#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Michel Mooij, michel.mooij7@gmail.com # modified: Alibek Omarov, a1ba.omarov@gmail.com ''' Summary ------- Exports and converts *waf* project data, for C/C++ programs, static- and shared libraries, into **Microsoft Visual Studio**, also known as **msdev**, project files (.vcproj) and solution (.sln) files. **Microsoft Visual Studio** is a mature and stable integrated development environment for, amongst others, the C and C++ programming language. A free version of this IDE, known as the *express* version can be obtained from Microsoft at http://wwww.visualstudio.com. Description ----------- When exporting *waf* project data, a single **Visual Studio** solution will be exported in the top level directory of your *WAF* build environment. This solution file will contain references to all exported **Visual Studio** projects and will include dependencies between those projects and will have the same name as APPNAME variable from the top level *wscript* file. For each single task generator (*waflib.TaskGenerator*), for instance a *bld.program(...)* which has been defined within a *wscript* file somewhere in the build environment, a single **Visual Studio** project file will be generated in the same directory as where the task generator has been defined. The name of this task generator will be used as name for the exported **Visual Studio** project file. If for instance the name of the task generator is *hello*, then a **Visual Studio** project file named *hello.vcproj* will be exported. Example below presents an overview of an environment in which **Visual Studio** files already have been exported:: . ├── components │ └── clib │ ├── program │ │ ├── cprogram.vcproj │ │ └── wscript │ ├── shared │ │ ├── cshlib.vcproj │ │ └── wscript │ └── static │ ├── cstlib.vcproj │ └── wscript │ ├── waf.vcproj ├── appname.sln └── wscript Projects will be exported such that they will use the same settings and structure as has been defined for that build task within the *waf* build environment as much as possible. Note that since cross compilation is not really supported in this IDE, only the first environment encountered that is targeted for **MS Windows** will be exported; i.e. an environment in which:: bld.env.DEST_OS == 'win32' is true. Please note that in contrast to a *normal* IDE setup the exported projects will contain either a *debug* **or** a *release* build target but not both at the same time. By doing so exported projects will always use the same settings (e.g. compiler options, installation paths) as when building the same task in the *waf* build environment from command line. Usage ----- **Visual Studio** project and workspace files can be exported using the *msdev* command, as shown in the example below:: $ waf msdev When needed, exported **Visual Studio** project- and solution files can be removed using the *clean* command, as shown in the example below:: $ waf msdev --clean Once exported simply open the *appname.sln* using **Visual Studio** this will automatically open all exported projects as well. Tasks generators to be excluded can be marked with the *skipme* option as shown below:: def build(bld): bld.program(name='foo', src='foobar.c', msdev_skip=True) ''' import os import sys import copy import uuid import shutil import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree from xml.dom import minidom from waflib import Utils, Logs, Errors, Context from waflib.Build import BuildContext # import waftools # from waftools import deps from deps import get_targets def options(opt): '''Adds command line options to the *waf* build environment :param opt: Options context from the *waf* build environment. :type opt: waflib.Options.OptionsContext ''' opt.add_option('--msdev', dest='msdev', default=False, action='store_true', help='select msdev for export/import actions') opt.add_option('--clean', dest='clean', default=False, action='store_true', help='delete exported files') def configure(conf): '''Method that will be invoked by *waf* when configuring the build environment. :param conf: Configuration context from the *waf* build environment. :type conf: waflib.Configure.ConfigurationContext ''' pass class MsDevContext(BuildContext): '''export C/C++ tasks to MS Visual Studio projects and solutions.''' cmd = 'msdev' def execute(self): '''Will be invoked when issuing the *msdev* command.''' self.restore() if not self.all_envs: self.load_envs() self.recurse([self.run_dir]) self.pre_build() for group in self.groups: for tgen in group: try: f = tgen.post except AttributeError: pass else: f() try: self.get_tgen_by_name('') except Exception: pass self.msdev = True if self.options.clean: cleanup(self) else: export(self) self.timer = Utils.Timer() def get_subproject_env(bld, path): # remove top dir path path = str(path) if path.startswith(bld.top_dir): if bld.top_dir[-1] != os.pathsep: path = path[len(bld.top_dir) + 1:] else: path = path[len(bld.top_dir):] # iterate through possible subprojects names folders = os.path.normpath(path).split(os.sep) # print(folders) for i in range(1, len(folders)+1): name = folders[-i] # print(name) if name in bld.all_envs: Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'env: changed to %s' % name) return bld.all_envs[name] Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'env: changed to default env') raise IndexError('top env') def export(bld): '''Exports all C and C++ task generators as **Visual Studio** projects and creates a **Visual Studio** solution containing references to those project. :param bld: a *waf* build instance from the top level *wscript*. :type bld: waflib.Build.BuildContext ''' if not bld.options.msdev and not hasattr(bld, 'msdev'): return Logs.pprint('RED', '''This tool is intended only to ease development for Windows-fags. Don't use it for release builds, as it doesn't enables WinXP compatibility for now!''') solution = MsDevSolution(bld) targets = get_targets(bld) saveenv = bld.env # root env for tgen in bld.task_gen_cache_names.values(): if targets and tgen.get_name() not in targets: continue if getattr(tgen, 'msdev_skipme', False): continue try: bld.env = get_subproject_env(bld, tgen.path) except IndexError: bld.env = saveenv if set(('c', 'cxx')) & set(getattr(tgen, 'features', [])): project = MsDevProject(bld, tgen) project.export() (name, fname, deps, pid) = project.get_metadata() solution.add_project(name, fname, deps, pid) solution.export() def cleanup(bld): '''Removes all **Visual Studio** projects and workspaces from the *waf* build environment. :param bld: a *waf* build instance from the top level *wscript*. :type bld: waflib.Build.BuildContext ''' if not bld.options.msdev and not hasattr(bld, 'msdev'): return targets = get_targets(bld) saveenv = bld.env for tgen in bld.task_gen_cache_names.values(): if targets and tgen.get_name() not in targets: continue if getattr(tgen, 'msdev_skipme', False): continue try: bld.env = get_subproject_env(bld, tgen.path) except IndexError: bld.env = saveenv if set(('c', 'cxx')) & set(getattr(tgen, 'features', [])): project = MsDevProject(bld, tgen) project.cleanup() solution = MsDevSolution(bld) solution.cleanup() class MsDev(object): '''Abstract base class used for exporting *waf* project data to **Visual Studio** projects and solutions. REMARK: bld.objects() taks generators are treated as static libraries. :param bld: Build context as used in *wscript* files of your *waf* build environment. :type bld: waflib.Build.BuildContext ''' PROGRAM = '1' '''Identifier for projects containing an executable''' SHLIB = '2' '''Identifier for projects containing a shared library''' STLIB = '4' '''Identifier for projects containing a static library''' C = 'c' '''Identifier for projects using C language''' CXX = 'cxx' '''Identifier for projects using C++ language''' def __init__(self, bld): self.bld = bld def export(self): '''Exports a **Visual Studio** solution or project.''' content = self.get_content() if not content: return if self.xml_clean: content = self.xml_clean(content) node = self.make_node() if not node: return node.write(content) Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'exported: %s' % node.abspath()) def cleanup(self): '''Deletes a **Visual Studio** solution or project file including associated files (e.g. *.ncb*). ''' cwd = self.get_cwd() for node in cwd.ant_glob('*.user'): node.delete() Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'removed: %s' % node.abspath()) for node in cwd.ant_glob('*.ncb'): node.delete() Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'removed: %s' % node.abspath()) for node in cwd.ant_glob('*.suo'): node.delete() Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'removed: %s' % node.abspath()) for node in cwd.ant_glob('*.sln'): node.delete() Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'removed: %s' % node.abspath()) node = self.find_node() if node: node.delete() Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'removed: %s' % node.abspath()) def get_cwd(self): cwd = os.path.dirname(self.get_fname()) if cwd == "": cwd = "." return self.bld.srcnode.find_node(cwd) def find_node(self): name = self.get_fname() if not name: return None return self.bld.srcnode.find_node(name) def make_node(self): name = self.get_fname() if not name: return None return self.bld.srcnode.make_node(name.lower()) def get_fname(self): ''' Returns file name.''' return None def get_content(self): ''' Returns file content.''' return None def xml_clean(self, content): s = minidom.parseString(content).toprettyxml(indent="\t") lines = [l for l in s.splitlines() if not l.isspace() and len(l)] lines[0] = '' return '\n'.join(lines) class MsDevSolution(MsDev): '''Class used for exporting *waf* project data to a **Visual Studio** solution located in the lop level directory of the *waf* build environment. :param bld: Build context as used in *wscript* files of your *waf* build environment. :type bld: waflib.Build.BuildContext ''' def __init__(self, bld): super(MsDevSolution, self).__init__(bld) self.projects = {} self.xml_clean = None def get_fname(self): '''Returns the workspace's file name.''' return '%s.sln' % getattr(Context.g_module, Context.APPNAME) def export(self): '''Exports a **Visual Studio** solution.''' src = '%s/msdev.sln' % os.path.dirname(__file__) if not os.path.exists(src): self.bld.fatal("file not found: '%s'" % src) dst = self.get_fname() shutil.copyfile(src, dst) with open(src, 'r') as f: s = f.readlines() with open(dst, 'w') as f: for line in s[0:3]: f.write(line) for name, (fname, deps, pid) in self.projects.items(): sid = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper() f.write('Project("{%s}") = "%s", "%s", "{%s}"\n' % (sid, name, fname, pid)) if len(deps): f.write('\tProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\n') for d in deps: try: (_, _, pid) = self.projects[d] except KeyError: pass else: f.write('\t\t{%s} = {%s}\n' % (pid, pid)) f.write('\tEndProjectSection\n') f.write('EndProject\n') for line in s[3:8]: f.write(line) for _, (_, _, pid) in self.projects.items(): f.write('\t\t{%s}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n' % (pid)) f.write('\t\t{%s}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n' % (pid)) for line in s[8:]: f.write(line) Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'exported: %s' % os.path.abspath(dst)) def add_project(self, name, fname, deps, pid): '''Adds a project to the workspace. :param name: Name of the project. :type name: str :param fname: Complete path to the project file :type fname: str :param deps: List of names on which this project depends :type deps: list of str ''' self.projects[name] = (fname, deps, pid) class MsDevProject(MsDev): '''Class used for exporting *waf* project data to **Visual Studio** projects. :param bld: Build context as used in *wscript* files of your *waf* build environment. :type bld: waflib.Build.BuildContext :param gen: Task generator that contains all information of the task to be converted and exported to the **Visual Studio** project. :type gen: waflib.Task.TaskGen ''' def __init__(self, bld, gen): super(MsDevProject, self).__init__(bld) self.gen = gen self.id = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper() self.type = self.get_type(gen) self.language = self.get_language(gen) self.buildpath = self.get_buildpath(bld, gen) def get_type(self, gen): if set(('cprogram', 'cxxprogram')) & set(gen.features): return MsDev.PROGRAM elif set(('cshlib', 'cxxshlib')) & set(gen.features): return MsDev.SHLIB else: return MsDev.STLIB def get_language(self, gen): return MsDev.CXX if 'cxx' in gen.features else MsDev.C def get_buildpath(self, bld, gen): pth = '%s/%s' % (bld.path.get_bld().path_from(gen.path), gen.path.relpath()) return pth.replace('/', '\\') def get_fname(self): '''Returns the project's file name.''' return '%s/%s.vcproj' % (self.gen.path.relpath().replace('\\', '/'), self.gen.get_name()) def get_root(self): '''Returns a document root, either from an existing file, or from template.''' fname = self.get_fname() if os.path.exists(fname): tree = ElementTree.parse(fname) root = tree.getroot() else: root = ElementTree.fromstring(MSDEV_PROJECT) return root def get_content(self): '''Returns the content of a project file.''' root = self.get_root() root.set('Name', self.gen.get_name()) root.set('ProjectGUID', '{%s}' % self.id) configurations = root.find('Configurations') for configuration in configurations.iter('Configuration'): configuration.set('ConfigurationType', '%s' % self.type) configuration.set('OutputDirectory', '%s\\msdev' % self.buildpath) configuration.set('IntermediateDirectory', '%s\\msdev' % self.buildpath) for tool in configuration.iter('Tool'): name = tool.get('Name') if name == 'VCCLCompilerTool': tool.set('PreprocessorDefinitions', '%s' % self.get_compiler_defines(self.gen)) includes = [] for include in self.get_compiler_includes(self.bld, self.gen): includes.append('%s' % include) tool.set('AdditionalIncludeDirectories', ';'.join(includes)) if name == 'VCLinkerTool': if self.type == MsDev.PROGRAM: # Force Windows Subsystem # TODO: this isn't enables Windows XP compatibility! tool.set('SubSystem', '2') self.update_link_deps(tool) self.update_link_paths(tool) files = root.find('Files') self.update_includes(files) self.update_sources(files) return ElementTree.tostring(root) def update_includes(self, files): '''Add include files.''' includes = [] for filtr in files.iter('Filter'): if filtr.get('Name') == 'Header Files': for include in filtr.iter('File'): includes.append(include.get('RelativePath')) break if len(includes) == 0: filtr = ElementTree.SubElement(files, 'Filter', attrib={'Name':'Header Files', 'Filter':'h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd'}) filtr.set('UniqueIdentifier', '{%s}' % str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()) for include in self.get_include_files(self.bld, self.gen): if include not in includes: ElementTree.SubElement(filtr, 'File', attrib={'RelativePath':'%s' % include}) def update_sources(self, files): '''Add source files.''' sources = [] for filtr in files.iter('Filter'): if filtr.get('Name') == 'Source Files': for source in filtr.iter('File'): sources.append(source.get('RelativePath')) break if len(sources) == 0: filtr = ElementTree.SubElement(files, 'Filter', attrib={'Name':'Source Files', 'Filter':'cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx'}) filtr.set('UniqueIdentifier', '{%s}' % str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()) for source in self.get_genlist(self.gen, 'source'): if source not in sources: ElementTree.SubElement(filtr, 'File', attrib={'RelativePath':'%s' % source}) def update_link_deps(self, tool): '''Add libraries on which this project depends.''' deps = tool.get('AdditionalDependencies') deps = [] # clean out deps everytime libs = self.get_link_libs(self.bld, self.gen) for lib in libs: dep = '%s.lib' % lib if dep not in deps: deps.append(dep) if len(deps): add_deps = " ".join(deps) # work around when converting to vcxproj by inserting spaces tool.set('AdditionalDependencies', add_deps) def update_link_paths(self, tool): deps = tool.get('AdditionalLibraryDirectories', '') deps = [] dirs = self.get_link_paths(self.bld, self.gen) for dep in dirs: if dep not in deps: deps.append(dep) if len(deps): tool.set('AdditionalLibraryDirectories', ';'.join(deps)) def get_metadata(self): '''Returns a tuple containing project information (name, file name and dependencies). ''' name = self.gen.get_name() fname = self.get_fname().replace('/', '\\') deps = Utils.to_list(getattr(self.gen, 'use', [])) return (name, fname, deps, self.id) def get_genlist(self, gen, name): lst = Utils.to_list(getattr(gen, name, [])) lst = [str(l.path_from(gen.path)) if hasattr(l, 'path_from') else l for l in lst] return [l.replace('/', '\\') for l in lst] def get_compiler_options(self, bld, gen): if self.language == MsDev.CXX: flags = getattr(gen, 'cxxflags', []) + bld.env.CXXFLAGS else: flags = getattr(gen, 'cflags', []) + bld.env.CFLAGS if self.type == MsDev.SHLIB: if self.language == MsDev.CXX: flags.extend(bld.env.CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib) else: flags.extend(bld.env.CFLAGS_cshlib) return list(set(flags)) def get_compiler_includes(self, bld, gen): includes = self.get_genlist(gen, 'includes') for include in bld.env['INCLUDES']: root = bld.path.abspath().replace('\\', '/') pref = os.path.commonprefix([root, include]) if pref == root: node = bld.root.find_dir(include) if node: includes.append(node.path_from(gen.path).replace('/', '\\')) deps = Utils.to_list(getattr(gen, 'use', [])) for dep in deps: uselib_incs = bld.env['INCLUDES_%s' % dep] for uselib_inc in uselib_incs: Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'include ' + uselib_inc) Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'root: ' + bld.root) Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'top_dir: ' + bld.top_dir) Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'path: ' + bld.path) root = bld.top_dir.abspath().replace('\\', '/') pref = os.path.commonprefix([root, uselib_inc]) Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'pref: ' + pref) if pref == root: node = bld.top_dir.find_dir(uselib_inc) if node: includes.append(node.path_from(gen.path).replace('/', '\\')) includes.append(uselib_inc) return includes def get_compiler_defines(self, gen): defines = self.get_genlist(gen, 'defines') + gen.bld.env.DEFINES if 'win32' in sys.platform: defines = [d.replace('"', '\\"') for d in defines] defines = ';'.join(defines) return defines def get_link_options(self, bld, gen): flags = getattr(gen, 'linkflags', []) + bld.env.LINKFLAGS if self.language == MsDev.CXX: if self.type == MsDev.SHLIB: flags.extend(bld.env.LINKFLAGS_cxxshlib) else: flags.extend(bld.env.LINKFLAGS_cshlib) return list(set(flags)) def get_link_libs(self, bld, gen): libs = Utils.to_list(getattr(gen, 'lib', [])) deps = Utils.to_list(getattr(gen, 'use', [])) for dep in deps: try: tgen = bld.get_tgen_by_name(dep) except Errors.WafError: uselib_libs = bld.env['LIB_%s' % dep] for uselib_lib in uselib_libs: libs.append(uselib_lib) pass else: if self.type == MsDev.STLIB: libs.append(dep) return libs def get_link_paths(self, bld, gen): dirs = [] deps = Utils.to_list(getattr(gen, 'use', [])) for dep in deps: try: tgen = bld.get_tgen_by_name(dep) except Errors.WafError: uselib_paths = bld.env['LIBPATH_%s' % dep] for uselib_path in uselib_paths: dirs.append(uselib_path) pass else: if self.type in (MsDev.STLIB, MsDev.SHLIB): directory = '%s\\msdev' % tgen.path.get_bld().path_from(gen.path) if directory not in dirs: dirs.append(directory.replace('/', '\\')) elif self.type in (MsDev.PROGRAM): for directory in tgen.lib_paths: if directory not in dirs: dirs.append(directory.replace('/', '\\')) return dirs def get_include_files(self, bld, gen): includes = [] for include in self.get_genlist(gen, 'includes'): node = gen.path.find_dir(include) if node: for header in node.ant_glob('*.h*'): includes.append(header.path_from(gen.path).replace('/', '\\')) for include in bld.env['INCLUDES']: root = bld.path.abspath().replace('\\', '/') pref = os.path.commonprefix([root, include]) if pref == root: node = bld.root.find_dir(include) if node: for header in node.ant_glob('*.h*'): includes.append(header.path_from(gen.path).replace('/', '\\')) return includes MSDEV_PROJECT = \ ''' '''