# kevacoin-cli CLI tools for KevaCoin ### put export FS object to blockchain #### logic * create separated namespace with file basename as `_KEVA_NS_` * append protocol version as `_CLITOR_IS_` * encode file content to base64 string * split encoded string to `3072` byte pieces * save pieces as indexed record values #### example ``` php src/put.php processor filename [delay] ``` #### arguments 1. `processor` - path to `kevacoin-cli` 2. `filename` - path to source file 3. `delay` - _optional_ delay in seconds for pieces pool to prevent `too-long-mempool-chain` reject, default `60` ### fix check (validate) existing namespace and fix missed FS pieces in blockchain #### logic similar to the [put](#put) logic but using namespace provided as the additional argument #### example ``` php src/fix.php processor namespace filename [delay] ``` #### arguments 1. `processor` - path to `kevacoin-cli` 2. `namespace` - hash of namespace where object was stored 3. `filename` - path to source file 4. `delay` - _optional_ delay in seconds for pieces pool to prevent `too-long-mempool-chain` reject, default `60` ### get import stored object from blockchain to FS location #### logic * check namespace for `_CLITOR_IS_` record * merge indexed records to base64 string * decode merged string to original file and save to FS #### example ``` php src/get.php processor namespace [filename] ``` #### arguments 1. `processor` - path to `kevacoin-cli` 2. `namespace` - hash of namespace where object was stored 3. `filename` - path to the file