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vgui_surf.cpp - main vgui layer
Copyright (C) 2011 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission
to link the code of this program with VGUI library developed by
Valve, L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License
in all respects for all of the code used other than VGUI library.
If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement
from your version.
#include <ctype.h>
#include "vgui_main.h"
#define MAX_PAINT_STACK 16
#define FONT_SIZE 512
#define FONT_PAGES 8
struct FontInfo
int id;
int pageCount;
int pageForChar[256];
int bindIndex[FONT_PAGES];
float texCoord[256][FONT_PAGES];
int contextCount;
static int staticContextCount = 0;
static char staticRGBA[FONT_SIZE * FONT_SIZE * 4];
static Font* staticFont = NULL;
static FontInfo* staticFontInfo;
static Dar<FontInfo*> staticFontInfoDar;
static PaintStack paintStack[MAX_PAINT_STACK];
static int staticPaintStackPos = 0;
#define ColorIndex( c )((( c ) - '0' ) & 7 )
CEngineSurface :: CEngineSurface( Panel *embeddedPanel ):SurfaceBase( embeddedPanel )
_embeddedPanel = embeddedPanel;
_drawColor[0] = _drawColor[1] = _drawColor[2] = _drawColor[3] = 255;
_drawTextColor[0] = _drawTextColor[1] = _drawTextColor[2] = _drawTextColor[3] = 255;
_surfaceExtents[0] = _surfaceExtents[1] = 0;
//_surfaceExtents[2] = menu.globals->scrWidth;
//_surfaceExtents[3] = menu.globals->scrHeight;
embeddedPanel->getSize(_surfaceExtents[2], _surfaceExtents[3]);
_drawTextPos[0] = _drawTextPos[1] = 0;
_hCurrentCursor = null;
staticFont = NULL;
staticFontInfo = NULL;
staticFontInfoDar.setCount( 0 );
staticPaintStackPos = 0;
_translateX = _translateY = 0;
CEngineSurface :: ~CEngineSurface( void )
g_api->DrawShutdown ();
Panel *CEngineSurface :: getEmbeddedPanel( void )
return _embeddedPanel;
bool CEngineSurface :: hasFocus( void )
// What differs when window does not has focus?
//return host.state != HOST_NOFOCUS;
return true;
void CEngineSurface :: setCursor( Cursor *cursor )
_currentCursor = cursor;
g_api->CursorSelect( (VGUI_DefaultCursor)cursor->getDefaultCursor() );
void CEngineSurface :: SetupPaintState( const PaintStack *paintState )
_translateX = paintState->iTranslateX;
_translateY = paintState->iTranslateY;
SetScissorRect( paintState->iScissorLeft, paintState->iScissorTop,
paintState->iScissorRight, paintState->iScissorBottom );
void CEngineSurface :: InitVertex( vpoint_t &vertex, int x, int y, float u, float v )
vertex.point[0] = x + _translateX;
vertex.point[1] = y + _translateY;
vertex.coord[0] = u;
vertex.coord[1] = v;
int CEngineSurface :: createNewTextureID( void )
return g_api->GenerateTexture();
void CEngineSurface :: drawSetColor( int r, int g, int b, int a )
_drawColor[0] = r;
_drawColor[1] = g;
_drawColor[2] = b;
_drawColor[3] = a;
void CEngineSurface :: drawSetTextColor( int r, int g, int b, int a )
_drawTextColor[0] = r;
_drawTextColor[1] = g;
_drawTextColor[2] = b;
_drawTextColor[3] = a;
void CEngineSurface :: drawFilledRect( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 )
vpoint_t rect[2];
vpoint_t clippedRect[2];
if( _drawColor[3] >= 255 ) return;
InitVertex( rect[0], x0, y0, 0, 0 );
InitVertex( rect[1], x1, y1, 0, 0 );
// fully clipped?
if( !ClipRect( rect[0], rect[1], &clippedRect[0], &clippedRect[1] ))
g_api->SetupDrawingRect( _drawColor );
g_api->EnableTexture( false );
g_api->DrawQuad( &clippedRect[0], &clippedRect[1] );
g_api->EnableTexture( true );
void CEngineSurface :: drawOutlinedRect( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 )
if( _drawColor[3] >= 255 ) return;
drawFilledRect( x0, y0, x1, y0 + 1 ); // top
drawFilledRect( x0, y1 - 1, x1, y1 ); // bottom
drawFilledRect( x0, y0 + 1, x0 + 1, y1 - 1 ); // left
drawFilledRect( x1 - 1, y0 + 1, x1, y1 - 1 ); // right
void CEngineSurface :: drawSetTextFont( Font *font )
staticFont = font;
if( font )
bool buildFont = false;
staticFontInfo = NULL;
for( int i = 0; i < staticFontInfoDar.getCount(); i++ )
if( staticFontInfoDar[i]->id == font->getId( ))
staticFontInfo = staticFontInfoDar[i];
if( staticFontInfo->contextCount != staticContextCount )
buildFont = true;
if( !staticFontInfo || buildFont )
staticFontInfo = new FontInfo;
staticFontInfo->id = 0;
staticFontInfo->pageCount = 0;
staticFontInfo->bindIndex[0] = 0;
staticFontInfo->bindIndex[1] = 0;
staticFontInfo->bindIndex[2] = 0;
staticFontInfo->bindIndex[3] = 0;
memset( staticFontInfo->pageForChar, 0, sizeof( staticFontInfo->pageForChar ));
staticFontInfo->contextCount = -1;
staticFontInfo->id = staticFont->getId();
staticFontInfoDar.putElement( staticFontInfo );
staticFontInfo->contextCount = staticContextCount;
int currentPage = 0;
int x = 0, y = 0;
memset( staticRGBA, 0, sizeof( staticRGBA ));
for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
int abcA, abcB, abcC;
staticFont->getCharABCwide( i, abcA, abcB, abcC );
int wide = abcB;
if( isspace( i )) continue;
int tall = staticFont->getTall();
if( x + wide + 1 > FONT_SIZE )
x = 0;
y += tall + 1;
if( y + tall + 1 > FONT_SIZE )
if( !staticFontInfo->bindIndex[currentPage] )
staticFontInfo->bindIndex[currentPage] = createNewTextureID();
drawSetTextureRGBA( staticFontInfo->bindIndex[currentPage], staticRGBA, FONT_SIZE, FONT_SIZE );
if( currentPage == FONT_PAGES )
memset( staticRGBA, 0, sizeof( staticRGBA ));
x = y = 0;
staticFont->getCharRGBA( i, x, y, FONT_SIZE, FONT_SIZE, (byte *)staticRGBA );
staticFontInfo->pageForChar[i] = currentPage;
staticFontInfo->texCoord[i][0] = (float)((double)x / (double)FONT_SIZE );
staticFontInfo->texCoord[i][1] = (float)((double)y / (double)FONT_SIZE );
staticFontInfo->texCoord[i][2] = (float)((double)(x + wide)/(double)FONT_SIZE );
staticFontInfo->texCoord[i][3] = (float)((double)(y + tall)/(double)FONT_SIZE );
x += wide + 1;
if( currentPage != FONT_PAGES )
if( !staticFontInfo->bindIndex[currentPage] )
staticFontInfo->bindIndex[currentPage] = createNewTextureID();
drawSetTextureRGBA( staticFontInfo->bindIndex[currentPage], staticRGBA, FONT_SIZE, FONT_SIZE );
staticFontInfo->pageCount = currentPage + 1;
void CEngineSurface :: drawSetTextPos( int x, int y )
_drawTextPos[0] = x;
_drawTextPos[1] = y;
void CEngineSurface :: drawPrintChar( int x, int y, int wide, int tall, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int color[4] )
vpoint_t ul, lr;
ul.point[0] = x;
ul.point[1] = y;
lr.point[0] = x + wide;
lr.point[1] = y + tall;
// gets at the texture coords for this character in its texture page
ul.coord[0] = s0;
ul.coord[1] = t0;
lr.coord[0] = s1;
lr.coord[1] = t1;
vpoint_t clippedRect[2];
if( !ClipRect( ul, lr, &clippedRect[0], &clippedRect[1] ))
g_api->SetupDrawingImage( color );
g_api->DrawQuad( &clippedRect[0], &clippedRect[1] ); // draw the letter
void CEngineSurface :: drawPrintText( const char* text, int textLen )
static bool hasColor = 0;
static int numColor = 7;
if( !text || !staticFont || _drawTextColor[3] >= 255 )
int x = _drawTextPos[0] + _translateX;
int y = _drawTextPos[1] + _translateY;
int tall = staticFont->getTall();
int j, iTotalWidth = 0;
int curTextColor[4];
// HACKHACK: allow color strings in VGUI
if( numColor != 7 )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) // grab predefined color
curTextColor[j] = g_api->GetColor(numColor,j);
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) // revert default color
curTextColor[j] = _drawTextColor[j];
curTextColor[3] = _drawTextColor[3]; // copy alpha
if( textLen == 1 )
if( *text == '^' )
hasColor = true;
return; // skip '^'
else if( hasColor && isdigit( *text ))
numColor = ColorIndex( *text );
hasColor = false; // handled
return; // skip colornum
else hasColor = false;
for( int i = 0; i < textLen; i++ )
int curCh = g_api->ProcessUtfChar( (unsigned char)text[i] );
if( !curCh )
int abcA, abcB, abcC;
staticFont->getCharABCwide( curCh, abcA, abcB, abcC );
float s0 = staticFontInfo->texCoord[curCh][0];
float t0 = staticFontInfo->texCoord[curCh][1];
float s1 = staticFontInfo->texCoord[curCh][2];
float t1 = staticFontInfo->texCoord[curCh][3];
int wide = abcB;
iTotalWidth += abcA;
drawSetTexture( staticFontInfo->bindIndex[staticFontInfo->pageForChar[curCh]] );
drawPrintChar( x + iTotalWidth, y, wide, tall, s0, t0, s1, t1, curTextColor );
iTotalWidth += wide + abcC;
_drawTextPos[0] += iTotalWidth;
void CEngineSurface :: drawSetTextureRGBA( int id, const char* rgba, int wide, int tall )
g_api->UploadTexture( id, rgba, wide, tall );
void CEngineSurface :: drawSetTexture( int id )
g_api->BindTexture( id );
void CEngineSurface :: drawTexturedRect( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 )
vpoint_t rect[2];
vpoint_t clippedRect[2];
InitVertex( rect[0], x0, y0, 0, 0 );
InitVertex( rect[1], x1, y1, 1, 1 );
// fully clipped?
if( !ClipRect( rect[0], rect[1], &clippedRect[0], &clippedRect[1] ))
g_api->SetupDrawingImage( _drawColor );
g_api->DrawQuad( &clippedRect[0], &clippedRect[1] );
void CEngineSurface :: pushMakeCurrent( Panel* panel, bool useInsets )
int insets[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int absExtents[4];
int clipRect[4];
if( useInsets )
panel->getInset( insets[0], insets[1], insets[2], insets[3] );
panel->getAbsExtents( absExtents[0], absExtents[1], absExtents[2], absExtents[3] );
panel->getClipRect( clipRect[0], clipRect[1], clipRect[2], clipRect[3] );
PaintStack *paintState = &paintStack[staticPaintStackPos];
assert( staticPaintStackPos < MAX_PAINT_STACK );
paintState->m_pPanel = panel;
// determine corrected top left origin
paintState->iTranslateX = insets[0] + absExtents[0];
paintState->iTranslateY = insets[1] + absExtents[1];
// setup clipping rectangle for scissoring
paintState->iScissorLeft = clipRect[0];
paintState->iScissorTop = clipRect[1];
paintState->iScissorRight = clipRect[2];
paintState->iScissorBottom = clipRect[3];
SetupPaintState( paintState );
void CEngineSurface :: popMakeCurrent( Panel *panel )
int top = staticPaintStackPos - 1;
// more pops that pushes?
assert( top >= 0 );
// didn't pop in reverse order of push?
assert( paintStack[top].m_pPanel == panel );
if( top > 0 ) SetupPaintState( &paintStack[top-1] );
bool CEngineSurface :: setFullscreenMode( int wide, int tall, int bpp )
// NOTE: Xash3D always working in 32-bit mode
// Skip it now. VGUI cannot change video modes
return false;
void CEngineSurface :: setWindowedMode( void )
// Skip it now. VGUI cannot change video modes
Cvar_SetFloat( "fullscreen", 0.0f );