#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # mittorn, 2018 from waflib import Logs import os top = '.' def options(opt): opt.add_option( '--vgui', action = 'store', type='string', dest = 'VGUI_DEV', help = 'path to vgui-dev repo', default='' ) # stub return def configure(conf): if conf.options.DEDICATED: return if not conf.options.VGUI_DEV: conf.fatal("Provide a path to vgui-dev repository using --vgui key") if conf.env.DEST_CPU != 'x86' and not (conf.env.DEST_CPU == 'x86_64' and not conf.options.ALLOW64): # multilib case conf.fatal('vgui is not supported on this CPU: ' + conf.env.DEST_CPU) if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'win32': conf.env.LIB_VGUI = ['vgui.lib'] conf.env.LIBPATH_VGUI = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(conf.options.VGUI_DEV, 'lib/win32_vc6/'))] else: if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'linux': conf.env.LIB_VGUI = [':vgui.so'] elif conf.env.DEST_OS == 'darwin': conf.env.LIB_VGUI = ['vgui.dylib'] else: conf.fatal('vgui is not supported on this OS: ' + conf.env.DEST_OS) conf.env.LIBPATH_VGUI = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(conf.options.VGUI_DEV, 'lib'))] conf.env.INCLUDES_VGUI = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(conf.options.VGUI_DEV, 'include'))] conf.env.HAVE_VGUI = 1 conf.msg('Checking VGUI', '{0}, {1}, {2}'.format(conf.env.LIB_VGUI, conf.env.LIBPATH_VGUI, conf.env.INCLUDES_VGUI)) def get_subproject_name(ctx): return os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(str(ctx.path))) def build(bld): bld.load_envs() bld.env = bld.all_envs[get_subproject_name(bld)] if bld.env.DEDICATED: return # basic build: dedicated only, no dependencies if bld.env.DEST_OS != 'win32': libs = [ 'DL', 'M' ] libs.append('VGUI') source = bld.path.ant_glob(['*.cpp']) includes = [ '.', '../common', '../engine' ] bld.shlib( source = source, target = 'vgui_support', features = 'cxx', includes = includes, use = libs)