladesh - + Belgium België - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgarije - + Bahrain Bahrein - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei - + Brazil Brazilië - + Bahamas Bahama's - + Bhutan Bhutan - + Bouvet Island Bouvet Island - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Wit-Rusland - + Belize Belize - + Canada Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cocoseilanden - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo-Kinshasa - + Central African Republic Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek - + Congo Congo - + Switzerland Zwitserland - + Cook Islands Cookeilanden - + Chile Chili - + Cameroon Kameroen - + China China - + Colombia Colombia - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Cuba - + Cape Verde Kaapverdië - + Curacao Curaçao - + Christmas Island Christmaseiland - + Cyprus Cyprus - + Czech Republic Tsjechië - + Germany Duitsland - + Djibouti Djibouti - + Denmark Denemarken - + Dominica Dominica - + Dominican Republic Dominicaanse republiek - + Algeria Algerije - + Ecuador Ecuador - + Estonia Estland - + Egypt Egypte - + Western Sahara Westelijke Sahara - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Spanje - + Ethiopia Ethiopië - + Finland Finland - + Fiji Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falklandeilanden (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia - + Faroe Islands Faeröer - + France Frankrijk - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Verenigd Koninkrijk - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Georgië - + French Guiana Frans-Guyana - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Groenland - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Guinee - + Guadeloupe Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea Equatoriaal-Guinea - + Greece Griekenland - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Zuid-Georgia en de Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinee-Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hongkong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heard en McDonaldeilanden - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Kroatië - + Haiti Haïti - + Hungary Hongarije - + Indonesia Indonesië - + Ireland Ierland - + Israel Israël - + India India - + British Indian Ocean Territory Brits Indische Oceaanterritorium - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran - + Iceland Ijsland - + Italy Italië - + Jamaica Jamaica - + Jordan Jordanië - + Japan Japan - + Kenya Kenia - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgizië - + Cambodia Cambodja - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Comoren - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts en Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Noord-Korea - + Korea, Republic of Zuid-Korea - + Kuwait Koeweit - + Cayman Islands Kaaimaneilanden - + Kazakhstan Kazachstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos - + Lebanon Libanon - + Saint Lucia Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Litouwen - + Luxembourg Luxemburg - + Latvia Letland - + Morocco Marokko - + Monaco Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of Moldavië - + Madagascar Madagaskar - + Marshall Islands Marshalleilanden - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Myanmar - + Mongolia Mongolië - + Northern Mariana Islands Noordelijke Marianen - + Martinique Martinique - + Mauritania Mauritanië - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauritius - + Maldives Maldiven - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Mexico - + Malaysia Maleisië - + Mozambique Mozambique - + Namibia Namibië - + New Caledonia Nieuw-Caledonië - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigeria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Nederland - + Norway Noorwegen - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Nieuw-Zeeland - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Frans-Polynesië - + Papua New Guinea Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea - + Philippines Filipijnen - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Polen - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre en Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Qatar - + Reunion Réunion - + Romania Roemenië - + Russian Federation Rusland - + Rwanda Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia Saoedi-Arabië - + Solomon Islands Salomonseilanden - + Seychelles Seychellen - + Sudan Soedan - + Sweden Zweden - + Singapore Singapore - + Slovenia Slovenië - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen  Spitsbergen en Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slowakije - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalië - + Suriname Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tomé en Principe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Syrië - + Swaziland Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands Turks- en Caicoseilanden - + Chad Tsjaad - + French Southern Territories Franse Zuidelijke en Antarctische Gebieden - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Thailand - + Tajikistan Tadzjikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunesië - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Oost-Timor - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivia - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Ivoorkust - + Libya Libië - + Saint Martin (French part) Sint-Maarten (Franse Antillen) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonië - + Macao Macau - + Pitcairn Pitcairneilanden - + Palestine, State of Palestina - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Sint-Helena, Ascension en Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Zuid-Soedan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (Nederlands deel) - + Turkey Turkije - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad en Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania - + Ukraine Oekraïne - + Uganda Oeganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Kleine Pacifische eilanden van de Verenigde Staten - + United States Verenigde Staten - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Oezbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Vaticaanstad - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent en de Grenadines - + Virgin Islands, British Britse Maagdeneilanden - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis en Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Jemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Servië - + South Africa Zuid-Afrika - + Zambia Zambia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Åland - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint-Barthélemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Kon GeoIP-databasebestand niet uitpakken. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Kon gedownload GeoIP-databasebestand niet opslaan. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. GeoIP-database succesvol bijgewerkt. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Kon GeoIP-database niet downloaden. Reden: %1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ Weet u zeker dat u qBittorrent wilt afsluiten? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: E-mail meldingsfout: @@ -5129,38 +5069,38 @@ Weet u zeker dat u qBittorrent wilt afsluiten? Dit is geen geldige SSL-sleutel. - + Invalid certificate Ongeldig certificaat - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Dit is geen geldig SSL-certificaat. - + Time Error Tijd-fout - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. De starttijd en de eindtijd kan niet hetzelfde zijn. - - + + Length Error Lengte-fout - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. De Web-UI-gebruikersnaam moet minstens 3 tekens lang zijn. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Het Web-UI-wachtwoord moet minstens 6 tekens lang zijn. @@ -5241,142 +5181,142 @@ Weet u zeker dat u qBittorrent wilt afsluiten? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Poort - + Flags Vlaggen - + Connection Verbinding - + Client i.e.: Client application Cliënt - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Voortgang - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Downloadsnelheid - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Uploadsnelheid - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Gedownload - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Geüpload - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Relevantie - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Bestanden - + Column visibility Kolom-zichtbaarheid - + Add a new peer... Nieuwe peer toevoegen... - - + + Ban peer permanently Peer permanent bannen - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Peer '%1' manueel toevoegen... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Peer '%1' kon niet toegevoegd worden aan deze torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Peer '%1' manueel bannen... - - + + Peer addition Peer toevoegen - + Country Land - + Copy IP:port IP:poort kopiëren - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Een aantal peers konden niet toegevoegd worden. Controleer het logbestand voor details. - + The peers were added to this torrent. De peers werden toegevoegd aan deze torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Bent u zeker dat u de geselecteerde peer permanent wilt bannen? - + &Yes &Ja - + &No &Nee @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Deze plugins zijn uitgeschakeld. I/O-fout: kon geen tijdelijk bestand aanmaken. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 is een onbekende opdrachtregelparameter - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 moet de enige opdrachtregelparameter zijn - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 moet de correcte poort specificeren (1 tot 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. U kunt %1 niet gebruiken: qBittorrent wordt al uitgevoerd voor deze gebruiker. - + Usage: Gebruik: - + Options: Opties: - + Displays program version Geeft programmaversie weer - + Displays this help message Geeft dit helpbericht weer - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Wijzigt de web-UI-poort (huidige: %1) - + Disable splash screen Opstartscherm uitschakelen - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Uitvoeren in daemon-modus (achtergrond) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Downloadt de torrents doorgegeven door de gebruiker - + Help Help - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Voer de toepassing uit met optie -h om te lezen over opdrachtregelparameters - + Bad command line Slechte opdrachtregel - + Bad command line: Slechte opdrachtregel: - + Legal Notice Juridische mededeling - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Er zullen geen verdere kennisgevingen meer gedaan worden. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Druk op de %1-toets om te accepteren en verder te gaan... - + Legal notice Juridische mededeling - + Cancel Annuleren - + I Agree Akkoord @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ Er zullen geen verdere kennisgevingen meer gedaan worden. U heeft bijgewerkt vanaf een oudere versie die dingen op een andere manier opsloeg. U moet migreren naar het nieuwe opslagsysteem. Als u verdergaat, zult u een oudere versie dan v3.3.0 niet meer opnieuw kunnen gebruiken. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Kon torrent met hash %1 niet migreren - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Kon torrent niet migreren. Ongeldige bestandsnaam voor snel hervatten: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Programma is foutief beëindigd. Fallback-bestand wordt gebruikt om instellingen te herstellen. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Er trad toegangsfout op tijdens het proberen schrijven van het configuratiebestand. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Er trad een formatteringsfout op tijdens het proberen schrijven van het configuratiebestand. @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ Er zullen geen verdere kennisgevingen meer gedaan worden. - - + + Mark items read Items als gelezen markeren @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ Er zullen geen verdere kennisgevingen meer gedaan worden. Instellingen... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrents: (dubbelklikken om te downloaden) - - + + Delete Verwijderen - + Rename... Naam wijzigen... - + Rename Naam wijzigen - - + + Update Bijwerken - + New subscription... Nieuw abonnement... - - + + Update all feeds Alle feeds bijwerken - + Download torrent Torrent downloaden - + Open news URL Nieuws-url openen - + Copy feed URL Feed-url kopiëren - + New folder... Nieuwe map... @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ Er zullen geen verdere kennisgevingen meer gedaan worden. Warning (%1) Waarschuwing (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Kon favicon voor URL '%1' niet decoderen. Proberen om favicon te downloaden in PNG-formaat. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Kon favicon voor URL '%1' niet decoderen. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Kon favicon voor URL '%1' niet downloaden. Reden: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ Er zullen geen verdere kennisgevingen meer gedaan worden. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Kolom-zichtbaarheid - + Choose save path Opslagpad kiezen - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Begrenzing downloadsnelheid torrent - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Begrenzing uploadsnelheid torrent - + Recheck confirmation Bevestiging opnieuw controleren - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde torrent(s) opnieuw wilt controleren? - + Rename Naam wijzigen - + New name: Nieuwe naam: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Hervatten - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Hervatten forceren - + Pause Pause the torrent Pauzeren - + New Category Nieuwe categorie - + Category: Categorie: - + Invalid category name Ongeldige categorienaam - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8163,129 +8091,129 @@ Categorienaam mag niet beginnen/eindigen met '/'. Categorienaam mag de '//'-opeenvolging niet bevatten. - + Delete Delete the torrent Verwijderen - + Preview file... Voorbeeld van bestand weergeven... - + Limit share ratio... Deelverhouding begrenzen... - + Limit upload rate... Uploadsnelheid begrenzen... - + Limit download rate... Downloadsnelheid begrenzen... - + Open destination folder Doelmap openen - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Omhoog verplaatsen - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Omlaag verplaatsen - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Bovenaan plaatsen - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Onderaan plaatsen - + Set location... Locatie instellen... - + Copy name Naam kopiëren - + Download first and last pieces first Eerste en laatste deeltjes eerst downloaden - + Automatic Torrent Management Automatisch torrent-beheer - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Automatische modus betekent dat verschillende torrent-eigenschappen (bijvoorbeeld opslagpad) bepaald zullen worden door de overeenkomstige categorie. - + Category Categorie - + New... New category... Nieuw... - + Reset Reset category Herstellen - + Priority Prioriteit - + Force recheck Opnieuw controleren forceren - + Copy magnet link Magneetlink kopiëren - + Super seeding mode Super-seeding-modus - + Rename... Naam wijzigen... - + Download in sequential order In sequentiële volgorde downloaden @@ -8645,11 +8573,11 @@ Categorienaam mag de '//'-opeenvolging niet bevatten. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Downloads diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_pl.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_pl.ts index e3e357e0a..7d76315b3 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_pl.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_pl.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Błąd: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Pobierz ikonę ulubionych trackera @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Błąd: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Identyfikator partnera: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - Klient użytkownika HTTP to '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Tryb anonimowy [WŁ] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Tryb anonimowy [WYŁ] - - - PeX support [ON] - Wsparcie PeX [WŁ] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Wsparcie PeX [WYŁ] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Zmiana statusu PeX wymaga ponownego uruchomienia - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Wykrywanie partnerów w sieci lokalnej [WŁ] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Wykrywanie partnerów w sieci lokalnej [WYŁ] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Wsparcie szyfrowania [WŁ] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Wsparcie szyfrowania [WYMUSZONE] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Wsparcie szyfrowania [WYŁ] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Wbudowany tracker [WŁ] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Nie udało się uruchomić wbudowanego trackera! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Wbudowany tracker [WYŁ] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... %1' osiągnął ustalony współczynnik udziału. Usuwanie... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... %1' osiągnął ustalony współczynnik udziału. Wstrzymywanie... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Stan sieci systemu zmieniono na %1 - + ONLINE ONLINE - + OFFLINE OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Konfiguracja sieci %1 uległa zmianie, odświeżanie powiązania sesji - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Skonfigurowany interfejs sieciowy %1 jest nieprawidłowy. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Obsługa szyfrowania [%1] - + FORCED - + WYMUSZONE - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Tryb anonimowy [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Nie można odszyfrować pliku torrent: '%1'. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Rekurencyjne pobieranie pliku '%1' osadzonego w pliku torrent '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Nie można zapisać '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. ponieważ %1 jest wyłączone. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. ponieważ %1 jest wyłączone. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Błąd wyszukiwania URL seeda dla adresu '%1', komunikat: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent napotkał błąd podczas nasłuchu interfejsu sieciowego %1 port: %2/%3. Powód: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... %1' usunięto z listy transferów i twardego dysku. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' usunięto z listy transferów. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Pobieranie '%1', proszę czekać... - DHT support [ON] - Wsparcie DHT [WŁ]. - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Wsparcie DHT [WYŁ]. Powód: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Wsparcie DHT [WYŁ] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent próbuje nasłuchiwać dowolnego portu interfejsu: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Podany interfejs sieciowy jest nieprawidłowy: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent próbuje nasłuchiwać interfejsu %1 port: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + Obsługa DHT [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + WŁ. - - - - + + + + OFF - + WYŁ. - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Obsługa wykrywania partnerów w sieci lokalnej [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + Ponowne uruchomienie jest wymagane, aby przełączyć obsługę wymiany trackerów - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent nie znalazł żadnego %1 lokalnego adresu, na którym można nasłuchiwać - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent napotkał błąd podczas nasłuchu interfejsu sieciowego port: %1. Powód: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' został dodany do torrenta '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' został usunięty z torrenta '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL seeda '%1' został dodany do torrenta '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL seeda '%1' został usunięty z torrenta '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Nie można wznowić torrenta: '%1' - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Pomyślnie przetworzono podany filtr IP: zastosowano %1 reguł. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Błąd: nie udało się przetworzyć podanego filtra IP. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Nie można dodać torrenta. Powód: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' wznowiony (szybkie wznawianie). - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' dodano do listy pobierania. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Wystąpił błąd we/wy, '%1' wstrzymany. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: błąd mapowania portu, komunikat %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: udane mapowanie portu, komunikat %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. z powodu filtru IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. z powodu filtru portu. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. z powodu ograniczeń trybu mieszanego i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. ponieważ ma niski port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent skutecznie nasłuchuje interfejs sieciowy %1 port: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Zewnętrzne IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Czy powiązać qBittorrent z plikami torrent i odnośnikami Magnet?&Always Yes &Zawsze tak - - Python found in %1 - Python odnaleziony w %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2570,7 +2510,7 @@ Powód: %2 Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Python odnaleziony w %1: %2 @@ -2581,7 +2521,7 @@ Powód: %2 Missing Python Interpreter - Nie znaleziono interpretera Python + Nie znaleziono interpretera Pythona @@ -2631,7 +2571,7 @@ Korzystasz już z najnowszej wersji. Python setup could not be downloaded, reason: %1. Please install it manually. - Nie można pobrać instalatora Python z powodu %1 . + Nie można pobrać instalatora Pythona z powodu %1 . Należy zainstalować go ręcznie. @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Czy na pewno zamknąć qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. Załadowano bazę danych GeoIP. Typ: %1. Czas budowy: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Nie można załadować bazy danych GeoIP. Powód: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Wenezuela, Boliwariańska Republika - + Viet Nam Wietnam - - + + N/A Nie dotyczy - + Andorra Andora - + United Arab Emirates Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie - + Afghanistan Afganistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua i Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albania - + Armenia Armenia - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antarktyda - + Argentina Argentyna - + American Samoa Samoa Amerykańskie - + Austria Austria - + Australia Australia - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbejdżan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bośnia i Hercegowina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladesz - + Belgium Belgia - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bułgaria - + Bahrain Bahrajn - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermudy - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei - + Brazil Brazylia - + Bahamas Bahamy - + Bhutan Bhutan - + Bouvet Island Wyspa Bouveta - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Białoruś - + Belize Belize - + Canada Kanada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Wyspy Kokosowe (Keelinga) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Demokratyczna Republika Konga - + Central African Republic Republika Środkowoafrykańska - + Congo Kongo - + Switzerland Szwajcaria - + Cook Islands Wyspy Cooka - + Chile Chile - + Cameroon Kamerun - + China Chiny - + Colombia Kolumbia - + Costa Rica Kostaryka - + Cuba Kuba - + Cape Verde Republika Zielonego Przylądka - + Curacao Curacao - + Christmas Island Wyspa Bożego Narodzenia - + Cyprus Cypr - + Czech Republic Czechy - + Germany Niemcy - + Djibouti Dżibuti - + Denmark Dania - + Dominica Dominika - + Dominican Republic Dominikana - + Algeria Algieria - + Ecuador Ekwador - + Estonia Estonia - + Egypt Egipt - + Western Sahara Sahara Zachodnia - + Eritrea Erytrea - + Spain Hiszpania - + Ethiopia Etiopia - + Finland Finlandia - + Fiji Fidżi - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falklandy (Malwiny) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronezja - + Faroe Islands Wyspy Owcze - + France Francja - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Wielka Brytania - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Gruzja - + French Guiana Gujana Francuska - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Grenlandia - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Gwinea - + Guadeloupe Gwadelupa - + Equatorial Guinea Gwinea Równikowa - + Greece Grecja - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Georgia Południowa i Sandwich Południowy - + Guatemala Gwatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Gwinea Bissau - + Guyana Gujana - + Hong Kong Hongkong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Wyspy Heard i McDonalda - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Chorwacja - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Węgry - + Indonesia Indonezja - + Ireland Irlandia - + Israel Izrael - + India Indie - + British Indian Ocean Territory Brytyjskie Terytorium Oceanu Indyjskiego - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran - + Iceland Islandia - + Italy Włochy - + Jamaica Jamajka - + Jordan Jordania - + Japan Japonia - + Kenya Kenia - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgistan - + Cambodia Kambodża - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Komory - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts i Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea Północna - + Korea, Republic of Korea Południowa - + Kuwait Kuwejt - + Cayman Islands Kajmany - + Kazakhstan Kazachstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos - + Lebanon Liban - + Saint Lucia Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Litwa - + Luxembourg Luksemburg - + Latvia Łotwa - + Morocco Maroko - + Monaco Monako - + Moldova, Republic of Mołdawia - + Madagascar Madagaskar - + Marshall Islands Wyspy Marshalla - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Mjanma - + Mongolia Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands Mariany Północne - + Martinique Martynika - + Mauritania Mauretania - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauritius - + Maldives Malediwy - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Meksyk - + Malaysia Malezja - + Mozambique Mozambik - + Namibia Namibia - + New Caledonia Nowa Kaledonia - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigeria - + Nicaragua Nikaragua - + Netherlands Holandia - + Norway Norwegia - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Nowa Zelandia - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Polinezja Francuska - + Papua New Guinea Papua-Nowa Gwinea - + Philippines Filipiny - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Polska - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre i Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Portoryko - + Portugal Portugalia - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paragwaj - + Qatar Katar - + Reunion Reunion - + Romania Rumunia - + Russian Federation Rosja - + Rwanda Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia Arabia Saudyjska - + Solomon Islands Wyspy Salomona - + Seychelles Seszele - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden Szwecja - + Singapore Singapur - + Slovenia Słowenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard i Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Słowacja - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalia - + Suriname Surinam - + Sao Tome and Principe Wyspy Świętego Tomasza i Książęca - + El Salvador Salwador - + Syrian Arab Republic Syria - + Swaziland Suazi - + Turks and Caicos Islands Turks i Caicos - + Chad Czad - + French Southern Territories Francuskie Terytoria Południowe i Antarktyczne - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Tajlandia - + Tajikistan Tadżykistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunezja - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Timor Wschodni - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Boliwia, Wielonarodowe Państwo - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius i Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej - + Libya Libia - + Saint Martin (French part) Sint Maarten (część francuska) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Była Jugosłowiańska Republika - + Macao Makau - + Pitcairn Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palestyna, Państwo - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Wyspa Świętej Heleny, Wyspa Wniebowstąpienia i Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Sudan Południowy - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (część holenderska) - + Turkey Turcja - + Trinidad and Tobago Trynidad i Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Tajwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania - + Ukraine Ukraina - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Dalekie Wyspy Mniejsze Stanów Zjednoczonych - + United States Stany Zjednoczone - + Uruguay Urugwaj - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Stolica Apostolska (Watykan) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent i Grenadyny - + Virgin Islands, British Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Wyspy Dziewicze Stanów Zjednoczonych - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis i Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Jemen - + Mayotte Majotta - + Serbia Serbia - + South Africa Republika Południowej Afryki - + Zambia Zambia - + Montenegro Czarnogóra - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Wyspy Alandzkie - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Wyspa Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint-Barthélemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Nie mozna rozpakować pliku bazy danych GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Nie można zapisać pobranego pliku bazy danych GeoIP. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Pomyślnie uaktualniono bazę danych GeoIP. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Nie można pobrać pliku bazy danych GeoIP. Powód: %1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ Czy na pewno zamknąć qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Błąd powiadomienia e-mail: @@ -4809,7 +4749,7 @@ Czy na pewno zamknąć qBittorrent? Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers - Włącz protokół Local Peer Discovery, aby odnależć więcej partnerów + Włącz wykrywanie partnerów w sieci lokalnej, aby znaleźć więcej partnerów @@ -5129,38 +5069,38 @@ Czy na pewno zamknąć qBittorrent? To nie jest poprawny klucz SSL. - + Invalid certificate Niepoprawny certyfikat - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. To nie jest poprawny certyfikat SSL. - + Time Error Błąd ustawień harmonogramu - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Czas uruchomienia nie może byś taki sam jak czas zakończenia. - - + + Length Error Błąd długości - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Nazwa użytkownika interfejsu WWW musi składać się z co najmniej 3 znaków. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Hasło interfejsu WWW musi składać się z co najmniej 6 znaków. @@ -5241,142 +5181,142 @@ Czy na pewno zamknąć qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP Adres IP - + Port Port - + Flags Flagi - + Connection Połączenie - + Client i.e.: Client application Klient - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Postęp - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Pobieranie - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Wysyłanie - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Pobrano - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Wysłano - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Trafność - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Pliki - + Column visibility Widoczność kolumy - + Add a new peer... Dodaj partnera... - - + + Ban peer permanently Blokuj partnera na stałe - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Ręczne dodawanie partnera '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Partner '%1' nie może zostać dodany do tego torrenta. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Ręczne blokowanie partnera '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Dodawanie partnera - + Country Kraj - + Copy IP:port Skopiuj IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Niektórzy partnerzy nie mogą zostać dodani. Sprawdź szczegóły w Dzienniku. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Partnerzy zostali dodani do tego torrenta. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Czy na pewno zablokować na stałe wybranych partnerów? - + &Yes &Tak - + &No &Nie @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Tamte wtyczki zostały wyłączone. Błąd I/O: Nie można utworzyć pliku tymczasowego. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 to nieznany parametr linii poleceń. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 musi być pojedynczym parametrem linii poleceń. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 musi określić odpowiedni port (1 do 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Nie możesz użyć %1: qBittorrent jest już uruchomiony dla tego użytkownika. - + Usage: Użycie: - + Options: Opcje: - + Displays program version Wyświetlenie wersji programu - + Displays this help message Wyświetla tę wiadomość pomocy - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Zmienia port sieciowego interfejsu użytkownika (obecnie: %1) - + Disable splash screen Wyłączenie ekranu startowego - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Uruchom w trybie demona (w tle) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Pobiera pliki torrent podane przez użytkownika - + Help Pomoc - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Uruchom aplikację z opcją -h, aby przeczytać o parametrach linii komend. - + Bad command line Niewłaściwy wiersz poleceń - + Bad command line: Niewłaściwy wiersz poleceń: - + Legal Notice Nota prawna - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. W przyszłości powiadomienie nie będzie wyświetlane. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Nacisnij klawisz %1, aby zaakceptować i kontynuować... - + Legal notice Nota prawna - + Cancel Anuluj - + I Agree Zgadzam się @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ W przyszłości powiadomienie nie będzie wyświetlane. Zaktualizowano starszą wersję, która zapisywała inaczej. Należy przeprowadzić migrację do nowego systemu zapisywania, lecz wówczas nie będzie można używać wersji starszej niż v3.3.0. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Nie udało się przenieść torrenta z hashem: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Nie udało się przenieść torrenta. Nieprawidłowa nazwa pliku szybkiego wznawiania: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Wykryto nieczyste zakończenie programu. Korzystam z pliku awaryjnego, aby przywrócić ustawienia. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Wystąpił błąd dostępu podczas próby zapisania pliku konfiguracji. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Wystąpił błąd formatu podczas próby zapisania pliku konfiguracji. @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ W przyszłości powiadomienie nie będzie wyświetlane. - - + + Mark items read Zaznacz jako przeczytane @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ W przyszłości powiadomienie nie będzie wyświetlane. Ustawienia... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrenty: (podwójne kliknięcie, aby pobrać) - - + + Delete Usuń - + Rename... Zmień nazwę... - + Rename Zmień nazwę - - + + Update Odśwież - + New subscription... Nowy kanał RSS... - - + + Update all feeds Odśwież wszystkie kanały RSS - + Download torrent Pobierz torrent - + Open news URL Otwórz URL wiadomości - + Copy feed URL Kopiuj adres kanału RSS - + New folder... Nowy katalog... @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ W przyszłości powiadomienie nie będzie wyświetlane. Warning (%1) Z ostrzeżeniem (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Nie można odczytać ikony ulubionych z adresu URL '%1'. Pobieranie ikony ulubionych w formacie PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Nie można odczytać ikony ulubionych z adresu URL '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Nie można pobrać ikony ulubionych z adresu URL '%1'. Powód: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -7816,7 +7744,7 @@ W przyszłości powiadomienie nie będzie wyświetlane. Peers - Partnerów + Partnerzy @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ W przyszłości powiadomienie nie będzie wyświetlane. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Widoczność kolumn - + Choose save path Wybierz katalog docelowy - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Ograniczanie prędkości pobierania torrenta - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Ograniczanie prędkości wysyłania torrenta - + Recheck confirmation Potwierdzenie ponownego sprawdzania - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Czy na pewno ponownie sprawdzić wybrane torrenty? - + Rename Zmień nazwę - + New name: Nowa nazwa: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Wznów - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Wymuś wznowienie - + Pause Pause the torrent Wstrzymaj - + New Category Nowa kategoria - + Category: Kategoria: - + Invalid category name Nieprawidłowa nazwa kategorii - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8163,129 +8091,129 @@ Nazwa kategorii nie może się rozpoczynać/kończyć '/'. Nazwa kategorii nie może zawierać sekwencji '//'. - + Delete Delete the torrent Usuń - + Preview file... Podgląd pliku... - + Limit share ratio... Ogranicz współczynnik udziału... - + Limit upload rate... Ogranicz prędkości wysyłania... - + Limit download rate... Ogranicz prędkości pobierania... - + Open destination folder Otwórz katalog pobierań - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Przenieś w górę - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Przenieś w dół - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Przenieś na początek - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Przenieś na koniec - + Set location... Zmień położenie... - + Copy name Kopiuj nazwę - + Download first and last pieces first Pobierz najpierw część pierwszą i ostatnią - + Automatic Torrent Management Automatyczne zarządzanie torrentem - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Tryb automatyczny oznacza, że różne właściwości torrenta (np. ścieżka zapisu) będą ustalane przez przyporządkowaną kategorię - + Category Kategoria - + New... New category... Nowa... - + Reset Reset category Resetuj - + Priority Priorytet - + Force recheck Sprawdź pobrane dane - + Copy magnet link Kopiuj odnośnik magnet - + Super seeding mode Tryb super-seeding - + Rename... Zmień nazwę... - + Download in sequential order Pobierz w kolejności sekwencyjnej @@ -8645,11 +8573,11 @@ Nazwa kategorii nie może zawierać sekwencji '//'. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Pobrania diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_pt_BR.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_pt_BR.ts index 7d0ab1638..90d718497 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_pt_BR.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_pt_BR.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Erro: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Baixar favicon do tracker @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Erro: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID do Peer: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - O usuário agente HTTP é '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Modo anônimo [LIGADO] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Modo anônimo [DESLIGADO] - - - PeX support [ON] - Suporte a PeX [LIGADO] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Suporte a PeX [DESLIGADO] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support É necessário reinicar para alterar o suporte a PeX. - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Suporte para Descoberta de Peer Local [LIG] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Suporte para Descoberta de Peer Local [DESL] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Suporte a criptografia [LIGADO] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Suporte a criptografia [FORÇADO] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Suporte a criptografia [DESLIGADO] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Tracker embutido [LIGADO] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Falha ao iniciar o tracker embutido. - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Tracker embutido [DESLIGADO] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' alcançou a proporção máxima definida. Removendo... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' alcançou a proporção máxima definida. Pausando... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Estado de rede do sistema alterado para %1 - + ONLINE ONLINE - + OFFLINE OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding A configuração de rede de %1 foi alterada, atualizando ligação da sessão - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. O endereço %1 da interface de rede definida é inválida. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Suporte a criptografia [%1] - + FORCED - + FORÇADO - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Modo anônimo [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Impossível decodificar o arquivo torrent '%1'. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Download recursivo do arquivo '%1' embutido no torrent '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Não foi possível salvar '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. pois %1 está desabilitado. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. pois %1 está desabilitado. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Falha na procura de seeds falhou para url: '%1', mensagem: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. O qBittorrent falhou ao escutar na porta da interface %1: %2/%3. Motivo: %4 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' foi removido da lista de transferência e do disco rígido. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' foi removido da lista de transferência. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Baixando '%1'. Por favor, aguarde. - DHT support [ON] - Suporte a DHT [LIGADO] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Suporte a DHT [DESLIGADO]. Motivo: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Suporte a DHT [DESLIGADO] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent está tentando escutar em qualquer porta de interface: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 A interface de rede definida é inválida: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 O qBittorrent está tentando escutar na porta da interface %1: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + Suporte a DHT [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + LIGADO - - - - + + + + OFF - + DESLIGADO - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Suporte para Descoberta de Peer Local [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + É necessário reiniciar para alternar o suporte para Troca de Trackers - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on O qBittorrent não encontrou um endereço local %1 no qual escutar - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface O qBittorrent não conseguiu escutar em qualquer porta de interface: % 1. Motivo: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' O tracker '%1' foi adicionado ao torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' O tracker '%1' foi excluído do torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' O seed da URL '%1' foi adicionado ao torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' O seed da URL '%1' foi removido do torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Não foi possível resumir o torrent '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Filtro de IP fornecido analisado com sucesso: %1 regras foram aplicadas. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Erro: Falha ao analisar o filtro de IP fornecido. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Não foi possível adicionar o torrent. Motivo: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' resumido. (resumir rápido) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' adicionado à lista de downloads. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Ocorreu um erro de E/S, '%1' pausado. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Falha no mapeamento de porta, mensagem: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Mapeamento de porta bem sucedido, mensagem: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. devido ao filtro de IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. devido ao filtro de porta. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. devido às restrições de modo misto i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. pois ele tem uma porta baixa. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 O qBittorrent está escutando com sucesso na porta da interface %1: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: IP externo: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Gostaria de associar o qBittorrent para arquivos torrent e links magnéticos?&Always Yes Se&mpre Sim - - Python found in %1 - Python encontrado em %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2570,7 +2510,7 @@ Motivo: %2 Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Python encontrado em %1: %2 @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Quer mesmo sair do qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. Banco de dados GeoIP carregado. Tipo: %1. Data de criação: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Não foi possível carregar o banco de dados GeoIP. Motivo: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, República Bolivariana da - + Viet Nam Vietnã - - + + N/A N/A - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Emirados Árabes Unidos - + Afghanistan Afeganistão - + Antigua and Barbuda Antígua e Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albânia - + Armenia Armênia - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antártica - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Samoa Americana - + Austria Áustria - + Australia Austrália - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbaidjão - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bósnia-Herzegóvina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladesh - + Belgium Bélgica - + Burkina Faso Burkina Fasso - + Bulgaria Bulgária - + Bahrain Barein - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermudas - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei - + Brazil Brasil - + Bahamas Bahamas - + Bhutan Butão - + Bouvet Island Ilha Bouvet - + Botswana Botsuana - + Belarus Belarus - + Belize Belize - + Canada Canadá - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Ilhas Cocos (Keeling) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, República Democrática do - + Central African Republic República Centro-Africana - + Congo Congo - + Switzerland Suíça - + Cook Islands Ilhas Cook - + Chile Chile - + Cameroon Camarões - + China China - + Colombia Colômbia - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Cuba - + Cape Verde Cabo Verde - + Curacao Curaçao - + Christmas Island Ilha Christmas - + Cyprus Chipre - + Czech Republic República Tcheca - + Germany Alemanha - + Djibouti Djibuti - + Denmark Dinamarca - + Dominica Dominica - + Dominican Republic República Dominicana - + Algeria Algéria - + Ecuador Equador - + Estonia Estônia - + Egypt Egito - + Western Sahara Saara Ocidental - + Eritrea Eritréia - + Spain Espanha - + Ethiopia Etiópia - + Finland Finlândia - + Fiji Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Ilhas Falkland (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Micronésia, Estados Federados da - + Faroe Islands Ilhas Feroe - + France França - + Gabon Gabão - + United Kingdom Reino Unido - + Grenada Granada - + Georgia Geórgia - + French Guiana Guiana Francesa - + Ghana Gana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Groenlândia - + Gambia Gâmbia - + Guinea Guiné - + Guadeloupe Guadalupe - + Equatorial Guinea Guiné-Equatorial - + Greece Grécia - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Ilhas Geórgia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guão - + Guinea-Bissau Guiné-Bissau - + Guyana Guiana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Ilha Heard e Ilhas McDonald - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Croácia - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Hungria - + Indonesia Indonésia - + Ireland Irlanda - + Israel Israel - + India Índia - + British Indian Ocean Territory Território Britânico do Oceano Índico - + Iraq Iraque - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Irã, República Islâmica do - + Iceland Islândia - + Italy Itália - + Jamaica Jamaica - + Jordan Jordânia - + Japan Japão - + Kenya Quênia - + Kyrgyzstan Quirguistão - + Cambodia Camboja - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Comores - + Saint Kitts and Nevis São Cristóvão e Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Coréia do Norte - + Korea, Republic of Coréia do Sul - + Kuwait Kuweit - + Cayman Islands Ilhas Cayman - + Kazakhstan Cazaquistão - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos - + Lebanon Líbano - + Saint Lucia Santa Lúcia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Libéria - + Lesotho Lesoto - + Lithuania Lituânia - + Luxembourg Luxemburgo - + Latvia Letônia - + Morocco Marrocos - + Monaco Mônaco - + Moldova, Republic of Moldávia, República da - + Madagascar Madagáscar - + Marshall Islands Ilhas Marshall - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Mianmar - + Mongolia Mongólia - + Northern Mariana Islands Ilhas Marianas Setentrionais - + Martinique Martinica - + Mauritania Mauritânia - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Maurício - + Maldives Maldivas - + Malawi Malauí - + Mexico México - + Malaysia Malásia - + Mozambique Moçambique - + Namibia Namíbia - + New Caledonia Nova Caledônia - + Niger Níger - + Norfolk Island Ilha Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigéria - + Nicaragua Nicarágua - + Netherlands Holanda - + Norway Noruega - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Nova Zelândia - + Oman Omã - + Panama Panamá - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Polinésia Francesa - + Papua New Guinea Papua Nova Guiné - + Philippines Filipinas - + Pakistan Paquistão - + Poland Polônia - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon São Pedro e Miquelão - + Puerto Rico Porto Rico - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguai - + Qatar Catar - + Reunion Ilha Reunião - + Romania Romênia - + Russian Federation Federação Russa - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Arábia Saudita - + Solomon Islands Ilhas Salomão - + Seychelles Seicheles - + Sudan Sudão - + Sweden Suécia - + Singapore Singapura - + Slovenia Eslovênia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard e Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Eslováquia - + Sierra Leone Serra Leoa - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somália - + Suriname Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé e Príncipe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Síria, República Árabe da - + Swaziland Suazilândia - + Turks and Caicos Islands Ilhas Turks e Caicos - + Chad Chade - + French Southern Territories Terras Austrais e Antárticas Francesas - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Tailândia - + Tajikistan Tadjiquistão - + Tokelau Toquelau - + Turkmenistan Turcomenistão - + Tunisia Tunísia - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Timor Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolívia, Estado Plurinacional da - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Santo Eustáquio e Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire - + Libya Líbia - + Saint Martin (French part) Saint Martin (parte francesa) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedónia, Antiga República Jugoslava da - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palestina, Estado da - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Santa Helena, Ascensão e Tristão da Cunha - + South Sudan Sudão do Sul - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (parte holandesa) - + Turkey Turquia - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad e Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzânia, República Unida da - + Ukraine Ucrânia - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Ilhas Menores Distantes dos Estados Unidos - + United States Estados Unidos - + Uruguay Uruguai - + Uzbekistan Uzbequistão - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Santa Sé (Cidade-Estado do Vaticano) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines São Vicente e Granadinas - + Virgin Islands, British Ilhas Virgens Britânicas - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Ilhas Virgens Americanas - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis e Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Iêmen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Sérvia - + South Africa África do Sul - + Zambia Zâmbia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbábue - + Aland Islands Ilhas Aland - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Ilha de Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy São Bartolomeu, Coletividade de - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Não foi possível descompactar o banco de dados GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Não foi possível salvar o banco de dados GeoIP baixado. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Banco de dados GeoIP atualizado com sucesso. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Não foi possível baixar o banco de dados GeoIP. Motivo: %1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ Quer mesmo sair do qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: E-mail de Notificação de Erro: @@ -5129,38 +5069,38 @@ Quer mesmo sair do qBittorrent? Esta não é uma chave SSL válida. - + Invalid certificate Certificado inválido - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Este não é um certificado SSL válido. - + Time Error Erro de Tempo - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. O tempo inicial e final não pode ser igual. - - + + Length Error Erro de Comprimento - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. O nome de usuário para a interface Web deve conter mais que 3 caracteres. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. A senha de usuário da interface Web deve ser maior que 3 caracteres. @@ -5241,142 +5181,142 @@ Quer mesmo sair do qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Porta - + Flags Bandeiras - + Connection Conexão - + Client i.e.: Client application Cliente - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Progresso - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Velocidade de download - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Velocidade de upload - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Baixado - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Subido - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Relevância - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Arquivos - + Column visibility Visibilidade da coluna - + Add a new peer... Adicionar um novo peer... - - + + Ban peer permanently Banir fonte permanentemente - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Adicionando manualmente peer %1... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. O peer '%1' não pôde ser adicionado a este torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Banindo manualmente peer '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Adição de fonte - + Country País - + Copy IP:port Copiar IP:porta - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Alguns peers não puderam ser adicionados. Veja o Log para detalhes. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Peers adicionados a este torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Deseja mesmo banir permanentemente a fonte selecionada? - + &Yes &Sim - + &No &Não @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Esses plugins foram desativados. Erro de E/S: Não foi possível criar arquivo temporário. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. % 1 é um parâmetro de linha de comando desconhecido. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. % 1 deve ser o único parâmetro da linha de comando. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). % 1 deve especificar a porta correta (1 a 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Você não pode usar% 1: qBittorrent já está em execução para este usuário.javascript:; - + Usage: Uso: - + Options: Opções - + Displays program version Mostra a versão do programa - + Displays this help message Mostra esta mensagem de ajuda - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Muda a porta da Interface Web (atual: %1) - + Disable splash screen Desabilitar tela de inicio - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Executar em modo daemon (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Baixar os torrents passados pelo usuário - + Help Ajuda - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Execute a aplicação com a opção -h para ler sobre os parâmetros da linha de comando. - + Bad command line Comando errado - + Bad command line: Comando errado: - + Legal Notice Notícia Legal - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Não serão exibidos mais avisos. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Pressione a tecla %1 para aceitar e continuar... - + Legal notice Notícia legal - + Cancel Cancelar - + I Agree Eu aceito @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ Não serão exibidos mais avisos. Você atualizou a partir de uma versão mais antiga que salvou as coisas de forma diferente. Você deve migrar para o novo sistema de salvamento. Se você continuar, não será capaz de usar uma versão mais antiga que a v3.3.0 novamente. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Não foi possível migrar o torrent com hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Não foi possível migrar o torrent. Nome inválido do arquivo de resumo rápido: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Detectado encerramento irregular do programa. Usando arquivo de reserva para restaurar as configurações. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Um erro de acesso ocorreu ao tentar escrever o arquivo de configuração. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Um erro de formato ocorreu ao tentar escrever o arquivo de configuração. @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ Não serão exibidos mais avisos. - - + + Mark items read Marcar ítems lidos @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ Não serão exibidos mais avisos. Configurações... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrents: (duplo clique para baixar) - - + + Delete Apagar - + Rename... Renomear... - + Rename Renomear - - + + Update Atualiza - + New subscription... Nova inscrição... - - + + Update all feeds Atualizar todos feeds - + Download torrent Baixar torrent - + Open news URL Abrir novas URL - + Copy feed URL Copiar URL do feed - + New folder... Nova pasta... @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ Não serão exibidos mais avisos. Warning (%1) Aviso (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Não foi possível decodificar o favicon da URL '%1'. Tente baixar o favicon no formato PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Não foi possível decodificar o favicon da URL '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Não foi possível baixar o favicon da URL '%1'. Motivo: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ Não serão exibidos mais avisos. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Visibilidade da coluna - + Choose save path Escolha caminho de salvamento - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Limitando Velocidade de Download de Torrent - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Limitando Velocidade de Upload de Torrent - + Recheck confirmation Confirmação de rechecagem - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Tem certeza de que deseja checar novamente o(s) torrent(s) selecionado(s)? - + Rename Renomear - + New name: Novo nome: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Resumir - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Forçar retomada - + Pause Pause the torrent Pausar - + New Category Nova categoria - + Category: Categoria: - + Invalid category name Nome de categoria inválido - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8163,129 +8091,129 @@ O nome da categoria não pode iniciar/terminar com '/'. O nome da categoria não pode conter a sequência '//'. - + Delete Delete the torrent Apagar - + Preview file... Arquivo de pré-exibição... - + Limit share ratio... Taxa de limite de compartilhamento... - + Limit upload rate... Limite de taxa de upload... - + Limit download rate... Limite de taxa de download... - + Open destination folder Abrir pasta de destino - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Mover para cima - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Mover para baixo - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Mover para o topo - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Mover para último - + Set location... Definir local... - + Copy name Copiar nome - + Download first and last pieces first Baixar primeiro a primeira e a última parte - + Automatic Torrent Management Gerenciamento Automático de Torrents - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category O modo automático configura várias propriedades do torrent (ex.: caminho para salvar) baseado na categoria associada - + Category Categoria - + New... New category... Nova... - + Reset Reset category Resetar - + Priority Prioridade - + Force recheck Forçar re-checagem - + Copy magnet link Copiar link magnético - + Super seeding mode Modo super compartilhador - + Rename... Renomear... - + Download in sequential order Download em ordem sequencial @@ -8645,11 +8573,11 @@ O nome da categoria não pode conter a sequência '//'. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Downloads diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_pt_PT.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_pt_PT.ts index 7d1322626..6b66aa2b9 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_pt_PT.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_pt_PT.ts @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ About qBittorrent - Acerca do qBittorrent + Sobre o qBittorrent About - Acerca + Sobre @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Erro: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Fazer o download do favicon do tracker @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Erro: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID da fonte: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - O agente de utilizador HTTP é '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Modo anónimo [ON] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Modo anónimo [OFF] - - - PeX support [ON] - Suporte PeX [ON] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Suporte PeX [OFF] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support É necessário reiniciar para alternar para o suporte PeX - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Suporte para 'Descoberta de fontes locais' [ON] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Suporte para 'Descoberta de fontes locais' [OFF] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Suporte para encriptação [ON] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Suporte para encriptação [FORÇADA] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Suporte para codificação [OFF] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Tracker embutido [ON] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Ocorreu um erro ao tentar iniciar o tracker embutido! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Tracker embutido [OFF] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' atingiu o rácio máximo definido por si. A remover... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' atingiu o rácio máximo definido por si. A colocar em pausa... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE O estado da rede do sistema foi alterado para %1 - + ONLINE ONLINE - + OFFLINE OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding A configuração da rede %1 foi alterada. A atualizar a sessão. - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. O endereço da interface de rede configurada %1 não é válido - + Encryption support [%1] - + Suporte para encriptação [%1] - + FORCED - + FORÇADO - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Modo anónimo [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Não foi possível descodificar o ficheiro de torrent '%1'. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Download recursivo do ficheiro '%1', incorporado no torrent %2 - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Não foi possível guardar '1%.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. porque '%1' se encontra inativo. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. porque '%1' se encontra inativo. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 A procura do URL de sementes falhou para o URL: '%1', mensagem: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. O qBittorrent não conseguiu receber da interface %1, porta: %2/%3. Motivo: %4 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' foi removido da lista de transferências e do disco. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' foi removido da lista de transferências. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... A fazer o download de '%1'. Aguarde, por favor... - DHT support [ON] - Suporte DHT [ON] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Suporte DHT [OFF]. Motivo: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Suporte DHT [OFF] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 O qBitorrent está a tentar receber de qualquer porta: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 A interface de rede definida não é válida: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 O qBitorrent está a tentar receber na interface %1, porta: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + Suporte DHT [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Suporte para a 'Descoberta de fontes locais' [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + É necessário reiniciar para mudar para o suporte do Tracker Exchange - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on O qBittorrent não encontrou o endereço local %1 para a receção - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface O qBittorrent não conseguiu receber de qualquer porta: %1. Motivo: %2 - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' O tracker '%1' foi adicionado ao torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' O tracker '%1' foi eliminado do torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' O URL semeador '%1' foi adicionado ao torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' O URL semeador '%1' foi removido do torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Não foi possível retomar o torrent %1 - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Foi analisado com sucesso o filtro de IP fornecido: Foram aplicadas %1 regras. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Erro: falha ao analisar o filtro de IP fornecido. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Não foi possível adicionar o torrent. Motivo: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' foi retomado. (retoma rápida) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' foi adicionado à lista de downloads. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Ocorreu um erro I/O, '%1' foi colocado em pausa. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Falha no mapeamento da porta, mensagem: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Portas mapeadas com sucesso, mensagem: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. através de um filtro IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. através de um filtro de porta. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. através das restrições do modo misto i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. porque possui uma porta baixa. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 O qBittorrent está a receber com sucesso da interface %1, porta: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: IP externo: %1 @@ -2502,10 +2446,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes Se&mpre 'Sim' - - Python found in %1 - Python encontrado em %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2569,7 +2509,7 @@ Motivo: %2 Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Descoberto Python em %1: %2 @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Tem a certeza que deseja sair do qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. Base de dados GeoIP carregada. Tipo: %1, compilada em: %2 - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Base de dados GeoIP não carregada. Motivo: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (República Bolivariana da Venezuela) - + Viet Nam Vietname - - + + N/A N/D - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Emirados Árabes Unidos - + Afghanistan Afeganistão - + Antigua and Barbuda Antígua e Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albânia - + Armenia Arménia - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antártica - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Samoa Americana - + Austria Áustria - + Australia Austrália - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbeijão - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bósnia e Herzegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladesh - + Belgium Bélgica - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgária - + Bahrain Bahrein - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermudas - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil Brasil - + Bahamas Bahamas - + Bhutan Butão - + Bouvet Island Ilha Bouvet - + Botswana Botsuana - + Belarus Bielorrúsia - + Belize Belize - + Canada Canadá - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Ilhas Coco (Keeling) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the República Democrática do Congo - + Central African Republic República Africana Central - + Congo Congo - + Switzerland Suíça - + Cook Islands Ilhas Cook - + Chile Chile - + Cameroon Camarões - + China China - + Colombia Colômbia - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Cuba - + Cape Verde Cabo Verde - + Curacao Curaçao - + Christmas Island Ilhas Natal - + Cyprus Chipre - + Czech Republic República Checa - + Germany Alemanha - + Djibouti Djibouti - + Denmark Dinamarca - + Dominica Domínica - + Dominican Republic República Dominicana - + Algeria Argélia - + Ecuador Equador - + Estonia Estónia - + Egypt Egito - + Western Sahara Saara Ocidental - + Eritrea Eritreia - + Spain Espanha - + Ethiopia Etiópia - + Finland Finlândia - + Fiji Ilhas Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Ilhas Falkland (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Estados Federados da Micronésia - + Faroe Islands Ilhas Faroé - + France França - + Gabon Gabão - + United Kingdom Reino Unido - + Grenada Granada - + Georgia Geórgia - + French Guiana Guiana Francesa - + Ghana Gana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Gronelandia - + Gambia Gâmbia - + Guinea Guiné - + Guadeloupe Guadalupe - + Equatorial Guinea Guiné Equatorial - + Greece Grécia - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Ilhas Georgia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guiné Bissau - + Guyana Guiana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Ilha Heard e Ilhas McDonald - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Croácia - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Hungria - + Indonesia Indonésia - + Ireland Irlanda - + Israel Israel - + India Índia - + British Indian Ocean Territory Território Britânico do Oceano Índico - + Iraq Iraque - + Iran, Islamic Republic of República Islâmica do Irão - + Iceland Islândia - + Italy Itália - + Jamaica Jamaica - + Jordan Jordânia - + Japan Japão - + Kenya Quénia - + Kyrgyzstan Quirguistão - + Cambodia Cambodja - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros União das Comores - + Saint Kitts and Nevis São Cristóvão e Neves - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of República Democrática da Coreia - + Korea, Republic of República da Coreia - + Kuwait Kuwait - + Cayman Islands Ilhas Caimão - + Kazakhstan Cazaquistão - + Lao People's Democratic Republic República Democrática Popular Lau - + Lebanon Líbano - + Saint Lucia Santa Lúcia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Libéria - + Lesotho Lesoto - + Lithuania Lituânia - + Luxembourg Luxemburgo - + Latvia Letónia - + Morocco Marrocos - + Monaco Mónaco - + Moldova, Republic of República da Moldávia - + Madagascar Madagáscar - + Marshall Islands Ilhas Marshall - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Birmânia - + Mongolia Mongólia - + Northern Mariana Islands Ilhas Marianas do Norte - + Martinique Martinica - + Mauritania Mauritânia - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauritânia - + Maldives Maldivas - + Malawi Maláui - + Mexico México - + Malaysia Malásia - + Mozambique Moçambique - + Namibia Namíbia - + New Caledonia Nova Caledónia - + Niger Níger - + Norfolk Island Ilhas Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigéria - + Nicaragua Nicarágua - + Netherlands Holanda - + Norway Noruega - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Nova Zelândia - + Oman Omã - + Panama Panamá - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Polinésia Francesa - + Papua New Guinea Papua Nova Guiné - + Philippines Filipinas - + Pakistan Paquistão - + Poland Polónia - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon São Pedro e Miquelão - + Puerto Rico Porto Rico - + Portugal Portugal - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguai - + Qatar Catar - + Reunion Reunião - + Romania Roménia - + Russian Federation Federação Russa - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Arábia Saudita - + Solomon Islands Ilhas Salomão - + Seychelles Seicheles - + Sudan Sudão - + Sweden Suécia - + Singapore Singapura - + Slovenia Eslovénia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard e Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Eslováquia - + Sierra Leone Serra Leoa - + San Marino São Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somália - + Suriname Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé e Príncipe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic República Árabe da Síria - + Swaziland Suazilândia - + Turks and Caicos Islands Ilhas Turcas e Caicos - + Chad Chade - + French Southern Territories Terras Austrais e Antárticas Francesas - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Tailandia - + Tajikistan Tajiquistão - + Tokelau Toquelau - + Turkmenistan Turquemenistão - + Tunisia Tunísia - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Timor Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Estado Plurinacional da Bolívia - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Território Insular de Bonaire - + Cote d'Ivoire Costa do Marfim - + Libya Líbia - + Saint Martin (French part) Ilha de São Martinho (parte francesa) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of República da Macedónia - + Macao Macau - + Pitcairn Ilhas Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Estado da Palestina - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Santa Helena, Ascensão e Tristão da Cunha - + South Sudan Sudão do Sul - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Ilha de São Martinho (parte holandesa) - + Turkey Turquia - + Trinidad and Tobago Trindade e Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of República Unida da Tanzânia - + Ukraine Ucrânia - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Ilhas Menores Distantes dos Estados Unidos - + United States Estados Unidos da América - + Uruguay Uruguai - + Uzbekistan Uzbequistão - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Santa Sé (Estado do Vaticano) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines São Vicente e Granadinas - + Virgin Islands, British Ilhas Virgens Britânicas - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Ilhas Virgens Americanas - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis e Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Iémen - + Mayotte Maiote - + Serbia Sérvia - + South Africa África do Sul - + Zambia Zâmbia - + Montenegro Montenegro - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Ilhas Aland - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Ilha de Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy São Bartolomeu - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Não foi possível descomprimir a base de dados GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Não foi possível guardar a base de dados GeoIP descarregada. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Base de dados GeoIP atualizada com sucesso. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Não foi possível fazer o download da base de dados GeoIP. Motivo: %1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Tem a certeza que deseja sair do qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Notificação de erro por e-mail: @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Tem a certeza que deseja sair do qBittorrent? Esta não é uma chave SSL válida. - + Invalid certificate Certificado inválido - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Este não é um certificado SSL válido. - + Time Error Erro de horário - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. A hora de início e a de fim não podem ser idênticas. - - + + Length Error Erro de comprimento - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. O nome de utilizador da interface web deverá conter pelo menos 3 carateres. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. A palavra-passe da interface web deverá conter pelo menos 6 caracteres. @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Tem a certeza que deseja sair do qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Porta - + Flags Bandeiras - + Connection Ligação - + Client i.e.: Client application Cliente - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Evolução - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Vel. de download - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Vel. de upload - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Descarregado - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Enviado - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Importância - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Ficheiros - + Column visibility Visibilidade da coluna - + Add a new peer... Adicionar uma nova fonte... - - + + Ban peer permanently Banir fonte permanentemente - + Manually adding peer '%1'... A adicionar manualmente a fonte '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Não foi possível adicionar a fonte '%1' a este torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... A banir manualmente a fonte '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Adição de fonte - + Country País - + Copy IP:port Copiar IP: porta - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Não foi possível adicionar algumas fontes. Para mais detalhes consulte o 'Registo'. - + The peers were added to this torrent. As fontes foram adicionadas a este torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Tem a certeza de que deseja banir permanentemente as fontes selecionadas? - + &Yes &Sim - + &No &Não @@ -6091,95 +6031,95 @@ Contudo, esses plugins foram desativados. Erro I/O: Não foi possível criar o ficheiro temporário. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 é um parâmetro de linha de comandos desconhecido. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 deverá ser o único parâmetro da linha de comandos. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 deverá especificar a porta correta (de 1 a 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Não pode utilizar %1: O qBittorrent já se encontra em utilização por este utilizador. - + Usage: Utilização: - + Options: Opções: - + Displays program version Exibir a versão do programa - + Displays this help message Exibir esta mensagem de ajuda - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Altera a porta da interface web (atual: %1) - + Disable splash screen Desativar ecrã de arranque - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Executar no modo daemon (em segundo plano) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Faz o download dos torrents enviados pelo utilizador - + Help Ajuda - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Executa a aplicação com a opção -h para saber mais acerca dos parâmetros da linha de comandos. - + Bad command line Linha de comandos inválida - + Bad command line: Linha de comandos inválida: - + Legal Notice Aviso legal - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6188,22 +6128,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Não serão emitidos mais avisos relacionados com este assunto. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Prima %1 para aceitar e continuar... - + Legal notice Aviso legal - + Cancel Cancelar - + I Agree Concordo @@ -6365,27 +6305,27 @@ Não serão emitidos mais avisos relacionados com este assunto. Está a atualizar o programa a partir de uma versão que guardava os dados de forma diferente. Tem que ser feita a migração para o novo sistema. Se continuar, já não será possível utilizar a versão 3.3.0. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Não foi possível migrar o torrent com o hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Não foi possível migrar o torrent. Nome de ficheiro inválido: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Foi detetado um encerramento anterior incorreto do programa. A utilizar dados guardados para tentar restaurar as definições. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Ocorreu um erro de acesso ao tentar escrever o ficheiro de configuração. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Ocorreu um erro de formato ao tentar escrever o ficheiro de configuração. @@ -6404,8 +6344,8 @@ Não serão emitidos mais avisos relacionados com este assunto. - - + + Mark items read Marcar itens como lidos @@ -6425,60 +6365,60 @@ Não serão emitidos mais avisos relacionados com este assunto. Definições... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrents: (duplo clique para fazer o download) - - + + Delete Eliminar - + Rename... Renomear... - + Rename Renomear - - + + Update Atualizar - + New subscription... Nova subscrição... - - + + Update all feeds Atualizar todas as fontes - + Download torrent Fazer o download do torrent - + Open news URL Abrir URL - + Copy feed URL Copiar URL da fonte - + New folder... Nova pasta... @@ -7765,18 +7705,6 @@ Não serão emitidos mais avisos relacionados com este assunto. Warning (%1) Aviso (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Não foi possível descodificar o favicon para o URL '%1'. Tente fazer o download do favicon no formato PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Não foi possível descodificar o favicon para o URL '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Não foi possível fazer o download para o URL '%1'. Motivo: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8080,80 +8008,80 @@ Não serão emitidos mais avisos relacionados com este assunto. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Visibilidade das colunas - + Choose save path Escolha o caminho para guardar - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Limite de velocidade para o download dos torrents - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Limite de velocidade para o upload de torrents - + Recheck confirmation Confirmação de reverificação - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Tem a certeza de que deseja reverificar o(s) torrent(s) selecionado(s)? - + Rename Renomear - + New name: Novo nome: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Retomar - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Forçar continuação - + Pause Pause the torrent Pausar - + New Category Nova categoria - + Category: Categoria: - + Invalid category name Nome de categoria inválido - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8162,129 +8090,129 @@ O nome da categoria não deverá começar/terminar com '/'. O nome da categoria não deverá conter a sequencia '//'. - + Delete Delete the torrent Eliminar - + Preview file... Visualizar ficheiro... - + Limit share ratio... Limitar o rácio de partilha... - + Limit upload rate... Limitar rácio de upload... - + Limit download rate... Limitar o rácio de download... - + Open destination folder Abrir pasta de destino - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Mover para cima - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Mover para baixo - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Mover para o início - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Mover para o fim - + Set location... Definir localização... - + Copy name Copiar nome - + Download first and last pieces first Fazer o download da primeira e última peça primeiro - + Automatic Torrent Management Gestão automática do torrent - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category O modo automático significa que várias propriedades do torrent (ex: salvar caminho) serão decididas pela categoria associada - + Category Categoria - + New... New category... Novo(a)... - + Reset Reset category Redefinir - + Priority Prioridade - + Force recheck Forçar nova verificação - + Copy magnet link Copiar ligação Magnet - + Super seeding mode Modo super semeador - + Rename... Renomear... - + Download in sequential order Fazer o download sequencialmente @@ -8644,11 +8572,11 @@ O nome da categoria não deverá conter a sequencia '//'. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Downloads diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ro.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ro.ts index 92ad854f6..45ee6a185 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ro.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ro.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Eroare: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Descarcă pictograma de favorite a urmăritorului @@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ Eroare: %2 Saving torrent progress... - Se salvează progres torrent... + Se salvează progresul torentelor... @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Eroare: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID partener: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - Agentul utilizator HTTP este „%1” - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Mod anonim [PORNIT] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Mod anonim [OPRIT] - - - PeX support [ON] - Suport PeX [PORNIT] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Suport PeX [OPRIT] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Repornirea este necesară pentru comutarea suportului PeX - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Suport descoperire parteneri locali [PORNIT] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Suport descoperire parteneri locali [OPRIT] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Suport criptare [PORNIT] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Suport criptare [FORȚATĂ] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Suport criptare [OPRITĂ] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Urmăritor încorporat [PORNIT] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! A eșuat pornirea urmăritorului încorporat! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Urmăritor încorporat [OPRIT] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... „%1” a atins raportul de partajare maxim pe care l-ați stabilit. Se elimină... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... „%1” a atins raportul de partajare maxim pe care l-ați stabilit. Se suspendă... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Starea rețelei sistemului s-a schimbat la %1 - + ONLINE CONECTAT - + OFFLINE DECONECTAT - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Configurația rețelei %1 a fost schimbată, se reîmprospătează asocierea sesiunii - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Adresa interfeței de rețea configurate %1 nu este validă. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Nu s-a putut decoda fișierul torrent „%1”. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Descărcare recursivă a fișierului „%1” încorporat în torrentul „%2” - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Nu s-a putut salva „%1.torrent” - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. fiindcă %1 este dezactivat. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. fiindcă %1 este dezactivat. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Rezolvarea adresei sursei a eșuat pentru URL-ul: „%1”, mesaj: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent a eșuat în ascultarea interfeței %1 portul: %2/%3. Motivul: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... „%1” a fost înlăturat din lista de transferuri și de pe disc. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... „%1” a fost eliminat din lista de transferuri. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Se descarcă „%1”, așteptați... - DHT support [ON] - Suport DHT [PORNIT] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Suport DHT [OPRIT]. Motivul: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Suport DHT [OPRIT] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent încearcă să asculte pe oricare port de interfață: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Interfața de rețea definită nu este validă: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent încearcă să asculte pe interfața %1 portul: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent nu a găsit o adresă locală %1 pe care să asculte - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent nu a putut asculta pe niciun port al interfeței: %1. Motivul: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Urmăritorul „%1” a fost adăugat torrentului „%2” - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Urmăritorul „%1” a fost șters de la torrentul „%2” - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Sursa URL „%1” a fost adăugată torrentului „%2” - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' Sursa URL „%1” a fost ștearsă de la torrentul „%2” - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Nu se poate relua descărcarea torrent: „%1” - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number S-a analizat cu succes filtrul IP furnizat: %1 reguli au fost aplicate. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Eroare: Eșec în analiza filtrului IP furnizat. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Nu s-a putut adăuga torrentul. Motivul: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) „%1” reluat. (reluare rapidă) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. „%1” a fost adăugat în lista de descărcare. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 A apărut o eroare de Intrare/Ieșire, „%1” suspendat. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Eșec în maparea portului, mesaj: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Maparea portului încheiată cu succes, mesaj: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. datorită filtrării IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. datorită filtrării portului. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. datorită restricțiilor modului mixt i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. fiindcă are un port mic. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent ascultă cu succes pe interfața %1 portul: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: IP extern: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Doriți să asociați qBittorrent cu fișierele torrent și legăturile magnet?< &Always Yes Î&ntotdeauna Da - - Python found in %1 - Python găsit în %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2570,7 +2510,7 @@ Motivul: %2 Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Python găsit în %1: %2 @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Sigur doriți să închideți qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. Baza de date GeoIP încărcată. Tipul: %1. Data construirii: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Nu s-a putut încărca baza de date GeoIP. Motivul: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A Indisponibil - + Andorra Andorra - + United Arab Emirates Emiratele Arabe Unite - + Afghanistan Afganistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua și Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albania - + Armenia Armenia - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antarctica - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Samoa Americană - + Austria Austria - + Australia Australia - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbaidjan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia și Herțegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladeș - + Belgium Belgia - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgaria - + Bahrain Bahrain - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Insulele Bermude - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei - + Brazil Brazilia - + Bahamas Bahamas - + Bhutan Bhutan - + Bouvet Island Insula Bouvet - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Belarus - + Belize Belize - + Canada Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Insulele Cocos (Keeling) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republica Democrată - + Central African Republic Republica Central Africană - + Congo Congo - + Switzerland Elveția - + Cook Islands Insulele Cook - + Chile Chile - + Cameroon Camerun - + China China - + Colombia Columbia - + Costa Rica Costa Rica - + Cuba Cuba - + Cape Verde Insulele Capului Verde - + Curacao Curaçao - + Christmas Island Insula Crăciunului - + Cyprus Cipru - + Czech Republic Cehia - + Germany Germania - + Djibouti Djibouti - + Denmark Danemarca - + Dominica Dominica - + Dominican Republic Republica Dominicană - + Algeria Algeria - + Ecuador Ecuador - + Estonia Estonia - + Egypt Egipt - + Western Sahara Sahara de vest - + Eritrea Eritreea - + Spain Spania - + Ethiopia Etiopia - + Finland Finlanda - + Fiji Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Insulele Falkland (Malvine) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Statele Federale ale Micronesiei - + Faroe Islands Insulele Feroe - + France Franța - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Regatul Unit - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Georgia - + French Guiana Guiana Franceză - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Groenlanda - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadalupe - + Equatorial Guinea Guineea Ecuatorială - + Greece Grecia - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Georgia de Sud și Insulele Sandwich de Sud - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guineea-Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Insula Heard și Insulele McDonald - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Croația - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Ungaria - + Indonesia Indonezia - + Ireland Irlanda - + Israel Israel - + India India - + British Indian Ocean Territory Teritoriul Oceanului Indian Britanic - + Iraq Irac - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran - + Iceland Islanda - + Italy Italia - + Jamaica Jamaica - + Jordan Iordania - + Japan Japonia - + Kenya Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan Kârgâzstan - + Cambodia Cambogia - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Insulele Comore - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Sfântul Cristofor și Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Republica Populară Democrată Coreeană - + Korea, Republic of Republica Coreea - + Kuwait Kuweit - + Cayman Islands Insulele Cayman - + Kazakhstan Kazahstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Republica Populară Democrată Laos - + Lebanon Liban - + Saint Lucia Sfânta Lucia - + Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberia - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Lituania - + Luxembourg Luxemburg - + Latvia Letonia - + Morocco Maroc - + Monaco Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of Republica Moldova - + Madagascar Madagascar - + Marshall Islands Insulele Marshall - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Birmania - + Mongolia Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands Comunitatea Insulelor Mariane de Nord - + Martinique Martinica - + Mauritania Mauritania - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Republica Mauritius - + Maldives Insulele Maldive - + Malawi Republica Malawi - + Mexico Mexic - + Malaysia Malaezia - + Mozambique Mozambic - + Namibia Namibia - + New Caledonia Noua Caledonie - + Niger Nigeria - + Norfolk Island Insula Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigeria - + Nicaragua Nicaragua - + Netherlands Olanda - + Norway Norvegia - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Noua Zeelandă - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Polinezia Franceză - + Papua New Guinea Papua Noua Guinee - + Philippines Filipine - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Polonia - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Pierre și Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - + Portugal Portugalia - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguai - + Qatar Qatar - + Reunion Reunion - + Romania România - + Russian Federation Rusia - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Arabia Saudită - + Solomon Islands Insulele Solomon - + Seychelles Seișele - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden Suedia - + Singapore Singapore - + Slovenia Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard și Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slovacia - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalia - + Suriname Surinam - + Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé și Príncipe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Siria - + Swaziland Elveția - + Turks and Caicos Islands Insulele Turks și Caicos - + Chad Republica Ciad - + French Southern Territories Teritoriile Sudice Franceze - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Tailanda - + Tajikistan Tadjikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunisia - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivia - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Insulele Bonaire, Sfântul Eustachio și Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Coasta de Fildeș - + Libya Libia - + Saint Martin (French part) Sfântul Martin (partea franceză) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Insulele Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of Palestina - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Sfânta Elena, Ascension și Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Sudanul de Sud - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sfântul Martin (partea olandeză) - + Turkey Turcia - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad și Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania - + Ukraine Ucraina - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Insulele Minore Îndepartate ale Statelor Unite - + United States Statele Unite - + Uruguay Uruguai - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Vatican - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Sfântul Vicențiu și Grenadinele - + Virgin Islands, British Insulele Virgine Britanice - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Insulele Virgine Americane - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis și Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Yemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Serbia - + South Africa Africa de Sud - + Zambia Zambia - + Montenegro Muntenegru - + Zimbabwe ZImbabwe - + Aland Islands Insulele Åland - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Insula Man - + Jersey Insula Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Sfântul Bartolomeu - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Nu s-a putut decomprima fișierul cu baza de date GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Nu s-a putut salva fișierul descărcat cu baza de date GeoIP. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Baza de date GeoIP a fost actualizată cu succes. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Nu s-a putut descărca fișierul cu baza de date GeoIP. Motivul: %1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ Sigur doriți să închideți qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Eroare de Notificare Email: @@ -5130,38 +5070,38 @@ Sigur doriți să închideți qBittorrent? Aceasta nu este o cheie SSL validă. - + Invalid certificate Certificat nevalid - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Acesta nu este un certificat SSL valid. - + Time Error Eroare timp - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Timpul de pornire și timpul de încheiere nu pot fi aceiași. - - + + Length Error Eroare lungime - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Numele de utilizator al interfeței Web trebuie să conțină minim 3 caractere. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Parola interfeței Web trebuie să fie de minim 6 caractere. @@ -5242,142 +5182,142 @@ Sigur doriți să închideți qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Port - + Flags Indicatori - + Connection Conexiune - + Client i.e.: Client application Client - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Progres - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Viteză descărcare - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Viteză încărcare - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Descărcat - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Încărcat - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Relevanță - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Fișiere - + Column visibility Vizibilitate coloană - + Add a new peer... Adăugare un partener nou... - - + + Ban peer permanently Blochează permanent partenerul - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Se adaugă manual partenerul „%1”... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Partenerul „%1” nu a putut fi adăugat la acest torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Se blochează manual partenerul „%1”... - - + + Peer addition Adăugare partener - + Country Țară - + Copy IP:port Copiază IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Unii parteneri nu au putut fi adăugați. Verificați jurnalul pentru detalii. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Partenerii au fost adăugați la acest torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Sigur doriți să blocați permanent partenerii selectați? - + &Yes &Da - + &No &Nu @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Totuși, acele module au fost dezactivate. Eroare Intrare/Ieșire: Nu se poate crea fișierul temporar. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 este un parametru linie de comandă necunoscut. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 trebuie să fie singurul parametru pentru linia de comandă. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 trebuie specificat portul corect (de la 1 la 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Nu puteți utiliza %1: qBittorrent rulează deja pentru acest utilizator. - + Usage: Utilizare: - + Options: Opțiuni: - + Displays program version Afișează versiunea programului - + Displays this help message Afișează acest mesaj de ajutor - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Schimbă portul interfeței Web (actual: %1) - + Disable splash screen Dezactivează ecranul de întâmpinare - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Rulează în mod daemon (fundal) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Descărcă torrentele transmise de către utilizator - + Help Ajutor - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Rulați aplicația cu opțiunea -h pentru a citi despre parametri din linia de comandă. - + Bad command line Linie de comandă nepotrivită: - + Bad command line: Linie de comandă nepotrivită: - + Legal Notice Notă juridică - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Nu vor fi emise alte notificări. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Apăsați tasta %1 pentru a accepta și continua... - + Legal notice Notă juridică - + Cancel Renunță - + I Agree Sunt de acord @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ Nu vor fi emise alte notificări. Ați actualizat de la o versiune mai veche ce a salvat setările în mod diferit. Trebuie să migrați setările la noul sistem de salvare. Dacă alegeți să continuați nu veți mai putea folosi o versiune mai veche de v3.3.0 altă dată. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Nu s-a reușit migrarea torrentului cu indexul: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Nu s-a reușit migrarea torrentului. Nume fișier nevalid: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. A fost detectată o ieșire forțată din program. Se folosește fișierul de rezervă pentru a restaura configurările. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. A apărut o eroare de acces când se încerca scrierea fișierului de configurație. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. A apărut o eroare de format când se încerca scrierea fișierului de configurație. @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ Nu vor fi emise alte notificări. - - + + Mark items read Marchează elementele ca citite @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ Nu vor fi emise alte notificări. Configurări... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrente: (clic dublu pentru a descărca) - - + + Delete Șterge - + Rename... Redenumire... - + Rename Redenumește - - + + Update Actualizează - + New subscription... Abonament nou... - - + + Update all feeds Actualizează toate fluxurile - + Download torrent Descarcă torrent - + Open news URL Deschide URL articol - + Copy feed URL Copiază URL-ul fluxului - + New folder... Dosar nou... @@ -6776,7 +6716,7 @@ Nu vor fi emise alte notificări. Torrent names only - Doar nume de torent + Doar numele torentelor @@ -6806,7 +6746,7 @@ Nu vor fi emise alte notificări. Search returned no results - Căutarea nu a returnat rezultate + Căutarea nu a întors rezultate @@ -6920,7 +6860,7 @@ Nu vor fi emise alte notificări. Spaces in a search term may be protected by double quotes. - Spațiile dintr-o expresie de căutare pot fi protejate prin ghilimele. + Spațiile dintr-o expresie de căutare pot fi protejate prin ghilimele (englezești, duble). @@ -6948,12 +6888,12 @@ Nu vor fi emise alte notificări. Only enabled - Doar activat + Doar activate Select... - Selectează... + Selectare... @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ Nu vor fi emise alte notificări. Warning (%1) Cu avertismente (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Nu s-a putut decoda pictograma de favorite (favicon) pentru adresa (URL) „%1”. Se încearcă descărcarea ei în formatul PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Nu s-a putut decoda pictograma de favorite (favicon) pentru adresa (URL) „%1”. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Nu s-a putut descărca pictograma de favorite (favicon) pentru adresa (URL) „%1”. Motivul: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ Nu vor fi emise alte notificări. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Vizibilitate coloană - + Choose save path Alegeți calea de salvare - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Limitare viteză descărcare torrent - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Limitare viteză de încărcare torrent - + Recheck confirmation Confirmare reverificare - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Sigur doriți să reverificați torrentul(ele) selectat? - + Rename Redenumire - + New name: Denumire nouă: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Reia - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Forțează reluarea - + Pause Pause the torrent Suspendă - + New Category Categorie nouă - + Category: Categorie: - + Invalid category name Nume categorie nevalid - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8163,129 +8091,129 @@ Numele categoriei nu trebuie să înceapă/încheie cu „/”. Numele categoriei nu trebuie să conțină secvența „//”. - + Delete Delete the torrent Șterge - + Preview file... Previzualizare fișier... - + Limit share ratio... Limitare raport de partajare.... - + Limit upload rate... Limitare viteză de încărcare... - + Limit download rate... Limitare viteză de descărcare... - + Open destination folder Deschide dosarul destinație - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Mută mai sus - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Mută mai jos - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Mută în vârf - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Mută la bază - + Set location... Stabilire locație... - + Copy name Copiază numele - + Download first and last pieces first Descarcă prima și ultima bucată întâi - + Automatic Torrent Management Administrare automată torente - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Modul automatic înseamnă că diferitele proprietăți ale torentului (ca de exemplu calea de salvare) vor fi decise de către categoria asociată - + Category Categorie - + New... New category... Nouă... - + Reset Reset category Restabilește - + Priority Prioritate - + Force recheck Forțează reverificarea - + Copy magnet link Copiază legătura magnet - + Super seeding mode Mod super-contribuire - + Rename... Redenumire... - + Download in sequential order Descarcă în ordine secvențială @@ -8645,11 +8573,11 @@ Numele categoriei nu trebuie să conțină secvența „//”. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Descărcări @@ -8660,7 +8588,7 @@ Numele categoriei nu trebuie să conțină secvența „//”. B bytes - B + O @@ -8690,13 +8618,13 @@ Numele categoriei nu trebuie să conțină secvența „//”. PiB pebibytes (1024 tebibytes) - PiB + PiO EiB exbibytes (1024 pebibytes) - EiB + EiO diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ru.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ru.ts index 8124b5fd3..e421d4aed 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_ru.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_ru.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Error: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Загружать значки трекеров @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID пира: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP User-Agent: %1 - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Анонимный режим [Вкл] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Анонимный режим [Выкл] - - - PeX support [ON] - Поддержка PeX [Вкл] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Поддержка PeX [Выкл] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Необходим перезапуск для включения поддержки PeX - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Обнаружение локальных пиров [Вкл] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Обнаружение локальных пиров [Выкл] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Поддержка шифрования [Вкл] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Поддержка шифрования [Принудительно] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Поддержка шифрования [Выкл] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Встроенный трекер [Вкл] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Не удалось запустить встроенный трекер! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Встроенный трекер [Выкл] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' достиг установленного Вами максимального коэффициента. Удаление… - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' достиг установленного Вами максимального коэффициента. Приостановка… - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Системный сетевой статус сменился на %1 - + ONLINE В СЕТИ - + OFFLINE НЕ В СЕТИ - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Настройки сети %1 изменились, обновление привязки сеанса - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Настроенный сетевой интерфейс %1 недоступен. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Поддержка шифрования [%1] - + FORCED - + ПРИНУДИТЕЛЬНО - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Анонимный режим [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Не удалось декодировать торрент-файл '%1'. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Рекурсивная загрузка файла '%1', встроенного в торрент '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Не удалось сохранить '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. потому что %1 отключён. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. потому что %1 отключён. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Поиск адреса источника не удался: '%1', сообщение: '%2' - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorent не смог прослушать порт %2/%3 на интерфейсе %1. Причина: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' был удалён из списка торрентов и с диска. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' был удалён из списка торрентов. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Загружается '%1', подождите… - DHT support [ON] - Поддержка DHT [Вкл] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Поддержка DHT [Выкл]. Причина: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Поддержка DHT [Выкл] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent пытается использовать порт %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Указанный сетевой интерфейс недоступен: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent пытается использовать порт %2 на интерфейсе %1 - + DHT support [%1] - + Поддержка DHT [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + ВКЛ - - - - + + + + OFF - + ВЫКЛ - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Обнаружение локальных пиров [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + Необходим перезапуск для включения обмена трекерами - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent не смог найти адрес %1 для прослушивания - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorent не смог прослушать порт %1. Причина: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Трекер '%1' добавлен в торрент '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Трекер '%1' удалён из торрента '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Адрес источника '%1' добавлен в торрент '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' Адрес источника '%1' удалён из торрента '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Не удалось возобновить торрент '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Указанный IP-фильтр был успешно разобран: применено %1 правил. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Ошибка: не удалось разобрать IP-фильтр. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Не удалось добавить торрент. Причина: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) %1 возобновлён (быстрое возобновление) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' добавлен в список загрузок. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Ошибка ввода/вывода, '%1' приостановлен. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 Распределение портов UPnP/NAT-PMP не удалось с сообщением: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 Распределение портов UPnP/NAT-PMP прошло успешно: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. в соответствии с IP-фильтром. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. в соответствии с фильтром портов. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. согласно ограничениям смешанного режима i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. так как они имеют низкий порт. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent прослушивает порт %2/%3 на интерфейсе %1 успешно - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Внешний IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes &Всегда да - - Python found in %1 - Python найден в %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2569,7 +2509,7 @@ Do you want to download %1? Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Python найден в %1: %2 @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. База данных GeoIP загружена. Тип: %1. Время построения: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Не удалось загрузить базу данных GeoIP. Причина: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Венесуэла - + Viet Nam Вьетнам - - + + N/A Н/Д - + Andorra Андорра - + United Arab Emirates Объединённые Арабские Эмираты - + Afghanistan Афганистан - + Antigua and Barbuda Антигуа и Барбуда - + Anguilla Ангилья - + Albania Албания - + Armenia Армения - + Angola Ангола - + Antarctica Антарктида - + Argentina Аргентина - + American Samoa Американское Самоа - + Austria Австрия - + Australia Австралия - + Aruba Аруба - + Azerbaijan Азербайджан - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Босния и Герцеговина - + Barbados Барбадос - + Bangladesh Бангладеш - + Belgium Бельгия - + Burkina Faso Буркина-Фасо - + Bulgaria Болгария - + Bahrain Бахрейн - + Burundi Бурунди - + Benin Бенин - + Bermuda Бермудские острова - + Brunei Darussalam Бруней - + Brazil Бразилия - + Bahamas Багамские Острова - + Bhutan Бутан - + Bouvet Island Остров Буве - + Botswana Ботсвана - + Belarus Беларусь - + Belize Белиз - + Canada Канада - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Кокосовые острова - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Демократическая Республика Конго - + Central African Republic Центральноафриканская Республика - + Congo Республика Конго - + Switzerland Швейцария - + Cook Islands Острова Кука - + Chile Чили - + Cameroon Камерун - + China Китай - + Colombia Колумбия - + Costa Rica Коста-Рика - + Cuba Куба - + Cape Verde Кабо-Верде - + Curacao Кюрасао - + Christmas Island Остров Рождества - + Cyprus Кипр - + Czech Republic Чехия - + Germany Германия - + Djibouti Джибути - + Denmark Дания - + Dominica Доминика - + Dominican Republic Доминиканская Республика - + Algeria Алжир - + Ecuador Эквадор - + Estonia Эстония - + Egypt Египет - + Western Sahara Западная Сахара - + Eritrea Эритрея - + Spain Испания - + Ethiopia Эфиопия - + Finland Финляндия - + Fiji Фиджи - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Фолклендские острова - + Micronesia, Federated States of Федеративные Штаты Микронезии - + Faroe Islands Фарерские острова - + France Франция - + Gabon Габон - + United Kingdom Великобритания - + Grenada Гренада - + Georgia Грузия - + French Guiana Французская Гвиана - + Ghana Гана - + Gibraltar Гибралтар - + Greenland Гренландия - + Gambia Гамбия - + Guinea Гвинея - + Guadeloupe Гваделупа - + Equatorial Guinea Экваториальная Гвинея - + Greece Греция - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Южная Георгия и Южные Сандвичевы Острова - + Guatemala Гватемала - + Guam Гуам - + Guinea-Bissau Гвинея-Бисау - + Guyana Гайана - + Hong Kong Гонконг - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Остров Херд и острова Макдональд - + Honduras Гондурас - + Croatia Хорватия - + Haiti Гаити - + Hungary Венгрия - + Indonesia Индонезия - + Ireland Ирландия - + Israel Израиль - + India Индия - + British Indian Ocean Territory Британская территория в Индийском океане - + Iraq Ирак - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Иран - + Iceland Исландия - + Italy Италия - + Jamaica Ямайка - + Jordan Иордания - + Japan Япония - + Kenya Кения - + Kyrgyzstan Киргизия - + Cambodia Камбоджа - + Kiribati Кирибати - + Comoros Коморы - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Сент-Китс и Невис - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика - + Korea, Republic of Республика Корея - + Kuwait Кувейт - + Cayman Islands Острова Кайман - + Kazakhstan Казахстан - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Лаос - + Lebanon Ливан - + Saint Lucia Сент-Люсия - + Liechtenstein Лихтенштейн - + Sri Lanka Шри-Ланка - + Liberia Либерия - + Lesotho Лесото - + Lithuania Литва - + Luxembourg Люксембург - + Latvia Латвия - + Morocco Марокко - + Monaco Монако - + Moldova, Republic of Молдавия - + Madagascar Мадагаскар - + Marshall Islands Маршалловы Острова - + Mali Мали - + Myanmar Мьянма - + Mongolia Монголия - + Northern Mariana Islands Северные Марианские острова - + Martinique Мартиника - + Mauritania Мавритания - + Montserrat Монтсеррат - + Malta Мальта - + Mauritius Маврикий - + Maldives Мальдивы - + Malawi Малави - + Mexico Мексика - + Malaysia Малайзия - + Mozambique Мозамбик - + Namibia Намибия - + New Caledonia Новая Каледония - + Niger Нигер - + Norfolk Island Остров Норфолк - + Nigeria Нигерия - + Nicaragua Никарагуа - + Netherlands Нидерланды - + Norway Норвегия - + Nepal Непал - + Nauru Науру - + Niue Ниуэ - + New Zealand Новая Зеландия - + Oman Оман - + Panama Панама - + Peru Перу - + French Polynesia Французская Полинезия - + Papua New Guinea Папуа — Новая Гвинея - + Philippines Филиппины - + Pakistan Пакистан - + Poland Польша - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Сен-Пьер и Микелон - + Puerto Rico Пуэрто-Рико - + Portugal Португалия - + Palau Палау - + Paraguay Парагвай - + Qatar Катар - + Reunion Реюньон - + Romania Румыния - + Russian Federation Российская Федерация - + Rwanda Руанда - + Saudi Arabia Саудовская Аравия - + Solomon Islands Соломоновы Острова - + Seychelles Сейшельские Острова - + Sudan Судан - + Sweden Швеция - + Singapore Сингапур - + Slovenia Словения - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Шпицберген и Ян-Майен - + Slovakia Словакия - + Sierra Leone Сьерра-Леоне - + San Marino Сан-Марино - + Senegal Сенегал - + Somalia Сомали - + Suriname Суринам - + Sao Tome and Principe Сан-Томе и Принсипи - + El Salvador Сальвадор - + Syrian Arab Republic Сирия - + Swaziland Свазиленд - + Turks and Caicos Islands Теркс и Кайкос - + Chad Чад - + French Southern Territories Французские Южные и Антарктические территории - + Togo Того - + Thailand Thailand - + Tajikistan Таджикистан - + Tokelau Токелау - + Turkmenistan Туркмения - + Tunisia Тунис - + Tonga Тонга - + Timor-Leste Восточный Тимор - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Боливия - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Бонэйр, Синт-Эстатиус и Саба - + Cote d'Ivoire Кот-д’Ивуар - + Libya Ливия - + Saint Martin (French part) Сен-Мартен (Франция) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Македония - + Macao Макао - + Pitcairn Питкэрн - + Palestine, State of Палестина - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Острова Святой Елены, Вознесения и Тристан-да-Кунья - + South Sudan Южный Судан - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Синт-Мартен - + Turkey Турция - + Trinidad and Tobago Тринидад и Тобаго - + Tuvalu Тувалу - + Taiwan Тайвань - + Tanzania, United Republic of Танзания - + Ukraine Украина - + Uganda Уганда - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Внешние малые острова США - + United States Соединённые Штаты Америки - + Uruguay Уругвай - + Uzbekistan Узбекистан - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Ватикан - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Сент-Винсент и Гренадины - + Virgin Islands, British Британские Виргинские острова - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Виргинские Острова, США - + Vanuatu Вануату - + Wallis and Futuna Уоллис и Футуна - + Samoa Самоа - + Yemen Йемен - + Mayotte Майотта - + Serbia Сербия - + South Africa Южно-Африканская Республика - + Zambia Замбия - + Montenegro Черногория - + Zimbabwe Зимбабве - + Aland Islands Аландские острова - + Guernsey Гернси - + Isle of Man Остров Мэн - + Jersey Джерси - + Saint Barthelemy Сен-Бартелеми - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Не удалось распаковать файл базы данных GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Не удалось сохранить загруженный файл базы данных GeoIP. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. База данных GeoIP успешно обновлена. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Не удалось загрузить файл базы данных GeoIP. Причина: %1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Ошибка оповещения по e-mail: @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Это недействительный ключ SSL. - + Invalid certificate Недействительный сертификат - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Это недействительный сертификат SSL. - + Time Error Ошибка времени - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Время начала и завершения не могут быть одинаковыми. - - + + Length Error Ошибка размера - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Имя пользователя веб-интерфейса должно быть не менее 3 символов. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Пароль веб-интерфейса должен быть не менее 6 символов. @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Порт - + Flags Флаги - + Connection Соединение - + Client i.e.: Client application Клиент - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Прогресс - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Скорость загрузки - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Скорость отдачи - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Загружено - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Отдано - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Релевантность - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Файлы - + Column visibility Отображение колонок - + Add a new peer... Добавить нового пира… - - + + Ban peer permanently Заблокировать пира навсегда - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Ручное добавление пира '%1'… - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Пир '%1' не может быть добавлен к этому торренту. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Ручная блокировка пира '%1'… - - + + Peer addition Добавление пира - + Country Страна - + Copy IP:port Копировать IP:порт - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Некоторые пиры не могут быть добавлены. Смотрите журнал для получения подробной информации. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Пиры были добавлены к этому торренту. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Вы уверены, что хотите навсегда заблокировать выделенных пиров? - + &Yes &Да - + &No &Нет @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. Ошибка ввода-вывода: невозможно создать временный файл. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. Неизвестный параметр командной строки %1. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 должен быть единственным параметром командной строки. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 должен содержать корректный порт (с 1 до 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Нельзя использовать %1: qBittorrent уже выполняется для данного пользователя. - + Usage: Использование: - + Options: Настройки: - + Displays program version Отображает версию программы - + Displays this help message Показать эту справку - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Изменяет порт веб-интерфейса (текущий: %1) - + Disable splash screen Отключить заставку при запуске - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Работать в режиме службы (в фоне) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Загружает торренты, обозначенные пользователем - + Help Справка - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Запустите программу с параметром -h, чтобы получить справку по параметрам командной строки. - + Bad command line Недопустимая командная строка - + Bad command line: Недопустимая командная строка: - + Legal Notice Официальное уведомление - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Никаких дальнейших уведомлений выводиться не будет. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Нажмите %1, чтобы принять и продолжить… - + Legal notice Официальное уведомление - + Cancel Отмена - + I Agree Я согласен @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. Вы обновились со старой версии, которая сохраняла настройки иначе. Вы должны перейти на новую систему сохранения. В дальнейшем Вы не сможете использовать версии ранее 3.3.0. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Не удалось перенести торрент с хешем: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Не удалось перенести торрент. Неверное имя файла "быстрого возобновления": %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Обнаружено некорректное завершение программы. Производится попытка восстановления настроек из резервной копии. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Ошибка доступа при попытке записи файла конфигурации. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Ошибка формата при попытке записи файла конфигурации. @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Отметить элементы как прочитанные @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Настройки… - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Торренты: (двойной щелчок для загрузки) - - + + Delete Удалить - + Rename... Переименовать… - + Rename Переименовать - - + + Update Обновить - + New subscription... Новая подписка… - - + + Update all feeds Обновить все каналы - + Download torrent Загрузить торрент - + Open news URL Открыть ссылку в браузере - + Copy feed URL Скопировать ссылку канала - + New folder... Новая папка… @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ No further notices will be issued. Warning (%1) Предупреждения (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Не удалось декодировать favicon для адреса '%1'. Попытка загрузить favicon в формате PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Не удалось декодировать favicon для адреса '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Не удалось загрузить favicon для адреса '%1'. Причина: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Отображение столбцов - + Choose save path Выберите путь сохранения - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Ограничение скорости загрузки торрента - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Ограничение скорости раздачи торрента - + Recheck confirmation Подтвердите повторную проверку - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Вы уверены, что хотите выполнить повторную проверку выбранных торрентов? - + Rename Переименовать - + New name: Новое имя: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Возобновить - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Продолжить принудительно - + Pause Pause the torrent Приостановить - + New Category Новая категория - + Category: Категория: - + Invalid category name Неправильное имя категории - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8163,129 +8091,129 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Имя категории не должно содержать '//' - + Delete Delete the torrent Удалить - + Preview file... Предпросмотр файла… - + Limit share ratio... Ограничить коэффициент раздачи… - + Limit upload rate... Ограничить скорость раздачи… - + Limit download rate... Ограничить скорость загрузки… - + Open destination folder Открыть папку назначения - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Вверх - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Вниз - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue На самый верх - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue В самый низ - + Set location... Переместить… - + Copy name Копировать имя - + Download first and last pieces first Начать загрузку с первой и последней части - + Automatic Torrent Management Автоматическое управление торрентом - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Автоматический режим означает, что различные настройки торрентов (напр. путь сохранения) будут выбраны в зависимости от категории - + Category Категория - + New... New category... Новая… - + Reset Reset category Сбросить - + Priority Приоритет - + Force recheck Проверить принудительно - + Copy magnet link Скопировать magnet-ссылку - + Super seeding mode Режим суперсида - + Rename... Переименовать… - + Download in sequential order Загружать последовательно @@ -8645,11 +8573,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Загрузки diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_sk.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_sk.ts index e934bad75..df9eca066 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_sk.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_sk.ts @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Automatický režim znamená, že rôzne vlastnosti torrentu (napr. cesta na ukladanie) budú určené na základe priradenej kategórie. @@ -177,12 +177,12 @@ When checked, the .torrent file will not be deleted despite the settings at the "Download" page of the options dialog - + Ak je zaškrtnuté, tak .torrent súbor nebude vymazaný napriek nastaveniu na záložke "Sťahovanie" v okne "Možnosti" Do not delete .torrent file - + Nevymazať súbor .torrent @@ -249,12 +249,12 @@ The torrent file '%1' does not exist. - + Torrentový súbor '%1' neexistuje. The torrent file '%1' cannot be read from the disk. Probably you don't have enough permissions. - + Torrentový súbor '%1' sa nepodarilo načítať z disku. Pravdepodobne nemáte dostatočné práva. @@ -262,13 +262,14 @@ Error: %2 Don't remove the ' ' characters. They insert a newline. - + Nepodarilo sa načítať torrent: %1. +Chyba: %2 Torrent is already in download list. Trackers weren't merged because it is a private torrent. - + Torrent sa už nachádza v zozname sťahovaných. Trackery však neboli boli zlúčené, pretože ide o privátny torrent. @@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ Error: %2 Free space on disk: %1 - + Voľné miesto na disku: %1 @@ -448,23 +449,23 @@ Error: %2 All addresses - + Všetky adresy qBittorrent Section - + Sekcia qBittorent Open documentation - + Otvoriť dokumentáciu libtorrent Section - + Sekcia libtorrent @@ -511,7 +512,7 @@ Error: %2 Optional IP Address to bind to (requires restart) - + Voliteľná IP adresa s ktorou sa prepojiť (vyžaduje reštart) @@ -521,17 +522,17 @@ Error: %2 Display notifications - + Zobrazovať hlásenia Display notifications for added torrents - + Zobrazovať hlásenia pre pridané torrenty Download tracker's favicon - + Stiahnuť favicon trackera @@ -602,17 +603,17 @@ Error: %2 Torrent: %1, running external program, command: %2 - + Torrent: %1, spustenie externého programu, príkaz: %2 Torrent: %1, run external program command too long (length > %2), execution failed. - + Torrent: %1, vykonanie externého programu zlyhalo, príkaz je príliš dlhý (length > %2). Torrent: %1, sending mail notification - + Torrent: %1, posielanie oznámenia emailom @@ -695,7 +696,7 @@ Error: %2 Assign Category: - + Priradiť kategóriu: @@ -960,354 +961,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID rovesníka: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP User-Agent je '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Anonymný režim [zapnutý] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Anonymný režim [vypnutý] - - - PeX support [ON] - Podpora PeX [zapnutá] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Podpora PeX [vypnutá] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Na zmenenie podpory PeX je potrebný reštart - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Podpora Local Peer Discovery [zapnutá] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Podpora Local Peer Discovery support [vypnutá] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Podpora šifrovania [zapnutá] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Podpora šifrovania [vynútená] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Podpora šifrovania [vypnutá] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Zabudovaný tracker [zapnutý] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Nepodarilo sa spustiť zabudovaný tracker! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Zabudovaný tracker [vypnutý] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' dosiahol nastavený maximálny pomer zdieľania. Odstraňujem... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' dosiahol nastavený maximálny pomer zdieľania. Pozastavujem... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Stav siete systému sa zmenil na %1 - + ONLINE pripojený - + OFFLINE nepripojený - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Konfigurácia siete %1 sa zmenila, obnovuje sa väzba relácie - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Nastavená adresa sieťového rozhrania %1 je neplatná. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Podpora šifrovania [%1] - + FORCED - + Vynútené - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Anonymný režim [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Nepodarilo sa dekódovať torrentový súbor '%1'. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Rekurzívne sťahovanie súboru '%1' vnoreného v torrente '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Nepodarilo sa uložiť '%1.torrent'. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. pretože %1 je zakázané. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. pretože %1 je zakázané. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Vyhľadanie URL seedu zlyhalo pre URL: '%1', správa: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + qBittorrentu sa nepodarilo počúvať na rozhraní %1 na porte: %2/%3. Dôvod: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... „%1“ bol odstránený zo zoznamu sťahovaných a z pevného disku. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... „%1“ bol odstránený zo zoznamu sťahovaných. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Prebieha sťahovanie „%1“, čakajte prosím... - DHT support [ON] - Podpora DHT [zapnutá] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Podpora DHT [vypnutá]. Dôvod: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Podpora DHT [vypnutá] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent sa pokúša počúvať na všetkých rozhraniach na porte: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Definované sieťové rozhranie je neplatné: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent sa pokúša počúvať na rozhraní %1 na porte: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + Podpora DHT[%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + Zapnuté - - - - + + + + OFF - + Vypnuté - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Podpora Local Peer Discovery [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent nenašiel lokálnu adresu %1, na ktorej by mohol počúvať - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrentu sa nepodarilo počúvať na žiadnom porte rozhrania: %1. Dôvod: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Tracker „%1“ bol pridaný do torrentu „%2“ - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Tracker „%1“ bol vymazaný z torrentu „%2“ - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL seed „%1“ bolo pridané do torrentu „%2“ - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL seed „%1“ bolo vymazané z torrentu „%2“ - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Nepodarilo sa obnoviť torrent „%1“. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Zadaný filter IP bol úspešne spracovaný: %1 pravidiel bolo použitých. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Chyba: Nepodarilo sa spracovať zadaný filter IP. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Nepodarilo sa pridať torrent. Dôvod: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) „%1“ bol obnovený. (rýchle obnovenie) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. „%1“ bol pridaný do zoznamu na sťahovanie. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Vyskytla sa V/V chyba, „%1“ je pozastavené. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Zlyhanie mapovania portov, správa: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Mapovanie portov úspešné, správa: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. v dôsledku filtra IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. v dôsledku filtra portov. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. v dôsledku i2p reštrikcií zmiešaného módu. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. pretože má nízky port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent úspešne počúva na rozhraní %1 na porte: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Externá IP: %1 @@ -1337,85 +1282,87 @@ Error: %2 All (0) this is for the category filter - Všetky (0) + Všetky (0) Uncategorized (0) - + Bez kategórie (0) %1 (%2) category_name (10) - %1 (%2) + %1 (%2) Uncategorized (%1) - + Bez kategórie (%1) Add category... - + Pridať kategóriu... Remove category - + Odstrániť kategóriu Remove unused categories - + Odstrániť nepoužívané kategórie Resume torrents - Obnov torrenty + Pokračovať v torrentoch Pause torrents - Pozastaviť torrenty + Pozastaviť torrenty Delete torrents - Zmazať torrenty + Zmazať torrenty New Category - + Nová kategória Category: - Kategória: + Kategória: Invalid category name - + Neplatný názov kategórie Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Názov kategórie nesmie obsahovať znak '\'. +Názov kategóre nesmie začínať ani končiť znakom '/'. +Názov kategórie nesmie obsahovať postupnosť znakov '//'. All (%1) this is for the category filter - Všetky (%1) + Všetky (%1) @@ -1423,7 +1370,7 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Manage Cookies - + Spravovať cookies... @@ -1431,27 +1378,27 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Domain - + Doména Path - + Cesta Name - + Názov Value - Hodnota + Hodnota Expiration Date - + Dátum expirácie @@ -1754,13 +1701,13 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Category: - Kategória: + Kategória: Upload Torrents Upload torrent files to qBittorent using WebUI - + Nahrať torrenty @@ -1820,12 +1767,12 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Run an external program on torrent completion - + Po dokončení sťahovania spustiť externý program Enable bandwidth management (uTP) - + Zapnúť správu šírky prenosového pásma (uTP) @@ -1845,17 +1792,17 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Information about certificates - + Informácie o certifikátoch Save Files to - + Uložiť súbory do Watch Folder - + Sledovať priečinok @@ -1866,19 +1813,19 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. from from time1 to time2 - + od to from time1 to time2 - + do Other... Save Files to: Watch Folder / Default Folder / Other... - + Iné... @@ -1954,12 +1901,12 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Download from URLs - + Stiahnuť z viacerých URL Download Torrents from their URLs or Magnet links - + Stiahnuť torrenty z ich URL alebo odkazov Magnet @@ -2169,32 +2116,32 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Manage Cookies... - + Spravovať Cookies... Manage stored network cookies - + Spravovať cookies uložené z internetu Normal Messages - + Normálne správy Information Messages - + Informačné správy Warning Messages - + Upozorňujúce správy Critical Messages - + Kritické správy @@ -2437,13 +2384,13 @@ Chcete asociovať qBittorrent so súbormi torrent a odkazmi Magnet? Torrent added - + Torrent pridaný '%1' was added. e.g: xxx.avi was added. - + '%1' bol pridaný. @@ -2501,10 +2448,6 @@ Chcete asociovať qBittorrent so súbormi torrent a odkazmi Magnet?&Always Yes &Vždy áno - - Python found in %1 - Python bol nájdený v %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2514,7 +2457,7 @@ Chcete asociovať qBittorrent so súbormi torrent a odkazmi Magnet? Your Python version (%1) is outdated. Please upgrade to latest version for search engines to work. Minimum requirement: 2.7.9 / 3.3.0. - + Vaša verzia Pythonu (%1) je zastaraná. Pre správne fungovanie vyhľadávačov ju treba aktualizovať na novšiu verziu. Minimálne požiadavky: 2.7.9/3.3.0. @@ -2525,7 +2468,8 @@ Minimum requirement: 2.7.9 / 3.3.0. A new version is available. Do you want to download %1? - + Nová verzia je dostupná. +Prajete si stiahnuť %1? @@ -2566,7 +2510,7 @@ Dôvod: %2 Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Python bol nájdený v %1: %2 @@ -2779,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Ste si istý, že chcete ukončiť Bittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP databáza bola načítaná. Typ: %1. Doba vytvárania: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Nepodarilo sa načítať GeoIP databázu. Dôvod: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - + Venezuela - + Viet Nam - + Vietnam - - + + N/A Neuvedené - + Andorra Andora - + United Arab Emirates Spojené arabské emiráty - + Afghanistan Afganistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Albánsko - + Armenia Arménsko - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antarktída - + Argentina Argentína - + American Samoa Americká Samoa - + Austria Rakúsko - + Australia Austrália - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbajdžan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosna a Hercegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladéš - + Belgium Belgicko - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulharsko - + Bahrain Bahrajn - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunej - + Brazil Brazília - + Bahamas Bahamy - + Bhutan Bhután - + Bouvet Island Bouvetov ostrov - + Botswana Botswana - + Belarus Bielorusko - + Belize Belize - + Canada Kanada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kokosové ostrovy - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Konžská demokratická republika - + Central African Republic Stredoafrická republika - + Congo Kongo - + Switzerland Švajčiarsko - + Cook Islands Cookove ostrovy - + Chile Čile - + Cameroon Kamerun - + China Čína - + Colombia Kolumbia - + Costa Rica Kostarika - + Cuba Kuba - + Cape Verde Kapverdy - + Curacao - + Curaçao - + Christmas Island Vianočný ostrov - + Cyprus Cyprus - + Czech Republic Česká republika - + Germany Nemecko - + Djibouti Džibutsko - + Denmark Dánsko - + Dominica Dominika - + Dominican Republic Dominikánska republika - + Algeria Alžírsko - + Ecuador Ekvádor - + Estonia Estónsko - + Egypt Egypt - + Western Sahara Západná Sahara - + Eritrea Eritrea - + Spain Španielsko - + Ethiopia Etiópia - + Finland Fínsko - + Fiji Fidži - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falklandské ostrovy (Malvíny) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronézia - + Faroe Islands Faerské ostrovy - + France Francúzsko - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Spojené kráľovstvo - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Gruznsko - + French Guiana Francúzska Guyana - + Ghana Ghana - + Gibraltar Gibraltár - + Greenland Grónsko - + Gambia Gambia - + Guinea Guinea - + Guadeloupe Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea Rovníková Guinea - + Greece Grécko - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Južná Georgia a Južné Sandwichove ostrovy - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heardov ostrov a McDonaldove ostrovy - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Chorvátsko - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Maďarsko - + Indonesia Indonézia - + Ireland Írsko - + Israel Izreal - + India India - + British Indian Ocean Territory Britské indickooceánske územie - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Irán - + Iceland Island - + Italy Taliansko - + Jamaica Jamajka - + Jordan Jordánsko - + Japan Japonsko - + Kenya Keňa - + Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzsko - + Cambodia Kambodža - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Komory - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Svätý Krištof a Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Kórejská ľudovodemokratická republika - + Korea, Republic of Kórejská republika - + Kuwait Kuvajt - + Cayman Islands Kajmanie ostrovy - + Kazakhstan Kazachstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos - + Lebanon Libanon - + Saint Lucia Svätá Lucia - + Liechtenstein Lichtenštajnsko - + Sri Lanka Srí Lanka - + Liberia Libéria - + Lesotho Lesoto - + Lithuania Litva - + Luxembourg Luxembursko - + Latvia Lotyšsko - + Morocco Maroko - + Monaco Monako - + Moldova, Republic of Moldavsko - + Madagascar Madagaskar - + Marshall Islands Marshallove ostrovy - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Mjanmarsko - + Mongolia Mongolsko - + Northern Mariana Islands Severné Mariány - + Martinique Martinik - + Mauritania Mauritánia - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Maurícius - + Maldives Maledivy - + Malawi Malawi - + Mexico Mexico - + Malaysia Malajzia - + Mozambique Mozambik - + Namibia Namíbia - + New Caledonia Nová Kaledónia - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Ostrov Norfolk - + Nigeria Nigéria - + Nicaragua Nikaragua - + Netherlands Holandsko - + Norway Nórsko - + Nepal Nepál - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Nový Zéland - + Oman Omán - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Francúzska Polynézia - + Papua New Guinea Papua-Nová Guinea - + Philippines Filipíny - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Poľsko - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Pierre a Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Portoriko - + Portugal Portugalsko - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguaj - + Qatar Katar - + Reunion Réunion - + Romania Rumunsko - + Russian Federation Rusko - + Rwanda Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia Saudská Arábia - + Solomon Islands Šalamúnove ostrovy - + Seychelles Seychely - + Sudan Sudán - + Sweden Švédsko - + Singapore Singapur - + Slovenia Slovinsko - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard a Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slovensko - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somálsko - + Suriname Surinam - + Sao Tome and Principe Svätý Tomáš a Princov ostrov - + El Salvador Salvádor - + Syrian Arab Republic Sýria - + Swaziland Svazijsko - + Turks and Caicos Islands Turks a Caicos - + Chad Čad - + French Southern Territories Francúzske južné a antarktické územia - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Thajsko - + Tajikistan Tadžikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunisko - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Východný Timor - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of - + Bolívia - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - + Bonaire, Svätý Eustach a Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire - + Pobrežie Slonoviny - + Libya Líbya - + Saint Martin (French part) - + Svätý Martin (Francúzska časť) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of - + Macedónsko - + Macao - + Macao - + Pitcairn - + Pitcairnove ostrovy - + Palestine, State of - + Palestína - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - + Svätá Helena - + South Sudan Južný Sudán - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - + Svätý Martin (Holandská časť) - + Turkey Turecko - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad a Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzánia - + Ukraine Ukrajina - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Menšie odľahlé ostrovy USA - + United States Spojené štáty - + Uruguay Uruguaj - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Vatikán - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Svätý Vincent a Grenadíny - + Virgin Islands, British Panenské ostrovy, Britské - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Panenské ostrovy, U.S.A - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis a Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Jemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Srbsko - + South Africa Južná Afrika - + Zambia Zambia - + Montenegro Čierna Hora - + Zimbabwe Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands Alandské ostrovy - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Ostrov Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Svätý Bartolomej - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Nepodarilo sa rozbaliť súbor s GeoIP databázou. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Nepodarilo sa uložiť stiahnutý súbor s GeoIP databázou. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. GeoIP databáza bola úspešne aktualizovaná. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Nepodarilo sa stiahnuť súbor s GeoIP databázou. Dôvod: %1 @@ -4078,7 +4022,7 @@ Ste si istý, že chcete ukončiť Bittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Chyba emailovej notfikácie: @@ -4088,440 +4032,440 @@ Ste si istý, že chcete ukončiť Bittorrent? Options - + Možnosti Behavior - + Správanie Downloads - Sťahovania + Sťahovanie Connection - Spojenie + Spojenie Speed - Rýchlosť + Rýchlosť BitTorrent - + Bittorrent Web UI - + Webové rozhranie Advanced - + Rozšírené Language - Jazyk + Jazyk User Interface Language: - + Jazyk používateľského rozhrania: (Requires restart) - + (vyžaduje reštart) Transfer List - + Zoznam prenosov Confirm when deleting torrents - + Potvrdiť zmazanie torrentu Use alternating row colors In transfer list, one every two rows will have grey background. - + Používať striedavé farby pozadia riadkov Hide zero and infinity values - + Skryť nulové a nekonečné hodnoty Always - Vždy + Vždy Paused torrents only - + Len pozastavené torrenty Action on double-click - + Akcia po dvojitom kliknutí Downloading torrents: - + Sťahované torrenty: Start / Stop Torrent - + Spusti / zastavi torrent Open destination folder - Otvoriť cieľový priečinok + Otvor cieľový priečinok No action - + Neurob nič Completed torrents: - + Dokončené torrenty: Desktop - + Plocha Start qBittorrent on Windows start up - + Spustiť qBittorrent pri štarte Windows Show splash screen on start up - + Zobraziť pri spustení štartovaciu obrazovku Start qBittorrent minimized - + Spustiť qBittorrent minimalizovaný Confirmation on exit when torrents are active - + Vyžiadať potvrdenie pri ukončení programu ak sú torrenty aktívne Confirmation on auto-exit when downloads finish - + Vyžiadať potvrdenie pri automatickom ukončení programu ak sťahovanie skončilo Show qBittorrent in notification area - + Zobraziť qBittorrent v oznamovacej oblasti Minimize qBittorrent to notification area - + Minimalizovať qBittorrent do oznamovacej oblasti Close qBittorrent to notification area i.e: The systray tray icon will still be visible when closing the main window. - + Po zatvorení minimalizuj qBittorrent do oznamovacej oblasti Tray icon style: - + Štýl ikony v oznamovacej oblasti: Normal - Normálna + Normálny Monochrome (Dark theme) - + Monochromatický (tmavá téma) Monochrome (Light theme) - + Monochromatický (svetlá téma) File association - + Asociácia typu súboru Use qBittorrent for .torrent files - + Otvárať .torrent súbory programom qBittorrent Use qBittorrent for magnet links - + Otvárať odkazy magnet programom qBittorrent Power Management - + Správa napájania Inhibit system sleep when torrents are active - + Potlačiť prechod systému do režimu spánku ak sú torrenty aktívne Log file - + Log súbor Save path: - + Uložiť do: Backup the log file after: - + Zálohovať log súbor po dosiahnutí: MB - + MB Delete backup logs older than: - + Vymazať zálohy log súborov staršie ako: days Delete backup logs older than 10 months - + dní months Delete backup logs older than 10 months - + mesiacov years Delete backup logs older than 10 years - + rokov When adding a torrent - + Pri pridávaní torrentu Display torrent content and some options - + Zobraziť obsah torrentu a ďalšie voľby Bring torrent dialog to the front - + Preniesť dialóg torrentu do popredia Do not start the download automatically The torrent will be added to download list in pause state - + Pridať torrent do zoznamu sťahovaných ako pozastavený Should the .torrent file be deleted after adding it - + Má byť .torrent súbor vymazaný po pridaní? Delete .torrent files afterwards - + Vymazať .torrent súbory po pridaní Also delete .torrent files whose addition was cancelled - + Vymazať tiež .torrent súbory, ktorých pridanie zlyhalo Also when addition is cancelled - + Vymazať tiež .torrent súbory, ktorých pridanie bolo zrušené Warning! Data loss possible! - + Upozornenie! Vyskytla sa možná strata dát! Saving Management - + Správa ukladania Default Torrent Management Mode: - + Prednastavený režim správy torrentov: Automatic mode means that various torrent properties (e.g. save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Automatický režim znamená, že niektoré vlastnosti torrentu (napr. cesta na ukladanie) budú určené na základe priradenej kategórie. Manual - Manuálne + Manuálny Automatic - Automaticky + Automatický When Torrent Category changed: - + Ak sa zmení kategória torrentu: Relocate torrent - + Premiestni torrent Switch torrent to Manual Mode - + Prepni torrent do manuálneho režimu When Default Save Path changed: - + Ak sa zmení predvolená cesta pre ukladanie: Relocate affected torrents - + Premiestni torrenty, ktorých sa zmena týka Switch affected torrents to Manual Mode - + Prepni torrenty, ktorých sa zmena týka, do manuálneho režimu When Category changed: - + Ak sa zmení kategória: Use Subcategories - + Použi podkategórie Default Save Path: - + Predvolená cesta pre ukladanie: Keep incomplete torrents in: - + Ponechať neúplné torrenty v: Copy .torrent files to: - + Kopírovať .torrent súbory do: Copy .torrent files for finished downloads to: - + Kopírovať .torrent súbory po dokončení sťahovania do: Pre-allocate disk space for all files - + Dopredu alokovať miesto pre všetky súbory Append .!qB extension to incomplete files - + Pridať príponu .!qB k nedokončeným súborom Automatically add torrents from: - + Automaticky pridať torrenty z: Add entry - + Pridať záznam Remove entry - + Odstrániť záznam Email notification upon download completion - + Upozornenie o dokončení sťahovania emailom Destination email: - + Cieľový email: SMTP server: - + SMTP server: This server requires a secure connection (SSL) - + Tento server vyžaduje zabezpečené pripojenie (SSL) Authentication - + Autentifikácia @@ -4529,7 +4473,7 @@ Ste si istý, že chcete ukončiť Bittorrent? Username: - Meno používateľa: + Meno používateľa: @@ -4537,164 +4481,164 @@ Ste si istý, že chcete ukončiť Bittorrent? Password: - Heslo: + Heslo: Run external program on torrent completion - + Spustiť externý program po dokončení sťahovania Listening Port - + Počúvať na porte Port used for incoming connections: - + Port pre prichádzajúce spojenia: Random - + Náhodný Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router - + Použiť presmerovanie portov UPnP/NAT-PMP z môjho smerovača Use different port on each startup - + Použiť pri každom spustení iný port Connections Limits - + Obmedzenia spojení Maximum number of connections per torrent: - + Maximálny počet spojení na torrent: Global maximum number of connections: - + Maximálny celkový počet spojení: Maximum number of upload slots per torrent: - + Maximálny počet slotov pre nahrávanie na torrent: Global maximum number of upload slots: - + Maximálny celkový počet slotov na nahrávanie: Proxy Server - + Proxy server Type: - + Typ: (None) - + (žiadny) SOCKS4 - + SOCKS4 SOCKS5 - + SOCKS5 HTTP - + HTTP Host: - + Host: Port: - + Port: Otherwise, the proxy server is only used for tracker connections - + Inak sa proxy server použije iba na pripojenia k trackeru Use proxy for peer connections - + Používať proxy na spojenia s rovesníkmi Disable connections not supported by proxies - + Zakázať spojenia, ktoré proxy nepodporujú RSS feeds, search engine, software updates or anything else other than torrent transfers and related operations (such as peer exchanges) will use a direct connection - + RSS kanály, vyhľadávacie module, softvérové aktualizácie a čokoľvek iné ako torrentové prenosy a podobné operácie (ako výmena medzi rovesníkmi) budú používať priame spojenie. Use proxy only for torrents - + Používať proxy len na torrenty. Info: The password is saved unencrypted - + Info: Heslo sa ukladá nezašifrované IP Filtering - + IP filterovanie Filter path (.dat, .p2p, .p2b): - + Cesta k filtrom (.dat, .p2p, .p2b): Reload the filter - + Znovu načítať filter Apply to trackers - + Použiť na trackery Global Rate Limits - + Globálne rýchlostné obmedzenia Upload: - + Nahrávanie: @@ -4702,275 +4646,275 @@ Ste si istý, že chcete ukončiť Bittorrent? KiB/s - KiB/s + KiB/s Download: - + Sťahovanie: Alternative Rate Limits - + Alternatívne rýchlostné obmedzenia Schedule the use of alternative rate limits - + Naplánovať použitie alternatívnych rýchlostných obmedzení From: from (time1 to time2) - + Od: To: time1 to time2 - + Do: When: - + Kedy: Every day - Každý deň + Každý deň Weekdays - + Dni v týždni Weekends - + Víkendy Rate Limits Settings - + Nastavenia rýchlostných obmedzení Apply rate limit to peers on LAN - + Použiť rýchlostné obmedzenie na rovesníkov v LAN Apply rate limit to transport overhead - + Použiť rýchlostné obmedzenie na réžiu prenosu Enable µTP protocol - + Povoliť protokol µTP Apply rate limit to µTP protocol - + Použiť obmedzenie rýchlosti na protokol µTP Privacy - + Súkromie Enable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peers - + Zapnúť DHT (decentralizovaná sieť) - umožní nájsť viac rovesníkov Exchange peers with compatible Bittorrent clients (µTorrent, Vuze, ...) - + Vymieňať si zoznam rovesníkov s kompatibilnými klientmi siete Bittorrent (µTorrent, Vuze, ...) Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peers - + Zapnúť Peer eXchange (PeX) - umožní nájsť viac rovesníkov Look for peers on your local network - + Hľadať rovesníkov na vašej lokálnej sieti Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers - + Zapnúť Local Peer Discovery - umožní nájsť viac rovesníkov Encryption mode: - + Režim šifrovania: Prefer encryption - + Uprednostňovať šifrovanie Require encryption - + Vyžadovať šifrovanie Disable encryption - + Vypnúť šifrovanie Enable when using a proxy or a VPN connection - + Povoliť počas používania proxy alebo spojenia VPN Enable anonymous mode - + Zapnúť anonymný režim (<a href="https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/wiki/Anonymous-Mode">More information</a>) - + (<a href="https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/wiki/Anonymous-Mode">Ďalšie informácie</a>) Torrent Queueing - + Zaraďovanie torrentov do frontu Maximum active downloads: - + Maximálny počet aktívnych sťahovaní: Maximum active uploads: - + Maximálny počet aktívnych nahrávaní: Maximum active torrents: - + Maximálny počet aktívnych torrentov: Do not count slow torrents in these limits - + Nepočítať pomalé torrenty do týchto obmedzení Share Ratio Limiting - + Obmedzenie pomeru zdieľania Seed torrents until their ratio reaches - + Seedovať torrenty pokým ich pomer nedosiahne then - + potom Pause them - + ich pozastaviť Remove them - + ich odstrániť Automatically add these trackers to new downloads: - + Automaticky pridať tieto trackery k novým sťahovaniam: Enable Web User Interface (Remote control) - + Zapnúť webové rozhranie (vzdialené ovládanie) Use UPnP / NAT-PMP to forward the port from my router - + Použiť presmerovanie portov UPnP/NAT-PMP z môjho smerovača Use HTTPS instead of HTTP - + Používať HTTPS namiesto HTTP Certificate: - + Certifikát: Import SSL Certificate - + Importovať certifikát SSL Key: - + Kľúč: Import SSL Key - + Importovať kľúč SSL <a href=https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/ssl/ssl_faq.html#aboutcerts>Information about certificates</a> - + <a href=https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/ssl/ssl_faq.html#aboutcerts>Informácie o certifikátoch</a> Bypass authentication for localhost - + Obísť autentifikáciu pri prihlasovaní z lokálneho počítača Update my dynamic domain name - + Aktualizovať môj dynamický názov domény Service: - + Služba: Register - + Zaregistrovať sa Domain name: - + Názov domény: By enabling these options, you can <strong>irrevocably lose</strong> your .torrent files! - + Nastavením týchto volieb môžete <strong>nenávratne stratiť</strong> vaše .torrent súbory! When these options are enabled, qBittorent will <strong>delete</strong> .torrent files after they were successfully (the first option) or not (the second option) added to its download queue. This will be applied <strong>not only</strong> to the files opened via &ldquo;Add torrent&rdquo; menu action but to those opened via <strong>file type association</strong> as well - + Nastavením týchto volieb qBittorrent <strong>vymaže</strong> .torrent súbory po ich úspešnom (prvá voľba) alebo neúspešnom (druhá voľba) pridaní do zoznamu na sťahovanie. Toto nastavenie sa použije <strong>nielen</strong> na súbory otvorené cez položku menu &ldquo;Pridať torrent&rdquo; ale aj na súbory otvorené cez <strong>asociáciu typu súborov</strong> @@ -5125,38 +5069,38 @@ Ste si istý, že chcete ukončiť Bittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5237,142 +5181,142 @@ Ste si istý, že chcete ukončiť Bittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Port - + Flags Príznaky - + Connection Spojenie - + Client i.e.: Client application Klient - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Priebeh - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Rýchlosť sťahovania - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Rýchlosť nahrávania - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Stiahnuté - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Nahrané - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Dôležitosť: - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Súbory - + Column visibility Viditeľnosť stĺpca - + Add a new peer... Pridať nového rovesníka... - - + + Ban peer permanently Zablokovať rovesníka na stálo - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Manuálne pridaný rovesník '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Rovesníka '%1' nebolo možné pridať k tomuto torrentu. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Manuálne zablokovaný rovesník '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Pridanie rovesníka - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Niektorých rovesníkov nebolo možné pridať. Pozrite prosím žurnál pre detaily. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Rovesníci boli pridaní k tomuto torrentu. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Ste si istý, že chcete zmazať natrvalo zablokovať vybraného rovesníka? - + &Yes Án&o - + &No &Nie @@ -6090,95 +6034,95 @@ Tieto moduly však boli vypnuté. V/V chyba: Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť dočasný súbor. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 je neznámy parameter príkazového riadka - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 musí byť jediný parameter príkazového riadka - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 musí určovať správny port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Nemožno použiť %1: qBitorrent bol už pre tohto užívateľa spustený. - + Usage: Použitie: - + Options: Voľby: - + Displays program version zobraz verziu programu - + Displays this help message zobraz túto nápvedu - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Zmeň port webového rozhrania (aktuálny: %1) - + Disable splash screen vypni štartovaciu obrazovku - + Run in daemon-mode (background) spusti v režime démona (na pozadí) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user stiahni torrenty zadané užívateľom - + Help Nápoveda - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Spustite aplikáciu s parametrom -h pre zobrazenie nápovedy o prípustných parametroch. - + Bad command line Chyba v príkazovom riadku - + Bad command line: Chyba v príkazovom riadku: - + Legal Notice Právne upozornenie - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6187,22 +6131,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Žiadne ďalšie upozornenie už nebude zobrazené. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Pre akceptovanie a pokračovanie stlačte kláves %1.... - + Legal notice Právne upozornenie - + Cancel Zrušiť - + I Agree Súhlasím @@ -6364,27 +6308,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. Aktualizovali ste program zo staršej verzie, ktorá ukladala veci odlišným spôsobom. Je preto nutné, aby ste prešli na nový spôsob ukladania. Ak budete pokračovať, nebudete už môcť znova použiť verziu staršiu ako v3.3.0. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Nepodarilo sa konvertovať torrent s hašom: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Nepodarilo sa konvertovať torrent. Neplatný názov súboru pre rýchle obnovenie: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6403,8 +6347,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Označiť položku ako prečítané @@ -6424,60 +6368,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Nastavenia... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrenty: (dvojklik pre stiahnutie) - - + + Delete Zmazať - + Rename... Premenovať... - + Rename Premenovať - - + + Update Aktualizovať - + New subscription... Nový odber... - - + + Update all feeds Aktualizovať všetky kanálu - + Download torrent Stiahnuť torrent - + Open news URL Otvoriť URL kanála - + Copy feed URL Skopírovať URL kanála - + New folder... Nový priečinok ... @@ -6845,7 +6789,7 @@ No further notices will be issued. to - + do @@ -7248,12 +7192,12 @@ No further notices will be issued. Read cache hits: - + Čítaní z vyrovnávacej pamäte: Average time in queue: - + Priemerný čas vo fronte: @@ -7294,7 +7238,7 @@ No further notices will be issued. %1 ms 18 milliseconds - + ms @@ -7483,12 +7427,12 @@ No further notices will be issued. Download Priority - + Priorita sťahovania Remaining - Ostáva + Ostáva @@ -7612,7 +7556,7 @@ No further notices will be issued. Category - + Kategória @@ -7764,18 +7708,6 @@ No further notices will be issued. Warning (%1) Upozornenia (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Nepodarilo sa dekódovať favico pre URL '%1'. Sťahujem favico vo formáte PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Nepodarilo sa dekódovať favico pre URL '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Nepodarilo sa stiahnuť favico pre URL '%1'. Dôvod: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8068,7 +8000,7 @@ No further notices will be issued. Categories - + Kategórie @@ -8079,209 +8011,211 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Viditeľnosť stĺpca - + Choose save path Zvoľte cieľový adresár - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Obmedzenie rýchlosti sťahovania torrentu - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Obmedzenie rýchlosti nahrávania torrentu - + Recheck confirmation Znovu skontrolovať potvrdenie - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Ste si istý, že chcete znovu skontrolovať vybrané torrenty? - + Rename Premenovať - + New name: Nový názov: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Pokračovať - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Vynútiť pokračovanie - + Pause Pause the torrent Pozastaviť - + New Category - + Nová kategória - + Category: - Kategória: + Kategória: - + Invalid category name - + Neplatný názov kategórie - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Názov kategórie nesmie obsahovať znak '\'. +Názov kategóre nesmie začínať ani končiť znakom '/'. +Názov kategórie nesmie obsahovať postupnosť znakov '//'. - + Delete Delete the torrent Zmazať - + Preview file... Náhľad súboru... - + Limit share ratio... Obmedzenie pomeru zdieľania... - + Limit upload rate... Obmedziť rýchlosť nahrávania... - + Limit download rate... Obmedziť rýchlosť sťahovania... - + Open destination folder Otvoriť cieľový priečinok - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Presunúť vyššie - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Presunúť nižšie - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Presunúť navrch - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Presunúť na spodok - + Set location... Nastaviť cieľ... - + Copy name Kopírovať názov - + Download first and last pieces first - + Sťahovať najprv prvú a poslednú časť - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Automatický režim znamená, že niektoré vlastnosti torrentu (napr. cesta na ukladanie) budú určené na základe priradenej kategórie. - + Category - + Kategória - + New... New category... - + Nová... - + Reset Reset category - + Vrátiť pôvodné - + Priority Priorita - + Force recheck Vynútiť opätovnú kontrolu - + Copy magnet link Kopírovať magnet URI - + Super seeding mode Režim super seedovania - + Rename... Premenovať... - + Download in sequential order Sťahovať v poradí @@ -8321,7 +8255,7 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Incorrect category name - + Nesprávny názov kategórie @@ -8342,22 +8276,22 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. An advanced BitTorrent client programmed in C++, based on Qt toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar. - + Pokročilý klient siete BitTorrent naprogramovaný v C++, založený na sade nástrojov Qt a knižnici libtorrent-rasterbar. Copyright %1 2006-2016 The qBittorrent project - + Copyright %1 2006-2016 projekt qBittorrent Home Page: - + Domovská stránka Forum: - + Fórum: @@ -8445,7 +8379,7 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Don't show again - + Už viac nezobrazovať @@ -8641,11 +8575,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Sťahovania @@ -8686,13 +8620,13 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. PiB pebibytes (1024 tebibytes) - + PiB EiB exbibytes (1024 pebibytes) - + EiB diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_sl.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_sl.ts index 940efec5d..61d2d0548 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_sl.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_sl.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Napaka: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + Prenesi ikono zaznamka sledilnika @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Napaka: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID soležnika: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - Uporabniški posrednik HTTP je '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Brezimni način [vključen] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Brezimni način [izključen] - - - PeX support [ON] - Podpora PeX [vključena] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Podpora PeX [izključena] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Potreben je ponovni zagon za preklop PeX podpore - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Podpora odkrivanja krajevnih soležnikov - LPD [vključena] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Podpora odkrivanja krajevnih soležnikov - LPD [izključena] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Podpora šifriranja [vključena] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Podpora šifriranja [vsiljena] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Podpora šifriranja [izključena] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Vdelan sledilnik [vključen] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Spodletel zagon vdelanega sledilnika! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Vdelan sledilnik [izključen] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... %1 je dosegel najvišje nastavljeno razmerje. Odstranjujem ... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... %1 je dosegel najvišje nastavljeno razmerje. Premor ... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Status sistemskega omrežja spremenjen v %1 - + ONLINE POVEZANI - + OFFLINE NEPOVEZANI - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Nastavitve omrežja %1 so se spremenile, osveževanje povezave za sejo - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Nastavljen naslov mrežnega vmesnika %1 ni veljaven. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Podpora šifriranja [%1] - + FORCED - + PRISILJENO - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Anonimni način [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Ni mogoče odkodirati '%1' torrent datoteke. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Rekurzivni prejem datoteke '%1' vdelane v torrent '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Ni bilo mogoče shraniti '%1. torrenta' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. ker je %1 onemogočen. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. ker je %1 onemogočen. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Spodletelo iskanje URL naslova za seme: '%1', sporočilo: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent je spodletel pri poslušanju na vratih: %2/%3 vmesnika %1. Razlog: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' je bil odstranjen iz seznama prenosov in trdega diska. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' je bil odstranjen iz seznama prenosov. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Prejemanje '%1', prosim počakajte ... - DHT support [ON] - Podpora DHT [vključena] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Podpora DHT [izključena]. Razlog: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Podpora DHT [izključena] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent poskuša poslušati na vseh vratih vmesnika: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Določeni omrežni vmesnik je neveljaven: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent poskuša poslušati na vmesniku %1 in vratih: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + Podpora DHT [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + VKLJUČENO - - - - + + + + OFF - + IZKLJUČENO - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Podpora odkrivanja krajevnih soležnikov - LPD [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + Potreben je ponovni zagon za preklop podpore Izmenjave sledilnikov - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent ni našel krajevnega naslova %1 za poslušanje - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent je spodletel pri poslušanju na vseh vratih vmesnika: %1. Razlog: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Sledilnik '%1' je bil dodan h torrentu '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Sledilnik '%1' je bil odstranjen iz torrenta '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL seme '%1' je bil dodan h torrentu '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL seme '%1' je bil odstranjen iz torrenta '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Ni mogoče nadaljevati torrenta '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Uspešno razčlenjen filter IP: %1 pravil je bilo uveljavljenih. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Napaka: Spodletelo razčlenjevanje filtra IP. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Ni bilo mogoče dodati torrenta. Razlog: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' se nadaljuje. (hitro nadaljevanje) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' je bil dodan na seznam prejemov. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Zgodila se je napaka I/O, '%1' v premoru. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Spodletela preslikava vrat, sporočilo: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Uspešna preslikava vrat, sporočilo: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. zaradi filtra IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. zaradi filtra vrat. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. zaradi I2P omejitev mešanega načina. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. ker ima prenizka vrata. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent uspešno posluša na vmesniku %1 in vratih: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Zunanji IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Ali želite qBittorrent povezati z datotekami torrent in magnetnimi povezavami?< &Always Yes &Vedno da - - Python found in %1 - Python najden v %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2570,7 +2510,7 @@ Razlog: %2 Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + Python najden v %1: %2 @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Ali ste prepričani, da želite končati qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP podatkovna zbirka naložena. Vrsta: %1. Čas izgradnje: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Ni bilo mogoče naložiti podatkovne zbirke GeoIP. Razlog: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Bolivarska republika - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A N/A - + Andorra Andora - + United Arab Emirates Združeni Arabski Emirati - + Afghanistan Afganistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigva in Barbuda - + Anguilla Angvila - + Albania Albanija - + Armenia Armenija - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antarktika - + Argentina Argentina - + American Samoa Ameriška Samoa - + Austria Avstrija - + Australia Avstralija - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbajdžan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosna in Hercegovina - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladeš - + Belgium Belgija - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bolgarija - + Bahrain Bahrajn - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermudi - + Brunei Darussalam Brunej - + Brazil Brazilija - + Bahamas Bahami - + Bhutan Butan - + Bouvet Island Bouvetov otok - + Botswana Bocvana - + Belarus Belorusija - + Belize Belize - + Canada Kanada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kokosovi (Keeling) otoki - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Kongo, Demokratična republika - + Central African Republic Srednjeafriška republika - + Congo Kongo - + Switzerland Švica - + Cook Islands Cookovi otoki - + Chile Čile - + Cameroon Kamerun - + China Kitajska - + Colombia Kolumbija - + Costa Rica Kostarika - + Cuba Kuba - + Cape Verde Zelenortski otoki - + Curacao Curacao - + Christmas Island Božični otok - + Cyprus Ciper - + Czech Republic Češka - + Germany Nemčija - + Djibouti Džibuti - + Denmark Danska - + Dominica Dominika - + Dominican Republic Dominikanska republika - + Algeria Alžirija - + Ecuador Ekvador - + Estonia Estonija - + Egypt Egipt - + Western Sahara Zahodna Sahara - + Eritrea Eritreja - + Spain Španija - + Ethiopia Etiopija - + Finland Finska - + Fiji Fidži - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falklandski otoki (Malvinski otoki) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronezija, Federativne države - + Faroe Islands Ferski otoki - + France Francija - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Združeno Kraljestvo - + Grenada Granada - + Georgia Gruzija - + French Guiana Francoska Gvajana - + Ghana Gana - + Gibraltar Gibraltar - + Greenland Grenlandija - + Gambia Gambija - + Guinea Gvineja - + Guadeloupe Gvadelup - + Equatorial Guinea Ekvatorialna Gvineja - + Greece Grčija - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Južna Georgija in Južni Sandwichevi otoki - + Guatemala Gvatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Gvineja Bissau - + Guyana Gvajana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Otok Heard in otočje McDonald - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Hrvaška - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Madžarska - + Indonesia Indonezija - + Ireland Irska - + Israel Izrael - + India Indija - + British Indian Ocean Territory Britansko ozemlje v Indijskem oceanu - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamska republika - + Iceland Islandija - + Italy Italija - + Jamaica Jamajka - + Jordan Jordanija - + Japan Japonska - + Kenya Kenija - + Kyrgyzstan Kirgizistan - + Cambodia Kambodža - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Komori - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Sveti Krištof in Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Severna Koreja - + Korea, Republic of Južna Koreja - + Kuwait Kuvajt - + Cayman Islands Kajmanski otoki - + Kazakhstan Kazahstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos - + Lebanon Libanon - + Saint Lucia Sveta Lucija - + Liechtenstein Lihtenštajn - + Sri Lanka Šrilanka - + Liberia Liberija - + Lesotho Lesoto - + Lithuania Litva - + Luxembourg Luksemburg - + Latvia Latvija - + Morocco Maroko - + Monaco Monako - + Moldova, Republic of Moldavija - + Madagascar Madagaskar - + Marshall Islands Marshallovi otoki - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Mjanmar - + Mongolia Mongolija - + Northern Mariana Islands Severni Marianski otoki - + Martinique Martinik - + Mauritania Mavretanija - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauritius - + Maldives Maldivi - + Malawi Malavi - + Mexico Mehika - + Malaysia Malezija - + Mozambique Mozambik - + Namibia Namibija - + New Caledonia Nova Kaledonija - + Niger Niger - + Norfolk Island Norfolk otok - + Nigeria Nigerija - + Nicaragua Nikaragva - + Netherlands Nizozemska - + Norway Norveška - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Nova Zelandija - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Francoska Polinezija - + Papua New Guinea Papua Nova Gvineja - + Philippines Filipini - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Poljska - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Pierre in Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Portoriko - + Portugal Portugalska - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paragvaj - + Qatar Katar - + Reunion Reunion - + Romania Romunija - + Russian Federation Rusija - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Savdska Arabija - + Solomon Islands Salomonovi otoki - + Seychelles Sejšeli - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden Švedska - + Singapore Singapur - + Slovenia Slovenija - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard in Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slovaška - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somalija - + Suriname Surinam - + Sao Tome and Principe Sveti Tomaž in Princ - + El Salvador Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Sirija - + Swaziland Svazi - + Turks and Caicos Islands Otoki Turks in Caicos - + Chad Čad - + French Southern Territories Francoska južna in antarktična ozemlja - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Tajska - + Tajikistan Tadžikistan - + Tokelau Tokelav - + Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunizija - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Vzhodni Timor - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivija - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Nizozemski Karibi - + Cote d'Ivoire Slonokoščena obala - + Libya Libija - + Saint Martin (French part) Saint Martin (Francoski del) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Makedonija - + Macao Macao - + Pitcairn Pitcairnovi otoki - + Palestine, State of Palestina - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Sveta Helena, Ascension in Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Južni Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (Nizozemski del) - + Turkey Turčija - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad in Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Tajvan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzanija, Združena republika - + Ukraine Ukrajina - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Mali oddaljeni otoki ZDA - + United States Združene države - + Uruguay Urugvaj - + Uzbekistan Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Sveti sedež (Vatikan) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Sveti Vincencij in Grenadine - + Virgin Islands, British Deviški otoki, Britanski - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Deviški otoki, ZDA - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis in Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Jemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Srbija - + South Africa Južna Afrika - + Zambia Zambija - + Montenegro Črna gora - + Zimbabwe Zimbabve - + Aland Islands Alandski otoki - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Otok Man - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Sveti Bartolomej - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Datoteke podatkovne zbirke GeoIP ni bilo mogoče razširiti. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Prejete datoteke podatkovne zbirke GeoIP ni bilo mogoče shraniti . - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Podatkovna zbirka GeoIP uspešno posodobljena . - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Datoteke podatkovne zbirke GeoIP ni bilo mogoče prejeti. Razlog: %1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ Ali ste prepričani, da želite končati qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Napaka e-poštnega obvestila: @@ -4839,7 +4779,7 @@ Ali ste prepričani, da želite končati qBittorrent? Enable anonymous mode - Omogoči anonimen način + Omogoči anonimni način @@ -4874,7 +4814,7 @@ Ali ste prepričani, da želite končati qBittorrent? Share Ratio Limiting - Souporaba omejitve razmerja + Omejevanje razmerja izmenjave @@ -5129,38 +5069,38 @@ Ali ste prepričani, da želite končati qBittorrent? To ni veljaven ključ SSL. - + Invalid certificate Neveljavno potrdilo - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. To ni veljavno potrdilo SSL. - + Time Error Napaka v času - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Čas začetka in konca ne smeta biti enaka. - - + + Length Error Napaka v dolžini - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Uporabniško ime za spletni vmesnik mora vsebovati vsaj 3 znake. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Geslo za spletni vmesnik mora vsebovati vsaj 6 znakov. @@ -5241,142 +5181,142 @@ Ali ste prepričani, da želite končati qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Vrata - + Flags Zastavice - + Connection Povezava - + Client i.e.: Client application Odjemalec - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Napredek - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Hitrost prejema - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Hitrost pošiljanja - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Prejeto - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Poslano - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Pomembnost - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Datoteke - + Column visibility Vidnost stolpca - + Add a new peer... Dodaj novega soležnika ... - - + + Ban peer permanently Trajno izobči soležnika - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Ročno dodajanje soležnika '%1' ... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Soležnika '%1' ni bilo mogoče dodati k torrentu. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Ročno izobčenje soležnika '%1' ... - - + + Peer addition Zbiranje soležnikov - + Country Država - + Copy IP:port Kopiraj IP: vrata - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Nekaterih soležnikov ni bilo mogoče dodati h torrentu. Za več podrobnosti preverite Dnevnik. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Soležniki so bili dodani h torrentu. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Ali ste prepričani, da želite trajno izobčiti izbrane soležnike? - + &Yes &Da - + &No &Ne @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Tisti vstavki so bili onemogočeni. Napaka I/O: Ni mogoče ustvariti začasne datoteke. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 ni znan parameter ukazne vrstice. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 mora biti parameter v eni ukazni vrstici. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 mora določiti prava vrata ( 1 do 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Ne morete uporabiti %1: qBittorrent je že zagnan za tega uporabnika. - + Usage: Uporaba: - + Options: Možnosti: - + Displays program version Pokaže različico programa - + Displays this help message Pokaže to spletno pomoč - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Spremeni vrata spletnega vmesnika (trenutno: %1) - + Disable splash screen Onemogoči pozdravno okno - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Zaženi v načinu ozadnjega opravila (v ozadju) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Prejme torrente, ki jih posreduje uporabnik - + Help Pomoč - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Zaženite program z možnosti -h, če želite prebrati več o parametrih ukazne vrstice. - + Bad command line Napačna ukazna vrstica - + Bad command line: Napačna ukazna vrstica: - + Legal Notice Pravno obvestilo - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Ne bo nadaljnjih obvestil. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Pritisnite tipko %1 za sprejem in nadaljevanje ... - + Legal notice Pravno obvestilo - + Cancel Prekliči - + I Agree Se strinjam @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ Ne bo nadaljnjih obvestil. Posodobili ste starejšo različico, ki je shranjevala predmete na drugačen način. Morali boste uporabljati nov sistem shranjevanja. Če nadaljujete ne boste mogli več uporabljati starejše različice od v3.3.0. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Ni mogoče preseliti torrenta z šifro: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Ni mogoče preseliti torrenta. Neveljavno ime datoteke za hitro nadaljevanje: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Zaznana nepravilna zaustavitev programa. Uporaba povrnitvene datoteke za obnovitev nastavitev. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Ob poskusu pisanja nastavitvene datoteke se je zgodila napaka dostopa. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Ob poskusu pisanja nastavitvene datoteke se je zgodila napaka zapisa. @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ Ne bo nadaljnjih obvestil. - - + + Mark items read Označi predmete kot prebrane @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ Ne bo nadaljnjih obvestil. Nastavitve ... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrenti: (dvojni klik za prenos) - - + + Delete Odstrani - + Rename... Preimenuj ... - + Rename Preimenuj - - + + Update Posodobi - + New subscription... Nova naročnina ... - - + + Update all feeds Posodobi vse vire - + Download torrent Prejmi torrent - + Open news URL Odpri URL novic - + Copy feed URL Kopiraj URL vira - + New folder... Nova mapa ... @@ -7250,7 +7190,7 @@ Ne bo nadaljnjih obvestil. Read cache hits: - Število branja predpomnilnika: + Zadetki branja predpomnilnika: @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ Ne bo nadaljnjih obvestil. Warning (%1) Opozorilo (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Dekodiranje ikone zaznamka za URL '%1' ni uspelo. Poskušam prejeti ikono zaznamka v zapisu PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Dekodiranje ikone zaznamka za URL '%1' ni uspelo. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Prejem ikone zaznamka za URL '%1' ni uspel. Razlog: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ Ne bo nadaljnjih obvestil. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Vidnost stolpca - + Choose save path Izberite mesto za shranjevanje - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Omejitev hitrosti prejemanja torrenta - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Omejitev hitrosti pošiljanja torrenta - + Recheck confirmation Ponovno potrdite preverjanje - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Ali ste prepričani, da želite ponovno preveriti želene torrente? - + Rename Preimenuj - + New name: Novo ime: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Nadaljuj - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Prisili nadaljevanje - + Pause Pause the torrent Premor - + New Category Nova kategorija: - + Category: Kategorija: - + Invalid category name Neveljavno ime kategorije - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8163,129 +8091,129 @@ Ime kategorije se ne sme začeti/končati z '/'. Ime kategorije ne sme vsebovati zaporedja '//'. - + Delete Delete the torrent Odstrani - + Preview file... Predogled datoteke ... - + Limit share ratio... Omeji razmerje izmenjave ... - + Limit upload rate... Omejitev razmerja pošiljanja ... - + Limit download rate... Omejitev razmerja prejemanja ... - + Open destination folder Odpri ciljno mapo - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Premakni navzgor - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Premakni navzdol - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Premakni na vrh - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Premakni na dno - + Set location... Nastavi mesto ... - + Copy name Kopiraj ime - + Download first and last pieces first Prejemanje najprej prvih in zadnjih kosov - + Automatic Torrent Management Samodejno Upravljanje Torrenta - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Avtomatski način pomeni, da so različne lastnosti torrenta (npr. pot za shranjevanje), določene z dodeljeno kategorijo - + Category Kategorija - + New... New category... Nova... - + Reset Reset category Ponastavi - + Priority Prioriteta - + Force recheck Prisili ponovno preverjanje - + Copy magnet link Kopiraj magnetno povezavo - + Super seeding mode Način super sejanja - + Rename... Preimenuj... - + Download in sequential order Prejemanje v zaporednem vrstnem redu @@ -8645,11 +8573,11 @@ Ime kategorije ne sme vsebovati zaporedja '//'. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Prejemi diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_sr.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_sr.ts index df6c96502..2fd4f6a37 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_sr.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_sr.ts @@ -960,298 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support - + Embedded Tracker [ON] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE - + ONLINE - + OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: @@ -2714,1285 +2714,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - + Viet Nam - - + + N/A - + Andorra - + United Arab Emirates - + Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda - + Anguilla - + Albania - + Armenia - + Angola - + Antarctica - + Argentina - + American Samoa - + Austria - + Australia - + Aruba - + Azerbaijan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina - + Barbados - + Bangladesh - + Belgium - + Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria - + Bahrain - + Burundi - + Benin - + Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil - + Bahamas - + Bhutan - + Bouvet Island - + Botswana - + Belarus - + Belize - + Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the - + Central African Republic - + Congo - + Switzerland - + Cook Islands - + Chile - + Cameroon - + China - + Colombia - + Costa Rica - + Cuba - + Cape Verde - + Curacao - + Christmas Island - + Cyprus - + Czech Republic - + Germany - + Djibouti - + Denmark - + Dominica - + Dominican Republic - + Algeria - + Ecuador - + Estonia - + Egypt - + Western Sahara - + Eritrea - + Spain - + Ethiopia - + Finland - + Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of - + Faroe Islands - + France Француска - + Gabon - + United Kingdom - + Grenada - + Georgia - + French Guiana - + Ghana - + Gibraltar - + Greenland - + Gambia - + Guinea - + Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea - + Greece - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - + Guatemala - + Guam - + Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana - + Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands - + Honduras - + Croatia - + Haiti - + Hungary - + Indonesia - + Ireland - + Israel - + India - + British Indian Ocean Territory - + Iraq - + Iran, Islamic Republic of - + Iceland - + Italy - + Jamaica - + Jordan - + Japan - + Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan - + Cambodia - + Kiribati - + Comoros - + Saint Kitts and Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of - + Korea, Republic of - + Kuwait - + Cayman Islands - + Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic - + Lebanon - + Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka - + Liberia - + Lesotho - + Lithuania - + Luxembourg - + Latvia - + Morocco - + Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of - + Madagascar - + Marshall Islands - + Mali - + Myanmar - + Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands - + Martinique - + Mauritania - + Montserrat - + Malta - + Mauritius - + Maldives - + Malawi - + Mexico - + Malaysia - + Mozambique - + Namibia - + New Caledonia - + Niger - + Norfolk Island - + Nigeria - + Nicaragua - + Netherlands - + Norway - + Nepal - + Nauru - + Niue - + New Zealand - + Oman - + Panama - + Peru - + French Polynesia - + Papua New Guinea - + Philippines - + Pakistan - + Poland - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon - + Puerto Rico - + Portugal - + Palau - + Paraguay - + Qatar - + Reunion - + Romania - + Russian Federation - + Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia - + Solomon Islands - + Seychelles - + Sudan - + Sweden - + Singapore - + Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen - + Slovakia - + Sierra Leone - + San Marino - + Senegal - + Somalia - + Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe - + El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic - + Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands - + Chad - + French Southern Territories - + Togo - + Thailand - + Tajikistan - + Tokelau - + Turkmenistan - + Tunisia - + Tonga - + Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire - + Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of - + Macao - + Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - + Turkey - + Trinidad and Tobago - + Tuvalu - + Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of - + Ukraine - + Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands - + United States - + Uruguay - + Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - + Virgin Islands, British - + Virgin Islands, U.S. - + Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna - + Samoa - + Yemen - + Mayotte - + Serbia - + South Africa - + Zambia - + Montenegro - + Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands - + Guernsey - + Isle of Man - + Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 @@ -4013,7 +4013,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: @@ -5060,38 +5060,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Ово није валидан SSL кључ. - + Invalid certificate Неважећи сертификат - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Ово није валидан SSL сертификат. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5172,142 +5172,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port - + Flags - + Connection Конекције - + Client i.e.: Client application Клијент - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Напредак - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Брзина Преузимања - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Брзина Слања - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Преузето - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Послато - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now - + Column visibility Прегледност колона - + Add a new peer... Додај нов peer (учесник-а)... - - + + Ban peer permanently Забрани(бануј) peer трајно - + Manually adding peer '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Додавање (peer-a) учесника - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. - + The peers were added to this torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Да ли сте сигурни да желите да забраните изабране учеснике трајно? - + &Yes &Да - + &No &Не @@ -6471,117 +6471,117 @@ Those plugins were disabled. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. - + Usage: - + Options: - + Displays program version - + Displays this help message - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) - + Disable splash screen - + Run in daemon-mode (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user - + Help Помоћ - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. - + Bad command line - + Bad command line: - + Legal Notice - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... - + Legal notice - + Cancel Откажи - + I Agree @@ -6743,27 +6743,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6782,8 +6782,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Означи прочитане ставке @@ -6803,60 +6803,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Подешавања... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) - - + + Delete Обриши - + Rename... Преименуј... - + Rename Преименуј - - + + Update Ажурирај - + New subscription... Нови допис... - - + + Update all feeds Ажурирај све поруке - + Download torrent Преузми Торент - + Open news URL Отвори новости URL - + Copy feed URL Копирај feed URL - + New folder... Нова фасцикла... @@ -8446,209 +8446,209 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Прегледност колона - + Choose save path Изаберите путању чувања - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Ограничење брзине преузимања Торента - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Ограничење брзине слања Торента - + Recheck confirmation - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? - + Rename Преименуј - + New name: Ново име: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Настави - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent - + Pause Pause the torrent Пауза - + New Category - + Category: - + Invalid category name - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent Обриши - + Preview file... Приказ датотеке... - + Limit share ratio... Ограничење односа дељења... - + Limit upload rate... Ограничење брзине слања... - + Limit download rate... Ограничење брзине преузимања... - + Open destination folder Отвори одредишну фасциклу - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Премести навише - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Премести надоле - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Премести на врх - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Премести на дно - + Set location... Подесите локацију... - + Copy name - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category - + New... New category... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority Приоритет - + Force recheck Форсирано провери - + Copy magnet link Копирај магнет линк - + Super seeding mode Супер seeding (донирајући) мод - + Rename... Преименуј... - + Download in sequential order Преузимање у сријском редоследу @@ -9008,11 +9008,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Преузимање diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_sv.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_sv.ts index e3427b8cb..d0bc94c53 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_sv.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_sv.ts @@ -960,354 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Klient-ID: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP-användaragent är %1 - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Anonymt läge [PÅ] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Anonymt läge [AV] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX-stöd [PÅ] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX-stöd [AV] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Omstart krävs för att växla PeX-stöd - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Stöd för Local Peer Discovery [PÅ] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Stöd för Local Peer Discovery [AV] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Krypteringsstöd [PÅ] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Krypteringsstöd [TVINGAD] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Krypteringsstöd [AV] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Inbäddad bevakare [PÅ] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Misslyckades med att starta den inbäddade bevakaren! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Inbäddad bevakare [OFF] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE - + ONLINE ONLINE - + OFFLINE OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Kunde inte spara '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... "%1" togs bort från överföringslistan och hårddisken. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... "%1" togs bort från överföringslistan. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Hämtar "%1", vänligen vänta... - DHT support [ON] - DHT-stöd [PÅ] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT-stöd [AV], Anledning: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT-stöd [AV] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Kunde inte återuppta torrent '%1' - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: @@ -2771,1285 +2715,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - + Viet Nam - - + + N/A - + Andorra - + United Arab Emirates - + Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda - + Anguilla - + Albania - + Armenia - + Angola - + Antarctica - + Argentina - + American Samoa - + Austria - + Australia - + Aruba - + Azerbaijan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina - + Barbados - + Bangladesh - + Belgium - + Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria - + Bahrain - + Burundi - + Benin - + Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil - + Bahamas - + Bhutan - + Bouvet Island - + Botswana - + Belarus - + Belize - + Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the - + Central African Republic - + Congo - + Switzerland - + Cook Islands - + Chile - + Cameroon - + China - + Colombia - + Costa Rica - + Cuba - + Cape Verde - + Curacao - + Christmas Island - + Cyprus - + Czech Republic - + Germany - + Djibouti - + Denmark - + Dominica - + Dominican Republic - + Algeria - + Ecuador - + Estonia - + Egypt - + Western Sahara - + Eritrea - + Spain - + Ethiopia - + Finland - + Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of - + Faroe Islands - + France Frankrike - + Gabon - + United Kingdom - + Grenada - + Georgia - + French Guiana - + Ghana - + Gibraltar - + Greenland - + Gambia - + Guinea - + Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea - + Greece Grekland - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - + Guatemala - + Guam - + Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana - + Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands - + Honduras - + Croatia - + Haiti - + Hungary - + Indonesia - + Ireland - + Israel - + India - + British Indian Ocean Territory - + Iraq - + Iran, Islamic Republic of - + Iceland - + Italy - + Jamaica - + Jordan - + Japan - + Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan - + Cambodia - + Kiribati - + Comoros - + Saint Kitts and Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of - + Korea, Republic of - + Kuwait - + Cayman Islands - + Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic - + Lebanon - + Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka - + Liberia - + Lesotho - + Lithuania - + Luxembourg - + Latvia - + Morocco - + Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of - + Madagascar - + Marshall Islands - + Mali - + Myanmar - + Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands - + Martinique - + Mauritania - + Montserrat - + Malta - + Mauritius - + Maldives - + Malawi - + Mexico - + Malaysia - + Mozambique - + Namibia - + New Caledonia - + Niger - + Norfolk Island - + Nigeria - + Nicaragua - + Netherlands - + Norway - + Nepal - + Nauru - + Niue - + New Zealand - + Oman - + Panama - + Peru - + French Polynesia - + Papua New Guinea - + Philippines - + Pakistan - + Poland - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon - + Puerto Rico - + Portugal - + Palau - + Paraguay - + Qatar - + Reunion - + Romania - + Russian Federation - + Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia - + Solomon Islands - + Seychelles - + Sudan - + Sweden - + Singapore - + Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen - + Slovakia - + Sierra Leone - + San Marino - + Senegal - + Somalia - + Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe - + El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic - + Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands - + Chad - + French Southern Territories - + Togo - + Thailand - + Tajikistan - + Tokelau - + Turkmenistan - + Tunisia - + Tonga - + Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire - + Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of - + Macao - + Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - + Turkey - + Trinidad and Tobago - + Tuvalu - + Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of - + Ukraine - + Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands - + United States - + Uruguay - + Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - + Virgin Islands, British - + Virgin Islands, U.S. - + Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna - + Samoa - + Yemen - + Mayotte - + Serbia - + South Africa - + Zambia - + Montenegro - + Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands - + Guernsey - + Isle of Man - + Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 @@ -4070,7 +4014,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: @@ -5117,38 +5061,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5229,142 +5173,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Port - + Flags Flaggor - + Connection Anslutning - + Client i.e.: Client application Klient - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Förlopp - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Hämtningshastighet - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Sändningshastighet - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Hämtat - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Skickat - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Relevans - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now - + Column visibility Kolumnsynlighet - + Add a new peer... Lägg till en ny klient... - - + + Ban peer permanently Bannlys klient permanent - + Manually adding peer '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Lägg till klient - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. - + The peers were added to this torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Är du säker på att du vill bannlysa de markerade klienterna permanent? - + &Yes &Ja - + &No &Nej @@ -6078,95 +6022,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. I/O-fel: Kunde inte skapa temporär fil. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 är en okänd parameter - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 måste ange korrekt port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Du kan inte använda %1: qBittorrent körs redan för denna användare. - + Usage: Användning: - + Options: Alternativ: - + Displays program version Visar programversionen - + Displays this help message Visar detta hjälpmeddelande - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) - + Disable splash screen Inaktivera startbilden - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Kör i demonläge (i bakgrunden) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Hämtar de torrenter som skickats av användaren - + Help Hjälp - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Kör applikationen med -h optionen för att läsa om kommando parametrar. - + Bad command line Ogiltig kommandorad - + Bad command line: Ogiltig kommandorad: - + Legal Notice Juridisk information - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6175,22 +6119,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Detta meddelande kommer inte att visas igen. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Tryck på %1-tangenten för att godkänna och fortsätta... - + Legal notice Juridisk information - + Cancel Avbryt - + I Agree Jag godkänner @@ -6352,27 +6296,27 @@ Detta meddelande kommer inte att visas igen. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6391,8 +6335,8 @@ Detta meddelande kommer inte att visas igen. - - + + Mark items read Markera objekt som lästa @@ -6412,60 +6356,60 @@ Detta meddelande kommer inte att visas igen. Inställningar... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) - - + + Delete Ta bort - + Rename... Byt namn... - + Rename Byt namn - - + + Update Uppdatera - + New subscription... Ny prenumeration... - - + + Update all feeds Uppdatera alla kanaler - + Download torrent Hämta torrent - + Open news URL Öppna URL för nyheter - + Copy feed URL Kopera URL för kanal - + New folder... Ny mapp... @@ -8055,209 +7999,209 @@ Detta meddelande kommer inte att visas igen. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Kolumnsynlighet - + Choose save path Välj sökväg att spara i - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Hastighetsgräns för torrenthämtning - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Hastighetsgräns för torrentsändning - + Recheck confirmation Bekräftelse om återkontroll - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? - + Rename Byt namn - + New name: Nytt namn: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Återuppta - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Tvinga Återupptagning - + Pause Pause the torrent Gör paus - + New Category Ny Kategori - + Category: Kategori: - + Invalid category name Ogiltigt kategorinamn - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent Ta bort - + Preview file... Förhandsgranska fil... - + Limit share ratio... Begränsa utdelningsförhållande... - + Limit upload rate... Begränsa sändningshastighet... - + Limit download rate... Begränsa hämtningshastighet... - + Open destination folder Öppna målmapp - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Flytta uppåt - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Flytta nedåt - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Flytta överst - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Flytta nederst - + Set location... Ange plats... - + Copy name Kopiera namn - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category Kategori - + New... New category... Ny... - + Reset Reset category Återställ - + Priority Prioritet - + Force recheck Tvinga återkontroll - + Copy magnet link Kopiera magnetlänk - + Super seeding mode Superdistributionsläge - + Rename... Byt namn... - + Download in sequential order Hämta i sekventiell ordning @@ -8617,11 +8561,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Hämtningar diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_tr.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_tr.ts index 283a86e6d..70df7b6c7 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_tr.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_tr.ts @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ Maximum - En Yüksek + En yüksek @@ -507,17 +507,17 @@ Hata: %2 Network Interface (requires restart) - Ağ Arayüzü (yeniden başlatma gerekir) + Ağ Arayüzü (yeniden başlatma gerektirir) Optional IP Address to bind to (requires restart) - Bağlamak için isteğe bağlı IP Adresi (yeniden başlatma gerekir) + Bağlamak için isteğe bağlı IP Adresi (yeniden başlatma gerektirir) Listen on IPv6 address (requires restart) - IPv6 adresinde dinle (yeniden başlatma gerekir) + IPv6 adresinde dinle (yeniden başlatma gerektirir) @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Hata: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + İzleyicinin favicon'unu indir @@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ Hata: %2 IP Address to report to trackers (requires restart) - İzleyicilere bildirmek için IP Adresi (yeniden başlatma gerekir) + İzleyicilere bildirmek için IP Adresi (yeniden başlatma gerektirir) @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Hata: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Kişi KİMLİĞİ: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP Kullanıcı Tanıtıcısı '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - İsimsiz kipi [AÇIK] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - İsimsiz kipi [KAPALI] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX desteği [AÇIK] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX desteği [KAPALI] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support PeX desteğini değiştirmek için yeniden başlatma gerekir - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Yerel Kişi Keşfi desteği [AÇIK] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Yerel Kişi Keşfi desteği [KAPALI] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Şifreleme desteği [AÇIK] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Şifreleme desteği [ZORLANDI] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Şifreleme desteği [KAPALI] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Gömülü İzleyici [AÇIK] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Gömülü izleyiciyi başlatma başarısız! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Gömülü İzleyici [KAPALI] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1', ayarladığınız en fazla orana ulaştı. Kaldırılıyor... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1', ayarladığınız en fazla orana ulaştı. Duraklatılıyor... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Sistem ağ durumu %1 olarak değişti - + ONLINE ÇEVRİMİÇİ - + OFFLINE ÇEVRİMDIŞI - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding %1 ağ yapılandırması değişti, oturum bağlaması yenileniyor - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Yapılandırılan ağ arayüzü adresi %1 geçersiz. - + Encryption support [%1] - + Şifreleme desteği [%1] - + FORCED - + ZORLANDI - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + İsimsiz kipi [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. '%1' torrent dosyası çözülemiyor. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' '%1' dosyasının tekrarlayan indirmesi '%2' torrenti içine gömüldü - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' '%1.torrent' dosyası kaydedilemedi - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. engellendi çünkü %1 etkisizleştirildi. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. engellendi çünkü %1 etkisizleştirildi. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 URL gönderimi arama şu URL için başarısız oldu: '%1', ileti: '%2' - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent, %1 arayüzünde şu bağlantı noktasını dinlemede başarısız oldu: %2/%3. Sebep: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' dosyası aktarım listesinden ve sabit diskten kaldırıldı. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' dosyası aktarım listesinden kaldırıldı. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... '%1' indiriliyor, lütfen bekleyin... - DHT support [ON] - DHT desteği [AÇIK] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT desteği [KAPALI]. Sebep: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT desteği [KAPALI] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent, herhangi bir arayüz bağlantı noktasını dinlemeyi deniyor: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Tanımlanan ağ arayüzü geçersiz: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent, %1 arayüzünde şu bağlantı noktasını dinlemeyi deniyor: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + DHT desteği [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + AÇIK - - - - + + + + OFF - + KAPALI - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Yerel Kişi Keşfi desteği [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + İzleyici Değişimi desteğini değiştirmek için yeniden başlatma gerekir - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent dinlemek için bir %1 yerel adresi bulamadı - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent, herhangi bir arayüz bağlantı noktasını dinlemede başarısız oldu: %1. Sebep: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' İzleyici '%1', '%2' torrentine eklendi - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' İzleyici '%1', '%2' torrentinden silindi - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Gönderim URL'si '%1', '%2' torrentine eklendi - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' Gönderim URL'si '%1', '%2' torrentinden kaldırıldı - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. '%1' torrent dosyası devam ettirilemiyor. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Verilen IP süzgeci başarılı olarak ayrıştırıldı: %1 kural uygulandı. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Hata: Verilen IP süzgecini ayrıştırma başarısız. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Torrent eklenemedi. Sebep: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' dosyasına devam edildi. (hızlı devam) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' dosyası indirme listesine eklendi. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Bir G/Ç hatası meydana geldi, '%1' duraklatıldı. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Bağlantı noktası eşleme başarısız, ileti: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Bağlantı noktası eşleme başarılı, ileti: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. IP süzgecinden dolayı engellendi. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. bağlantı noktası süzgecinden dolayı engellendi. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. i2p karışık kip kısıtlamalarından dolayı engellendi. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. engellendi çünkü düşük bir bağlantı noktasına sahip. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent, %1 arayüzünde şu bağlantı noktasını başarılı olarak dinliyor: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Dış IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ qBittorrent'i torrent dosyalarına ya da Magnet bağlantılarına ilişkile &Always Yes Her &Zaman Evet - - Python found in %1 - %1 içinde Python bulundu - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2570,7 +2510,7 @@ Do you want to download %1? Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + %1 içinde Python bulundu: %2 @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ qBittorrent'ten çıkmak istediğinize emin misiniz? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP veritabanı yüklendi. Türü: %1. Yapım zamanı: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 GeoIP veritabanı yüklenemedi. Sebep: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezüela Bolivar Cumhuriyeti - + Viet Nam Vietnam - - + + N/A Yok - + Andorra Andora - + United Arab Emirates Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri - + Afghanistan Afganistan - + Antigua and Barbuda Antigua ve Barbuda - + Anguilla Anguilla - + Albania Arnavutluk - + Armenia Ermenistan - + Angola Angola - + Antarctica Antartika - + Argentina Arjantina - + American Samoa Amerikan Samoası - + Austria Avusturya - + Australia Avusturalya - + Aruba Aruba - + Azerbaijan Azerbaycan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosna Hersek - + Barbados Barbados - + Bangladesh Bangladeş - + Belgium Belçika - + Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria Bulgaristan - + Bahrain Bahreyn - + Burundi Burundi - + Benin Benin - + Bermuda Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil Brezilya - + Bahamas Bahamalar - + Bhutan Bhutan - + Bouvet Island Bouvet Adası - + Botswana Botsvana - + Belarus Beyaz Rusya - + Belize Beliz - + Canada Kanada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cocos (Keeling) Adaları - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti - + Central African Republic Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti - + Congo Kongo - + Switzerland İsviçre - + Cook Islands Cook Adaları - + Chile Şili - + Cameroon Kamerun - + China Çin - + Colombia Kolombiya - + Costa Rica Kosta Rika - + Cuba Kuba - + Cape Verde Yeşil Burun Adaları - + Curacao Curaçao - + Christmas Island Christmas Adası - + Cyprus Kıbrıs - + Czech Republic Çek Cumhuriyeti - + Germany Almanya - + Djibouti Cibuti - + Denmark Danimarka - + Dominica Dominika - + Dominican Republic Dominik Cumhuriyeti - + Algeria Cezayir - + Ecuador Ekvator - + Estonia Estonya - + Egypt Mısır - + Western Sahara Batı Sahra - + Eritrea Eritre - + Spain İspanya - + Ethiopia Etiyopya - + Finland Finlandiya - + Fiji Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falkland Adaları (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronezya Federal Devletleri - + Faroe Islands Faroe Adaları - + France Fransa - + Gabon Gabon - + United Kingdom Birleşik Krallık - + Grenada Grenada - + Georgia Gürcistan - + French Guiana Fransız Guyanası - + Ghana Gana - + Gibraltar Cebelitarık - + Greenland Grönland - + Gambia Gambiya - + Guinea Gine - + Guadeloupe Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea Ekvator Ginesi - + Greece Yunanistan - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Güney Georgia ve Güney Sandwich Adaları - + Guatemala Guatemala - + Guam Guam - + Guinea-Bissau Gine-Bissau - + Guyana Guyana - + Hong Kong Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heard Adası ve McDonald Adaları - + Honduras Honduras - + Croatia Hırvatistan - + Haiti Haiti - + Hungary Macaristan - + Indonesia Endonezya - + Ireland İrlanda - + Israel İsrail - + India Hindistan - + British Indian Ocean Territory Britanya Hint Okyanusu Toprakları - + Iraq Irak - + Iran, Islamic Republic of İran İslam Cumhuriyeti - + Iceland İzlanda - + Italy İtalya - + Jamaica Jamaika - + Jordan Ürdün - + Japan Japonya - + Kenya Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan Kırgizistan - + Cambodia Kamboçya - + Kiribati Kiribati - + Comoros Komorlar - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts ve Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Kore Demokratik Halk Cumhuriyeti - + Korea, Republic of Güney Kore - + Kuwait Kuveyt - + Cayman Islands Kayman Adaları - + Kazakhstan Kazakistan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos Demokratik Halk Cumhuriyeti - + Lebanon Lübnan - + Saint Lucia Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein Lihtenştayn - + Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - + Liberia Liberya - + Lesotho Lesotho - + Lithuania Litvanya - + Luxembourg Lüksemburg - + Latvia Letonya - + Morocco Fas - + Monaco Monako - + Moldova, Republic of Moldova Cumhuriyeti - + Madagascar Madakaskar - + Marshall Islands Marshall Adaları - + Mali Mali - + Myanmar Myanmar - + Mongolia Moğolistan - + Northern Mariana Islands Kuzey Mariana Adaları - + Martinique Martinik - + Mauritania Moritanya - + Montserrat Montserrat - + Malta Malta - + Mauritius Mauritius - + Maldives Maldivler - + Malawi Malavi - + Mexico Meksika - + Malaysia Malesya - + Mozambique Mozambik - + Namibia Namibya - + New Caledonia Yeni Kaledonya - + Niger Nijer - + Norfolk Island Norfolk Adası - + Nigeria Nijerya - + Nicaragua Nikaragua - + Netherlands Hollanda - + Norway Norveç - + Nepal Nepal - + Nauru Nauru - + Niue Niue - + New Zealand Yeni Zelanda - + Oman Oman - + Panama Panama - + Peru Peru - + French Polynesia Fransız Polinezyası - + Papua New Guinea Papua Yeni Gine - + Philippines Filipinler - + Pakistan Pakistan - + Poland Polonya - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Pierre ve Miquelon - + Puerto Rico Porto Riko - + Portugal Portekiz - + Palau Palau - + Paraguay Paraguay - + Qatar Katar - + Reunion Reunion - + Romania Romanya - + Russian Federation Rusya Federasyonu - + Rwanda Ruanda - + Saudi Arabia Suudi Arabistan - + Solomon Islands Solomon Adaları - + Seychelles Seyşeller - + Sudan Sudan - + Sweden İsveç - + Singapore Singapur - + Slovenia Slovenya - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Svalbard ve Jan Mayen - + Slovakia Slovakya - + Sierra Leone Sierra Leone - + San Marino San Marino - + Senegal Senegal - + Somalia Somali - + Suriname Surinam - + Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome ve Principe - + El Salvador El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic Suriye Arap Cumhuriyeti - + Swaziland Svaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands Turks ve Caicos Adaları - + Chad Çad - + French Southern Territories Fransız Güney Toprakları - + Togo Togo - + Thailand Tayland - + Tajikistan Tacikistan - + Tokelau Tokelau - + Turkmenistan Türkmenistan - + Tunisia Tunus - + Tonga Tonga - + Timor-Leste Doğu Timor - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Çokuluslu Bolivya Devleti - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius ve Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire Fildişi Sahili - + Libya Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) Saint Martin (Fransız kısmı) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Makedonya - + Macao Makao - + Pitcairn Pitcairn Adaları - + Palestine, State of Filistin Devleti - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Helena, Ascension ve Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan Güney Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Sint Maarten (Hollandalı kısmı) - + Turkey Türkiye - + Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad ve Tobago - + Tuvalu Tuvalu - + Taiwan Tayvan - + Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzanya Birleşik Cumhuriyeti - + Ukraine Ukrayna - + Uganda Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Küçük Dış Adaları - + United States Amerika Birleşik Devletleri - + Uruguay Uruguay - + Uzbekistan Özbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Vatikan - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent ve Grenadinler - + Virgin Islands, British Britanya Virjin Adaları - + Virgin Islands, U.S. ABD Virjin Adaları - + Vanuatu Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna Wallis ve Futuna - + Samoa Samoa - + Yemen Yemen - + Mayotte Mayotte - + Serbia Sırbistan - + South Africa Güney Afrika - + Zambia Zambiya - + Montenegro Karadağ - + Zimbabwe Zimbabve - + Aland Islands Aland Adaları - + Guernsey Guernsey - + Isle of Man Man Adası - + Jersey Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy Saint Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. GeoIP veritabanı dosyası genişletilemedi. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. İndirilmiş GeoIP veritabanı dosyası kaydedilemedi. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. GeoIP veritabanı başarılı olarak güncellendi. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 GeoIP veritabanı dosyası indirilemedi. Sebep: %1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ qBittorrent'ten çıkmak istediğinize emin misiniz? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: E-posta Bildirim Hatası: @@ -4142,7 +4082,7 @@ qBittorrent'ten çıkmak istediğinize emin misiniz? (Requires restart) - (Yeniden başlatma gerekir) + (Yeniden başlatma gerektirir) @@ -5129,38 +5069,38 @@ qBittorrent'ten çıkmak istediğinize emin misiniz? Bu geçerli bir SSL anahtarı değil. - + Invalid certificate Geçersiz sertifika - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Geçerli bir SSL sertifikası değil. - + Time Error Zaman Hatası - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Başlangıç zamanı ve bitiş zamanı aynı olamaz. - - + + Length Error Uzunluk Hatası - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Web Arayüzü kullanıcı adı en az 3 karakter uzunluğunda olmak zorundadır. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Web Arayüzü parolası en az 6 karakter uzunluğunda olmak zorundadır. @@ -5241,142 +5181,142 @@ qBittorrent'ten çıkmak istediğinize emin misiniz? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port B.Noktası - + Flags İşaretler - + Connection Bağlantı - + Client i.e.: Client application İstemci - + Progress i.e: % downloaded İlerleme - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed İndirme Hızı - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Gönderme Hızı - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded İndirilen - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Gönderilen - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Uygunluk - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Dosyalar - + Column visibility Sütun görünürlüğü - + Add a new peer... Yeni bir kişi ekle... - - + + Ban peer permanently Kişiyi kalıcı olarak yasakla - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Kişi '%1' el ile ekleniyor... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Kişi '%1' bu torrente eklenemedi. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Kişi '%1' el ile yasaklanıyor... - - + + Peer addition Kişi ekleme - + Country Ülke - + Copy IP:port IP:b.noktasını kopyala - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Bazı kişiler eklenemedi. Ayrıntılar için Günlüğü kontrol edin. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Kişiler bu torrente eklendi. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Seçilen kişileri kalıcı olarak yasaklamak istediğinize emin misiniz? - + &Yes &Evet - + &No &Hayır @@ -5906,7 +5846,7 @@ Bu eklentiler etkisizleştirildi. Maximum - En Yüksek + En yüksek @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Bu eklentiler etkisizleştirildi. G/Ç Hatası: Geçici dosya oluşturamadı. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 bilinmeyen bir komut satırı parametresidir. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 tek komut satırı parametresi olmak zorundadır. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 doğru bağlantı noktasını belirtmek zorunda (1'den 65535'e). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. %1 kullanamazsınız: qBittorrent zaten bu kullanıcı için çalışıyor. - + Usage: Kullanım: - + Options: Seçenekler: - + Displays program version Program sürümünü görüntüler - + Displays this help message Bu yardım iletisini görüntüler - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Web Arayüzü bağlantı noktasını değiştirir (şu anki: %1) - + Disable splash screen Karşılama ekranını etkisizleştir - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Arka plan programı kipinde çalıştır (arka planda) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Kullanıcı tarafından atlanmış torrentleri indirir - + Help Yardım - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Komut satırı parametreleri hakkında bilgi için uygulamayı -h seçeneği ile çalıştırın. - + Bad command line Hatalı komut satırı - + Bad command line: Hatalı komut satırı: - + Legal Notice Yasal Bildiri - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Başka bir bildiri yayınlanmayacaktır. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Kabul etmek ve devam etmek için %1 tuşuna basın... - + Legal notice Yasal bildiri - + Cancel İptal - + I Agree Kabul ediyorum @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ Başka bir bildiri yayınlanmayacaktır. Dosyaları farklı olarak kaydeden eski bir sürümden güncellediniz. Yeni kaydetme sistemine geçirmek zorundasınız. Eğer devam ederseniz, artık v3.3.0 sürümünden daha eski bir sürümü kullanamayacaksınız. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Torrentin geçirilmesi şu adresleme ile yapılamadı: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Torrentin geçirilmesi yapılamadı. Geçersiz hızlı devam etme dosya adı: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Programdan düzgün olmayan bir şekilde çıkıldığı algılandı. Ayarları geri yüklemek için geri alma dosyası kullanılıyor. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Yapılandırma dosyasını yazmaya çalışırken bir erişim hatası meydana geldi. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Yapılandırma dosyasını yazmaya çalışırken bir biçim hatası meydana geldi. @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ Başka bir bildiri yayınlanmayacaktır. - - + + Mark items read Öğeleri okundu olarak işaretle @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ Başka bir bildiri yayınlanmayacaktır. Ayarlar... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrentler: (indirmek için çift tıklayın) - - + + Delete Sil - + Rename... Yeniden adlandır... - + Rename Yeniden adlandır - - + + Update Güncelle - + New subscription... Yeni abonelik... - - + + Update all feeds Tüm beslemeleri güncelle - + Download torrent Torrenti indir - + Open news URL Haber URL'sini aç - + Copy feed URL Besleme URL'sini kopyala - + New folder... Yeni klasör... @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ Başka bir bildiri yayınlanmayacaktır. Warning (%1) Uyarı (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - '%1' URL'si için favicon çözülemedi. PNG biçiminde favicon indirilmeye çalışılıyor. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - '%1' URL'si için favicon çözülemedi. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - '%1' URL'si için favicon indirilemedi. Sebep: '%2' - Resume torrents @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ Başka bir bildiri yayınlanmayacaktır. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Sütun görünürlüğü - + Choose save path Kaydetme yolunu seçin - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torrent İndirme Hızı Sınırlama - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torrent Gönderme Hızı Sınırlama - + Recheck confirmation Yeniden kontrol onayı - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Seçilen torrent(ler)i yeniden kontrol etmek istediğinize emin misiniz? - + Rename Yeniden adlandır - + New name: Yeni adı: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Devam - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Devam Etmeye Zorla - + Pause Pause the torrent Duraklat - + New Category Yeni Kategori - + Category: Kategori: - + Invalid category name Geçersiz kategori adı - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8163,129 +8091,129 @@ Kategori adı '/' ile başlayamaz/bitemez. Kategori adı art arda gelen '//' içeremez. - + Delete Delete the torrent Sil - + Preview file... Dosyayı önizle... - + Limit share ratio... Paylaşma oranını sınırla... - + Limit upload rate... Gönderme oranını sınırla... - + Limit download rate... İndirme oranını sınırla... - + Open destination folder Hedef klasörü aç - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Yukarı taşı - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Aşağı taşı - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue En üste taşı - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue En alta taşı - + Set location... Konum ayarla... - + Copy name Adı kopyala - + Download first and last pieces first Önce ilk ve son parçaları indir - + Automatic Torrent Management Otomatik Torrent Yönetimi - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Otomatik kip, çeşitli torrent özelliklerine (örn. kaydetme yolu) ilişkilendirilmiş kategori tarafından karar verileceği anlamına gelir - + Category Kategori - + New... New category... Yeni... - + Reset Reset category Sıfırla - + Priority Öncelik - + Force recheck Yeniden kontrole zorla - + Copy magnet link Magnet bağlantısını kopyala - + Super seeding mode Süper gönderim kipi - + Rename... Yeniden adlandır... - + Download in sequential order Sıralı düzende indir @@ -8645,11 +8573,11 @@ Kategori adı art arda gelen '//' içeremez. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads İndirmeler diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_uk.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_uk.ts index e75c9de4f..1ac3b54a9 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_uk.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_uk.ts @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Ідентифікатор піра: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - Назва програми (HTTP): '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - Анонімний режим [Увімк.] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - Анонімний режим [Вимк.] - - - PeX support [ON] - Підтримка PeX [Увімк.] - - - PeX support [OFF] - Підтримка PeX [Вимк.] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support Щоб перемкнути підтримку PeX, потрібно перезавантажити програму - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - Підтримка локального пошуку пірів [Увімк.] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - Підтримка пошуку локальних пірів [Вимк.] - - - Encryption support [ON] - Підтримка шифрування [Увімк.] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - Підтримка шифрування [Примусова] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - Підтримка шифрування [Вимк.] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] Вбудований трекер [Увімк.] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! Не вдалося запустити вбудований трекер! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] Вбудований трекер [Вимк.] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' досяг максимального коефіцієнта, налаштованого вами. Видаляється... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' досяг максимального коефіцієнта, налаштованого вами. Призупиняється... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE Мережевий статус системи змінено на %1 - + ONLINE ОНЛАЙН - + OFFLINE ОФЛАЙН - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding Мережева конфігурація %1 змінилась, оновлення прив'язки сеансу - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. Налаштований мережевий інтерфейс %1 некоректний. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. Не вдалось розкодувати торрент-файл '%1'. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' Рекурсивне завантаження файла '%1', вбудованого в торрент '%2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' Не вдалося зберегти '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. бо %1 вимкнено. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. бо %1 вимкнено. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 Пошук URL роздачі невдалий для URL: '%1', повідомлення: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent не зміг приєднатись до інтерфейсу %1 порт: %2/%3. Причина: %4. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' видалено зі списку завантажень та жорсткого диску. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' видалено зі списку завантажень. - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... Завантажується '%1', зачекайте... - DHT support [ON] - Підтримка DHT [Увімк.] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - Підтримка DHT [Вимк.]. Причина: %1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - Підтримка DHT [Вимк.] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent пробує приєднатись до будь-якого інтерфейсу, порт: %1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Зазначений мережевий інтерфейс неправильний: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent пробує приєднатись до інтерфейсу %1, порт: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent не знайшов локальну адресу %1 для очікування вхідних з'єднань - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent не зміг відкрити порт %1 на жодному доступному мережевому інтерфейсі. Причина: %2. - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Трекет '%1' додано до торрента '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Трекер '%1' вилучено з торрента '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL-роздачу '%1' додано до торрента '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL-роздачу '%1' вилучено з торрента '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. Не вдалося відновити торрент '%1'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number Успішно оброблено наданий фільтр IP: застосовано %1 правил. - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. Помилка: Не вдалося розібрати даний фільтр IP. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 Не вдалося додати торрент. Причина: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' продовжено. (швидке відновлення) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' додано до списку завантажень. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 Виникла помилка вводу/виводу, '%1' призупинено. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Не вдалось приєднати порт, повідомлення: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Успішне приєднання порта, повідомлення: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. через фільтр IP. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. через фільтр портів. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. через обмеження змішаного режиму i2p. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. через низький номер порта. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent очікує з'єднань на інтерфейсі %1 порт: %2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: Зовнішня IP: %1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes &Завжди так - - Python found in %1 - Python знайдено в %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. Базу даних GeoIP завантажено. Тип: %1. Час збірки: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 Не вдалося завантажити базу даних GeoIP. Причина: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Венесуела, Боліварська Республіка - + Viet Nam В'єтнам - - + + N/A - + Andorra Андорра - + United Arab Emirates Об'єднані Арабські Емірати - + Afghanistan Афганістан - + Antigua and Barbuda Антигуа і Барбуда - + Anguilla Ангілья - + Albania Албанія - + Armenia Вірменія - + Angola Ангола - + Antarctica Антарктида - + Argentina Аргентина - + American Samoa Американське Самоа - + Austria Австрія - + Australia Австралія - + Aruba Аруба - + Azerbaijan Азербайджан - + Bosnia and Herzegovina Боснія і Герцеговина - + Barbados Барбадос - + Bangladesh Бангладеш - + Belgium Бельгія - + Burkina Faso Буркіна-Фасо - + Bulgaria Болгарія - + Bahrain Бахрейн - + Burundi Бурунді - + Benin Бенін - + Bermuda Бермудські острови - + Brunei Darussalam Бруней-Даруссалам - + Brazil Бразилія - + Bahamas Багами - + Bhutan Бутан - + Bouvet Island Острів Буве - + Botswana Ботсвана - + Belarus Білорусь - + Belize Беліз - + Canada Канада - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands Кокосові (Кілінгові) острови - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Конго, Демократична Республіка - + Central African Republic Центральноафриканська Республіка - + Congo Конго - + Switzerland Швейцарія - + Cook Islands Острови Кука - + Chile Чилі - + Cameroon Камерун - + China Китай - + Colombia Колумбія - + Costa Rica Коста-Ріка - + Cuba Куба - + Cape Verde Кабо-Верде - + Curacao Кюрасао - + Christmas Island Острів Різдва - + Cyprus Кіпр - + Czech Republic Чехія - + Germany Німеччина - + Djibouti Джибуті - + Denmark Данія - + Dominica Домініка - + Dominican Republic Домініканська республіка - + Algeria Алжир - + Ecuador Еквадор - + Estonia Естонія - + Egypt Єгипет - + Western Sahara Західна Сахара - + Eritrea Еритрея - + Spain Іспанія - + Ethiopia Ефіопія - + Finland Фінляндія - + Fiji Фіджі - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Фолклендські (Мальвінські) острови - + Micronesia, Federated States of Мікронезія, Федеративні Штати - + Faroe Islands Фарерські острови - + France Франція - + Gabon Габон - + United Kingdom Об'єднане Королівство - + Grenada Гренада - + Georgia Грузія - + French Guiana Французька Гвіана - + Ghana Гана - + Gibraltar Гібралтар - + Greenland Гренландія - + Gambia Гамбія - + Guinea Гвінея - + Guadeloupe Гваделупа - + Equatorial Guinea Екваторіальна Гвінея - + Greece Греція - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Південна Джорджія та Південні Сандвічеві острови - + Guatemala Гватемала - + Guam Гуам - + Guinea-Bissau Гвінея-Бісау - + Guyana Гайана - + Hong Kong Гонконг - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands Острів Герд і Острови Макдональд - + Honduras Гондурас - + Croatia Хорватія - + Haiti Гаїті - + Hungary Угорщина - + Indonesia Індонезія - + Ireland Ірландія - + Israel Ізраїль - + India Індія - + British Indian Ocean Territory Британська територія Індійського океану - + Iraq Ірак - + Iran, Islamic Republic of Іран, Ісламська Республіка - + Iceland Ісландія - + Italy Італія - + Jamaica Ямайка - + Jordan Йорданія - + Japan Японія - + Kenya Кенія - + Kyrgyzstan Киргизстан - + Cambodia Камбоджа - + Kiribati Кірибаті - + Comoros Коморські острови - + Saint Kitts and Nevis Сент-Кіттс і Невіс - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Корейська Народно-Демократична Республіка - + Korea, Republic of Корея, Республіка - + Kuwait Кувейт - + Cayman Islands Кайманові острови - + Kazakhstan Казахстан - + Lao People's Democratic Republic Лаоська Народно-Демократична Республіка - + Lebanon Ліван - + Saint Lucia Сент-Люсія - + Liechtenstein Ліхтенштейн - + Sri Lanka Шрі Ланка - + Liberia Ліберія - + Lesotho Лесото - + Lithuania Литва - + Luxembourg Люксембург - + Latvia Латвія - + Morocco Марокко - + Monaco Монако - + Moldova, Republic of Молдова, Республіка - + Madagascar Мадагаскар - + Marshall Islands Маршаллові Острови - + Mali Малі - + Myanmar М'янма - + Mongolia Монголія - + Northern Mariana Islands Північні Маріанські острови - + Martinique Мартиніка - + Mauritania Мавританія - + Montserrat Монтсеррат - + Malta Мальта - + Mauritius Маврикій - + Maldives Мальдіви - + Malawi Малаві - + Mexico Мексика - + Malaysia Малайзія - + Mozambique Мозамбік - + Namibia Намібія - + New Caledonia Нова Каледонія - + Niger Нігер - + Norfolk Island Норфолк, Острів - + Nigeria Нігерія - + Nicaragua Нікарагуа - + Netherlands Нідерланди - + Norway Норвегія - + Nepal Непал - + Nauru Науру - + Niue Ніуе - + New Zealand Нова Зеландія - + Oman Оман - + Panama Панама - + Peru Перу - + French Polynesia Французька Полінезія - + Papua New Guinea Папуа-Нова Гвінея - + Philippines Філіппіни - + Pakistan Пакистан - + Poland Польща - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon Сен-П'єр і Мікелон - + Puerto Rico Пуерто-Рико - + Portugal Португалія - + Palau Палау - + Paraguay Парагвай - + Qatar Катар - + Reunion Реюньйон - + Romania Румунія - + Russian Federation Російська Федерація - + Rwanda Руанда - + Saudi Arabia Саудівська Аравія - + Solomon Islands Соломонові Острови - + Seychelles Сейшельські Острови - + Sudan Судан - + Sweden Швеція - + Singapore Сінгапур - + Slovenia Словенія - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen Свальбард і Ян-Маєн - + Slovakia Словаччина - + Sierra Leone Сьєрра-Леоне - + San Marino Сан-Марино - + Senegal Сенегал - + Somalia Сомалі - + Suriname Сурінам - + Sao Tome and Principe Сан-Томе і Принсіпі - + El Salvador Сальвадор - + Syrian Arab Republic Сирійська Арабська Республіка - + Swaziland Свазіленд - + Turks and Caicos Islands Теркс і Кейкос, Острови - + Chad Чад - + French Southern Territories Французькі Південні території - + Togo Того - + Thailand Таїланд - + Tajikistan Таджикистан - + Tokelau Токелау - + Turkmenistan Туркменістан - + Tunisia Туніс - + Tonga Тонга - + Timor-Leste Східний Тимор - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of Болівія, Багатонаціональна Держава - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Бонайре, Сінт-Естатіус та Саба - + Cote d'Ivoire Кот-д'Івуар - + Libya Лівія - + Saint Martin (French part) Сен-Мартен (Франція) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Колишня Югославська Респу́бліка Македонія - + Macao Макао - + Pitcairn Піткерн - + Palestine, State of Палестинська держава - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Святої Єлени, Вознесіння та Тристан-да-Кунья, острови - + South Sudan Південний Судан - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Сінт-Мартен (Нідерланди) - + Turkey Туреччина - + Trinidad and Tobago Тринідад і Тобаго - + Tuvalu Тувалу - + Taiwan Тайвань - + Tanzania, United Republic of Танзанія, Об'єднана Республіка - + Ukraine Україна - + Uganda Уганда - + United States Minor Outlying Islands Зовнішні малі острови США - + United States США - + Uruguay Уругвай - + Uzbekistan Узбекистан - + Holy See (Vatican City State) Святий Престол (Держава-місто Ватикан) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Сент-Вінсент і Гренадини - + Virgin Islands, British Віргінські Острови, Британські - + Virgin Islands, U.S. Віргінські острови, Американські - + Vanuatu Вануату - + Wallis and Futuna Волліс і Футуна - + Samoa Самоа - + Yemen Ємен - + Mayotte Майотта - + Serbia Сербія - + South Africa Південна Африка - + Zambia Замбія - + Montenegro Чорногорія - + Zimbabwe Зімбабве - + Aland Islands Аландські острови - + Guernsey Гернсі - + Isle of Man Острів Мен - + Jersey Джерсі, Острів - + Saint Barthelemy Сен-Бартельмі - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. Не вдалося розпакувати базу даних GeoIP. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. Не вдалося зберегти завантажений файл бази GeoIP. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. Базу даних GeoIP успішно оновлено. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 Не вдалося завантажити файл бази GeoIP. Причина: %1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Помилка сповіщення e-mail: @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Це не є коректний ключ SSL. - + Invalid certificate Хибний сертифікат - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. Це не є коректний сертифікат SSL. - + Time Error Помилка часу - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. Час початку і кінця не може бути тим самим. - - + + Length Error Помилка довжини - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Ім'я користувача веб-інтерфейсу повинне містити хоча б 3 символи. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Пароль від Веб-інтерфейсу повинен містити хоча би 6 символів. @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port Порт - + Flags Прапори - + Connection З'єднання - + Client i.e.: Client application Клієнт - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Прогрес - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Шв. завантаження - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Шв. вивантаження - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Завантажено - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Вивантажено - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Доречність - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Файли - + Column visibility Показані колонки - + Add a new peer... Додати нового піра... - - + + Ban peer permanently Заблокувати піра - + Manually adding peer '%1'... Вручну додається пір '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. Піра '%1' не вдалося додати до цього торрента. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... Вручну блокується пір '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Додавання піра - + Country Країна - + Copy IP:port Копіювати IP:порт - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. Деяких пірів не вдалося додати. Додаткові деталі в Журналі. - + The peers were added to this torrent. Пірів додано до цього торрента. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Ви впевнені, що хочете назовсім заблокувати вибраних пірів? - + &Yes &Так - + &No &Ні @@ -6091,95 +6031,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. Помилка вводу/виводу. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 — невідомий параметр командного рядка. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 повинен бути єдиним параметром командного рядка. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 повинен бути коректним портом (1–65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. Ви не можете використовувати %1: qBittorrent уже запущено для цього користувача. - + Usage: Використання: - + Options: Параметри: - + Displays program version Показує версію програми - + Displays this help message Показує це повідомлення допомоги - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) Змінює порт Веб-інтерфейсу (поточний: %1) - + Disable splash screen Вимкнути початкову заставку - + Run in daemon-mode (background) Виконувати у фоновому режимі (daemon) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user Завантажує торренти, вказані користувачем - + Help Допомога - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. Запустіть програму із параметром -h, щоб прочитати про параметри командного рядка. - + Bad command line Поганий командний рядок - + Bad command line: Поганий командний рядок: - + Legal Notice Правова примітка - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6188,22 +6128,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. Ця замітка більше не з'являтиметься. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... Натисніть %1, щоб погодитись і продовжити... - + Legal notice Правова примітка - + Cancel Скасувати - + I Agree Я погоджуюсь @@ -6365,27 +6305,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. Ви оновили програму зі старої версії, яка по-іншому зберігала дані. Ви повинні перейти на нову систему. Після цього ви не зможете повернутись до версії, старішої ніж v3.3.0. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 Не вдалося адаптувати торрент з хешом: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 Не вдалося адаптувати торрент. Неправильна назва файла швидкого відновлення: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. Виявлено аварійний вихід програми. Використовується резервний файл для відновлення налаштувань. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Виникла помилка доступу при спробі запису файла конфігурації. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. Виникла помилка формату при спробі запису файла конфігурації. @@ -6404,8 +6344,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Позначити як прочитане @@ -6425,60 +6365,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Налаштування... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Торренти: (двічі клацніть щоб завантажити) - - + + Delete Видалити - + Rename... Перейменувати... - + Rename Перейменувати - - + + Update Оновити - + New subscription... Нова підписка... - - + + Update all feeds Оновити всі подачі - + Download torrent Завантажити торрент - + Open news URL Відкрити URL новини - + Copy feed URL Копіювати URL подачі - + New folder... Нова тека... @@ -7765,18 +7705,6 @@ No further notices will be issued. Warning (%1) Попередження (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - Не вдалося розкодувати піктограму для URL '%1'. Спроба завантажити зображення у форматі PNG. - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - Не вдалося розкодувати піктограму для URL '%1'. - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - Не вдалося завантажити піктограму для URL '%1'. Причина: %2 - Resume torrents @@ -8080,80 +8008,80 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Показані колонки - + Choose save path Виберіть шлях збереження - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Обмеження швидкості завантаження торрента - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Обмеження швидкості вивантаження торрента - + Recheck confirmation Підтвердження повторної перевірки - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Ви впевнені, що хочете повторно перевірити вибрані торрент(и)? - + Rename Перейменувати - + New name: Нова назва: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Продовжити - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Примусово продовжити - + Pause Pause the torrent Призупинити - + New Category Нова категорія - + Category: Категорія: - + Invalid category name Некоректна назва категорії - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8162,129 +8090,129 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. Назва категорії не повинна містити послідовність '//'. - + Delete Delete the torrent Видалити - + Preview file... Переглянути файл... - + Limit share ratio... Обмежити коефіцієнт роздачі... - + Limit upload rate... Обмежити швидкість вивантаження... - + Limit download rate... Обмежити швидкість завантаження... - + Open destination folder Відкрити теку призначення - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Посунути вперед - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Посунути назад - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Перемістити на початок - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Перемістити в кінець - + Set location... Встановити місце... - + Copy name Копіювати назву - + Download first and last pieces first Спочатку завантажувати першу і останню частину - + Automatic Torrent Management Автоматичне керування торрентами - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category Автоматичний режим означає, що різні властивості торрента (наприклад, шлях збереження) буде визначено через його категорію - + Category Категорія - + New... New category... Нова... - + Reset Reset category Забрати - + Priority Пріоритет - + Force recheck Примусова перевірка - + Copy magnet link Копіювати magnet-посилання - + Super seeding mode Режим супер-сідування - + Rename... Перейменувати... - + Download in sequential order Завантажувати послідовно @@ -8644,11 +8572,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Завантаження diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_vi.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_vi.ts index 07ff19fa0..daf87af2c 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_vi.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_vi.ts @@ -960,302 +960,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - ID của peer: - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support - + Embedded Tracker [ON] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE - + ONLINE - + OFFLINE - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: @@ -2718,1285 +2714,1285 @@ Bạn Có Chắc Rằng Bạn Vẫn Muốn Thoát Chứ? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - + Viet Nam - - + + N/A - + Andorra - + United Arab Emirates - + Afghanistan - + Antigua and Barbuda - + Anguilla - + Albania - + Armenia - + Angola - + Antarctica - + Argentina - + American Samoa - + Austria - + Australia - + Aruba - + Azerbaijan - + Bosnia and Herzegovina - + Barbados - + Bangladesh - + Belgium - + Burkina Faso - + Bulgaria - + Bahrain - + Burundi - + Benin - + Bermuda - + Brunei Darussalam - + Brazil - + Bahamas - + Bhutan - + Bouvet Island - + Botswana - + Belarus - + Belize - + Canada - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the - + Central African Republic - + Congo - + Switzerland - + Cook Islands - + Chile - + Cameroon - + China - + Colombia - + Costa Rica - + Cuba - + Cape Verde - + Curacao - + Christmas Island - + Cyprus - + Czech Republic - + Germany - + Djibouti - + Denmark - + Dominica - + Dominican Republic - + Algeria - + Ecuador - + Estonia - + Egypt - + Western Sahara - + Eritrea - + Spain - + Ethiopia - + Finland - + Fiji - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) - + Micronesia, Federated States of - + Faroe Islands - + France Pháp - + Gabon - + United Kingdom - + Grenada - + Georgia - + French Guiana - + Ghana - + Gibraltar - + Greenland - + Gambia - + Guinea - + Guadeloupe - + Equatorial Guinea - + Greece Hy Lạp - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - + Guatemala - + Guam - + Guinea-Bissau - + Guyana - + Hong Kong - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands - + Honduras - + Croatia - + Haiti - + Hungary - + Indonesia - + Ireland - + Israel - + India - + British Indian Ocean Territory - + Iraq - + Iran, Islamic Republic of - + Iceland - + Italy - + Jamaica - + Jordan - + Japan - + Kenya - + Kyrgyzstan - + Cambodia - + Kiribati - + Comoros - + Saint Kitts and Nevis - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of - + Korea, Republic of - + Kuwait - + Cayman Islands - + Kazakhstan - + Lao People's Democratic Republic - + Lebanon - + Saint Lucia - + Liechtenstein - + Sri Lanka - + Liberia - + Lesotho - + Lithuania - + Luxembourg - + Latvia - + Morocco - + Monaco - + Moldova, Republic of - + Madagascar - + Marshall Islands - + Mali - + Myanmar - + Mongolia - + Northern Mariana Islands - + Martinique - + Mauritania - + Montserrat - + Malta - + Mauritius - + Maldives - + Malawi - + Mexico - + Malaysia - + Mozambique - + Namibia - + New Caledonia - + Niger - + Norfolk Island - + Nigeria - + Nicaragua - + Netherlands - + Norway - + Nepal - + Nauru - + Niue - + New Zealand - + Oman - + Panama - + Peru - + French Polynesia - + Papua New Guinea - + Philippines - + Pakistan - + Poland - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon - + Puerto Rico - + Portugal - + Palau - + Paraguay - + Qatar - + Reunion - + Romania - + Russian Federation - + Rwanda - + Saudi Arabia - + Solomon Islands - + Seychelles - + Sudan - + Sweden - + Singapore - + Slovenia - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen - + Slovakia - + Sierra Leone - + San Marino - + Senegal - + Somalia - + Suriname - + Sao Tome and Principe - + El Salvador - + Syrian Arab Republic - + Swaziland - + Turks and Caicos Islands - + Chad - + French Southern Territories - + Togo - + Thailand - + Tajikistan - + Tokelau - + Turkmenistan - + Tunisia - + Tonga - + Timor-Leste - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - + Cote d'Ivoire - + Libya - + Saint Martin (French part) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of - + Macao - + Pitcairn - + Palestine, State of - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - + South Sudan - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - + Turkey - + Trinidad and Tobago - + Tuvalu - + Taiwan - + Tanzania, United Republic of - + Ukraine - + Uganda - + United States Minor Outlying Islands - + United States - + Uruguay - + Uzbekistan - + Holy See (Vatican City State) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - + Virgin Islands, British - + Virgin Islands, U.S. - + Vanuatu - + Wallis and Futuna - + Samoa - + Yemen - + Mayotte - + Serbia - + South Africa - + Zambia - + Montenegro - + Zimbabwe - + Aland Islands - + Guernsey - + Isle of Man - + Jersey - + Saint Barthelemy - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 @@ -4017,7 +4013,7 @@ Bạn Có Chắc Rằng Bạn Vẫn Muốn Thoát Chứ? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: @@ -5064,38 +5060,38 @@ Bạn Có Chắc Rằng Bạn Vẫn Muốn Thoát Chứ? - + Invalid certificate - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. - + Time Error - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. - - + + Length Error - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. @@ -5176,142 +5172,142 @@ Bạn Có Chắc Rằng Bạn Vẫn Muốn Thoát Chứ? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port - + Flags Cờ Đánh Dấu - + Connection Kết nối - + Client i.e.: Client application Máy trạm - + Progress i.e: % downloaded Tiến độ - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed Tốc độ tải về - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Tốc độ tải lên - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Đã tải về - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Đã tải lên - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now - + Column visibility Chế độ hiển thị cột - + Add a new peer... Thêm vào một mạng ngang hàng mới... - - + + Ban peer permanently Luôn cấm mạng ngang hàng - + Manually adding peer '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. - + Manually banning peer '%1'... - - + + Peer addition Bổ sung mạng ngang hàng - + Country - + Copy IP:port - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. - + The peers were added to this torrent. - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? Bạn có chắc muốn cấm hoàn toàn những mạng ngang hàng mà bạn đã lựa chọn hay không? - + &Yes &Đồng Ý - + &No K&hông Đồng Ý @@ -6025,117 +6021,117 @@ Those plugins were disabled. - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. - + Usage: - + Options: - + Displays program version - + Displays this help message - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) - + Disable splash screen - + Run in daemon-mode (background) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user - + Help Trợ giúp - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. - + Bad command line - + Bad command line: - + Legal Notice - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... - + Legal notice - + Cancel Hủy bỏ - + I Agree @@ -6297,27 +6293,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. @@ -6336,8 +6332,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read Đánh dấu các mục là đã đọc @@ -6357,60 +6353,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. Thiết lập... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) - - + + Delete Xoá - + Rename... Đổi tên... - + Rename Đổi tên - - + + Update Cập nhật - + New subscription... Đăng ký theo dõi mới... - - + + Update all feeds Cập nhật các nguồn tin feed - + Download torrent Tải về torrent - + Open news URL Mở tin tức từ liên kết - + Copy feed URL Sao chép đường dẫn feed - + New folder... Tạo thư mục mới... @@ -8000,209 +7996,209 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility Chế độ hiển thị cột - + Choose save path Chọn đường dẫn để lưu - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Đang giới hạn tốc độ tải về của torrent - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Đang giới hạn tốc độ tải lên của torrent - + Recheck confirmation Kiểm tra lại phần xác nhận - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? Bạn có chắc bạn muốn kiểm tra lại (các)torrent đã chọn hay không? - + Rename Đổi tên - + New name: Tên mới : - + Resume Resume/start the torrent Khôi phục lại - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent - + Pause Pause the torrent Tạm dừng - + New Category - + Category: - + Invalid category name - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. - + Delete Delete the torrent Xóa - + Preview file... Xem sơ lược tập tin... - + Limit share ratio... Giới hạn tỉ lệ chia sẻ... - + Limit upload rate... Giới hạn tỉ lệ tải lên... - + Limit download rate... Giới hạn tỉ lệ tải về... - + Open destination folder Mở thư mục đích - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue Di chuyển lên trên - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Di chuyển xuống dưới - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Di chuyển lên trên cùng - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Di chuyển xuống dưới cùng - + Set location... Đặt vị trí... - + Copy name - + Download first and last pieces first - + Automatic Torrent Management - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category - + Category - + New... New category... - + Reset Reset category - + Priority Độ ưu tiên - + Force recheck Buộc kiểm tra lại - + Copy magnet link Sao chép đường dẫn magnet - + Super seeding mode Chế độ seed cao cấp - + Rename... Đổi tên... - + Download in sequential order Tải về theo thứ tự tuần tự @@ -8562,11 +8558,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads Tải về diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_zh.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_zh.ts index 0e6b38063..792ef4c0a 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_zh.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_zh.ts @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - Peer ID: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP User-Agent 为 '%1' - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - 匿名模式 [开] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - 匿名模式 [关] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX 支持 [开] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX 支持 [关] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support 更改 PeX 支持状态需要重启 - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - 本地资源搜索支持 [开] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - 本地资源搜索支持 [关] - - - Encryption support [ON] - 加密支持 [开] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - 加密支持 [强制] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - 加密支持 [开] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] 内置 Tracker [开] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! 无法启动内置 tracker! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] 内置 Tracker [关] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... '%1' 达到了您设定的最大比率,正在删除... - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... '%1' 达到了您设定的最大比率,暂停中... - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE 系统网络状态变更至 %1 - + ONLINE 在线 - + OFFLINE 离线 - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding 网络配置 %1 发生改变,刷新会话绑定 - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. 设置的网络接口地址 %1 无效。 - + Encryption support [%1] - + FORCED - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. 无法解析 '%1' torrent 文件。 - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' 递归下载包含在 torrent ‘%2’ 内的文件 '%1' - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' 无法保存 '%1.torrent' - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. 因为 %1 已被禁用。 - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. 因为 %1 已被禁用。 - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 找不到 URL 种子:'%1',消息:%2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent 监听接口 %1 端口:%2/%3 失败。原因:%4。 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' 从传输列表及硬盘被移除。 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' 从传输列表被移除。 - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... '%1' 下载中,请等待... - DHT support [ON] - DHT 支持 [开] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT 支持 [关]。原因:%1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT 支持 [关] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent 试图监听任何接口上的端口:%1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 网络界面定义无效:%1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent 试图监听接口 %1 端口:%2 - + DHT support [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - - - - + + + + OFF - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent 无法找到一个本地的 %1 地址进行监听 - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent 监听接口端口 %1 失败。原因:%2。 - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' 已被添加到 torrent '%2' - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' Tracker '%1' 已被添加到 torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL 种子 '%1' 已被添加到 torrent '%2' - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL 种子 '%1' 已被添加到 torrent '%2' - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. 无法恢复 torrent:'%1'。 - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number 解析提供的 IP 过滤规则成功:%1 条规则被应用。 - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. 错误:无法解析提供的 IP 过滤规则。 - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 不能添加 torrent:'%1'。原因:%2 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' 已恢复(快速恢复)。 - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. '%1' 已添加到下载列表。 - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 出现 I/O 错误,'%1' 暂停。%2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP:端口映射失败,消息: %1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP:端口映射成功,消息: %1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. 是因为 IP 过滤规则。 - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. 是因为端口过滤规则。 - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. 是因为 I2P 混合模式的限制。 - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. 因为它有一个低端口号。 - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent 成功监听接口 %1 端口:%2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: 外部 IP:%1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes 总是 - - Python found in %1 - Python 位于 %1 - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2783,1285 +2723,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. 已载入 GeoIP 数据库。类型:%1。创建时间:%2。 - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 无法载入 GeoIP 数据库。原因:%1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 委內瑞拉 - + Viet Nam 越南 - - + + N/A N/A - + Andorra 安道尔 - + United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国 - + Afghanistan 阿富汗 - + Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达 - + Anguilla 安圭拉 - + Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 - + Armenia 亚美尼亚 - + Angola 安哥拉 - + Antarctica 南极洲 - + Argentina 阿根廷 - + American Samoa 美属萨摩亚 - + Austria 奥地利 - + Australia 澳大利亚 - + Aruba 阿鲁巴 - + Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆 - + Bosnia and Herzegovina 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 - + Barbados 巴巴多斯 - + Bangladesh 孟加拉国 - + Belgium 比利时 - + Burkina Faso 布吉纳法索 - + Bulgaria 保加利亚 - + Bahrain 巴林 - + Burundi 布隆迪 - + Benin 贝宁 - + Bermuda 百慕大 - + Brunei Darussalam 文莱达鲁萨兰国 - + Brazil 巴西 - + Bahamas 巴哈马 - + Bhutan 不丹 - + Bouvet Island 布维岛 - + Botswana 博茨瓦纳 - + Belarus 白俄罗斯 - + Belize 伯利兹 - + Canada 加拿大 - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands 科科斯 (基林) 群岛 - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 刚果民主共和国 - + Central African Republic 中非共和国 - + Congo 刚果 - + Switzerland 瑞士 - + Cook Islands 库克群岛 - + Chile 智利 - + Cameroon 喀麦隆 - + China 中国 - + Colombia 哥伦比亚 - + Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加 - + Cuba 古巴 - + Cape Verde 佛得角 - + Curacao 库拉索 - + Christmas Island 圣诞岛 - + Cyprus 塞浦路斯 - + Czech Republic 捷克共和国 - + Germany 德国 - + Djibouti 吉布提 - + Denmark 丹麦 - + Dominica 多米尼克 - + Dominican Republic 多米尼加共和国 - + Algeria 阿尔及利亚 - + Ecuador 厄瓜多尔 - + Estonia 爱沙尼亚 - + Egypt 埃及 - + Western Sahara 西撒哈拉 - + Eritrea 厄立特里亚 - + Spain 西班牙 - + Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚 - + Finland 芬兰 - + Fiji 斐济 - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 福克兰群岛 (马尔维纳斯群岛) - + Micronesia, Federated States of 密克罗尼西亚联邦国 - + Faroe Islands 法罗群岛 - + France 法国 - + Gabon 加蓬 - + United Kingdom 英国 - + Grenada 格林纳达 - + Georgia 格鲁吉亚 - + French Guiana 法属圭亚那 - + Ghana 加纳 - + Gibraltar 直布罗陀 - + Greenland 格陵兰岛 - + Gambia 冈比亚 - + Guinea 几内亚 - + Guadeloupe 瓜德罗普岛 - + Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚 - + Greece 希腊 - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛 - + Guatemala 危地马拉 - + Guam 关岛 - + Guinea-Bissau 几内亚比绍 - + Guyana 圭亚那 - + Hong Kong 香港 - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands 赫德岛和麦克唐纳群岛 - + Honduras 洪都拉斯 - + Croatia 克罗地亚 - + Haiti 海地 - + Hungary 匈牙利 - + Indonesia 印度尼西亚 - + Ireland 爱尔兰 - + Israel 以色列 - + India 印度 - + British Indian Ocean Territory 英属印度洋领地 - + Iraq 伊拉克 - + Iran, Islamic Republic of 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 - + Iceland 冰岛 - + Italy 意大利 - + Jamaica 牙买加 - + Jordan 约旦 - + Japan 日本 - + Kenya 肯尼亚 - + Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦 - + Cambodia 柬埔寨 - + Kiribati 基里巴斯 - + Comoros 科摩罗 - + Saint Kitts and Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯 - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 - + Korea, Republic of 韩国 (大韩民国) - + Kuwait 科威特 - + Cayman Islands 开曼群岛 - + Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦 - + Lao People's Democratic Republic 老挝人民民主共和国 - + Lebanon 黎巴嫩 - + Saint Lucia 圣卢西亚 - + Liechtenstein 列支敦士登 - + Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡 - + Liberia 利比里亚 - + Lesotho 莱索托 - + Lithuania 立陶宛 - + Luxembourg 卢森堡 - + Latvia 拉托维亚 - + Morocco 摩洛哥 - + Monaco 摩纳哥 - + Moldova, Republic of 摩尔多瓦共和国 - + Madagascar 马达加斯加 - + Marshall Islands 马绍尔群岛 - + Mali 马里 - + Myanmar 缅甸 - + Mongolia 蒙古 - + Northern Mariana Islands 北马里亚纳群岛 - + Martinique 马提尼克岛 - + Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚 - + Montserrat 蒙特塞拉特 - + Malta 马耳他 - + Mauritius 毛里求斯 - + Maldives 马尔代夫 - + Malawi 马拉维 - + Mexico 墨西哥 - + Malaysia 马来西亚 - + Mozambique 莫桑比克 - + Namibia 纳米比亚 - + New Caledonia 新喀里多尼亚 - + Niger 尼日尔 - + Norfolk Island 诺福克岛 - + Nigeria 尼日利亚 - + Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜 - + Netherlands 荷兰 - + Norway 挪威 - + Nepal 尼泊尔 - + Nauru 瑙鲁 - + Niue 纽埃 - + New Zealand 新西兰 - + Oman 阿曼 - + Panama 巴拿马 - + Peru 秘鲁 - + French Polynesia 法属波利尼西亚 - + Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚 - + Philippines 菲律宾 - + Pakistan 巴基斯坦 - + Poland 波兰 - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon 圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛 - + Puerto Rico 波多黎各 - + Portugal 葡萄牙 - + Palau 帕劳 - + Paraguay 巴拉圭 - + Qatar 卡塔尔 - + Reunion 团聚 - + Romania 罗马尼亚 - + Russian Federation 俄罗斯联邦 - + Rwanda 卢旺达 - + Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 - + Solomon Islands 所罗门群岛 - + Seychelles 塞舌尔 - + Sudan 苏丹 - + Sweden 瑞典 - + Singapore 新加坡 - + Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚 - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen 斯瓦尔巴和扬马延岛 - + Slovakia 斯洛伐克 - + Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂 - + San Marino 圣马利诺 - + Senegal 塞内加尔 - + Somalia 索马里 - + Suriname 苏里南 - + Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美和普林西比 - + El Salvador 萨尔瓦多 - + Syrian Arab Republic 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 - + Swaziland 斯威士兰 - + Turks and Caicos Islands 特克斯和凯科斯群岛 - + Chad 乍得 - + French Southern Territories 法国南部领地 - + Togo 多哥 - + Thailand 泰国 - + Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦 - + Tokelau 托克劳 - + Turkmenistan 土库曼斯坦 - + Tunisia 突尼斯 - + Tonga 汤加 - + Timor-Leste 东帝汶 - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of 玻利维亚 - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 博奈尔 - + Cote d'Ivoire 科特迪瓦 - + Libya 利比亚 - + Saint Martin (French part) 法属圣马丁岛 - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of 马其顿共和国 - + Macao 澳门 - + Pitcairn 皮特凯恩 - + Palestine, State of 巴勒斯坦 - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 圣赫勒拿、阿森松和特里斯坦-达库尼亚 - + South Sudan 南苏丹 - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 荷属圣马丁岛 - + Turkey 土耳其 - + Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥 - + Tuvalu 图瓦卢 - + Taiwan 台湾省 - + Tanzania, United Republic of 坦桑尼亚联合共和国 - + Ukraine 乌克兰 - + Uganda 乌干达 - + United States Minor Outlying Islands 美国本土外小岛屿 - + United States 美国 - + Uruguay 乌拉圭 - + Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦 - + Holy See (Vatican City State) 教廷(梵蒂冈城国) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 - + Virgin Islands, British 英属维京群岛 - + Virgin Islands, U.S. 美属维京群岛 - + Vanuatu 瓦努阿图 - + Wallis and Futuna 瓦利斯和富图纳群岛 - + Samoa 萨摩亚 - + Yemen 也门 - + Mayotte 马约特岛 - + Serbia 塞尔维亚 - + South Africa 南非 - + Zambia 赞比亚 - + Montenegro 黑山 - + Zimbabwe 津巴布韦 - + Aland Islands 奥兰群岛 - + Guernsey 根西岛 - + Isle of Man 马恩岛 - + Jersey 泽西岛 - + Saint Barthelemy 圣巴泰勒米 - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. 无法解压 GeoIP 数据库文件。 - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. 无法保存已下载的 GeoIP 数据库文件。 - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. 成功更新 GeoIP 数据库。 - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 无法下载 GeoIP 数据库文件。原因:%1 @@ -4082,7 +4022,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: Email 提醒出错: @@ -5129,38 +5069,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? 这不是有效的 SSL 密钥。 - + Invalid certificate 无效证书 - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. 这不是有效的 SSL 证书。 - + Time Error 时间错误 - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. 开始时间和结束时间不能相同。 - - + + Length Error 长度错误 - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Web 界面用户名长度最少为 3 个字符。 - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Web 界面密码长度最少为 6 个字符。 @@ -5241,142 +5181,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port 端口 - + Flags 标志 - + Connection 连接 - + Client i.e.: Client application 客户端 - + Progress i.e: % downloaded 进度 - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed 下载速度 - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed 上传速度 - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded 已下载 - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded 已上传 - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. 文件关联 - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now 文件 - + Column visibility 显示列 - + Add a new peer... 添加新用户... - - + + Ban peer permanently 永久禁止用户 - + Manually adding peer '%1'... 手动添加用户 '%1'... - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. 用户 '%1' 无法被添加到此 torrent。 - + Manually banning peer '%1'... 手动禁止用户 '%1'... - - + + Peer addition 添加用户 - + Country 国家 - + Copy IP:port 复制 IP:端口 - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. 部分用户无法被添加。请查看日志以了解更多。 - + The peers were added to this torrent. 这些用户已添加到此 torrent。 - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? 您确定要永久禁止被选中的用户吗? - + &Yes - + &No @@ -6092,95 +6032,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. I/O 错误:创建缓存文件失败。 - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 是未知的命令行参数。 - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 必须是一个单一的命令行参数。 - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 必须指定正确的端口号 (1 ~ 65535)。 - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. 您不能使用 %1:qBittorrent 已在当前用户运行。 - + Usage: 使用: - + Options: 设定: - + Displays program version 显示程序版本号 - + Displays this help message 显示帮助信息 - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) 修改网络界面端口(当前:%1) - + Disable splash screen 禁用启动界面 - + Run in daemon-mode (background) 运行在守护进程模式(后台运行) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user 下载用户批准的 torrents - + Help 帮助 - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. 启动程序时加入 -h 参数以参看相关命令行信息。 - + Bad command line 错误的命令 - + Bad command line: 错误的命令: - + Legal Notice 法律声明 - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6189,22 +6129,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. 之后不会有其他提醒。 - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... 按 %1 键接受并且继续... - + Legal notice 法律声明 - + Cancel 取消 - + I Agree 同意 @@ -6366,27 +6306,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. 你从较旧的版本更新,两者保存的东西有所不同。你必须迁移到新的保存系统。如果你继续,你将不能再次使用比 v3.3.0 旧的版本。 - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 不能迁移 torrent,它的哈希为:%1 - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 不能迁移 torrent。无效的快速恢复文件名称:%1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. 检测到未清理的程序退出。使用备份文件恢复设置。 - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. 尝试写入配置文件时出现权限错误。 - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. 尝试写入配置文件时出现文件格式错误。 @@ -6405,8 +6345,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read 标记项目为已读 @@ -6426,60 +6366,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. 设置... - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrents:(双击下载) - - + + Delete 删除 - + Rename... 重命名... - + Rename 重命名 - - + + Update 更新 - + New subscription... 新建订阅... - - + + Update all feeds 更新所有订阅 - + Download torrent 下载 torrent - + Open news URL 打开新闻 URL - + Copy feed URL 复制文件 URL - + New folder... 新文件夹... @@ -7766,18 +7706,6 @@ No further notices will be issued. Warning (%1) 警告 (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - 无法解码 URL '%1' 的图标。尝试下载 PNG 格式的图标。 - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - 无法解码 URL '%1' 的图标。 - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - 无法下载 URL '%1' 的图标。原因:%2 - Resume torrents @@ -8081,80 +8009,80 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility 是否显示列 - + Choose save path 选择保存路径 - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torrent 下载速度限制 - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torrent 上传速度限制 - + Recheck confirmation 重新检查确认 - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? 你确定要重新检查选定的 torrent(s) 吗? - + Rename 重命名 - + New name: 新名称: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent 重新开始 - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent 强制恢复 - + Pause Pause the torrent 暂停 - + New Category 新分类 - + Category: 分类: - + Invalid category name 无效分类名 - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8163,129 +8091,129 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. 分类名不能包含 '//'。 - + Delete Delete the torrent 删除 - + Preview file... 预览文件... - + Limit share ratio... 限制分享率... - + Limit upload rate... 限制上传速度... - + Limit download rate... 限制下载速度... - + Open destination folder 打开目标文件夹 - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue 上移 - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue 下移 - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue 移至顶部 - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue 移至底部 - + Set location... 更改保存位置... - + Copy name 复制文件名 - + Download first and last pieces first 先下载首尾段 - + Automatic Torrent Management 自动 Torrent 管理 - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category 自动模式表示不同的 torrent 的配置信息(例如保存路径)将由相关的分类决定 - + Category 分类 - + New... New category... 新分类... - + Reset Reset category 重置 - + Priority 优先 - + Force recheck 强制再次核对 - + Copy magnet link 复制磁力链接 - + Super seeding mode 超级做种模式 - + Rename... 重命名... - + Download in sequential order 以连续顺序下载 @@ -8645,11 +8573,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads 下载 diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_zh_HK.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_zh_HK.ts index 03e30b8f7..3e5ae2d3e 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_zh_HK.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_zh_HK.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Error: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + 下載追蹤器圖示 @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - 同路人ID: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP用戶代理是「%1」 - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - 匿名模式 [啟用中] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - 匿名模式 [停用中] - - - PeX support [ON] - 支援PeX同路人交換 [啟用中] - - - PeX support [OFF] - 支援PeX同路人交換 [停用中] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support 啟用和停用對PeX同路人交換的支援須重新啟動 - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - 支援LPD本地同路人發現 [啟用中] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - 支援LPD本地同路人發現 [停用中] - - - Encryption support [ON] - 加密支援 [啟用中] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - 加密支援 [強制] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - 加密支援 [停用中] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] 嵌入式追蹤器 [啟用中] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! 無法開啟嵌入式追蹤器。 - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] 嵌入式追蹤器 [停用中] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... 「%1」已到你設定的最大分享率。清除中… - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... 「%1」已到你設定的最大分享率。暫停中… - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE 系統網絡連線:%1 - + ONLINE 啟用 - + OFFLINE 停用 - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding %1的網絡設定已更改,正在更新階段配對 - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. 設定的網絡介面位址%1無效。 - + Encryption support [%1] - + 加密支援 [%1] - + FORCED - + 強制 - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + 匿名模式 [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. 無法解析Torrent檔「%1」 - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' 反復下載嵌入於Torrent「%2」的「%1」 - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' 無法儲存「%1.torrent」 - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. 因%1已被停用。 - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. 因%1已被停用。 - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 網址「%1」搜尋URL種子失敗,訊息:%2 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent監聽介面%1的埠%2/%3失敗。理由:%4。 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... 「%1」已從傳輸清單和磁碟中清除。 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... 「%1」已從傳輸清單清除。 - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... 下載「%1」中,請稍候… - DHT support [ON] - 支援DHT分散式網絡 [啟用中] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - 支援DHT分散式網絡 [停用中]。理由:%1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - 支援DHT分散式網絡 [停用中] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent正在嘗試監聽任何介面埠:%1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 定義的網絡介面無效:%1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent正在嘗試監聽介面%1的埠:%2 - + DHT support [%1] - + 支援DHT分散式網絡 [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + 啟用中 - - - - + + + + OFF - + 停用中 - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + 支援LPD本地同路人發現 [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + 啟用和停用對追蹤器交換的支援須重新啟動 - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent未找到供監聽的%1本地位址 - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent監聽任何介面埠失敗:%1。理由:%2。 - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' 追蹤器「%1」已加入到Torrent「%2」 - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' 追蹤器「%1」已從Torrent「%2」刪除 - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' 已加入URL種子「%1」到Torrent「%2」 - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' 已從Torrent「%2」清除URL種子「%1」 - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. 無法復原Torrent檔案「%1」。 - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number 成功解析IP過濾器:已套用%1個規則。 - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. 錯誤:解析IP過濾器失敗。 - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 無法加入Torrent。理由:%1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) 已重新載入「%1」。(快速復原) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. 「%1」已加入到下載清單。 - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 發生入出錯誤,「%1」已暫停。%2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP╱NAT-PMP:埠映射失敗,訊息:%1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP╱NAT-PMP:埠映射成功,訊息:%1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. 由於IP過濾器。 - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. 由於埠過濾器。 - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. 由於i2p混合模式限制。 - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. 由於低埠。 - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent成功監聽介面%1的埠:%2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: 外部IP:%1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes 總是(&A) - - Python found in %1 - 於%1找到Python - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2569,7 +2509,7 @@ Do you want to download %1? Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + 於「%1: %2」找到Python @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. 已載入GeoIP資料庫。類型:%1。版本時間:%2。 - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 無法載入GeoIP資料庫。理由:%1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 委內瑞拉(Venezuela) - + Viet Nam 越南(Viet Nam) - - + + N/A (無) - + Andorra 安道爾(Andorra) - + United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯聯合酋長國(United Arab Emirates) - + Afghanistan 阿富汗(Afghanistan) - + Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布達(Antigua and Barbuda) - + Anguilla 安圭拉(Anguilla) - + Albania 阿爾巴尼亞(Albania) - + Armenia 阿美尼亞(Armenia) - + Angola 安哥拉(Angola) - + Antarctica 南極洲(Antarctica) - + Argentina 阿根廷(Argentina) - + American Samoa 美屬薩摩亞(American Samoa) - + Austria 奧地利(Austria) - + Australia 澳洲(Australia) - + Aruba 阿魯巴(Aruba) - + Azerbaijan 阿西拜疆(Azerbaijan) - + Bosnia and Herzegovina 波斯尼亞(Bosnia) - + Barbados 巴巴多斯(Barbados) - + Bangladesh 孟加拉(Bangladesh) - + Belgium 比利時(Belgium) - + Burkina Faso 布基納法索(Burkina Faso) - + Bulgaria 保加利亞(Bulgaria) - + Bahrain 巴林(Bahrain) - + Burundi 布隆迪(Burundi) - + Benin 貝寧(Benin) - + Bermuda 百慕達(Bermuda) - + Brunei Darussalam 汶萊(Brunei) - + Brazil 巴西(Brazil) - + Bahamas 巴哈馬(Bahamas) - + Bhutan 不丹(Bhutan) - + Bouvet Island 鮑威特島(Bouvet Island) - + Botswana 博茨華納(Botswana) - + Belarus 白俄羅斯(Belarus) - + Belize 伯利茲(Belize) - + Canada 加拿大(Canada) - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands 可可斯群島(Cocos Islands) - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 剛果民主共和國(Democratic Republic of Congo) - + Central African Republic 中非共和國(Central African Republic) - + Congo 剛果(Congo) - + Switzerland 瑞士(Switzerland) - + Cook Islands 庫克群島(Cook Islands) - + Chile 智利(Chile) - + Cameroon 喀麥隆(Cameroon) - + China 中華人民共和國(China) - + Colombia 哥倫比亞(Colombia) - + Costa Rica 哥斯達黎加(Costa Rica) - + Cuba 古巴(Cuba) - + Cape Verde 佛得角(Cape Verde) - + Curacao 古拉索(Curacao) - + Christmas Island 聖誕島(Christmas Island) - + Cyprus 西浦路斯(Cyprus) - + Czech Republic 捷克(Czech Republic) - + Germany 德國(Germany) - + Djibouti 吉布提(Djibouti) - + Denmark 丹麥(Denmark) - + Dominica 多明尼加聯邦(Dominica) - + Dominican Republic 多明尼加共和國(Dominican Republic) - + Algeria 阿爾及利亞(Algeria) - + Ecuador 厄瓜多爾(Ecuador) - + Estonia 愛沙尼亞(Estonia) - + Egypt 埃及(Egypt) - + Western Sahara 西撒哈拉(Western Sahara) - + Eritrea 厄立特里亞(Eritrea) - + Spain 西班牙(Spain) - + Ethiopia 衣索比亞(Ethiopia) - + Finland 芬蘭(Finland) - + Fiji 斐濟(Fiji) - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 福克蘭群島(Falkland Islands) - + Micronesia, Federated States of 密克羅尼西亞聯邦(Federated States of Micronesia) - + Faroe Islands 法羅群島(Faroe Islands) - + France 法國(France) - + Gabon 加蓬(Gabon) - + United Kingdom 英國(United Kingdom) - + Grenada 格林納達(Grenada) - + Georgia 格魯吉亞(Georgia) - + French Guiana 法屬圭亞那(French Guiana) - + Ghana 加納(Ghana) - + Gibraltar 直布羅陀(Gibraltar) - + Greenland 格陵蘭(Greenland) - + Gambia 岡比亞(Gambia) - + Guinea 幾內亞(Guinea) - + Guadeloupe 瓜德羅普(Guadeloupe) - + Equatorial Guinea 赤道幾內亞(Equatorial Guinea) - + Greece 希臘(Greece) - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 南喬治亞和南三文治群島(South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands) - + Guatemala 危地馬拉(Guatemala) - + Guam 關島(Guam) - + Guinea-Bissau 幾內亞比紹(Guinea-Bissau) - + Guyana 圭亞那(Guyana) - + Hong Kong 香港(Hong Kong) - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands 凱德島和麥當奴群島(Heard Island and McDonald Islands) - + Honduras 洪都拉斯(Honduras) - + Croatia 克羅地亞(Croatia) - + Haiti 海地(Haiti) - + Hungary 匈牙利(Hungary) - + Indonesia 印尼(Indonesia) - + Ireland 愛爾蘭(Ireland) - + Israel 以色列(Israel) - + India 印度(India) - + British Indian Ocean Territory 英屬印度洋領地(British Indian Ocean Territory) - + Iraq 伊拉克(Iraq) - + Iran, Islamic Republic of 伊朗(Iran) - + Iceland 冰島(Iceland) - + Italy 意大利(Italy) - + Jamaica 牙買加(Jamaica) - + Jordan 約旦(Jordan) - + Japan 日本(Japan) - + Kenya 肯亞(Kenya) - + Kyrgyzstan 吉爾吉斯(Kyrgyzstan) - + Cambodia 柬埔寨(Cambodia) - + Kiribati 基里巴斯(Kiribati) - + Comoros 科摩羅(Comoros) - + Saint Kitts and Nevis 聖基茨和尼維斯(Saint Kitts and Nevis) - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 朝鮮(North Korea) - + Korea, Republic of 韓國(South Korea) - + Kuwait 科威特(Kuwait) - + Cayman Islands 開曼群島(Cayman Islands) - + Kazakhstan 哈薩克(Kazakhstan) - + Lao People's Democratic Republic 寮國(Laos) - + Lebanon 黎巴嫩(Lebanon) - + Saint Lucia 聖盧西亞(Saint Lucia) - + Liechtenstein 列支敦士登(Liechtenstein) - + Sri Lanka 斯里蘭卡(Sri Lanka) - + Liberia 利比里亞(Liberia) - + Lesotho 萊索托(Lesotho) - + Lithuania 立陶宛(Lithuania) - + Luxembourg 盧森堡(Luxembourg) - + Latvia 拉脫維亞(Latvia) - + Morocco 摩洛哥(Morocco) - + Monaco 摩納哥(Monaco) - + Moldova, Republic of 摩爾多瓦(Moldova) - + Madagascar 馬達加斯加(Madagascar) - + Marshall Islands 馬紹爾群島(Marshall Islands) - + Mali 馬里(Mali) - + Myanmar 緬甸(Myanmar) - + Mongolia 蒙古(Mongolia) - + Northern Mariana Islands 北馬里亞納群島(Northern Mariana Islands) - + Martinique 馬提尼克(Martinique) - + Mauritania 毛里塔尼亞(Mauritania) - + Montserrat 滿特西拉特(Montserrat) - + Malta 馬耳他(Malta) - + Mauritius 毛里求斯(Mauritius) - + Maldives 馬爾代夫(Maldives) - + Malawi 馬拉維(Malawi) - + Mexico 墨西哥(Mexico) - + Malaysia 馬來西亞(Malaysia) - + Mozambique 莫桑比克(Mozambique) - + Namibia 納米比亞(Namibia) - + New Caledonia 新喀里多尼亞(New Caledonia) - + Niger 尼日爾(Niger) - + Norfolk Island 諾福克島(Norfolk Island) - + Nigeria 尼日利亞(Nigeria) - + Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜(Nicaragua) - + Netherlands 荷蘭(Netherlands) - + Norway 挪威(Norway) - + Nepal 尼泊爾(Nepal) - + Nauru 瑙魯(Nauru) - + Niue 紐埃(Niue) - + New Zealand 新西蘭(New Zealand) - + Oman 阿曼(Oman) - + Panama 巴拿馬(Panama) - + Peru 秘魯(Peru) - + French Polynesia 法屬波利尼西亞(French Polynesia) - + Papua New Guinea 巴布亞新幾內亞(Papua New Guinea) - + Philippines 菲律賓(Philippines) - + Pakistan 巴基斯坦(Pakistan) - + Poland 波蘭(Poland) - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon 聖皮埃爾和密克隆(Saint Pierre and Miquelon) - + Puerto Rico 波多黎各(Puerto Rico) - + Portugal 葡萄牙(Portugal) - + Palau 帛琉(Palau) - + Paraguay 巴拉圭(Paraguay) - + Qatar 卡塔爾(Qatar) - + Reunion 留尼旺(Reunion) - + Romania 羅馬尼亞(Romania) - + Russian Federation 俄羅斯(Russia) - + Rwanda 盧旺達(Rwanda) - + Saudi Arabia 沙地阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia) - + Solomon Islands 所羅門群島(Solomon Islands) - + Seychelles 西舌爾(Seychelles) - + Sudan 蘇丹(Sudan) - + Sweden 瑞典(Sweden) - + Singapore 新加坡(Singapore) - + Slovenia 斯洛文尼亞(Slovenia) - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen 斯瓦巴和揚馬延(Svalbard and Jan Mayen) - + Slovakia 斯洛伐克(Slovakia) - + Sierra Leone 西拉利昂(Sierra Leone) - + San Marino 聖馬力諾(San Marino) - + Senegal 西內加爾(Senegal) - + Somalia 索馬里(Somalia) - + Suriname 蘇里南(Suriname) - + Sao Tome and Principe 聖多美和普林西比(Sao Tome and Principe) - + El Salvador 薩爾瓦多(El Salvador) - + Syrian Arab Republic 敘利亞(Syria) - + Swaziland 斯威士蘭(Swaziland) - + Turks and Caicos Islands 特克斯群島和凱科斯群島(Turks and Caicos Islands) - + Chad 乍得(Chad) - + French Southern Territories 法屬南部領地(French Southern Territories) - + Togo 多哥(Togo) - + Thailand 泰國(Thailand) - + Tajikistan 塔吉克(Tajikistan) - + Tokelau 托克勞(Tokelau) - + Turkmenistan 土庫曼(Turkmenistan) - + Tunisia 突尼西亞(Tunisia) - + Tonga 湯加(Tonga) - + Timor-Leste 東帝汶(East Timor) - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of 玻利維亞(Bolivia) - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 波奈、聖圖達斯和薩巴(Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba) - + Cote d'Ivoire 科特迪瓦(Cote d'Ivoire) - + Libya 利比亞(Libya) - + Saint Martin (French part) 法屬聖馬丁(Saint Martin) - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of 馬其頓(Macedonia) - + Macao 澳門(Macao) - + Pitcairn 皮特凱恩(Pitcairn) - + Palestine, State of 巴勒斯坦(Palestine) - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 聖凱倫娜、阿森淳和崔斯坦達庫尼亞(Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha) - + South Sudan 南蘇丹(South Sudan) - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 荷屬聖馬丁(Sint Maarten) - + Turkey 土耳其(Turkey) - + Trinidad and Tobago 千里達和多巴哥(Trinidad and Tobago) - + Tuvalu 吐瓦魯(Tuvalu) - + Taiwan 臺灣(Taiwan) - + Tanzania, United Republic of 坦桑尼亞(Tanzania) - + Ukraine 烏克蘭(Ukraine) - + Uganda 烏干達(Uganda) - + United States Minor Outlying Islands 美國小型外島(United States Minor Outlying Islands) - + United States 美國(United States) - + Uruguay 烏拉圭(Uruguay) - + Uzbekistan 烏茲別克(Uzbekistan) - + Holy See (Vatican City State) 梵蒂岡(Vatican) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 聖文森和格林納丁斯(Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) - + Virgin Islands, British 英屬處女群島(British Virgin Islands) - + Virgin Islands, U.S. 美屬處女群島(American Virgin Islands) - + Vanuatu 瓦努阿圖(Vanuatu) - + Wallis and Futuna 華利斯和富圖納(Wallis and Futuna) - + Samoa 薩摩亞(Samoa) - + Yemen 也門(Yemen) - + Mayotte 馬約特(Mayotte) - + Serbia 西爾維亞(Serbia) - + South Africa 南非(South Africa) - + Zambia 贊比亞(Zambia) - + Montenegro 黑山(Montenegro) - + Zimbabwe 津巴布韋(Zimbabwe) - + Aland Islands 奧蘭群島(Aland Islands) - + Guernsey 根西(Guernsey) - + Isle of Man 曼島(Isle of Man) - + Jersey 澤西(Jersey) - + Saint Barthelemy 聖巴泰勒米(Saint Barthelemy) - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. 無法解壓縮GeoIP資料庫檔。 - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. 無法儲存GeoIP資料庫檔。 - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. 成功更新GeoIP資料庫。 - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 無法下載GeoIP資料庫。理由:%1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: 電郵通知錯誤: @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? 無效的SSL密匙。 - + Invalid certificate 無效憑證 - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. 無效的SSL憑證。 - + Time Error 時間錯誤 - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. 開始時間與結尾時間不可相同。 - - + + Length Error 長度錯誤 - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Web UI遠端控制的用戶名最少含3個字元。 - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Web UI遠端控制的用戶名最少含6個字元。 @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port - + Flags 旗號 - + Connection 連接 - + Client i.e.: Client application 用戶端 - + Progress i.e: % downloaded 進度 - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed 下載速度 - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed 上載速度 - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded 已下載 - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded 已上載 - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. 相關度 - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now 檔案 - + Column visibility 欄位顯示 - + Add a new peer... 加入同路人… - - + + Ban peer permanently 永遠封鎖同路人 - + Manually adding peer '%1'... 手動加入同路人「%1」… - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. 無法加入同路人「%1」到這Torrent。 - + Manually banning peer '%1'... 手動封鎖同路人「%1」… - - + + Peer addition 加入同路人 - + Country 國家 - + Copy IP:port 複製「IP:埠」 - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. 無法加入部份同路人。詳情請看執行日誌。 - + The peers were added to this torrent. 已加入同路人到這Torrent。 - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? 永遠封鎖所選同路人,確定? - + &Yes 是(&Y) - + &No 否(&N) @@ -6089,95 +6029,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. 入出錯誤:無法建立暫存檔。 - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1是未知的指令行參數。 - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1必須是單一指令行參數。 - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1須指向正確的埠(1到65535)。 - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. 無法使用%1:qBittorrent正由這用戶執行。 - + Usage: 用量: - + Options: 選項: - + Displays program version 顯示程式版本 - + Displays this help message 顯示說明訊息 - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) 更改Web UI遠端控制埠(目前是:%1) - + Disable splash screen 不要顯示開始畫面 - + Run in daemon-mode (background) 以守護模式啟動(背景執行) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user 下載用戶批准的Torrent - + Help 說明 - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. 以-h選項執行應用程式以閱讀關於指令行參數的資訊。 - + Bad command line 錯誤指令行 - + Bad command line: 錯誤指令行: - + Legal Notice 法律聲明 - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6186,22 +6126,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. 往後不會再有提醒。 - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... 按%1表示接受並繼續… - + Legal notice 法律聲明 - + Cancel 取消 - + I Agree 我同意 @@ -6363,27 +6303,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. 你升級自一個以其他方式儲存的版本。你必須遷移到新的儲存系統。選擇繼續,你將無法再使用早於v3.3.0的版本。 - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 無法遷移驗證碼是%1的Torrent - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 無法遷移Torrent。無效的快速復原檔名稱:%1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. 偵測到有瑕疵的程式退出。正在使用備份檔案來復原設定。 - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. 嘗試寫入設定檔時發生存取錯誤。 - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. 嘗試寫入設定檔時發生格式錯誤。 @@ -6402,8 +6342,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read 標示項目為已讀 @@ -6423,60 +6363,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. 設定… - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrent:(按兩下下載) - - + + Delete 刪除 - + Rename... 重新命名… - + Rename 重新命名 - - + + Update 更新 - + New subscription... 新訂閱… - - + + Update all feeds 更新全部Feed - + Download torrent 下載Torrent - + Open news URL 開啟消息網址 - + Copy feed URL 複製Feed網址 - + New folder... 新資料夾… @@ -7763,18 +7703,6 @@ No further notices will be issued. Warning (%1) 警告(%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - 解析網址%1的圖示失敗。嘗試下載PNG格式的圖示。 - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - 解析網址%1的圖示失敗。 - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - 無法下載網址%1的圖示。理由:%2 - Resume torrents @@ -8002,13 +7930,13 @@ No further notices will be issued. [F] Downloading used when the torrent is forced started. You probably shouldn't translate the F. - [F] 下載 + 強制下載 [F] Seeding used when the torrent is forced started. You probably shouldn't translate the F. - [F] 做種 + 強制做種 @@ -8078,80 +8006,80 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility 欄位顯示 - + Choose save path 選取儲存路徑 - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torrent下載速度限制 - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torrent上載速度限制 - + Recheck confirmation 確認重新檢查 - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? 重新檢查所選Torrent,確定? - + Rename 重新命名 - + New name: 新名稱: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent 取消暫停 - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent 強制取消暫停 - + Pause Pause the torrent 暫停 - + New Category 新分類 - + Category: 分類: - + Invalid category name 無效分類名 - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8160,129 +8088,129 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. 分類名不可包含「//」。 - + Delete Delete the torrent 刪除 - + Preview file... 預覽檔案… - + Limit share ratio... 設定最大分享率… - + Limit upload rate... 限制上載速度… - + Limit download rate... 限制下載速度… - + Open destination folder 開啟存放位置 - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue 上移 - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue 下移 - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue 移到最上 - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue 移到最下 - + Set location... 設定存放位置… - + Copy name 複製名稱 - + Download first and last pieces first 先下載首片段和最後片段 - + Automatic Torrent Management 自動Torrent管理 - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category 自動模式代表多個Torrent屬性(例如儲存路徑)將由相關分類決定 - + Category 分類 - + New... New category... 新… - + Reset Reset category 重設 - + Priority 優先權 - + Force recheck 強制重新檢查 - + Copy magnet link 複製磁性連結 - + Super seeding mode 超級種子模式 - + Rename... 重新命名… - + Download in sequential order 依順序下載 @@ -8642,11 +8570,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads 下載 diff --git a/src/lang/qbittorrent_zh_TW.ts b/src/lang/qbittorrent_zh_TW.ts index 58df5b652..8468779a7 100644 --- a/src/lang/qbittorrent_zh_TW.ts +++ b/src/lang/qbittorrent_zh_TW.ts @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Error: %2 Download tracker's favicon - + 下載追蹤者的 favicon @@ -961,354 +961,298 @@ Error: %2 BitTorrent::Session - Peer ID: - 下載者 ID: - - - HTTP User-Agent is '%1' - HTTP 使用者代理為「%1」 - - - Anonymous mode [ON] - 匿名模式 [開啟] - - - Anonymous mode [OFF] - 匿名模式 [關閉] - - - PeX support [ON] - PeX 支援 [開啟] - - - PeX support [OFF] - PeX 支援 [關閉] - - - + Restart is required to toggle PeX support 切換 PeX 支援狀態須重新啟動 - Local Peer Discovery support [ON] - 本地下載者搜尋支援 [開啟] - - - Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] - 本地下載者搜尋支援 [關閉] - - - Encryption support [ON] - 加密支援 [開啟] - - - Encryption support [FORCED] - 加密支援 [強制] - - - Encryption support [OFF] - 加密支援 [關閉] - - - + Embedded Tracker [ON] 嵌入式追蹤者 [開啟] - + Failed to start the embedded tracker! 無法開始嵌入追蹤者! - + Embedded Tracker [OFF] 嵌入式追蹤者 [關閉] - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removing... 「%1」已經到達您設定的最大比率了。正在移除… - + '%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Pausing... 「%1」已經到達您設定的最大比率了。正在暫停… - + System network status changed to %1 e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE 系統的網路狀態變更為 %1 - + ONLINE 上線 - + OFFLINE 離線 - + Network configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session binding e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding %1 的網路設定已變更,正在重新整理工作階段綁紮 - + Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid. Configured network interface address 124.5.1568.1 isn't valid. 已設定的網路介面位置 %1 無效。 - + Encryption support [%1] - + 加密支援 [%1] - + FORCED - + 強制 - + Anonymous mode [%1] - + 匿名模式 [%1] - + Unable to decode '%1' torrent file. 無法解碼 torrent 檔案「%1」。 - + Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2' Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2' 遞迴下載在 torrent「%2」裡的檔案「%1」 - + Couldn't save '%1.torrent' 無法儲存「%1.torrent」 - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled. 因為 %1 已停用。 - + because %1 is disabled. this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled. 因為 %1 已停用。 - + URL seed lookup failed for URL: '%1', message: %2 找不到 URL:「%1」的 URL 種子,訊息:「%2」 - + qBittorrent failed listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3. Reason: %4. e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in use. qBittorrent 監聽介面 %1 的埠:%2/%3 失敗。理由:%4。 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... 「%1」已經從傳輸清單和硬碟中刪除了。 - + '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... 「%1」已經從傳輸清單中刪除了。 - + Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... 下載「%1」中,請稍候… - DHT support [ON] - DHT 支援 [開啟] - - - DHT support [OFF]. Reason: %1 - DHT 支援 [關閉]。理由:%1 - - - DHT support [OFF] - DHT 支援 [關閉] - - - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: %1 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent 正在嘗試監聽任何的介面埠:%1 - + The network interface defined is invalid: %1 定義的網路介面是無效的:%1 - - + + qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface %1 port: %2 e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent 正在嘗試監聽介面 %1 的埠: %2 - + DHT support [%1] - + DHT 支援 [%1] - - - - + + + + ON - + 開啟 - - - - + + + + OFF - + 關閉 - + Local Peer Discovery support [%1] - + 本地下載者搜尋支援 [%1] - + Restart is required to toggle Tracker Exchange support - + 切換追蹤者交換支援需要重新啟動 - + qBittorrent didn't find an %1 local address to listen on qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on qBittorrent 找不到供監聽的 %1 本機位置 - + qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: %1. Reason: %2. e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interface qBittorrent 監聽任意介面埠失敗:%1 。理由:%2。 - + Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2' 追蹤者「%1」已加入到 torrent「%2」中 - + Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2' 追蹤者「%1」已被從 torrent「%2」中刪除 - + URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2' URL 種子「%1」已加入到 torrent「%2」中 - + URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2' URL 種子「%1」已被從 torrent「%2」中刪除 - + Unable to resume torrent '%1'. e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'. 無法復原 torrent 檔案:「%1」 - + Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied. %1 is a number 分析 IP 過濾檔案成功:已套用 %1 個規則。 - + Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter. 錯誤:IP 過濾檔案分析失敗。 - + Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1 無法加入 torrent。理由:%1 - + '%1' resumed. (fast resume) 'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume) 「%1」已恢復下載。(快速恢復) - + '%1' added to download list. 'torrent name' was added to download list. 「%1」已增加到下載清單。 - + An I/O error occurred, '%1' paused. %2 發生 I/O 錯誤,「%1」已暫停。%2 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP:埠映射失敗,訊息:%1 - + UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP:埠映射成功,訊息:%1 - + due to IP filter. this peer was blocked due to ip filter. 由於 IP 過濾器。 - + due to port filter. this peer was blocked due to port filter. 由於埠過濾器。 - + due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions. 由於 i2p 混合模式限制。 - + because it has a low port. this peer was blocked because it has a low port. 因為它有著較低的埠。 - + qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface %1 port: %2/%3 e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881 qBittorrent 成功監聽介面 %1 的埠:%2/%3 - + External IP: %1 e.g. External IP: 外部 IP:%1 @@ -2503,10 +2447,6 @@ Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? &Always Yes 永遠是 (&A) - - Python found in %1 - 在 %1 找到 Python - Old Python Interpreter @@ -2569,7 +2509,7 @@ Do you want to download %1? Python found in %1: %2 Python found in PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/etc/bin - + 在 %1 找到 Python:%2 @@ -2782,1285 +2722,1285 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::GeoIPManager - - + + GeoIP database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2. GeoIP 資料庫已載入。類型:%1。構建時間:%2。 - - + + Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: %1 無法載入 GeoIP 資料庫。理由:%1 - + Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 委內瑞拉玻利瓦共和國 - + Viet Nam 越南 - - + + N/A N/A - + Andorra 安道爾 - + United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯聯合大公國 - + Afghanistan 阿富汗 - + Antigua and Barbuda 安地卡及巴布達 - + Anguilla 安圭拉 - + Albania 阿爾巴尼亞 - + Armenia 亞美尼亞 - + Angola 安哥拉 - + Antarctica 南極洲 - + Argentina 阿根廷 - + American Samoa 美屬薩摩亞 - + Austria 奧地利 - + Australia 澳大利亞 - + Aruba 阿魯巴 - + Azerbaijan 亞塞拜然 - + Bosnia and Herzegovina 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納 - + Barbados 巴貝多 - + Bangladesh 孟加拉 - + Belgium 比利時 - + Burkina Faso 布吉納法索 - + Bulgaria 保加利亞 - + Bahrain 巴林 - + Burundi 蒲隆地 - + Benin 貝南 - + Bermuda 百慕達 - + Brunei Darussalam 汶萊 - + Brazil 巴西 - + Bahamas 巴哈馬 - + Bhutan 不丹 - + Bouvet Island 布威島 - + Botswana 波札那 - + Belarus 白俄羅斯 - + Belize 貝里斯 - + Canada 加拿大 - + Cocos (Keeling) Islands 科科斯 (基林) 群島 - + Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 剛果民主共和國 - + Central African Republic 中非共和國 - + Congo 剛果共和國 - + Switzerland 瑞士 - + Cook Islands 庫克群島 - + Chile 智利 - + Cameroon 喀麥隆 - + China 中華人民共和國 - + Colombia 哥倫比亞 - + Costa Rica 哥斯大黎加 - + Cuba 古巴 - + Cape Verde 維德角 - + Curacao 古拉索 - + Christmas Island 聖誕島 - + Cyprus 賽普勒斯 - + Czech Republic 捷克共和國 - + Germany 德國 - + Djibouti 吉布地 - + Denmark 丹麥 - + Dominica 多米尼克 - + Dominican Republic 多明尼加共和國 - + Algeria 阿爾及利亞 - + Ecuador 厄瓜多 - + Estonia 愛沙尼亞 - + Egypt 埃及 - + Western Sahara 西撒哈拉 - + Eritrea 厄利垂亞 - + Spain 西班牙 - + Ethiopia 衣索比亞 - + Finland 芬蘭 - + Fiji 斐濟 - + Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 福克蘭群島 (馬爾維納斯群島) - + Micronesia, Federated States of 密克羅尼西亞聯邦 - + Faroe Islands 法羅群島 - + France 法國 - + Gabon 加彭 - + United Kingdom 英國本土 - + Grenada 格瑞那達 - + Georgia 喬治亞 - + French Guiana 法屬圭亞那 - + Ghana 加納 - + Gibraltar 直布羅陀 - + Greenland 格陵蘭 - + Gambia 甘比亞 - + Guinea 幾內亞 - + Guadeloupe 瓜德羅普 - + Equatorial Guinea 赤道幾內亞 - + Greece 希臘 - + South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 南喬治亞與南三明治群島 - + Guatemala 瓜地馬拉 - + Guam 關島 - + Guinea-Bissau 幾內亞比索 - + Guyana 蓋亞那 - + Hong Kong 香港 - + Heard Island and McDonald Islands 赫德島和麥克唐納群島 - + Honduras 洪都拉斯 - + Croatia 克羅埃西亞 - + Haiti 海地 - + Hungary 匈牙利 - + Indonesia 印度尼西亞 - + Ireland 愛爾蘭 - + Israel 以色列 - + India 印度 - + British Indian Ocean Territory 英屬印度洋領地 - + Iraq 伊拉克 - + Iran, Islamic Republic of 伊朗伊斯蘭共和國 - + Iceland 冰島 - + Italy 義大利 - + Jamaica 牙買加 - + Jordan 約旦 - + Japan 日本 - + Kenya 肯亞 - + Kyrgyzstan 吉爾吉斯 - + Cambodia 柬埔寨 - + Kiribati 吉里巴斯 - + Comoros 葛摩 - + Saint Kitts and Nevis 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯 - + Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 - + Korea, Republic of 大韓民國 - + Kuwait 科威特 - + Cayman Islands 蓋曼群島 - + Kazakhstan 哈薩克 - + Lao People's Democratic Republic 寮人民民主共和國 - + Lebanon 黎巴嫩 - + Saint Lucia 聖露西亞 - + Liechtenstein 列支敦斯登 - + Sri Lanka 斯里蘭卡 - + Liberia 利比亞 - + Lesotho 賴索托 - + Lithuania 立陶宛 - + Luxembourg 盧森堡 - + Latvia 拉脫維亞 - + Morocco 摩洛哥 - + Monaco 摩納哥 - + Moldova, Republic of 摩爾多瓦共和國 - + Madagascar 馬達加斯加 - + Marshall Islands 馬紹爾群島 - + Mali 馬利共和國 - + Myanmar 緬甸 - + Mongolia 蒙古 - + Northern Mariana Islands 北馬利安納群島 - + Martinique 馬丁尼克 - + Mauritania 茅利塔尼亞 - + Montserrat 蒙哲臘 - + Malta 馬爾他 - + Mauritius 模里西斯 - + Maldives 馬爾地夫 - + Malawi 馬拉威 - + Mexico 墨西哥 - + Malaysia 馬來西亞 - + Mozambique 莫三比克 - + Namibia 納米比亞 - + New Caledonia 新喀里多尼亞 - + Niger 尼日 - + Norfolk Island 諾福克島 - + Nigeria 奈及利亞 - + Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜 - + Netherlands 荷蘭 - + Norway 挪威 - + Nepal 尼泊爾 - + Nauru 諾魯 - + Niue 紐埃 - + New Zealand 紐西蘭 - + Oman 阿曼 - + Panama 巴拿馬 - + Peru 秘魯 - + French Polynesia 法屬玻里尼西亞 - + Papua New Guinea 巴布亞紐幾內亞 - + Philippines 菲律賓 - + Pakistan 巴基斯坦 - + Poland 波蘭 - + Saint Pierre and Miquelon 聖皮耶與密克隆群島 - + Puerto Rico 波多黎各 - + Portugal 葡萄牙 - + Palau 帛琉 - + Paraguay 巴拉圭 - + Qatar 卡達 - + Reunion 留尼旺 - + Romania 羅馬尼亞 - + Russian Federation 俄羅斯聯邦 - + Rwanda 盧安達 - + Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯 - + Solomon Islands 索羅門群島 - + Seychelles 塞席爾 - + Sudan 蘇丹 - + Sweden 瑞典 - + Singapore 新加坡 - + Slovenia 斯洛維尼亞 - + Svalbard and Jan Mayen 斯瓦巴和揚馬延 - + Slovakia 斯洛伐克 - + Sierra Leone 獅子山共和國 - + San Marino 聖馬利諾 - + Senegal 塞內加爾 - + Somalia 索馬利亞 - + Suriname 蘇利南 - + Sao Tome and Principe 聖多美普林西比 - + El Salvador 薩爾瓦多 - + Syrian Arab Republic 阿拉伯敘利亞共和國 - + Swaziland 史瓦茲蘭 - + Turks and Caicos Islands 特克斯和凱科斯群島 - + Chad 查德 - + French Southern Territories 法屬南部領地 - + Togo 多哥 - + Thailand 泰國 - + Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦 - + Tokelau 托克勞 - + Turkmenistan 土庫曼 - + Tunisia 突尼西亞 - + Tonga 東加 - + Timor-Leste 東帝汶 - + Bolivia, Plurinational State of 多民族玻利維亞國 - + Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 荷蘭加勒比區 - + Cote d'Ivoire 象牙海岸 - + Libya 利比亞 - + Saint Martin (French part) 法屬聖馬丁 - + Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of 前南斯拉夫馬其頓共和國 - + Macao 澳門 - + Pitcairn 皮特肯 - + Palestine, State of 巴勒斯坦國 - + Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 聖赫勒拿、亞森欣與垂斯坦昆哈 - + South Sudan 南蘇丹 - + Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 荷屬聖馬丁 - + Turkey 土耳其 - + Trinidad and Tobago 千里達及托巴哥 - + Tuvalu 吐瓦魯 - + Taiwan 臺灣 - + Tanzania, United Republic of 坦尚尼亞 - + Ukraine 烏克蘭 - + Uganda 烏甘達 - + United States Minor Outlying Islands 美國本土外小島嶼 - + United States 美國 - + Uruguay 烏拉圭 - + Uzbekistan 烏茲別克斯坦 - + Holy See (Vatican City State) 聖座 (梵蒂岡城國) - + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 聖文森及格瑞那丁 - + Virgin Islands, British 英屬維京群島 - + Virgin Islands, U.S. 美屬維京群島 - + Vanuatu 萬那杜 - + Wallis and Futuna 瓦利斯和富圖納 - + Samoa 薩摩亞 - + Yemen 葉門 - + Mayotte 馬約特 - + Serbia 塞爾維亞 - + South Africa 南非 - + Zambia 尚比亞 - + Montenegro 蒙特內格魯 - + Zimbabwe 辛巴威 - + Aland Islands 奧蘭群島 - + Guernsey 格恩西 - + Isle of Man 曼島 - + Jersey 澤西 - + Saint Barthelemy 聖巴瑟米 - + Could not uncompress GeoIP database file. 無法解壓縮 GeoIP 資料庫檔案。 - + Couldn't save downloaded GeoIP database file. 無法儲存已下載的 GeoIP 資料庫檔案。 - + Successfully updated GeoIP database. 成功更新 GeoIP 資料庫。 - + Couldn't download GeoIP database file. Reason: %1 無法下載 GeoIP 資料庫檔案。理由:%1 @@ -4081,7 +4021,7 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Net::Smtp - + Email Notification Error: 電子郵件通知錯誤: @@ -5128,38 +5068,38 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? 這不是一個有效的 SSL 金鑰。 - + Invalid certificate 無效的憑證 - + This is not a valid SSL certificate. 這不是一個有效的 SSL 憑證。 - + Time Error 時間錯誤 - + The start time and the end time can't be the same. 起始時間與終止時間不能相同。 - - + + Length Error 長度錯誤 - + The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Web UI 使用者名稱必須至少 3 字元長。 - + The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Web UI 密碼必須至少 6 字元長。 @@ -5240,142 +5180,142 @@ Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? PeerListWidget - + IP IP - + Port - + Flags 旗標 - + Connection 連線 - + Client i.e.: Client application 客戶端 - + Progress i.e: % downloaded 進度 - + Down Speed i.e: Download speed 下載速度 - + Up Speed i.e: Upload speed 上傳速度 - + Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded 已下載 - + Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded 已上傳 - + Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. 關聯 - + Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now 檔案 - + Column visibility 欄目顯示 - + Add a new peer... 增加新下載者… - - + + Ban peer permanently 永遠封鎖下載者 - + Manually adding peer '%1'... 正在手動加入下載者「%1」… - + The peer '%1' could not be added to this torrent. 下載者「%1」無法新增到此 torrent 中。 - + Manually banning peer '%1'... 正在手動封鎖下載者「%1」… - - + + Peer addition 增加下載者 - + Country 國籍 - + Copy IP:port 複製 IP:埠 - + Some peers could not be added. Check the Log for details. 有些下載者無法被新增。檢查記錄檔以取得更多資訊。 - + The peers were added to this torrent. 下載者已新增到此 torrent 中。 - + Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? 您確定要永遠封鎖所選擇的下載者嗎? - + &Yes 是 (&Y) - + &No 否 (&N) @@ -6091,95 +6031,95 @@ Those plugins were disabled. I/O 錯誤:無法建立暫存檔。 - + %1 is an unknown command line parameter. --random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter. %1 是未知的命令列參數。 - - + + %1 must be the single command line parameter. %1 必須是單一個命令列參數。 - + %1 must specify the correct port (1 to 65535). %1 必須指定為正確的埠 (1 到 65535)。 - + You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user. 您不能使用 %1:qBittorrent 已經由此使用者執行。 - + Usage: 使用: - + Options: 選項: - + Displays program version 顯示程式版本 - + Displays this help message 顯示說明訊息 - + Changes the Web UI port (current: %1) 更改 Web UI 埠 (目前是:%1) - + Disable splash screen 停用起始畫面 - + Run in daemon-mode (background) 以守護模式開啟 (背景執行) - + Downloads the torrents passed by the user 不經由使用者下載 torrent - + Help 說明 - + Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters. 以 -h 選項執行應用程式以閱讀關於命令列參數的資訊。 - + Bad command line 不正確的命令列 - + Bad command line: 不正確的命令列: - + Legal Notice 法律聲明 - - + + qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. @@ -6188,22 +6128,22 @@ No further notices will be issued. 之後不會再有其他提醒。 - + Press %1 key to accept and continue... 請按 %1 來接受並繼續… - + Legal notice 法律聲明 - + Cancel 取消 - + I Agree 我同意 @@ -6365,27 +6305,27 @@ No further notices will be issued. 您從一個較舊且以完全不同的方式儲存的版本更新。您必須遷移到新的儲存系統。如果要繼續,您將無法再次使用比 v3.3.0 更舊的版本。 - + Couldn't migrate torrent with hash: %1 無法遷移雜湊值為 %1 的 torrent - + Couldn't migrate torrent. Invalid fastresume file name: %1 無法遷移 torrent。無效的快速恢復檔案名稱:%1 - + Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings. 已偵測到不清潔的程式退出。正在使用後備檔案來復原設定。 - + An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. 嘗試寫入設定檔時發生存取錯誤。 - + A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file. 嘗試寫入設定檔時有格式錯誤。 @@ -6404,8 +6344,8 @@ No further notices will be issued. - - + + Mark items read 標記項目為已讀 @@ -6425,60 +6365,60 @@ No further notices will be issued. 設定… - + Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrent:(雙擊以下載) - - + + Delete 刪除 - + Rename... 重新命名… - + Rename 重新命名 - - + + Update 更新 - + New subscription... 新訂閱… - - + + Update all feeds 更新全部 feed - + Download torrent 下載 torrent - + Open news URL 開啟消息 URL - + Copy feed URL 複製 feed URL - + New folder... 新資料夾… @@ -7765,18 +7705,6 @@ No further notices will be issued. Warning (%1) 警告 (%1) - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. Trying to download favicon in PNG format. - 無法解碼 URL「%1」的 favico。正在嘗試以 PNG 格式下載 favico。 - - - Couldn't decode favicon for URL '%1'. - 無法解碼 URL「%1」的 favico。 - - - Couldn't download favicon for URL '%1'. Reason: %2 - 無法下載 URL「%1」的 favico。理由:「%2」 - Resume torrents @@ -8004,13 +7932,13 @@ No further notices will be issued. [F] Downloading used when the torrent is forced started. You probably shouldn't translate the F. - [F] 下載 + 強制下載 [F] Seeding used when the torrent is forced started. You probably shouldn't translate the F. - [F] 做種 + 強制做種 @@ -8080,80 +8008,80 @@ No further notices will be issued. TransferListWidget - + Column visibility 欄目顯示 - + Choose save path 選擇儲存路徑 - + Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torrent 下載速度限制 - + Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torrent 上傳速度限制 - + Recheck confirmation 確認重新檢查 - + Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)? 確定要重新檢查選取的 torrent(s) 嗎? - + Rename 重新命名 - + New name: 新名稱: - + Resume Resume/start the torrent 繼續 - + Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent 強制繼續 - + Pause Pause the torrent 暫停 - + New Category 新分類 - + Category: 分類: - + Invalid category name 無效的分類名稱 - + Category name must not contain '\'. Category name must not start/end with '/'. Category name must not contain '//' sequence. @@ -8162,129 +8090,129 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. 分類名稱不應該包含「//」序列。 - + Delete Delete the torrent 刪除 - + Preview file... 預覽檔案… - + Limit share ratio... 限制分享率… - + Limit upload rate... 限制上傳速度… - + Limit download rate... 限制下載速度… - + Open destination folder 開啟目的地資料夾 - + Move up i.e. move up in the queue 向上移 - + Move down i.e. Move down in the queue 向下移 - + Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue 移到最上面 - + Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue 移到最下面 - + Set location... 設定位置… - + Copy name 複製名稱 - + Download first and last pieces first 先下載第一和最後一塊 - + Automatic Torrent Management 自動 torrent 管理 - + Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category 自動模式代表了多個 torrent 屬性 (例如儲存路徑) 將會由相關的分類來決定 - + Category 分類 - + New... New category... 新… - + Reset Reset category 重設 - + Priority 優先度 - + Force recheck 強制重新檢查 - + Copy magnet link 複製磁性連結 - + Super seeding mode 超級種子模式 - + Rename... 重新命名… - + Download in sequential order 依順序下載 @@ -8644,11 +8572,11 @@ Category name must not contain '//' sequence. fsutils - - - - - + + + + + Downloads 下載