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synced 2025-03-10 20:51:07 +00:00

The `.editorconfig` file in this repo is configured to trim all trailing whitespace regardless of whether the line is modified. Trims all trailing whitespace in the repository to make the codebase easier to work with in editors that respect `.editorconfig`. `git blame` becomes less useful on these lines but it already isn't very useful. Commands: ``` find . -type f -name '*.h' -exec sed --in-place 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' {} \+ find . -type f -name '*.c' -exec sed --in-place 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' {} \+ ```
450 lines
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450 lines
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img_bmp.c - bmp format load & save
Copyright (C) 2007 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "imagelib.h"
#include "xash3d_mathlib.h"
#include "img_bmp.h"
qboolean Image_LoadBMP( const char *name, const byte *buffer, fs_offset_t filesize )
byte *buf_p, *pixbuf;
rgba_t palette[256];
int i, columns, column, rows, row, bpp = 1;
int cbPalBytes = 0, padSize = 0, bps = 0;
int reflectivity[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
qboolean load_qfont = false;
bmp_t bhdr;
fs_offset_t estimatedSize;
if( filesize < sizeof( bhdr ))
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadBMP: %s have incorrect file size %li should be greater than %li (header)\n", name, filesize, sizeof( bhdr ) );
return false;
buf_p = (byte *)buffer;
memcpy( &bhdr, buf_p, sizeof( bmp_t ));
buf_p += sizeof( bmp_t );
// bogus file header check
if( bhdr.reserved0 != 0 ) return false;
if( bhdr.planes != 1 ) return false;
if( memcmp( bhdr.id, "BM", 2 ))
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadBMP: only Windows-style BMP files supported (%s)\n", name );
return false;
if( bhdr.bitmapHeaderSize != 0x28 )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadBMP: invalid header size %i\n", bhdr.bitmapHeaderSize );
return false;
// bogus info header check
if( bhdr.fileSize != filesize )
// Sweet Half-Life issues. splash.bmp have bogus filesize
Con_Reportf( S_WARN "Image_LoadBMP: %s have incorrect file size %li should be %i\n", name, filesize, bhdr.fileSize );
// bogus compression? Only non-compressed supported.
if( bhdr.compression != BI_RGB )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadBMP: only uncompressed BMP files supported (%s)\n", name );
return false;
image.width = columns = bhdr.width;
image.height = rows = abs( bhdr.height );
if( !Image_ValidSize( name ))
return false;
// special case for loading qfont (menu font)
if( !Q_strncmp( name, "#XASH_SYSTEMFONT_001", 20 ))
// NOTE: same as system font we can use 4-bit bmps only
// step1: move main layer into alpha-channel (give grayscale from RED channel)
// step2: fill main layer with 255 255 255 color (white)
// step3: ????
// step4: PROFIT!!! (economy up to 150 kb for menu.dll final size)
image.flags |= IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA;
load_qfont = true;
if( bhdr.bitsPerPixel <= 8 )
// figure out how many entries are actually in the table
if( bhdr.colors == 0 )
bhdr.colors = 256;
cbPalBytes = ( 1 << bhdr.bitsPerPixel ) * sizeof( rgba_t );
else cbPalBytes = bhdr.colors * sizeof( rgba_t );
estimatedSize = ( buf_p - buffer ) + cbPalBytes;
if( filesize < estimatedSize )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadBMP: %s have incorrect file size %li should be greater than %li (palette)\n", name, filesize, estimatedSize );
return false;
memcpy( palette, buf_p, cbPalBytes );
// setup gradient alpha for player decal
if( !Q_strncmp( name, "#logo", 5 ))
for( i = 0; i < bhdr.colors; i++ )
palette[i][3] = i;
image.flags |= IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA;
if( Image_CheckFlag( IL_OVERVIEW ) && bhdr.bitsPerPixel == 8 )
// convert green background into alpha-layer, make opacity for all other entries
for( i = 0; i < bhdr.colors; i++ )
if( palette[i][0] == 0 && palette[i][1] == 255 && palette[i][2] == 0 )
palette[i][0] = palette[i][1] = palette[i][2] = palette[i][3] = 0;
image.flags |= IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA;
else palette[i][3] = 255;
if( Image_CheckFlag( IL_KEEP_8BIT ) && bhdr.bitsPerPixel == 8 )
pixbuf = image.palette = Mem_Malloc( host.imagepool, 1024 );
// bmp have a reversed palette colors
for( i = 0; i < bhdr.colors; i++ )
*pixbuf++ = palette[i][2];
*pixbuf++ = palette[i][1];
*pixbuf++ = palette[i][0];
*pixbuf++ = palette[i][3];
image.type = PF_INDEXED_32; // 32 bit palette
image.palette = NULL;
image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
bpp = 4;
buf_p += cbPalBytes;
bps = image.width * (bhdr.bitsPerPixel >> 3);
switch( bhdr.bitsPerPixel )
case 1:
padSize = (( 32 - ( bhdr.width % 32 )) / 8 ) % 4;
case 4:
padSize = (( 8 - ( bhdr.width % 8 )) / 2 ) % 4;
case 16:
padSize = ( 4 - ( image.width * 2 % 4 )) % 4;
case 8:
case 24:
padSize = ( 4 - ( bps % 4 )) % 4;
estimatedSize = ( buf_p - buffer ) + ( image.width + padSize ) * image.height * ( bhdr.bitsPerPixel >> 3 );
if( filesize < estimatedSize )
if( image.palette )
Mem_Free( image.palette );
image.palette = NULL;
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadBMP: %s have incorrect file size %li should be greater than %li (pixels)\n", name, filesize, estimatedSize );
return false;
image.size = image.width * image.height * bpp;
image.rgba = Mem_Malloc( host.imagepool, image.size );
for( row = rows - 1; row >= 0; row-- )
pixbuf = image.rgba + (row * columns * bpp);
for( column = 0; column < columns; column++ )
byte red, green, blue, alpha;
word shortPixel;
int c, k, palIndex;
switch( bhdr.bitsPerPixel )
case 1:
alpha = *buf_p++;
column--; // ingnore main iterations
for( c = 0, k = 128; c < 8; c++, k >>= 1 )
red = green = blue = (!!(alpha & k) == 1 ? 0xFF : 0x00);
*pixbuf++ = red;
*pixbuf++ = green;
*pixbuf++ = blue;
*pixbuf++ = 0x00;
if( ++column == columns )
case 4:
alpha = *buf_p++;
palIndex = alpha >> 4;
if( load_qfont )
*pixbuf++ = red = 255;
*pixbuf++ = green = 255;
*pixbuf++ = blue = 255;
*pixbuf++ = palette[palIndex][2];
*pixbuf++ = red = palette[palIndex][2];
*pixbuf++ = green = palette[palIndex][1];
*pixbuf++ = blue = palette[palIndex][0];
*pixbuf++ = palette[palIndex][3];
if( ++column == columns ) break;
palIndex = alpha & 0x0F;
if( load_qfont )
*pixbuf++ = red = 255;
*pixbuf++ = green = 255;
*pixbuf++ = blue = 255;
*pixbuf++ = palette[palIndex][2];
*pixbuf++ = red = palette[palIndex][2];
*pixbuf++ = green = palette[palIndex][1];
*pixbuf++ = blue = palette[palIndex][0];
*pixbuf++ = palette[palIndex][3];
case 8:
palIndex = *buf_p++;
red = palette[palIndex][2];
green = palette[palIndex][1];
blue = palette[palIndex][0];
alpha = palette[palIndex][3];
if( Image_CheckFlag( IL_KEEP_8BIT ))
*pixbuf++ = palIndex;
*pixbuf++ = red;
*pixbuf++ = green;
*pixbuf++ = blue;
*pixbuf++ = alpha;
case 16:
shortPixel = *(word *)buf_p, buf_p += 2;
*pixbuf++ = blue = (shortPixel & ( 31 << 10 )) >> 7;
*pixbuf++ = green = (shortPixel & ( 31 << 5 )) >> 2;
*pixbuf++ = red = (shortPixel & ( 31 )) << 3;
*pixbuf++ = 0xff;
case 24:
blue = *buf_p++;
green = *buf_p++;
red = *buf_p++;
*pixbuf++ = red;
*pixbuf++ = green;
*pixbuf++ = blue;
*pixbuf++ = 0xFF;
case 32:
blue = *buf_p++;
green = *buf_p++;
red = *buf_p++;
alpha = *buf_p++;
*pixbuf++ = red;
*pixbuf++ = green;
*pixbuf++ = blue;
*pixbuf++ = alpha;
if( alpha != 255 ) image.flags |= IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA;
Mem_Free( image.palette );
Mem_Free( image.rgba );
return false;
if( red != green || green != blue )
image.flags |= IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
reflectivity[0] += red;
reflectivity[1] += green;
reflectivity[2] += blue;
buf_p += padSize; // actual only for 4-bit bmps
VectorDivide( reflectivity, ( image.width * image.height ), image.fogParams );
if( image.palette ) Image_GetPaletteBMP( image.palette );
image.depth = 1;
return true;
qboolean Image_SaveBMP( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix )
file_t *pfile = NULL;
size_t total_size, cur_size;
rgba_t rgrgbPalette[256];
dword cbBmpBits;
byte *clipbuf = NULL;
byte *pb, *pbBmpBits;
dword cbPalBytes;
dword biTrueWidth;
int pixel_size;
int i, x, y;
bmp_t hdr;
if( FS_FileExists( name, false ) && !Image_CheckFlag( IL_ALLOW_OVERWRITE ) )
return false; // already existed
// bogus parameter check
if( !pix->buffer )
return false;
// get image description
switch( pix->type )
case PF_INDEXED_24:
case PF_INDEXED_32:
pixel_size = 1;
case PF_RGB_24:
pixel_size = 3;
case PF_RGBA_32:
pixel_size = 4;
return false;
pfile = FS_Open( name, "wb", false );
if( !pfile ) return false;
// NOTE: align transparency column will sucessfully removed
// after create sprite or lump image, it's just standard requiriments
biTrueWidth = ((pix->width + 3) & ~3);
cbBmpBits = biTrueWidth * pix->height * pixel_size;
cbPalBytes = ( pixel_size == 1 ) ? 256 * sizeof( rgba_t ) : 0;
// Bogus file header check
hdr.id[0] = 'B';
hdr.id[1] = 'M';
hdr.fileSize = sizeof( hdr ) + cbBmpBits + cbPalBytes;
hdr.reserved0 = 0;
hdr.bitmapDataOffset = sizeof( hdr ) + cbPalBytes;
hdr.bitmapHeaderSize = BI_SIZE;
hdr.width = biTrueWidth;
hdr.height = pix->height;
hdr.planes = 1;
hdr.bitsPerPixel = pixel_size * 8;
hdr.compression = BI_RGB;
hdr.bitmapDataSize = cbBmpBits;
hdr.hRes = 0;
hdr.vRes = 0;
hdr.colors = ( pixel_size == 1 ) ? 256 : 0;
hdr.importantColors = 0;
FS_Write( pfile, &hdr, sizeof( bmp_t ));
pbBmpBits = Mem_Malloc( host.imagepool, cbBmpBits );
if( pixel_size == 1 )
pb = pix->palette;
// copy over used entries
for( i = 0; i < (int)hdr.colors; i++ )
rgrgbPalette[i][2] = *pb++;
rgrgbPalette[i][1] = *pb++;
rgrgbPalette[i][0] = *pb++;
// bmp feature - can store 32-bit palette if present
// some viewers e.g. fimg.exe can show alpha-chanell for it
if( pix->type == PF_INDEXED_32 )
rgrgbPalette[i][3] = *pb++;
else rgrgbPalette[i][3] = 0;
// write palette
FS_Write( pfile, rgrgbPalette, cbPalBytes );
pb = pix->buffer;
for( y = 0; y < hdr.height; y++ )
i = (hdr.height - 1 - y ) * (hdr.width);
for( x = 0; x < pix->width; x++ )
if( pixel_size == 1 )
// 8-bit
pbBmpBits[i] = pb[x];
// 24 bit
pbBmpBits[i*pixel_size+0] = pb[x*pixel_size+2];
pbBmpBits[i*pixel_size+1] = pb[x*pixel_size+1];
pbBmpBits[i*pixel_size+2] = pb[x*pixel_size+0];
if( pixel_size == 4 ) // write alpha channel
pbBmpBits[i*pixel_size+3] = pb[x*pixel_size+3];
pb += pix->width * pixel_size;
// write bitmap bits (remainder of file)
FS_Write( pfile, pbBmpBits, cbBmpBits );
FS_Close( pfile );
Mem_Free( pbBmpBits );
return true;