Xash3D FWGS engine.
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# encoding: utf-8
# psvita.py -- PSVita VPK task
# Copyright (C) 2023 fgsfds
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
from waflib.Tools import ccroot
from waflib import *
def add_source_file(ctx, nodes, f):
if f:
if isinstance(f, str):
node = ctx.path.make_node(f)
elif isinstance(f, Node.Node):
node = f
nodes += [node]
return node
return None
def configure(conf):
conf.find_program('vita-elf-create', var='ELF_CREATE')
conf.find_program('vita-make-fself', var='MAKE_FSELF')
conf.find_program('vita-mksfoex', var='MKSFOEX')
conf.find_program('vita-pack-vpk', var='PACKVPK')
class mkvelf(Task.Task):
color = 'CYAN'
run_str = '${ELF_CREATE} -g ${YMLFILE} ${ELFFILE} ${TGT}'
class mkfself(Task.Task):
color = 'CYAN'
run_str = '${MAKE_FSELF} ${VELFFILE} ${TGT}'
class mksfoex(Task.Task):
color = 'CYAN'
# ATTRIBUTE2=12 enables the biggest extended memory mode
run_str = '${MKSFOEX} -s TITLE_ID=${TITLEID} -d ATTRIBUTE2=12 ${APPNAME} ${TGT}'
class mkvpk(Task.Task):
color = 'CYAN'
run_str = '${PACKVPK} -s ${SFOFILE} -b ${FSELFFILE} -a ${SCESYS}=sce_sys ${TGT}'
def apply_velf(self):
elffile = self.link_task.outputs[0]
in_nodes = [elffile]
ymlfile = elffile.change_ext('.yml')
velffile = elffile.change_ext('.velf')
out_nodes = [velffile, ymlfile]
self.env.ELFFILE = str(elffile)
self.env.VELFFILE = str(velffile)
self.env.YMLFILE = str(ymlfile)
self.velf_task = self.create_task('mkvelf', in_nodes)
def apply_fself(self):
velffile = self.velf_task.outputs[0]
in_nodes = [velffile]
fselffile = velffile.change_ext('.bin')
out_nodes = [fselffile]
self.env.FSELFFILE = str(fselffile)
self.fself_task = self.create_task('mkfself', in_nodes)
def apply_sfo(self):
fselffile = self.fself_task.outputs[0]
in_nodes = [fselffile]
scetitleid = getattr(self, 'title_id', None)
sceappname = getattr(self, 'app_name', None)
sfofile = fselffile.change_ext('.sfo')
out_nodes = [sfofile]
if scetitleid: self.env.TITLEID = scetitleid
if sceappname: self.env.APPNAME = sceappname
self.env.SFOFILE = str(sfofile)
self.sfo_task = self.create_task('mksfoex', in_nodes)
def apply_vpk(self):
fselffile = self.fself_task.outputs[0]
sfofile = self.sfo_task.outputs[0]
in_nodes = [fselffile, sfofile]
scesysdir = add_source_file(self, in_nodes, getattr(self, 'sce_sys', None))
vpkfile = sfofile.change_ext('.vpk')
out_nodes = [vpkfile]
if scesysdir: self.env.SCESYS = str(scesysdir)
self.env.VPKFILE = str(vpkfile)
self.vpk_task = self.create_task('mkvpk', in_nodes)