/* zip.c - ZIP support for filesystem Copyright (C) 2019 Mr0maks Copyright (C) 2022 Alibek Omarov This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #if XASH_POSIX #include #endif #include #include #include STDINT_H #include "port.h" #include "filesystem_internal.h" #include "crtlib.h" #include "common/com_strings.h" #include "miniz.h" #define ZIP_HEADER_LF (('K'<<8)+('P')+(0x03<<16)+(0x04<<24)) #define ZIP_HEADER_SPANNED ((0x08<<24)+(0x07<<16)+('K'<<8)+'P') #define ZIP_HEADER_CDF ((0x02<<24)+(0x01<<16)+('K'<<8)+'P') #define ZIP_HEADER_EOCD ((0x06<<24)+(0x05<<16)+('K'<<8)+'P') #define ZIP_COMPRESSION_NO_COMPRESSION 0 #define ZIP_COMPRESSION_DEFLATED 8 #define ZIP_ZIP64 0xffffffff #pragma pack( push, 1 ) typedef struct zip_header_s { unsigned int signature; // little endian ZIP_HEADER unsigned short version; // version of pkzip need to unpack unsigned short flags; // flags (16 bits == 16 flags) unsigned short compression_flags; // compression flags (bits) unsigned int dos_date; // file modification time and file modification date unsigned int crc32; //crc32 unsigned int compressed_size; unsigned int uncompressed_size; unsigned short filename_len; unsigned short extrafield_len; } zip_header_t; /* in zip64 comp and uncompr size == 0xffffffff remeber this compressed and uncompress filesize stored in extra field */ typedef struct zip_header_extra_s { unsigned int signature; // ZIP_HEADER_SPANNED unsigned int crc32; unsigned int compressed_size; unsigned int uncompressed_size; } zip_header_extra_t; typedef struct zip_cdf_header_s { unsigned int signature; unsigned short version; unsigned short version_need; unsigned short generalPurposeBitFlag; unsigned short flags; unsigned short modification_time; unsigned short modification_date; unsigned int crc32; unsigned int compressed_size; unsigned int uncompressed_size; unsigned short filename_len; unsigned short extrafield_len; unsigned short file_commentary_len; unsigned short disk_start; unsigned short internal_attr; unsigned int external_attr; unsigned int local_header_offset; } zip_cdf_header_t; typedef struct zip_header_eocd_s { unsigned short disk_number; unsigned short start_disk_number; unsigned short number_central_directory_record; unsigned short total_central_directory_record; unsigned int size_of_central_directory; unsigned int central_directory_offset; unsigned short commentary_len; } zip_header_eocd_t; #pragma pack( pop ) // ZIP errors #define ZIP_LOAD_OK 0 #define ZIP_LOAD_COULDNT_OPEN 1 #define ZIP_LOAD_BAD_HEADER 2 #define ZIP_LOAD_BAD_FOLDERS 3 #define ZIP_LOAD_NO_FILES 5 #define ZIP_LOAD_CORRUPTED 6 typedef struct zipfile_s { char name[MAX_SYSPATH]; fs_offset_t offset; // offset of local file header fs_offset_t size; //original file size fs_offset_t compressed_size; // compressed file size unsigned short flags; } zipfile_t; struct zip_s { string filename; int handle; int numfiles; time_t filetime; zipfile_t *files; }; #ifdef XASH_REDUCE_FD static void FS_EnsureOpenZip( zip_t *zip ) { if( fs_last_zip == zip ) return; if( fs_last_zip && (fs_last_zip->handle != -1) ) { close( fs_last_zip->handle ); fs_last_zip->handle = -1; } fs_last_zip = zip; if( zip && (zip->handle == -1) ) zip->handle = open( zip->filename, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY ); } #else static void FS_EnsureOpenZip( zip_t *zip ) {} #endif /* ============ FS_CloseZIP ============ */ static void FS_CloseZIP( zip_t *zip ) { if( zip->files ) Mem_Free( zip->files ); FS_EnsureOpenZip( NULL ); if( zip->handle >= 0 ) close( zip->handle ); Mem_Free( zip ); } /* ============ FS_Close_ZIP ============ */ static void FS_Close_ZIP( searchpath_t *search ) { FS_CloseZIP( search->zip ); } /* ============ FS_SortZip ============ */ static int FS_SortZip( const void *a, const void *b ) { return Q_stricmp( ( ( zipfile_t* )a )->name, ( ( zipfile_t* )b )->name ); } /* ============ FS_LoadZip ============ */ static zip_t *FS_LoadZip( const char *zipfile, int *error ) { int numpackfiles = 0, i; zip_cdf_header_t header_cdf; zip_header_eocd_t header_eocd; uint32_t signature; fs_offset_t filepos = 0, length; zipfile_t *info = NULL; char filename_buffer[MAX_SYSPATH]; zip_t *zip = (zip_t *)Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( *zip )); fs_size_t c; zip->handle = open( zipfile, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY ); #if !XASH_WIN32 if( zip->handle < 0 ) { const char *fzipfile = FS_FixFileCase( zipfile ); if( fzipfile != zipfile ) zip->handle = open( fzipfile, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY ); } #endif if( zip->handle < 0 ) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "%s couldn't open\n", zipfile ); if( error ) *error = ZIP_LOAD_COULDNT_OPEN; FS_CloseZIP( zip ); return NULL; } length = lseek( zip->handle, 0, SEEK_END ); if( length > UINT_MAX ) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "%s bigger than 4GB.\n", zipfile ); if( error ) *error = ZIP_LOAD_COULDNT_OPEN; FS_CloseZIP( zip ); return NULL; } lseek( zip->handle, 0, SEEK_SET ); c = read( zip->handle, &signature, sizeof( signature ) ); if( c != sizeof( signature ) || signature == ZIP_HEADER_EOCD ) { Con_Reportf( S_WARN "%s has no files. Ignored.\n", zipfile ); if( error ) *error = ZIP_LOAD_NO_FILES; FS_CloseZIP( zip ); return NULL; } if( signature != ZIP_HEADER_LF ) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "%s is not a zip file. Ignored.\n", zipfile ); if( error ) *error = ZIP_LOAD_BAD_HEADER; FS_CloseZIP( zip ); return NULL; } // Find oecd lseek( zip->handle, 0, SEEK_SET ); filepos = length; while ( filepos > 0 ) { lseek( zip->handle, filepos, SEEK_SET ); c = read( zip->handle, &signature, sizeof( signature ) ); if( c == sizeof( signature ) && signature == ZIP_HEADER_EOCD ) break; filepos -= sizeof( char ); // step back one byte } if( ZIP_HEADER_EOCD != signature ) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "cannot find EOCD in %s. Zip file corrupted.\n", zipfile ); if( error ) *error = ZIP_LOAD_BAD_HEADER; FS_CloseZIP( zip ); return NULL; } c = read( zip->handle, &header_eocd, sizeof( header_eocd ) ); if( c != sizeof( header_eocd )) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "invalid EOCD header in %s. Zip file corrupted.\n", zipfile ); if( error ) *error = ZIP_LOAD_BAD_HEADER; FS_CloseZIP( zip ); return NULL; } // Move to CDF start lseek( zip->handle, header_eocd.central_directory_offset, SEEK_SET ); // Calc count of files in archive info = (zipfile_t *)Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( *info ) * header_eocd.total_central_directory_record ); for( i = 0; i < header_eocd.total_central_directory_record; i++ ) { c = read( zip->handle, &header_cdf, sizeof( header_cdf ) ); if( c != sizeof( header_cdf ) || header_cdf.signature != ZIP_HEADER_CDF ) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "CDF signature mismatch in %s. Zip file corrupted.\n", zipfile ); if( error ) *error = ZIP_LOAD_BAD_HEADER; Mem_Free( info ); FS_CloseZIP( zip ); return NULL; } if( header_cdf.uncompressed_size && header_cdf.filename_len && ( header_cdf.filename_len < MAX_SYSPATH ) ) { memset( &filename_buffer, '\0', MAX_SYSPATH ); c = read( zip->handle, &filename_buffer, header_cdf.filename_len ); if( c != header_cdf.filename_len ) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "filename length mismatch in %s. Zip file corrupted.\n", zipfile ); if( error ) *error = ZIP_LOAD_CORRUPTED; Mem_Free( info ); FS_CloseZIP( zip ); return NULL; } Q_strncpy( info[numpackfiles].name, filename_buffer, MAX_SYSPATH ); info[numpackfiles].size = header_cdf.uncompressed_size; info[numpackfiles].compressed_size = header_cdf.compressed_size; info[numpackfiles].offset = header_cdf.local_header_offset; numpackfiles++; } else lseek( zip->handle, header_cdf.filename_len, SEEK_CUR ); if( header_cdf.extrafield_len ) lseek( zip->handle, header_cdf.extrafield_len, SEEK_CUR ); if( header_cdf.file_commentary_len ) lseek( zip->handle, header_cdf.file_commentary_len, SEEK_CUR ); } // recalculate offsets for( i = 0; i < numpackfiles; i++ ) { zip_header_t header; lseek( zip->handle, info[i].offset, SEEK_SET ); c = read( zip->handle, &header, sizeof( header ) ); if( c != sizeof( header )) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "header length mismatch in %s. Zip file corrupted.\n", zipfile ); if( error ) *error = ZIP_LOAD_CORRUPTED; Mem_Free( info ); FS_CloseZIP( zip ); return NULL; } info[i].flags = header.compression_flags; info[i].offset = info[i].offset + header.filename_len + header.extrafield_len + sizeof( header ); } Q_strncpy( zip->filename, zipfile, sizeof( zip->filename ) ); zip->filetime = FS_SysFileTime( zipfile ); zip->numfiles = numpackfiles; zip->files = info; qsort( zip->files, zip->numfiles, sizeof( *zip->files ), FS_SortZip ); #ifdef XASH_REDUCE_FD // will reopen when needed close(zip->handle); zip->handle = -1; #endif if( error ) *error = ZIP_LOAD_OK; return zip; } /* =========== FS_OpenZipFile Open a packed file using its package file descriptor =========== */ file_t *FS_OpenFile_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename, const char *mode, int pack_ind ) { zipfile_t *pfile; pfile = &search->zip->files[pack_ind]; // compressed files handled in Zip_LoadFile if( pfile->flags != ZIP_COMPRESSION_NO_COMPRESSION ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "%s: can't open compressed file %s\n", __FUNCTION__, pfile->name ); return NULL; } return FS_OpenHandle( search->zip->filename, search->zip->handle, pfile->offset, pfile->size ); } /* =========== FS_LoadZIPFile =========== */ byte *FS_LoadZIPFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *sizeptr, qboolean gamedironly ) { searchpath_t *search; int index; zipfile_t *file = NULL; byte *compressed_buffer = NULL, *decompressed_buffer = NULL; int zlib_result = 0; dword test_crc, final_crc; z_stream decompress_stream; size_t c; if( sizeptr ) *sizeptr = 0; search = FS_FindFile( path, &index, gamedironly ); if( !search || search->type != SEARCHPATH_ZIP ) return NULL; file = &search->zip->files[index]; FS_EnsureOpenZip( search->zip ); if( lseek( search->zip->handle, file->offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 ) return NULL; /*if( read( search->zip->handle, &header, sizeof( header ) ) < 0 ) return NULL; if( header.signature != ZIP_HEADER_LF ) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Zip_LoadFile: %s signature error\n", file->name ); return NULL; }*/ if( file->flags == ZIP_COMPRESSION_NO_COMPRESSION ) { decompressed_buffer = Mem_Malloc( fs_mempool, file->size + 1 ); decompressed_buffer[file->size] = '\0'; c = read( search->zip->handle, decompressed_buffer, file->size ); if( c != file->size ) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Zip_LoadFile: %s size doesn't match\n", file->name ); return NULL; } #if 0 CRC32_Init( &test_crc ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &test_crc, decompressed_buffer, file->size ); final_crc = CRC32_Final( test_crc ); if( final_crc != file->crc32 ) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Zip_LoadFile: %s file crc32 mismatch\n", file->name ); Mem_Free( decompressed_buffer ); return NULL; } #endif if( sizeptr ) *sizeptr = file->size; FS_EnsureOpenZip( NULL ); return decompressed_buffer; } else if( file->flags == ZIP_COMPRESSION_DEFLATED ) { compressed_buffer = Mem_Malloc( fs_mempool, file->compressed_size + 1 ); decompressed_buffer = Mem_Malloc( fs_mempool, file->size + 1 ); decompressed_buffer[file->size] = '\0'; c = read( search->zip->handle, compressed_buffer, file->compressed_size ); if( c != file->compressed_size ) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Zip_LoadFile: %s compressed size doesn't match\n", file->name ); return NULL; } memset( &decompress_stream, 0, sizeof( decompress_stream ) ); decompress_stream.total_in = decompress_stream.avail_in = file->compressed_size; decompress_stream.next_in = (Bytef *)compressed_buffer; decompress_stream.total_out = decompress_stream.avail_out = file->size; decompress_stream.next_out = (Bytef *)decompressed_buffer; decompress_stream.zalloc = Z_NULL; decompress_stream.zfree = Z_NULL; decompress_stream.opaque = Z_NULL; if( inflateInit2( &decompress_stream, -MAX_WBITS ) != Z_OK ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Zip_LoadFile: inflateInit2 failed\n" ); Mem_Free( compressed_buffer ); Mem_Free( decompressed_buffer ); return NULL; } zlib_result = inflate( &decompress_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH ); inflateEnd( &decompress_stream ); if( zlib_result == Z_OK || zlib_result == Z_STREAM_END ) { Mem_Free( compressed_buffer ); // finaly free compressed buffer #if 0 CRC32_Init( &test_crc ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &test_crc, decompressed_buffer, file->size ); final_crc = CRC32_Final( test_crc ); if( final_crc != file->crc32 ) { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Zip_LoadFile: %s file crc32 mismatch\n", file->name ); Mem_Free( decompressed_buffer ); return NULL; } #endif if( sizeptr ) *sizeptr = file->size; FS_EnsureOpenZip( NULL ); return decompressed_buffer; } else { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Zip_LoadFile: %s : error while file decompressing. Zlib return code %d.\n", file->name, zlib_result ); Mem_Free( compressed_buffer ); Mem_Free( decompressed_buffer ); return NULL; } } else { Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Zip_LoadFile: %s : file compressed with unknown algorithm.\n", file->name ); return NULL; } FS_EnsureOpenZip( NULL ); return NULL; } /* =========== FS_FileTime_ZIP =========== */ int FS_FileTime_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename ) { return search->zip->filetime; } /* =========== FS_PrintInfo_ZIP =========== */ void FS_PrintInfo_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, char *dst, size_t size ) { Q_snprintf( dst, size, "%s (%i files)", search->zip->filename, search->zip->numfiles ); } /* =========== FS_FindFile_ZIP =========== */ int FS_FindFile_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, const char *path ) { int left, right, middle; // look for the file (binary search) left = 0; right = search->zip->numfiles - 1; while( left <= right ) { int diff; middle = (left + right) / 2; diff = Q_stricmp( search->zip->files[middle].name, path ); // Found it if( !diff ) return middle; // if we're too far in the list if( diff > 0 ) right = middle - 1; else left = middle + 1; } return -1; } /* =========== FS_Search_ZIP =========== */ void FS_Search_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive ) { string temp; const char *slash, *backslash, *colon, *separator; int j, i; for( i = 0; i < search->zip->numfiles; i++ ) { Q_strncpy( temp, search->zip->files[i].name, sizeof( temp )); while( temp[0] ) { if( matchpattern( temp, pattern, true )) { for( j = 0; j < list->numstrings; j++ ) { if( !Q_strcmp( list->strings[j], temp )) break; } if( j == list->numstrings ) stringlistappend( list, temp ); } // strip off one path element at a time until empty // this way directories are added to the listing if they match the pattern slash = Q_strrchr( temp, '/' ); backslash = Q_strrchr( temp, '\\' ); colon = Q_strrchr( temp, ':' ); separator = temp; if( separator < slash ) separator = slash; if( separator < backslash ) separator = backslash; if( separator < colon ) separator = colon; *((char *)separator) = 0; } } } /* =========== FS_AddZip_Fullpath =========== */ qboolean FS_AddZip_Fullpath( const char *zipfile, qboolean *already_loaded, int flags ) { searchpath_t *search; zip_t *zip = NULL; const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( zipfile ); int errorcode = ZIP_LOAD_COULDNT_OPEN; for( search = fs_searchpaths; search; search = search->next ) { if( search->type == SEARCHPATH_ZIP && !Q_stricmp( search->zip->filename, zipfile )) { if( already_loaded ) *already_loaded = true; return true; // already loaded } } if( already_loaded ) *already_loaded = false; if( !Q_stricmp( ext, "pk3" ) ) zip = FS_LoadZip( zipfile, &errorcode ); if( zip ) { string fullpath; int i; search = (searchpath_t *)Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( searchpath_t ) ); search->zip = zip; search->type = SEARCHPATH_ZIP; search->next = fs_searchpaths; search->flags |= flags; search->pfnPrintInfo = FS_PrintInfo_ZIP; search->pfnClose = FS_Close_ZIP; search->pfnOpenFile = FS_OpenFile_ZIP; search->pfnFileTime = FS_FileTime_ZIP; search->pfnFindFile = FS_FindFile_ZIP; search->pfnSearch = FS_Search_ZIP; fs_searchpaths = search; Con_Reportf( "Adding zipfile: %s (%i files)\n", zipfile, zip->numfiles ); // time to add in search list all the wads that contains in current pakfile (if do) for( i = 0; i < zip->numfiles; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( COM_FileExtension( zip->files[i].name ), "wad" )) { Q_snprintf( fullpath, MAX_STRING, "%s/%s", zipfile, zip->files[i].name ); FS_AddWad_Fullpath( fullpath, NULL, flags ); } } return true; } else { if( errorcode != ZIP_LOAD_NO_FILES ) Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "FS_AddZip_Fullpath: unable to load zip \"%s\"\n", zipfile ); return false; } }