mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 13:31:03 +00:00

The `.editorconfig` file in this repo is configured to trim all trailing whitespace regardless of whether the line is modified. Trims all trailing whitespace in the repository to make the codebase easier to work with in editors that respect `.editorconfig`. `git blame` becomes less useful on these lines but it already isn't very useful. Commands: ``` find . -type f -name '*.h' -exec sed --in-place 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' {} \+ find . -type f -name '*.c' -exec sed --in-place 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' {} \+ ```
1152 lines
30 KiB
1152 lines
30 KiB
library.c - custom dlls loader
Copyright (C) 2008 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "platform/platform.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "library.h"
#ifdef XASH_64BIT
#include <dbghelp.h>
void *COM_LoadLibrary( const char *dllname, int build_ordinals_table )
return LoadLibraryA( dllname );
void COM_FreeLibrary( void *hInstance )
FreeLibrary( hInstance );
void *COM_GetProcAddress( void *hInstance, const char *name )
return GetProcAddress( hInstance, name );
void *COM_FunctionFromName( void *hInstance, const char *name )
return GetProcAddress( hInstance, name );
const char *COM_NameForFunction( void *hInstance, void *function )
#if 0
static qboolean initialized = false;
if( initialized )
char message[1024];
int len = 0;
size_t i;
HANDLE process = GetCurrentProcess();
HANDLE thread = GetCurrentThread();
DWORD dline = 0;
DWORD options;
CONTEXT context;
STACKFRAME64 stackframe;
DWORD image;
char buffer[sizeof( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64) + MAX_SYM_NAME * sizeof(TCHAR)];
memset( symbol, 0, sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64) + MAX_SYM_NAME );
symbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64);
symbol->MaxNameLength = MAX_SYM_NAME;
DWORD displacement = 0;
options = SymGetOptions();
SymSetOptions( options );
SymInitialize( process, NULL, TRUE );
if( SymGetSymFromAddr64( process, function, &displacement, symbol ) )
Msg( "%s\n", symbol->Name );
return copystring( symbol->Name );
return COM_OffsetNameForFunction( function );
return NULL;
#else // XASH_64BIT
Custom dlls loader
#define DOS_SIGNATURE 0x5A4D // MZ
#define NT_SIGNATURE 0x00004550 // PE00
typedef struct
// dos .exe header
word e_magic; // magic number
word e_cblp; // bytes on last page of file
word e_cp; // pages in file
word e_crlc; // relocations
word e_cparhdr; // size of header in paragraphs
word e_minalloc; // minimum extra paragraphs needed
word e_maxalloc; // maximum extra paragraphs needed
word e_ss; // initial (relative) SS value
word e_sp; // initial SP value
word e_csum; // checksum
word e_ip; // initial IP value
word e_cs; // initial (relative) CS value
word e_lfarlc; // file address of relocation table
word e_ovno; // overlay number
word e_res[4]; // reserved words
word e_oemid; // OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo)
word e_oeminfo; // OEM information; e_oemid specific
word e_res2[10]; // reserved words
long e_lfanew; // file address of new exe header
typedef struct
// win .exe header
word Machine;
word NumberOfSections;
dword TimeDateStamp;
dword PointerToSymbolTable;
dword NumberOfSymbols;
word SizeOfOptionalHeader;
word Characteristics;
typedef struct
dword VirtualAddress;
dword Size;
typedef struct
word Magic;
byte MajorLinkerVersion;
byte MinorLinkerVersion;
dword SizeOfCode;
dword SizeOfInitializedData;
dword SizeOfUninitializedData;
dword AddressOfEntryPoint;
dword BaseOfCode;
dword BaseOfData;
dword ImageBase;
dword SectionAlignment;
dword FileAlignment;
word MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
word MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
word MajorImageVersion;
word MinorImageVersion;
word MajorSubsystemVersion;
word MinorSubsystemVersion;
dword Win32VersionValue;
dword SizeOfImage;
dword SizeOfHeaders;
dword CheckSum;
word Subsystem;
word DllCharacteristics;
dword SizeOfStackReserve;
dword SizeOfStackCommit;
dword SizeOfHeapReserve;
dword SizeOfHeapCommit;
dword LoaderFlags;
dword NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
typedef struct
dword Characteristics;
dword TimeDateStamp;
word MajorVersion;
word MinorVersion;
dword Name;
dword Base;
dword NumberOfFunctions;
dword NumberOfNames;
dword AddressOfFunctions; // RVA from base of image
dword AddressOfNames; // RVA from base of image
dword AddressOfNameOrdinals; // RVA from base of image
typedef struct
byte *codeBase;
void **modules;
int numModules;
int initialized;
typedef struct
byte Name[8]; // dos name length
dword PhysicalAddress;
dword VirtualSize;
} Misc;
dword VirtualAddress;
dword SizeOfRawData;
dword PointerToRawData;
dword PointerToRelocations;
dword PointerToLinenumbers;
word NumberOfRelocations;
word NumberOfLinenumbers;
dword Characteristics;
// Protection flags for memory pages (Executable, Readable, Writeable)
static int ProtectionFlags[2][2][2] =
{ PAGE_NOACCESS, PAGE_WRITECOPY }, // not executable
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *DllEntryProc)( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved );
#define GET_HEADER_DICTIONARY( module, idx ) &(module)->headers->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[idx]
#define CALCULATE_ADDRESS( base, offset ) ((DWORD)(base) + (DWORD)(offset))
static void CopySections( const byte *data, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS old_headers, PMEMORYMODULE module )
byte *codeBase = module->codeBase;
int i, size;
byte *dest;
for( i = 0; i < module->headers->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++, section++ )
if( section->SizeOfRawData == 0 )
// section doesn't contain data in the dll itself, but may define
// uninitialized data
size = old_headers->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment;
if( size > 0 )
dest = (byte *)VirtualAlloc((byte *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS(codeBase, section->VirtualAddress), size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
section->Misc.PhysicalAddress = (DWORD)dest;
memset( dest, 0, size );
// section is empty
// commit memory block and copy data from dll
dest = (byte *)VirtualAlloc((byte *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS(codeBase, section->VirtualAddress), section->SizeOfRawData, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
memcpy( dest, (byte *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS(data, section->PointerToRawData), section->SizeOfRawData );
section->Misc.PhysicalAddress = (DWORD)dest;
static void FreeSections( PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS old_headers, PMEMORYMODULE module )
byte *codeBase = module->codeBase;
int i, size;
for( i = 0; i < module->headers->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++, section++ )
if( section->SizeOfRawData == 0 )
size = old_headers->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment;
if( size > 0 )
VirtualFree((byte *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, section->VirtualAddress ), size, MEM_DECOMMIT );
section->Misc.PhysicalAddress = 0;
VirtualFree((byte *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, section->VirtualAddress ), section->SizeOfRawData, MEM_DECOMMIT );
section->Misc.PhysicalAddress = 0;
static void FinalizeSections( MEMORYMODULE *module )
int i;
// loop through all sections and change access flags
for( i = 0; i < module->headers->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++, section++ )
DWORD protect, oldProtect, size;
int executable = (section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) != 0;
int readable = (section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ) != 0;
int writeable = (section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE) != 0;
if( section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE )
// section is not needed any more and can safely be freed
VirtualFree((LPVOID)section->Misc.PhysicalAddress, section->SizeOfRawData, MEM_DECOMMIT);
// determine protection flags based on characteristics
protect = ProtectionFlags[executable][readable][writeable];
if( section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED )
protect |= PAGE_NOCACHE;
// determine size of region
size = section->SizeOfRawData;
if( size == 0 )
if( section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA )
size = module->headers->OptionalHeader.SizeOfInitializedData;
else if( section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA )
size = module->headers->OptionalHeader.SizeOfUninitializedData;
if( size > 0 )
// change memory access flags
if( !VirtualProtect((LPVOID)section->Misc.PhysicalAddress, size, protect, &oldProtect ))
Sys_Error( "error protecting memory page\n" );
static void PerformBaseRelocation( MEMORYMODULE *module, DWORD delta )
byte *codeBase = module->codeBase;
if( directory->Size > 0 )
for( ; relocation->VirtualAddress > 0; )
byte *dest = (byte *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, relocation->VirtualAddress );
word *relInfo = (word *)((byte *)relocation + IMAGE_SIZEOF_BASE_RELOCATION );
for( i = 0; i<((relocation->SizeOfBlock-IMAGE_SIZEOF_BASE_RELOCATION) / 2); i++, relInfo++ )
DWORD *patchAddrHL;
int type, offset;
// the upper 4 bits define the type of relocation
type = *relInfo >> 12;
// the lower 12 bits define the offset
offset = *relInfo & 0xfff;
switch( type )
// skip relocation
// change complete 32 bit address
patchAddrHL = (DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( dest, offset );
*patchAddrHL += delta;
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "PerformBaseRelocation: unknown relocation: %d\n", type );
// advance to next relocation block
relocation = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( relocation, relocation->SizeOfBlock );
static FARPROC MemoryGetProcAddress( void *module, const char *name )
byte *codeBase = ((PMEMORYMODULE)module)->codeBase;
int idx = -1;
DWORD i, *nameRef;
WORD *ordinal;
if( directory->Size == 0 )
// no export table found
return NULL;
exports = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, directory->VirtualAddress );
if( exports->NumberOfNames == 0 || exports->NumberOfFunctions == 0 )
// DLL doesn't export anything
return NULL;
// search function name in list of exported names
nameRef = (DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, exports->AddressOfNames );
ordinal = (WORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, exports->AddressOfNameOrdinals );
for( i = 0; i < exports->NumberOfNames; i++, nameRef++, ordinal++ )
// GetProcAddress case insensative ?????
if( !Q_stricmp( name, (const char *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, *nameRef )))
idx = *ordinal;
if( idx == -1 )
// exported symbol not found
return NULL;
if((DWORD)idx > exports->NumberOfFunctions )
// name <-> ordinal number don't match
return NULL;
// addressOfFunctions contains the RVAs to the "real" functions
return (FARPROC)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, *(DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, exports->AddressOfFunctions + (idx * 4)));
static int BuildImportTable( MEMORYMODULE *module )
byte *codeBase = module->codeBase;
int result = 1;
if( directory->Size > 0 )
for( ; !IsBadReadPtr( importDesc, sizeof( IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR )) && importDesc->Name; importDesc++ )
DWORD *thunkRef, *funcRef;
LPCSTR libname;
void *handle;
libname = (LPCSTR)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, importDesc->Name );
handle = COM_LoadLibrary( libname, false, true );
if( handle == NULL )
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "couldn't load library %s\n", libname );
result = 0;
module->modules = (void *)Mem_Realloc( host.mempool, module->modules, (module->numModules + 1) * (sizeof( void* )));
module->modules[module->numModules++] = handle;
if( importDesc->OriginalFirstThunk )
thunkRef = (DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, importDesc->OriginalFirstThunk );
funcRef = (DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, importDesc->FirstThunk );
// no hint table
thunkRef = (DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, importDesc->FirstThunk );
funcRef = (DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, importDesc->FirstThunk );
for( ; *thunkRef; thunkRef++, funcRef++ )
LPCSTR funcName;
if( IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL( *thunkRef ))
funcName = (LPCSTR)IMAGE_ORDINAL( *thunkRef );
*funcRef = (DWORD)COM_GetProcAddress( handle, funcName );
funcName = (LPCSTR)&thunkData->Name;
*funcRef = (DWORD)COM_GetProcAddress( handle, funcName );
if( *funcRef == 0 )
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "%s unable to find address: %s\n", libname, funcName );
result = 0;
if( !result ) break;
return result;
static void MemoryFreeLibrary( void *hInstance )
if( module != NULL )
int i;
if( module->initialized != 0 )
// notify library about detaching from process
DllEntryProc DllEntry = (DllEntryProc)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( module->codeBase, module->headers->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint );
(*DllEntry)((HINSTANCE)module->codeBase, DLL_PROCESS_DETACH, 0 );
module->initialized = 0;
if( module->modules != NULL )
// free previously opened libraries
for( i = 0; i < module->numModules; i++ )
if( module->modules[i] != NULL )
COM_FreeLibrary( module->modules[i] );
Mem_Free( module->modules ); // Mem_Realloc end
FreeSections( module->headers, module );
if( module->codeBase != NULL )
// release memory of library
VirtualFree( module->codeBase, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, module );
void *MemoryLoadLibrary( const char *name )
byte *code, *headers;
DWORD locationDelta;
DllEntryProc DllEntry;
string errorstring;
qboolean successfull;
void *data = NULL;
data = FS_LoadFile( name, NULL, false );
if( !data )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "couldn't load %s", name );
goto library_error;
dos_header = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)data;
if( dos_header->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s it's not a valid executable file", name );
goto library_error;
old_header = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)&((const byte *)(data))[dos_header->e_lfanew];
if( old_header->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s missing PE header", name );
goto library_error;
// reserve memory for image of library
code = (byte *)VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)(old_header->OptionalHeader.ImageBase), old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE );
if( code == NULL )
// try to allocate memory at arbitrary position
code = (byte *)VirtualAlloc( NULL, old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE );
if( code == NULL )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s can't reserve memory", name );
goto library_error;
result = (MEMORYMODULE *)HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof( MEMORYMODULE ));
result->codeBase = code;
result->numModules = 0;
result->modules = NULL;
result->initialized = 0;
// XXX: is it correct to commit the complete memory region at once?
// calling DllEntry raises an exception if we don't...
VirtualAlloc( code, old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
// commit memory for headers
headers = (byte *)VirtualAlloc( code, old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
// copy PE header to code
memcpy( headers, dos_header, dos_header->e_lfanew + old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders );
result->headers = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)&((const byte *)(headers))[dos_header->e_lfanew];
// update position
result->headers->OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (DWORD)code;
// copy sections from DLL file block to new memory location
CopySections( data, old_header, result );
// adjust base address of imported data
locationDelta = (DWORD)(code - old_header->OptionalHeader.ImageBase);
if( locationDelta != 0 ) PerformBaseRelocation( result, locationDelta );
// load required dlls and adjust function table of imports
if( !BuildImportTable( result ))
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s failed to build import table", name );
goto library_error;
// mark memory pages depending on section headers and release
// sections that are marked as "discardable"
FinalizeSections( result );
// get entry point of loaded library
if( result->headers->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint != 0 )
DllEntry = (DllEntryProc)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( code, result->headers->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint );
if( DllEntry == 0 )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s has no entry point", name );
goto library_error;
// notify library about attaching to process
successfull = (*DllEntry)((HINSTANCE)code, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0 );
if( !successfull )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "can't attach library %s", name );
goto library_error;
result->initialized = 1;
Mem_Free( data ); // release memory
return (void *)result;
// cleanup
if( data ) Mem_Free( data );
MemoryFreeLibrary( result );
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "LoadLibrary: %s\n", errorstring );
return NULL;
Name for function stuff
static void FsGetString( file_t *f, char *str )
char ch;
while(( ch = FS_Getc( f )) != EOF )
*str++ = ch;
if( !ch ) break;
static void FreeNameFuncGlobals( dll_user_t *hInst )
int i;
if( !hInst ) return;
if( hInst->ordinals ) Mem_Free( hInst->ordinals );
if( hInst->funcs ) Mem_Free( hInst->funcs );
for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ )
if( hInst->names[i] )
Mem_Free( hInst->names[i] );
hInst->num_ordinals = 0;
hInst->ordinals = NULL;
hInst->funcs = NULL;
char *GetMSVCName( const char *in_name )
static string out_name;
char *pos;
if( in_name[0] == '?' ) // is this a MSVC C++ mangled name?
if(( pos = Q_strstr( in_name, "@@" )) != NULL )
int len = pos - in_name;
// strip off the leading '?'
Q_strncpy( out_name, in_name + 1, sizeof( out_name ));
out_name[len-1] = 0; // terminate string at the "@@"
return out_name;
Q_strncpy( out_name, in_name, sizeof( out_name ));
return out_name;
qboolean LibraryLoadSymbols( dll_user_t *hInst )
file_t *f;
string errorstring;
DOS_HEADER dos_header;
LONG nt_signature;
PE_HEADER pe_header;
SECTION_HEADER section_header;
qboolean rdata_found;
OPTIONAL_HEADER optional_header;
long rdata_delta = 0;
EXPORT_DIRECTORY export_directory;
long name_offset;
long exports_offset;
long ordinal_offset;
long function_offset;
string function_name;
dword *p_Names = NULL;
int i, index;
// can only be done for loaded libraries
if( !hInst ) return false;
for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ )
hInst->names[i] = NULL;
f = FS_Open( hInst->shortPath, "rb", false );
if( !f )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "couldn't load %s", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( FS_Read( f, &dos_header, sizeof( dos_header )) != sizeof( dos_header ))
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s has corrupted EXE header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( dos_header.e_magic != DOS_SIGNATURE )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid dll signature", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( FS_Seek( f, dos_header.e_lfanew, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s error seeking for new exe header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( FS_Read( f, &nt_signature, sizeof( nt_signature )) != sizeof( nt_signature ))
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s has corrupted NT header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( nt_signature != NT_SIGNATURE )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid NT signature", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( FS_Read( f, &pe_header, sizeof( pe_header )) != sizeof( pe_header ))
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid PE header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( !pe_header.SizeOfOptionalHeader )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have an optional header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( FS_Read( f, &optional_header, sizeof( optional_header )) != sizeof( optional_header ))
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s optional header probably corrupted", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
rdata_found = false;
for( i = 0; i < pe_header.NumberOfSections; i++ )
if( FS_Read( f, §ion_header, sizeof( section_header )) != sizeof( section_header ))
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s error during reading section header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if((( optional_header.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress >= section_header.VirtualAddress ) &&
(optional_header.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress < (section_header.VirtualAddress + section_header.Misc.VirtualSize))))
rdata_found = true;
if( rdata_found )
rdata_delta = section_header.VirtualAddress - section_header.PointerToRawData;
exports_offset = optional_header.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress - rdata_delta;
if( FS_Seek( f, exports_offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid exports section", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( FS_Read( f, &export_directory, sizeof( export_directory )) != sizeof( export_directory ))
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid optional header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
hInst->num_ordinals = export_directory.NumberOfNames; // also number of ordinals
if( hInst->num_ordinals > MAX_LIBRARY_EXPORTS )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s too many exports %i", hInst->shortPath, hInst->num_ordinals );
hInst->num_ordinals = 0;
goto table_error;
ordinal_offset = export_directory.AddressOfNameOrdinals - rdata_delta;
if( FS_Seek( f, ordinal_offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid ordinals section", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
hInst->ordinals = Mem_Malloc( host.mempool, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( word ));
if( FS_Read( f, hInst->ordinals, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( word )) != (hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( word )))
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s error during reading ordinals table", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
function_offset = export_directory.AddressOfFunctions - rdata_delta;
if( FS_Seek( f, function_offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid export address section", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
hInst->funcs = Mem_Malloc( host.mempool, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword ));
if( FS_Read( f, hInst->funcs, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword )) != (hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword )))
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s error during reading export address section", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
name_offset = export_directory.AddressOfNames - rdata_delta;
if( FS_Seek( f, name_offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s file does not have a valid names section", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
p_Names = Mem_Malloc( host.mempool, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword ));
if( FS_Read( f, p_Names, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword )) != (hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword )))
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s error during reading names table", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ )
name_offset = p_Names[i] - rdata_delta;
if( name_offset != 0 )
if( FS_Seek( f, name_offset, SEEK_SET ) != -1 )
FsGetString( f, function_name );
hInst->names[i] = copystring( GetMSVCName( function_name ));
else break;
if( i != hInst->num_ordinals )
Q_sprintf( errorstring, "%s error during loading names section", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
FS_Close( f );
for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ )
if( !Q_strcmp( "GiveFnptrsToDll", hInst->names[i] )) // main entry point for user dlls
void *fn_offset;
index = hInst->ordinals[i];
fn_offset = (void *)COM_GetProcAddress( hInst, "GiveFnptrsToDll" );
hInst->funcBase = (dword)(fn_offset) - hInst->funcs[index];
if( p_Names ) Mem_Free( p_Names );
return true;
// cleanup
if( f ) FS_Close( f );
if( p_Names ) Mem_Free( p_Names );
FreeNameFuncGlobals( hInst );
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "LoadLibrary: %s\n", errorstring );
return false;
qboolean COM_CheckLibraryDirectDependency( const char *name, const char *depname, qboolean directpath )
string errorstring = "";
void *data = NULL;
dll_user_t *hInst;
hInst = FS_FindLibrary( name, directpath );
if( !hInst )
return false; // nothing to load
data = FS_LoadFile( name, NULL, false );
if( !data )
Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "couldn't load %s", name );
goto libraryerror;
dos_header = ( PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER )data;
if( dos_header->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE )
Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s it's not a valid executable file", name );
goto libraryerror;
old_header = ( PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS )&( ( const byte * )( data ) )[dos_header->e_lfanew];
if( old_header->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE )
Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s missing PE header", name );
goto libraryerror;
directory = &old_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT];
if( directory->Size <= 0 )
Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s has no dependencies. Is this dll valid?\n", name );
goto libraryerror;
importDesc = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( data, directory->VirtualAddress );
for( ; !IsBadReadPtr( importDesc, sizeof( IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)) && importDesc->Name; importDesc++ )
const char *importName = ( const char* )CALCULATE_ADDRESS( data, importDesc->Name );
Con_Reportf( "library %s has direct dependency %s\n", name, importName );
if( !Q_stricmp( importName, depname ) )
Mem_Free( data );
return true;
if( errorstring[0] ) Con_Printf( errorstring );
if( data ) Mem_Free( data ); // release memory
return false;
smart dll loader - can loading dlls from pack or wad files
void *COM_LoadLibrary( const char *dllname, int build_ordinals_table, qboolean directpath )
dll_user_t *hInst;
hInst = FS_FindLibrary( dllname, directpath );
if( !hInst ) return NULL; // nothing to load
if( hInst->custom_loader )
if( hInst->encrypted )
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "LoadLibrary: couldn't load encrypted library %s\n", dllname );
return NULL;
hInst->hInstance = MemoryLoadLibrary( hInst->fullPath );
else hInst->hInstance = LoadLibrary( hInst->fullPath );
if( !hInst->hInstance )
Con_Reportf( "LoadLibrary: Loading %s - failed\n", dllname );
COM_FreeLibrary( hInst );
return NULL;
// if not set - FunctionFromName and NameForFunction will not working
if( build_ordinals_table )
if( !LibraryLoadSymbols( hInst ))
Con_Reportf( "LoadLibrary: Loading %s - failed\n", dllname );
COM_FreeLibrary( hInst );
return NULL;
Con_Reportf( "LoadLibrary: Loading %s - ok\n", dllname );
return hInst;
void *COM_GetProcAddress( void *hInstance, const char *name )
dll_user_t *hInst = (dll_user_t *)hInstance;
if( !hInst || !hInst->hInstance )
return NULL;
if( hInst->custom_loader )
return (void *)MemoryGetProcAddress( hInst->hInstance, name );
return (void *)GetProcAddress( hInst->hInstance, name );
void COM_FreeLibrary( void *hInstance )
dll_user_t *hInst = (dll_user_t *)hInstance;
if( !hInst || !hInst->hInstance )
return; // already freed
if( host.status == HOST_CRASHED )
// we need to hold down all modules, while MSVC can find error
Con_Reportf( "Sys_FreeLibrary: hold %s for debugging\n", hInst->dllName );
else Con_Reportf( "Sys_FreeLibrary: Unloading %s\n", hInst->dllName );
if( hInst->custom_loader )
MemoryFreeLibrary( hInst->hInstance );
else FreeLibrary( hInst->hInstance );
hInst->hInstance = NULL;
if( hInst->num_ordinals )
FreeNameFuncGlobals( hInst );
Mem_Free( hInst ); // done
void *COM_FunctionFromName( void *hInstance, const char *pName )
dll_user_t *hInst = (dll_user_t *)hInstance;
int i, index;
if( !hInst || !hInst->hInstance )
return 0;
for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ )
if( !Q_strcmp( pName, hInst->names[i] ))
index = hInst->ordinals[i];
return hInst->funcs[index] + hInst->funcBase;
// couldn't find the function name to return address
Con_Printf( "Can't find proc: %s\n", pName );
return 0;
const char *COM_NameForFunction( void *hInstance, void *function )
dll_user_t *hInst = (dll_user_t *)hInstance;
int i, index;
if( !hInst || !hInst->hInstance )
return NULL;
for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ )
index = hInst->ordinals[i];
if(( (char*)function - (char*)hInst->funcBase ) == hInst->funcs[index] )
return hInst->names[i];
// couldn't find the function address to return name
Con_Printf( "Can't find address: %08lx\n", function );
return NULL;
#endif // XASH_64BIT
#endif // _WIN32