mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 04:31:16 +00:00

The `.editorconfig` file in this repo is configured to trim all trailing whitespace regardless of whether the line is modified. Trims all trailing whitespace in the repository to make the codebase easier to work with in editors that respect `.editorconfig`. `git blame` becomes less useful on these lines but it already isn't very useful. Commands: ``` find . -type f -name '*.h' -exec sed --in-place 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' {} \+ find . -type f -name '*.c' -exec sed --in-place 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' {} \+ ```
871 lines
19 KiB
871 lines
19 KiB
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// r_rast.c
#include <assert.h>
#include "r_local.h"
// !!! if these are changed, they must be changed in asm_draw.h too !!!
#define FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED 0x80000000
unsigned int cacheoffset;
int c_faceclip; // number of faces clipped
clipplane_t *entity_clipplanes;
clipplane_t world_clipplanes[16];
medge_t *r_pedge;
qboolean r_leftclipped, r_rightclipped;
static qboolean makeleftedge, makerightedge;
qboolean r_nearzionly;
int sintable[1280];
int intsintable[1280];
int blanktable[1280]; // PGM
mvertex_t r_leftenter, r_leftexit;
mvertex_t r_rightenter, r_rightexit;
typedef struct
float u,v;
int ceilv;
} evert_t;
int r_emitted;
float r_nearzi;
float r_u1, r_v1, r_lzi1;
int r_ceilv1;
qboolean r_lastvertvalid;
int r_skyframe;
msurface_t *r_skyfaces;
mplane_t r_skyplanes[6];
mtexinfo_t r_skytexinfo[6];
mvertex_t *r_skyverts;
medge_t *r_skyedges;
int *r_skysurfedges;
// I just copied this data from a box map...
int skybox_planes[12] = {2,-128, 0,-128, 2,128, 1,128, 0,128, 1,-128};
int box_surfedges[24] = { 1,2,3,4, -1,5,6,7, 8,9,-6,10, -2,-7,-9,11,
12,-3,-11,-8, -12,-10,-5,-4};
int box_edges[24] = { 1,2, 2,3, 3,4, 4,1, 1,5, 5,6, 6,2, 7,8, 8,6, 5,7, 8,3, 7,4};
int box_faces[6] = {0,0,2,2,2,0};
vec3_t box_vecs[6][2] = {
{ {0,-1,0}, {-1,0,0} },
{ {0,1,0}, {0,0,-1} },
{ {0,-1,0}, {1,0,0} },
{ {1,0,0}, {0,0,-1} },
{ {0,-1,0}, {0,0,-1} },
{ {-1,0,0}, {0,0,-1} }
float box_verts[8][3] = {
// down, west, up, north, east, south
// {"rt", "bk", "lf", "ft", "up", "dn"};
#if 0
void R_InitSkyBox (void)
int i;
extern model_t *loadmodel;
r_skyfaces = loadmodel->surfaces + loadmodel->numsurfaces;
loadmodel->numsurfaces += 6;
r_skyverts = loadmodel->vertexes + loadmodel->numvertexes;
loadmodel->numvertexes += 8;
r_skyedges = loadmodel->edges + loadmodel->numedges;
loadmodel->numedges += 12;
r_skysurfedges = loadmodel->surfedges + loadmodel->numsurfedges;
loadmodel->numsurfedges += 24;
if (loadmodel->numsurfaces > MAX_MAP_FACES
|| loadmodel->numvertexes > MAX_MAP_VERTS
|| loadmodel->numedges > MAX_MAP_EDGES)
ri.Sys_Error (ERR_DROP, "InitSkyBox: map overflow");
memset (r_skyfaces, 0, 6*sizeof(*r_skyfaces));
for (i=0 ; i<6 ; i++)
r_skyplanes[i].normal[skybox_planes[i*2]] = 1;
r_skyplanes[i].dist = skybox_planes[i*2+1];
VectorCopy (box_vecs[i][0], r_skytexinfo[i].vecs[0]);
VectorCopy (box_vecs[i][1], r_skytexinfo[i].vecs[1]);
r_skyfaces[i].plane = &r_skyplanes[i];
r_skyfaces[i].numedges = 4;
r_skyfaces[i].flags = box_faces[i] | SURF_DRAWSKYBOX;
r_skyfaces[i].firstedge = loadmodel->numsurfedges-24+i*4;
r_skyfaces[i].texinfo = &r_skytexinfo[i];
r_skyfaces[i].texturemins[0] = -128;
r_skyfaces[i].texturemins[1] = -128;
r_skyfaces[i].extents[0] = 256;
r_skyfaces[i].extents[1] = 256;
for (i=0 ; i<24 ; i++)
if (box_surfedges[i] > 0)
r_skysurfedges[i] = loadmodel->numedges-13 + box_surfedges[i];
r_skysurfedges[i] = - (loadmodel->numedges-13 + -box_surfedges[i]);
for(i=0 ; i<12 ; i++)
r_skyedges[i].v[0] = loadmodel->numvertexes-9+box_edges[i*2+0];
r_skyedges[i].v[1] = loadmodel->numvertexes-9+box_edges[i*2+1];
r_skyedges[i].cachededgeoffset = 0;
void R_EmitSkyBox (void)
int i, j;
int oldkey;
if (insubmodel)
return; // submodels should never have skies
if (r_skyframe == r_framecount)
return; // already set this frame
r_skyframe = r_framecount;
// set the eight fake vertexes
for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
r_skyverts[i].position[j] = r_origin[j] + box_verts[i][j]*128;
// set the six fake planes
for (i=0 ; i<6 ; i++)
if (skybox_planes[i*2+1] > 0)
r_skyplanes[i].dist = r_origin[skybox_planes[i*2]]+128;
r_skyplanes[i].dist = r_origin[skybox_planes[i*2]]-128;
// fix texture offseets
for (i=0 ; i<6 ; i++)
r_skytexinfo[i].vecs[0][3] = -DotProduct (r_origin, r_skytexinfo[i].vecs[0]);
r_skytexinfo[i].vecs[1][3] = -DotProduct (r_origin, r_skytexinfo[i].vecs[1]);
// emit the six faces
oldkey = r_currentkey;
r_currentkey = 0x7ffffff0;
for (i=0 ; i<6 ; i++)
R_RenderFace (r_skyfaces + i, 15);
r_currentkey = oldkey; // bsp sorting order
#if !id386
void R_EmitEdge (mvertex_t *pv0, mvertex_t *pv1)
edge_t *edge, *pcheck;
int u_check;
float u, u_step;
vec3_t local, transformed;
float *world;
int v, v2, ceilv0;
float scale, lzi0, u0, v0;
int side;
if (r_lastvertvalid)
u0 = r_u1;
v0 = r_v1;
lzi0 = r_lzi1;
ceilv0 = r_ceilv1;
world = &pv0->position[0];
// transform and project
VectorSubtract (world, tr.modelorg, local);
TransformVector (local, transformed);
if (transformed[2] < NEAR_CLIP)
transformed[2] = NEAR_CLIP;
lzi0 = 1.0f / transformed[2];
// FIXME: build x/yscale into transform?
scale = xscale * lzi0;
u0 = (xcenter + scale*transformed[0]);
if (u0 < RI.fvrectx_adj)
u0 = RI.fvrectx_adj;
if (u0 > RI.fvrectright_adj)
u0 = RI.fvrectright_adj;
scale = yscale * lzi0;
v0 = (ycenter - scale*transformed[1]);
if (v0 < RI.fvrecty_adj)
v0 = RI.fvrecty_adj;
if (v0 > RI.fvrectbottom_adj)
v0 = RI.fvrectbottom_adj;
ceilv0 = (int) ceil(v0);
world = &pv1->position[0];
// transform and project
VectorSubtract (world, tr.modelorg, local);
TransformVector (local, transformed);
if (transformed[2] < NEAR_CLIP)
transformed[2] = NEAR_CLIP;
r_lzi1 = 1.0f / transformed[2];
scale = xscale * r_lzi1;
r_u1 = (xcenter + scale*transformed[0]);
if (r_u1 < RI.fvrectx_adj)
r_u1 = RI.fvrectx_adj;
if (r_u1 > RI.fvrectright_adj)
r_u1 = RI.fvrectright_adj;
scale = yscale * r_lzi1;
r_v1 = (ycenter - scale*transformed[1]);
if (r_v1 < RI.fvrecty_adj)
r_v1 = RI.fvrecty_adj;
if (r_v1 > RI.fvrectbottom_adj)
r_v1 = RI.fvrectbottom_adj;
if (r_lzi1 > lzi0)
lzi0 = r_lzi1;
if (lzi0 > r_nearzi) // for mipmap finding
r_nearzi = lzi0;
// for right edges, all we want is the effect on 1/z
if (r_nearzionly)
r_emitted = 1;
r_ceilv1 = (int) ceil(r_v1);
// create the edge
if (ceilv0 == r_ceilv1 || ceilv0 < 0 )
// we cache unclipped horizontal edges as fully clipped
if (cacheoffset != 0x7FFFFFFF)
cacheoffset = FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED |
(tr.framecount & FRAMECOUNT_MASK);
return; // horizontal edge
side = ceilv0 > r_ceilv1;
edge = edge_p++;
edge->owner = r_pedge;
edge->nearzi = lzi0;
if (side == 0)
// trailing edge (go from p1 to p2)
v = ceilv0;
v2 = r_ceilv1 - 1;
if( v < 0 || v > MAXHEIGHT )
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( S_ERROR "trailing edge overflow : %d\n", v );
edge->surfs[0] = surface_p - surfaces;
edge->surfs[1] = 0;
u_step = ((r_u1 - u0) / (r_v1 - v0));
u = u0 + ((float)v - v0) * u_step;
// leading edge (go from p2 to p1)
v2 = ceilv0 - 1;
v = r_ceilv1;
if( v < 0 || v > MAXHEIGHT )
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( S_ERROR "leading edge overflow : %d\n", v );
edge->surfs[0] = 0;
edge->surfs[1] = surface_p - surfaces;
u_step = ((u0 - r_u1) / (v0 - r_v1));
u = r_u1 + ((float)v - r_v1) * u_step;
edge->u_step = u_step*0x100000;
edge->u = u*0x100000 + 0xFFFFF;
// we need to do this to avoid stepping off the edges if a very nearly
// horizontal edge is less than epsilon above a scan, and numeric error causes
// it to incorrectly extend to the scan, and the extension of the line goes off
// the edge of the screen
// FIXME: is this actually needed?
/*int r = (gpGlobals->width<<20) + (1<<19) - 1;
int x = (1<<20) + (1<<19) - 1;
if (edge->u < x)
edge->u = x;
if (edge->u > r)
edge->u = r;*/
if (edge->u < RI.vrect_x_adj_shift20)
edge->u = RI.vrect_x_adj_shift20;
if (edge->u > RI.vrectright_adj_shift20)
edge->u = RI.vrectright_adj_shift20;
// sort the edge in normally
u_check = edge->u;
if (edge->surfs[0])
u_check++; // sort trailers after leaders
if (!newedges[v] || newedges[v]->u >= u_check)
edge->next = newedges[v];
newedges[v] = edge;
pcheck = newedges[v];
while (pcheck->next && pcheck->next->u < u_check)
pcheck = pcheck->next;
edge->next = pcheck->next;
pcheck->next = edge;
edge->nextremove = removeedges[v2];
removeedges[v2] = edge;
void R_ClipEdge (mvertex_t *pv0, mvertex_t *pv1, clipplane_t *clip)
float d0, d1, f;
mvertex_t clipvert;
if (clip)
d0 = DotProduct (pv0->position, clip->normal) - clip->dist;
d1 = DotProduct (pv1->position, clip->normal) - clip->dist;
if (d0 >= 0)
// point 0 is unclipped
if (d1 >= 0)
// both points are unclipped
// only point 1 is clipped
// we don't cache clipped edges
cacheoffset = 0x7FFFFFFF;
f = d0 / (d0 - d1);
clipvert.position[0] = pv0->position[0] +
f * (pv1->position[0] - pv0->position[0]);
clipvert.position[1] = pv0->position[1] +
f * (pv1->position[1] - pv0->position[1]);
clipvert.position[2] = pv0->position[2] +
f * (pv1->position[2] - pv0->position[2]);
if (clip->leftedge)
r_leftclipped = true;
r_leftexit = clipvert;
else if (clip->rightedge)
r_rightclipped = true;
r_rightexit = clipvert;
R_ClipEdge (pv0, &clipvert, clip->next);
// point 0 is clipped
if (d1 < 0)
// both points are clipped
// we do cache fully clipped edges
if (!r_leftclipped)
cacheoffset = FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED |
(tr.framecount & FRAMECOUNT_MASK);
// only point 0 is clipped
r_lastvertvalid = false;
// we don't cache partially clipped edges
cacheoffset = 0x7FFFFFFF;
f = d0 / (d0 - d1);
clipvert.position[0] = pv0->position[0] +
f * (pv1->position[0] - pv0->position[0]);
clipvert.position[1] = pv0->position[1] +
f * (pv1->position[1] - pv0->position[1]);
clipvert.position[2] = pv0->position[2] +
f * (pv1->position[2] - pv0->position[2]);
if (clip->leftedge)
r_leftclipped = true;
r_leftenter = clipvert;
else if (clip->rightedge)
r_rightclipped = true;
r_rightenter = clipvert;
R_ClipEdge (&clipvert, pv1, clip->next);
} while ((clip = clip->next) != NULL);
// add the edge
R_EmitEdge (pv0, pv1);
#endif // !id386
void R_EmitCachedEdge (void)
edge_t *pedge_t;
pedge_t = (edge_t *)((unsigned long)r_edges + r_pedge->cachededgeoffset);
if (!pedge_t->surfs[0])
pedge_t->surfs[0] = surface_p - surfaces;
pedge_t->surfs[1] = surface_p - surfaces;
if (pedge_t->nearzi > r_nearzi) // for mipmap finding
r_nearzi = pedge_t->nearzi;
r_emitted = 1;
void R_RenderFace (msurface_t *fa, int clipflags)
int i, lindex;
unsigned mask;
mplane_t *pplane;
float distinv;
vec3_t p_normal;
medge_t *pedges, tedge;
clipplane_t *pclip;
// translucent surfaces are not drawn by the edge renderer
//fa->nextalphasurface = r_alpha_surfaces;
//r_alpha_surfaces = fa;
// sky surfaces encountered in the world will cause the
// environment box surfaces to be emited
if ( fa->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY )
//R_EmitSkyBox ();
// return;
// skip out if no more surfs
if ((surface_p) >= surf_max)
// r_outofsurfaces++;
// ditto if not enough edges left, or switch to auxedges if possible
if ((edge_p + fa->numedges + 4) >= edge_max)
//r_outofedges += fa->numedges;
// set up clip planes
pclip = NULL;
for (i=3, mask = 0x08 ; i>=0 ; i--, mask >>= 1)
if (clipflags & mask)
qfrustum.view_clipplanes[i].next = pclip;
pclip = &qfrustum.view_clipplanes[i];
// push the edges through
r_emitted = 0;
r_nearzi = 0;
r_nearzionly = false;
makeleftedge = makerightedge = false;
pedges = RI.currentmodel->edges;
r_lastvertvalid = false;
for (i=0 ; i<fa->numedges ; i++)
lindex = RI.currentmodel->surfedges[fa->firstedge + i];
if (lindex > 0)
r_pedge = &pedges[lindex];
// if the edge is cached, we can just reuse the edge
if (!insubmodel)
if (r_pedge->cachededgeoffset & FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED)
if ((r_pedge->cachededgeoffset & FRAMECOUNT_MASK) ==
r_lastvertvalid = false;
if ((((unsigned long)edge_p - (unsigned long)r_edges) >
r_pedge->cachededgeoffset) &&
(((edge_t *)((unsigned long)r_edges +
r_pedge->cachededgeoffset))->owner == r_pedge))
R_EmitCachedEdge ();
r_lastvertvalid = false;
// assume it's cacheable
cacheoffset = (byte *)edge_p - (byte *)r_edges;
r_leftclipped = r_rightclipped = false;
R_ClipEdge (&r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[0]],
r_pedge->cachededgeoffset = cacheoffset;
if (r_leftclipped)
makeleftedge = true;
if (r_rightclipped)
makerightedge = true;
r_lastvertvalid = true;
lindex = -lindex;
r_pedge = &pedges[lindex];
// if the edge is cached, we can just reuse the edge
if (!insubmodel)
if (r_pedge->cachededgeoffset & FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED)
if ((r_pedge->cachededgeoffset & FRAMECOUNT_MASK) ==
r_lastvertvalid = false;
// it's cached if the cached edge is valid and is owned
// by this medge_t
if ((((unsigned long)edge_p - (unsigned long)r_edges) >
r_pedge->cachededgeoffset) &&
(((edge_t *)((unsigned long)r_edges +
r_pedge->cachededgeoffset))->owner == r_pedge))
R_EmitCachedEdge ();
r_lastvertvalid = false;
// assume it's cacheable
cacheoffset = (byte *)edge_p - (byte *)r_edges;
r_leftclipped = r_rightclipped = false;
R_ClipEdge (&r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[1]],
r_pedge->cachededgeoffset = cacheoffset;
if (r_leftclipped)
makeleftedge = true;
if (r_rightclipped)
makerightedge = true;
r_lastvertvalid = true;
// if there was a clip off the left edge, add that edge too
// FIXME: faster to do in screen space?
// FIXME: share clipped edges?
if (makeleftedge)
r_pedge = &tedge;
r_lastvertvalid = false;
R_ClipEdge (&r_leftexit, &r_leftenter, pclip->next);
// if there was a clip off the right edge, get the right r_nearzi
if (makerightedge)
r_pedge = &tedge;
r_lastvertvalid = false;
r_nearzionly = true;
R_ClipEdge (&r_rightexit, &r_rightenter, qfrustum.view_clipplanes[1].next);
// if no edges made it out, return without posting the surface
if (!r_emitted)
// r_polycount++;
surface_p->msurf = fa;
surface_p->nearzi = r_nearzi;
surface_p->flags = fa->flags;
surface_p->insubmodel = insubmodel;
surface_p->spanstate = 0;
surface_p->entity = RI.currententity;
surface_p->key = r_currentkey++;
surface_p->spans = NULL;
pplane = fa->plane;
// FIXME: cache this?
TransformVector (pplane->normal, p_normal);
// FIXME: cache this?
distinv = 1.0f / (pplane->dist - DotProduct (tr.modelorg, pplane->normal));
surface_p->d_zistepu = p_normal[0] * xscaleinv * distinv;
surface_p->d_zistepv = -p_normal[1] * yscaleinv * distinv;
surface_p->d_ziorigin = p_normal[2] * distinv -
xcenter * surface_p->d_zistepu -
ycenter * surface_p->d_zistepv;
void R_RenderBmodelFace (bedge_t *pedges, msurface_t *psurf)
int i;
unsigned mask;
mplane_t *pplane;
float distinv;
vec3_t p_normal;
medge_t tedge;
clipplane_t *pclip;
/*if (psurf->texinfo->flags & (SURF_TRANS33|SURF_TRANS66))
psurf->nextalphasurface = r_alpha_surfaces;
r_alpha_surfaces = psurf;
// skip out if no more surfs
if (surface_p >= surf_max)
// ditto if not enough edges left, or switch to auxedges if possible
if ((edge_p + psurf->numedges + 4) >= edge_max)
//r_outofedges += psurf->numedges;
// this is a dummy to give the caching mechanism someplace to write to
r_pedge = &tedge;
// set up clip planes
pclip = NULL;
for (i=3, mask = 0x08 ; i>=0 ; i--, mask >>= 1)
if (r_clipflags & mask)
qfrustum.view_clipplanes[i].next = pclip;
pclip = &qfrustum.view_clipplanes[i];
// push the edges through
r_emitted = 0;
r_nearzi = 0;
r_nearzionly = false;
makeleftedge = makerightedge = false;
// FIXME: keep clipped bmodel edges in clockwise order so last vertex caching
// can be used?
r_lastvertvalid = false;
for ( ; pedges ; pedges = pedges->pnext)
r_leftclipped = r_rightclipped = false;
R_ClipEdge (pedges->v[0], pedges->v[1], pclip);
if (r_leftclipped)
makeleftedge = true;
if (r_rightclipped)
makerightedge = true;
// if there was a clip off the left edge, add that edge too
// FIXME: faster to do in screen space?
// FIXME: share clipped edges?
if (makeleftedge)
r_pedge = &tedge;
R_ClipEdge (&r_leftexit, &r_leftenter, pclip->next);
// if there was a clip off the right edge, get the right r_nearzi
if (makerightedge)
r_pedge = &tedge;
r_nearzionly = true;
R_ClipEdge (&r_rightexit, &r_rightenter, qfrustum.view_clipplanes[1].next);
// if no edges made it out, return without posting the surface
if (!r_emitted)
surface_p->msurf = psurf;
surface_p->nearzi = r_nearzi;
surface_p->flags = psurf->flags;
surface_p->insubmodel = true;
surface_p->spanstate = 0;
surface_p->entity = RI.currententity;
surface_p->key = r_currentbkey;
surface_p->spans = NULL;
pplane = psurf->plane;
// FIXME: cache this?
TransformVector (pplane->normal, p_normal);
// FIXME: cache this?
distinv = 1.0f / (pplane->dist - DotProduct (tr.modelorg, pplane->normal));
surface_p->d_zistepu = p_normal[0] * xscaleinv * distinv;
surface_p->d_zistepv = -p_normal[1] * yscaleinv * distinv;
surface_p->d_ziorigin = p_normal[2] * distinv -
xcenter * surface_p->d_zistepu -
ycenter * surface_p->d_zistepv;