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snd_mp3.c - mp3 format loading and streaming
Copyright (C) 2010 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "soundlib.h"
#include "libmpg/libmpg.h"
#pragma pack( push, 1 )
typedef struct did3v2_header_s
char ident[3]; // must be "ID3"
uint8_t major_ver; // must be 4
uint8_t minor_ver; // must be 0
uint8_t flags;
uint32_t length; // size of extended header, padding and frames
} did3v2_header_t;
STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( did3v2_header_t ) == 10,
"invalid did3v2_header_t size" );
typedef struct did3v2_extended_header_s
uint32_t length;
uint8_t flags_length;
uint8_t flags[1];
} did3v2_extended_header_t;
STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( did3v2_extended_header_t ) == 6,
"invalid did3v2_extended_header_t size" );
typedef struct did3v2_frame_s
char frame_id[4];
uint32_t length;
uint8_t flags[2];
} did3v2_frame_t;
STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( did3v2_frame_t ) == 10,
"invalid did3v2_frame_t size" );
#pragma pack( pop )
typedef enum did3v2_header_flags_e
} did3v2_header_flags_t;
#define CHECK_IDENT( ident, b0, b1, b2 ) ((( ident )[0]) == ( b0 ) && (( ident )[1]) == ( b1 ) && (( ident )[2]) == ( b2 ))
#define CHECK_FRAME_ID( ident, b0, b1, b2, b3 ) ( CHECK_IDENT( ident, b0, b1, b2 ) && (( ident )[3]) == ( b3 ))
static uint32_t Sound_ParseSynchInteger( uint32_t v )
uint32_t res = 0;
// read as big endian
res |= (( v >> 24 ) & 0x7f ) << 0;
res |= (( v >> 16 ) & 0x7f ) << 7;
res |= (( v >> 8 ) & 0x7f ) << 14;
res |= (( v >> 0 ) & 0x7f ) << 21;
return res;
static void Sound_HandleCustomID3Comment( const char *key, const char *value )
if( !Q_strcmp( key, "LOOP_START" ) || !Q_strcmp( key, "LOOPSTART" ))
sound.loopstart = Q_atoi( value );
// unknown comment is not an error
static qboolean Sound_ParseID3Frame( const did3v2_frame_t *frame, const byte *buffer, size_t frame_length )
if( CHECK_FRAME_ID( frame->frame_id, 'T', 'X', 'X', 'X' ))
string key, value;
int32_t key_len, value_len;
if( buffer[0] == 0x00 || buffer[0] == 0x03 )
key_len = Q_strncpy( key, &buffer[1], sizeof( key ));
value_len = frame_length - (1 + key_len + 1);
if( value_len <= 0 || value_len >= sizeof( value ))
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Sound_ParseID3Frame: invalid TXXX description, possibly broken file.\n" );
return false;
memcpy( value, &buffer[1 + key_len + 1], value_len );
value[value_len + 1] = 0;
Sound_HandleCustomID3Comment( key, value );
if( buffer[0] == 0x01 || buffer[0] == 0x02 ) // UTF-16 with BOM
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Sound_ParseID3Frame: UTF-16 encoding is unsupported. Use UTF-8 or ISO-8859!\n" );
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Sound_ParseID3Frame: unknown TXXX tag encoding %d, possibly broken file.\n", buffer[0] );
return false;
return true;
static qboolean Sound_ParseID3Tag( const byte *buffer, fs_offset_t filesize )
const did3v2_header_t *header = (const did3v2_header_t *)buffer;
const byte *buffer_begin = buffer;
uint32_t tag_length;
if( filesize < sizeof( *header ))
return false;
buffer += sizeof( *header );
// support only id3v2
if( !CHECK_IDENT( header->ident, 'I', 'D', '3' ))
// old id3v1 header found
if( CHECK_IDENT( header->ident, 'T', 'A', 'G' ))
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Sound_ParseID3Tag: ID3v1 is not supported! Convert to ID3v2.4!\n" );
return true; // missing tag header is not an error
// support only latest id3 v2.4
if( header->major_ver != 4 || header->minor_ver == 0xff )
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Sound_ParseID3Tag: invalid ID3v2 tag version 2.%d.%d. Convert to ID3v2.4!\n", header->major_ver, header->minor_ver );
return false;
tag_length = Sound_ParseSynchInteger( header->length );
if( tag_length > filesize - sizeof( *header ))
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Sound_ParseID3Tag: invalid tag length %u, possibly broken file.\n", tag_length );
return false;
// just skip extended header
if( FBitSet( header->flags, ID3V2_HEADER_EXTENDED_HEADER ))
const did3v2_extended_header_t *ext_header = (const did3v2_extended_header_t *)buffer;
uint32_t ext_length = Sound_ParseSynchInteger( ext_header->length );
if( ext_length > tag_length )
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Sound_ParseID3Tag: invalid extended header length %u, possibly broken file.\n", ext_length );
return false;
buffer += ext_length;
while( buffer - buffer_begin < tag_length )
const did3v2_frame_t *frame = (const did3v2_frame_t *)buffer;
uint32_t frame_length = Sound_ParseSynchInteger( frame->length );
if( frame_length > tag_length )
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Sound_ParseID3Tag: invalid frame length %u, possibly broken file.\n", frame_length );
return false;
buffer += sizeof( *frame );
// parse can fail, but it's ok to continue
Sound_ParseID3Frame( frame, buffer, frame_length );
buffer += frame_length;
return true;
int EXPORT Fuzz_Sound_ParseID3Tag( const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size );
int EXPORT Fuzz_Sound_ParseID3Tag( const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size )
memset( &sound, 0, sizeof( sound ));
Sound_ParseID3Tag( Data, Size );
return 0;
MPEG decompression
qboolean Sound_LoadMPG( const char *name, const byte *buffer, fs_offset_t filesize )
void *mpeg;
size_t pos = 0;
size_t bytesWrite = 0;
byte out[OUTBUF_SIZE];
size_t outsize, padsize;
int ret;
wavinfo_t sc;
// load the file
if( !buffer || filesize < FRAME_SIZE )
return false;
// couldn't create decoder
if(( mpeg = create_decoder( &ret )) == NULL )
return false;
if( ret ) Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "%s\n", get_error( mpeg ));
// trying to read header
if( !feed_mpeg_header( mpeg, buffer, FRAME_SIZE, filesize, &sc ))
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Sound_LoadMPG: failed to load (%s): %s\n", name, get_error( mpeg ));
close_decoder( mpeg );
return false;
sound.channels = sc.channels;
sound.rate = sc.rate;
sound.width = 2; // always 16-bit PCM
sound.loopstart = -1;
sound.size = ( sound.channels * sound.rate * sound.width ) * ( sc.playtime / 1000 ); // in bytes
padsize = sound.size % FRAME_SIZE;
pos += FRAME_SIZE; // evaluate pos
if( !Sound_ParseID3Tag( buffer, filesize ))
Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "Sound_LoadMPG: (%s) failed to extract LOOP_START tag\n", name );
sound.loopstart = -1;
if( !sound.size )
// bad mpeg file ?
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Sound_LoadMPG: (%s) is probably corrupted\n", name );
close_decoder( mpeg );
return false;
// add sentinel make sure we not overrun
sound.wav = (byte *)Mem_Calloc( host.soundpool, sound.size + padsize );
sound.type = WF_PCMDATA;
// decompress mpg into pcm wav format
while( bytesWrite < sound.size )
int size;
if( feed_mpeg_stream( mpeg, NULL, 0, out, &outsize ) != MP3_OK && outsize <= 0 )
const byte *data = buffer + pos;
int bufsize;
// if there are no bytes remainig so we can decompress the new frame
if( pos + FRAME_SIZE > filesize )
bufsize = ( filesize - pos );
else bufsize = FRAME_SIZE;
pos += bufsize;
if( feed_mpeg_stream( mpeg, data, bufsize, out, &outsize ) != MP3_OK )
break; // there was end of the stream
if( bytesWrite + outsize > sound.size )
size = ( sound.size - bytesWrite );
else size = outsize;
memcpy( &sound.wav[bytesWrite], out, size );
bytesWrite += size;
sound.samples = bytesWrite / ( sound.width * sound.channels );
close_decoder( mpeg );
return true;
static fs_offset_t FS_SeekEx( file_t *file, fs_offset_t offset, int whence )
return FS_Seek( file, offset, whence ) == -1 ? -1 : FS_Tell( file );
stream_t *Stream_OpenMPG( const char *filename )
stream_t *stream;
void *mpeg;
file_t *file;
int ret;
wavinfo_t sc;
file = FS_Open( filename, "rb", false );
if( !file ) return NULL;
// at this point we have valid stream
stream = Mem_Calloc( host.soundpool, sizeof( stream_t ));
stream->file = file;
stream->pos = 0;
// couldn't create decoder
if(( mpeg = create_decoder( &ret )) == NULL )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Stream_OpenMPG: couldn't create decoder: %s\n", get_error( mpeg ) );
Mem_Free( stream );
FS_Close( file );
return NULL;
if( ret ) Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "%s\n", get_error( mpeg ));
// trying to open stream and read header
if( !open_mpeg_stream( mpeg, file, (void*)FS_Read, (void*)FS_SeekEx, &sc ))
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Stream_OpenMPG: failed to load (%s): %s\n", filename, get_error( mpeg ));
close_decoder( mpeg );
Mem_Free( stream );
FS_Close( file );
return NULL;
stream->buffsize = 0; // how many samples left from previous frame
stream->channels = sc.channels;
stream->rate = sc.rate;
stream->width = 2; // always 16 bit
stream->ptr = mpeg;
stream->type = WF_MPGDATA;
return stream;
assume stream is valid
int Stream_ReadMPG( stream_t *stream, int needBytes, void *buffer )
// buffer handling
int bytesWritten = 0;
void *mpg;
mpg = stream->ptr;
while( 1 )
byte *data;
int outsize;
if( !stream->buffsize )
if( read_mpeg_stream( mpg, (byte*)stream->temp, &stream->pos ) != MP3_OK )
break; // there was end of the stream
// check remaining size
if( bytesWritten + stream->pos > needBytes )
outsize = ( needBytes - bytesWritten );
else outsize = stream->pos;
// copy raw sample to output buffer
data = (byte *)buffer + bytesWritten;
memcpy( data, &stream->temp[stream->buffsize], outsize );
bytesWritten += outsize;
stream->pos -= outsize;
stream->buffsize += outsize;
// continue from this sample on a next call
if( bytesWritten >= needBytes )
return bytesWritten;
stream->buffsize = 0; // no bytes remaining
return 0;
assume stream is valid
int Stream_SetPosMPG( stream_t *stream, int newpos )
if( set_stream_pos( stream->ptr, newpos ) != -1 )
// flush any previous data
stream->buffsize = 0;
return true;
// failed to seek for some reasons
return false;
assume stream is valid
int Stream_GetPosMPG( stream_t *stream )
return get_stream_pos( stream->ptr );
assume stream is valid
void Stream_FreeMPG( stream_t *stream )
if( stream->ptr )
close_decoder( stream->ptr );
stream->ptr = NULL;
if( stream->file )
FS_Close( stream->file );
stream->file = NULL;
Mem_Free( stream );