Some work about adaptive color scheme for Web UI (PR #19901) http://[316:c51a:62a3:8b9::4]/d4708/qBittorrent/src/branch/adaptive-webui
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

238 lines
6.2 KiB

<ui version="4.0" >
<widget class="QMainWindow" name="MainWindow" >
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<property name="windowTitle" >
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<widget class="QMenu" name="menu_Edit" >
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<addaction name="separator" />
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<property name="title" >
<addaction name="actionBugReport" />
<addaction name="actionWebsite" />
<addaction name="actionDocumentation" />
<addaction name="actionAbout" />
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<property name="title" >
<addaction name="actionOptions" />
<widget class="QMenu" name="menu_File" >
<property name="title" >
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<addaction name="menu_Edit" />
<addaction name="menu_Options" />
<addaction name="menu_Help" />
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<property name="iconSize" >
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<addaction name="separator" />
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<addaction name="separator" />
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<property name="text" >
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<property name="text" >
<action name="actionAbout" >
<property name="text" >
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<property name="text" >
<action name="actionPause" >
<property name="text" >
<action name="actionDelete" >
<property name="text" >
<action name="actionPause_All" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Pause All</string>
<action name="actionStart_All" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Start All</string>
<action name="actionWebsite" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Visit website</string>
<action name="actionDelete_Permanently" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Delete Permanently</string>
<action name="actionTorrent_Properties" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Torrent Properties</string>
<action name="actionDownload_from_URL" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Download from URL</string>
<action name="actionCreate_torrent" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Create torrent</string>
<action name="actionPreview_file" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Preview file</string>
<action name="actionClearLog" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Clear log</string>
<action name="actionBugReport" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Report a bug</string>
<action name="actionSet_upload_limit" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Set upload limit</string>
<action name="actionSet_download_limit" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Set download limit</string>
<action name="actionDocumentation" >
<property name="text" >
<action name="actionSet_global_download_limit" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Set global download limit</string>
<action name="actionSet_global_upload_limit" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Set global upload limit</string>