opentracker – An open and free bittorrent tracker
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# opentracker config file
# I) Address opentracker will listen on, using both, tcp AND udp family
# (note, that port 6969 is implicite if ommitted).
# If no listen option is given (here or on the command line), opentracker
# listens on tcp and udp.
# The next variable determines if udp sockets are handled in the event
# loop (set it to 0, the default) or are handled in blocking reads in
# dedicated worker threads. You have to set this value before the
# listen.tcp_udp or listen.udp statements before it takes effect, but you
# can re-set it for each listen statement. Normally you should keep it at
# the top of the config file.
# listen.udp.workers 4
# listen.tcp_udp
# listen.tcp_udp
# listen.tcp_udp
# To only listen on tcp or udp family ports, list them this way:
# listen.tcp
# listen.udp
# Note, that using for udp sockets may yield surprising results.
# An answer packet sent on that socket will not necessarily have the
# source address that the requesting client may expect, but any address
# on that interface.
# II) If opentracker runs in a non-open mode, point it to files containing
# all torrent hashes that it will serve (shell option -w)
# access.whitelist /path/to/whitelist
# or, if opentracker was compiled to allow blacklisting (shell option -b)
# access.blacklist ./blacklist
# It is pointless and hence not possible to compile black AND white
# listing, so choose one of those options at compile time. File format
# is straight forward: "<hex info hash>\n<hex info hash>\n..."
# IIa) You can enable dynamic changesets to accesslists by enabling
# The suggested way to work with dynamic changeset lists is to keep a
# main accesslist file that is loaded when opentracker (re)starts and
# reloaded infrequently (hourly or daily).
# All changes to the accesslist (e.g. from a web frontend) should be
# both appended to or removed from that file and sent to opentracker. By
# keeping dynamic changeset lists, you can avoid reloading huge
# accesslists whenever just a single entry is added or removed.
# Any info_hash (format see above) written to the fifo_add file will be
# kept on a dynamic add-changeset, removed from the dynamic
# delete-changeset and treated as if it was in the main accesslist file.
# The semantic of the respective dynamic changeset depends on whether
# access.fifo_add /var/run/opentracker/adder.fifo
# Any info_hash (format see above) written to the fifo_delete file will
# be kept on a dynamic delete-changeset, removed from the dynamic
# add-changeset and treated as if it was not in the main accesslist
# file.
# access.fifo_delete /var/run/opentracker/deleter.fifo
# If you reload the accesslist by sending SIGHUP to the tracker process,
# the dynamic lists are flushed, as opentracker assumes thoses lists are
# merged into the main accesslist.
# NOTE: While you can have multiple writers sending lines to the fifos,
# any writes larger than PIPE_BUF (see your limits.h, minimally 512
# bytes but usually 4096) may be interleaved with data sent by other
# writers. This can lead to unparsable lines of info_hashes.
# IIb)
# If you do not want to grant anyone access to your stats, enable the
# WANT_RESTRICT_STATS option in Makefile and bless the ip addresses
# allowed to fetch stats here.
# access.stats
# There is another way of hiding your stats. You can obfuscate the path
# to them. Normally it is located at /stats but you can configure it to
# appear anywhere on your tracker.
# access.stats_path stats
# III) Live sync uses udp multicast packets to keep a cluster of opentrackers
# synchronized. This option tells opentracker which port to listen for
# incoming live sync packets. The ip address tells opentracker, on which
# interface to join the multicast group, those packets will arrive.
# (shell option -i -s 9696), port 9696 is default.
# livesync.cluster.listen
# Note that two udp sockets will be opened. One on ip address
# port 9696, that will join the multicast group for incoming
# udp packets and one on ip address port 9696 for outgoing
# udp packets.
# As of now one and only one ip address must be given, if opentracker
# was built with the WANT_SYNC_LIVE feature.
# IV) Sync between trackers running in a cluster is restricted to packets
# coming from trusted ip addresses. While source ip verification is far
# from perfect, the authors of opentracker trust in the correct
# application of tunnels, filters and LAN setups (shell option -A).
# livesync.cluster.node_ip
# livesync.cluster.node_ip
# livesync.cluster.node_ip
# This is the admin ip address for old style (HTTP based) asynchronus
# tracker syncing.
# batchsync.cluster.admin_ip
# V) Control privilege drop behaviour.
# Put in the directory opentracker will chroot/chdir to. All black/white
# list files must be put in that directory (shell option -d).
# tracker.rootdir /usr/local/etc/opentracker
# Tell opentracker which user to setuid to.
# tracker.user nobody
# VI) opentracker can be told to answer to a "GET / HTTP"-request with a
# redirect to another location (shell option -r).
# tracker.redirect_url https://your.tracker.local/