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com_model.h - cient model structures
Copyright (C) 2010 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef COM_MODEL_H
#define COM_MODEL_H
#include "xash3d_types.h"
#include "bspfile.h" // we need some declarations from it
#define ZISCALE ((float)0x8000)
#define MIPLEVELS 4
#define VERTEXSIZE 7
#define MAXLIGHTMAPS 4 // max light styles per face
#define MAXDYNLIGHTS 8 // maximum dynamic lights per one pixel
#define NUM_AMBIENTS 4 // automatic ambient sounds
// model types
typedef enum
mod_bad = -1,
} modtype_t;
typedef struct mplane_s
vec3_t normal;
float dist;
byte type; // for fast side tests
byte signbits; // signx + (signy<<1) + (signz<<1)
byte pad[2];
} mplane_t;
typedef struct
vec3_t position;
} mvertex_t;
typedef struct
int planenum;
int children[2]; // negative numbers are contents
short children[2]; // negative numbers are contents
} mclipnode_t;
// size is matched but representation is not
typedef struct
unsigned int v[2];
unsigned short v[2];
unsigned int cachededgeoffset;
} medge_t;
typedef struct texture_s
char name[16];
unsigned int width, height;
int gl_texturenum;
struct msurface_s *texturechain; // for gl_texsort drawing
int anim_total; // total tenths in sequence ( 0 = no)
int anim_min, anim_max; // time for this frame min <=time< max
struct texture_s *anim_next; // in the animation sequence
struct texture_s *alternate_anims; // bmodels in frame 1 use these
unsigned short fb_texturenum; // auto-luma texturenum
unsigned short dt_texturenum; // detail-texture binding
unsigned int unused[3]; // reserved
} texture_t;
typedef struct
char landname[16]; // name of decsription in mapname_land.txt
unsigned short texture_step; // default is 16, pixels\luxels ratio
unsigned short max_extent; // default is 16, subdivision step ((texture_step * max_extent) - texture_step)
short groupid; // to determine equal landscapes from various groups, -1 - no group
vec3_t mins, maxs; // terrain bounds (fill by user)
int reserved[32]; // just for future expansions or mod-makers
} mfaceinfo_t;
typedef struct
mplane_t *edges;
int numedges;
vec3_t origin;
vec_t radius; // for culling tests
int contents; // sky or solid
} mfacebevel_t;
typedef struct
float vecs[2][4]; // [s/t] unit vectors in world space.
// [i][3] is the s/t offset relative to the origin.
// s or t = dot( 3Dpoint, vecs[i] ) + vecs[i][3]
mfaceinfo_t *faceinfo; // pointer to landscape info and lightmap resolution (may be NULL)
texture_t *texture;
int flags; // sky or slime, no lightmap or 256 subdivision
} mtexinfo_t;
typedef struct glpoly_s
struct glpoly_s *next;
struct glpoly_s *chain;
int numverts;
int flags; // for SURF_UNDERWATER
float verts[4][VERTEXSIZE]; // variable sized (xyz s1t1 s2t2)
} glpoly_t;
typedef struct mnode_s
// common with leaf
int contents; // 0, to differentiate from leafs
int visframe; // node needs to be traversed if current
float minmaxs[6]; // for bounding box culling
struct mnode_s *parent;
// node specific
mplane_t *plane;
struct mnode_s *children[2];
int firstsurface;
int numsurfaces;
unsigned short firstsurface;
unsigned short numsurfaces;
} mnode_t;
typedef struct msurface_s msurface_t;
typedef struct decal_s decal_t;
// JAY: Compress this as much as possible
struct decal_s
decal_t *pnext; // linked list for each surface
msurface_t *psurface; // Surface id for persistence / unlinking
float dx; // local texture coordinates
float dy; //
float scale; // Pixel scale
short texture; // Decal texture
short flags; // Decal flags FDECAL_*
short entityIndex; // Entity this is attached to
// Xash3D specific
vec3_t position; // location of the decal center in world space.
glpoly_t *polys; // precomputed decal vertices
int reserved[4]; // just for future expansions or mod-makers
typedef struct mleaf_s
// common with node
int contents;
int visframe; // node needs to be traversed if current
float minmaxs[6]; // for bounding box culling
struct mnode_s *parent;
// leaf specific
byte *compressed_vis;
struct efrag_s *efrags;
msurface_t **firstmarksurface;
int nummarksurfaces;
int cluster; // helper to acess to uncompressed visdata
byte ambient_sound_level[NUM_AMBIENTS];
} mleaf_t;
// surface extradata
typedef struct mextrasurf_s
vec3_t mins, maxs;
vec3_t origin; // surface origin
struct msurface_s *surf; // upcast to surface
// extended light info
int dlight_s, dlight_t; // gl lightmap coordinates for dynamic lightmaps
short lightmapmins[2]; // lightmatrix
short lightextents[2];
float lmvecs[2][4];
color24 *deluxemap; // note: this is the actual deluxemap data for this surface
byte *shadowmap; // note: occlusion map for this surface
// begin userdata
struct msurface_s *lightmapchain; // lightmapped polys
struct mextrasurf_s *detailchain; // for detail textures drawing
mfacebevel_t *bevel; // for exact face traceline
struct mextrasurf_s *lumachain; // draw fullbrights
struct cl_entity_s *parent; // upcast to owner entity
int mirrortexturenum; // gl texnum
float mirrormatrix[4][4];
struct grasshdr_s *grass; // grass that linked by this surface
unsigned short grasscount; // number of bushes per polygon (used to determine total VBO size)
unsigned short numverts; // world->vertexes[]
int firstvertex; // fisrt look up in tr.tbn_vectors[], then acess to world->vertexes[]
int reserved[32]; // just for future expansions or mod-makers
} mextrasurf_t;
struct msurface_s
int visframe; // should be drawn when node is crossed
mplane_t *plane; // pointer to shared plane
int flags; // see SURF_ #defines
int firstedge; // look up in model->surfedges[], negative numbers
int numedges; // are backwards edges
short texturemins[2];
short extents[2];
int light_s, light_t; // gl lightmap coordinates
glpoly_t *polys; // multiple if warped
struct msurface_s *texturechain;
mtexinfo_t *texinfo;
// lighting info
int dlightframe; // last frame the surface was checked by an animated light
int dlightbits; // dynamically generated. Indicates if the surface illumination
// is modified by an animated light.
int lightmaptexturenum;
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
int cached_light[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // values currently used in lightmap
mextrasurf_t *info; // pointer to surface extradata (was cached_dlight)
color24 *samples; // note: this is the actual lightmap data for this surface
decal_t *pdecals;
typedef struct hull_s
mclipnode_t *clipnodes;
mplane_t *planes;
int firstclipnode;
int lastclipnode;
vec3_t clip_mins;
vec3_t clip_maxs;
} hull_t;
#ifndef CACHE_USER
#define CACHE_USER
typedef struct cache_user_s
void *data; // extradata
} cache_user_t;
typedef struct model_s
char name[64]; // model name
qboolean needload; // bmodels and sprites don't cache normally
// shared modelinfo
modtype_t type; // model type
int numframes; // sprite's framecount
byte *mempool; // private mempool (was synctype)
int flags; // hl compatibility
// volume occupied by the model
vec3_t mins, maxs; // bounding box at angles '0 0 0'
float radius;
// brush model
int firstmodelsurface;
int nummodelsurfaces;
int numsubmodels;
dmodel_t *submodels; // or studio animations
int numplanes;
mplane_t *planes;
int numleafs; // number of visible leafs, not counting 0
mleaf_t *leafs;
int numvertexes;
mvertex_t *vertexes;
int numedges;
medge_t *edges;
int numnodes;
mnode_t *nodes;
int numtexinfo;
mtexinfo_t *texinfo;
int numsurfaces;
msurface_t *surfaces;
int numsurfedges;
int *surfedges;
int numclipnodes;
mclipnode_t *clipnodes;
int nummarksurfaces;
msurface_t **marksurfaces;
hull_t hulls[MAX_MAP_HULLS];
int numtextures;
texture_t **textures;
byte *visdata;
color24 *lightdata;
char *entities;
// additional model data
cache_user_t cache; // only access through Mod_Extradata
} model_t;
typedef struct alight_s
int ambientlight; // clip at 128
int shadelight; // clip at 192 - ambientlight
vec3_t color;
float *plightvec;
} alight_t;
typedef struct auxvert_s
float fv[3]; // viewspace x, y
} auxvert_t;
#define MAX_INFO_STRING 256
#include "custom.h"
typedef struct player_info_s
int userid; // User id on server
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING]; // User info string
char name[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]; // Name (extracted from userinfo)
int spectator; // Spectator or not, unused (frags for quake demo playback)
int ping;
int packet_loss;
// skin information
char model[64];
int topcolor;
int bottomcolor;
// last frame rendered
int renderframe;
// Gait frame estimation
int gaitsequence;
float gaitframe;
float gaityaw;
vec3_t prevgaitorigin;
customization_t customdata;
// hashed cd key
char hashedcdkey[16];
} player_info_t;
// sprite representation in memory
typedef enum { SPR_SINGLE = 0, SPR_GROUP, SPR_ANGLED } spriteframetype_t;
typedef struct mspriteframe_s
int width;
int height;
float up, down, left, right;
int gl_texturenum;
} mspriteframe_t;
typedef struct
int numframes;
float *intervals;
mspriteframe_t *frames[1];
} mspritegroup_t;
typedef struct
spriteframetype_t type;
mspriteframe_t *frameptr;
} mspriteframedesc_t;
typedef struct
short type;
short texFormat;
int maxwidth;
int maxheight;
int numframes;
int radius;
int facecull;
int synctype;
mspriteframedesc_t frames[1];
} msprite_t;
Alias models are position independent, so the cache manager can move them.
#define MAXALIASVERTS 2048
#define MAXALIASTRIS 4096
#define MAX_SKINS 32
// This mirrors trivert_t in trilib.h, is present so Quake knows how to
// load this data
typedef struct
byte v[3];
byte lightnormalindex;
} trivertex_t;
typedef struct
int firstpose;
int numposes;
trivertex_t bboxmin;
trivertex_t bboxmax;
float interval;
char name[16];
} maliasframedesc_t;
typedef struct
int ident;
int version;
vec3_t scale;
vec3_t scale_origin;
float boundingradius;
vec3_t eyeposition;
int numskins;
int skinwidth;
int skinheight;
int numverts;
int numtris;
int numframes;
int synctype;
int flags;
float size;
int reserved[8]; // VBO offsets
int numposes;
int poseverts;
trivertex_t *posedata; // numposes * poseverts trivert_t
int *commands; // gl command list with embedded s/t
unsigned short gl_texturenum[MAX_SKINS][4];
unsigned short fb_texturenum[MAX_SKINS][4];
unsigned short gl_reserved0[MAX_SKINS][4]; // detail tex
unsigned short gl_reserved1[MAX_SKINS][4]; // normalmap
unsigned short gl_reserved2[MAX_SKINS][4]; // glossmap
maliasframedesc_t frames[1]; // variable sized
} aliashdr_t;
// remapping info
#define SUIT_HUE_START 192
#define SUIT_HUE_END 223
#define PLATE_HUE_START 160
#define PLATE_HUE_END 191
#define SHIRT_HUE_START 16
#define SHIRT_HUE_END 32
#define PANTS_HUE_START 96
#define PANTS_HUE_END 112
// 1/32 epsilon to keep floating point happy
#define DIST_EPSILON (1.0f / 32.0f)
#define FRAC_EPSILON (1.0f / 1024.0f)
#define BACKFACE_EPSILON 0.01f
#define MAX_BOX_LEAFS 256
#define ANIM_CYCLE 2
#define MOD_FRAMES 20
#define MAX_DEMOS 32
#define MAX_MOVIES 8
#define MAX_CDTRACKS 32
#define MAX_CLIENT_SPRITES 256 // SpriteTextures
#define MAX_EFRAGS 8192 // Arcane Dimensions required
#define MAX_REQUESTS 64