/* infostring.c - network info strings Copyright (C) 2008 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #define MAX_KV_SIZE 128 /* ======================================================================= INFOSTRING STUFF ======================================================================= */ /* =============== Info_Print printing current key-value pair =============== */ void Info_Print( const char *s ) { char key[MAX_KV_SIZE]; char value[MAX_KV_SIZE]; int l, count; char *o; if( *s == '\\' ) s++; while( *s ) { count = 0; o = key; while( count < (MAX_KV_SIZE - 1) && *s && *s != '\\' ) { *o++ = *s++; count++; } l = o - key; if( l < 20 ) { memset( o, ' ', 20 - l ); key[20] = 0; } else *o = 0; Con_Printf( "%s", key ); if( !*s ) { Con_Printf( "(null)\n" ); return; } count = 0; o = value; s++; while( count < (MAX_KV_SIZE - 1) && *s && *s != '\\' ) { *o++ = *s++; count++; } *o = 0; if( *s ) s++; Con_Printf( "%s\n", value ); } } /* ============== Info_IsValid check infostring for potential problems ============== */ qboolean Info_IsValid( const char *s ) { char key[MAX_KV_SIZE]; char value[MAX_KV_SIZE]; int count; char *o; if( *s == '\\' ) s++; while( *s ) { count = 0; o = key; while( count < (MAX_KV_SIZE - 1) && *s && *s != '\\' ) { *o++ = *s++; count++; } *o = 0; if( !*s ) return false; count = 0; o = value; s++; while( count < (MAX_KV_SIZE - 1) && *s && *s != '\\' ) { *o++ = *s++; count++; } *o = 0; if( !Q_strlen( value )) return false; if( *s ) s++; } return true; } #ifndef XASH_DEDICATED /* ============== Info_WriteVars ============== */ void Info_WriteVars( file_t *f ) { char *s = CL_Userinfo(); char pkey[MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING]; static char value[4][MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING]; // use two buffers so compares work without stomping on each other static int valueindex; convar_t *pcvar; char *o; valueindex = (valueindex + 1) % 4; if( *s == '\\' ) s++; while( 1 ) { o = pkey; while( *s != '\\' ) { if( !*s ) return; *o++ = *s++; } *o = 0; s++; o = value[valueindex]; while( *s != '\\' && *s ) { if( !*s ) return; *o++ = *s++; } *o = 0; pcvar = Cvar_FindVar( pkey ); if( !pcvar && pkey[0] != '*' ) // don't store out star keys FS_Printf( f, "setinfo \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", pkey, value[valueindex] ); if( !*s ) return; s++; } } #endif // XASH_DEDICATED /* =============== Info_ValueForKey Searches the string for the given key and returns the associated value, or an empty string. =============== */ char *Info_ValueForKey( const char *s, const char *key ) { char pkey[MAX_KV_SIZE]; static char value[4][MAX_KV_SIZE]; // use two buffers so compares work without stomping on each other static int valueindex; int count; char *o; valueindex = (valueindex + 1) % 4; if( *s == '\\' ) s++; while( 1 ) { count = 0; o = pkey; while( count < (MAX_KV_SIZE - 1) && *s != '\\' ) { if( !*s ) return ""; *o++ = *s++; count++; } *o = 0; s++; o = value[valueindex]; count = 0; while( count < (MAX_KV_SIZE - 1) && *s && *s != '\\' ) { if( !*s ) return ""; *o++ = *s++; count++; } *o = 0; if( !Q_strcmp( key, pkey )) return value[valueindex]; if( !*s ) return ""; s++; } } qboolean Info_RemoveKey( char *s, const char *key ) { char *start; char pkey[MAX_KV_SIZE]; char value[MAX_KV_SIZE]; int cmpsize = Q_strlen( key ); int count; char *o; if( cmpsize > ( MAX_KV_SIZE - 1 )) cmpsize = MAX_KV_SIZE - 1; if( Q_strstr( key, "\\" )) return false; while( 1 ) { start = s; if( *s == '\\' ) s++; count = 0; o = pkey; while( count < (MAX_KV_SIZE - 1) && *s != '\\' ) { if( !*s ) return false; *o++ = *s++; count++; } *o = 0; s++; count = 0; o = value; while( count < (MAX_KV_SIZE - 1) && *s != '\\' && *s ) { if( !*s ) return false; *o++ = *s++; count++; } *o = 0; if( !Q_strncmp( key, pkey, cmpsize )) { Q_strcpy( start, s ); // remove this part return true; } if( !*s ) return false; } } void Info_RemovePrefixedKeys( char *start, char prefix ) { char *s, *o; char pkey[MAX_KV_SIZE]; char value[MAX_KV_SIZE]; int count; s = start; while( 1 ) { if( *s == '\\' ) s++; count = 0; o = pkey; while( count < (MAX_KV_SIZE - 1) && *s != '\\' ) { if( !*s ) return; *o++ = *s++; count++; } *o = 0; s++; count = 0; o = value; while( count < (MAX_KV_SIZE - 1) && *s && *s != '\\' ) { if( !*s ) return; *o++ = *s++; count++; } *o = 0; if( pkey[0] == prefix ) { Info_RemoveKey( start, pkey ); s = start; } if( !*s ) return; } } qboolean Info_IsKeyImportant( const char *key ) { if( key[0] == '*' ) return true; if( !Q_strcmp( key, "name" )) return true; if( !Q_strcmp( key, "model" )) return true; if( !Q_strcmp( key, "rate" )) return true; if( !Q_strcmp( key, "topcolor" )) return true; if( !Q_strcmp( key, "bottomcolor" )) return true; if( !Q_strcmp( key, "cl_updaterate" )) return true; if( !Q_strcmp( key, "cl_lw" )) return true; if( !Q_strcmp( key, "cl_lc" )) return true; if( !Q_strcmp( key, "cl_nopred" )) return true; return false; } char *Info_FindLargestKey( char *s ) { char key[MAX_KV_SIZE]; char value[MAX_KV_SIZE]; static char largest_key[128]; int largest_size = 0; int l, count; char *o; *largest_key = 0; if( *s == '\\' ) s++; while( *s ) { int size = 0; count = 0; o = key; while( count < (MAX_KV_SIZE - 1) && *s && *s != '\\' ) { *o++ = *s++; count++; } l = o - key; *o = 0; size = Q_strlen( key ); if( !*s ) return largest_key; count = 0; o = value; s++; while( count < (MAX_KV_SIZE - 1) && *s && *s != '\\' ) { *o++ = *s++; count++; } *o = 0; if( *s ) s++; size += Q_strlen( value ); if(( size > largest_size ) && !Info_IsKeyImportant( key )) { Q_strncpy( largest_key, key, sizeof( largest_key )); largest_size = size; } } return largest_key; } qboolean Info_SetValueForStarKey( char *s, const char *key, const char *value, int maxsize ) { char new[1024], *v; int c, team; if( Q_strstr( key, "\\" ) || Q_strstr( value, "\\" )) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "SetValueForKey: can't use keys or values with a \\\n" ); return false; } if( Q_strstr( key, ".." ) || Q_strstr( value, ".." )) return false; if( Q_strstr( key, "\"" ) || Q_strstr( value, "\"" )) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "SetValueForKey: can't use keys or values with a \"\n" ); return false; } if( Q_strlen( key ) > ( MAX_KV_SIZE - 1 ) || Q_strlen( value ) > ( MAX_KV_SIZE - 1 )) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "SetValueForKey: keys and values must be < %i characters.\n", MAX_KV_SIZE ); return false; } Info_RemoveKey( s, key ); if( !value || !Q_strlen( value )) return true; // just clear variable Q_snprintf( new, sizeof( new ), "\\%s\\%s", key, value ); if( Q_strlen( new ) + Q_strlen( s ) > maxsize ) { // no more room in buffer to add key/value if( Info_IsKeyImportant( key )) { // keep removing the largest key/values until we have room char *largekey; do { largekey = Info_FindLargestKey( s ); Info_RemoveKey( s, largekey ); } while((( Q_strlen( new ) + Q_strlen( s )) >= maxsize ) && *largekey != 0 ); if( largekey[0] == 0 ) { // no room to add setting MsgDev( D_ERROR, "SetValueForKey: info string length exceeded\n" ); return true; // info changed, new value can't saved } } else { // no room to add setting MsgDev( D_ERROR, "SetValueForKey: info string length exceeded\n" ); return true; // info changed, new value can't saved } } // only copy ascii values s += Q_strlen( s ); v = new; team = ( Q_stricmp( key, "team" ) == 0 ) ? true : false; while( *v ) { c = (byte)*v++; if( team ) c = Q_tolower( c ); if( c > 13 ) *s++ = c; } *s = 0; // all done return true; } qboolean Info_SetValueForKey( char *s, const char *key, const char *value, int maxsize ) { if( key[0] == '*' ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Can't set *keys\n" ); return false; } return Info_SetValueForStarKey( s, key, value, maxsize ); }