Xash3D FWGS engine.

410 lines
11 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2016, Michel Mooij
# Copyright (c) 2023, Velaron
Generate *cmake* files of all C/C++ programs, static- and shared libraries
that have been defined within a *waf* build environment.
Once exported to *cmake*, all exported (C/C++) tasks can be build without
any further need for, or dependency, to the *waf* build system itself.
**cmake** is an open source cross-platform build system designed to build, test
and package software. It is available for all major Desktop Operating Systems
(MS Windows, all major Linux distributions and Macintosh OS-X).
See http://www.cmake.org for a more detailed description on how to install
and use it for your particular Desktop environment.
When exporting *waf* project data, a single top level **CMakeLists.txt** file
will be exported in the top level directory of your *waf* build environment.
This *cmake* build file will contain references to all exported *cmake*
build files of each individual C/C++ build task. It will also contain generic
variables and settings (e.g compiler to use, global preprocessor defines, link
options and so on).
Example below presents an overview of an environment in which *cmake*
build files already have been exported::
├── components
│ └── clib
│ ├── program
│ │ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ │ └── wscript
│ ├── shared
│ │ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ │ └── wscript
│ └── static
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ └── wscript
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── wscript
Tasks can be exported to *cmake* using the command, as shown in the
example below::
$ waf cmake
All exported *cmake* build files can be removed in 'one go' using the *cmake*
*cleanup* option::
$ waf cmake --cmake-clean
Tasks generators to be excluded can be marked with the *skipme* option
as shown below::
def build(bld):
bld.program(name='foo', src='foobar.c', cmake_skip=True)
from waflib.Build import BuildContext
from waflib import Utils, Logs, Context, Errors
def get_deps(bld, target):
'''Returns a list of (nested) targets on which this target depends.
:param bld: a *waf* build instance from the top level *wscript*
:type bld: waflib.Build.BuildContext
:param target: task name for which the dependencies should be returned
:type target: str
:returns: a list of task names on which the given target depends
tgen = bld.get_tgen_by_name(target)
except Errors.WafError:
return []
uses = Utils.to_list(getattr(tgen, 'use', []))
deps = uses[:]
for use in uses:
deps += get_deps(bld, use)
return list(set(deps))
def get_tgens(bld, names):
'''Returns a list of task generators based on the given list of task
generator names.
:param bld: a *waf* build instance from the top level *wscript*
:type bld: waflib.Build.BuildContext
:param names: list of task generator names
:type names: list of str
:returns: list of task generators
tgens = []
for name in names:
tgen = bld.get_tgen_by_name(name)
except Errors.WafError:
return list(set(tgens))
def get_targets(bld):
'''Returns a list of user specified build targets or None if no specific
build targets has been selected using the *--targets=* command line option.
:param bld: a *waf* build instance from the top level *wscript*.
:type bld: waflib.Build.BuildContext
:returns: a list of user specified target names (using --targets=x,y,z) or None
if bld.targets == '':
return None
targets = bld.targets.split(',')
for target in targets:
targets += get_deps(bld, target)
return targets
def options(opt):
'''Adds command line options for the CMake *waftool*.
:param opt: Options context from the *waf* build environment.
:type opt: waflib.Options.OptionsContext
opt.add_option('--cmake', dest='cmake', default=False,
action='store_true', help='select cmake for export/import actions')
opt.add_option('--clean', dest='clean', default=False,
action='store_true', help='delete exported files')
def configure(conf):
'''Method that will be invoked by *waf* when configuring the build
:param conf: Configuration context from the *waf* build environment.
:type conf: waflib.Configure.ConfigurationContext
conf.find_program('cmake', var='CMAKE', mandatory=False)
class CMakeContext(BuildContext):
'''export C/C++ tasks to CMake.'''
cmd = 'cmake'
def execute(self):
'''Will be invoked when issuing the *cmake* command.'''
if not self.all_envs:
for group in self.groups:
for tgen in group:
f = tgen.post
except AttributeError:
except Exception:
self.cmake = True
if self.options.clean:
self.timer = Utils.Timer()
def export(bld):
'''Exports all C and C++ task generators to cmake.
:param bld: a *waf* build instance from the top level *wscript*.
:type bld: waflib.Build.BuildContext
if not bld.options.cmake and not hasattr(bld, 'cmake'):
cmakes = {}
loc = bld.path.relpath().replace('\\', '/')
top = CMake(bld, loc)
cmakes[loc] = top
targets = get_targets(bld)
for tgen in bld.task_gen_cache_names.values():
if targets and tgen.get_name() not in targets:
if getattr(tgen, 'cmake_skip', False):
if set(('c', 'cxx')) & set(getattr(tgen, 'features', [])):
loc = tgen.path.relpath().replace('\\', '/')
if loc not in cmakes:
cmake = CMake(bld, loc)
cmakes[loc] = cmake
for cmake in cmakes.values():
def cleanup(bld):
'''Removes all generated makefiles from the *waf* build environment.
:param bld: a *waf* build instance from the top level *wscript*.
:type bld: waflib.Build.BuildContext
if not bld.options.clean:
loc = bld.path.relpath().replace('\\', '/')
CMake(bld, loc).cleanup()
targets = get_targets(bld)
for tgen in bld.task_gen_cache_names.values():
if targets and tgen.get_name() not in targets:
if getattr(tgen, 'cmake_skip', False):
if set(('c', 'cxx')) & set(getattr(tgen, 'features', [])):
loc = tgen.path.relpath().replace('\\', '/')
CMake(bld, loc).cleanup()
class CMake(object):
def __init__(self, bld, location):
self.bld = bld
self.location = location
self.cmakes = []
self.tgens = []
def export(self):
content = self.get_content()
if not content:
node = self.make_node()
if not node:
Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'exported: %s' % node.abspath())
def cleanup(self):
node = self.find_node()
if node:
Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'removed: %s' % node.abspath())
def add_child(self, cmake):
def add_tgen(self, tgen):
def get_location(self):
return self.location
def get_fname(self):
name = '%s/CMakeLists.txt' % (self.location)
return name
def find_node(self):
name = self.get_fname()
if not name:
return None
return self.bld.srcnode.find_node(name)
def make_node(self):
name = self.get_fname()
if not name:
return None
return self.bld.srcnode.make_node(name)
def get_content(self):
is_top = (self.location == self.bld.path.relpath())
content = ''
if is_top:
content += 'cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)\n'
content += 'project(%s)\n' % (getattr(Context.g_module,
content += '\n'
env = self.bld.env
defines = env.DEFINES
if len(defines):
content += 'add_definitions(\n -D%s\n)\n' % (
'\n -D'.join(defines))
content += '\n'
flags = env.CFLAGS
if len(flags):
content += 'set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "%s")\n' % (' '.join(flags))
flags = env.CXXFLAGS
if len(flags):
content += 'set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "%s")\n' % (' '.join(flags))
if len(self.tgens):
content += '\n'
for tgen in self.tgens:
content += self.get_tgen_content(tgen)
if len(self.cmakes):
content += '\n'
for cmake in self.cmakes:
content += 'add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/%s)\n' % (
return content
def get_tgen_content(self, tgen):
content = ''
name = tgen.get_name()
content += 'set(%s_SRC' % (name.upper())
for src in tgen.source:
content += '\n %s' % (src.path_from(tgen.path).replace('\\', '/'))
content += '\n)\n\n'
includes = self.get_includes(tgen)
# includes.extend(tgen.env.INCLUDES)
if len(includes):
content += 'set(%s_INCLUDES' % (name.upper())
for include in includes:
content += '\n %s' % include
content += '\n)\n\n'
content += 'include_directories(${%s_INCLUDES})\n' % (name.upper())
link_dirs = getattr(tgen.env, 'LIBPATH', [])
if len(link_dirs):
content += '\nlink_directories('
for dir in link_dirs:
content += '\n \"%s\"' % dir.replace('\\', '/')
content += '\n)\n\n'
if set(('cprogram', 'cxxprogram')) & set(tgen.features):
if tgen.env.DEST_OS == 'win32':
content += 'add_executable(%s WIN32 ${%s_SRC})\n' % (
name, name.upper())
content += 'add_executable(%s ${%s_SRC})\n' % (name,
elif set(('cshlib', 'cxxshlib')) & set(tgen.features):
content += 'add_library(%s SHARED ${%s_SRC})\n\n' % (
name, name.upper())
else: # cstlib, cxxstlib or objects
content += 'add_library(%s ${%s_SRC})\n\n' % (name, name.upper())
defines = self.get_genlist(tgen, 'defines')
if len(defines):
content += 'target_compile_definitions(%s PRIVATE\n -D%s\n)\n' % (
name, '\n -D'.join(defines))
content += '\n'
libs = getattr(tgen.env, 'LIB', [])
if len(libs):
content += '\n'
content += 'target_link_libraries(%s\n %s)\n' % (name, '\n '.join(libs))
content += '\n'
return content
def get_includes(self, tgen):
'''returns the include paths for the given task generator.
includes = self.get_genlist(tgen, 'includes')
for use in getattr(tgen, 'use', []):
key = 'INCLUDES_%s' % use
tg = self.bld.get_tgen_by_name(use)
if 'fake_lib' in tg.features:
if key in tgen.env:
includes.extend([l.replace('\\', '/')
for l in tgen.env[key]])
except Errors.WafError:
if key in tgen.env:
includes.extend([l.replace('\\', '/')
for l in tgen.env[key]])
return includes
def get_genlist(self, tgen, name):
lst = Utils.to_list(getattr(tgen, name, []))
lst = [str(l.path_from(tgen.path)) if hasattr(
l, 'path_from') else l for l in lst]
return [l.replace('\\', '/') for l in lst]