snd_main.c - load & save various sound formats
Copyright (C) 2010 Uncle Mike

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

#include "soundlib.h"

// global sound variables
sndlib_t	sound;

void Sound_Reset( void )
	// reset global variables
	sound.width = sound.rate = 0;
	sound.channels = sound.loopstart = 0;
	sound.samples = sound.flags = 0;
	sound.type = WF_UNKNOWN;

	sound.wav = NULL;
	sound.size = 0;

wavdata_t *SoundPack( void )
	wavdata_t	*pack = Mem_Calloc( host.soundpool, sizeof( wavdata_t ));

	pack->buffer = sound.wav;
	pack->width = sound.width;
	pack->rate = sound.rate;
	pack->type = sound.type;
	pack->size = sound.size;
	pack->loopStart = sound.loopstart;
	pack->samples = sound.samples;
	pack->channels = sound.channels;
	pack->flags = sound.flags;

	return pack;


loading and unpack to wav any known sound
wavdata_t *FS_LoadSound( const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t size )
	const char	*ext = COM_FileExtension( filename );
	string		path, loadname;
	qboolean		anyformat = true;
	fs_offset_t		filesize = 0;
	const loadwavfmt_t	*format;
	byte		*f;

	Sound_Reset(); // clear old sounddata
	Q_strncpy( loadname, filename, sizeof( loadname ));

	if( Q_stricmp( ext, "" ))
		// we needs to compare file extension with list of supported formats
		// and be sure what is real extension, not a filename with dot
		for( format = sound.loadformats; format && format->formatstring; format++ )
			if( !Q_stricmp( format->ext, ext ))
				COM_StripExtension( loadname );
				anyformat = false;

	// special mode: skip any checks, load file from buffer
	if( filename[0] == '#' && buffer && size )
		goto load_internal;

	// now try all the formats in the selected list
	for( format = sound.loadformats; format && format->formatstring; format++)
		if( anyformat || !Q_stricmp( ext, format->ext ))
			Q_sprintf( path, format->formatstring, loadname, "", format->ext );
			f = FS_LoadFile( path, &filesize, false );
			if( f && filesize > 0 )
				if( format->loadfunc( path, f, filesize ))
					Mem_Free(f); // release buffer
					return SoundPack(); // loaded
				else Mem_Free(f); // release buffer 

	for( format = sound.loadformats; format && format->formatstring; format++ )
		if( anyformat || !Q_stricmp( ext, format->ext ))
			if( buffer && size > 0  )
				if( format->loadfunc( loadname, buffer, size ))
					return SoundPack(); // loaded

	if( filename[0] != '#' )
		Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "FS_LoadSound: couldn't load \"%s\"\n", loadname );

	return NULL;


free WAV buffer
void FS_FreeSound( wavdata_t *pack )
	if( !pack ) return;
	if( pack->buffer ) Mem_Free( pack->buffer );
	Mem_Free( pack );


open and reading basic info from sound stream 
stream_t *FS_OpenStream( const char *filename )
	const char	*ext = COM_FileExtension( filename );
	string		path, loadname;
	qboolean		anyformat = true;
	const streamfmt_t	*format;
	stream_t		*stream;

	Sound_Reset(); // clear old streaminfo
	Q_strncpy( loadname, filename, sizeof( loadname ));

	if( Q_stricmp( ext, "" ))
		// we needs to compare file extension with list of supported formats
		// and be sure what is real extension, not a filename with dot
		for( format = sound.streamformat; format && format->formatstring; format++ )
			if( !Q_stricmp( format->ext, ext ))
				COM_StripExtension( loadname );
				anyformat = false;

	// now try all the formats in the selected list
	for( format = sound.streamformat; format && format->formatstring; format++)
		if( anyformat || !Q_stricmp( ext, format->ext ))
			Q_sprintf( path, format->formatstring, loadname, "", format->ext );
			if(( stream = format->openfunc( path )) != NULL )
				stream->format = format;
				return stream; // done

	Con_Reportf( "FS_OpenStream: couldn't open \"%s\"\n", loadname );

	return NULL;


get basic stream info
wavdata_t *FS_StreamInfo( stream_t *stream )
	static wavdata_t	info;

	if( !stream ) return NULL;

	// fill structure
	info.loopStart = -1;
	info.rate = stream->rate;
	info.width = stream->width;
	info.channels = stream->channels;
	info.flags = SOUND_STREAM; 
	info.size = stream->size;
	info.buffer = NULL;
	info.samples = 0;	// not actual for streams
	info.type = stream->type;

	return &info;


extract stream as wav-data and put into buffer, move file pointer
int FS_ReadStream( stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer )
	if( !stream || !stream->format || !stream->format->readfunc )
		return 0;

	if( bytes <= 0 || buffer == NULL )
		return 0;

	return stream->format->readfunc( stream, bytes, buffer );


get stream position (in bytes)
int FS_GetStreamPos( stream_t *stream )
	if( !stream || !stream->format || !stream->format->getposfunc )
		return -1;

	return stream->format->getposfunc( stream );


set stream position (in bytes)
int FS_SetStreamPos( stream_t *stream, int newpos )
	if( !stream || !stream->format || !stream->format->setposfunc )
		return -1;

	return stream->format->setposfunc( stream, newpos );


close sound stream
void FS_FreeStream( stream_t *stream )
	if( !stream || !stream->format || !stream->format->freefunc )

	stream->format->freefunc( stream );