/* vgui_font.cpp - fonts management Copyright (C) 2011 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to link the code of this program with VGUI library developed by Valve, L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than VGUI library. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #include "vgui_main.h" int FontCache::s_pFontPageSize[FONT_PAGE_SIZE_COUNT] = { 16, 32, 64, 128 }; FontCache::FontCache() : m_CharCache( 0, 256, CacheEntryLessFunc ) { CacheEntry_t listHead = { 0, 0 }; m_LRUListHeadIndex = m_CharCache.Insert( listHead ); m_CharCache[m_LRUListHeadIndex].nextEntry = m_LRUListHeadIndex; m_CharCache[m_LRUListHeadIndex].prevEntry = m_LRUListHeadIndex; for( int i = 0; i < FONT_PAGE_SIZE_COUNT; i++ ) { m_pCurrPage[i] = -1; } } bool FontCache::CacheEntryLessFunc( CacheEntry_t const &lhs, CacheEntry_t const &rhs ) { if( lhs.font < rhs.font ) return true; else if( lhs.font > rhs.font ) return false; return ( lhs.ch < rhs.ch ); } bool FontCache::GetTextureForChar( Font *font, char ch, int *textureID, float **texCoords ) { static CacheEntry_t cacheitem; cacheitem.font = font; cacheitem.ch = ch; Assert( texCoords != NULL ); *texCoords = cacheitem.texCoords; HCacheEntry cacheHandle = m_CharCache.Find( cacheitem ); if( cacheHandle != 65535 && m_CharCache.IsValidIndex( cacheHandle )) { // we have an entry already, return that int page = m_CharCache[cacheHandle].page; *textureID = m_PageList[page].textureID; //else return false; *texCoords = m_CharCache[cacheHandle].texCoords; return true; } // get the char details int fontTall = font->getTall(); int a, b, c; font->getCharABCwide( (byte)ch, a, b, c ); int fontWide = b; // get a texture to render into int page, drawX, drawY, twide, ttall; if( !AllocatePageForChar( fontWide, fontTall, page, drawX, drawY, twide, ttall )) return false; // create a buffer and render the character into it int nByteCount = s_pFontPageSize[FONT_PAGE_SIZE_COUNT-1] * s_pFontPageSize[FONT_PAGE_SIZE_COUNT-1] * 4; byte * rgba = (byte *)g_api->EngineMalloc(nByteCount);//(byte *)Z_Malloc( nByteCount ); font->getCharRGBA( (byte)ch, 0, 0, fontWide, fontTall, rgba ); // upload the new sub texture g_api->BindTexture( m_PageList[page].textureID ); g_api->UploadTextureBlock( m_PageList[page].textureID, drawX, drawY, rgba, fontWide, fontTall ); // set the cache info cacheitem.page = page; cacheitem.texCoords[0] = (float)((double)drawX / ((double)twide)); cacheitem.texCoords[1] = (float)((double)drawY / ((double)ttall)); cacheitem.texCoords[2] = (float)((double)(drawX + fontWide) / (double)twide); cacheitem.texCoords[3] = (float)((double)(drawY + fontTall) / (double)ttall); m_CharCache.Insert( cacheitem ); // return the data *textureID = m_PageList[page].textureID; // memcpy( texCoords, cacheitem.texCoords, sizeof( float ) * 4 ); return true; } int FontCache::ComputePageType( int charTall ) const { for( int i = 0; i < FONT_PAGE_SIZE_COUNT; i++ ) { if( charTall < s_pFontPageSize[i] ) return i; } return -1; } bool FontCache::AllocatePageForChar( int charWide, int charTall, int &pageIndex, int &drawX, int &drawY, int &twide, int &ttall ) { // see if there is room in the last page for this character int nPageType = ComputePageType( charTall ); if( nPageType < 0 ) return false; pageIndex = m_pCurrPage[nPageType]; int nNextX = 0; bool bNeedsNewPage = true; if( pageIndex > -1 ) { Page_t &page = m_PageList[pageIndex]; nNextX = page.nextX + charWide; // make sure we have room on the current line of the texture page if( nNextX > page.wide ) { // move down a line page.nextX = 0; nNextX = charWide; page.nextY += page.fontHeight + 1; } bNeedsNewPage = (( page.nextY + page.fontHeight + 1 ) > page.tall ); } if( bNeedsNewPage ) { // allocate a new page pageIndex = m_PageList.AddToTail(); Page_t &newPage = m_PageList[pageIndex]; m_pCurrPage[nPageType] = pageIndex; newPage.textureID = g_api->GenerateTexture(); newPage.fontHeight = s_pFontPageSize[nPageType]; newPage.wide = 256; newPage.tall = 256; newPage.nextX = 0; newPage.nextY = 0; nNextX = charWide; // create empty texture g_api->CreateTexture( newPage.textureID, 256, 256 ); } // output the position Page_t &page = m_PageList[pageIndex]; drawX = page.nextX; drawY = page.nextY; twide = page.wide; ttall = page.tall; // update the next position to draw in page.nextX = nNextX + 1; return true; }