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synced 2025-03-13 06:21:08 +00:00

The `.editorconfig` file in this repo is configured to trim all trailing whitespace regardless of whether the line is modified. Trims all trailing whitespace in the repository to make the codebase easier to work with in editors that respect `.editorconfig`. `git blame` becomes less useful on these lines but it already isn't very useful. Commands: ``` find . -type f -name '*.h' -exec sed --in-place 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' {} \+ find . -type f -name '*.c' -exec sed --in-place 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' {} \+ ```
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155 lines
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* Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
* object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
* Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
* without written permission from Valve LLC.
typedef struct engine_studio_api_s
// Allocate number*size bytes and zero it
void *( *Mem_Calloc )( int number, size_t size );
// Check to see if pointer is in the cache
void *( *Cache_Check )( struct cache_user_s *c );
// Load file into cache ( can be swapped out on demand )
void ( *LoadCacheFile )( const char *path, struct cache_user_s *cu );
// Retrieve model pointer for the named model
struct model_s *( *Mod_ForName )( const char *name, int crash_if_missing );
// Retrieve pointer to studio model data block from a model
void *( *Mod_Extradata )( struct model_s *mod );
// Retrieve indexed model from client side model precache list
struct model_s *( *GetModelByIndex )( int index );
// Get entity that is set for rendering
struct cl_entity_s * ( *GetCurrentEntity )( void );
// Get referenced player_info_t
struct player_info_s *( *PlayerInfo )( int index );
// Get most recently received player state data from network system
struct entity_state_s *( *GetPlayerState )( int index );
// Get viewentity
struct cl_entity_s * ( *GetViewEntity )( void );
// Get current frame count, and last two timestampes on client
void ( *GetTimes )( int *framecount, double *current, double *old );
// Get a pointer to a cvar by name
struct cvar_s *( *GetCvar )( const char *name );
// Get current render origin and view vectors ( up, right and vpn )
void ( *GetViewInfo )( float *origin, float *upv, float *rightv, float *vpnv );
// Get sprite model used for applying chrome effect
struct model_s *( *GetChromeSprite )( void );
// Get model counters so we can incement instrumentation
void ( *GetModelCounters )( int **s, int **a );
// Get software scaling coefficients
void ( *GetAliasScale )( float *x, float *y );
// Get bone, light, alias, and rotation matrices
float ****( *StudioGetBoneTransform )( void );
float ****( *StudioGetLightTransform )( void );
float ***( *StudioGetAliasTransform )( void );
float ***( *StudioGetRotationMatrix )( void );
// Set up body part, and get submodel pointers
void ( *StudioSetupModel )( int bodypart, void **ppbodypart, void **ppsubmodel );
// Check if entity's bbox is in the view frustum
int ( *StudioCheckBBox )( void );
// Apply lighting effects to model
void ( *StudioDynamicLight )( struct cl_entity_s *ent, struct alight_s *plight );
void ( *StudioEntityLight )( struct alight_s *plight );
void ( *StudioSetupLighting )( struct alight_s *plighting );
// Draw mesh vertices
void ( *StudioDrawPoints )( void );
// Draw hulls around bones
void ( *StudioDrawHulls )( void );
// Draw bbox around studio models
void ( *StudioDrawAbsBBox )( void );
// Draws bones
void ( *StudioDrawBones )( void );
// Loads in appropriate texture for model
void ( *StudioSetupSkin )( void *ptexturehdr, int index );
// Sets up for remapped colors
void ( *StudioSetRemapColors )( int top, int bottom );
// Set's player model and returns model pointer
struct model_s *( *SetupPlayerModel )( int index );
// Fires any events embedded in animation
void ( *StudioClientEvents )( void );
// Retrieve/set forced render effects flags
int ( *GetForceFaceFlags )( void );
void ( *SetForceFaceFlags )( int flags );
// Tell engine the value of the studio model header
void ( *StudioSetHeader )( void *header );
// Tell engine which model_t * is being renderered
void ( *SetRenderModel )( struct model_s *model );
// Final state setup and restore for rendering
void ( *SetupRenderer )( int rendermode );
void ( *RestoreRenderer )( void );
// Set render origin for applying chrome effect
void ( *SetChromeOrigin )( void );
// True if using D3D/OpenGL
int ( *IsHardware )( void );
// Only called by hardware interface
void ( *GL_StudioDrawShadow )( void );
void ( *GL_SetRenderMode )( int mode );
void ( *StudioSetRenderamt )( int iRenderamt );
void ( *StudioSetCullState )( int iCull );
void ( *StudioRenderShadow )( int iSprite, float *p1, float *p2, float *p3, float *p4 );
} engine_studio_api_t;
typedef struct server_studio_api_s
// Allocate number*size bytes and zero it
void *( *Mem_Calloc )( int number, size_t size );
// Check to see if pointer is in the cache
void *( *Cache_Check )( struct cache_user_s *c );
// Load file into cache ( can be swapped out on demand )
void ( *LoadCacheFile )( const char *path, struct cache_user_s *cu );
// Retrieve pointer to studio model data block from a model
void *( *Mod_Extradata )( struct model_s *mod );
} server_studio_api_t;
// client blending
typedef struct r_studio_interface_s
int version;
int ( *StudioDrawModel )( int flags );
int ( *StudioDrawPlayer )( int flags, struct entity_state_s *pplayer );
} r_studio_interface_t;
// server blending
typedef struct sv_blending_interface_s
int version;
void ( *SV_StudioSetupBones )( struct model_s *pModel,
float frame,
int sequence,
const vec3_t angles,
const vec3_t origin,
const byte *pcontroller,
const byte *pblending,
int iBone,
const edict_t *pEdict );
} sv_blending_interface_t;