opentracker – An open and free bittorrent tracker
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

337 lines
10 KiB

/* This software was written by Dirk Engling <>
It is considered beerware. Prost. Skol. Cheers or whatever.
16 years ago
$id$ */
/* System */
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
17 years ago
#include <signal.h>
16 years ago
#include <unistd.h>
/* Libowfat */
#include "byte.h"
#include "scan.h"
16 years ago
#include "ip6.h"
#include "mmap.h"
/* Opentracker */
#include "trackerlogic.h"
#include "ot_accesslist.h"
#include "ot_vector.h"
char *g_accesslist_filename;
static pthread_mutex_t g_accesslist_mutex;
typedef struct {
ot_hash *list;
size_t size;
} ot_accesslist;
ot_accesslist * g_accesslist = NULL;
ot_accesslist * g_accesslist_old = NULL;
static int vector_compare_hash(const void *hash1, const void *hash2 ) {
return memcmp( hash1, hash2, OT_HASH_COMPARE_SIZE );
/* Read initial access list */
static void accesslist_readfile( void ) {
ot_accesslist * accesslist_new = malloc(sizeof(ot_accesslist));
ot_hash *info_hash;
const char *map, *map_end, *read_offs;
size_t maplen;
if( ( map = mmap_read( g_accesslist_filename, &maplen ) ) == NULL ) {
char *wd = getcwd( NULL, 0 );
fprintf( stderr, "Warning: Can't open accesslist file: %s (but will try to create it later, if necessary and possible).\nPWD: %s\n", g_accesslist_filename, wd );
free( wd );
/* You need at least 41 bytes to pass an info_hash, make enough room
for the maximum amount of them */
accesslist_new->size = 0;
info_hash = accesslist_new->list = malloc( ( maplen / 41 ) * 20 );
if( !accesslist_new->list ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Warning: Not enough memory to allocate %zd bytes for accesslist buffer. May succeed later.\n", ( maplen / 41 ) * 20 );
mmap_unmap( map, maplen);
/* No use to scan if there's not enough room for another full info_hash */
map_end = map + maplen - 40;
read_offs = map;
/* We do ignore anything that is not of the form "^[:xdigit:]{40}[^:xdigit:].*" */
while( read_offs <= map_end ) {
int i;
16 years ago
for( i=0; i<(int)sizeof(ot_hash); ++i ) {
int eger1 = scan_fromhex( read_offs[ 2*i ] );
int eger2 = scan_fromhex( read_offs[ 1 + 2*i ] );
if( eger1 < 0 || eger2 < 0 )
(*info_hash)[i] = eger1 * 16 + eger2;
if( i == sizeof(ot_hash) ) {
read_offs += 40;
/* Append accesslist to accesslist vector */
if( read_offs == map_end || scan_fromhex( *read_offs ) < 0 )
/* Find start of next line */
while( read_offs <= map_end && *(read_offs++) != '\n' );
#ifdef _DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "Added %zd info_hashes to accesslist\n", (size_t)(info_hash - accesslist_new->list) );
mmap_unmap( map, maplen);
qsort( accesslist_new->list, info_hash - accesslist_new->list, sizeof( *info_hash ), vector_compare_hash );
accesslist_new->size = info_hash - accesslist_new->list;
/* Now exchange the accesslist vector in the least race condition prone way */
if (g_accesslist_old) {
g_accesslist_old = g_accesslist; /* Keep a copy for later free */
g_accesslist = accesslist_new; /* Only now set a new list */
16 years ago
int accesslist_hashisvalid( ot_hash hash ) {
/* Get working copy of current access list */
ot_accesslist * accesslist = g_accesslist;
void * exactmatch = bsearch( hash, accesslist->list, accesslist->size, OT_HASH_COMPARE_SIZE, vector_compare_hash );
return exactmatch == NULL;
return exactmatch != NULL;
static void * accesslist_worker( void * args ) {
int sig;
sigset_t signal_mask;
sigaddset(&signal_mask, SIGHUP);
while( 1 ) {
/* Initial attempt to read accesslist */
accesslist_readfile( );
/* Wait for signals */
while( sigwait (&signal_mask, &sig) != 0 && sig != SIGHUP );
return NULL;
static pthread_t thread_id;
void accesslist_init( ) {
pthread_mutex_init(&g_accesslist_mutex, NULL);
pthread_create( &thread_id, NULL, accesslist_worker, NULL );
void accesslist_deinit( void ) {
pthread_cancel( thread_id );
if (g_accesslist_old) {
g_accesslist_old = 0;
if (g_accesslist) {
g_accesslist = 0;
int address_in_net( const ot_ip6 address, const ot_net *net ) {
int bits = net->bits;
int result = memcmp( address, &net->address, bits >> 3 );
if( !result && ( bits & 7 ) )
result = ( ( 0x7f00 >> ( bits & 7 ) ) & address[bits>>3] ) - net->address[bits>>3];
return result == 0;
void *set_value_for_net( const ot_net *net, ot_vector *vector, const void *value, const size_t member_size ) {
size_t i;
int exactmatch;
/* Caller must have a concept of ot_net in it's member */
if( member_size < sizeof(ot_net) )
return 0;
/* Check each net in vector for overlap */
uint8_t *member = ((uint8_t*)vector->data);
for( i=0; i<vector->size; ++i ) {
if( address_in_net( *(ot_ip6*)member, net ) ||
address_in_net( net->address, (ot_net*)member ) )
return 0;
member += member_size;
member = vector_find_or_insert( vector, (void*)net, member_size, sizeof(ot_net), &exactmatch );
if( member ) {
memcpy( member, net, sizeof(ot_net));
memcpy( member + sizeof(ot_net), value, member_size - sizeof(ot_net));
return member;
/* Takes a vector filled with { ot_net net, uint8_t[x] value };
Returns value associated with the net, or NULL if not found */
void *get_value_for_net( const ot_ip6 address, const ot_vector *vector, const size_t member_size ) {
int exactmatch;
/* This binary search will return a pointer to the first non-containing network... */
ot_net *net = binary_search( address, vector->data, vector->size, member_size, sizeof(ot_ip6), &exactmatch );
if( !net )
return NULL;
/* ... so we'll need to move back one step unless we've exactly hit the first address in network */
if( !exactmatch && ( (void*)net > vector->data ) )
if( !address_in_net( address, net ) )
return NULL;
return (void*)net;
static ot_vector g_lognets_list;
ot_log *g_logchain_first, *g_logchain_last;
static pthread_mutex_t g_lognets_list_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
void loglist_add_network( const ot_net *net ) {
set_value_for_net( net, &g_lognets_list, NULL, sizeof(ot_net));
void loglist_reset( ) {
free( ); = 0;
g_lognets_list.size = = 0;
int loglist_check_address( const ot_ip6 address ) {
int result;
result = ( NULL != get_value_for_net( address, &g_lognets_list, sizeof(ot_net)) );
return result;
typedef struct {
ot_net *proxy;
ot_vector networks;
} ot_proxymap;
static ot_vector g_proxies_list;
static pthread_mutex_t g_proxies_list_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int proxylist_add_network( const ot_net *proxy, const ot_net *net ) {
ot_proxymap *map;
int exactmatch, result = 1;
/* If we have a direct hit, use and extend the vector there */
map = binary_search( proxy,, g_proxies_list.size, sizeof(ot_proxymap), sizeof(ot_net), &exactmatch );
if( !map || !exactmatch ) {
/* else see, if we've got overlapping networks
and get a new empty vector if not */
ot_vector empty;
memset( &empty, 0, sizeof( ot_vector ) );
map = set_value_for_net( proxy, &g_proxies_list, &empty, sizeof(ot_proxymap));
if( map && set_value_for_net( net, &map->networks, NULL, sizeof(ot_net) ) )
result = 1;
return result;
int proxylist_check_proxy( const ot_ip6 proxy, const ot_ip6 address ) {
int result = 0;
ot_proxymap *map;
if( ( map = get_value_for_net( proxy, &g_proxies_list, sizeof(ot_proxymap) ) ) )
if( !address || get_value_for_net( address, &map->networks, sizeof(ot_net) ) )
result = 1;
return result;
16 years ago
static ot_ip6 g_adminip_addresses[OT_ADMINIP_MAX];
static ot_permissions g_adminip_permissions[OT_ADMINIP_MAX];
static unsigned int g_adminip_count = 0;
16 years ago
int accesslist_blessip( ot_ip6 ip, ot_permissions permissions ) {
if( g_adminip_count >= OT_ADMINIP_MAX )
return -1;
16 years ago
memcpy(g_adminip_addresses + g_adminip_count,ip,sizeof(ot_ip6));
g_adminip_permissions[ g_adminip_count++ ] = permissions;
16 years ago
#ifdef _DEBUG
16 years ago
char _debug[512];
int off = snprintf( _debug, sizeof(_debug), "Blessing ip address " );
off += fmt_ip6c(_debug+off, ip );
16 years ago
if( permissions & OT_PERMISSION_MAY_STAT ) off += snprintf( _debug+off, 512-off, " may_fetch_stats" );
if( permissions & OT_PERMISSION_MAY_LIVESYNC ) off += snprintf( _debug+off, 512-off, " may_sync_live" );
if( permissions & OT_PERMISSION_MAY_FULLSCRAPE ) off += snprintf( _debug+off, 512-off, " may_fetch_fullscrapes" );
if( permissions & OT_PERMISSION_MAY_PROXY ) off += snprintf( _debug+off, 512-off, " may_proxy" );
16 years ago
if( !permissions ) off += snprintf( _debug+off, sizeof(_debug)-off, " nothing\n" );
_debug[off++] = '.';
write( 2, _debug, off );
16 years ago
return 0;
16 years ago
int accesslist_isblessed( ot_ip6 ip, ot_permissions permissions ) {
unsigned int i;
for( i=0; i<g_adminip_count; ++i )
16 years ago
if( !memcmp( g_adminip_addresses + i, ip, sizeof(ot_ip6)) && ( g_adminip_permissions[ i ] & permissions ) )
return 1;
return 0;
const char *g_version_accesslist_c = "$Source$: $Revision$\n";