mirror of https://github.com/d47081/qBittorrent.git synced 2025-03-13 05:41:17 +00:00

Merge pull request #11642 from sledgehammer999/fix_save_path

Use the incomplete folder where appropriate
This commit is contained in:
sledgehammer999 2019-12-17 20:37:57 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 3d43f1c800
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -1976,6 +1976,7 @@ bool Session::addTorrent(const TorrentInfo &torrentInfo, const AddTorrentParams
bool Session::addTorrent_impl(CreateTorrentParams params, const MagnetUri &magnetUri,
TorrentInfo torrentInfo, const QByteArray &fastresumeData)
params.savePath = normalizeSavePath(params.savePath, "");
if (!params.category.isEmpty()) {
@ -2007,12 +2008,9 @@ bool Session::addTorrent_impl(CreateTorrentParams params, const MagnetUri &magne
lt::torrent_handle handle = m_nativeSession->find_torrent(hash);
// We need to pause it first to create TorrentHandle within the same
// underlying state as in other cases.
// createTorrentHandle() for this is called in the torrent_paused_alert handler
m_addingTorrents.insert(hash, params);
@ -2020,6 +2018,14 @@ bool Session::addTorrent_impl(CreateTorrentParams params, const MagnetUri &magne
p = magnetUri.addTorrentParams();
if (isTempPathEnabled()) {
p.save_path = Utils::Fs::toNativePath(tempPath()).toStdString();
else {
// If empty then Automatic mode, otherwise Manual mode
const QString savePath = params.savePath.isEmpty() ? categorySavePath(params.category) : params.savePath;
p.save_path = Utils::Fs::toNativePath(savePath).toStdString();
else {
if (!torrentInfo.isValid()) {
@ -2048,13 +2054,8 @@ bool Session::addTorrent_impl(CreateTorrentParams params, const MagnetUri &magne
return true;
// Record if .fastresume is complete, that is whether it contains
// the required fields to resume a torrent.
bool hasCompleteFastresume = false;
if (!fromMagnetUri) {
if (params.restored) { // load from existing fastresume
// Make sure the torrent will be initially checked and then paused
// to perform some service jobs on it. We will start it if needed.
// (Workaround to easily support libtorrent-1.1
@ -2065,27 +2066,17 @@ bool Session::addTorrent_impl(CreateTorrentParams params, const MagnetUri &magne
p.resume_data = std::vector<char> {patchedFastresumeData.constData()
, (patchedFastresumeData.constData() + patchedFastresumeData.size())};
p.flags |= lt::add_torrent_params::flag_use_resume_save_path;
// Still setup the default parameters and let libtorrent handle
// the parameter merging
hasCompleteFastresume = false;
lt::error_code ec;
p = lt::read_resume_data(fastresumeData, ec);
// libtorrent will always apply `file_priorities` to torrents,
// if the field is present then the fastresume is considered to
// be correctly generated and should be complete.
hasCompleteFastresume = !p.file_priorities.empty();
else { // new torrent
if (!params.hasRootFolder)
// If empty then Automatic mode, otherwise Manual mode
QString savePath = params.savePath.isEmpty() ? categorySavePath(params.category) : params.savePath;
// Metadata
if (!params.hasSeedStatus)
findIncompleteFiles(torrentInfo, savePath);
findIncompleteFiles(torrentInfo, savePath); // if needed points savePath to incomplete folder too
p.save_path = Utils::Fs::toNativePath(savePath).toStdString();
// if torrent name wasn't explicitly set we handle the case of
// initial renaming of torrent content and rename torrent accordingly
@ -2102,12 +2093,7 @@ bool Session::addTorrent_impl(CreateTorrentParams params, const MagnetUri &magne
std::transform(params.filePriorities.cbegin(), params.filePriorities.cend()
, std::back_inserter(p.file_priorities), [](const DownloadPriority priority)
return static_cast<boost::uint8_t>(priority);
return static_cast<lt::download_priority_t>(
@ -2115,63 +2101,184 @@ bool Session::addTorrent_impl(CreateTorrentParams params, const MagnetUri &magne
// Common
p.flags &= ~lt::add_torrent_params::flag_duplicate_is_error; // Already checked
p.flags &= ~lt::torrent_flags::duplicate_is_error; // Already checked
// Make sure the torrent will be initially checked and then paused
// to perform some service jobs on it. We will start it if needed.
p.flags |= lt::add_torrent_params::flag_paused;
p.flags |= lt::add_torrent_params::flag_auto_managed;
p.flags |= lt::add_torrent_params::flag_stop_when_ready;
p.flags |= lt::torrent_flags::paused;
p.flags |= lt::torrent_flags::auto_managed;
p.flags |= lt::torrent_flags::stop_when_ready;
// Limits
p.max_connections = maxConnectionsPerTorrent();
p.max_uploads = maxUploadsPerTorrent();
p.upload_limit = params.uploadLimit;
p.download_limit = params.downloadLimit;
// Preallocation mode
p.storage_mode = isPreallocationEnabled()
? lt::storage_mode_allocate : lt::storage_mode_sparse;
if (!hasCompleteFastresume) {
// Limits
p.max_connections = maxConnectionsPerTorrent();
p.max_uploads = maxUploadsPerTorrent();
p.save_path = Utils::Fs::toNativePath(savePath).toStdString();
// Seeding mode
// Skip checking and directly start seeding
if (params.skipChecking)
p.flags |= lt::add_torrent_params::flag_seed_mode;
p.flags &= ~lt::add_torrent_params::flag_seed_mode;
m_addingTorrents.insert(hash, params);
// Adding torrent to BitTorrent session
return true;
params.savePath = normalizeSavePath(params.savePath, "");
if (!params.category.isEmpty()) {
if (!m_categories.contains(params.category) && !addCategory(params.category))
params.category = "";
const bool fromMagnetUri = magnetUri.isValid();
lt::add_torrent_params p;
InfoHash hash;
if (fromMagnetUri) {
hash = magnetUri.hash();
const auto it = m_loadedMetadata.constFind(hash);
if (it != m_loadedMetadata.constEnd()) {
// Adding preloaded torrent...
const TorrentInfo metadata = it.value();
if (metadata.isValid()) {
// Metadata is received and torrent_handle is being deleted
// so we can't reuse it. Just add torrent using its metadata.
return addTorrent_impl(params
, MagnetUri {}, metadata, fastresumeData);
// Reuse existing torrent_handle
lt::torrent_handle handle = m_nativeSession->find_torrent(hash);
// We need to pause it first to create TorrentHandle within the same
// underlying state as in other cases.
// createTorrentHandle() for this is called in the torrent_paused_alert handler
m_addingTorrents.insert(hash, params);
return true;
p = magnetUri.addTorrentParams();
if (isTempPathEnabled()) {
p.save_path = Utils::Fs::toNativePath(tempPath()).toStdString();
else {
// If empty then Automatic mode, otherwise Manual mode
const QString savePath = params.savePath.isEmpty() ? categorySavePath(params.category) : params.savePath;
p.save_path = Utils::Fs::toNativePath(savePath).toStdString();
else {
if (!torrentInfo.isValid()) {
// We can have an invalid torrentInfo when there isn't a matching
// .torrent file to the .fastresume we loaded. Possibly from a
// failed upgrade.
return false;
hash = torrentInfo.hash();
// We should not add the torrent if it is already
// processed or is pending to add to session
if (m_addingTorrents.contains(hash) || m_loadedMetadata.contains(hash))
return false;
TorrentHandle *const torrent = m_torrents.value(hash);
if (torrent) { // a duplicate torrent is added
if (torrent->isPrivate() || (!fromMagnetUri && torrentInfo.isPrivate()))
return false;
// merge trackers and web seeds
torrent->addTrackers(fromMagnetUri ? magnetUri.trackers() : torrentInfo.trackers());
torrent->addUrlSeeds(fromMagnetUri ? magnetUri.urlSeeds() : torrentInfo.urlSeeds());
return true;
if (!fromMagnetUri) {
if (params.restored) { // load from existing fastresume
lt::error_code ec;
p = lt::read_resume_data(fastresumeData, ec);
else { // new torrent
if (!params.hasRootFolder)
// If empty then Automatic mode, otherwise Manual mode
QString savePath = params.savePath.isEmpty() ? categorySavePath(params.category) : params.savePath;
// Metadata
if (!params.hasSeedStatus)
findIncompleteFiles(torrentInfo, savePath); // if needed points savePath to incomplete folder too
p.save_path = Utils::Fs::toNativePath(savePath).toStdString();
// if torrent name wasn't explicitly set we handle the case of
// initial renaming of torrent content and rename torrent accordingly
if (params.name.isEmpty()) {
QString contentName = torrentInfo.rootFolder();
if (contentName.isEmpty() && (torrentInfo.filesCount() == 1))
contentName = torrentInfo.fileName(0);
if (!contentName.isEmpty() && (contentName != torrentInfo.name()))
params.name = contentName;
std::transform(params.filePriorities.cbegin(), params.filePriorities.cend()
, std::back_inserter(p.file_priorities), [](const DownloadPriority priority)
return static_cast<lt::download_priority_t>(
p.ti = torrentInfo.nativeInfo();
if (fromMagnetUri && params.restored && params.addedTime.isValid())
p.added_time = params.addedTime.toSecsSinceEpoch();
if (fromMagnetUri || !params.restored) {
p.upload_limit = params.uploadLimit;
p.download_limit = params.downloadLimit;
if (params.addedTime.isValid())
p.added_time = params.addedTime.toSecsSinceEpoch();
// Preallocation mode
p.storage_mode = isPreallocationEnabled()
? lt::storage_mode_allocate : lt::storage_mode_sparse;
// Seeding mode
// Skip checking and directly start seeding
if (params.skipChecking) {
p.flags |= lt::add_torrent_params::flag_seed_mode;
if (params.skipChecking)
p.flags |= lt::torrent_flags::seed_mode;
else {
p.flags &= ~lt::add_torrent_params::flag_seed_mode;
p.flags &= ~lt::torrent_flags::seed_mode;
// Common
p.flags &= ~lt::torrent_flags::duplicate_is_error; // Already checked
// Make sure the torrent will be initially checked and then paused
// to perform some service jobs on it. We will start it if needed.
p.flags |= lt::torrent_flags::paused;
p.flags |= lt::torrent_flags::auto_managed;
p.flags |= lt::torrent_flags::stop_when_ready;
// Limits
p.max_connections = maxConnectionsPerTorrent();
p.max_uploads = maxUploadsPerTorrent();
m_addingTorrents.insert(hash, params);
// Adding torrent to BitTorrent session
return true;
bool Session::findIncompleteFiles(TorrentInfo &torrentInfo, QString &savePath) const