Gemini-PHP is a Gemini server written in PHP
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# Gemini-PHP
Gemini-PHP is a Gemini server written in PHP by
It's designed more for teaching than practical use. That's said - it's very simple to get up and running and we're hosting this page on it - it seems to be performing well.
If you have any questions or want to get in touch, you can join our community on Matrix at
## How to install
* Download via git
git clone
* Enter the project directory and create a certificate for your server (a self signed certificate is fine, in fact it's encouraged!)
cd gemini-php
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365
* Combine your private key with the certificate and put in the certs directory
cp cert.pem certs/combined.pem
cat key.pem >> certs/combined.pem
* Create a config file from the sample
cp config.php.sample config.php
* Then edit it with the location of your new certificate - most other options are optional
* Start your server with
php server.php
* You should be able to visit your new server in any Gemini client (remember to open your firewall if needed - post 1965)
## Using Gemini-PHP
* The basic index file is located in hosts/default/index.gemini - edit this to get started
* Gemini-PHP supports multiple virtual hosts, just create a directory with the name of the domain you expect to receive requests for, i.e.
mkdir hosts/
mkdir hosts/
## Running as a service
To set up the server as a service, create the following file in /etc/systemd/system/gemini-php.service
Description=Gemini-PHP Service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/php -f /home/gemini/gemini-php/server.php
Note, customise the above to the user you are running gemini-php as (we recommend creating a new user account for this to keep it relatively isolated) as well as the path to the script.
Enable the script with systemctl
sudo systemctl enable gemini-php
sudo systemctl start gemini-php
systemctl status gemini-php
sudo systemctl stop gemini-php