# Release gemini-php 0.1.0

Initial release dedicated to β-Doku project

At this point, toolkit provides DokuWiki API for Gemini protocol

## Example

### Reader

Read DokuWiki and convert to Gemini

``` php
$reader = new \Yggverse\Gemini\Dokuwiki\Reader(
    // optional regex rule set array

Get or change existing regex rule (or just skip by using build-in set)

``` php
echo $reader->setRule(

Convert DokuWiki text to Gemini markup

As wiki has lot of inline links, to make converted document well-readable, this method does not replace links with new line => macros, but uses inline context: Name ( URL ).

This model useful with Reader::getLinks method, that for example appends all those related links to the document footer.

If you don't like this implementation, feel free to change it by Reader::setRule method!

``` php
echo $reader->toGemini(

Get document title

``` php
$gemini = $reader->toGemini(

echo $reader->getH1(

Get document links

``` php
$gemini = $reader->toGemini(

echo $reader->getLinks(

### Filesystem

Provides methods for simple and secure interaction with DokuWiki file storage

``` php
$filesystem = new \Yggverse\Gemini\Dokuwiki\Filesystem(
    '/host/data' // storage location

Return simple array of all files in storage

``` php
var_dump (

Return all files under the storage folder in tree format

``` php
var_dump (

Return pages under the given data directory

``` php
var_dump (
        // absolute path to target data directory (e.g. Filesystem::getDirectoryPathByUri)

Return absolute path to stored page file

``` php
var_dump (

Return page URI in dokuwiki:format

``` php
var_dump (

Return absolute path to stored media file

``` php
var_dump (

Return file MIME if path match storage item

``` php
var_dump (

Return file content if path match storage item

``` php
var_dump (

Check path exist and match storage item

``` php
var_dump (

### Helper

Useful methods to minify controller codebase

``` php
$helper = new \Yggverse\Gemini\Dokuwiki\Helper(
    new \Yggverse\Gemini\Dokuwiki\Filesystem(),
    new \Yggverse\Gemini\Dokuwiki\Reader()

Return simple array of children section links in Gemini format

``` php
var_dump (

Return simple array of children page links in Gemini format

``` php
var_dump (

Return page link (that contain document name) in Gemini format

``` php
var_dump (

## Links

=> https://github.com/YGGverse/gemini-php/releases/tag/0.1.0 Download gemini-php 0.1.0
=> https://github.com/YGGverse/gemini-php#dokuwiki API documentation
=> bdoku-dokuwiki-satellite-for-gemini-protocol.gmi β-Doku is DokuWiki Satellite for Gemini Protocol