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# gemini-dl
CLI Batch Downloader for Gemini Protocol, inspired by wget and yt-dlp
At this moment, project under development, some features already testing
## Interface
=> gemini-dl.png
## Components
=> Client for Gemini protocol
=> Parser for Gemtext
=> Network toolkit for URL operations
=> CLI colors
## Features
* Grab single URL or --crawl entire capsule
* Multiple MIME types download (e.g. inline images and other media)
* Detailed crawler log for every request + totals
* Flexible options
* Custom --delay between requests
* Custom --index filename for directories
* Custom storage location: Filesystem, FTP
* Optional links replacement for local navigation: relative (default), --absolute or --keep
* --match regex URL
* --unique snap version or sync with existing copy
* Configurable redirect levels to --follow
* Crawl depth --level limit
* Document size limit to download
* Follow --external links on crawl
## Environment
``` bash
apt install git composer php-fpm php-mbstring
## Install
``` bash
git clone
cd gemini-dl
composer update
# for direct execution only:
chmod +x src/gemini-dl.php
## Usage
``` bash
src/gemini-dl.php --source gemini://.. --target /path/to/download
* alternatively, launch with specified php version: /path/to/php src/gemini-dl.php
### Options
``` bash
# Required
-s, --source - string, gemini protocol address
-t, --target - string, absolute path to destination folder
# Optional
-a, --absolute - no value, links to absolute filepath (ignored on --keep), disabled by default
-c, --crawl - no value, crawl document links (entire capsule download), disabled by default
-d, --delay - integer, pause between requests to prevent abuse (seconds), 1 by default
-i, --index - string, index filename of directory listing, index.gmi by default
-h, --help - no value, show available commands
-k, --keep - no value, keep original links (--crawl mode only), disabled by default
-m, --match - string, collect links match regex rule, /.*/ by default
-r, --raw - no value, include meta headers (--keep option ignored), disabled by default
-u, --unique - no value, append snap version as folder timestamp, disabled by default
# Experimental (in development)
-e, --external - no value, follow external hosts, disabled by default
-f, --follow - integer, follow redirects on --crawl, 0 by default
-l, --level - integer, depth to --crawl, 0 by default
* show in CLI: gemini-dl.php --help
4 months ago
## Links
=> Source on GitHub
=> Feedback
=> Contributions