#include "voice.h" wavdata_t *input_file; fs_offset_t input_pos; voice_state_t voice; CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( voice_enable, "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "enable voice chat" ); CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( voice_loopback, "0", 0, "loopback voice back to the speaker" ); CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( voice_scale, "1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "incoming voice volume scale" ); CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( voice_inputfromfile, "0", 0, "input voice from voice_input.wav" ); static const char* Voice_GetBandwidthTypeName( int bandwidthType ) { switch( bandwidthType ) { case OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND: return "Full Band (20 kHz)"; case OPUS_BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND: return "Super Wide Band (12 kHz)"; case OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND: return "Wide Band (8 kHz)"; case OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND: return "Medium Band (6 kHz)"; case OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND: return "Narrow Band (4 kHz)"; default: return "Unknown"; } } static void Voice_CodecInfo_f( void ) { int encoderComplexity; opus_int32 encoderBitrate; opus_int32 encoderBandwidthType; opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_GET_BITRATE( &encoderBitrate )); opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_GET_COMPLEXITY( &encoderComplexity )); opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_GET_BANDWIDTH( &encoderBandwidthType )); Con_Printf( "Encoder:\n" ); Con_Printf( " Bitrate: %.3f kB/second\n", encoderBitrate / 8.0f / 1024.0f ); Con_Printf( " Complexity: %d\n", encoderComplexity ); Con_Printf( " Bandwidth: " ); Con_Printf( Voice_GetBandwidthTypeName( encoderBandwidthType )); Con_Printf( "\n" ); } void Voice_RegisterCvars( void ) { Cvar_RegisterVariable( &voice_enable ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &voice_loopback ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &voice_scale ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &voice_inputfromfile ); Cmd_AddClientCommand( "voice_codecinfo", Voice_CodecInfo_f ); } static void Voice_Status( int entindex, qboolean bTalking ) { clgame.dllFuncs.pfnVoiceStatus( entindex, bTalking ); } // parameters currently unused qboolean Voice_Init( const char *pszCodecName, int quality ) { int err; if ( !voice_enable.value ) return false; Voice_DeInit(); voice.was_init = true; voice.channels = 1; voice.width = 2; voice.samplerate = SOUND_48k; voice.frame_size = voice.channels * ( (float)voice.samplerate / ( 1000.0f / 20.0f ) ) * voice.width; if ( !VoiceCapture_Init() ) { Voice_DeInit(); return false; } voice.encoder = opus_encoder_create( voice.samplerate, voice.channels, OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP, &err ); if( err != OPUS_OK ) return false; voice.decoder = opus_decoder_create( voice.samplerate, voice.channels, &err ); switch( quality ) { case 1: // 4800 bits per second, <4 kHz bandwidth opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE( 4800 )); opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_SET_BANDWIDTH( OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND )); break; case 2: // 12000 bits per second, <6 kHz bandwidth opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE( 12000 )); opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_SET_BANDWIDTH( OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND )); break; case 4: // automatic bitrate, full band (20 kHz) opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE( OPUS_AUTO )); opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_SET_BANDWIDTH( OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND )); break; case 5: // maximum bitrate, full band (20 kHz) opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE( OPUS_BITRATE_MAX )); opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_SET_BANDWIDTH( OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND )); break; default: // 36000 bits per second, <12 kHz bandwidth opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE( 36000 )); opus_encoder_ctl( voice.encoder, OPUS_SET_BANDWIDTH( OPUS_BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND )); break; } return err == OPUS_OK; } void Voice_DeInit( void ) { if ( !voice.was_init ) return; Voice_RecordStop(); opus_encoder_destroy( voice.encoder ); opus_decoder_destroy( voice.decoder ); voice.was_init = false; } uint Voice_GetCompressedData( byte *out, uint maxsize, uint *frames ) { uint ofs, size = 0; if ( input_file ) { uint numbytes; double time; time = Sys_DoubleTime(); numbytes = ( time - voice.start_time ) * voice.samplerate; numbytes = Q_min( numbytes, input_file->size - input_pos ); numbytes = Q_min( numbytes, sizeof( voice.buffer ) - voice.buffer_pos ); memcpy( voice.buffer + voice.buffer_pos, input_file->buffer + input_pos, numbytes ); voice.buffer_pos += numbytes; input_pos += numbytes; voice.start_time = time; } for ( ofs = 0; voice.buffer_pos - ofs >= voice.frame_size && ofs <= voice.buffer_pos; ofs += voice.frame_size ) { int bytes; bytes = opus_encode( voice.encoder, (const opus_int16*)(voice.buffer + ofs), voice.frame_size / voice.width, out + size, maxsize ); memmove( voice.buffer, voice.buffer + voice.frame_size, sizeof( voice.buffer ) - voice.frame_size ); voice.buffer_pos -= voice.frame_size; if ( bytes > 0 ) { size += bytes; (*frames)++; } } return size; } void Voice_Idle( float frametime ) { if ( !voice_enable.value ) { Voice_DeInit(); return; } if ( voice.talking_ack ) { voice.talking_timeout += frametime; if ( voice.talking_timeout > 0.2f ) { voice.talking_ack = false; Voice_Status( -2, false ); } } } qboolean Voice_IsRecording( void ) { return voice.is_recording; } void Voice_RecordStop( void ) { if ( input_file ) { FS_FreeSound( input_file ); input_file = NULL; } voice.buffer_pos = 0; memset( voice.buffer, 0, sizeof( voice.buffer ) ); if ( Voice_IsRecording() ) Voice_Status( -1, false ); VoiceCapture_RecordStop(); voice.is_recording = false; } void Voice_RecordStart( void ) { Voice_RecordStop(); if ( voice_inputfromfile.value ) { input_file = FS_LoadSound( "voice_input.wav", NULL, 0 ); if ( input_file ) { Sound_Process( &input_file, voice.samplerate, voice.width, SOUND_RESAMPLE ); input_pos = 0; voice.start_time = Sys_DoubleTime(); voice.is_recording = true; } else { FS_FreeSound( input_file ); input_file = NULL; } } if ( !Voice_IsRecording() ) voice.is_recording = VoiceCapture_RecordStart(); if ( Voice_IsRecording() ) Voice_Status( -1, true ); } void Voice_AddIncomingData( int ent, byte *data, uint size, uint frames ) { byte decompressed[MAX_RAW_SAMPLES]; int samples; samples = opus_decode( voice.decoder, (const byte*)data, size, (short *)decompressed, voice.frame_size / voice.width * frames, false ); if ( samples > 0 ) Voice_StartChannel( samples, decompressed, ent ); } void CL_AddVoiceToDatagram( void ) { uint size, frames = 0; byte data[MAX_RAW_SAMPLES]; if ( cls.state != ca_active || !Voice_IsRecording() ) return; size = Voice_GetCompressedData( data, sizeof( data ), &frames ); if ( size > 0 && MSG_GetNumBytesLeft( &cls.datagram ) >= size + 32 ) { MSG_BeginClientCmd( &cls.datagram, clc_voicedata ); MSG_WriteByte( &cls.datagram, Voice_GetLoopback() ); MSG_WriteByte( &cls.datagram, frames ); MSG_WriteShort( &cls.datagram, size ); MSG_WriteBytes( &cls.datagram, data, size ); } } qboolean Voice_GetLoopback( void ) { return voice_loopback.value; } void Voice_LocalPlayerTalkingAck( void ) { if ( !voice.talking_ack ) { Voice_Status( -2, true ); } voice.talking_ack = true; voice.talking_timeout = 0.0f; } void Voice_StartChannel( uint samples, byte *data, int entnum ) { SND_ForceInitMouth( entnum ); Voice_Status( entnum, true ); S_RawEntSamples( entnum, samples, voice.samplerate, voice.width, voice.channels, data, 128.0f * voice_scale.value ); }