/* crtlib.c - internal stdlib Copyright (C) 2011 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "port.h" #include "xash3d_types.h" #include "const.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include "stdio.h" #include "crtlib.h" #if HAVE_TGMATH_H #include <tgmath.h> #endif void Q_strnupr( const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out ) { if( size_out == 0 ) return; while( *in && size_out > 1 ) { if( *in >= 'a' && *in <= 'z' ) *out++ = *in++ + 'A' - 'a'; else *out++ = *in++; size_out--; } *out = '\0'; } void Q_strnlwr( const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out ) { if( size_out == 0 ) return; while( *in && size_out > 1 ) { if( *in >= 'A' && *in <= 'Z' ) *out++ = *in++ + 'a' - 'A'; else *out++ = *in++; size_out--; } *out = '\0'; } qboolean Q_isdigit( const char *str ) { if( str && *str ) { while( isdigit( *str )) str++; if( !*str ) return true; } return false; } int Q_strlen( const char *string ) { int len; const char *p; if( !string ) return 0; len = 0; p = string; while( *p ) { p++; len++; } return len; } int Q_colorstr( const char *string ) { int len; const char *p; if( !string ) return 0; len = 0; p = string; while( *p ) { if( IsColorString( p )) { len += 2; p += 2; continue; } p++; } return len; } char Q_toupper( const char in ) { char out; if( in >= 'a' && in <= 'z' ) out = in + 'A' - 'a'; else out = in; return out; } char Q_tolower( const char in ) { char out; if( in >= 'A' && in <= 'Z' ) out = in + 'a' - 'A'; else out = in; return out; } size_t Q_strncat( char *dst, const char *src, size_t size ) { register char *d = dst; register const char *s = src; register size_t n = size; size_t dlen; if( !dst || !src || !size ) return 0; // find the end of dst and adjust bytes left but don't go past end while( n-- != 0 && *d != '\0' ) d++; dlen = d - dst; n = size - dlen; if( n == 0 ) return( dlen + Q_strlen( s )); while( *s != '\0' ) { if( n != 1 ) { *d++ = *s; n--; } s++; } *d = '\0'; return( dlen + ( s - src )); // count does not include NULL } size_t Q_strncpy( char *dst, const char *src, size_t size ) { register char *d = dst; register const char *s = src; register size_t n = size; if( !dst || !src || !size ) return 0; // copy as many bytes as will fit if( n != 0 && --n != 0 ) { do { if(( *d++ = *s++ ) == 0 ) break; } while( --n != 0 ); } // not enough room in dst, add NULL and traverse rest of src if( n == 0 ) { if( size != 0 ) *d = '\0'; // NULL-terminate dst while( *s++ ); } return ( s - src - 1 ); // count does not include NULL } int Q_atoi( const char *str ) { int val = 0; int c, sign; if( !str ) return 0; // check for empty charachters in string while( str && *str == ' ' ) str++; if( !str ) return 0; if( *str == '-' ) { sign = -1; str++; } else sign = 1; // check for hex if( str[0] == '0' && ( str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X' )) { str += 2; while( 1 ) { c = *str++; if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) val = (val<<4) + c - '0'; else if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) val = (val<<4) + c - 'a' + 10; else if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) val = (val<<4) + c - 'A' + 10; else return val * sign; } } // check for character if( str[0] == '\'' ) return sign * str[1]; // assume decimal while( 1 ) { c = *str++; if( c < '0' || c > '9' ) return val * sign; val = val * 10 + c - '0'; } return 0; } float Q_atof( const char *str ) { double val = 0; int c, sign, decimal, total; if( !str ) return 0.0f; // check for empty charachters in string while( str && *str == ' ' ) str++; if( !str ) return 0.0f; if( *str == '-' ) { sign = -1; str++; } else sign = 1; // check for hex if( str[0] == '0' && ( str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X' )) { str += 2; while( 1 ) { c = *str++; if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) val = (val * 16) + c - '0'; else if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) val = (val * 16) + c - 'a' + 10; else if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) val = (val * 16) + c - 'A' + 10; else return val * sign; } } // check for character if( str[0] == '\'' ) return sign * str[1]; // assume decimal decimal = -1; total = 0; while( 1 ) { c = *str++; if( c == '.' ) { decimal = total; continue; } if( c < '0' || c > '9' ) break; val = val * 10 + c - '0'; total++; } if( decimal == -1 ) return val * sign; while( total > decimal ) { val /= 10; total--; } return val * sign; } void Q_atov( float *vec, const char *str, size_t siz ) { string buffer; char *pstr, *pfront; int j; Q_strncpy( buffer, str, sizeof( buffer )); memset( vec, 0, sizeof( vec_t ) * siz ); pstr = pfront = buffer; for( j = 0; j < siz; j++ ) { vec[j] = Q_atof( pfront ); // valid separator is space while( *pstr && *pstr != ' ' ) pstr++; if( !*pstr ) break; pstr++; pfront = pstr; } } char *Q_strchr( const char *s, char c ) { int len = Q_strlen( s ); while( len-- ) { if( *++s == c ) return (char *)s; } return 0; } char *Q_strrchr( const char *s, char c ) { int len = Q_strlen( s ); s += len; while( len-- ) { if( *--s == c ) return (char *)s; } return 0; } int Q_strnicmp( const char *s1, const char *s2, int n ) { int c1, c2; if( s1 == NULL ) { if( s2 == NULL ) return 0; else return -1; } else if( s2 == NULL ) { return 1; } do { c1 = *s1++; c2 = *s2++; if( !n-- ) return 0; // strings are equal until end point if( c1 != c2 ) { if( c1 >= 'a' && c1 <= 'z' ) c1 -= ('a' - 'A'); if( c2 >= 'a' && c2 <= 'z' ) c2 -= ('a' - 'A'); if( c1 != c2 ) return c1 < c2 ? -1 : 1; } } while( c1 ); // strings are equal return 0; } int Q_strncmp( const char *s1, const char *s2, int n ) { int c1, c2; if( s1 == NULL ) { if( s2 == NULL ) return 0; else return -1; } else if( s2 == NULL ) { return 1; } do { c1 = *s1++; c2 = *s2++; // strings are equal until end point if( !n-- ) return 0; if( c1 != c2 ) return c1 < c2 ? -1 : 1; } while( c1 ); // strings are equal return 0; } static qboolean Q_starcmp( const char *pattern, const char *text ) { char c, c1; const char *p = pattern, *t = text; while(( c = *p++ ) == '?' || c == '*' ) { if( c == '?' && *t++ == '\0' ) return false; } if( c == '\0' ) return true; for( c1 = (( c == '\\' ) ? *p : c ); ; ) { if( Q_tolower( *t ) == c1 && Q_stricmpext( p - 1, t )) return true; if( *t++ == '\0' ) return false; } } qboolean Q_stricmpext( const char *pattern, const char *text ) { char c; while(( c = *pattern++ ) != '\0' ) { switch( c ) { case '?': if( *text++ == '\0' ) return false; break; case '\\': if( Q_tolower( *pattern++ ) != Q_tolower( *text++ )) return false; break; case '*': return Q_starcmp( pattern, text ); default: if( Q_tolower( c ) != Q_tolower( *text++ )) return false; } } return ( *text == '\0' ); } const char* Q_timestamp( int format ) { static string timestamp; time_t crt_time; const struct tm *crt_tm; string timestring; time( &crt_time ); crt_tm = localtime( &crt_time ); switch( format ) { case TIME_FULL: // Build the full timestamp (ex: "Apr03 2007 [23:31.55]"); strftime( timestring, sizeof( timestring ), "%b%d %Y [%H:%M.%S]", crt_tm ); break; case TIME_DATE_ONLY: // Build the date stamp only (ex: "Apr03 2007"); strftime( timestring, sizeof( timestring ), "%b%d %Y", crt_tm ); break; case TIME_TIME_ONLY: // Build the time stamp only (ex: "23:31.55"); strftime( timestring, sizeof( timestring ), "%H:%M.%S", crt_tm ); break; case TIME_NO_SECONDS: // Build the time stamp exclude seconds (ex: "13:46"); strftime( timestring, sizeof( timestring ), "%H:%M", crt_tm ); break; case TIME_YEAR_ONLY: // Build the date stamp year only (ex: "2006"); strftime( timestring, sizeof( timestring ), "%Y", crt_tm ); break; case TIME_FILENAME: // Build a timestamp that can use for filename (ex: "Nov2006-26 (19.14.28)"); strftime( timestring, sizeof( timestring ), "%b%Y-%d_%H.%M.%S", crt_tm ); break; default: return NULL; } Q_strncpy( timestamp, timestring, sizeof( timestamp )); return timestamp; } char *Q_strstr( const char *string, const char *string2 ) { int c, len; if( !string || !string2 ) return NULL; c = *string2; len = Q_strlen( string2 ); while( string ) { for( ; *string && *string != c; string++ ); if( *string ) { if( !Q_strncmp( string, string2, len )) break; string++; } else return NULL; } return (char *)string; } char *Q_stristr( const char *string, const char *string2 ) { int c, len; if( !string || !string2 ) return NULL; c = Q_tolower( *string2 ); len = Q_strlen( string2 ); while( string ) { for( ; *string && Q_tolower( *string ) != c; string++ ); if( *string ) { if( !Q_strnicmp( string, string2, len )) break; string++; } else return NULL; } return (char *)string; } int Q_vsnprintf( char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format, va_list args ) { size_t result; #ifndef _MSC_VER result = vsnprintf( buffer, buffersize, format, args ); #else __try { result = _vsnprintf( buffer, buffersize, format, args ); } // to prevent crash while output __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Q_strncpy( buffer, "^1sprintf throw exception^7\n", buffersize ); result = buffersize; } #endif if( result >= buffersize ) { buffer[buffersize - 1] = '\0'; return -1; } return result; } int Q_snprintf( char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format, ... ) { va_list args; int result; va_start( args, format ); result = Q_vsnprintf( buffer, buffersize, format, args ); va_end( args ); return result; } int Q_sprintf( char *buffer, const char *format, ... ) { va_list args; int result; va_start( args, format ); result = Q_vsnprintf( buffer, 99999, format, args ); va_end( args ); return result; } uint Q_hashkey( const char *string, uint hashSize, qboolean caseinsensitive ) { uint i, hashKey = 0; if( caseinsensitive ) { for( i = 0; string[i]; i++) hashKey += (i * 119) * Q_tolower( string[i] ); } else { for( i = 0; string[i]; i++ ) hashKey += (i + 119) * (int)string[i]; } hashKey = ((hashKey ^ (hashKey >> 10)) ^ (hashKey >> 20)) & (hashSize - 1); return hashKey; } char *Q_pretifymem( float value, int digitsafterdecimal ) { static char output[8][32]; static int current; float onekb = 1024.0f; float onemb = onekb * onekb; char suffix[8]; char *out = output[current]; char val[32], *i, *o, *dot; int pos; current = ( current + 1 ) & ( 8 - 1 ); // first figure out which bin to use if( value > onemb ) { value /= onemb; Q_sprintf( suffix, " Mb" ); } else if( value > onekb ) { value /= onekb; Q_sprintf( suffix, " Kb" ); } else Q_sprintf( suffix, " bytes" ); // clamp to >= 0 digitsafterdecimal = max( digitsafterdecimal, 0 ); // if it's basically integral, don't do any decimals if( fabs( value - (int)value ) < 0.00001f ) { Q_sprintf( val, "%i%s", (int)value, suffix ); } else { char fmt[32]; // otherwise, create a format string for the decimals Q_sprintf( fmt, "%%.%if%s", digitsafterdecimal, suffix ); Q_sprintf( val, fmt, (double)value ); } // copy from in to out i = val; o = out; // search for decimal or if it was integral, find the space after the raw number dot = Q_strstr( i, "." ); if( !dot ) dot = Q_strstr( i, " " ); pos = dot - i; // compute position of dot pos -= 3; // don't put a comma if it's <= 3 long while( *i ) { // if pos is still valid then insert a comma every third digit, except if we would be // putting one in the first spot if( pos >= 0 && !( pos % 3 )) { // never in first spot if( o != out ) *o++ = ','; } pos--; // count down comma position *o++ = *i++; // copy rest of data as normal } *o = 0; // terminate return out; } /* ============ va does a varargs printf into a temp buffer, so I don't need to have varargs versions of all text functions. ============ */ char *va( const char *format, ... ) { va_list argptr; static char string[256][1024], *s; static int stringindex = 0; s = string[stringindex]; stringindex = (stringindex + 1) & 255; va_start( argptr, format ); Q_vsnprintf( s, sizeof( string[0] ), format, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); return s; } /* ============ COM_FileBase Extracts the base name of a file (no path, no extension, assumes '/' as path separator) ============ */ void COM_FileBase( const char *in, char *out ) { int len, start, end; len = Q_strlen( in ); if( !len ) return; // scan backward for '.' end = len - 1; while( end && in[end] != '.' && in[end] != '/' && in[end] != '\\' ) end--; if( in[end] != '.' ) end = len-1; // no '.', copy to end else end--; // found ',', copy to left of '.' // scan backward for '/' start = len - 1; while( start >= 0 && in[start] != '/' && in[start] != '\\' ) start--; if( start < 0 || ( in[start] != '/' && in[start] != '\\' )) start = 0; else start++; // length of new sting len = end - start + 1; // Copy partial string Q_strncpy( out, &in[start], len + 1 ); out[len] = 0; } /* ============ COM_FileExtension ============ */ const char *COM_FileExtension( const char *in ) { const char *separator, *backslash, *colon, *dot; separator = Q_strrchr( in, '/' ); backslash = Q_strrchr( in, '\\' ); if( !separator || separator < backslash ) separator = backslash; colon = Q_strrchr( in, ':' ); if( !separator || separator < colon ) separator = colon; dot = Q_strrchr( in, '.' ); if( dot == NULL || ( separator && ( dot < separator ))) return ""; return dot + 1; } /* ============ COM_FileWithoutPath ============ */ const char *COM_FileWithoutPath( const char *in ) { const char *separator, *backslash, *colon; separator = Q_strrchr( in, '/' ); backslash = Q_strrchr( in, '\\' ); if( !separator || separator < backslash ) separator = backslash; colon = Q_strrchr( in, ':' ); if( !separator || separator < colon ) separator = colon; return separator ? separator + 1 : in; } /* ============ COM_ExtractFilePath ============ */ void COM_ExtractFilePath( const char *path, char *dest ) { const char *src = path + Q_strlen( path ) - 1; // back up until a \ or the start while( src != path && !(*(src - 1) == '\\' || *(src - 1) == '/' )) src--; if( src != path ) { memcpy( dest, path, src - path ); dest[src - path - 1] = 0; // cutoff backslash } else Q_strcpy( dest, "" ); // file without path } /* ============ COM_StripExtension ============ */ void COM_StripExtension( char *path ) { size_t length; length = Q_strlen( path ) - 1; while( length > 0 && path[length] != '.' ) { length--; if( path[length] == '/' || path[length] == '\\' || path[length] == ':' ) return; // no extension } if( length ) path[length] = 0; } /* ================== COM_DefaultExtension ================== */ void COM_DefaultExtension( char *path, const char *extension ) { const char *src; // if path doesn't have a .EXT, append extension // (extension should include the .) src = path + Q_strlen( path ) - 1; while( *src != '/' && src != path ) { // it has an extension if( *src == '.' ) return; src--; } Q_strcat( path, extension ); } /* ================== COM_ReplaceExtension ================== */ void COM_ReplaceExtension( char *path, const char *extension ) { COM_StripExtension( path ); COM_DefaultExtension( path, extension ); } int matchpattern( const char *in, const char *pattern, qboolean caseinsensitive ) { return matchpattern_with_separator( in, pattern, caseinsensitive, "/\\:", false ); } // wildcard_least_one: if true * matches 1 or more characters // if false * matches 0 or more characters int matchpattern_with_separator( const char *in, const char *pattern, qboolean caseinsensitive, const char *separators, qboolean wildcard_least_one ) { int c1, c2; while( *pattern ) { switch( *pattern ) { case 0: return 1; // end of pattern case '?': // match any single character if( *in == 0 || Q_strchr( separators, *in )) return 0; // no match in++; pattern++; break; case '*': // match anything until following string if( wildcard_least_one ) { if( *in == 0 || Q_strchr( separators, *in )) return 0; // no match in++; } pattern++; while( *in ) { if( Q_strchr(separators, *in )) break; // see if pattern matches at this offset if( matchpattern_with_separator(in, pattern, caseinsensitive, separators, wildcard_least_one )) return 1; // nope, advance to next offset in++; } break; default: if( *in != *pattern ) { if( !caseinsensitive ) return 0; // no match c1 = *in; if( c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z' ) c1 += 'a' - 'A'; c2 = *pattern; if( c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z' ) c2 += 'a' - 'A'; if( c1 != c2 ) return 0; // no match } in++; pattern++; break; } } if( *in ) return 0; // reached end of pattern but not end of input return 1; // success }