value)) { exit( sprintf( '%s does not contain _CLITOR_IS_' . PHP_EOL, $argv[2] ) ); } if (!$clitoris = @json_decode( $clitoris->value )) { exit( sprintf( 'could not decode _CLITOR_IS_ of %s' . PHP_EOL, $argv[2] ) ); } if ($clitoris->version !== '1.0.0') { exit( sprintf( '_CLITOR_IS_ of %s not compatible!' . PHP_EOL, $argv[2] ) ); } if (empty($clitoris->file->name)) { exit( sprintf( '_CLITOR_IS_ format issue for %s!' . PHP_EOL, $argv[2] ) ); } // Merge content data $pieces = []; foreach ( (array) _exec( $argv[1], sprintf( '%s %s "\d+"', 'keva_filter', $argv[2] ) ) as $piece) { if (!isset($piece->key) || !isset($piece->value)) { exit( 'please wait for all pieces sending complete!' ); } $pieces[$piece->key] = $piece->value; print_r( $piece ); } ksort( $pieces ); // Save merged data to destination $filename = isset($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : sprintf( '%s/../data/import/[kevacoin][%s]%s', __DIR__, $argv[2], $clitoris->file->name ); file_put_contents( $filename, base64_decode( implode('', $pieces) ) ); echo sprintf( 'saved to %s' . PHP_EOL, $filename );