/* frame.c - compact version of famous library mpg123 Copyright (C) 2017 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "mpg123.h" enum mpg123_channelcount { MPG123_MONO = 1, MPG123_STEREO = 2 }; // only the standard rates static const long my_rates[MPG123_RATES] = { 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, }; static const int my_encodings[MPG123_ENCODINGS] = { MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16, MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_16, }; // the list of actually possible encodings. static const int good_encodings[] = { MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16, MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_16, }; // check if encoding is a valid one in this build. static int good_enc( const int enc ) { size_t i; for( i = 0; i < sizeof( good_encodings ) / sizeof( int ); ++i ) { if( enc == good_encodings[i] ) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void mpg123_rates( const long **list, size_t *number ) { if( number != NULL ) *number = sizeof( my_rates ) / sizeof( long ); if( list != NULL ) *list = my_rates; } // now that's a bit tricky... One build of the library knows only a subset of the encodings. static void mpg123_encodings( const int **list, size_t *number ) { if( number != NULL ) *number = sizeof( good_encodings ) / sizeof( int ); if( list != NULL ) *list = good_encodings; } static int mpg123_encsize( int encoding ) { return sizeof( short ); } static int rate2num( long r ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < MPG123_RATES; i++ ) { if( my_rates[i] == r ) return i; } return -1; } static int enc2num( int encoding ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < MPG123_ENCODINGS; ++i ) { if( my_encodings[i] == encoding ) return i; } return -1; } static int cap_fit( mpg123_handle_t *fr, audioformat_t *nf, int f0, int f2) { int i; int c = nf->channels - 1; int rn = rate2num( nf->rate ); if( rn >= 0 ) { for( i = f0; i p.audio_caps[c][rn][i] ) { nf->encoding = my_encodings[i]; return 1; } } } return 0; } static int freq_fit( mpg123_handle_t *fr, audioformat_t *nf, int f0, int f2 ) { nf->rate = frame_freq( fr ) >> fr->p.down_sample; if( cap_fit( fr, nf, f0, f2 )) return 1; if( fr->p.flags & MPG123_AUTO_RESAMPLE ) { nf->rate >>= 1; if( cap_fit( fr, nf, f0, f2 )) return 1; nf->rate >>= 1; if( cap_fit( fr, nf, f0, f2 )) return 1; } return 0; } // match constraints against supported audio formats, store possible setup in frame // return: -1: error; 0: no format change; 1: format change int frame_output_format( mpg123_handle_t *fr ) { int f0 = 0; int f2 = MPG123_ENCODINGS; mpg123_parm_t *p = &fr->p; audioformat_t nf; // initialize new format, encoding comes later nf.channels = fr->stereo; // force stereo is stronger if( p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_MONO ) nf.channels = 1; if( p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_STEREO ) nf.channels = 2; if( freq_fit( fr, &nf, f0, 2 )) goto end; // try rates with 16bit if( freq_fit( fr, &nf, f0 <=2 ? 2 : f0, f2 )) goto end; // ... 8bit // try again with different stereoness if( nf.channels == 2 && !( p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_STEREO )) nf.channels = 1; else if( nf.channels == 1 && !( p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_MONO )) nf.channels = 2; if( freq_fit( fr, &nf, f0, 2 )) goto end; // try rates with 16bit if( freq_fit( fr, &nf, f0 <= 2 ? 2 : f0, f2 )) goto end; // ... 8bit fr->err = MPG123_BAD_OUTFORMAT; return -1; end: // here is the _good_ end. // we had a successful match, now see if there's a change if( nf.rate == fr->af.rate && nf.channels == fr->af.channels && nf.encoding == fr->af.encoding ) { return 0; // the same format as before } else { // a new format fr->af.rate = nf.rate; fr->af.channels = nf.channels; fr->af.encoding = nf.encoding; // cache the size of one sample in bytes, for ease of use. fr->af.encsize = mpg123_encsize( fr->af.encoding ); if( fr->af.encsize < 1 ) { fr->err = MPG123_BAD_OUTFORMAT; return -1; } // set up the decoder synth format. Might differ. // without high-precision synths, 16 bit signed is the basis for // everything higher than 8 bit. if( fr->af.encsize > 2 ) { fr->af.dec_enc = MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16; } else { switch( fr->af.encoding ) { case MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_16: fr->af.dec_enc = MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16; break; default: fr->af.dec_enc = fr->af.encoding; break; } } fr->af.dec_encsize = mpg123_encsize( fr->af.dec_enc ); return 1; } } static int mpg123_fmt_none( mpg123_parm_t *mp ) { if( mp == NULL ) return MPG123_BAD_PARS; memset( mp->audio_caps, 0, sizeof( mp->audio_caps )); return MPG123_OK; } int mpg123_fmt_all( mpg123_parm_t *mp ) { size_t rate, ch, enc; if( mp == NULL ) return MPG123_BAD_PARS; for( ch = 0; ch < NUM_CHANNELS; ++ch ) { for( rate = 0; rate < MPG123_RATES+1; ++rate ) { for( enc = 0; enc < MPG123_ENCODINGS; ++enc ) mp->audio_caps[ch][rate][enc] = good_enc( my_encodings[enc] ); } } return MPG123_OK; } static int mpg123_fmt( mpg123_parm_t *mp, long rate, int channels, int encodings ) { int ie, ic, ratei; int ch[2] = { 0, 1 }; if( mp == NULL ) return MPG123_BAD_PARS; if(!( channels & ( MPG123_MONO|MPG123_STEREO ))) return MPG123_BAD_CHANNEL; if(!( channels & MPG123_STEREO )) ch[1] = 0; else if(!( channels & MPG123_MONO )) ch[0] = 1; ratei = rate2num( rate ); if( ratei < 0 ) return MPG123_BAD_RATE; // now match the encodings for( ic = 0; ic < 2; ++ic ) { for( ie = 0; ie < MPG123_ENCODINGS; ++ie ) { if( good_enc( my_encodings[ie] ) && (( my_encodings[ie] & encodings ) == my_encodings[ie] )) mp->audio_caps[ch[ic]][ratei][ie] = 1; } if( ch[0] == ch[1] ) break; // no need to do it again } return MPG123_OK; } static int mpg123_fmt_support( mpg123_parm_t *mp, long rate, int encoding ) { int ratei, enci; int ch = 0; ratei = rate2num( rate ); enci = enc2num( encoding ); if( mp == NULL || ratei < 0 || enci < 0 ) return 0; if( mp->audio_caps[0][ratei][enci] ) ch |= MPG123_MONO; if( mp->audio_caps[1][ratei][enci] ) ch |= MPG123_STEREO; return ch; } int mpg123_format_none( mpg123_handle_t *mh ) { int r; if( mh == NULL ) return MPG123_BAD_HANDLE; r = mpg123_fmt_none( &mh->p ); if( r != MPG123_OK ) { mh->err = r; return MPG123_ERR; } return r; } int mpg123_format_all( mpg123_handle_t *mh ) { int r; if( mh == NULL ) return MPG123_BAD_HANDLE; r = mpg123_fmt_all( &mh->p ); if( r != MPG123_OK ) { mh->err = r; return MPG123_ERR; } return r; } int mpg123_format( mpg123_handle_t *mh, long rate, int channels, int encodings ) { int r; if( mh == NULL ) return MPG123_BAD_HANDLE; r = mpg123_fmt( &mh->p, rate, channels, encodings ); if( r != MPG123_OK ) { mh->err = r; return MPG123_ERR; } return r; } static int mpg123_format_support( mpg123_handle_t *mh, long rate, int encoding ) { if( mh == NULL ) return 0; return mpg123_fmt_support( &mh->p, rate, encoding ); } // call this one to ensure that any valid format will be something different than this. void invalidate_format( audioformat_t *af ) { af->encoding = 0; af->channels = 0; af->rate = 0; } // number of bytes the decoder produces. mpg_off_t decoder_synth_bytes( mpg123_handle_t *fr, mpg_off_t s ) { return s * fr->af.dec_encsize * fr->af.channels; } // samples/bytes for output buffer after post-processing. // take into account: channels, bytes per sample -- NOT resampling! mpg_off_t samples_to_bytes( mpg123_handle_t *fr, mpg_off_t s ) { return s * fr->af.encsize * fr->af.channels; } mpg_off_t bytes_to_samples( mpg123_handle_t *fr, mpg_off_t b ) { return b / fr->af.encsize / fr->af.channels; } // number of bytes needed for decoding _and_ post-processing. mpg_off_t outblock_bytes( mpg123_handle_t *fr, mpg_off_t s ) { int encsize = (fr->af.encsize > fr->af.dec_encsize ? fr->af.encsize : fr->af.dec_encsize); return s * encsize * fr->af.channels; } static void conv_s16_to_u16( outbuffer_t *buf ) { int16_t *ssamples = (int16_t *)buf->data; uint16_t *usamples = (uint16_t *)buf->data; size_t count = buf->fill / sizeof( int16_t ); size_t i; for( i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { long tmp = (long)ssamples[i] + 32768; usamples[i] = (uint16_t)tmp; } } void postprocess_buffer( mpg123_handle_t *fr ) { switch( fr->af.dec_enc ) { case MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16: switch( fr->af.encoding ) { case MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_16: conv_s16_to_u16(&fr->buffer); break; } break; } }