/* soundlib.h - engine sound lib Copyright (C) 2010 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #ifndef SOUNDLIB_H #define SOUNDLIB_H #include "common.h" #define FRAME_SIZE 32768 // must match with mp3 frame size #define OUTBUF_SIZE 8192 // don't change! typedef struct loadwavfmt_s { const char *formatstring; const char *ext; qboolean (*loadfunc)( const char *name, const byte *buffer, fs_offset_t filesize ); } loadwavfmt_t; typedef struct streamfmt_s { const char *formatstring; const char *ext; stream_t *(*openfunc)( const char *filename ); int (*readfunc)( stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer ); int (*setposfunc)( stream_t *stream, int newpos ); int (*getposfunc)( stream_t *stream ); void (*freefunc)( stream_t *stream ); } streamfmt_t; typedef struct sndlib_s { const loadwavfmt_t *loadformats; const streamfmt_t *streamformat; // music stream // current sound state int type; // sound type int rate; // num samples per second (e.g. 11025 - 11 khz) int width; // resolution - bum bits divided by 8 (8 bit is 1, 16 bit is 2) int channels; // num channels (1 - mono, 2 - stereo) int loopstart; // start looping from uint samples; // total samplecount in sound uint flags; // additional sound flags size_t size; // sound unpacked size (for bounds checking) byte *wav; // sound pointer (see sound_type for details) byte *tempbuffer; // for convert operations int cmd_flags; } sndlib_t; struct stream_s { const streamfmt_t *format; // streamformat to operate // stream info file_t *file; // stream file int width; // resolution - num bits divided by 8 (8 bit is 1, 16 bit is 2) int rate; // stream rate int channels; // stream channels int type; // wavtype size_t size; // total stream size // current stream state void *ptr; // internal decoder state char temp[OUTBUF_SIZE]; // mpeg decoder stuff size_t pos; // actual track position (or actual buffer remains) int buffsize; // cached buffer size }; /* ======================================================================== .WAV sound format ======================================================================== */ #define RIFFHEADER (('F'<<24)+('F'<<16)+('I'<<8)+'R') // little-endian "RIFF" #define WAVEHEADER (('E'<<24)+('V'<<16)+('A'<<8)+'W') // little-endian "WAVE" #define FORMHEADER ((' '<<24)+('t'<<16)+('m'<<8)+'f') // little-endian "fmt " #define DATAHEADER (('a'<<24)+('t'<<16)+('a'<<8)+'d') // little-endian "data" typedef struct { int riff_id; // 'RIFF' int rLen; int wave_id; // 'WAVE' int fmt_id; // 'fmt ' int pcm_header_len; // varies... short wFormatTag; short nChannels; // 1,2 for stereo data is (l,r) pairs int nSamplesPerSec; int nAvgBytesPerSec; short nBlockAlign; short nBitsPerSample; } wavehdr_t; typedef struct { int data_id; // 'data' or 'fact' int dLen; } chunkhdr_t; extern sndlib_t sound; // // formats load // qboolean Sound_LoadWAV( const char *name, const byte *buffer, fs_offset_t filesize ); qboolean Sound_LoadMPG( const char *name, const byte *buffer, fs_offset_t filesize ); // // stream operate // stream_t *Stream_OpenWAV( const char *filename ); int Stream_ReadWAV( stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer ); int Stream_SetPosWAV( stream_t *stream, int newpos ); int Stream_GetPosWAV( stream_t *stream ); void Stream_FreeWAV( stream_t *stream ); stream_t *Stream_OpenMPG( const char *filename ); int Stream_ReadMPG( stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer ); int Stream_SetPosMPG( stream_t *stream, int newpos ); int Stream_GetPosMPG( stream_t *stream ); void Stream_FreeMPG( stream_t *stream ); #endif//SOUNDLIB_H