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VFileSystem009.h - C++ interface for filesystem_stdio
Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Xash3D FWGS contributors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef VFILESYSTEM009_H
#define VFILESYSTEM009_H
// exported from dwarf
typedef enum {
} FileSystemSeek_t; /* size: 4 */
typedef enum {
} FileWarningLevel_t; /* size: 4 */
typedef void * FileHandle_t; /* size: 4 */
typedef int FileFindHandle_t; /* size: 4 */
typedef int WaitForResourcesHandle_t; /* size: 4 */
class IBaseInterface
virtual ~IBaseInterface() {}
class IVFileSystem009 : public IBaseInterface
virtual void Mount() = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem5MountEv */
virtual void Unmount() = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem7UnmountEv */
virtual void RemoveAllSearchPaths() = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem20RemoveAllSearchPathsEv */
virtual void AddSearchPath(const char *, const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem13AddSearchPathEPKcS1_ */
virtual bool RemoveSearchPath(const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem16RemoveSearchPathEPKc */
virtual void RemoveFile(const char *, const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem10RemoveFileEPKcS1_ */
virtual void CreateDirHierarchy(const char *, const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem18CreateDirHierarchyEPKcS1_ */
virtual bool FileExists(const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem10FileExistsEPKc */
virtual bool IsDirectory(const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem11IsDirectoryEPKc */
virtual FileHandle_t Open(const char *, const char *, const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem4OpenEPKcS1_S1_ */
virtual void Close(FileHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem5CloseEPv */
virtual void Seek(FileHandle_t, int, FileSystemSeek_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem4SeekEPvi16FileSystemSeek_t */
virtual unsigned int Tell(FileHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem4TellEPv */
virtual unsigned int Size(FileHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem4SizeEPv */
virtual unsigned int Size(const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem4SizeEPKc */
virtual long int GetFileTime(const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem11GetFileTimeEPKc */
virtual void FileTimeToString(char *, int, long int) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem16FileTimeToStringEPcil */
virtual bool IsOk(FileHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem4IsOkEPv */
virtual void Flush(FileHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem5FlushEPv */
virtual bool EndOfFile(FileHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem9EndOfFileEPv */
virtual int Read(void *, int, FileHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem4ReadEPviS0_ */
virtual int Write(const void *, int, FileHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem5WriteEPKviPv */
virtual char * ReadLine(char *, int, FileHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem8ReadLineEPciPv */
virtual int FPrintf(FileHandle_t, char *, ...) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem7FPrintfEPvPcz */
virtual void * GetReadBuffer(FileHandle_t, int *, bool) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem13GetReadBufferEPvPib */
virtual void ReleaseReadBuffer(FileHandle_t, void *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem17ReleaseReadBufferEPvS0_ */
virtual const char * FindFirst(const char *, FileFindHandle_t *, const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem9FindFirstEPKcPiS1_ */
virtual const char * FindNext(FileFindHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem8FindNextEi */
virtual bool FindIsDirectory(FileFindHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem15FindIsDirectoryEi */
virtual void FindClose(FileFindHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem9FindCloseEi */
virtual void GetLocalCopy(const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem12GetLocalCopyEPKc */
virtual const char * GetLocalPath(const char *, char *, int) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem12GetLocalPathEPKcPci */
virtual char * ParseFile(char *, char *, bool *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem9ParseFileEPcS0_Pb */
virtual bool FullPathToRelativePath(const char *, char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem22FullPathToRelativePathEPKcPc */
virtual bool GetCurrentDirectory(char *, int) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem19GetCurrentDirectoryEPci */
virtual void PrintOpenedFiles() = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem16PrintOpenedFilesEv */
virtual void SetWarningFunc(void (*)(const char *, ...)) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem14SetWarningFuncEPFvPKczE */
virtual void SetWarningLevel(FileWarningLevel_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem15SetWarningLevelE18FileWarningLevel_t */
virtual void LogLevelLoadStarted(const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem19LogLevelLoadStartedEPKc */
virtual void LogLevelLoadFinished(const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem20LogLevelLoadFinishedEPKc */
virtual int HintResourceNeed(const char *, int) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem16HintResourceNeedEPKci */
virtual int PauseResourcePreloading() = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem23PauseResourcePreloadingEv */
virtual int ResumeResourcePreloading() = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem24ResumeResourcePreloadingEv */
virtual int SetVBuf(FileHandle_t, char *, int, long int) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem7SetVBufEPvPcil */
virtual void GetInterfaceVersion(char *, int) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem19GetInterfaceVersionEPci */
virtual bool IsFileImmediatelyAvailable(const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem26IsFileImmediatelyAvailableEPKc */
virtual WaitForResourcesHandle_t WaitForResources(const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem16WaitForResourcesEPKc */
virtual bool GetWaitForResourcesProgress(WaitForResourcesHandle_t, float *, bool *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem27GetWaitForResourcesProgressEiPfPb */
virtual void CancelWaitForResources(WaitForResourcesHandle_t) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem22CancelWaitForResourcesEi */
virtual bool IsAppReadyForOfflinePlay(int) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem24IsAppReadyForOfflinePlayEi */
virtual bool AddPackFile(const char *, const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem11AddPackFileEPKcS1_ */
virtual FileHandle_t OpenFromCacheForRead(const char *, const char *, const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem20OpenFromCacheForReadEPKcS1_S1_ */
virtual void AddSearchPathNoWrite(const char *, const char *) = 0; /* linkage=_ZN11IFileSystem20AddSearchPathNoWriteEPKcS1_ */
#define FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION "VFileSystem009" // never change this!
#endif // VFILESYSTEM009_H