Add column with list of currently downloading files
Add a new column to peers list that shows list of files which are
downloaded right now from a peer. The column is empty if we do not
download anything from the given peer.
m_listModel->setHeaderData(PeerListDelegate::TOT_DOWN,Qt::Horizontal,tr("Downloaded","i.e: total data downloaded"));
m_listModel->setHeaderData(PeerListDelegate::TOT_UP,Qt::Horizontal,tr("Uploaded","i.e: total data uploaded"));
m_listModel->setHeaderData(PeerListDelegate::RELEVANCE,Qt::Horizontal,tr("Relevance","i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't."));
m_listModel->setHeaderData(PeerListDelegate::DOWNLOADING_PIECE,Qt::Horizontal,tr("Files","i.e. files that are being downloaded right now"));
// Proxy model to support sorting without actually altering the underlying model