/* s_backend.c - sound hardware output Copyright (C) 2009 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "platform/platform.h" #if XASH_SOUND == SOUND_SDL #include "sound.h" #include <SDL.h> #define SAMPLE_16BIT_SHIFT 1 #define SECONDARY_BUFFER_SIZE 0x10000 /* ======================================================================= Global variables. Must be visible to window-procedure function so it can unlock and free the data block after it has been played. ======================================================================= */ static int sdl_dev; //static qboolean snd_firsttime = true; //static qboolean primary_format_set; void SDL_SoundCallback( void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len ) { int size = dma.samples << 1; int pos = dma.samplepos << 1; int wrapped = pos + len - size; if( wrapped < 0 ) { memcpy( stream, dma.buffer + pos, len ); dma.samplepos += len >> 1; } else { int remaining = size - pos; memcpy( stream, dma.buffer + pos, remaining ); memcpy( stream + remaining, dma.buffer, wrapped ); dma.samplepos = wrapped >> 1; } } /* ================== SNDDMA_Init Try to find a sound device to mix for. Returns false if nothing is found. ================== */ qboolean SNDDMA_Init( void ) { SDL_AudioSpec desired, obtained; int samplecount; if( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_AUDIO ) ) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Audio: SDL: %s \n", SDL_GetError( ) ); return false; } // even if we don't have PA // we still can safely set env variables SDL_setenv( "PULSE_PROP_application.name", GI->title, 1 ); SDL_setenv( "PULSE_PROP_media.role", "game", 1 ); memset( &desired, 0, sizeof( desired ) ); desired.freq = SOUND_DMA_SPEED; desired.format = AUDIO_S16LSB; desired.samples = 1024; desired.channels = 2; desired.callback = SDL_SoundCallback; sdl_dev = SDL_OpenAudioDevice( NULL, 0, &desired, &obtained, 0 ); if( !sdl_dev ) { Con_Printf( "Couldn't open SDL audio: %s\n", SDL_GetError( ) ); return false; } if( obtained.format != AUDIO_S16LSB ) { Con_Printf( "SDL audio format %d unsupported.\n", obtained.format ); goto fail; } if( obtained.channels != 1 && obtained.channels != 2 ) { Con_Printf( "SDL audio channels %d unsupported.\n", obtained.channels ); goto fail; } dma.format.speed = obtained.freq; dma.format.channels = obtained.channels; dma.format.width = 2; samplecount = s_samplecount->value; if( !samplecount ) samplecount = 0x8000; dma.samples = samplecount * obtained.channels; dma.buffer = Z_Malloc( dma.samples * 2 ); dma.samplepos = 0; Con_Printf( "Using SDL audio driver: %s @ %d Hz\n", SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver( ), obtained.freq ); SDL_PauseAudioDevice( sdl_dev, 0 ); dma.initialized = true; return true; fail: SNDDMA_Shutdown( ); return false; } /* ============== SNDDMA_GetDMAPos return the current sample position (in mono samples read) inside the recirculating dma buffer, so the mixing code will know how many sample are required to fill it up. =============== */ int SNDDMA_GetDMAPos( void ) { return dma.samplepos; } /* ============== SNDDMA_GetSoundtime update global soundtime =============== */ int SNDDMA_GetSoundtime( void ) { static int buffers, oldsamplepos; int samplepos, fullsamples; fullsamples = dma.samples / 2; // it is possible to miscount buffers // if it has wrapped twice between // calls to S_Update. Oh well. samplepos = SNDDMA_GetDMAPos( ); if( samplepos < oldsamplepos ) { buffers++; // buffer wrapped if( paintedtime > 0x40000000 ) { // time to chop things off to avoid 32 bit limits buffers = 0; paintedtime = fullsamples; S_StopAllSounds( true ); } } oldsamplepos = samplepos; return ( buffers * fullsamples + samplepos / 2 ); } /* ============== SNDDMA_BeginPainting Makes sure dma.buffer is valid =============== */ void SNDDMA_BeginPainting( void ) { SDL_LockAudio( ); } /* ============== SNDDMA_Submit Send sound to device if buffer isn't really the dma buffer Also unlocks the dsound buffer =============== */ void SNDDMA_Submit( void ) { SDL_UnlockAudio( ); } /* ============== SNDDMA_Shutdown Reset the sound device for exiting =============== */ void SNDDMA_Shutdown( void ) { Con_Printf( "Shutting down audio.\n" ); dma.initialized = false; if( sdl_dev ) { SDL_PauseAudioDevice( sdl_dev, 1 ); #ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__ SDL_CloseAudioDevice( sdl_dev ); SDL_CloseAudio( ); #endif } #ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__ if( SDL_WasInit( SDL_INIT_AUDIO ) ) SDL_QuitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_AUDIO ); #endif if( dma.buffer ) { Mem_Free( dma.buffer ); dma.buffer = NULL; } } /* =========== SNDDMA_Activate Called when the main window gains or loses focus. The window have been destroyed and recreated between a deactivate and an activate. =========== */ void SNDDMA_Activate( qboolean active ) { SDL_PauseAudioDevice( sdl_dev, !active ); } #endif // XASH_SOUND == SOUND_SDL