mirror of https://github.com/YGGverse/xash3d-fwgs.git synced 2025-03-13 06:21:08 +00:00
Alibek Omarov 9c8059ea96 engine: imagelib: add BGRA saving for PNG
Fix incorrect output, when input format has alpha but flags don't
Flags are meant to control output format, but input format may be arbitrary,
as usually given by video driver(screenshots, etc)
2021-03-28 00:34:42 +03:00

613 lines
15 KiB

img_png.c - png format load & save
Copyright (C) 2019 Andrey Akhmichin
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "miniz.h"
#include "imagelib.h"
#include "xash3d_mathlib.h"
#include "img_png.h"
#if defined(XASH_NO_NETWORK)
#include "platform/stub/net_stub.h"
#elif !XASH_WIN32
#include <netinet/in.h>
static const char png_sign[] = {0x89, 'P', 'N', 'G', '\r', '\n', 0x1a, '\n'};
static const char ihdr_sign[] = {'I', 'H', 'D', 'R'};
static const char idat_sign[] = {'I', 'D', 'A', 'T'};
static const char iend_sign[] = {'I', 'E', 'N', 'D'};
static const int iend_crc32 = 0xAE426082;
qboolean Image_LoadPNG( const char *name, const byte *buffer, fs_offset_t filesize )
int ret;
short p, a, b, c, pa, pb, pc;
byte *buf_p, *pixbuf, *raw, *prior, *idat_buf = NULL, *uncompressed_buffer = NULL, *rowend;
uint chunk_len, crc32, crc32_check, oldsize = 0, newsize = 0, rowsize;
uint uncompressed_size, pixel_size, i, y, filter_type, chunk_sign;
qboolean has_iend_chunk = false;
z_stream stream = {0};
png_t png_hdr;
if( filesize < sizeof( png_hdr ) )
return false;
buf_p = (byte *)buffer;
// get png header
memcpy( &png_hdr, buffer, sizeof( png_t ) );
// check png signature
if( memcmp( png_hdr.sign, png_sign, sizeof( png_sign ) ) )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: Invalid PNG signature (%s)\n", name );
return false;
// convert IHDR chunk length to little endian
png_hdr.ihdr_len = ntohl( png_hdr.ihdr_len );
// check IHDR chunk length (valid value - 13)
if( png_hdr.ihdr_len != sizeof( png_ihdr_t ) )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: Invalid IHDR chunk size (%s)\n", name );
return false;
// check IHDR chunk signature
if( memcmp( png_hdr.ihdr_sign, ihdr_sign, sizeof( ihdr_sign ) ) )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: IHDR chunk corrupted (%s)\n", name );
return false;
// convert image width and height to little endian
png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.height = ntohl( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.height );
png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.width = ntohl( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.width );
if( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.height == 0 || png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.width == 0 )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: Invalid image size %dx%d (%s)\n", png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.width, png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.height, name );
return false;
if( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.bitdepth != 8 )
Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "Image_LoadPNG: Only 8-bit images is supported (%s)\n", name );
return false;
if( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.colortype != PNG_CT_RGB && png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.colortype != PNG_CT_RGBA )
Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "Image_LoadPNG: Only 8-bit RGB and RGBA images is supported (%s)\n", name );
return false;
if( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.compression > 0 )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: Unknown compression method (%s)\n", name );
return false;
if( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.filter > 0 )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: Unknown filter type (%s)\n", name );
return false;
if( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.interlace == 1 )
Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "Image_LoadPNG: Adam7 Interlacing not supported (%s)\n", name );
return false;
if( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.interlace > 0 )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: Unknown interlacing type (%s)\n", name );
return false;
// calculate IHDR chunk CRC
CRC32_Init( &crc32_check );
CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc32_check, buf_p + sizeof( png_hdr.sign ) + sizeof( png_hdr.ihdr_len ), png_hdr.ihdr_len + sizeof( png_hdr.ihdr_sign ) );
crc32_check = CRC32_Final( crc32_check );
// check IHDR chunk CRC
if( ntohl( png_hdr.ihdr_crc32 ) != crc32_check )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: IHDR chunk has wrong CRC32 sum (%s)\n", name );
return false;
// move pointer
buf_p += sizeof( png_hdr );
// find all critical chunks
while( !has_iend_chunk && ( buf_p - buffer ) < filesize )
// get chunk length
memcpy( &chunk_len, buf_p, sizeof( chunk_len ) );
// convert chunk length to little endian
chunk_len = ntohl( chunk_len );
if( chunk_len > INT_MAX )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: Found chunk with wrong size (%s)\n", name );
Mem_Free( idat_buf );
return false;
// move pointer
buf_p += sizeof( chunk_sign );
// get all IDAT chunks data
if( !memcmp( buf_p, idat_sign, sizeof( idat_sign ) ) )
newsize = oldsize + chunk_len;
idat_buf = (byte *)Mem_Realloc( host.imagepool, idat_buf, newsize );
memcpy( idat_buf + oldsize, buf_p + sizeof( idat_sign ), chunk_len );
oldsize = newsize;
else if( !memcmp( buf_p, iend_sign, sizeof( iend_sign ) ) )
has_iend_chunk = true;
// calculate chunk CRC
CRC32_Init( &crc32_check );
CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc32_check, buf_p, chunk_len + sizeof( idat_sign ) );
crc32_check = CRC32_Final( crc32_check );
// move pointer
buf_p += sizeof( chunk_sign );
buf_p += chunk_len;
// get real chunk CRC
memcpy( &crc32, buf_p, sizeof( crc32 ) );
// check chunk CRC
if( ntohl( crc32 ) != crc32_check )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: Found chunk with wrong CRC32 sum (%s)\n", name );
Mem_Free( idat_buf );
return false;
// move pointer
buf_p += sizeof( crc32 );
if( !has_iend_chunk )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: IEND chunk not found (%s)\n", name );
Mem_Free( idat_buf );
return false;
if( chunk_len != 0 )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: IEND chunk has wrong size (%s)\n", name );
Mem_Free( idat_buf );
return false;
if( oldsize == 0 )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: Couldn't find IDAT chunks (%s)\n", name );
return false;
switch( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.colortype )
case PNG_CT_RGB:
pixel_size = 3;
pixel_size = 4;
pixel_size = 0; // make compiler happy
ASSERT( false );
image.type = PF_RGBA_32; // always exctracted to 32-bit buffer
image.width = png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.width;
image.height = png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.height;
image.size = image.height * image.width * 4;
image.flags |= IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
if( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.colortype == PNG_CT_RGBA )
image.flags |= IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA;
image.depth = 1;
rowsize = pixel_size * image.width;
uncompressed_size = image.height * ( rowsize + 1 ); // +1 for filter
uncompressed_buffer = Mem_Malloc( host.imagepool, uncompressed_size );
stream.next_in = idat_buf;
stream.total_in = stream.avail_in = newsize;
stream.next_out = uncompressed_buffer;
stream.total_out = stream.avail_out = uncompressed_size;
// uncompress image
if( inflateInit2( &stream, MAX_WBITS ) != Z_OK )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: IDAT chunk decompression failed (%s)\n", name );
Mem_Free( uncompressed_buffer );
Mem_Free( idat_buf );
return false;
ret = inflate( &stream, Z_NO_FLUSH );
inflateEnd( &stream );
Mem_Free( idat_buf );
if( ret != Z_OK && ret != Z_STREAM_END )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: IDAT chunk decompression failed (%s)\n", name );
Mem_Free( uncompressed_buffer );
return false;
prior = pixbuf = image.rgba = Mem_Malloc( host.imagepool, image.size );
i = 0;
raw = uncompressed_buffer;
if( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.colortype == PNG_CT_RGB )
prior = pixbuf = raw;
filter_type = *raw++;
// decode adaptive filter
switch( filter_type )
case PNG_F_NONE:
case PNG_F_UP:
for( ; i < rowsize; i++ )
pixbuf[i] = raw[i];
case PNG_F_SUB:
for( ; i < pixel_size; i++ )
pixbuf[i] = raw[i];
for( ; i < rowsize; i++ )
pixbuf[i] = raw[i] + pixbuf[i - pixel_size];
for( ; i < pixel_size; i++ )
pixbuf[i] = raw[i];
for( ; i < rowsize; i++ )
pixbuf[i] = raw[i] + ( pixbuf[i - pixel_size] >> 1 );
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: Found unknown filter type (%s)\n", name );
Mem_Free( uncompressed_buffer );
Mem_Free( image.rgba );
return false;
for( y = 1; y < image.height; y++ )
i = 0;
pixbuf += rowsize;
raw += rowsize;
filter_type = *raw++;
switch( filter_type )
case PNG_F_NONE:
for( ; i < rowsize; i++ )
pixbuf[i] = raw[i];
case PNG_F_SUB:
for( ; i < pixel_size; i++ )
pixbuf[i] = raw[i];
for( ; i < rowsize; i++ )
pixbuf[i] = raw[i] + pixbuf[i - pixel_size];
case PNG_F_UP:
for( ; i < rowsize; i++ )
pixbuf[i] = raw[i] + prior[i];
for( ; i < pixel_size; i++ )
pixbuf[i] = raw[i] + ( prior[i] >> 1 );
for( ; i < rowsize; i++ )
pixbuf[i] = raw[i] + ( ( pixbuf[i - pixel_size] + prior[i] ) >> 1 );
for( ; i < pixel_size; i++ )
pixbuf[i] = raw[i] + prior[i];
for( ; i < rowsize; i++ )
a = pixbuf[i - pixel_size];
b = prior[i];
c = prior[i - pixel_size];
p = a + b - c;
pa = abs( p - a );
pb = abs( p - b );
pc = abs( p - c );
pixbuf[i] = raw[i];
if( pc < pa && pc < pb )
pixbuf[i] += c;
else if( pb < pa )
pixbuf[i] += b;
pixbuf[i] += a;
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_LoadPNG: Found unknown filter type (%s)\n", name );
Mem_Free( uncompressed_buffer );
Mem_Free( image.rgba );
return false;
prior = pixbuf;
// convert RGB-to-RGBA
if( png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.colortype == PNG_CT_RGB )
pixbuf = image.rgba;
raw = uncompressed_buffer;
for( y = 0; y < image.height; y++ )
rowend = raw + rowsize;
for( ; raw < rowend; raw += pixel_size )
*pixbuf++ = raw[0];
*pixbuf++ = raw[1];
*pixbuf++ = raw[2];
*pixbuf++ = 0xFF;
Mem_Free( uncompressed_buffer );
return true;
qboolean Image_SavePNG( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix )
int ret;
uint y, outsize, pixel_size, filtered_size, idat_len;
uint ihdr_len, crc32, rowsize, big_idat_len;
byte *in, *buffer, *out, *filtered_buffer, *rowend;
z_stream stream = {0};
png_t png_hdr;
png_footer_t png_ftr;
if( FS_FileExists( name, false ) && !Image_CheckFlag( IL_ALLOW_OVERWRITE ))
return false; // already existed
// bogus parameter check
if( !pix->buffer )
return false;
// get image description
switch( pix->type )
case PF_BGR_24:
case PF_RGB_24: pixel_size = 3; break;
case PF_BGRA_32:
case PF_RGBA_32: pixel_size = 4; break;
return false;
rowsize = pix->width * pixel_size;
// get filtered image size
filtered_size = ( rowsize + 1 ) * pix->height;
out = filtered_buffer = Mem_Malloc( host.imagepool, filtered_size );
// apply adaptive filter to image
switch( pix->type )
case PF_RGB_24:
case PF_RGBA_32:
for( y = 0; y < pix->height; y++ )
in = pix->buffer + y * pix->width * pixel_size;
*out++ = PNG_F_NONE;
rowend = in + rowsize;
for( ; in < rowend; in += pixel_size )
*out++ = in[0];
*out++ = in[1];
*out++ = in[2];
if( pix->flags & IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA )
*out++ = in[3];
case PF_BGR_24:
case PF_BGRA_32:
for( y = 0; y < pix->height; y++ )
in = pix->buffer + y * pix->width * pixel_size;
*out++ = PNG_F_NONE;
rowend = in + rowsize;
for( ; in < rowend; in += pixel_size )
*out++ = in[2];
*out++ = in[1];
*out++ = in[0];
if( pix->flags & IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA )
*out++ = in[3];
// get IHDR chunk length
ihdr_len = sizeof( png_ihdr_t );
// predict IDAT chunk length
idat_len = deflateBound( NULL, filtered_size );
// calculate PNG filesize
outsize = sizeof( png_t );
outsize += sizeof( idat_len );
outsize += sizeof( idat_sign );
outsize += idat_len;
outsize += sizeof( png_footer_t );
// write PNG header
memcpy( png_hdr.sign, png_sign, sizeof( png_sign ) );
// write IHDR chunk length
png_hdr.ihdr_len = htonl( ihdr_len );
// write IHDR chunk signature
memcpy( png_hdr.ihdr_sign, ihdr_sign, sizeof( ihdr_sign ) );
// write image width
png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.width = htonl( pix->width );
// write image height
png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.height = htonl( pix->height );
// write image bitdepth
png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.bitdepth = 8;
// write image colortype
png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.colortype = ( pix->flags & IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA ) ? PNG_CT_RGBA : PNG_CT_RGB; // 8 bits of alpha
// write image comression method
png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.compression = 0;
// write image filter type
png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.filter = 0;
// write image interlacing
png_hdr.ihdr_chunk.interlace = 0;
// get IHDR chunk CRC
CRC32_Init( &crc32 );
CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc32, &png_hdr.ihdr_sign, ihdr_len + sizeof( ihdr_sign ) );
crc32 = CRC32_Final( crc32 );
// write IHDR chunk CRC
png_hdr.ihdr_crc32 = htonl( crc32 );
out = buffer = (byte *)Mem_Malloc( host.imagepool, outsize );
stream.next_in = filtered_buffer;
stream.avail_in = filtered_size;
stream.next_out = buffer + sizeof( png_hdr ) + sizeof( idat_len ) + sizeof( idat_sign );
stream.avail_out = idat_len;
// compress image
if( deflateInit( &stream, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION ) != Z_OK )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_SavePNG: deflateInit failed (%s)\n", name );
Mem_Free( filtered_buffer );
Mem_Free( buffer );
return false;
ret = deflate( &stream, Z_FINISH );
deflateEnd( &stream );
Mem_Free( filtered_buffer );
if( ret != Z_OK && ret != Z_STREAM_END )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Image_SavePNG: IDAT chunk compression failed (%s)\n", name );
Mem_Free( buffer );
return false;
// get final filesize
outsize -= idat_len;
idat_len = stream.total_out;
outsize += idat_len;
memcpy( out, &png_hdr, sizeof( png_t ) );
out += sizeof( png_t );
// convert IDAT chunk length to big endian
big_idat_len = htonl( idat_len );
// write IDAT chunk length
memcpy( out, &big_idat_len, sizeof( idat_len ) );
out += sizeof( idat_len );
// write IDAT chunk signature
memcpy( out, idat_sign, sizeof( idat_sign ) );
// calculate IDAT chunk CRC
CRC32_Init( &crc32 );
CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc32, out, idat_len + sizeof( idat_sign ) );
crc32 = CRC32_Final( crc32 );
out += sizeof( idat_sign );
out += idat_len;
// write IDAT chunk CRC
png_ftr.idat_crc32 = htonl( crc32 );
// write IEND chunk length
png_ftr.iend_len = 0;
// write IEND chunk signature
memcpy( png_ftr.iend_sign, iend_sign, sizeof( iend_sign ) );
// write IEND chunk CRC
png_ftr.iend_crc32 = htonl( iend_crc32 );
// write PNG footer to buffer
memcpy( out, &png_ftr, sizeof( png_ftr ) );
FS_WriteFile( name, buffer, outsize );
Mem_Free( buffer );
return true;