/* cl_securedstub.c - secured client dll stub Copyright (C) 2022 FWGS This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "client.h" typedef struct cldll_func_src_s { int (*pfnInitialize)( cl_enginefunc_t *pEnginefuncs, int iVersion ); void (*pfnInit)( void ); int (*pfnVidInit)( void ); int (*pfnRedraw)( float flTime, int intermission ); int (*pfnUpdateClientData)( client_data_t *cdata, float flTime ); void (*pfnReset)( void ); void (*pfnPlayerMove)( struct playermove_s *ppmove, int server ); void (*pfnPlayerMoveInit)( struct playermove_s *ppmove ); char (*pfnPlayerMoveTexture)( char *name ); void (*IN_ActivateMouse)( void ); void (*IN_DeactivateMouse)( void ); void (*IN_MouseEvent)( int mstate ); void (*IN_ClearStates)( void ); void (*IN_Accumulate)( void ); void (*CL_CreateMove)( float frametime, struct usercmd_s *cmd, int active ); int (*CL_IsThirdPerson)( void ); void (*CL_CameraOffset)( float *ofs ); // unused void *(*KB_Find)( const char *name ); void (*CAM_Think)( void ); // camera stuff void (*pfnCalcRefdef)( ref_params_t *pparams ); int (*pfnAddEntity)( int type, cl_entity_t *ent, const char *modelname ); void (*pfnCreateEntities)( void ); void (*pfnDrawNormalTriangles)( void ); void (*pfnDrawTransparentTriangles)( void ); void (*pfnStudioEvent)( const struct mstudioevent_s *event, const cl_entity_t *entity ); void (*pfnPostRunCmd)( struct local_state_s *from, struct local_state_s *to, usercmd_t *cmd, int runfuncs, double time, unsigned int random_seed ); void (*pfnShutdown)( void ); void (*pfnTxferLocalOverrides)( entity_state_t *state, const clientdata_t *client ); void (*pfnProcessPlayerState)( entity_state_t *dst, const entity_state_t *src ); void (*pfnTxferPredictionData)( entity_state_t *ps, const entity_state_t *pps, clientdata_t *pcd, const clientdata_t *ppcd, weapon_data_t *wd, const weapon_data_t *pwd ); void (*pfnDemo_ReadBuffer)( int size, byte *buffer ); int (*pfnConnectionlessPacket)( const struct netadr_s *net_from, const char *args, char *buffer, int *size ); int (*pfnGetHullBounds)( int hullnumber, float *mins, float *maxs ); void (*pfnFrame)( double time ); int (*pfnKey_Event)( int eventcode, int keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ); void (*pfnTempEntUpdate)( double frametime, double client_time, double cl_gravity, struct tempent_s **ppTempEntFree, struct tempent_s **ppTempEntActive, int ( *Callback_AddVisibleEntity )( cl_entity_t *pEntity ), void ( *Callback_TempEntPlaySound )( struct tempent_s *pTemp, float damp )); cl_entity_t *(*pfnGetUserEntity)( int index ); void (*pfnVoiceStatus)( int entindex, qboolean bTalking ); void (*pfnDirectorMessage)( int iSize, void *pbuf ); int (*pfnGetStudioModelInterface)( int version, struct r_studio_interface_s **ppinterface, struct engine_studio_api_s *pstudio ); void (*pfnChatInputPosition)( int *x, int *y ); int (*pfnGetPlayerTeam)( int iPlayer ); void *(*pfnClientFactory)( void ); } cldll_func_src_t; typedef struct cldll_func_dst_s { void (*pfnInitialize)( cl_enginefunc_t **pEnginefuncs, int *iVersion ); void (*pfnInit)( void ); void (*pfnVidInit)( void ); void (*pfnRedraw)( float *flTime, int *intermission ); void (*pfnUpdateClientData)( client_data_t **cdata, float *flTime ); void (*pfnReset)( void ); void (*pfnPlayerMove)( struct playermove_s **ppmove, int *server ); void (*pfnPlayerMoveInit)( struct playermove_s **ppmove ); void (*pfnPlayerMoveTexture)( char **name ); void (*IN_ActivateMouse)( void ); void (*IN_DeactivateMouse)( void ); void (*IN_MouseEvent)( int *mstate ); void (*IN_ClearStates)( void ); void (*IN_Accumulate)( void ); void (*CL_CreateMove)( float *frametime, struct usercmd_s **cmd, int *active ); void (*CL_IsThirdPerson)( void ); void (*CL_CameraOffset)( float **ofs ); void (*KB_Find)( const char **name ); void (*CAM_Think)( void ); void (*pfnCalcRefdef)( ref_params_t **pparams ); void (*pfnAddEntity)( int *type, cl_entity_t **ent, const char **modelname ); void (*pfnCreateEntities)( void ); void (*pfnDrawNormalTriangles)( void ); void (*pfnDrawTransparentTriangles)( void ); void (*pfnStudioEvent)( const struct mstudioevent_s **event, const cl_entity_t **entity ); void (*pfnPostRunCmd)( struct local_state_s **from, struct local_state_s **to, usercmd_t **cmd, int *runfuncs, double *time, unsigned int *random_seed ); void (*pfnShutdown)( void ); void (*pfnTxferLocalOverrides)( entity_state_t **state, const clientdata_t **client ); void (*pfnProcessPlayerState)( entity_state_t **dst, const entity_state_t **src ); void (*pfnTxferPredictionData)( entity_state_t **ps, const entity_state_t **pps, clientdata_t **pcd, const clientdata_t **ppcd, weapon_data_t **wd, const weapon_data_t **pwd ); void (*pfnDemo_ReadBuffer)( int *size, byte **buffer ); void (*pfnConnectionlessPacket)( const struct netadr_s **net_from, const char **args, char **buffer, int **size ); void (*pfnGetHullBounds)( int *hullnumber, float **mins, float **maxs ); void (*pfnFrame)( double *time ); void (*pfnKey_Event)( int *eventcode, int *keynum, const char **pszCurrentBinding ); void (*pfnTempEntUpdate)( double *frametime, double *client_time, double *cl_gravity, struct tempent_s ***ppTempEntFree, struct tempent_s ***ppTempEntActive, int ( **Callback_AddVisibleEntity )( cl_entity_t *pEntity ), void ( **Callback_TempEntPlaySound )( struct tempent_s *pTemp, float damp )); void (*pfnGetUserEntity)( int *index ); void (*pfnVoiceStatus)( int *entindex, qboolean *bTalking ); void (*pfnDirectorMessage)( int *iSize, void **pbuf ); void (*pfnGetStudioModelInterface)( int *version, struct r_studio_interface_s ***ppinterface, struct engine_studio_api_s **pstudio ); void (*pfnChatInputPosition)( int **x, int **y ); void (*pfnGetPlayerTeam)( int *iPlayer ); } cldll_func_dst_t; struct cl_enginefunc_dst_s; struct modshelpers_s; struct modchelpers_s; struct engdata_s; typedef struct modfuncs_s { void (*m_pfnLoadMod)( char *pchModule ); void (*m_pfnCloseMod)( void ); int (*m_pfnNCall)( int ijump, int cnArg, ... ); void (*m_pfnGetClDstAddrs)( cldll_func_dst_t *pcldstAddrs ); void (*m_pfnGetEngDstAddrs)( struct cl_enginefunc_dst_s *pengdstAddrs ); void (*m_pfnModuleLoaded)( void ); void (*m_pfnProcessOutgoingNet)( struct netchan_s *pchan, struct sizebuf_s *psizebuf ); qboolean (*m_pfnProcessIncomingNet)( struct netchan_s *pchan, struct sizebuf_s *psizebuf ); void (*m_pfnTextureLoad)( char *pszName, int dxWidth, int dyHeight, char *pbData ); void (*m_pfnModelLoad)( struct model_s *pmodel, void *pvBuf ); void (*m_pfnFrameBegin)( void ); void (*m_pfnFrameRender1)( void ); void (*m_pfnFrameRender2)( void ); void (*m_pfnSetModSHelpers)( struct modshelpers_s *pmodshelpers ); void (*m_pfnSetModCHelpers)( struct modchelpers_s *pmodchelpers ); void (*m_pfnSetEngData)( struct engdata_s *pengdata ); int m_nVersion; void (*m_pfnConnectClient)( int iPlayer ); void (*m_pfnRecordIP)( unsigned int pnIP ); void (*m_pfnPlayerStatus)( unsigned char *pbData, int cbData ); void (*m_pfnSetEngineVersion)( int nVersion ); int m_nVoid2; int m_nVoid3; int m_nVoid4; int m_nVoid5; int m_nVoid6; int m_nVoid7; int m_nVoid8; int m_nVoid9; } modfuncs_t; static void DstInitialize( cl_enginefunc_t **pEnginefuncs, int *iVersion ) { // stub } static void DstInit( void ) { // stub } static void DstVidInit( void ) { // stub } static void DstRedraw( float *flTime, int *intermission ) { // stub } static void DstUpdateClientData( client_data_t **cdata, float *flTime ) { // stub } static void DstReset( void ) { // stub } static void DstPlayerMove( struct playermove_s **ppmove, int *server ) { // stub } static void DstPlayerMoveInit( struct playermove_s **ppmove ) { // stub } static void DstPlayerMoveTexture( char **name ) { // stub } static void DstIN_ActivateMouse( void ) { // stub } static void DstIN_DeactivateMouse( void ) { // stub } static void DstIN_MouseEvent( int *mstate ) { // stub } static void DstIN_ClearStates( void ) { // stub } static void DstIN_Accumulate( void ) { // stub } static void DstCL_CreateMove( float *frametime, struct usercmd_s **cmd, int *active ) { // stub } static void DstCL_IsThirdPerson( void ) { // stub } static void DstCL_CameraOffset( float **ofs ) { // stub } static void DstKB_Find( const char **name ) { // stub } static void DstCAM_Think( void ) { // stub } static void DstCalcRefdef( ref_params_t **pparams ) { // stub } static void DstAddEntity( int *type, cl_entity_t **ent, const char **modelname ) { // stub } static void DstCreateEntities( void ) { // stub } static void DstDrawNormalTriangles( void ) { // stub } static void DstDrawTransparentTriangles( void ) { // stub } static void DstStudioEvent( const struct mstudioevent_s **event, const cl_entity_t **entity ) { // stub } static void DstPostRunCmd( struct local_state_s **from, struct local_state_s **to, usercmd_t **cmd, int *runfuncs, double *time, unsigned int *random_seed ) { // stub } static void DstShutdown( void ) { // stub } static void DstTxferLocalOverrides( entity_state_t **state, const clientdata_t **client ) { // stub } static void DstProcessPlayerState( entity_state_t **dst, const entity_state_t **src ) { // stub } static void DstTxferPredictionData( entity_state_t **ps, const entity_state_t **pps, clientdata_t **pcd, const clientdata_t **ppcd, weapon_data_t **wd, const weapon_data_t **pwd ) { // stub } static void DstDemo_ReadBuffer( int *size, byte **buffer ) { // stub } static void DstConnectionlessPacket( const struct netadr_s **net_from, const char **args, char **buffer, int **size ) { // stub } static void DstGetHullBounds( int *hullnumber, float **mins, float **maxs ) { // stub } static void DstFrame( double *time ) { // stub } static void DstKey_Event( int *eventcode, int *keynum, const char **pszCurrentBinding ) { // stub } static void DstTempEntUpdate( double *frametime, double *client_time, double *cl_gravity, struct tempent_s ***ppTempEntFree, struct tempent_s ***ppTempEntActive, int ( **Callback_AddVisibleEntity )( cl_entity_t *pEntity ), void ( **Callback_TempEntPlaySound )( struct tempent_s *pTemp, float damp ) ) { // stub } static void DstGetUserEntity( int *index ) { // stub } static void DstVoiceStatus( int *entindex, qboolean *bTalking ) { // stub } static void DstDirectorMessage( int *iSize, void **pbuf ) { // stub } static void DstGetStudioModelInterface( int *version, struct r_studio_interface_s ***ppinterface, struct engine_studio_api_s **pstudio ) { // stub } static void DstChatInputPosition( int **x, int **y ) { // stub } static void DstGetPlayerTeam( int *iPlayer ) { // stub } static cldll_func_dst_t cldllFuncDst = { DstInitialize, DstInit, DstVidInit, DstRedraw, DstUpdateClientData, DstReset, DstPlayerMove, DstPlayerMoveInit, DstPlayerMoveTexture, DstIN_ActivateMouse, DstIN_DeactivateMouse, DstIN_MouseEvent, DstIN_ClearStates, DstIN_Accumulate, DstCL_CreateMove, DstCL_IsThirdPerson, DstCL_CameraOffset, DstKB_Find, DstCAM_Think, DstCalcRefdef, DstAddEntity, DstCreateEntities, DstDrawNormalTriangles, DstDrawTransparentTriangles, DstStudioEvent, DstPostRunCmd, DstShutdown, DstTxferLocalOverrides, DstProcessPlayerState, DstTxferPredictionData, DstDemo_ReadBuffer, DstConnectionlessPacket, DstGetHullBounds, DstFrame, DstKey_Event, DstTempEntUpdate, DstGetUserEntity, DstVoiceStatus, DstDirectorMessage, DstGetStudioModelInterface, DstChatInputPosition, DstGetPlayerTeam, }; void CL_GetSecuredClientAPI( CL_EXPORT_FUNCS F ) { cldll_func_src_t cldllFuncSrc = { 0 }; modfuncs_t modFuncs = { 0 }; // secured client dlls need these *(cldll_func_dst_t **)&cldllFuncSrc.pfnVidInit = &cldllFuncDst; *(modfuncs_t **)&cldllFuncSrc.pfnInitialize = &modFuncs; // trying to fill interface now F( &cldllFuncSrc ); // map exports to xash's cldll_func_t clgame.dllFuncs.pfnInitialize = cldllFuncSrc.pfnInitialize; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnInit = cldllFuncSrc.pfnInit; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnVidInit = cldllFuncSrc.pfnVidInit; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnRedraw = cldllFuncSrc.pfnRedraw; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnUpdateClientData = cldllFuncSrc.pfnUpdateClientData; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnReset = cldllFuncSrc.pfnReset; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnPlayerMove = cldllFuncSrc.pfnPlayerMove; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnPlayerMoveInit = cldllFuncSrc.pfnPlayerMoveInit; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnPlayerMoveTexture = cldllFuncSrc.pfnPlayerMoveTexture; clgame.dllFuncs.IN_ActivateMouse = cldllFuncSrc.IN_ActivateMouse; clgame.dllFuncs.IN_DeactivateMouse = cldllFuncSrc.IN_DeactivateMouse; clgame.dllFuncs.IN_MouseEvent = cldllFuncSrc.IN_MouseEvent; clgame.dllFuncs.IN_ClearStates = cldllFuncSrc.IN_ClearStates; clgame.dllFuncs.IN_Accumulate = cldllFuncSrc.IN_Accumulate; clgame.dllFuncs.CL_CreateMove = cldllFuncSrc.CL_CreateMove; clgame.dllFuncs.CL_IsThirdPerson = cldllFuncSrc.CL_IsThirdPerson; clgame.dllFuncs.CL_CameraOffset = cldllFuncSrc.CL_CameraOffset; clgame.dllFuncs.KB_Find = cldllFuncSrc.KB_Find; clgame.dllFuncs.CAM_Think = cldllFuncSrc.CAM_Think; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnCalcRefdef = cldllFuncSrc.pfnCalcRefdef; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnAddEntity = cldllFuncSrc.pfnAddEntity; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnCreateEntities = cldllFuncSrc.pfnCreateEntities; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnDrawNormalTriangles = cldllFuncSrc.pfnDrawNormalTriangles; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnDrawTransparentTriangles = cldllFuncSrc.pfnDrawTransparentTriangles; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnStudioEvent = cldllFuncSrc.pfnStudioEvent; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnPostRunCmd = cldllFuncSrc.pfnPostRunCmd; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnShutdown = cldllFuncSrc.pfnShutdown; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnTxferLocalOverrides = cldllFuncSrc.pfnTxferLocalOverrides; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnProcessPlayerState = cldllFuncSrc.pfnProcessPlayerState; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnTxferPredictionData = cldllFuncSrc.pfnTxferPredictionData; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnDemo_ReadBuffer = cldllFuncSrc.pfnDemo_ReadBuffer; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnConnectionlessPacket = cldllFuncSrc.pfnConnectionlessPacket; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetHullBounds = cldllFuncSrc.pfnGetHullBounds; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnFrame = cldllFuncSrc.pfnFrame; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnKey_Event = cldllFuncSrc.pfnKey_Event; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnTempEntUpdate = cldllFuncSrc.pfnTempEntUpdate; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetUserEntity = cldllFuncSrc.pfnGetUserEntity; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnVoiceStatus = cldllFuncSrc.pfnVoiceStatus; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnDirectorMessage = cldllFuncSrc.pfnDirectorMessage; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetStudioModelInterface = cldllFuncSrc.pfnGetStudioModelInterface; clgame.dllFuncs.pfnChatInputPosition = cldllFuncSrc.pfnChatInputPosition; }