Some work about adaptive color scheme for Web UI (PR #19901) http://[316:c51a:62a3:8b9::4]/d4708/qBittorrent/src/branch/adaptive-webui
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contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86):{
# i686 arch requires frame pointer preservation
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += -fno-omit-frame-pointer
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG += -fno-omit-frame-pointer
LIBS += libdbghelp
RC_FILE = qbittorrent_mingw.rc
14 years ago
#You need to link with libtorrent > 0.15.5 (or svn) and you must
#configure libtorrent to use iconv in the building process. This is
#needed for correct Unicode support.
#Adapt the lib names/versions accordingly
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
LIBS += libtorrent \
libboost_system-mgw45-mt-d-1_47 \
libboost_filesystem-mgw45-mt-d-1_47 \
} else {
LIBS += libtorrent \
libboost_system-mgw45-mt-1_47 \
libboost_filesystem-mgw45-mt-1_47 \
LIBS += libadvapi32 libshell32
LIBS += libcrypto.dll libssl.dll libwsock32 libws2_32 libz libiconv.dll
LIBS += libpowrprof