# encoding: utf-8 # compiler_optimizations.py -- main entry point for configuring C/C++ compilers # Copyright (C) 2021 a1batross # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. try: from fwgslib import get_flags_by_type, get_flags_by_compiler except: from waflib.extras.fwgslib import get_flags_by_type, get_flags_by_compiler from waflib.Configure import conf from waflib import Logs ''' Flags can be overriden and new types can be added by importing this as normal Python module Example: #!/usr/bin/env python from waflib.extras import compiler_optimizations compiler_optimizations.VALID_BUILD_TYPES += 'gottagofast' compiler_optimizations.CFLAGS['gottagofast'] = { 'gcc': ['-Ogentoo'] } ''' VALID_BUILD_TYPES = ['fastnative', 'fast', 'release', 'debug', 'sanitize', 'msan', 'none'] LINKFLAGS = { 'common': { 'msvc': ['/DEBUG'], # always create PDB, doesn't affect result binaries 'gcc': ['-Wl,--no-undefined'], 'owcc': ['-Wl,option stack=512k'] }, 'msan': { 'clang': ['-fsanitize=memory', '-pthread'], 'default': ['NO_MSAN_HERE'] }, 'sanitize': { 'clang': ['-fsanitize=undefined', '-fsanitize=address', '-pthread'], 'gcc': ['-fsanitize=undefined', '-fsanitize=address', '-pthread'], 'msvc': ['/SAFESEH:NO'] }, 'debug': { 'msvc': ['/INCREMENTAL', '/SAFESEH:NO'] } } CFLAGS = { 'common': { # disable thread-safe local static initialization for C++11 code, as it cause crashes on Windows XP 'msvc': ['/D_USING_V110_SDK71_', '/FS', '/Zc:threadSafeInit-', '/MT', '/MP', '/Zc:__cplusplus'], 'clang': ['-g', '-gdwarf-2', '-fvisibility=hidden', '-fno-threadsafe-statics'], 'gcc': ['-g', '-fvisibility=hidden'], 'owcc': ['-fno-short-enum', '-ffloat-store', '-g3'] }, 'fast': { 'msvc': ['/O2', '/Oy', '/Zi'], 'gcc': { '3': ['-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer'], 'default': ['-Ofast', '-funsafe-math-optimizations', '-funsafe-loop-optimizations', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-fno-semantic-interposition'] }, 'clang': ['-Ofast'], 'default': ['-O3'] }, 'fastnative': { 'msvc': ['/O2', '/Oy', '/Zi'], 'gcc': ['-Ofast', '-march=native', '-funsafe-math-optimizations', '-funsafe-loop-optimizations', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-fno-semantic-interposition'], 'clang': ['-Ofast', '-march=native'], 'default': ['-O3'] }, 'release': { 'msvc': ['/O2', '/Zi'], 'owcc': ['-O3', '-foptimize-sibling-calls', '-fomit-leaf-frame-pointer', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-fschedule-insns', '-funsafe-math-optimizations', '-funroll-loops', '-frerun-optimizer', '-finline-functions', '-finline-limit=512', '-fguess-branch-probability', '-fno-strict-aliasing', '-floop-optimize'], 'gcc': ['-O3', '-fno-semantic-interposition'], 'default': ['-O3'] }, 'debug': { 'msvc': ['/Od', '/ZI'], 'owcc': ['-O0', '-fno-omit-frame-pointer', '-funwind-tables', '-fno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer'], 'default': ['-O0'] }, 'msan': { 'clang': ['-O2', '-g', '-fno-omit-frame-pointer', '-fsanitize=memory', '-pthread'], 'default': ['NO_MSAN_HERE'] }, 'sanitize': { 'msvc': ['/Od', '/RTC1', '/Zi', '/fsanitize=address'], 'gcc': ['-O0', '-fsanitize=undefined', '-fsanitize=address', '-pthread'], 'clang': ['-O0', '-fsanitize=undefined', '-fsanitize=address', '-pthread'], 'default': ['-O0'] }, } LTO_CFLAGS = { 'msvc': ['/GL'], 'gcc': ['-flto=auto'], 'clang': ['-flto'] } LTO_LINKFLAGS = { 'msvc': ['/LTCG'], 'gcc': ['-flto=auto'], 'clang': ['-flto'] } POLLY_CFLAGS = { 'gcc': ['-fgraphite-identity'], 'clang': ['-mllvm', '-polly'] # msvc sosat :( } def options(opt): grp = opt.add_option_group('Compiler optimization options') grp.add_option('-T', '--build-type', action='store', dest='BUILD_TYPE', default='release', help = 'build type: debug, release or none(custom flags)') grp.add_option('--enable-lto', action = 'store_true', dest = 'LTO', default = False, help = 'enable Link Time Optimization if possible [default: %default]') grp.add_option('--enable-poly-opt', action = 'store_true', dest = 'POLLY', default = False, help = 'enable polyhedral optimization if possible [default: %default]') def configure(conf): conf.start_msg('Build type') if not conf.options.BUILD_TYPE in VALID_BUILD_TYPES: conf.end_msg(conf.options.BUILD_TYPE, color='RED') conf.fatal('Invalid build type. Valid are: %s' % ', '.join(VALID_BUILD_TYPES)) conf.end_msg(conf.options.BUILD_TYPE) conf.msg('LTO build', 'yes' if conf.options.LTO else 'no') conf.msg('PolyOpt build', 'yes' if conf.options.POLLY else 'no') # -march=native should not be used if conf.options.BUILD_TYPE.startswith('fast'): Logs.warn('WARNING: \'%s\' build type should not be used in release builds', conf.options.BUILD_TYPE) try: conf.env.CC_VERSION[0] except IndexError: conf.env.CC_VERSION = (0,) @conf def get_optimization_flags(conf): '''Returns a list of compile flags, depending on build type and options set by user NOTE: it doesn't filter out unsupported flags :returns: tuple of cflags and linkflags ''' linkflags = conf.get_flags_by_type(LINKFLAGS, conf.options.BUILD_TYPE, conf.env.COMPILER_CC, conf.env.CC_VERSION[0]) cflags = conf.get_flags_by_type(CFLAGS, conf.options.BUILD_TYPE, conf.env.COMPILER_CC, conf.env.CC_VERSION[0]) if conf.options.LTO: linkflags+= conf.get_flags_by_compiler(LTO_LINKFLAGS, conf.env.COMPILER_CC) cflags += conf.get_flags_by_compiler(LTO_CFLAGS, conf.env.COMPILER_CC) if conf.options.POLLY: cflags += conf.get_flags_by_compiler(POLLY_CFLAGS, conf.env.COMPILER_CC) if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'nswitch' and conf.options.BUILD_TYPE == 'debug': # enable remote debugger cflags.append('-DNSWITCH_DEBUG') elif conf.env.DEST_OS == 'psvita': # this optimization is broken in vitasdk cflags.append('-fno-optimize-sibling-calls') # remove fvisibility to allow everything to be exported by default cflags.remove('-fvisibility=hidden') if conf.env.COMPILER_CC != 'msvc' and conf.env.COMPILER_CC != 'owcc': # HLSDK by default compiles with these options under Linux # no reason for us to not do the same if conf.env.DEST_CPU == 'x86': cflags.append('-march=pentium-m') cflags.append('-mtune=core2') # on all compilers (except MSVC?) we need to copy CFLAGS to LINKFLAGS if conf.options.LTO and conf.env.COMPILER_CC != 'msvc': linkflags += cflags return cflags, linkflags