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735 lines
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avi_win.c - playing AVI files (based on original AVIKit code, Win32 version)
Copyright (C) 2010 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "build.h"
#if XASH_WIN32
#include "common.h"
#include "client.h"
#include <vfw.h> // video for windows
// msvfw32.dll exports
static HDRAWDIB (_stdcall *pDrawDibOpen)( void );
static BOOL (_stdcall *pDrawDibClose)( HDRAWDIB hdd );
static BOOL (_stdcall *pDrawDibDraw)( HDRAWDIB, HDC, int, int, int, int, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER, void*, int, int, int, int, uint );
static dllfunc_t msvfw_funcs[] =
{ "DrawDibOpen", (void **) &pDrawDibOpen },
{ "DrawDibDraw", (void **) &pDrawDibDraw },
{ "DrawDibClose", (void **) &pDrawDibClose },
dll_info_t msvfw_dll = { "msvfw32.dll", msvfw_funcs, false };
// msacm32.dll exports
static MMRESULT (_stdcall *pacmStreamPrepareHeader)( HACMSTREAM, LPACMSTREAMHEADER, DWORD );
static MMRESULT (_stdcall *pacmStreamUnprepareHeader)( HACMSTREAM, LPACMSTREAMHEADER, DWORD );
static MMRESULT (_stdcall *pacmStreamConvert)( HACMSTREAM, LPACMSTREAMHEADER, DWORD );
static MMRESULT (_stdcall *pacmStreamSize)( HACMSTREAM, DWORD, LPDWORD, DWORD );
static MMRESULT (_stdcall *pacmStreamClose)( HACMSTREAM, DWORD );
static dllfunc_t msacm_funcs[] =
{ "acmStreamOpen", (void **) &pacmStreamOpen },
{ "acmStreamPrepareHeader", (void **) &pacmStreamPrepareHeader },
{ "acmStreamUnprepareHeader", (void **) &pacmStreamUnprepareHeader },
{ "acmStreamConvert", (void **) &pacmStreamConvert },
{ "acmStreamSize", (void **) &pacmStreamSize },
{ "acmStreamClose", (void **) &pacmStreamClose },
dll_info_t msacm_dll = { "msacm32.dll", msacm_funcs, false };
// avifil32.dll exports
static int (_stdcall *pAVIStreamInfo)( PAVISTREAM pavi, AVISTREAMINFO *psi, LONG lSize );
static int (_stdcall *pAVIStreamRead)( PAVISTREAM pavi, LONG lStart, LONG lSamples, void *lpBuffer, LONG cbBuffer, LONG *plBytes, LONG *plSamples );
static PGETFRAME (_stdcall *pAVIStreamGetFrameOpen)( PAVISTREAM pavi, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiWanted );
static int (_stdcall *pAVIStreamTimeToSample)( PAVISTREAM pavi, LONG lTime );
static void* (_stdcall *pAVIStreamGetFrame)( PGETFRAME pg, LONG lPos );
static int (_stdcall *pAVIStreamGetFrameClose)( PGETFRAME pg );
static dword (_stdcall *pAVIStreamRelease)( PAVISTREAM pavi );
static int (_stdcall *pAVIFileOpen)( PAVIFILE *ppfile, LPCSTR szFile, UINT uMode, LPCLSID lpHandler );
static int (_stdcall *pAVIFileGetStream)( PAVIFILE pfile, PAVISTREAM *ppavi, DWORD fccType, LONG lParam );
static int (_stdcall *pAVIStreamReadFormat)( PAVISTREAM pavi, LONG lPos,LPVOID lpFormat, LONG *lpcbFormat );
static int (_stdcall *pAVIStreamStart)( PAVISTREAM pavi );
static dword (_stdcall *pAVIFileRelease)( PAVIFILE pfile );
static void (_stdcall *pAVIFileInit)( void );
static void (_stdcall *pAVIFileExit)( void );
static dllfunc_t avifile_funcs[] =
{ "AVIFileExit", (void **) &pAVIFileExit },
{ "AVIFileGetStream", (void **) &pAVIFileGetStream },
{ "AVIFileInit", (void **) &pAVIFileInit },
{ "AVIFileOpenA", (void **) &pAVIFileOpen },
{ "AVIFileRelease", (void **) &pAVIFileRelease },
{ "AVIStreamGetFrame", (void **) &pAVIStreamGetFrame },
{ "AVIStreamGetFrameClose", (void **) &pAVIStreamGetFrameClose },
{ "AVIStreamGetFrameOpen", (void **) &pAVIStreamGetFrameOpen },
{ "AVIStreamInfoA", (void **) &pAVIStreamInfo },
{ "AVIStreamRead", (void **) &pAVIStreamRead },
{ "AVIStreamReadFormat", (void **) &pAVIStreamReadFormat },
{ "AVIStreamRelease", (void **) &pAVIStreamRelease },
{ "AVIStreamStart", (void **) &pAVIStreamStart },
{ "AVIStreamTimeToSample", (void **) &pAVIStreamTimeToSample },
dll_info_t avifile_dll = { "avifil32.dll", avifile_funcs, false };
typedef struct movie_state_s
qboolean active;
qboolean quiet; // ignore error messages
PAVIFILE pfile; // avi file pointer
PAVISTREAM video_stream; // video stream pointer
PGETFRAME video_getframe; // pointer to getframe object for video stream
int video_frames; // total frames
int video_xres; // video stream resolution
int video_yres;
float video_fps; // video stream fps
PAVISTREAM audio_stream; // audio stream pointer
WAVEFORMAT *audio_header; // audio stream header
int audio_header_size; // WAVEFORMAT is returned for PCM data; WAVEFORMATEX for others
int audio_codec; // WAVE_FORMAT_PCM is oldstyle: anything else needs conversion
int audio_length; // in converted samples
int audio_bytes_per_sample; // guess.
// compressed audio specific data
dword cpa_blockalign; // block size to read
HACMSTREAM cpa_conversion_stream;
ACMSTREAMHEADER cpa_conversion_header;
byte *cpa_srcbuffer; // maintained buffer for raw data
byte *cpa_dstbuffer;
dword cpa_blocknum; // current block
dword cpa_blockpos; // read position in current block
dword cpa_blockoffset; // corresponding offset in bytes in the output stream
// for additional unpack Ms-RLE codecs etc
HDC hDC; // compatible DC
HDRAWDIB hDD; // DrawDib handler
HBITMAP hBitmap; // for DIB conversions
byte *pframe_data; // converted framedata
} movie_state_t;
static qboolean avi_initialized = false;
static movie_state_t avi[2];
// Converts a compressed audio stream into uncompressed PCM.
qboolean AVI_ACMConvertAudio( movie_state_t *Avi )
WAVEFORMATEX dest_header, *sh, *dh;
AVISTREAMINFO stream_info;
dword dest_length;
short bits;
// WMA codecs, both versions - they simply don't work.
if( Avi->audio_header->wFormatTag == 0x160 || Avi->audio_header->wFormatTag == 0x161 )
if( !Avi->quiet )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "ACM does not support this audio codec.\n" );
return false;
// get audio stream info to work with
pAVIStreamInfo( Avi->audio_stream, &stream_info, sizeof( stream_info ));
if( Avi->audio_header_size < sizeof( WAVEFORMATEX ))
if( !Avi->quiet )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "ACM failed to open conversion stream.\n" );
return false;
sh = (WAVEFORMATEX *)Avi->audio_header;
bits = 16; // predict state
// how much of this is actually required?
dest_header.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; // yay
dest_header.wBitsPerSample = bits; // 16bit
dest_header.nChannels = sh->nChannels;
dest_header.nSamplesPerSec = sh->nSamplesPerSec; // take straight from the source stream
dest_header.nAvgBytesPerSec = (bits >> 3) * sh->nChannels * sh->nSamplesPerSec;
dest_header.nBlockAlign = (bits >> 3) * sh->nChannels;
dest_header.cbSize = 0; // no more data.
dh = &dest_header;
// open the stream
if( pacmStreamOpen( &Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, NULL, sh, dh, NULL, 0, 0, 0 ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR )
// try with 8 bit destination instead
bits = 8;
dest_header.wBitsPerSample = bits; // 8bit
dest_header.nAvgBytesPerSec = ( bits >> 3 ) * sh->nChannels * sh->nSamplesPerSec;
dest_header.nBlockAlign = ( bits >> 3 ) * sh->nChannels; // 1 sample at a time
if( pacmStreamOpen( &Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, NULL, sh, dh, NULL, 0, 0, 0 ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR )
if( !Avi->quiet )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "ACM failed to open conversion stream.\n" );
return false;
Avi->cpa_blockalign = sh->nBlockAlign;
dest_length = 0;
// mp3 specific fix
if( sh->wFormatTag == 0x55 )
Avi->cpa_blockalign = k->nBlockSize;
// get the size of the output buffer for streaming the compressed audio
if( pacmStreamSize( Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, Avi->cpa_blockalign, &dest_length, ACM_STREAMSIZEF_SOURCE ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR )
if( !Avi->quiet )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Couldn't get ACM conversion stream size.\n" );
pacmStreamClose( Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, 0 );
return false;
Avi->cpa_srcbuffer = (byte *)Mem_Malloc( cls.mempool, Avi->cpa_blockalign );
Avi->cpa_dstbuffer = (byte *)Mem_Malloc( cls.mempool, dest_length ); // maintained buffer for raw data
// prep the headers!
Avi->cpa_conversion_header.cbStruct = sizeof( ACMSTREAMHEADER );
Avi->cpa_conversion_header.fdwStatus = 0;
Avi->cpa_conversion_header.dwUser = 0; // no user data
Avi->cpa_conversion_header.pbSrc = Avi->cpa_srcbuffer; // source buffer
Avi->cpa_conversion_header.cbSrcLength = Avi->cpa_blockalign; // source buffer size
Avi->cpa_conversion_header.cbSrcLengthUsed = 0;
Avi->cpa_conversion_header.dwSrcUser = 0; // no user data
Avi->cpa_conversion_header.pbDst = Avi->cpa_dstbuffer; // dest buffer
Avi->cpa_conversion_header.cbDstLength = dest_length; // dest buffer size
Avi->cpa_conversion_header.cbDstLengthUsed = 0;
Avi->cpa_conversion_header.dwDstUser = 0; // no user data
if( pacmStreamPrepareHeader( Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, &Avi->cpa_conversion_header, 0 ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR )
if( !Avi->quiet )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "couldn't prepare stream headers.\n" );
pacmStreamClose( Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, 0 );
return false;
Avi->cpa_blocknum = 0; // start at 0.
Avi->cpa_blockpos = 0;
Avi->cpa_blockoffset = 0;
pAVIStreamRead( Avi->audio_stream, Avi->cpa_blocknum * Avi->cpa_blockalign, Avi->cpa_blockalign, Avi->cpa_srcbuffer, Avi->cpa_blockalign, NULL, NULL );
pacmStreamConvert( Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, &Avi->cpa_conversion_header, ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_BLOCKALIGN|ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_START );
// convert first chunk twice. it often fails the first time. BLACK MAGIC.
pAVIStreamRead( Avi->audio_stream, Avi->cpa_blocknum * Avi->cpa_blockalign, Avi->cpa_blockalign, Avi->cpa_srcbuffer, Avi->cpa_blockalign, NULL, NULL );
pacmStreamConvert( Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, &Avi->cpa_conversion_header, ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_BLOCKALIGN );
Avi->audio_bytes_per_sample = (bits >> 3 ) * Avi->audio_header->nChannels;
return true;
qboolean AVI_GetVideoInfo( movie_state_t *Avi, int *xres, int *yres, float *duration )
if( !Avi->active )
return false;
if( xres != NULL )
*xres = Avi->video_xres;
if( yres != NULL )
*yres = Avi->video_yres;
if( duration != NULL )
*duration = (float)Avi->video_frames / Avi->video_fps;
return true;
// returns a unique frame identifier
int AVI_GetVideoFrameNumber( movie_state_t *Avi, float time )
if( !Avi->active )
return 0;
return (time * Avi->video_fps);
int AVI_GetVideoFrameCount( movie_state_t *Avi )
if( !Avi->active )
return 0;
return Avi->video_frames;
int AVI_TimeToSoundPosition( movie_state_t *Avi, int time )
if( !Avi->active || !Avi->audio_stream )
return 0;
// UNDONE: what about compressed audio?
return pAVIStreamTimeToSample( Avi->audio_stream, time ) * Avi->audio_bytes_per_sample;
// gets the raw frame data
byte *AVI_GetVideoFrame( movie_state_t *Avi, int frame )
byte *frame_raw;
if( !Avi->active ) return NULL;
if( frame >= Avi->video_frames )
frame = Avi->video_frames - 1;
frame_info = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)pAVIStreamGetFrame( Avi->video_getframe, frame );
frame_raw = (byte *)frame_info + frame_info->biSize + frame_info->biClrUsed * sizeof( RGBQUAD );
pDrawDibDraw( Avi->hDD, Avi->hDC, 0, 0, Avi->video_xres, Avi->video_yres, frame_info, frame_raw, 0, 0, Avi->video_xres, Avi->video_yres, 0 );
return Avi->pframe_data;
qboolean AVI_GetAudioInfo( movie_state_t *Avi, wavdata_t *snd_info )
if( !Avi->active || Avi->audio_stream == NULL || snd_info == NULL )
return false;
snd_info->rate = Avi->audio_header->nSamplesPerSec;
snd_info->channels = Avi->audio_header->nChannels;
if( Avi->audio_codec == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM ) // uncompressed audio!
snd_info->width = ( Avi->audio_bytes_per_sample > Avi->audio_header->nChannels ) ? 2 : 1;
else snd_info->width = 2; // assume compressed audio is always 16 bit
snd_info->size = snd_info->rate * snd_info->width * snd_info->channels;
snd_info->loopStart = 0; // using loopStart as streampos
return true;
// sync the current audio read to a specific offset
qboolean AVI_SeekPosition( movie_state_t *Avi, dword offset )
int breaker;
if( offset < Avi->cpa_blockoffset ) // well, shit. we can't seek backwards... restart
if( Avi->cpa_blockoffset - offset < 500000 )
return false; // don't bother if it's gonna catch up soon
Avi->cpa_blocknum = 0; // start at 0, eh.
Avi->cpa_blockpos = 0;
Avi->cpa_blockoffset = 0;
pAVIStreamRead( Avi->audio_stream, Avi->cpa_blocknum * Avi->cpa_blockalign, Avi->cpa_blockalign, Avi->cpa_srcbuffer, Avi->cpa_blockalign, NULL, NULL );
pacmStreamConvert( Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, &Avi->cpa_conversion_header, ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_BLOCKALIGN|ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_START );
// convert first chunk twice. it often fails the first time. BLACK MAGIC.
pAVIStreamRead( Avi->audio_stream, Avi->cpa_blocknum * Avi->cpa_blockalign, Avi->cpa_blockalign, Avi->cpa_srcbuffer, Avi->cpa_blockalign, NULL, NULL );
pacmStreamConvert( Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, &Avi->cpa_conversion_header, ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_BLOCKALIGN );
// now then: seek forwards to the required block
breaker = 30; // maximum zero blocks: anti-freeze protection
while( Avi->cpa_blockoffset + Avi->cpa_conversion_header.cbDstLengthUsed < offset )
Avi->cpa_blockoffset += Avi->cpa_conversion_header.cbDstLengthUsed;
pAVIStreamRead( Avi->audio_stream, Avi->cpa_blocknum * Avi->cpa_blockalign, Avi->cpa_blockalign, Avi->cpa_srcbuffer, Avi->cpa_blockalign, NULL, NULL );
pacmStreamConvert( Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, &Avi->cpa_conversion_header, ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_BLOCKALIGN );
if( Avi->cpa_conversion_header.cbDstLengthUsed == 0 )
else breaker = 30;
if( breaker <= 0 )
return false;
Avi->cpa_blockpos = 0;
// seek to the right position inside the block
Avi->cpa_blockpos = offset - Avi->cpa_blockoffset;
return true;
// get a chunk of audio from the stream (in bytes)
int AVI_GetAudioChunk( movie_state_t *Avi, char *audiodata, int offset, int length )
int result = 0;
int i;
// zero data past the end of the file
if( offset + length > Avi->audio_length )
if( offset <= Avi->audio_length )
int remaining_length = Avi->audio_length - offset;
AVI_GetAudioChunk( Avi, audiodata, offset, remaining_length );
for( i = remaining_length; i < length; i++ )
audiodata[i] = 0;
// we out of soundtrack, just zeroing buffer
for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
audiodata[i] = 0;
// return length;
// uncompressed audio!
if( Avi->audio_codec == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM )
// very simple - read straight out
pAVIStreamRead( Avi->audio_stream, offset / Avi->audio_bytes_per_sample, length / Avi->audio_bytes_per_sample, audiodata, length, &result, NULL );
return result;
// compressed audio!
result = 0;
// seek to correct chunk and all that stuff
if( !AVI_SeekPosition( Avi, offset ))
return 0; // don't continue if we're waiting for the play pointer to catch up
while( length > 0 )
int blockread = Avi->cpa_conversion_header.cbDstLengthUsed - Avi->cpa_blockpos;
if( blockread <= 0 ) // read next
Avi->cpa_blockoffset += Avi->cpa_conversion_header.cbDstLengthUsed;
pAVIStreamRead( Avi->audio_stream, Avi->cpa_blocknum * Avi->cpa_blockalign, Avi->cpa_blockalign, Avi->cpa_srcbuffer, Avi->cpa_blockalign, NULL, NULL );
pacmStreamConvert( Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, &Avi->cpa_conversion_header, ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_BLOCKALIGN );
Avi->cpa_blockpos = 0;
if( blockread > length )
blockread = length;
// copy the data
memcpy( audiodata + result, (void *)( Avi->cpa_dstbuffer + Avi->cpa_blockpos ), blockread );
Avi->cpa_blockpos += blockread;
result += blockread;
length -= blockread;
return result;
void AVI_CloseVideo( movie_state_t *Avi )
if( Avi->active )
pAVIStreamGetFrameClose( Avi->video_getframe );
if( Avi->audio_stream != NULL )
pAVIStreamRelease( Avi->audio_stream );
Mem_Free( Avi->audio_header );
if( Avi->audio_codec != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM )
pacmStreamUnprepareHeader( Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, &Avi->cpa_conversion_header, 0 );
pacmStreamClose( Avi->cpa_conversion_stream, 0 );
Mem_Free( Avi->cpa_srcbuffer );
Mem_Free( Avi->cpa_dstbuffer );
pAVIStreamRelease( Avi->video_stream );
DeleteObject( Avi->hBitmap );
pDrawDibClose( Avi->hDD );
DeleteDC( Avi->hDC );
memset( Avi, 0, sizeof( movie_state_t ));
void AVI_OpenVideo( movie_state_t *Avi, const char *filename, qboolean load_audio, int quiet )
AVISTREAMINFO stream_info;
int opened_streams = 0;
LONG hr;
// default state: non-working.
Avi->active = false;
Avi->quiet = quiet;
// can't load Video For Windows :-(
if( !avi_initialized ) return;
// load the AVI
hr = pAVIFileOpen( &Avi->pfile, filename, OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, 0L );
if( hr != 0 ) // error opening AVI:
switch( hr )
if( !Avi->quiet )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "corrupt file or unknown format.\n" );
if( !Avi->quiet )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "insufficient memory to open file.\n" );
if( !Avi->quiet )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "disk error reading file.\n" );
if( !Avi->quiet )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "disk error opening file.\n" );
if( !Avi->quiet )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "no handler found (or file not found).\n" );
Avi->video_stream = Avi->audio_stream = NULL;
// open the streams until a stream is not available.
while( 1 )
if( pAVIFileGetStream( Avi->pfile, &stream, 0L, opened_streams++ ) != AVIERR_OK )
if( stream == NULL )
pAVIStreamInfo( stream, &stream_info, sizeof( stream_info ));
if( stream_info.fccType == streamtypeVIDEO && Avi->video_stream == NULL )
Avi->video_stream = stream;
Avi->video_frames = stream_info.dwLength;
Avi->video_xres = stream_info.rcFrame.right - stream_info.rcFrame.left;
Avi->video_yres = stream_info.rcFrame.bottom - stream_info.rcFrame.top;
Avi->video_fps = (float)stream_info.dwRate / (float)stream_info.dwScale;
else if( stream_info.fccType == streamtypeAUDIO && Avi->audio_stream == NULL && load_audio )
int size;
Avi->audio_stream = stream;
// read the audio header
pAVIStreamReadFormat( Avi->audio_stream, pAVIStreamStart( Avi->audio_stream ), 0, &size );
Avi->audio_header = (WAVEFORMAT *)Mem_Malloc( cls.mempool, size );
pAVIStreamReadFormat( Avi->audio_stream, pAVIStreamStart( Avi->audio_stream ), Avi->audio_header, &size );
Avi->audio_header_size = size;
Avi->audio_codec = Avi->audio_header->wFormatTag;
// length of converted audio in samples
Avi->audio_length = (int)((float)stream_info.dwLength / Avi->audio_header->nAvgBytesPerSec );
Avi->audio_length *= Avi->audio_header->nSamplesPerSec;
if( Avi->audio_codec != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM )
if( !AVI_ACMConvertAudio( Avi ))
Mem_Free( Avi->audio_header );
Avi->audio_stream = NULL;
else Avi->audio_bytes_per_sample = Avi->audio_header->nBlockAlign;
Avi->audio_length *= Avi->audio_bytes_per_sample;
pAVIStreamRelease( stream );
// display error message-stream not found.
if( Avi->video_stream == NULL )
if( Avi->pfile ) // if file is open, close it
pAVIFileRelease( Avi->pfile );
if( !Avi->quiet )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "couldn't find a valid video stream.\n" );
pAVIFileRelease( Avi->pfile ); // release the file
Avi->video_getframe = pAVIStreamGetFrameOpen( Avi->video_stream, NULL ); // open the frame getter
if( Avi->video_getframe == NULL )
if( !Avi->quiet )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "error attempting to read video frames.\n" );
return; // couldn't open frame getter.
bmih.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
bmih.biPlanes = 1;
bmih.biBitCount = 32;
bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bmih.biWidth = Avi->video_xres;
bmih.biHeight = -Avi->video_yres; // invert height to flip image upside down
Avi->hDC = CreateCompatibleDC( 0 );
Avi->hDD = pDrawDibOpen();
Avi->hBitmap = CreateDIBSection( Avi->hDC, (BITMAPINFO*)(&bmih), DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)(&Avi->pframe_data), NULL, 0 );
SelectObject( Avi->hDC, Avi->hBitmap );
Avi->active = true; // done
qboolean AVI_IsActive( movie_state_t *Avi )
if( Avi != NULL )
return Avi->active;
return false;
movie_state_t *AVI_GetState( int num )
return &avi[num];
AVIKit user interface
movie_state_t *AVI_LoadVideo( const char *filename, qboolean load_audio )
movie_state_t *Avi;
string path;
const char *fullpath;
// fast reject
if( !avi_initialized )
return NULL;
// open cinematic
Q_snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "media/%s", filename );
COM_DefaultExtension( path, ".avi" );
fullpath = FS_GetDiskPath( path, false );
if( FS_FileExists( path, false ) && !fullpath )
Con_Printf( "Couldn't load %s from packfile. Please extract it\n", path );
return NULL;
Avi = Mem_Malloc( cls.mempool, sizeof( movie_state_t ));
AVI_OpenVideo( Avi, fullpath, load_audio, false );
if( !AVI_IsActive( Avi ))
AVI_FreeVideo( Avi ); // something bad happens
return NULL;
// all done
return Avi;
void AVI_FreeVideo( movie_state_t *state )
if( !state ) return;
if( Mem_IsAllocatedExt( cls.mempool, state ))
AVI_CloseVideo( state );
Mem_Free( state );
qboolean AVI_Initailize( void )
if( Sys_CheckParm( "-noavi" ))
Con_Printf( "AVI: Disabled\n" );
return false;
if( !Sys_LoadLibrary( &avifile_dll ))
return false;
if( !Sys_LoadLibrary( &msvfw_dll ))
Sys_FreeLibrary( &avifile_dll );
return false;
if( !Sys_LoadLibrary( &msacm_dll ))
Sys_FreeLibrary( &avifile_dll );
Sys_FreeLibrary( &msvfw_dll );
return false;
avi_initialized = true;
return true;
void AVI_Shutdown( void )
if( !avi_initialized ) return;
Sys_FreeLibrary( &avifile_dll );
Sys_FreeLibrary( &msvfw_dll );
Sys_FreeLibrary( &msacm_dll );
avi_initialized = false;
#endif // _WIN32