/* console.c - developer console Copyright (C) 2007 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "client.h" #include "keydefs.h" #include "protocol.h" // get the protocol version #include "con_nprint.h" #include "gl_local.h" #include "qfont.h" #include "wadfile.h" convar_t *con_notifytime; convar_t *scr_conspeed; convar_t *con_fontsize; convar_t *con_charset; convar_t *con_fontscale; convar_t *con_fontnum; static int g_codepage = 0; static qboolean g_utf8 = false; #define CON_TIMES 4 // notify lines #define CON_MAX_TIMES 64 // notify max lines #define COLOR_DEFAULT '7' #define CON_HISTORY 64 #define MAX_DBG_NOTIFY 128 #define CON_MAXCMDS 4096 // auto-complete intermediate list #define CON_NUMFONTS 3 // maxfonts #define CON_LINES( i ) (con.lines[(con.lines_first + (i)) % con.maxlines]) #define CON_LINES_COUNT con.lines_count #define CON_LINES_LAST() CON_LINES( CON_LINES_COUNT - 1 ) #define CON_TEXTSIZE 1048576 // max scrollback buffer characters in console (1 Mb) #define CON_MAXLINES 16384 // max scrollback buffer lines in console // console color typeing rgba_t g_color_table[8] = { { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, // black { 255, 0, 0, 255 }, // red { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, // green { 255, 255, 0, 255 }, // yellow { 0, 0, 255, 255 }, // blue { 0, 255, 255, 255 }, // cyan { 255, 0, 255, 255 }, // magenta { 240, 180, 24, 255 }, // default color (can be changed by user) }; typedef struct { string buffer; int cursor; int scroll; int widthInChars; } field_t; typedef struct { string szNotify; float expire; rgba_t color; int key_dest; } notify_t; typedef struct con_lineinfo_s { char *start; size_t length; double addtime; // notify stuff } con_lineinfo_t; typedef struct { qboolean initialized; // conbuffer char *buffer; // common buffer for all console lines int bufsize; // CON_TEXSIZE con_lineinfo_t *lines; // console lines int maxlines; // CON_MAXLINES int lines_first; // cyclic buffer int lines_count; int num_times; // overlay lines count // console scroll int backscroll; // lines up from bottom to display int linewidth; // characters across screen // console animation float showlines; // how many lines we should display float vislines; // in scanlines // console images int background; // console background // console fonts cl_font_t chars[CON_NUMFONTS];// fonts.wad/font1.fnt cl_font_t *curFont, *lastUsedFont; // console input field_t input; // chatfiled field_t chat; string chat_cmd; // can be overrieded by user // console history field_t historyLines[CON_HISTORY]; int historyLine; // the line being displayed from history buffer will be <= nextHistoryLine int nextHistoryLine; // the last line in the history buffer, not masked notify_t notify[MAX_DBG_NOTIFY]; // for Con_NXPrintf qboolean draw_notify; // true if we have NXPrint message // console auto-complete string shortestMatch; field_t *completionField; // con.input or dedicated server fake field-line char *completionString; char *completionBuffer; char *cmds[CON_MAXCMDS]; int matchCount; } console_t; static console_t con; void Field_CharEvent( field_t *edit, int ch ); /* ================ Con_Clear_f ================ */ void Con_Clear_f( void ) { con.lines_count = 0; con.backscroll = 0; // go to end } /* ================ Con_SetColor_f ================ */ void Con_SetColor_f( void ) { vec3_t color; switch( Cmd_Argc() ) { case 1: Con_Printf( "\"con_color\" is %i %i %i\n", g_color_table[7][0], g_color_table[7][1], g_color_table[7][2] ); break; case 2: VectorSet( color, g_color_table[7][0], g_color_table[7][1], g_color_table[7][2] ); Q_atov( color, Cmd_Argv( 1 ), 3 ); Con_DefaultColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] ); break; case 4: VectorSet( color, Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 1 )), Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 2 )), Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 3 ))); Con_DefaultColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] ); break; default: Con_Printf( S_USAGE "con_color \"r g b\"\n" ); break; } } /* ================ Con_ClearNotify ================ */ void Con_ClearNotify( void ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < CON_LINES_COUNT; i++ ) CON_LINES( i ).addtime = 0.0; } /* ================ Con_ClearField ================ */ void Con_ClearField( field_t *edit ) { memset( edit->buffer, 0, MAX_STRING ); edit->cursor = 0; edit->scroll = 0; } /* ================ Con_ClearTyping ================ */ void Con_ClearTyping( void ) { int i; Con_ClearField( &con.input ); con.input.widthInChars = con.linewidth; // free the old autocomplete list for( i = 0; i < con.matchCount; i++ ) { freestring( con.cmds[i] ); } con.matchCount = 0; } /* ============ Con_StringLength skipped color prefixes ============ */ int Con_StringLength( const char *string ) { int len; const char *p; if( !string ) return 0; len = 0; p = string; while( *p ) { if( IsColorString( p )) { p += 2; continue; } len++; p++; } return len; } /* ================ Con_MessageMode_f ================ */ void Con_MessageMode_f( void ) { if( Cmd_Argc() == 2 ) Q_strncpy( con.chat_cmd, Cmd_Argv( 1 ), sizeof( con.chat_cmd )); else Q_strncpy( con.chat_cmd, "say", sizeof( con.chat_cmd )); Key_SetKeyDest( key_message ); } /* ================ Con_MessageMode2_f ================ */ void Con_MessageMode2_f( void ) { Q_strncpy( con.chat_cmd, "say_team", sizeof( con.chat_cmd )); Key_SetKeyDest( key_message ); } /* ================ Con_ToggleConsole_f ================ */ void Con_ToggleConsole_f( void ) { if( !host.allow_console || UI_CreditsActive( )) return; // disabled // show console only in game or by special call from menu if( cls.state != ca_active || cls.key_dest == key_menu ) return; Con_ClearTyping(); Con_ClearNotify(); if( cls.key_dest == key_console ) { if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_background" ) || Cvar_VariableInteger( "cl_background" )) UI_SetActiveMenu( true ); else UI_SetActiveMenu( false ); } else { UI_SetActiveMenu( false ); Key_SetKeyDest( key_console ); } } /* ================ Con_SetTimes_f ================ */ void Con_SetTimes_f( void ) { int newtimes; if( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) { Con_Printf( S_USAGE "contimes \n" ); return; } newtimes = Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ) ); con.num_times = bound( CON_TIMES, newtimes, CON_MAX_TIMES ); } /* ================ Con_FixTimes Notifies the console code about the current time (and shifts back times of other entries when the time went backwards) ================ */ void Con_FixTimes( void ) { double diff; int i; if( con.lines_count <= 0 ) return; diff = cl.time - CON_LINES_LAST().addtime; if( diff >= 0.0 ) return; // nothing to fix for( i = 0; i < con.lines_count; i++ ) CON_LINES( i ).addtime += diff; } /* ================ Con_DeleteLine Deletes the first line from the console history. ================ */ void Con_DeleteLine( void ) { if( con.lines_count == 0 ) return; con.lines_count--; con.lines_first = (con.lines_first + 1) % con.maxlines; } /* ================ Con_DeleteLastLine Deletes the last line from the console history. ================ */ void Con_DeleteLastLine( void ) { if( con.lines_count == 0 ) return; con.lines_count--; } /* ================ Con_BytesLeft Checks if there is space for a line of the given length, and if yes, returns a pointer to the start of such a space, and NULL otherwise. ================ */ static char *Con_BytesLeft( int length ) { if( length > con.bufsize ) return NULL; if( con.lines_count == 0 ) { return con.buffer; } else { char *firstline_start = con.lines[con.lines_first].start; char *lastline_onepastend = CON_LINES_LAST().start + CON_LINES_LAST().length; // the buffer is cyclic, so we first have two cases... if( firstline_start < lastline_onepastend ) // buffer is contiguous { // put at end? if( length <= con.buffer + con.bufsize - lastline_onepastend ) return lastline_onepastend; // put at beginning? else if( length <= firstline_start - con.buffer ) return con.buffer; return NULL; } else { // buffer has a contiguous hole if( length <= firstline_start - lastline_onepastend ) return lastline_onepastend; return NULL; } } } /* ================ Con_AddLine Appends a given string as a new line to the console. ================ */ void Con_AddLine( const char *line, int length ) { byte *putpos; con_lineinfo_t *p; if( !con.initialized || !con.buffer ) return; Con_FixTimes(); length++; // reserve space for term ASSERT( length < CON_TEXTSIZE ); while( !( putpos = Con_BytesLeft( length )) || con.lines_count >= con.maxlines ) Con_DeleteLine(); memcpy( putpos, line, length ); putpos[length - 1] = '\0'; con.lines_count++; p = &CON_LINES_LAST(); p->start = putpos; p->length = length; p->addtime = cl.time; } /* ================ Con_CheckResize If the line width has changed, reformat the buffer. ================ */ void Con_CheckResize( void ) { int charWidth = 8; int i, width; if( con.curFont && con.curFont->hFontTexture ) charWidth = con.curFont->charWidths['M'] - 1; width = ( glState.width / charWidth ) - 2; if( !glw_state.initialized ) width = (640 / 5); if( width == con.linewidth ) return; Con_ClearNotify(); con.linewidth = width; con.backscroll = 0; con.input.widthInChars = con.linewidth; for( i = 0; i < CON_HISTORY; i++ ) con.historyLines[i].widthInChars = con.linewidth; } /* ================ Con_PageUp ================ */ void Con_PageUp( int lines ) { con.backscroll += abs( lines ); } /* ================ Con_PageDown ================ */ void Con_PageDown( int lines ) { con.backscroll -= abs( lines ); } /* ================ Con_Top ================ */ void Con_Top( void ) { con.backscroll = CON_MAXLINES; } /* ================ Con_Bottom ================ */ void Con_Bottom( void ) { con.backscroll = 0; } /* ================ Con_Visible ================ */ qboolean Con_Visible( void ) { return (con.vislines > 0); } /* ================ Con_FixedFont ================ */ qboolean Con_FixedFont( void ) { if( con.curFont && con.curFont->valid && con.curFont->type == FONT_FIXED ) return true; return false; } static qboolean Con_LoadFixedWidthFont( const char *fontname, cl_font_t *font ) { int i, fontWidth; if( font->valid ) return true; // already loaded if( !FS_FileExists( fontname, false )) return false; // keep source to print directly into conback image font->hFontTexture = GL_LoadTexture( fontname, NULL, 0, TF_FONT|TF_KEEP_SOURCE, NULL ); R_GetTextureParms( &fontWidth, NULL, font->hFontTexture ); if( font->hFontTexture && fontWidth != 0 ) { font->charHeight = fontWidth / 16; font->type = FONT_FIXED; // build fixed rectangles for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { font->fontRc[i].left = (i * (fontWidth / 16)) % fontWidth; font->fontRc[i].right = font->fontRc[i].left + fontWidth / 16; font->fontRc[i].top = (i / 16) * (fontWidth / 16); font->fontRc[i].bottom = font->fontRc[i].top + fontWidth / 16; font->charWidths[i] = fontWidth / 16; } font->valid = true; } return true; } static qboolean Con_LoadVariableWidthFont( const char *fontname, cl_font_t *font ) { int i, fontWidth; byte *buffer; size_t length; qfont_t *src; if( font->valid ) return true; // already loaded if( !FS_FileExists( fontname, false )) return false; font->hFontTexture = GL_LoadTexture( fontname, NULL, 0, TF_FONT|TF_NEAREST, NULL ); R_GetTextureParms( &fontWidth, NULL, font->hFontTexture ); // setup consolefont if( font->hFontTexture && fontWidth != 0 ) { // half-life font with variable chars witdh buffer = FS_LoadFile( fontname, &length, false ); if( buffer && length >= sizeof( qfont_t )) { src = (qfont_t *)buffer; font->charHeight = src->rowheight * con_fontscale->value;; font->type = FONT_VARIABLE; // build rectangles for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { font->fontRc[i].left = (word)src->fontinfo[i].startoffset % fontWidth; font->fontRc[i].right = font->fontRc[i].left + src->fontinfo[i].charwidth; font->fontRc[i].top = (word)src->fontinfo[i].startoffset / fontWidth; font->fontRc[i].bottom = font->fontRc[i].top + src->rowheight; font->charWidths[i] = src->fontinfo[i].charwidth * con_fontscale->value;; } font->valid = true; } if( buffer ) Mem_Free( buffer ); } return true; } /* ================ Con_LoadConsoleFont INTERNAL RESOURCE ================ */ static void Con_LoadConsoleFont( int fontNumber, cl_font_t *font ) { const char *path = NULL; dword crc = 0; if( font->valid ) return; // already loaded // replace default fonts.wad textures by current charset's font if( !CRC32_File( &crc, "fonts.wad" ) || crc == 0x3c0a0029 ) { const char *path2 = va("font%i_%s.fnt", fontNumber, Cvar_VariableString( "con_charset" ) ); if( FS_FileExists( path2, false ) ) path = path2; } // loading conchars if( Sys_CheckParm( "-oldfont" )) Con_LoadVariableWidthFont( "gfx/conchars.fnt", font ); else { if( !path ) path = va( "fonts/font%i", fontNumber ); Con_LoadVariableWidthFont( path, font ); } // quake fixed font as fallback if( !font->valid ) Con_LoadFixedWidthFont( "gfx/conchars", font ); } /* ================ Con_LoadConchars ================ */ static void Con_LoadConchars( void ) { int i, fontSize; // load all the console fonts for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) Con_LoadConsoleFont( i, con.chars + i ); // select properly fontsize if( glState.width <= 640 ) fontSize = 0; else if( glState.width >= 1280 ) fontSize = 2; else fontSize = 1; // sets the current font con.lastUsedFont = con.curFont = &con.chars[fontSize]; } // CP1251 table int table_cp1251[64] = { 0x0402, 0x0403, 0x201A, 0x0453, 0x201E, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x20AC, 0x2030, 0x0409, 0x2039, 0x040A, 0x040C, 0x040B, 0x040F, 0x0452, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201C, 0x201D, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x007F, 0x2122, 0x0459, 0x203A, 0x045A, 0x045C, 0x045B, 0x045F, 0x00A0, 0x040E, 0x045E, 0x0408, 0x00A4, 0x0490, 0x00A6, 0x00A7, 0x0401, 0x00A9, 0x0404, 0x00AB, 0x00AC, 0x00AD, 0x00AE, 0x0407, 0x00B0, 0x00B1, 0x0406, 0x0456, 0x0491, 0x00B5, 0x00B6, 0x00B7, 0x0451, 0x2116, 0x0454, 0x00BB, 0x0458, 0x0405, 0x0455, 0x0457 }; /* ============================ Con_UtfProcessChar Convert utf char to current font's single-byte encoding ============================ */ int Con_UtfProcessCharForce( int in ) { static int m = -1, k = 0; //multibyte state static int uc = 0; //unicode char if( !in ) { m = -1; k = 0; uc = 0; return 0; } // Get character length if(m == -1) { uc = 0; if( in >= 0xF8 ) return 0; else if( in >= 0xF0 ) uc = in & 0x07, m = 3; else if( in >= 0xE0 ) uc = in & 0x0F, m = 2; else if( in >= 0xC0 ) uc = in & 0x1F, m = 1; else if( in <= 0x7F) return in; //ascii // return 0 if we need more chars to decode one k=0; return 0; } // get more chars else if( k <= m ) { uc <<= 6; uc += in & 0x3F; k++; } if( in > 0xBF || m < 0 ) { m = -1; return 0; } if( k == m ) { k = m = -1; if( g_codepage == 1251 ) { // cp1251 now if( uc >= 0x0410 && uc <= 0x042F ) return uc - 0x410 + 0xC0; if( uc >= 0x0430 && uc <= 0x044F ) return uc - 0x430 + 0xE0; else { int i; for( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) if( table_cp1251[i] == uc ) return i + 0x80; } } else if( g_codepage == 1252 ) { if( uc < 255 ) return uc; } // not implemented yet return '?'; } return 0; } int GAME_EXPORT Con_UtfProcessChar( int in ) { if( !g_utf8 ) return in; else return Con_UtfProcessCharForce( in ); } /* ================= Con_UtfMoveLeft get position of previous printful char ================= */ int Con_UtfMoveLeft( char *str, int pos ) { int i, k = 0; // int j; if( !g_utf8 ) return pos - 1; Con_UtfProcessChar( 0 ); if(pos == 1) return 0; for( i = 0; i < pos-1; i++ ) if( Con_UtfProcessChar( (unsigned char)str[i] ) ) k = i+1; Con_UtfProcessChar( 0 ); return k; } /* ================= Con_UtfMoveRight get next of previous printful char ================= */ int Con_UtfMoveRight( char *str, int pos, int length ) { int i; if( !g_utf8 ) return pos + 1; Con_UtfProcessChar( 0 ); for( i = pos; i <= length; i++ ) { if( Con_UtfProcessChar( (unsigned char)str[i] ) ) return i+1; } Con_UtfProcessChar( 0 ); return pos+1; } static void Con_DrawCharToConback( int num, byte *conchars, byte *dest ) { int row, col; byte *source; int drawline; int x; row = num >> 4; col = num & 15; source = conchars + (row << 10) + (col << 3); drawline = 8; while( drawline-- ) { for( x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) if( source[x] != 255 ) dest[x] = 0x60 + source[x]; source += 128; dest += 320; } } /* ==================== Con_TextAdjustSize draw charcters routine ==================== */ static void Con_TextAdjustSize( int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h ) { float xscale, yscale; if( !x && !y && !w && !h ) return; // scale for screen sizes xscale = (float)glState.width / (float)clgame.scrInfo.iWidth; yscale = (float)glState.height / (float)clgame.scrInfo.iHeight; if( x ) *x *= xscale; if( y ) *y *= yscale; if( w ) *w *= xscale; if( h ) *h *= yscale; } /* ==================== Con_DrawGenericChar draw console single character ==================== */ static int Con_DrawGenericChar( int x, int y, int number, rgba_t color ) { int width, height; float s1, t1, s2, t2; wrect_t *rc; number &= 255; if( !con.curFont || !con.curFont->valid ) return 0; // if( number < 32 ) return 0; if( y < -con.curFont->charHeight ) return 0; rc = &con.curFont->fontRc[number]; pglColor4ubv( color ); R_GetTextureParms( &width, &height, con.curFont->hFontTexture ); // calc rectangle s1 = (float)rc->left / width; t1 = (float)rc->top / height; s2 = (float)rc->right / width; t2 = (float)rc->bottom / height; width = ( rc->right - rc->left ) * con_fontscale->value; height = ( rc->bottom - rc->top ) * con_fontscale->value; if( clgame.ds.adjust_size ) Con_TextAdjustSize( &x, &y, &width, &height ); R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, s1, t1, s2, t2, con.curFont->hFontTexture ); pglColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); // don't forget reset color return con.curFont->charWidths[number]; } /* ==================== Con_SetFont choose font size ==================== */ void Con_SetFont( int fontNum ) { fontNum = bound( 0, fontNum, 2 ); con.curFont = &con.chars[fontNum]; } /* ==================== Con_RestoreFont restore auto-selected console font (that based on screen resolution) ==================== */ void Con_RestoreFont( void ) { con.curFont = con.lastUsedFont; } /* ==================== Con_DrawCharacter client version of routine ==================== */ int Con_DrawCharacter( int x, int y, int number, rgba_t color ) { GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture ); return Con_DrawGenericChar( x, y, number, color ); } /* ==================== Con_DrawCharacterLen returns character sizes in screen pixels ==================== */ void Con_DrawCharacterLen( int number, int *width, int *height ) { if( width && con.curFont ) *width = con.curFont->charWidths[number]; if( height && con.curFont ) *height = con.curFont->charHeight; } /* ==================== Con_DrawStringLen compute string width and height in screen pixels ==================== */ void Con_DrawStringLen( const char *pText, int *length, int *height ) { int curLength = 0; if( !con.curFont ) return; if( height ) *height = con.curFont->charHeight; if( !length ) return; *length = 0; while( *pText ) { byte c = *pText; if( *pText == '\n' ) { pText++; curLength = 0; } // skip color strings they are not drawing if( IsColorString( pText )) { pText += 2; continue; } curLength += con.curFont->charWidths[c]; pText++; if( curLength > *length ) *length = curLength; } } /* ================== Con_DrawString Draws a multi-colored string, optionally forcing to a fixed color. ================== */ int Con_DrawGenericString( int x, int y, const char *string, rgba_t setColor, qboolean forceColor, int hideChar ) { rgba_t color; int drawLen = 0; int numDraws = 0; const char *s; if( !con.curFont ) return 0; // no font set // draw the colored text *(uint *)color = *(uint *)setColor; s = string; while( *s ) { if( *s == '\n' ) { s++; if( !*s ) break; // at end the string drawLen = 0; // begin new row y += con.curFont->charHeight; } if( IsColorString( s )) { if( !forceColor ) { memcpy( color, g_color_table[ColorIndex(*(s+1))], sizeof( color )); color[3] = setColor[3]; } s += 2; numDraws++; continue; } // hide char for overstrike mode if( hideChar == numDraws ) drawLen += con.curFont->charWidths[*s]; else drawLen += Con_DrawCharacter( x + drawLen, y, *s, color ); numDraws++; s++; } pglColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); return drawLen; } /* ==================== Con_DrawString client version of routine ==================== */ int Con_DrawString( int x, int y, const char *string, rgba_t setColor ) { return Con_DrawGenericString( x, y, string, setColor, false, -1 ); } /* ================ Con_Init ================ */ void Con_Init( void ) { int i; if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED ) return; // dedicated server already have console // must be init before startup video subsystem scr_conspeed = Cvar_Get( "scr_conspeed", "600", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "console moving speed" ); con_notifytime = Cvar_Get( "con_notifytime", "3", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "notify time to live" ); con_fontsize = Cvar_Get( "con_fontsize", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "console font number (0, 1 or 2)" ); con_charset = Cvar_Get( "con_charset", "cp1251", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "console font charset (only cp1251 supported now)" ); con_fontscale = Cvar_Get( "con_fontscale", "1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "scale font texture" ); con_fontnum = Cvar_Get( "con_fontnum", "-1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "console font number (0, 1 or 2), -1 for autoselect" ); // init the console buffer con.bufsize = CON_TEXTSIZE; con.buffer = (char *)Z_Malloc( con.bufsize ); con.maxlines = CON_MAXLINES; con.lines = (con_lineinfo_t *)Z_Malloc( con.maxlines * sizeof( *con.lines )); con.lines_first = con.lines_count = 0; con.num_times = CON_TIMES; // default as 4 Con_CheckResize(); Con_ClearField( &con.input ); con.input.widthInChars = con.linewidth; Con_ClearField( &con.chat ); con.chat.widthInChars = con.linewidth; for( i = 0; i < CON_HISTORY; i++ ) { Con_ClearField( &con.historyLines[i] ); con.historyLines[i].widthInChars = con.linewidth; } Cmd_AddCommand( "toggleconsole", Con_ToggleConsole_f, "opens or closes the console" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "con_color", Con_SetColor_f, "set a custom console color" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "clear", Con_Clear_f, "clear console history" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "messagemode", Con_MessageMode_f, "enable message mode \"say\"" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "messagemode2", Con_MessageMode2_f, "enable message mode \"say_team\"" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "contimes", Con_SetTimes_f, "change number of console overlay lines (4-64)" ); con.initialized = true; MsgDev( D_INFO, "Console initialized.\n" ); } /* ================ Con_Shutdown ================ */ void Con_Shutdown( void ) { con.initialized = false; if( con.buffer ) Mem_Free( con.buffer ); if( con.lines ) Mem_Free( con.lines ); con.buffer = NULL; con.lines = NULL; } /* ================ Con_Print Handles cursor positioning, line wrapping, etc All console printing must go through this in order to be displayed If no console is visible, the notify window will pop up. ================ */ void Con_Print( const char *txt ) { static int cr_pending = 0; static char buf[MAX_PRINT_MSG]; static qboolean inupdate; static int bufpos = 0; int c, mask = 0; // client not running if( !con.initialized || !con.buffer ) return; if( txt[0] == 2 ) { // go to colored text if( Con_FixedFont( )) mask = 128; txt++; } for( ; *txt; txt++ ) { if( cr_pending ) { Con_DeleteLastLine(); cr_pending = 0; } c = *txt; switch( c ) { case '\0': break; case '\r': Con_AddLine( buf, bufpos ); cr_pending = 1; bufpos = 0; break; case '\n': Con_AddLine( buf, bufpos ); bufpos = 0; break; default: buf[bufpos++] = c | mask; if(( bufpos >= sizeof( buf ) - 1 ) || bufpos >= ( con.linewidth - 1 )) { Con_AddLine( buf, bufpos ); bufpos = 0; } break; } } if( cls.state != ca_disconnected && cls.state < ca_active && !cl.video_prepped && !cls.disable_screen ) { if( !inupdate ) { inupdate = true; SCR_UpdateScreen (); inupdate = false; } } } /* ================ Con_NPrint Draw a single debug line with specified height ================ */ void Con_NPrintf( int idx, char *fmt, ... ) { va_list args; if( idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_DBG_NOTIFY ) return; memset( con.notify[idx].szNotify, 0, MAX_STRING ); va_start( args, fmt ); Q_vsnprintf( con.notify[idx].szNotify, MAX_STRING, fmt, args ); va_end( args ); // reset values con.notify[idx].key_dest = key_game; con.notify[idx].expire = host.realtime + 4.0f; MakeRGBA( con.notify[idx].color, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); con.draw_notify = true; } /* ================ Con_NXPrint Draw a single debug line with specified height, color and time to live ================ */ void Con_NXPrintf( con_nprint_t *info, char *fmt, ... ) { va_list args; if( !info ) return; if( info->index < 0 || info->index >= MAX_DBG_NOTIFY ) return; memset( con.notify[info->index].szNotify, 0, MAX_STRING ); va_start( args, fmt ); Q_vsnprintf( con.notify[info->index].szNotify, MAX_STRING, fmt, args ); va_end( args ); // setup values con.notify[info->index].key_dest = key_game; con.notify[info->index].expire = host.realtime + info->time_to_live; MakeRGBA( con.notify[info->index].color, (byte)(info->color[0] * 255), (byte)(info->color[1] * 255), (byte)(info->color[2] * 255), 255 ); con.draw_notify = true; } /* ================ UI_NPrint Draw a single debug line with specified height (menu version) ================ */ void UI_NPrintf( int idx, char *fmt, ... ) { va_list args; if( idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_DBG_NOTIFY ) return; memset( con.notify[idx].szNotify, 0, MAX_STRING ); va_start( args, fmt ); Q_vsnprintf( con.notify[idx].szNotify, MAX_STRING, fmt, args ); va_end( args ); // reset values con.notify[idx].key_dest = key_menu; con.notify[idx].expire = host.realtime + 4.0f; MakeRGBA( con.notify[idx].color, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); con.draw_notify = true; } /* ================ UI_NXPrint Draw a single debug line with specified height, color and time to live (menu version) ================ */ void UI_NXPrintf( con_nprint_t *info, char *fmt, ... ) { va_list args; if( !info ) return; if( info->index < 0 || info->index >= MAX_DBG_NOTIFY ) return; memset( con.notify[info->index].szNotify, 0, MAX_STRING ); va_start( args, fmt ); Q_vsnprintf( con.notify[info->index].szNotify, MAX_STRING, fmt, args ); va_end( args ); // setup values con.notify[info->index].key_dest = key_menu; con.notify[info->index].expire = host.realtime + info->time_to_live; MakeRGBA( con.notify[info->index].color, (byte)(info->color[0] * 255), (byte)(info->color[1] * 255), (byte)(info->color[2] * 255), 255 ); con.draw_notify = true; } /* ============================================================================= EDIT FIELDS ============================================================================= */ /* =============== Con_AddCommandToList =============== */ static void Con_AddCommandToList( const char *s, const char *unused1, const char *unused2, void *unused3 ) { if( *s == '@' ) return; // never show system cvars or cmds if( con.matchCount >= CON_MAXCMDS ) return; // list is full if( Q_strnicmp( s, con.completionString, Q_strlen( con.completionString ))) return; // no match con.cmds[con.matchCount++] = copystring( s ); } /* ================= Con_SortCmds ================= */ static int Con_SortCmds( const char **arg1, const char **arg2 ) { return Q_stricmp( *arg1, *arg2 ); } /* =============== Con_PrintCmdMatches =============== */ static void Con_PrintCmdMatches( const char *s, const char *unused1, const char *m, void *unused2 ) { if( !Q_strnicmp( s, con.shortestMatch, Q_strlen( con.shortestMatch ))) { if( COM_CheckString( m )) Con_Printf( " %s ^3\"%s\"\n", s, m ); else Con_Printf( " %s\n", s ); // variable or command without description } } /* =============== Con_PrintCvarMatches =============== */ static void Con_PrintCvarMatches( const char *s, const char *value, const char *m, void *unused2 ) { if( !Q_strnicmp( s, con.shortestMatch, Q_strlen( con.shortestMatch ))) { if( COM_CheckString( m )) Con_Printf( " %s (%s) ^3\"%s\"\n", s, value, m ); else Con_Printf( " %s (%s)\n", s, value ); // variable or command without description } } /* =============== Con_ConcatRemaining =============== */ static void Con_ConcatRemaining( const char *src, const char *start ) { char *arg; int i; arg = Q_strstr( src, start ); if( !arg ) { for( i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc(); i++ ) { Q_strncat( con.completionField->buffer, " ", sizeof( con.completionField->buffer )); arg = Cmd_Argv( i ); while( *arg ) { if( *arg == ' ' ) { Q_strncat( con.completionField->buffer, "\"", sizeof( con.completionField->buffer )); break; } arg++; } Q_strncat( con.completionField->buffer, Cmd_Argv( i ), sizeof( con.completionField->buffer )); if( *arg == ' ' ) Q_strncat( con.completionField->buffer, "\"", sizeof( con.completionField->buffer )); } return; } arg += Q_strlen( start ); Q_strncat( con.completionField->buffer, arg, sizeof( con.completionField->buffer )); } /* =============== Con_CompleteCommand perform Tab expansion =============== */ void Con_CompleteCommand( field_t *field ) { field_t temp; string filename; qboolean nextcmd; int i; // setup the completion field con.completionField = field; // only look at the first token for completion purposes Cmd_TokenizeString( con.completionField->buffer ); nextcmd = ( con.completionField->buffer[Q_strlen( con.completionField->buffer ) - 1] == ' ' ) ? true : false; con.completionString = Cmd_Argv( 0 ); con.completionBuffer = Cmd_Argv( 1 ); // skip backslash while( *con.completionString && ( *con.completionString == '\\' || *con.completionString == '/' )) con.completionString++; // skip backslash while( *con.completionBuffer && ( *con.completionBuffer == '\\' || *con.completionBuffer == '/' )) con.completionBuffer++; if( !Q_strlen( con.completionString )) return; // free the old autocomplete list for( i = 0; i < con.matchCount; i++ ) { if( con.cmds[i] != NULL ) { Mem_Free( con.cmds[i] ); con.cmds[i] = NULL; } } con.matchCount = 0; con.shortestMatch[0] = 0; // find matching commands and variables Cmd_LookupCmds( NULL, NULL, Con_AddCommandToList ); Cvar_LookupVars( 0, NULL, NULL, Con_AddCommandToList ); if( !con.matchCount ) return; // no matches memcpy( &temp, con.completionField, sizeof( field_t )); // autocomplete second arg if(( Cmd_Argc() == 2 ) || (( Cmd_Argc() == 1 ) && nextcmd )) { if( !Q_strlen( con.completionBuffer )) return; if( Cmd_AutocompleteName( con.completionBuffer, filename, sizeof( filename ))) { Q_sprintf( con.completionField->buffer, "%s %s", Cmd_Argv( 0 ), filename ); con.completionField->cursor = Q_strlen( con.completionField->buffer ); } // don't adjusting cursor pos if we nothing found return; } else if( Cmd_Argc() >= 3 ) { // disable autocomplete for all next args return; } if( con.matchCount == 1 ) { Q_sprintf( con.completionField->buffer, "\\%s", con.cmds[0] ); if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 ) Q_strncat( con.completionField->buffer, " ", sizeof( con.completionField->buffer )); else Con_ConcatRemaining( temp.buffer, con.completionString ); con.completionField->cursor = Q_strlen( con.completionField->buffer ); } else { char *first, *last; int len = 0; qsort( con.cmds, con.matchCount, sizeof( char* ), Con_SortCmds ); // find the number of matching characters between the first and // the last element in the list and copy it first = con.cmds[0]; last = con.cmds[con.matchCount-1]; while( *first && *last && Q_tolower( *first ) == Q_tolower( *last )) { first++; last++; con.shortestMatch[len] = con.cmds[0][len]; len++; } con.shortestMatch[len] = 0; // multiple matches, complete to shortest Q_sprintf( con.completionField->buffer, "\\%s", con.shortestMatch ); con.completionField->cursor = Q_strlen( con.completionField->buffer ); Con_ConcatRemaining( temp.buffer, con.completionString ); Con_Printf( "]%s\n", con.completionField->buffer ); // run through again, printing matches Cmd_LookupCmds( NULL, NULL, Con_PrintCmdMatches ); Cvar_LookupVars( 0, NULL, NULL, Con_PrintCvarMatches ); } } /* ================ Field_Paste ================ */ void Field_Paste( field_t *edit ) { char *cbd; int i, pasteLen; cbd = Sys_GetClipboardData(); if( !cbd ) return; // send as if typed, so insert / overstrike works properly pasteLen = Q_strlen( cbd ); for( i = 0; i < pasteLen; i++ ) Field_CharEvent( edit, cbd[i] ); } /* ================= Field_KeyDownEvent Performs the basic line editing functions for the console, in-game talk, and menu fields Key events are used for non-printable characters, others are gotten from char events. ================= */ void Field_KeyDownEvent( field_t *edit, int key ) { int len; // shift-insert is paste if((( key == K_INS ) || ( key == K_KP_INS )) && Key_IsDown( K_SHIFT )) { Field_Paste( edit ); return; } len = Q_strlen( edit->buffer ); if( key == K_DEL ) { if( edit->cursor < len ) memmove( edit->buffer + edit->cursor, edit->buffer + edit->cursor + 1, len - edit->cursor ); return; } if( key == K_BACKSPACE ) { if( edit->cursor > 0 ) { memmove( edit->buffer + edit->cursor - 1, edit->buffer + edit->cursor, len - edit->cursor + 1 ); edit->cursor--; if( edit->scroll ) edit->scroll--; } return; } if( key == K_RIGHTARROW ) { if( edit->cursor < len ) edit->cursor++; if( edit->cursor >= edit->scroll + edit->widthInChars && edit->cursor <= len ) edit->scroll++; return; } if( key == K_LEFTARROW ) { if( edit->cursor > 0 ) edit->cursor--; if( edit->cursor < edit->scroll ) edit->scroll--; return; } if( key == K_HOME || ( Q_tolower(key) == 'a' && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL ))) { edit->cursor = 0; return; } if( key == K_END || ( Q_tolower(key) == 'e' && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL ))) { edit->cursor = len; return; } if( key == K_INS ) { host.key_overstrike = !host.key_overstrike; return; } } /* ================== Field_CharEvent ================== */ void Field_CharEvent( field_t *edit, int ch ) { int len; if( ch == 'v' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-v is paste Field_Paste( edit ); return; } if( ch == 'c' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-c clears the field Con_ClearField( edit ); return; } len = Q_strlen( edit->buffer ); if( ch == 'a' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-a is home edit->cursor = 0; edit->scroll = 0; return; } if( ch == 'e' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-e is end edit->cursor = len; edit->scroll = edit->cursor - edit->widthInChars; return; } // ignore any other non printable chars if( ch < 32 ) return; if( host.key_overstrike ) { if ( edit->cursor == MAX_STRING - 1 ) return; edit->buffer[edit->cursor] = ch; edit->cursor++; } else { // insert mode if ( len == MAX_STRING - 1 ) return; // all full memmove( edit->buffer + edit->cursor + 1, edit->buffer + edit->cursor, len + 1 - edit->cursor ); edit->buffer[edit->cursor] = ch; edit->cursor++; } if( edit->cursor >= edit->widthInChars ) edit->scroll++; if( edit->cursor == len + 1 ) edit->buffer[edit->cursor] = 0; } /* ================== Field_DrawInputLine ================== */ void Field_DrawInputLine( int x, int y, field_t *edit ) { int len, cursorChar; int drawLen, hideChar = -1; int prestep, curPos; char str[MAX_SYSPATH]; byte *colorDefault; drawLen = edit->widthInChars; len = Q_strlen( edit->buffer ) + 1; colorDefault = g_color_table[ColorIndex( COLOR_DEFAULT )]; // guarantee that cursor will be visible if( len <= drawLen ) { prestep = 0; } else { if( edit->scroll + drawLen > len ) { edit->scroll = len - drawLen; if( edit->scroll < 0 ) edit->scroll = 0; } prestep = edit->scroll; } if( prestep + drawLen > len ) drawLen = len - prestep; // extract characters from the field at drawLen = Q_min( drawLen, MAX_SYSPATH - 1 ); memcpy( str, edit->buffer + prestep, drawLen ); str[drawLen] = 0; // save char for overstrike cursorChar = str[edit->cursor - prestep]; if( host.key_overstrike && cursorChar && !((int)( host.realtime * 4 ) & 1 )) hideChar = edit->cursor - prestep; // skip this char // draw it Con_DrawGenericString( x, y, str, colorDefault, false, hideChar ); // draw the cursor if((int)( host.realtime * 4 ) & 1 ) return; // off blink // calc cursor position str[edit->cursor - prestep] = 0; Con_DrawStringLen( str, &curPos, NULL ); if( host.key_overstrike && cursorChar ) { // overstrike cursor pglEnable( GL_BLEND ); pglDisable( GL_ALPHA_TEST ); pglBlendFunc( GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_SRC_ALPHA ); pglTexEnvi( GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE ); Con_DrawGenericChar( x + curPos, y, cursorChar, colorDefault ); } else Con_DrawCharacter( x + curPos, y, '_', colorDefault ); } /* ============================================================================= CONSOLE LINE EDITING ============================================================================== */ /* ==================== Key_Console Handles history and console scrollback ==================== */ void Key_Console( int key ) { // ctrl-L clears screen if( key == 'l' && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL )) { Cbuf_AddText( "clear\n" ); return; } // enter finishes the line if( key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER ) { // if not in the game explicitly prepent a slash if needed if( cls.state != ca_active && con.input.buffer[0] != '\\' && con.input.buffer[0] != '/' ) { char temp[MAX_SYSPATH]; Q_strncpy( temp, con.input.buffer, sizeof( temp )); Q_sprintf( con.input.buffer, "\\%s", temp ); con.input.cursor++; } // backslash text are commands, else chat if( con.input.buffer[0] == '\\' || con.input.buffer[0] == '/' ) Cbuf_AddText( con.input.buffer + 1 ); // skip backslash else Cbuf_AddText( con.input.buffer ); // valid command Cbuf_AddText( "\n" ); // echo to console Con_Printf( ">%s\n", con.input.buffer ); // copy line to history buffer con.historyLines[con.nextHistoryLine % CON_HISTORY] = con.input; con.nextHistoryLine++; con.historyLine = con.nextHistoryLine; Con_ClearField( &con.input ); con.input.widthInChars = con.linewidth; if( cls.state == ca_disconnected ) { // force an update, because the command may take some time SCR_UpdateScreen (); } return; } // command completion if( key == K_TAB ) { Con_CompleteCommand( &con.input ); return; } // command history (ctrl-p ctrl-n for unix style) if(( key == K_MWHEELUP && Key_IsDown( K_SHIFT )) || ( key == K_UPARROW ) || (( Q_tolower(key) == 'p' ) && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL ))) { if( con.nextHistoryLine - con.historyLine < CON_HISTORY && con.historyLine > 0 ) con.historyLine--; con.input = con.historyLines[con.historyLine % CON_HISTORY]; return; } if(( key == K_MWHEELDOWN && Key_IsDown( K_SHIFT )) || ( key == K_DOWNARROW ) || (( Q_tolower(key) == 'n' ) && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL ))) { if( con.historyLine == con.nextHistoryLine ) return; con.historyLine++; con.input = con.historyLines[con.historyLine % CON_HISTORY]; return; } // console scrolling if( key == K_PGUP ) { Con_PageUp( 1 ); return; } if( key == K_PGDN ) { Con_PageDown( 1 ); return; } if( key == K_MWHEELUP ) { if( Key_IsDown( K_CTRL )) Con_PageUp( 8 ); else Con_PageUp( 2 ); return; } if( key == K_MWHEELDOWN ) { if( Key_IsDown( K_CTRL )) Con_PageDown( 8 ); else Con_PageDown( 2 ); return; } // ctrl-home = top of console if( key == K_HOME && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL )) { Con_Top(); return; } // ctrl-end = bottom of console if( key == K_END && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL )) { Con_Bottom(); return; } // pass to the normal editline routine Field_KeyDownEvent( &con.input, key ); } /* ================ Key_Message In game talk message ================ */ void Key_Message( int key ) { char buffer[MAX_SYSPATH]; if( key == K_ESCAPE ) { Key_SetKeyDest( key_game ); Con_ClearField( &con.chat ); return; } if( key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER ) { if( con.chat.buffer[0] && cls.state == ca_active ) { Q_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "%s \"%s\"\n", con.chat_cmd, con.chat.buffer ); Cbuf_AddText( buffer ); } Key_SetKeyDest( key_game ); Con_ClearField( &con.chat ); return; } Field_KeyDownEvent( &con.chat, key ); } /* ============================================================================== DRAWING ============================================================================== */ /* ================ Con_DrawInput The input line scrolls horizontally if typing goes beyond the right edge ================ */ void Con_DrawInput( int lines ) { int y; // don't draw anything (always draw if not active) if( cls.key_dest != key_console || !con.curFont ) return; y = lines - ( con.curFont->charHeight * 2 ); Con_DrawCharacter( 8, y, ']', g_color_table[7] ); Field_DrawInputLine( 16, y, &con.input ); } /* ================ Con_DrawDebugLines Custom debug messages ================ */ int Con_DrawDebugLines( void ) { int i, count = 0; int defaultX; int y = 20; defaultX = glState.width / 4; for( i = 0; i < MAX_DBG_NOTIFY; i++ ) { if( host.realtime < con.notify[i].expire && con.notify[i].key_dest == cls.key_dest ) { int x, len; int fontTall; Con_DrawStringLen( con.notify[i].szNotify, &len, &fontTall ); x = glState.width - Q_max( defaultX, len ) - 10; fontTall += 1; if( y + fontTall > glState.height - 20 ) return count; count++; y = 20 + fontTall * i; Con_DrawString( x, y, con.notify[i].szNotify, con.notify[i].color ); } } return count; } /* ================ Con_DrawDebug Draws the debug messages (not passed to console history) ================ */ void Con_DrawDebug( void ) { static double timeStart; string dlstring; int x, y; if( scr_download->value != -1.0f ) { Q_snprintf( dlstring, sizeof( dlstring ), "Downloading [%d remaining]: ^2%s^7 %5.1f%% (%f elapsed)", host.downloadcount, host.downloadfile, scr_download->value, Sys_DoubleTime() - timeStart ); x = glState.width - 400; y = con.curFont->charHeight * 1.05f; Con_DrawString( x, y, dlstring, g_color_table[7] ); } else { timeStart = Sys_DoubleTime(); } if( !host_developer.value || Cvar_VariableInteger( "cl_background" ) || Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_background" )) return; if( con.draw_notify && !Con_Visible( )) { if( Con_DrawDebugLines() == 0 ) con.draw_notify = false; } } /* ================ Con_DrawNotify Draws the last few lines of output transparently over the game top ================ */ void Con_DrawNotify( void ) { double time = cl.time; int i, x, y = 0; if( !con.curFont ) return; x = con.curFont->charWidths[' ']; // offset one space at left screen side if( host_developer.value && ( !Cvar_VariableInteger( "cl_background" ) && !Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_background" ))) { for( i = CON_LINES_COUNT - con.num_times; i < CON_LINES_COUNT; i++ ) { con_lineinfo_t *l = &CON_LINES( i ); if( l->addtime < ( time - con_notifytime->value )) continue; Con_DrawString( x, y, l->start, g_color_table[7] ); y += con.curFont->charHeight; } } if( cls.key_dest == key_message ) { string buf; int len; // update chatline position from client.dll if( clgame.dllFuncs.pfnChatInputPosition ) clgame.dllFuncs.pfnChatInputPosition( &x, &y ); Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s: ", con.chat_cmd ); Con_DrawStringLen( buf, &len, NULL ); Con_DrawString( x, y, buf, g_color_table[7] ); Field_DrawInputLine( x + len, y, &con.chat ); } pglColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } /* ================ Con_DrawConsoleLine Draws a line of the console; returns its height in lines. If alpha is 0, the line is not drawn, but still wrapped and its height returned. ================ */ int Con_DrawConsoleLine( int y, int lineno ) { con_lineinfo_t *li = &CON_LINES( lineno ); if( *li->start == '\1' ) return 0; // this string will be shown only at notify if( y >= con.curFont->charHeight ) Con_DrawGenericString( con.curFont->charWidths[' '], y, li->start, g_color_table[7], false, -1 ); return con.curFont->charHeight; } /* ================ Con_LastVisibleLine Calculates the last visible line index and how much to show of it based on con.backscroll. ================ */ static void Con_LastVisibleLine( int *lastline ) { int i, lines_seen = 0; con.backscroll = Q_max( 0, con.backscroll ); *lastline = 0; // now count until we saw con_backscroll actual lines for( i = CON_LINES_COUNT - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { // line is the last visible line? *lastline = i; if( lines_seen + 1 > con.backscroll && lines_seen <= con.backscroll ) return; lines_seen += 1; } // if we get here, no line was on screen - scroll so that one line is visible then. con.backscroll = lines_seen - 1; } /* ================ Con_DrawConsole Draws the console with the solid background ================ */ void Con_DrawSolidConsole( int lines ) { int i, x, y; float fraction; int start; if( lines <= 0 ) return; // draw the background GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderNormal ); pglColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); // to prevent grab color from screenfade R_DrawStretchPic( 0, lines - glState.height, glState.width, glState.height, 0, 0, 1, 1, con.background ); if( !con.curFont || !host.allow_console ) return; // nothing to draw if( host.allow_console ) { // draw current version int stringLen, width = 0, charH; string curbuild; byte color[4]; memcpy( color, g_color_table[7], sizeof( color )); Q_snprintf( curbuild, MAX_STRING, "%s %i/%s (hw build %i)", XASH_ENGINE_NAME, PROTOCOL_VERSION, XASH_VERSION, Q_buildnum( )); Con_DrawStringLen( curbuild, &stringLen, &charH ); start = glState.width - stringLen; stringLen = Con_StringLength( curbuild ); fraction = lines / (float)glState.height; color[3] = Q_min( fraction * 2.0f, 1.0f ) * 255; // fadeout version number for( i = 0; i < stringLen; i++ ) width += Con_DrawCharacter( start + width, 0, curbuild[i], color ); } // draw the text if( CON_LINES_COUNT > 0 ) { int ymax = lines - (con.curFont->charHeight * 2.0f); int lastline; Con_LastVisibleLine( &lastline ); y = ymax - con.curFont->charHeight; if( con.backscroll ) { start = con.curFont->charWidths[' ']; // offset one space at left screen side // draw red arrows to show the buffer is backscrolled for( x = 0; x < con.linewidth; x += 4 ) Con_DrawCharacter(( x + 1 ) * start, y, '^', g_color_table[1] ); y -= con.curFont->charHeight; } x = lastline; while( 1 ) { y -= Con_DrawConsoleLine( y, x ); // top of console buffer or console window if( x == 0 || y < con.curFont->charHeight ) break; x--; } } // draw the input prompt, user text, and cursor if desired Con_DrawInput( lines ); y = lines - ( con.curFont->charHeight * 1.2f ); SCR_DrawFPS( max( y, 4 )); // to avoid to hide fps counter pglColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } /* ================== Con_DrawConsole ================== */ void Con_DrawConsole( void ) { // never draw console when changelevel in-progress if( cls.state != ca_disconnected && ( cls.changelevel || cls.changedemo )) return; // check for console width changes from a vid mode change Con_CheckResize (); if( cls.state == ca_connecting || cls.state == ca_connected ) { if( !cl_allow_levelshots->value ) { if(( Cvar_VariableInteger( "cl_background" ) || Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_background" )) && cls.key_dest != key_console ) con.vislines = con.showlines = 0; else con.vislines = con.showlines = glState.height; } else { con.showlines = 0; if( host_developer.value >= DEV_EXTENDED ) Con_DrawNotify(); // draw notify lines } } // if disconnected, render console full screen switch( cls.state ) { case ca_disconnected: if( cls.key_dest != key_menu ) { Con_DrawSolidConsole( glState.height ); Key_SetKeyDest( key_console ); } break; case ca_connecting: case ca_connected: case ca_validate: // force to show console always for -dev 3 and higher Con_DrawSolidConsole( con.vislines ); break; case ca_active: case ca_cinematic: if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "cl_background" ) || Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_background" )) { if( cls.key_dest == key_console ) Con_DrawSolidConsole( glState.height ); } else { if( con.vislines ) Con_DrawSolidConsole( con.vislines ); else if( cls.state == ca_active && ( cls.key_dest == key_game || cls.key_dest == key_message )) Con_DrawNotify(); // draw notify lines } break; } if( !Con_Visible( )) SCR_DrawFPS( 4 ); } /* ================== Con_DrawVersion Used by menu ================== */ void Con_DrawVersion( void ) { // draws the current build byte *color = g_color_table[7]; int i, stringLen, width = 0, charH; int start, height = glState.height; qboolean draw_version = false; string curbuild; switch( cls.scrshot_action ) { case scrshot_normal: case scrshot_snapshot: draw_version = true; break; } if( !host.force_draw_version ) { if(( cls.key_dest != key_menu && !draw_version ) || CL_IsDevOverviewMode() == 2 || net_graph->value ) return; } if( host.force_draw_version || draw_version ) Q_snprintf( curbuild, MAX_STRING, "%s v%i/%s (build %i)", XASH_ENGINE_NAME, PROTOCOL_VERSION, XASH_VERSION, Q_buildnum( )); else Q_snprintf( curbuild, MAX_STRING, "v%i/%s (build %i)", PROTOCOL_VERSION, XASH_VERSION, Q_buildnum( )); Con_DrawStringLen( curbuild, &stringLen, &charH ); start = glState.width - stringLen * 1.05f; stringLen = Con_StringLength( curbuild ); height -= charH * 1.05f; for( i = 0; i < stringLen; i++ ) width += Con_DrawCharacter( start + width, height, curbuild[i], color ); } /* ================== Con_RunConsole Scroll it up or down ================== */ void Con_RunConsole( void ) { float lines_per_frame; // decide on the destination height of the console if( host.allow_console && cls.key_dest == key_console ) { if( cls.state < ca_active || cl.first_frame ) con.showlines = glState.height; // full screen else con.showlines = (glState.height >> 1); // half screen } else con.showlines = 0; // none visible lines_per_frame = fabs( scr_conspeed->value ) * host.realframetime; if( con.showlines < con.vislines ) { con.vislines -= lines_per_frame; if( con.showlines > con.vislines ) con.vislines = con.showlines; } else if( con.showlines > con.vislines ) { con.vislines += lines_per_frame; if( con.showlines < con.vislines ) con.vislines = con.showlines; } if( FBitSet( con_charset->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ) || FBitSet( con_fontscale->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ) || FBitSet( con_fontnum->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ) || FBitSet( cl_charset->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ) ) { // update codepage parameters g_codepage = 0; if( !Q_stricmp( con_charset->string, "cp1251" ) ) g_codepage = 1251; else if( !Q_stricmp( con_charset->string, "cp1252" ) ) g_codepage = 1252; g_utf8 = !Q_stricmp( cl_charset->string, "utf-8" ); Con_InvalidateFonts(); Con_LoadConchars(); cls.creditsFont.valid = false; SCR_LoadCreditsFont(); ClearBits( con_charset->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); ClearBits( con_fontnum->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); ClearBits( con_fontscale->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); ClearBits( cl_charset->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); } } /* ============================================================================== CONSOLE INTERFACE ============================================================================== */ /* ================ Con_CharEvent Console input ================ */ void Con_CharEvent( int key ) { // distribute the key down event to the apropriate handler if( cls.key_dest == key_console ) { Field_CharEvent( &con.input, key ); } else if( cls.key_dest == key_message ) { Field_CharEvent( &con.chat, key ); } } /* ========= Con_VidInit INTERNAL RESOURCE ========= */ void Con_VidInit( void ) { Con_CheckResize(); Con_LoadConchars(); // loading console image if( host.allow_console ) { // trying to load truecolor image first if( FS_FileExists( "gfx/shell/conback.bmp", false ) || FS_FileExists( "gfx/shell/conback.tga", false )) con.background = GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/shell/conback", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE, NULL ); if( !con.background ) { if( FS_FileExists( "cached/conback640", false )) con.background = GL_LoadTexture( "cached/conback640", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE, NULL ); else if( FS_FileExists( "cached/conback", false )) con.background = GL_LoadTexture( "cached/conback", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE, NULL ); } } else { // trying to load truecolor image first if( FS_FileExists( "gfx/shell/loading.bmp", false ) || FS_FileExists( "gfx/shell/loading.tga", false )) con.background = GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/shell/loading", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE, NULL ); if( !con.background ) { if( FS_FileExists( "cached/loading640", false )) con.background = GL_LoadTexture( "cached/loading640", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE, NULL ); else if( FS_FileExists( "cached/loading", false )) con.background = GL_LoadTexture( "cached/loading", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE, NULL ); } } if( !con.background ) // last chance - quake conback image { qboolean draw_to_console = false; int length = 0; gltexture_t *chars; // NOTE: only these games want to draw build number into console background if( !Q_stricmp( FS_Gamedir(), "id1" )) draw_to_console = true; if( !Q_stricmp( FS_Gamedir(), "hipnotic" )) draw_to_console = true; if( !Q_stricmp( FS_Gamedir(), "rogue" )) draw_to_console = true; if( draw_to_console && con.curFont && ( chars = R_GetTexture( con.curFont->hFontTexture )) != NULL && chars->original ) { lmp_t *cb = (lmp_t *)FS_LoadFile( "gfx/conback.lmp", &length, false ); char ver[64]; byte *dest; int x, y; if( cb && cb->width == 320 && cb->height == 200 ) { Q_snprintf( ver, 64, "%i", Q_buildnum( )); // can store only buildnum dest = (byte *)(cb + 1) + 320 * 186 + 320 - 11 - 8 * Q_strlen( ver ); y = Q_strlen( ver ); for( x = 0; x < y; x++ ) Con_DrawCharToConback( ver[x], chars->original->buffer, dest + (x << 3)); con.background = GL_LoadTexture( "#gfx/conback.lmp", (byte *)cb, length, TF_IMAGE, NULL ); } if( cb ) Mem_Free( cb ); } if( !con.background ) // trying the load unmodified conback con.background = GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/conback.lmp", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE, NULL ); } // missed console image will be replaced as gray background like X-Ray or Crysis if( con.background == tr.defaultTexture || con.background == 0 ) con.background = tr.grayTexture; } /* ========= Con_InvalidateFonts ========= */ void Con_InvalidateFonts( void ) { memset( con.chars, 0, sizeof( con.chars )); con.curFont = con.lastUsedFont = NULL; } /* ========= Cmd_AutoComplete NOTE: input string must be equal or longer than MAX_STRING ========= */ void Cmd_AutoComplete( char *complete_string ) { field_t input; if( !complete_string || !*complete_string ) return; // setup input Q_strncpy( input.buffer, complete_string, sizeof( input.buffer )); input.cursor = input.scroll = 0; Con_CompleteCommand( &input ); // setup output if( input.buffer[0] == '\\' || input.buffer[0] == '/' ) Q_strncpy( complete_string, input.buffer + 1, sizeof( input.buffer )); else Q_strncpy( complete_string, input.buffer, sizeof( input.buffer )); } /* ========= Con_FastClose immediately close the console ========= */ void Con_FastClose( void ) { Con_ClearField( &con.input ); Con_ClearNotify(); con.showlines = 0; con.vislines = 0; } /* ========= Con_DefaultColor called from MainUI ========= */ void Con_DefaultColor( int r, int g, int b ) { r = bound( 0, r, 255 ); g = bound( 0, g, 255 ); b = bound( 0, b, 255 ); MakeRGBA( g_color_table[7], r, g, b, 255 ); }